The original meaning of the name Valery.

Valeria is a name with the Latin root "valeo", which means "health", "strength" in translation.

Name origin

The female form of the name Valery, which modern men inherited from the representatives of the ancient Roman class Valerius. The same ancient Romans also had a specific form of familiar address “vale!”, Which means “be healthy” or “goodbye”, which was used in correspondence, or as a farewell “be by”.

general characteristics

If the name Valery could not win special love and popularity among modern youth, then his female transformation, on the contrary, successfully conquers territories former USSR and is becoming more and more popular.

Why is this name so attractive to the parents of girls?

  • Firstly, it goes well with various, common and rare, middle names.
  • Secondly, it is extraordinary, and quite new, not hackneyed.
  • Thirdly, the main characteristic of the nickname, according to the interpretation, is health - and all moms and dads wish, first of all, health to their children.
  • Finally, everyone who had or has Valeria in their environment will agree that many lack such enthusiasm, indefatigable energy and drive.

Positive character traits

Valeria is a completely unpredictable person. Of course, it’s not easy for those around her, but it’s fun and interesting. Lerochka is very vulnerable and sometimes hides her resentment and pain behind feigned gaiety.

Valeria will make an excellent hospitable hostess, her house is always in order, cleanliness and comfort.

In work, the owner of the name hates routine and routine, she is attracted by novelty, she is full of business ideas. That's why good choice for Lera, the profession of a PR manager, a tourist guide, an interpreter or, in extreme cases, a traveling salesman will become.

If a woman does not realize herself, she will look for novelties in the love field, and such behavior will scare away potential applicants for her hand. But if the thing is truly beloved and causes irrepressible delight in the eccentric beauty, she will reach the highest bar.

Negative character traits

The primary task of Lerochka's parents is to teach the girl to cope with her whims and emotions, so strictness and no concessions are the credo of her upbringing.

If these principles are not observed, the girl will turn into a disgruntled, grumbling old woman with age, and her parents will suffer from her shameless behavior, since no one will need such a person.

In addition, Lera is very jealous, and this quality can negatively affect family relationships. She is jealous of her husband even of his mother, believing that she is prejudiced against her daughter-in-law.

Zodiac sign

The zodiac constellation of the girl confirms the unpredictability of character - these are Gemini. Naturally, the changeable Mercury patronizes Lera.

The colors of the name are heavenly, pale blue, turquoise.

Talisman stones - agate or malachite.


Lera, Lerochka, Valera, Valeria, Lerusya, Lerik, Leka.

Name Variations

The English call the girl Valerie, Val, Valerie; the French - Valerie or Valeriana, the Italians can refer to her - Alira.

Historical figures

  • 1879-1978 - Hungarian dancer Valeria Gyenes
  • 1892-1967 - opera singer Valeria Barsova
  • 1903-1970 - Soviet writer Valeria Gerasimova, wife of A. Fadeev.


  • singer Valeria (b. 1968)
  • TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva (b. 1971)
  • Azerbaijani volleyball player Valeria Korotenko (born in 1984)

name day

  • May 06 and June 20 - for the Orthodox;
  • April 28 and June 05 - for Catholics.

The name Valeria is popular all over the world. This sonorous name is clear in pronunciation to both Europeans and Asians and of Eastern Europe. Perhaps it was this versatility of pronunciation, along with the beauty of sound, that provided the name with such popularity.

latin roots

it woman's name derived from the male as a derivative. Valeria is a name whose origin can be traced in a historical context. The male name Valery, from which it was derived, appeared in the Roman Empire as a generic Valerius. The name is derived from the Latin word "vale", which means "to be healthy", as well as from "valeo" - "to be strong, healthy." These Latin words are based on the root of language group Indo-European languages. It is worth noting that it was this root that gave rise to other names - Valdemar. The most common version of translation and disclosure is strong, hardy, vigorous. The male version - Valery - is repeatedly mentioned in documentary evidence of that time. Women were called male names: in childhood - father, later - husband Valery. The history of the origin of the name notes this fact as the most probable.

Interest in him arose again in the 20-30s of the last century, when Valentina became the most popular, which led to the popularity of similar names, such as Valeria and Valery. Since then, it has been quite common, although it is not among the ten most popular.

Valeria is a name whose origin is also interesting because it exists both in Catholic and in Orthodox calendar. True, in the second case it sounds a little different - Kaleria, and is associated with the martyr Kaleria of Palestine.

Pronunciation options

The name Valeria can be pronounced in different ways and includes various options diminutive forms. In French, it sounds like Valerie, in

Italian - Valeria, English - Valeri, another European version - Valerian. Abbreviated versions of the name - Lera, Riana, Lerusya, Lerik, Valya, Lerchik, Valka, as well as the male version with a touch of irony - Valera. As you can see, everything is limited only by fantasy, and the owner of this name does not have to be bored.

Famous Valerias

Those who want to know about people who bore the name Valery, the origin of the name can be traced to its owners. So, it is known that the wife of the Roman emperor Claudius was called Valeria Messalina. Emperor Diocletian had a daughter, Valeria, wife of Galerius, after whom one of the provinces was named. In the Soviet period it was known Ukrainian actress Valeria Zaklunnaya. Valeria Mukhina was famous psychologist who studied personality development. Valeria Larina is an artist of the Soviet period who worked in St. Petersburg, mainly in the portrait genre. Now this name is also repeatedly heard on the stage of theaters and concert halls, one has only to mention the singer Valeria, theater and film actress Valeria Lanskaya, TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, pianist and composer Valeria Auerbach.

Mysterious interpretation of names

The name Valery: origin and meaning allow astrologers and esotericists to draw up their vision of this name and what it carries in itself. The traditional interpretation has already been formed, so it is possible to voice the main parameters of the personality that are associated with its development. Valeria is a sensitive person, from childhood her mood depends on subtle and subtle changes in her worldview. She may wake up out of sorts, closing in on herself and sending sparks of discontent with her eyes, and after a couple of hours already be affectionate and beam with happiness. These changes should not be taken into account and try to argue them. positive traits Valeria can be called sociability, inner magnetism, the desire to learn new things and please others. negative traits can be considered inconstancy in goals and desires. In her personal life, Valeria is often windy, she can get carried away and forget about her former boyfriend. Relations are most often broken off first, quickly and decisively. In behavior, it is unpredictable, it can get close on the first date, or, conversely, become impregnable for many months. People around love Valeria for her responsiveness, spontaneity, the ability to make friends and be faithful.

Amulets and symbols of Valeria

People often associate special things, signs, amulets with names and dates of birth, and the name Valery was no exception. The origin of the name suggested the day of her name day - June 20. Valeria's stones are emerald, garnet, jasper. Name colors resonate with the color recommended natural green, blue, steel. zodiacal sign the patron planet is considered to be a symbol of femininity and mystery Venus. The season of such a sensitive nature could not help but become spring, and the lily was named the flower.

Many girls are addicted to horoscopes, and Valeria does not stand aside. The name, the origin of the chosen one is of keen interest to readers, so it is worth mentioning that the names Anton, Boris, Anatoly, Semyon, Evgeny have the best compatibility for the girl Valeria, but Yegor, Ruslan and Peter are recommended to avoid.

Choosing a name for a child

The origin of the name Valeria for a girl can be decisive in life, so it is very important to first find out the history of the name. When choosing it for a child

it is also important to evaluate the sonority and compatibility with the patronymic and surname. Those who have already chosen the name Valery know the origin and meaning by heart, because this name has excellent potential, health and strength.

Valeria is emotional, sincere and devoted. Despite the violent manifestations of emotions, she reveals her soul only to close friends. In her character there is a share of vulnerability and caution. Valeria is often afraid of the outside world. Because of this, he changes his mind and plans very sharply. She can evaluate the same person differently from day to day, so it's hard to adapt to her. The meaning of the name Valery speaks of an unpredictable personality. She can be offended by nonsense and be sad for a long time, and then laugh and rejoice again. get out of difficult situations Lera is helped by her intuition. This woman can take right decisions without outside help.

Brief meaning of the name Valery

The fate of Valeria is not always favorable. Sometimes men do not even try to win her complicated heart. But in vain, because Lera in the role of mother and wife is magnificent. She most often finds her calling in creativity. She is close to the professions of a choreographer, designer, actor, although she will also be good as a journalist, reporter and presenter. The difficult nature of Lera does not interfere with her work at all. At home, she tries to make everyone feel comfortable. For her husband, she is always a reliable support, for children - a loving and attentive mother. Lera's fate can become thorny because of her jealousy.

The origin of the name Valery is ancient Roman. This is a generic name derived from the male - Valery. The root of the names "valeo" is translated in different ways. It can be "strong", "strong" or "healthy". This Latin word can be interpreted as “powerful”, “influential”, “make sense”. There are many other meanings, but they are all similar.

What does the name Lera mean for a girl, a girl and a woman

Energy and fun - that's what the name Valeria means for a little girl. She loves to play catch-up with other children. Home quiet games do not appeal to her. Lera always helps her mother and performs all her household duties very carefully. This is a real little housewife who enjoys women's affairs. Lera can study well, but usually gets stuck at the intermediate level. In this case, she needs the help of a tutor who will add elements of competition to her training. Doing something is incomprehensible for what this girl is not peculiar to.

Lera tends to be overweight in the junior preschool and adolescence. Therefore, dancing, aerobics and other sports will be useful for the girl.

Young Lera is often very unhappy in love. Fate gives her one admirer after another, but none can withstand her eccentric nature. In her youth, she is capricious. Tends to worry about failures, but very quickly departs. The meaning of the name Valery speaks of a person who does not know how to apologize, give in and forgive. She believes that everyone should accept her real, because she is so vulnerable, and people are cruel. Although most often it shows strength, not weakness.

Adult Valeria retains inconstancy and sensitivity. Fate prepares her a life full of creativity and conflict. Such a woman is always very purposeful. The decoding of the name Lera speaks of a woman who is confident in herself, her abilities and her rightness. May offend another person with his displeasure. She always has a lot of energy for new achievements.

Adult Lera has few friends. The inconstancy of character scares people away from her, and having matured, she discovers that there are too few relatives left. She treats them kindly, always listens and helps. The characteristic of the name Valery suggests that she is very true friend. In marriage, Lera is jealous and vulnerable, but sufficient strong husband can curb her. Unfortunately, she has little chance of finding such a person, so Lera is often married several times.

Name forms and case declension

Full form: Valeria.

Abbreviated: Lera.

Diminutives: Lerchik, Lerusha, Lerunya, Lerusya, Lerukha, Valerochka, Lerushka, Lerochka.

I. Valeria

R. Valerii

D. Valeria

V. Valery

T. Valeria, Valeria

P. about Valeria

The sign of the name according to the church calendar

The name Valeria appears in church calendar and is honored twice a year. Tsarina Valeria is remembered on May 6, and the martyr Valeria of Palestine on June 20.

Compatibility with men by name

The fate of Valeria will be successful in alliance with Anatoly, Semyon, Matvey, Anton and Boris. Understanding less in marriage with Peter, Mark, Cyril and Vladislav.

Valery's name spelling and translation into other languages

B - optimism and love of life. A person with this letter in his name is always honest and scrupulous. He is liked by others, moderately sociable and attractive. A passionate nature who loves once and for all.

A - the desire to create something new, to lead. The desire to provide external and internal comfort.

L is the letter of creativity. The value speaks of good taste the ability to appreciate beauty. A person is in constant search of idealized love, although he desires physical satisfaction.

E - independence of thoughts and views, which often leads to loneliness. The owner of this letter expresses himself through communication. A person sees the true goals and recognizes the real background of many things.

R - a certain pliability of character. Patient attitude to work, clear vision.

And - spirituality. The desire to live in harmony with the world, to surround yourself with the graceful gifts of nature. Man takes good care of appearance and soul. May be considered a skeptic, but honest and straightforward. These qualities make it difficult to find one person for life.

I am self esteem. The ability to correctly assess their feelings and capabilities. Rich inner world. The need for respect and self-respect. own dignity for such people is more important than others. Sexual bondage.

For international passport: VALERIIA.

English, German, Czech: Valerie.

Ukrainian: Valeriya.

Belarusian: Valery.

Polish: Waleria.

Bulgarian: Valeria.

Serbian: Valerija, Valerija.

Romanian, Italian, Spanish: Valeria.

French: Valérie.

Portuguese, Hungarian: Valéria.

Greek: Βαλέρια.

Korean: 발레리아.

Japanese: バレリア.

Chinese: 瓦萊里婭.

Influential and famous Valeria

  1. Actresses Valeria Arlanova, Valeria Taylor, Valeria Belova, Valeria Andrews, Valeria Lanskaya.
  2. Singers Valeria Perfilova, Valeria Kozlova.
  3. Musician Valeria Averbakh.
  4. Presenter Valeria Kudryavtseva.
  5. Model Valeria Mazza.

The meaning of the name Valeria in the video

And Kaleria. It was not previously used as an independent name, but this situation is changing. Increasingly, the name Lera is used as an independent name, although it is still inferior in popularity to its original variants.

The meaning of the name Lera for a girl

In childhood, Lera stands out for her joyful character and high mobility. If over time the girl's mobility gradually becomes less, then a positive attitude towards life will be characteristic of her in the future. It is also worth noting Lera's meek disposition, which is quite a rarity for such active children. She is an obedient child who is easy to raise. It is also interesting that the girl from childhood is very feminine. Despite the craving for games with boys and men's games, Lera is equally attracted to more feminine types of leisure. Already at a young age, Lera is in every possible way drawn to household "female" affairs.

Lera most often studies averagely, which is due to her attitude to learning. Most often, Lera has good inclinations for learning, but she does not have a particular craving for knowledge. However, even very low marks are not typical for her, since she considers it unworthy. And so it turns out that Lera has average level knowledge, and shows his talents only in a hobby. She often finds her favorite pastime outside school curriculum and that's where the possibilities of the girl are truly revealed. It is by doing what she loves that Lera shows extraordinary diligence and true passion.

If we talk about Lera's health, we can say that she is noticeably above average. The girl rarely gets sick and has a high vitality. This trend usually continues into later life. But weak point Lera's health can be called her inclination and overweight. Most often, this feature of her body becomes noticeable in adolescence. Proper Diet and physical activity help solve this problem completely. It is important to approach this issue in a timely manner and seek professional help.

Abbreviated name Lera

Lerka, Leri.

Diminutive names

Lerochka, Leronka, Lerushka, Lerunchik, Lerusha, Lerunya, Lerusya, Lerulya, Lerulka, Lerchik.

Lera's name in English

AT English language Lera's name is spelled Lera.

Lera's name for a passport- LERA.

Translation of the name Lera into other languages

in Belarusian - Lera
in Portuguese - Léria
in Ukrainian - Lera
in Czech - Lera

Church name Lera(in Orthodox faith) - Valeria. Of course this is true, if you consider this name Lera short form on behalf of Valery. If you use the name Lera as an independent one, then church name it will be different from the worldly, because the name Lera is not in the calendar.

Characteristics of the name Lera

Adult Lera is distinguished by special emotionality and sincerity. She is very open man and very rarely restrains emotions. Moreover, Lera can experience a very strong emotional outburst, although from the outside it may seem that there are no reasons for this at all. Little things can make her happy or upset. Not surprisingly, in addition to this, Lera is also an idealist. She tries to do everything in life to the maximum. Have fun, make friends, and of course love.

Lera's sincerity and empathy often become the basis for choosing a profession. Lera feels people very subtly, and her sincere desire to help rarely goes unnoticed. She can be an excellent doctor, teacher, beautician, etc. Lera is especially good at working with children, although not all owners of the name have a craving for this.

Family relationships for Lera are one of the most important components in life. She is very kind to the family and tries her best to make it perfect. She is a very faithful and reliable wife who knows how to be a truly reliable companion. With all Lera's ability to support her husband, she usually does not strive for leadership in the family. Rather, Lera's desire to be "behind a stone wall" can be noted.

The secret of the name Lera

Lera's secret can be called her intransigence with traitors. Lera is very kind and open, but if someone takes advantage of her kindness and betrays her, then he may not expect forgiveness. Moreover, she will not only be offended by a person, but will do everything to make him pay for it. Lera is in no hurry to answer and knows how to wait for an opportunity. Usually, no one expects such behavior from Lera, which is one of the keys to the success of her plans.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Twins.

totem animal- Varan.

Name color- Violet.

Wood- Figs.

Plant- Lily.

Stone- Pomegranate.

A name is given to a person once and for life. In conjunction with the patronymic and surname, it allows you to feel spiritually rich and distinctive from others. The meaning of the name Lera will allow you to fully recognize the character of the girl and determine what fate awaits her.

Name origin

Lera is a name derived from Valery. It is of Latin origin and is translated as "healthy", "strong", "strong". The fate of the name is quite interesting, because its roots stretch into the deep past. The name came from the ancient genus Valerius, which, in turn, was formed from valeo. According to some versions, the meaning of the name Lera must be considered, taking as a basis male name Valerian, which in translation means "to be healthy", and female Larisa - "pleasant", "sweet".

Valeria's childhood

Little Lera is a real devil who needs an eye and an eye. She is cheerful, sociable, mobile. Parents should pay attention to the hyperactivity of the girl and educate her in severity. Otherwise, the baby, despite her young age, will begin to push them around, imposing own desires and looks. Moreover, in order to achieve her goal, little Lera, full name which - Valeria, uses all means: exhortations, whims, tears, affection and even jealousy.

The nature of the name Lera can make the girl self-centered, so parents should definitely teach her how to communicate with other children so that the baby understands that the world revolves not only around her. The girl is not too neat, but she has a wit and a good memory, which covers her other shortcomings.

Valeria's health

The meaning of the name Lera left its mark here as well. Lera's health, in principle, is not bad, but there are problems with weight. This happens, as a rule, during puberty due to hormonal changes in the body. To avoid this, a girl from childhood should be taught to proper nutrition and sports. Most often, since childhood, Valeria has a craving for dancing and aerobics, however, other sports will be useful.

Lera's school years

The girl studies mediocrely, but if she wants, she can achieve good results in all disciplines. The secret of the name Lera is that she always tries to prove her superiority, so if parents can find a teacher who will introduce a competitive and speed element into the classes, then the girl will gladly accept the rules and learn everything perfectly. Valeria does not want to study just like that, but if this allows her to become the best in the class, she will be active and win the championship.

Characteristics and fate of the name Lera

The complex nature of Valeria will not become easier even as the years go by. The meaning of the name Lera is always present in her life. The girl is overly emotional, so most of her character traits are visible at a glance. She is sensitive, vulnerable. To protect herself from insults, a girl will rarely let an unfamiliar person close. At the first meeting, Lera, whose full name is Valeria, fully justifies her "male" meaning - she is very careful and will study a new personality for a long time and only when she is convinced of her decency will she allow herself to relax. Despite this, Valeria cannot be called a "scared sheep" or too touchy. This character trait, most likely, should be defined as waywardness. Sometimes dissatisfaction with an unfamiliar person so covers a girl that she becomes overly sarcastic, even rude. In some cases, the reason for her behavior for others remains a mystery that only she understands.

By by and large, matured Valeria is not much different from the past eccentric baby. She is also energetic, impulsive, inquisitive and fickle in her intentions. A girl can zealously take on several things at once, but in the end, none of them can be completed. This is quite typical for her, however, after a while Lera is ashamed of her behavior and still finishes what she started, but without fanaticism.

Valeria loves risk, preferring it to a measured and monotonous life. The girl likes to feel free, so she often manifests herself as an ardent feminist. Valeria is convinced that life is beautiful, and it is simply unacceptable to waste it on boredom, so she always finds herself some new occupation.

The inconstancy of character over time tires Leroux herself. The girl begins to reach out to more balanced people who could also rein her in a little.


In any team, thanks to a non-trivial approach to business, Valery is considered a valuable employee. The ideas given out by a girl almost always amaze with their simplicity and conciseness. In addition, Lera has a very developed intuition, which allows her to quickly and accurately make decisions. Therefore, even some shortcomings in character do not prevent her from rapidly climbing career ladder. Most often, Valeria chooses work related to children or in sales. This allows her to be in the circle of people and at the same time slightly distance herself from them due to her position.


Valeria loves to be in the center of attention and like men. Therefore, she carefully looks after her appearance, follows the latest fashion, dresses beautifully and can present herself. Relations with the opposite sex are quite complex and unpredictable, and Valeria herself is always the culprit. Her attitude towards a partner can change in a matter of minutes, while the guy himself can rarely understand the reason for the change. Valeria's behavior with a man can be very different. With one she can have intimate relationship within a couple of hours after meeting, the other will not let him in for several months.

Valeria is always looking for new sensations, this is also manifested in relationships with men. Therefore, if the partner becomes monotonous, she begins to look for diversity on the side, which often leads to a break in established relationships. Having cheated on a guy, Valeria rarely feels guilty, she also does not pay attention to the gossip of others, believing that life is short enough, and you should have time to take everything from her. Despite her own inconstancy, Valeria is quite jealous and can make a scene for her partner even because of a fleeting glance at another woman.

A family

The family in Valeria's life comes first. She is caring, economic, and will always help her husband with practical advice. Special meaning gives comfort and relaxed atmosphere in the house. She loves to receive guests, is hospitable and cheerful. Valeria loves her children very much, and they answer her the same.

Lera name compatibility

Valeria will have a good alliance with Andrey, Oleg, Anatoly, Matvey, Sergey.

Less successful relationships will be with Mark, Albert, Vladislav, Peter, Cyril.