Unique physical, mechanical and chemical properties of ash wood. American ash: where it grows, description, photo

Ash - amazing tree. It brightens the world around it, not in vain Russian name comes from the word “clear”... Ash lets in a lot of sun, and its forests are airy, it’s easy to breathe in them, they are overflowing with light.
In the beliefs of many peoples, ash is the tree of the world axis and symbolizes the divine nature of humanity.
In the minds of our ancestors, ash is a tree that connects the world of people and gods, personifying the connection between the past and the future. Ash fruits collected in clusters are like a bunch of keys that can be used to open the door to the future. This is a tree of rebirth and renewal.
IN Ancient Greece ash was considered a symbol of fair retribution, which is probably why the goddess of memory and fair retribution Nemesis was most often depicted by artists with an ash branch in her hand. And the ancient Greek poet Hesiod (VIII-VII centuries BC) in his poem “Works and Days” says that Zeus created the third race of people of the Copper Age from the shaft of a spear, which the ancient Greek gunsmiths carved from ash wood. The people turned out to be harsh, since they were given a warlike spirit, which the ash tree absorbed.

In Ancient Greece, ash was also the sacred tree of Poseidon, the god of the sea and brother of Zeus. This cult turned out to be so tenacious that even immigrants in the 19th century, when moving to America, took ash bark with them so as not to drown.

And even in Ancient Greece, the cult of the nymphs Melia - the spirits of the ash tree - was equally widespread. The same Hesiod said that these nymphs appeared from drops of the blood of the sky god Uranus.

Ash is the tree of Peace, purity and light among the Scandinavians; ash branches, according to their ancient beliefs, are a stairway to Heaven.

The Vikings called each other Esklings, that is, “people of the ash tree.” They drew their runes on ash planks. Among the Celts, this is the tree of Odin and at the same time goes back to female deities.

One of the American Indian legends says that the first people appeared on an ash tree. An ancient Lithuanian legend tells that when the gods descended to earth to decide the destinies of people, they gathered in the shade of a spreading ash tree.

Common ash - Fraximus excelsior L.- tall tree with a wide oval openwork crown from the olive family. The ash tree has a powerful root system, without tap root. Straight, slender trunk up to 25-45 meters high. The bark on the trunk and old branches is gray and smooth. Young shoots are yellow-gray or greenish. The branches are straight, thick and poorly branched. The buds are black and velvety. The leaves are dark green above, lighter below, odd-pinnate, consisting of several leaflets and quite large, up to 40 cm long. Even in late leaf fall they often remain green.

Common ash blooms in late April - early May, before the leaves appear. The flowers are dark brown or purple, collected in tight panicles, odorless, pollinated by the wind. Female and male flowers are most often found on the same tree.

The fruits are oblong-elliptical lionfish, with a notch at the top and rounded at the base, up to 4 - 4.6 cm long. The oblong, flat nut occupies approximately half the length of the lionfish. The fruits ripen in large quantities in September-October and often remain in the crown all winter, falling only early spring.

Ash grows quickly. Fruits from 15-17 years of age. Lives 250-300 years. An adult ash tree can tolerate frost of 40 degrees, and a young tree can be damaged by late spring frosts. This beautiful tree, like an ash tree, will decorate any village, as well as the streets and squares of megacities.

IN wildlife ash grows throughout the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, Crimea, Moldova, Central Asia, prefers to grow on moist, fertile, neutral or similar soils, in floodplains.

Ash has long been used in traditional medicine. The leaves are collected in the first half of summer in dry weather, slightly withered in the sun and dried in the shade. The bark is harvested during sap flow from trees to be cut down. It is cut into pieces 10-15 cm long and dried in the sun.

Ash leaves contain vitamin C, carotene, rutin, organic acids and their salts, carbohydrates, sucrose, starch, phosphorus, coumarins, and tannins. The bark contains glucose, sucrose, sorbitol, bitter phenols, resin, and gums. The fruits contain vitamins C, P, B1, fats, and protein.

The ancient Greeks and Germans believed that ash tree juice could heal a person bitten by a snake. The famous Roman physician Quintus Serenus Samonicus in the 3rd century AD in his “Medical Book” wrote about the use of ash seeds to treat dropsy, cough, and liver diseases.

Preparations from ash have antimicrobial, antipyretic, hemostatic, tonic, astringent, antispasmodic, antitussive and anthelmintic effects. Ash leaves and bark are used to treat diseases of the liver, intestines, urinary organs, diseases respiratory tract, rheumatism, radiculitis, arthritis and as a wound healing agent. Ash seeds were used to treat dropsy, cough, and liver diseases.

Kinesiology, a branch of alternative medicine that appeared in the 70-90s of the last century, uses ash to restore harmony of body, mind, spirit, to get rid of phobias, obsessions and fears.

In Rus', hoops, rockers, wheels were bent from ash wood, axes and beautiful, convenient dishes with carved patterns were made. Archaeologists discovered such dishes during excavations of ancient Novgorod. Beekeepers still make hives from ash.

Nowadays, ash wood is used to make bent and carved furniture, railings, parquet, veneer, light aircraft propellers, body sides, trim, window frames and carriage sofas, some parts of looms, stocks and stocks. firearms, hunting and combat bows, sports equipment.

For magical purposes, ash is collected on Midsummer or Peter's day or on July 23 before the waxing moon. Ash is a tree of magicians, wizards and fortune tellers. The best sets of fortune-telling runes are made from its wood. Our ancestors believed that wearing garters made of green ash bark protected against the evil eye, damage and slander. And ash leaves attract love and wealth. They were also placed under the pillow to see prophetic dreams.

Ash promotes enlightenment, comprehension of the depth of one’s own “I” and its connection with the universe. Meditation under an ash tree, as well as jewelry and jewelry made from ash, help maintain good health. physical health, help cope with stress and nervous disorders.

The appearance of the ash tree is impressive: the trunk is smooth, reaches one and a half meters in diameter, and rises to 30-50 m in height. When the tree just begins to grow, it has a brown color, sometimes mixed with a green tint. As it grows, clearly visible surface cracks appear and the bark darkens and turns grey, sometimes brown.

According to a number of indicators (for example, strength and hardness), ash has much in common with oak. The degree of resistance to deformation, viscosity, and impact resistance are much higher in ash wood. This makes the material ideal for use in those areas of the construction industry where high stability of the board is especially important: the production of stairs and parquet.

The sapwood is wide, this determines important feature: large variation in shades of the bar. Depending on the tasks being solved, this characteristic can be either an advantage or a slight disadvantage. In modern construction, there is a tendency to increase the popularity of using ash materials in the production of parquet boards, but so far this species is not very widely represented on the market. Ash boards are easy to maintain, do not change color, and long-term use does not reveal any defects. In terms of cost, ash differs little from its closest cousins, oak and beech.

The rock has a low degree of susceptibility to cracking, including during improper drying conditions.

The most competent way to harvest industrial ash trees is gradual felling at a moderate pace. However, clear-cutting now usually occurs.

Ash (Fraxinus) belongs to the family of ring-vascular species endowed with a core part. The annual layers are expressed quite clearly and are visually noticeable on any section. This is due to anatomical differences during the wood formation stage. Thus, the area of ​​later layers is characterized by the presence of shiny light dots, which correspond to cut small vessels. These formations are localized mainly at the outer edge of the annual layers. The rather pale core part often has an admixture of brown color. The outer layer is wide, the transition to the core is carried out slowly, without a sharp color boundary.

The medullary rays cannot be seen with the naked eye. They are visible only on one type of cut (radial) and look like small shiny dots.

The internal structure has a number of features, first of all, the dissimilarity in color between younger and later timber, between the core part and the outer layer of wood. Small vessels are cut when processing wood and determine the pattern of the final board. The medullary rays are weakly expressed; it is possible to see them with your own eyes if the incision was made strictly radially. Specimens that have reached particularly outstanding sizes often exhibit wavy curling in the lower part of the tree. This pattern looks very beautiful on a radial cut.

In terms of gloss intensity, ash boards are between coniferous species and oak. This occurs due to the fact that cut vessels do not allow the formation of a reflective surface, this is especially true for radial cuts. In this case, the core rays are almost completely hidden from view due to their small size. Measurements show that even the most meticulous finishing leaves rough edges larger than 200 microns, which creates glare and lowers the surface gloss level.

The density of ash timber is approximately 680 kg/m3. It is unevenly distributed; in the later layer it is 2-3 times higher. A peculiar layer between the core part and the outer layer is a ring-shaped layer of mature wood. Its mechanical characteristics are very similar to those of sapwood; the difference lies in the reduced level of humidity of this layer and its low permeability to gaseous and liquid substances. There are no living cells in the ripe part, so the water-conducting elements are not clogged with anything.

When compared with coniferous lumber, the following feature can be distinguished: ash has a much weaker ability to absorb moisture due to the higher density of the timber.

When the tree is covered special compounds for protection, it becomes practically invulnerable to the influence of moisture and does not change humidity over even a long period of operation. For this reason, ash is most suitable for making parquet. High density also causes a negative feature: the degree of drying and swelling is relatively high, ash is considered a highly drying raw material. The tension inside the material that occurs during drying is much higher than that of coniferous trees.

Compared to pine, ash has much lower air permeability (the difference in this indicator is almost 20-fold). The same applies to water permeability. Because of this feature, the block is quite difficult to impregnate with protective compounds.

Ash board has a pattern of unique beauty and a unique color, while the strength indicator exceeds that of oak (only hornbeam is stronger than ash). Amazingly high resistance to deforming forces makes ash very special among all tree species that grow in the area Russian Federation.

It is much more difficult to split an ash log than an oak log. The reason for this is the concentration of the core rays: for example, in ash they account for up to 15% of the total volume of raw materials, and in oak – up to 36%.

Compared to the outer layer of wood, the core part has a higher density (by about 6-8%), and the strength indicator is also higher. But sapwood is more elastic, for this reason it is recommended to make bent parts from it.

Instrumental processing (cutting) is difficult due to the increased density and due to a number of features of the formation of the board. There is a special coefficient that takes into account the influence of the type of wood on the amount of force with which it needs to be cut. For pine this coefficient is 1, for ash – 1.75, for oak – 1.55. The indicators characterizing the degree of durability of the cutting tool are approximately in the same ratio.

Ash is able to hold fasteners (screws, nails) better than any other species. The ability to resist the effects of fungal infections in ash is assessed as high. Interestingly, the level of biostability becomes higher every year the tree grows. Highest value The butt part has durability.

From negative features Ash timber should be noted for frost cracks that occur due to ultra-low winter temperatures. Due to the formation of such cracks, rot develops inside the timber and wavy curling appears at the bottom of the trunk.

The rate of growth of burls is much lower than, for example, on birch. The level of knotiness in ash and oak species is approximately the same. Ash biomass is distributed as follows: stem part – 55-70%, root part – from 15 to 25%, branches – from 12 to 20%.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, more than 700 thousand hectares are occupied by ash forests, which is approximately 0.1% of the area of ​​all forests in Russia. At the same time, 200 thousand hectares are located in the European part, and the remaining 500 thousand hectares are located in Far Eastern forests. According to rough estimates, the reserves of ash boards amount to 120 million cubic meters. m, which corresponds to 0.1% of the total wood stock. Mature forests occupy 300 thousand hectares or 0.1% of the total area of ​​overmature and mature forests. They contain a stock of timber timber in the amount of 50 million cubic meters. m, which is 0.1% of all mature wood.

Plantings of quality classes I and II are produced, their productivity is assessed as medium and high. Reserves ripe trees by the age of 100 more than 300-350 cubic meters. m/ha. New plantings in areas of cleared areas are carried out both with the help of seeds and by planting shoots; Self-seeding usually needs to be clarified. Herbal and herbaceous-shrub, as well as shrubby ash trees are most common in mixed forests cedar-broad-leaved type. In the Far Eastern side, the quality class varies from I to IV, and the reserves of mature trees from 120 to 160 years old are 200-350 cubic meters. m/ha and can sometimes reach 480 cubic meters. m/ha.

Ash in section

The ash species is ring-vascular; growth rings are clearly visible on sections obtained from any angle. Cross sections have a characteristic pattern due to small vessels, which are visually noticeable as winding lines. The light brownish heart part turns into wide white sapwood (with a yellowish tint). Core rays in the form of shiny microdots and dashes are clearly visible exclusively in radial sections.

The richness of the pattern of ash beams is determined by the difference in color between the core and the outer layer, between the layers of early and late formations, as well as the breadth of the annual layers (for a longitudinal section). Vessels cut during processing also participate in the formation of the pattern. The medullary rays are relatively easy to distinguish only on radial sections; in other sections they are invisible. The lower part of old specimens is characterized by a wavy curliness. The radial cut has the richest wood grain.

The color indicators of the core part (tone, purity and lightness) are slightly higher than those of the outer layer.

Physical properties

In terms of water and moisture absorption, ash is superior to conifers due to the high density of the timber. The moisture content of freshly cut wood depends on the specific species and has a fairly wide range (36-78%). Once an ash part is coated with a special protective composition against moisture, it will not change the level of humidity throughout its entire service life. It is this feature that makes ash lumber an excellent raw material for making parquet.

The high level of density has negative consequence: ash trees noticeably dry out and swell, the degree of drying out is regarded as increased. Shrinkage of the tangential type is 8.4% for the zone of annual layers of early origin; for late ones, the percentage increases and reaches 9.8%. The standard swelling coefficient (the ratio of the percentage change in dimensions to the percentage change in humidity level) varies depending on the specific type: from 0.19 to 0.54.

Another characteristic of wood material is swelling pressure. Under normal conditions, it ranges from 2.66 MPa to 3.12, which is 2 times higher than the value of the same indicator for pine. When the board is dried, stresses arise inside it, which are many times stronger than those of softwood lumber.

At normal humidity 12%, which corresponds to the state of the timber after atmospheric drying, the average density value is in the range from 653 to 742 kg/cubic meter. m (depending on the specific type of tree).

The highest density lumber is obtained from sumaholic ash, which grows in Azerbaijan. Its density is 762 kg/cubic. m.

Pine is 20 times superior to ash in terms of air and water permeability, as well as permeability to other liquid and gaseous elements. This suggests that ash wood is difficult to impregnate with protective compounds.

The strength index of ash lumber is very high, its value is between that of oak and hornbeam.

Resistance to various types of deformation is uniquely high; ash has no equal for this characteristic.

Subtleties of operation and technological features of processing

When processing wet ash timber with frame saws, the degree of tooth expansion on the side is from 0.65 to 0.75 mm. For timber that has been dried, this figure remains the same, and in the case of using circular saws (with a diameter of 135-315 mm) it decreases to 0.3 mm. For dry wood processed with a band saw: 0.3-0.4 mm, for wet timber - 0.40-0.45 mm.

The bending ability index for ash is 1:2.7, similar for beech – 1:2.5, for pine – 1:11.

It is impossible to achieve a reduction of roughness to less than 200 µm through careful processing with grinding tools. This happens due to the nuances of the structure of the timber. Because of this feature, ash material needs special preparation for finishing; the surface of the wood must be primed to completely fill the pores. Tinting with stains and etching for white is acceptable, while the consumption of materials is characterized as moderate.

In terms of cost, products made from ash are close to those made from beech and oak. Ash veneer is used for surface finishing of other materials with less interesting wood grain, as well as to create veneer plywood.

The frequent use of ash in the production of sports equipment is due to its outstanding impact strength and good bending ability.

In the United States and Canada, the use of ash trees in industry is much more common than in European countries. Lumber is made from 7 types of ash. 90% of all ash materials come from just 4 types. American ash and lanceolate ash grow in the eastern United States, and these species are used to produce “white ash.” This is a heavy, hard and elastic board, from which stairs and parquet boards, handles for various garden tools, baseball bats and other sports equipment are made. In the northeastern United States, species grow that produce “black ash,” the timber of which is less durable and rigid, which makes it popular in the furniture industry.

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Ash is a tree familiar to many early childhood. You can see this tree not only in photos on the Internet and in a tree directory, but also in bright pictures in children's books. The tree grows well in the Russian Central Zone and in more northern regions. It attracts attention with its majestic appearance. Many folk and original poems and songs have been written about him.

Many people, when they see this tree, immediately remember the simple song from the film “The Irony of Fate” about how a lover turned to it in search of his soulmate.

However, few people know that this tree not only decorates gardens and parks. Wood is used to make a wide variety of wood products. And medicinal decoctions and infusions are prepared from the leaves, which are used in folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases. A description and photo of this tree can be easily found on the Internet and in specialized literature.

What does ash look like?

The description of the tree goes something like this:

The spreading beauty is actively used in landscape design . This tree looks beautiful both in winter and summer. The lacy foliage creates a light shade, and in the fall its pointed leaves are colored bright colors. It, along with the birch tree, is one of the symbols of Russia. Seedlings for planting summer cottage can be purchased at nurseries. Of course, you can try to grow it from seeds, but this is quite a troublesome task. The seedling will develop much faster; the main thing is to create favorable conditions for it. IN lately Many summer residents plant ash simply because this tree looks very beautiful.

Where does ash grow?

There are many types of this tree in nature. Different types of this tree grow in different countries Oh. In Russia it grows in deciduous forests Middle zone and other nearby regions, you can also find it in the south. Since ancient times, this tree has grown in the countries of Eastern and Western Europe. Myths and legends of the ancient Greeks, Romans and Vikings, which mention this tree, indicate that it has grown in the territory of Rome, Greece and the Scandinavian countries since time immemorial.

This tree also grew in America, but not so widely. Their own local varieties of this tree grew there. However, after Christopher Columbus discovered America and European settlers began migrating there en masse, some species of European ash were also introduced to the United States. Europeans took with them on long journeys the fruits and seeds of their favorite plants of all kinds, and then planted these seeds in a new place.

And on the territory of Russia, this representative of the flora grows not only in forests. It is often planted:

Ash bark and leaves: use in folk medicine

tree leaves have been used in folk medicine for centuries. A variety of decoctions and infusions are prepared from the dried leaves for internal use. You can use medicinal raw materials from dried leaves separately or as part of herbal preparations. The bark of the tree also has medicinal properties, our ancestors also knew about this from ancient times. Medicinal raw materials from dry leaves and crushed bark are used in the following cases:

Medicinal raw materials made from leaves and bark effectively relieve inflammation, have an antiseptic effect, promote wound healing and tighten scars.

In occult medicine, it was traditionally believed that decoctions and infusions from the leaves “clarified” consciousness, that is, they enlightened thoughts. On the day of Ivan Kupala, folk healers and sorcerers went to gather at midnight medicinal herbs, and always brought with them, among other herbs and leaves. Livestock was lashed with branches to keep them healthy all year round.

Ash is not only leaves with medicinal properties, but also valuable wood. It is believed that the wood is very durable and resistant to external influences. Also, the wood has a beautiful, noble color, so furniture and other household items made from ash do not need painting; it is enough to simply coat them with colorless varnish.

Craftsmen create real miracles from wood. Despite its hardness and resistance to external influences, Ash wood is quite elastic, and therefore it is easy to work with it, you do not need to put much effort into it. In Rus', from time immemorial, ash wood was used to make baklushi (blanks for wooden spoons), children's toys and, of course, furniture. It also makes very good, resilient bows and crossbows. Sports equipment is also made from ash wood. Wood is even used in the aviation industry: important parts for aircraft are turned from it on a lathe.

Ash furniture is very popular thanks to good quality And affordable price. Window frames are also still made from this wood. Many owners of private apiaries still make houses for bees, because ash wood has bactericidal properties, and the bees living in such houses almost never get sick.

Ash in the folklore of different nations

Since ancient times, ash has been mentioned in folk art among representatives of different countries. Thus, one Lithuanian pagan legend tells that people once angered the gods with their evil deeds. The gods descended to earth to punish people and decided to arrange joint council to choose punishment. But they could not find a place to sit and confer. Seeing the spreading tree with its openwork crown, the gods immediately sat down in its shade. They sat for a long time. In the end, the gods enjoyed relaxing in the lace shadow so much that they decided not to punish people and retired to heaven again.

IN ancient Rome and in ancient Greece, ash has long been considered the tree of the sea god Neptune (in Greek mythology- Poseidon). Boats, ships and ship gear were often made from ash, as it was believed that a ship made from ash wood would never sink. This belief persisted for a long time medieval Europe, right up to the era of the Great Geographical discoveries. It is known that when the mass migration of Europeans to discovered by Columbus America, Europeans took with them “for luck” branches, pieces of bark and ash seeds. People sincerely believed that these miraculous talismans would help them sail safely to a distant land.

One of the legends of the indigenous people of America, the Indians, tells that once upon a time there were no people or animals on earth, but only water. The bird brought a piece of earth and built a nest on the water, and then a small island appeared from this nest. A large ash tree grew on the island. When it began to bloom and bear fruit, the first people appeared from its seeds - distant ancestors modern people.

All these beautiful legends and tales indicate that ash is one of the most beloved trees among people. They love him for his beauty, for medicinal properties and for durable wood from which anything can be made.

Common ash is enough tall deciduous tree, which can reach about 40 meters in height. Its crown is rounded, raised high, the branches “look” upward. The shape of the barrel is close to cylindrical, not very long.

Ash description

If you look on the Internet to see what this wonderful tree might look like in a photo, you will notice that the bark has a gray tint, where, over time, deep longitudinal cracks of small size appear on it. The buds are fleecy, river-colored.

The leaves consist of 7-15 leaves, usually develop after flowering and are quite large in size. Dark green, smooth, and underneath have a paler shade. Closer to the top they become pointed and jagged at the edges. Thanks to the foliage, the impression of a certain openwork is created.

Its flowers do not have a calyx or corolla and are usually collected in bunches. As a rule, flowering begins around April-May, even before the leaves appear.

One of the the most important differences What distinguishes this beautiful tree from trees of other species is the presence of red stamens in each flower.

Fruit- lionfish, 4-5 cm in size. First of a light green tint, then they move to brown color. There is a small recess at the top, but on the contrary, the bottom is extremely narrow. They are called panicles, since they are collected in inflorescences of several pieces. The seed is also narrow at the bottom and widens at the top. They ripen throughout the summer, finish only in August, and stay on the tree all winter.


The geographical scope of its habitat is quite wide. Ash grows in some parts of Europe, in the Transcaucasus it also occurs in the Mediterranean and even in Asia Minor! In Russia, its range covers the entire European part countries. Residents of Crimea, Moldova, Ukraine and the Caucasus enjoy species of ash, where it grows high in the mountains, and if there are favorable conditions, then reaches a particularly large size.

Ash is unpretentious in choosing soil for its habitat; it grows even in wetlands. He looks favorably on the alder as if it were his neighbor. In fields, in cutting areas, in deciduous and mixed forests it is found as an impurity, since it practically does not use ordinary pure stands.

Ash grows very quickly and loves light, and can withstand frosts quite steadfastly; down to -40 degrees nothing threatens it. But It’s better, of course, to cover it for the winter so that the young shoots do not freeze, since they have not yet fully grown.

It grows well in urban areas, but it no longer likes dry soil.


The plant reproduces by shoots and stump shoots, but also reproduces well by seeds. Under artificially created conditions, ash can only reproduce by seeds that have previously undergone stratification. He also has There are also decorative forms, which can be propagated by grafting.

Decorative configurations

Let's take a look at its decorative counterparts. Quite often they are used in landscape design. There are several types:

The wood has a very beautiful texture, its core is dark, but on top there is a light shade. In density and strength it is very similar to oak bark.


Thanks to its unpretentiousness and its rapid growth, ash is a fairly valuable tree for creating parks and alleys, lining roads, and landscaping the city. Even in complex compositions it has an excellent appearance.

Products made from ash were durable and moderately heavy. Many types of weapons were made from it. These included war clubs, stakes with spears, bows, and even spears and arrows. No wonder that ancient people considered ash a symbol of war.

But peaceful people also found wide use for it. It was made from:

Dishes made from this material were in great demand, the only decoration of which was the light and shiny texture of the wood itself. And even in shipbuilding, ash boards were known!

Nowadays, the functionality of this tree has expanded significantly:

  1. facing material;
  2. gymnastic bars;
  3. parquet;
  4. aircraft parts;
  5. items of sports equipment;
  6. oars;
  7. skis;
  8. tennis rackets;
  9. turning products and so on.

Car manufacturing, aircraft manufacturing and shipbuilding can hardly do without this valuable wood. Plywood and furniture, tool handles and stair railings are often made from ash.

Its fruits contain fatty oils that are used as food. The people of the Caucasus prepare them unripe with vinegar and salt. As a seasoning they can be served at the table with meat or fish. And you can even preserve it by carefully chopping it first.

The seeds can be used to extract a dark green oil that is used to make paint, soap and artificial rubber.

Since the bark contains a lot of tannins, paint from it is usually brown, black or blue.


even used in medicine. Its medicinal properties are very diverse, which allows it to be used as an antipyretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and diuretic. It can also relieve pain and have a laxative effect on humans. All kinds of decoctions, tinctures, powders and medicinal teas are made from it.

A decoction of the leaves can be used to make compresses that will help with radiculitis, rheumatism and osteochondrosis. If you make a decoction of fresh crushed leaves, you can treat severe bruises, hematomas and wounds. These compresses relieve pain, help eliminate swelling and speed up healing. A for such diseases, such as cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, you can make an infusion from the crushed roots of this magical tree.

With the help of preparations containing ash, you can cure coughs and get rid of worms. A decoction of ash roots can cure respiratory diseases. Kidney disease, dysentery, radiculitis and worms can be cured by a decoction of the leaves.

Infusions soothe nervous system, strengthen sleep, help relax. A decoction of the bark is very effective in helping to get rid of colds. Tea brewed from ash leaves has a diuretic effect on the body, removes excess liquid. Powders from seeds also have a diuretic and diaphoretic effect. And for arthritis, a mixture of different parts plants.

Explain this way widespread use of ash, in the form of medicines, you can touch its rich chemical composition. It contains active ingredients such as essential oils, tannins, bitters, coumarins, gum, resin, and flavonoids.

But, despite all its beneficial properties, this plant is considered poisonous, so you should never use it without a doctor’s prescription.

It is very important to know when to correctly collect the components for all these tinctures and decoctions. Leaves and bark must begin to be harvested in early spring or early summer. Dry in the shade, the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees Celsius. The roots are collected in the spring, and the fruits are usually collected in the fall.


When planting, there is no point in planting weak and damaged seedlings, because there is practically no chance that they will take root. It is better to use strong seedlings. The choice of location should also be taken with great care. As already written above, ash loves light. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant it in shady places.

He is indifferent to the type of soil, but still has its preferences. It should be planted on moist, fertilizer-rich, fertile soils. And do not forget about its powerful root system, which grows very quickly, due to which root shoots are formed around; they should be immediately cut off at the very base.

It is best to plant ash in the spring. If there are several of them, then place the seedlings at a distance of at least 5 cm from each other. When planting, the root should be placed 20 cm above the soil level, since the soil compacts and settles after planting. Immediately after planting, water the plant thoroughly. In the next 5-7 days, it is recommended to carry out systematic watering.

The soil around the trunk must be weeded and loosened. When spring comes, do not forget about applying nitrogen fertilizers. Also it is necessary to cut off dry and damaged branches.

Beware of pests!

Ash most often suffers from Spanish fly damage. These pests completely eat the leaves, which can lead to death. young tree. Spraying the tree with calcium arsenate can help here. In some parts of Russia, a common pest is the leaf roller - a plump one that rolls its leaves into a tube.

The leaves are also threatened by the moth, which completely eats them. But one of the most unpleasant dangers is corrosive woodworm, which simultaneously affects all trees by penetrating the buds and petioles of leaves.

The common seed-eater weevil attacks tree fruits. This pest is found inside the seeds. You may notice by seeing small dark dots on the seed. As a rule, they start attacking in May.



It is recommended to store fruits in dry rooms; the humidity should be no more than 12 percent. If you do not adhere to these simple rules, then mold may form on the fruits, which is caused by certain types of fungi. Fallen fruits are usually eaten by rodents, and in winter the seeds can serve as food for squirrels and bullfinches.

Interesting facts

There are many signs and beliefs associated with ash. Previously it was called “ash tree”, “ash tree”, “holly”. Its neighbors include elm and maple, but most often it can be found paired with oak. There is even a special sign: “If the oak tree opens its leaves earlier, then the summer will be dry.” The ancient Greeks believed that the juice from ash leaves healed wounds from bites. poisonous snakes. Also, many peoples dripped the sap of the branches into their eyes, believing that it gives shine to the eyes and even improves vision!

In Rus', it was believed that the bark of the tree could act as an antifever and antimalarial agent. Ash was even worshiped! They said that ash is the tree of knowledge, that it is a symbol of life and wisdom. The ancient Scandinavians believed that the symbol of a huge ash tree, which supports the vault of heaven, personifies the forces of nature. For communication, ash prefers the first half of the day. Thus, common ash (photo) is a beautiful deciduous plant.

Common ash(tall ash) - Fraxinus excelsior L. People call it goat tree. The plant belongs to the olive family - Oleaceae.
Ash leaves - Fraxini folium (pharmacy name). IN medical purposes leaves of the complex leaves of the plant and bark are used.


Ash can reach a height of 30 m. It is easily recognized by its pinnately dissected leaves and the presence of black dots. The leaves are opposite, develop only after flowering, alternate crosswise on the branches, and contain from 7 to 13 leaves. Basically, the flowers do not have a corolla and a calyx, but they do have red stamens. The flowers are in bunches.

Fruits with a winged tongue are found in hanging panicles. Initially, the color of the fruit is green, and then brown.

The plant blooms in April and fruits appear in November.


The homeland of this plant is Transcaucasia and Europe, right up to Iran. Ash can be seen in the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, Ukraine, and Moldova.

The plant prefers oak-hornbeam and oak forests, especially wet areas on the banks of streams and rivers, damp forests of plains and mid-elevation mountains.


The plant contains the following substances: resin, rutin, quercitrin and other flavonoids, coumarin, gums, essential oil and tannins.

Application and medicinal properties

In folk medicine, tree bark powder, decoction and infusion are used. This plant is used in folk medicine as an antifever, wound-healing, tonic, astringent and antitussive agent.

In the Caucasus, a decoction of this plant is prescribed for ascites, diarrhea, and as an anthelmintic.

Experts prescribe seed powder as a diaphoretic, diuretic, and laxative.

In Central Asia, an infusion of the leaves of this plant is used as an astringent.

An infusion of the fruit can be used to treat nervous disorders. The leaves of the plant are often added to a variety of blood purification preparations, as experts have discovered that they have a slight laxative effect on the body.

Tea made from ash leaves has a slight diuretic effect and is prescribed to treat diseased kidneys that cause water retention in the body. The kidneys are not irritated, but begin to work more actively.

It is recommended to collect leaves that have fully developed, but are still young. The leaves must be dried in a darkened room. If there is an artificial heat source in the room, you should not dry the leaves at temperatures above 40°C.


There are also contraindications. Since common ash may be considered poisonous, do not exceed the recommended dose for treatment.

  • Ash leaf tea is used to treat gout and rheumatism. It is prepared this way: take 1/4 liter cold water, pour 2 tsp. with the top of the leaves, heat to a boil and then boil for about 3 minutes. Then the resulting drink must be cooled and strained. You need to take 3 cups every day.
  • For the treatment of rheumatism and gout, it is recommended to extend the course of treatment to 14 days, drinking two cups of the medicinal drink per day. This tea also has a slight diuretic effect.
  • To ensure that the wound quickly heals with fresh cuts, ash bark is used. To do this, you need to take fresh tree bark and apply the juicy side to the wound. It is recommended to change the bark 2-3 times a day.