Tom (female name). Diminutive names. Career and love

Female name Tamara, Tom

Origin of the female name Tamara:
The name Tamara in Hebrew means "date palm". According to another version, the name Tamara is derived from the Arabic word "qamar", which means "moon" in translation.

The power industry named after Tamara is characterized by a strong disposition, pride, hard work and intelligence. Tamara is very wise woman, she will never be the first to provoke a scandal. However, negative traits are inherent in her character, such as narcissism, cynicism and even arrogance - all this does not help Tamara to find mutual language with the people around her. It is strange, but a certain degree of alienation even benefits women with this proud name, Tamara learns to be artistic, falls in love with creativity, sometimes plunges into it with her head, completely expressing herself in it. Tamarochka is rather secretive, laconic, she has few friends, but she behaves cheerfully and openly in the circle of a few close people.

Little Tom is the favorite of everyone around, the girl is very talented - she sings, dances, draws, sews. As a child, Tamara is modest and shy, these qualities often prevent Toma from showing her strong features. She studies well, but is never among the most successful students. Tom is an exemplary daughter, but sometimes parents come to face her stubbornness, which can at any moment develop into a grandiose scandal. Toma loves pets, she communicates with them without having real friends.

Artistry and Creative skills Tamaras will certainly prove themselves, a girl, if she has the courage and determination, can become an actress, singer or artist. But she can handle less creative professions - an accountant, an economist, a manager, an engineer. Tamara goes to the top of her career slowly, decisively and consciously. At the same time, she relies only on herself. Tamara's chosen real friends never have colleagues, she prefers to separate her personal life and work.

There are many men around Tamara. A bright, confident and artistic girl with a mystery in her eyes is just a godsend for those of them who do not appreciate easy victories. For the heart of impregnable Tamara, you really have to fight for a long time and with great zeal. Tamara is very demanding and scrupulous in choosing a life partner, which sometimes leaves long years. If Tamara in her youth does not jump out to marry Great love, from year to year her criteria for evaluating the future chosen one will only grow. As a result, she will choose one of the candidates who, like her, is cold-blooded, thorough in behavior and decision-making, secure and firmly on his feet. Tamara is not a very zealous hostess, her life is frankly burdensome. But Tamara is an excellent mother, faithful wife who does not forgive betrayals and never commits them herself.

The name Tamara is compatible with:
David, Nikolai, Semyon, Vyacheslav.

The name Tamara is incompatible with:
Ivan, Anatoly, Kirill, Ostap and Boris.


Tom is naturally slow and calm person who likes to think well before making any decision. He has a tendency to analyze the situation, often thinks about what happened, and only then comes to finished version solutions. Such a person can well be called a skeptic, although he is vulnerable and has a receptive soul.

The owner of the name Tom is reputed to be a good-natured and understanding person. He tries his best to avoid conflict situations and will never get involved in a scandal. Other, more relaxed ways are available to him to get out of a difficult situation, and Tom successfully uses them. For a man of such a warehouse, the most valuable quality is the confirmation of words with deeds. Yes, and Tom himself always strives to reinforce what he said with action, thanks to which he inspires confidence and approval among others.

A person named Tom is extremely unpleasant such qualities as falseness, flattery, deceit and excessive eloquence. However, in some situations, Tom himself is capable of some insincerity, but this forced measure does not give him pleasure. At its core, a man with that name is a rather reserved person who prefers to remain silent about the details of his life, especially in a circle of unfamiliar personalities.

Bearers of the name Tom are not endowed with bright leadership qualities, but you will not see them in the last rows either. These are isolated, independent people who feel quite comfortable in solitude, not adjoining anyone, but not rejecting someone else's society. Such persons are called "on their minds", because Tom's secrecy does not allow you to look into his soul and understand hidden intentions.

Tom is very successful in his work, and his keen intuition helps him achieve heights. He can realize his abilities in the field of art, technology, science and even philosophy. It is advisable to choose professions that do not require constant and close contact with other people, frequent debates and meetings. If Tom decides to organize own business, alone it will not be easy for him, so it is better to enlist the help and support of a partner.

Tom is a completely self-sufficient person, so for absolute happiness he does not need a constant companion. Love for such a person is not the first necessity, and Tom can be illegible in choosing the next passion. The difficulty in relationships with the opposite sex is fueled by Tom's desire to find a girl who fully corresponds to his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal. And if he is lucky enough to find such a lady, Tom selflessly indulges in his love.

When making any decision, Tom relies solely on his own opinion, not taking into account the advice of strangers. Each such choice further alienates Tom from friends and relatives, and over time this abyss can become so large that there will be no question of understanding. Therefore, it is important for Tom to at least from time to time be interested in the opinions of loved ones, thereby showing his love for them.

Name origin: The name Tamara is translated from Hebrew as "palm".

Short form of the name: Tomochka, Tom, Tomusik, Tomka, Tusya, Tomulya.

Foreign forms of the name: Tamariko (Georgia), Yashimi (Japan - "palm tree").

Characteristics of the name Tamara

Positive traits of the name: FROM early years Tom manifests himself inquisitive child, whose interest in everything can hardly be called superficial. Since childhood, she yearns to get to the bottom of things. But because of the many interests, it is difficult for her to concentrate. loves animals, take care of younger brothers and sisters. A girl with a well-developed imagination, she is receptive and dreamy, maybe even a little sly. Artistic Toma enjoys performing in front of guests, and at an older age she takes part in theatrical performances. With well-known people she is friendly and sweet, with strangers she is wary. He is not fond of studying, but reads books that are not included in school curriculum. Tamara is very caring. Higher education for her - not the limit, she will study in graduate school, engage in scientific work, and if he failed to enter a university, he will engage in self-education.

Negative traits of the name: Can be easily disappointed. He is seriously worried not only because of his own, but also other people's failures. Although not very obligatory, it is at the same time quite diligent. The hot-tempered Tamara quickly calms down. Tamara's mind is somewhat mundane, she does not recognize abstractions. For her, loneliness is unbearable. Tamara is overly demanding. In communication, she is too straightforward, firm and concise. Often, Tamara cannot bring the matter to the end due to the breadth of interests.

Choice of profession: Tamara is interested in medicine and preschool education. He does not show much activity, but among his colleagues he enjoys respect and trust. Tamara is a creative person. She can become an actress, artist, singer, musician. She will also make a good librarian, administrator, secretary. Can become the head of a bank, a company. It may well cope with management in a male team, and at the same time it will be respected by men. The work of a housewife Tamara is absolutely uninteresting.

The impact of the name on business: Thanks to a well-developed intuition and common sense, Tamara manages to ensure her well-being. Not expecting anyone's help, Tamara always counts only on her own strength. Most She devotes her time to work. Tamara manages to get money easily, and she intuitively invests it in promising enterprises.

The impact of the name on health: Only outwardly Tamara is restrained and strict, but deep in her soul she is a sensitive and emotional woman who needs care and attention. If Tamara does not give vent to her emotions, this may threaten her health with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, migraines.

Psychology: In order to win over Tamara, you should talk heart to heart with her, while showing directness and sincerity. She respects strong and honest opponents, can appreciate a good joke. Two-faced, slippery people do not like and do not respect. Parents need to teach Tom to be more relaxed, easier to look at life.

Name compatibility: Despite external subordination to her husband, she is the secret leader of the family. Everything in the house is carried out only with her consent, she is engaged material support families. The main thing for Tamara is peace, home comfort. She's got it all right with regards to household, perfectly well. However, only under special circumstances will she leave work for them. Strongly succumbing to the influence of her husband, she can fully adapt to his lifestyle. Being a devoted wife, she will not leave her husband even if he is completely inconsistent with her ideal. An alliance with Tamara will be favorable for Alexander, Bazhen, Boris, Zakhar, Mikhail, Ratmir, Semyon. Relations with Athanasius, Alexei, Vladimir, Oleg, Grigory, Seraphim, Igor, Philip, Yaropolk may not work out.

Famous name bearers:

  • Tamara Makarova (actress)
  • Tamara Guardtsiteli (singer)
  • Tamara Motyleva (literary critic)
  • Tamara Fidler (pianist)
  • Tamara Turlacheva (athlete)
  • Tamara Mello (actress)
  • Tamara Lazakovich (gymnast)
  • Tamara Sinyavskaya (singer)

In choosing a name for their unborn child, it is important for parents not only to focus on a beautiful and cute name, but also to familiarize themselves with its interpretation m.

What does the name Tamara mean? What is the origin and history of the name Tamara?

The meaning of the name Tamara

Tamara - means "palm tree". The sign of the zodiac that patronizes Tamara is Scorpio. He makes the girl wise, reasonable, insightful. The planet that rules Tamara's life is Pluto. Thanks to her influence, the girl is often lucky.

The color that impresses Tamara more than others is crimson. The tree from which Tamara can be made a charm is a date palm. The plant that will bring her good luck is rosemary. The stone that will become Tamara's talisman is a pomegranate.

Origin and history of the name Tamara

The name is of ancient Greek origin. What does the name Tamara mean? Palm tree - this meaning is given to the name, since in ancient times the palm tree was considered very important in the construction of dwellings, the manufacture of utensils. Flexibility and durability, which are inherent in palm trees, are also inherent in Tamara.

Tamara celebrates her birthday twice a year. April twenty-ninth and May fourteenth. On different languages world name has the same sound. But most widespread it received in Europe.

The character and fate of Tamara

To positive traits Tamara's character should be attributed to:






Analytical mind.

She is very emotional, but at the right time she can take emotions into her fist. Tamara is constantly developing, she never rests on her laurels, she is interested in everything new. She quickly absorbs all educational information, attends a huge number of circles. This makes the girl's parents extremely happy.

It is also worth noting the negative character traits of Tamara:





Since Tamara has a huge number of plans, she often does not have time to fulfill them, so she is nervous and upset. It is straightforward, but not everyone likes it. Many do not accept this and stop communicating with Tamara, despite the previous friendship. She suffers from such situations, tries to find the reason in herself, but then calms down and find new acquaintances.

Tamara is always attentive to other people's problems and other people's situations. She is a good listener and can be very attentive, affectionate, even with strangers. For this, she is loved at home, appreciated in the team. She is strict and principled. Likes to understand everything to the end. At the same time, he admits his mistakes, he never argues if he understands that he is wrong.

The same attitude to business, to life, Tamara requires from the rest. The trouble is that most people are used to playing roles, inventing problems for themselves. Tamara is a realist. She does not like to suffer over trifles, to waste her life on frustration. She prefers to live realistically. Here and now.

It is worth noting Tamara's genuine love for art. She is able to listen to her favorite music for hours, likes to visit exhibitions and galleries. She likes to walk in the fresh air, go to different cities and countries. Thus Tamara is resting. She needs something that gives positive emotions and makes sense.

Tamara does not like noisy parties and festivities in a big company. Therefore, friends over a cup of tea. Tamara strives to be an interesting conversationalist, always ready to listen to other people's problems.

Tamara is diligent, accurate, so the work of a librarian, a psychologist is suitable for her. If Tamara has been devoting herself to art since childhood, then the work of an actress, singer, artist will suit her. She can combine her favorite work and creative hobby.

Tamara has so many abilities and talents, they develop and unfold throughout her life. Tamara is envied by many, but she herself does not understand why she is given so easily what others are not given.

Tamara can be a wonderful leader. The meaning of the name Tamara - determines her flexibility in managing the team. She is loyal and demanding. Always ready to compromise. Helps his colleagues and subordinates. No one refuses to help.

Tamara has no friends at work. She confidently builds her business, her business. Competitors envy her endurance and ability to lead business conversation. Tamara always has time not only for work, but also for leisure. She loves to spend it in the circle of the team.

Her employees appreciate such sensitivity of the boss, such dedication. Tamara has a lot of advantages over her colleagues. She does not like to sit at home and do housework, she is constantly developing and learning. If Tamara decides to devote her life to education, she can get a degree. At the same time, she very subtly feels what kind of work can bring her the maximum profit.

Love Tamara

The character and fate of Tamara determine her preferences in love. She appreciates:


Well educated men.

She will never waste her time on a man with whom there is nothing to talk about. She always wants to be the first in everything. This may interfere with its implementation in personal relationships. The problem is that Tamara can compete with her partner. She can defend her rights, for no apparent reason.

If Tamara feels that her partner is putting pressure on her, she will stop communicating with him. With age, Tamara becomes wise and flexible in relationships. She seeks to bring every relationship to the family. She wants one man, only her beloved and dear.

Tamara has many suitors, but she chooses work, not fleeting hobbies. Having married, she becomes the keeper of the hearth. Husband and children are not deprived of attention and love. In Tamara's house there is always peace and harmony. She does not take dirty linen out of the hut, does not like gossip.

Tamara strives to spend every weekend with her family. She wants to make the rest bright and memorable. She does it very well. Her husband loves and appreciates her, just as she does him and her children.

The English male name Tom is quite popular in Europe and North America. Among our compatriots, it is much less common and is considered more exotic than common. In his full version this name sounds like Thomas. It also has many analogues in other languages, the most popular of which are Foma, Tomash, Hamash, Tavas, Tommaso, etc.

An analysis of the origin of the boy's name Tom suggests that this name came to us from the Semitic languages. It is derived from the Aramaic word "Tôm", which translates as "twin". The value male name Volume.

The interpretation of the name of the boy Thomas

The meaning of the name Tom leaves a significant imprint on the character of the boy he named. This boy is growing up as a very active and energetic child. He is constantly in motion, but at the same time, he never fusses and does not make hasty decisions. FROM early childhood this child named Thomas shows amazing self-control, prudence and poise. The young man tries to avoid conflicts, preferring a peaceful and quiet life. This guy can hardly be called talkative. A young man named Tom does not like people who waste their time in boasting and unnecessary chatter. This does not prevent him from being very sociable and responsive.

With age, there is very little change in the character of a young man named Tom. This person continues to be very careful, self-possessed and non-conflict. He demonstrates a good understanding of human psychology, thanks to which he gains the opportunity to become a good teacher, mentor or leader. A man named Tom can connect his professional destiny with work in the field of philosophy, science, art and technology. As for family life, then here this man often expects failure. Despite his charisma and external attractiveness, he is experiencing serious difficulties in choosing a worthy wife. Given the meaning of the name Thomas, this man can be advised to be less demanding. Only then can he achieve happiness in his personal life.

Characteristics of the male name Tom

  1. The Russian names of women Olga, Vera, Natalia, Yulia, Elizabeth and Elena are suitable for the male name Tom. This allows us to talk about good compatibility in marriage. Unsuccessful relationships await Thomas in an alliance with Russian women named Nadezhda, Lydia, Taisiya and Ekaterina.
  2. Analysis of the meaning of the name of the boy Tom according to the horoscope allows you to compile a list of signs of the zodiac that are in harmony with him. It includes such signs as Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius and Capricorn.
  3. The name of the boy Tom has many derivative forms. The most famous of them are Thomas, Tommy, Tomchi, Tomasz, Tami, Tomo, Tomika and Tommaso.

Watch the video on how best to name a boy's child