We will find out why a hard rape is dreamed of and discuss the opinion of the best dream books. Why dream of raping a girlfriend, wife, daughter? Why dream of an attempted rape

If you want to know why rape is dreaming, try to remember all the details of the dream and look into the dream book.

In order to get the correct explanation of the dream, you need to take into account who was the rapist, who was the victim, and how everyone felt. characters night dreams.

If someone tried to rape you

If you dreamed that they tried to rape you, then in reality you have big influence on people. But don't overuse it.

Illegal actions that you push a person to can turn against you. Therefore, experts recommend that you use your abilities for peaceful purposes.

  • In a dream, your partner tried to rape you - he listens to your opinion.
  • It was a stranger - you have authority.
  • I dreamed that you hit a rapist - to worries.

An attempted rape in the house dreams of harmony in the family. Your relationship with your family will be restored after a misunderstanding or quarrel. In this case, you do not have to make an effort, the situation will resolve itself.

If an attempted rape occurred on the street, then soon you will meet a person who will help you solve the accumulated problems. It can be both a man and a woman. The main thing is not to miss the opportunity and deal with troubles in time.

I dreamed that you were raped

Discomfort in a relationship with a spouse is what rape dreams of married woman. Perhaps you do not trust your chosen one enough, you are constantly jealous of him.

Or maybe you are missing something in the relationship, and you are embarrassed to tell him about it? In order to prevent ridiculous situations, you need to talk frankly with your partner.

  • Seeing your husband rape you is a romantic adventure.
  • You experienced pleasant feelings - for a joyful event.
  • In a dream, a relative raped you - to family troubles.

If in a dream you were raped in front of your husband, then expect uninvited guests. A dream about such a rape portends a visit from old acquaintances who can inadvertently blurt out too much in front of your spouse. Experts recommend calmly explaining to visitors that you cannot receive them or meet guests elsewhere.

And why dream of rape if it was done by a husband's friend? Most likely in real life you really like this person. But out of respect for his comrade, he will never admit it to you. Perhaps, at the subconscious level, he will look for a girl who looks like you.

The rapist is you

If in a dream you raped your friend, then in reality you are trying to impose your opinion on him. Do not forget that your friend is an adult, independent person who is able to make decisions on his own. And you can only harm him with your advice.

A dream where rape happened in front of people suggests that you firmly stand by your opinion and are not going to change it. And if in a dream you raped someone in a dark alley, then you are used to acting without considering the consequences of your actions.

Other dreams

The feeling of superiority over members of the opposite sex is what a man's rape dreams of. To see such an incident in a dream means to be sure that women rule the world. Be careful. With such a judgment, you risk being left alone.

The dream where the rape happened to a stranger, warns that your actions may harm you. If this happened before important interview or a deal, try to reconsider your behavior pattern. Perhaps you have chosen the wrong tactics to achieve your goal.

  • Seeing in a dream how your friends are being raped - to problems in their lives.
  • I dreamed that the victim was screaming - to the disclosure of secrets.
  • You enjoy what you see - to new sexual experiments.

According to the dream book, the rape that you learned about from the newspaper is dreaming of gossip behind your back. And to see a story about this crime on TV means to make cunning plans.

If you dreamed of rape, do not panic. Most often, such dreams are either harbingers of pleasant events, or a timely warning.

You must not miss the opportunity, and take advantage of the hint that fate itself gives you. Author: Vera Fractional

How good it is when you close your eyes at night, you plunge into the world of pleasant and relaxing dreams. And how terrible it is when you have nightmares all night long. On the one hand, you should not take all the information that came in a dream literally, on the other hand, you should listen to the interpretation of dreams. Why dream of rape? Worth sorting out.

Why dream of rape - the main interpretation

Such a picture in a dream as rape is a symbol of the fact that terrible things can happen to you in reality, you can become a victim of unforeseen circumstances and many temptations. Your honor and dignity may be humiliated, you may find yourself in such a difficult and sudden situation that you simply cannot get out of it on your own.

If you see that someone else has been raped in your dream before your eyes - then your friends will fall into a difficult life situation and they need your help. If you often see such dreams - they symbolize the fact that you will have to engage in an unequal battle with the enemy, you may be constantly under stress and constantly lack positive emotions.

Why dream of rape in an erotic dream book

AT erotic dream book it is said that an important aspect of dreaming is what environment you are in during sleep. Under what circumstances does this or that negative incident occur. If your lover raped you in a dream You are constantly under his pressure.

Even a dream in which you were raped by a stranger, says that there are a lot of problems and restrictions in your life and you can hardly cope with them. The people around you demand the almost impossible from you, so you should gather your strength and fight back the problems that have fallen on you. Such dreams are the last signal before the onset of a moral and physical crisis. Possible exacerbation of chronic diseases against the background of constant nervous tension.

If you yourself are a criminal in a dream- Precisely too demanding of others. You are constantly disappointed in people, and they feel it. You should learn to control your words and emotions. Nothing good will ever come of being unhappy. You will only push away those people who could be very useful to you. You should not defend your interests in the near future by putting pressure on others. This method will not bring the desired result.

Why dream of rape according to Loff's dream book

In Loff's dream book is presented psychological aspect possible causes dreaming of rape. He indicates that the person who had this dream is in a constant state of stress. At the same time, stress can and has been caused external factors influence, but the person himself feeds the negative situation.

You need to discard the option that you like to be a victim and your comfort zone is eternal suffering and tension. You should reconsider your relationship with your loved one, because such dreams may indicate that you have a tense situation in the family.

If you yourself feel that you are in stressful situation- you should analyze all the details of the dream, perhaps in them you will find the answer to the question, why did you still become a victim of circumstances, perhaps you yourself provoked an attack on you by a loved one? If the dream does not seem disturbing to you, but even evokes very positive emotions, then you really need some kind of psychological shake-up and then your business will go well.

If the perpetrator is a person you do not know, this does not mean at all that your family is the source of the problems. Such a dream already indicates that problems come from your environment. It could be a stressful situation at work, it could also be a stressful situation with friends, or it could just be their misunderstanding of your needs.

If the dream ends with your death- you will completely surrender to a specific case in order to achieve the highest result, but will you do the right thing? Perhaps you should reconsider your attitude to everything that happens, so as not to really perish morally. If you experience a breakdown after such a dream, it means that any little thing upsets you, and this is already a signal that you need total rest, otherwise you will constantly have nightmares.

Why dream of rape in an esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream book says why rape is dreaming - to the opportunity to get into a pretty difficult situation from which there is no way out. Also, such a dream may indicate that you are under the influence energy vampire, which literally drinks all the juices out of you.

By esoteric dream book such a dream may indicate the presence hidden threats from the outside. It can be a negative detrimental effect on a person that he simply cannot resist. A person is constantly attacked energetically and it is difficult for him to correct something in such a situation. In order for it to normalize, you should ask yourself where the negative comes from and when the situation worsened. The dream itself can answer these questions, because often the attacker explains to the victim the reasons for such an act.

Sometimes symbols appear in a dream that can be associated with a specific person. These are some signs from above that pave the way for him, which allow him to change his essence and the essence of the person who attacked him in a dream. It is important to carefully monitor everything that happens in a dream after rape.

If the attacker could not bring his plan to the end, you will simply become a victim of circumstances, but they will not be able to radically change the course of events in your life;

If the attacker cries after the deed - your close person need support;

If a third party intervenes in the situation, you can count on support from other people;

If you managed to escape - you can safely resolve all your problems and questions - nothing threatens you anymore.

Why dream of rape in other dream books

Miller's dream book says that rape can be dreamed of by those who are constantly in the process of soul-searching, knowing yourself. If a young girl sees a dream in which she was raped by a stranger, he can say that she really lacks a strong male shoulder and really needs support. If she does not receive it, she will lose herself.

She will be overcome by fears for own life, they are already visiting her, because in a dream she is ready to become a victim of circumstances. If a a girl will dream that her lover raped another- She is really afraid of betrayal. Don't beat yourself up like that and make your relationship hell. They should bring joy and happiness. And jealousy torments both and both partners do not receive due warmth and usefulness from the relationship.

The wanderer's dream book says that if a man has a dream about how he raped unknown woman - him internal conflict with your own ego. He chose the wrong path in life and is trying to adapt to the circumstances - it's time to stop doing this, otherwise you can lose everything that was accumulated and acquired by him earlier.

Also, such a dream can tell a man that his relationship with women is built mainly on a cold mercantile calculation, but he also needs to have feelings and emotions so that the connection does not bring negative emotions and did not disappoint. The dream book says that if you dreamed that you were a victim- you should pay more attention to loved ones, as they really need you. What to do? It is enough to give them a gift, to give Special attention, because it does not happen much and then your relationship with them will improve.

The dream book also says that if you dream that you yourself are acting as a rapist, you should remove some character traits and say goodbye to some habits in order to get the life you want. If you dream how you are trying to convince your attacker not to commit a crime- you will try in reality to resolve the conflict with little blood, but you will not succeed. Do not be upset if you had a dream about rape - he can tell you how to change yourself in order to get the desired result from life.

Did you see any violence? In a dream, this literally means that you have to commit an act that in a different situation would seem too low and unacceptable. The dream book will tell you very honestly what this dream action is dreaming of yet.

General interpretation

In general, violence in a dream is very significant symbol. The dream interpretation suspects that you are in a position in which you feel like a victim.

Did you dream of especially cruel actions? You are clearly losing energy and vitality. The same plot marks the penetration into the personal life of alien forces.

Hold on!

Why dream of bullying yourself most often? The dream book suggests that you will find yourself in an extremely unfavorable situation, possibly related to the distribution of some material wealth.

Sometimes seeing violence against yourself literally means that you are too biased towards others and put pressure on them.

What are you afraid of?

If in a dream you have to be regularly abused, then you are afraid of becoming a victim in reality. Perhaps there are good reasons for this.

A single vision in which it happened to experience mockery of oneself warns of injustice or exploitation.

What does Miller think?

Why dream of cruelty towards the dreamer? Miller's dream interpreter predicts some kind of limitation and anxiety for the future. Seeing a cruel attitude towards others can lead to the emergence of an insoluble problem that will aggravate an already difficult situation.


Why dream of violence with a stranger? In reality, you will shift part of the responsibility to others, but you yourself will suffer.

Had a dream that you personally mocked a person? Get ready for big changes.

Bullying involving animals in a dream is considered to be a fixation of a negative magical program, in other words, a curse or corruption.

Specific transcripts

For a more accurate interpretation, the dream book advises to establish the type of atrocity.

  • Murder - decline, participation in a crime.
  • Sexual intercourse - you should take a break from family and work.
  • Fighting is an internal struggle.
  • Abduction - everything will be decided without your participation.
  • Bandit attack - news of treason.
  • Moral humiliation is a great happiness.


Why dream of an attempt at violence? The dream interpretation is sure: you are shamelessly used or they will only try to do it.

An attempted rape also means that someone is asking too much of you. Had an attempt at moral pressure? Think about what you are willing to do.

Trouble or marriage?

Why dream of raping a close friend? The vision promises her big trouble. It is bad for a lonely girl to see violence in a dream. The dream book prophesies: in reality she will get into trouble, which will discredit her honor.

It seemed that a girl friend had sex against her will? In real life, you will encounter the stubborn behavior of spiteful critics and envious people.

Sometimes the interpretation of sleep is more positive. So sexual violence for an adult lady symbolizes the achievement of a goal, and for a young girl - a marriage of convenience.

Be careful!

Dreamed of child abuse? The dream book believes that you have to resolve the conflict by doing something against your will.

Why else is violence committed with a child in a dream? Seeing a similar plot can be a loss of self-respect and life force. In addition, you clearly perceive someone else's reality as your own.


Did you manage to avoid danger in a dream? The dream interpretation prophesies an increase in income and an increase in respect.

Had a dream about miraculously avoiding violence? In reality, you will be able to find a non-trivial way out of delicate circumstances.

Did you have to run away from a rapist at night? You literally run from problems, constantly postponing their solution. Did you have to run away from persecution in dreams? Be prepared for serious losses, especially if you are caught up.


What does the very threat of violence warn about in dreams? The dream interpretation believes that you will find out someone's secret, after which you will worry and suffer.

Did you dream of a serious threat to loved ones? In reality, you will fall into submission to a very bad person.

In a dream, did you have to fear for your own life? Such a plot is an omen of a severe and possibly incurable disease.

In a dream, those facets of personality that never appear in real life can become pronounced. Nowhere is this more noticeable than in the case of a dream in which there is violence. Violence may be justified or spontaneous, but it is always graphic. And it is so obvious that you have to understand - it is normal, although disturbing. Its presence only emphasizes another thought.

Violence can be a cost to heroic behavior, especially in rescue dreams. Terrorism in the news has contributed to our awareness that enemies may be among us. Dreams of abduction, escape, and protection are alternatives to this type of violence.

Violence can appear unexpectedly (suddenly you just crush some poor guy's head without any provocation on his part). As a rule, such dreams are associated with repressed ANGER, for example, in relation to representatives of the authorities. While the desire to be physically aggressive towards others is widespread, it should not be realized in life, and indeed it is very rarely realized. However, sleep allows you to "let off steam". If you REGULARLY see dreams of this nature, then perhaps you should arrange a meditation session with the object of your anger or somehow change the circumstances of your life.

If you are the aggressor, does violence scare you or make you feel powerful?

If you are a witness to violence, do you feel ambivalent or does the violence affect you in some way?

Interpretation of dreams from

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(for men) - completion of affairs; (for women) - achieving a goal in the personal.

Dream about violence

according to Loff's dream book

In a dream, those facets of personality that never appear in real life can become pronounced. Nowhere is this more noticeable than in the case of a dream in which there is violence. Violence may be justified or spontaneous, but it is always graphic. And it is so obvious that you have to understand - it is normal, although disturbing. Its presence only emphasizes another thought. Violence can be a cost to heroic behavior, especially in rescue dreams. Terrorism in the news has contributed to our awareness that enemies may be among us. Dreams of abduction, escape, and protection are alternatives to this type of violence. Violence can come out of the blue, all of a sudden you're just smashing some poor guy's head in without any provocation from him. As a rule, such dreams are associated with repressed anger, for example, in relation to government officials. While the desire to be physically aggressive towards others is widespread, it should not be realized in life, and indeed it is very rarely realized. However, sleep allows you to "let off steam". If you regularly see dreams of this nature, then perhaps you should arrange a meditation session with the object of your anger or somehow change the circumstances of your life. If you are the aggressor, does violence scare you or make you feel powerful? If you are a witness to violence, do you feel ambivalent or does the violence affect you in some way?

Dreamed of cruelty

according to Miller's dream book

To see in a dream the cruelty shown towards you predicts that you will be anxious and upset in business. If someone else was subjected to cruelty, it means that you will present your loved ones with some kind of unsolvable task, which will only increase the account of your losses.

Dreamed of rape

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that rape has befallen your friends means that you will be struck by grief that happened to one of your friends. If a girl dreams that she has become a victim of violence, it means that in real life a misfortune will happen to her that will offend her honor, and her lover will leave her.

Dream about rape

according to Loff's dream book

Dreams of rape are dreams of cruelty. You can play the role of attacker, victim or bystander. In dreams of this kind, your role and the feelings you have for others are key factors to understand the meaning of a dream. If you have recurring dreams in which you are the victim of rape, you need to determine if post-traumatic stress plays a role in your dreams. A single dream in which you are a victim of rape usually conveys a cruel, unfair or ruthlessly exploitative attitude towards you in real life. In dreams of this kind, the perpetrator is a person without a face. This is because people who are close enough to you to exploit you also remain close in other, more positive roles. The dream does not indicate actual aggression against you, but warns that you have fallen into submission to others. The role of the aggressor in a rape scene usually indicates an unresolved conflict or repressed anger towards someone. As in the case of the victim described above, the person being raped in the dream is often a faceless character. For example, if you hold back anger towards your boss, parent, teacher, or co-worker of the opposite sex, you may have a dream about being raped. The nature of the source of real-life repressed anger can help unravel the meaning of such a dream. The answer to the question why you have not yet given vent to the accumulated feeling can also help in unraveling it. A 25-year-old woman describes her dream: “Even before I began to live a full sexual life, I often had dreams in which there were bound men. I sexually abused them. Such harassment has always been carried out against their will. The violence came solely from me, and I was guided by my desire. The men were unfamiliar to me, sometimes I didn't even notice their faces. It is strange that such dreams came to me even before I knew what a sex life really was. ” The woman had an extremely difficult and turbulent relationship with her father. Although there were no attempts at incest or sexual harassment on his part, their relationship was not warm. According to the woman, their relationship with their father sometimes became especially aggravated and became bitter. But as they improved, the frequency of the rape dream decreased. The role of the observer of a rape scene is often unsettling, as you feel helpless because you cannot help the victim. Sometimes you intuitively feel the connection between the victim and the attacker. This may indicate hidden anger or your position as being exploited in real life. Observation is an attempt to disassociate from the trauma of what happened. This state of affairs allows a better understanding of the relationship between the attacker and the raped. Consequently, the psychological protection gained from indirect participation in the scene loses its power as the observer becomes aware of who is directly involved in the rape.

Dreamed of a victim

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself as a victim of some kind of intrigue predicts your depression of the spirit due to the fact that the enemies have taken over you. Your family relationships will also be tight. If in a dream you allow yourself threats and violence against others, then this portends that you will dishonestly amass wealth, your unlawful actions will cause bitter regret for your loved ones.

The meaning of the dream about the victim

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing yourself as a victim in a dream - your dream suggests that you perceive yourself as sexual relationship as a sacrifice. You don't tend to perceive intimate life as a peculiar way of your relationship with the opposite sex. It always seems to you that they meet with you only for the sake of it. Most likely, if you have a similar situation in your life, you should be considered the direct culprit. You yourself are to blame for the fact that the opposite sex sees in you only an object to satisfy their passions. Sacrificing someone in a dream - such a dream indicates that in real life you often sacrifice the interests of your other half, not quite rightly believing that they will understand you and be sure to forgive. In your actions there is not only no pattern, you are also unaware that it is simply impossible to do so in order not to lose this person.