Valentina Tereshkova lives in the Moscow region and is engaged in social and political activities in Russia. "That's it - my daughter deceived me." To the anniversary of Valentina Tereshkova: "The Seagull" made an error during a flight into space

How does the daughter of Valentina Tereshkova live - her biography, personal life and interesting information with a photo in our article. This year, the first female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova turned 80 years old. Within this significant date we devoted a number of articles not only to Valentina herself, but also to her only daughter.

Today we will talk about how her personal life developed, and also reveal a few secrets of her birth.

Elena Tereshkova: photo

Marriage Tereshkova and Nikolaev

Marriages are made in heaven. Or in space. In the case of Nikolaev and Tereshkova, everything was practically the same. The couple were astronauts.

Many believe that their marriage is not real. It's all about politics. The astronauts were supposed to be an example for their compatriots.
Valentina Tereshkova and Andrian Nikolaev at a wedding celebration

Accordingly, that in their personal lives they should have complete order. However, the spouses themselves do not think so. They really got married on their own initiative. As well as on their own initiative divorced.

The wedding of Tereshkova and Nikolaev took place in 1963. A year later, their daughter was born.

Elena Tereshkova in childhood with her parents

Valentina got married a second time. Her marriage lasted 20 years with her second husband. In 1999, her second husband Yuli Shaposhnikov died.

If not for the circumstances, Tereshkova would still be married. Unlike Andarian Julius, she loved more.

The secret of the birth of Tereshkova's daughter

The birth of a daughter in the "heavenly family" of Tereshkova and Nikolaev was accompanied by a wide variety of fictions. Naturally, parental glory is to blame for everything.

There were the most incredible rumors. As if the girl was born blind or deaf. Some said that she had 6 fingers on her hands. According to others, Tereshkova's daughter had 3 hands. Naturally, the cosmic loads of the parents were to blame for everything.
Elena as a child with her mother Valentina Tereshkova

Of course, the girl was born completely normal - without the pathologies described above. Although pregnancy for Tereshkova was really difficult. All childhood, Elena (as the star family called her daughter) was under the supervision of medical staff.

It is possible that health problems during pregnancy were really related to the flight, since Tereshkova did not endure it so easily - the woman was constantly sick. In addition, she had a general weakness.

Elena Andrianova Tereshkova

Elena's childhood and youth

Before revealing the secrets of the personal life of Valentina Tereshkova's daughter, let's delve into her biography. Friends and relatives of Tereshkova believe that she returned from space as a different person - she was struck by star disease. If not for Valentina's mother, little Lena would have been left to her own devices.

Tereshkova's daughter graduated from high school with excellent marks. After that, she entered medical school. After graduating from it, the girl devoted herself to work at CITO.

Elena Tereshkova now
After the divorce of her parents, the daughter of Valentina Tereshkova changed her last name. Initially, she was Nikolaev. After that, she took her mother's surname.

The first husband of Elena was the pilot Igor Mayorov. The lovers had a son, Alexei. However, the marriage with Mayorov did not last long. Soon she married pilot Andrei Rodionov. They had a son. He was named the same as his father - Andrei.

What did the ex-husband of Tereshkova's daughter say?

The biography and personal life of Valentina Tereshkova's daughter was often discussed in the press. Several interviews about life with Elena were given by her ex-husband. He says that the mother-daughter relationship was very difficult. Tereshkova paid no attention to Elena.

Elena Tereshkova with her mother Valentina Tereshkova, husband and sons

Igor says that Elena changed her last name only because her mother needed it. Although Tereshkova herself, the youngest, was afraid that her father would be very offended by her for this. And so it was. Of course, now the insult has already passed.

Elena's father Andrian told Igor that Tereshkova forbade him to communicate with his daughter. And only when Elena got married, they were finally able to reunite family ties.

The daughter of Valentina Tereshkova (biography, personal life and photos, see above) has gone through many-sided paths ...

Source -

Recall: “The Seagull” is the call sign of Valentina TERESHKOVA in orbit, and it was under this name that a simple Russian spinner entered the history of world cosmonautics. Recently, a scandal erupted in the family of Valentina Vladimirovna. Her daughter Elena treacherously left her husband, Igor MAYOROV. The deceived husband, offended, agreed to tell EG about some of the details of his drama. After his revelations, new and unexpected features appeared in the well-known image of Tereshkova. So, from this material you will learn:
* Than "The Seagull" annoyed her husband - cosmonaut Andriyan Nikolaev
* How Tereshkova dared her daughter's suitors
* Why Elena - the daughter of an astronaut - ran away from home
* How Valentina Vladimirovna blackmailed the matchmaker
* Why Tereshkova was not at her daughter's wedding
* What gifts does the second and beloved son-in-law receive from the "cosmic" mother-in-law


The news that "The Seagull" gave birth was accompanied by incredible rumors. It was said that the girl was born blind, deaf, with six fingers and three legs. And all, they say, because her father and mother experienced cosmic overload. They argued in vain. In July this year Elena turned 39. She is healthy and very similar to a handsome father. But her life was not going smoothly. Only the weightlessness experienced by the parents has nothing to do with it.
- While Elena was growing up, Valentina Vladimirovna headed the Committee Soviet women, - says the ex-husband of daughter Tereshkova. - My wife's mother succeeded in her work: they say she managed to convince the leaders of many states to make concessions Soviet government. But she did not know how to get along with her own daughter.

home tyrant

Until the age of 18, Lena was Nikolaeva, like her dad, Andriyan Grigorievich. But after the divorce of her parents, the daughter of the space couple wrote a statement to the police with a request to allow her to bear her mother's surname. Why the maturing girl had to abandon her father, who did not stop loving her even after parting with Tereshkova, one can only guess.

I did not want to offend my mother, - says Elena, trying to explain the act of 20 years ago. - Yes, and dad did not seem offended.
After a divorce from his wife, Nikolaev had a heart attack. Perhaps the forced break with his daughter also affected his health. He lost her for almost 10 years. The strip of alienation ended only when Lena got rid of the control of the "Seagull" by getting married.
- Shortly after the wedding in my apartment there was a phone call, - recalls Igor Mayorov, the ex-husband of Tereshkova's daughter. - Andriyan Grigoryevich introduced himself and asked permission to talk to his daughter. He complained that the ex-wife interfered with their meetings. Since then, Lena often visited her father.
For which Tereshkova took revenge on the abandoned Nikolaev, insisting on changing her daughter's surname, Elena never mentioned her husband. On what occasions the father and mother quarreled, she also does not want to discuss, but she admits: there was no mutual understanding in the family.
- Both are heroes Soviet Union, both are public busy people, each character is a leader. They didn’t know how to give in to each other, - she tries to justify her parents.

Little Alenka rarely saw her mother. She was raised by her grandmother - mother Tereshkova. Between the "Seagull" and the grown-up daughter, the abyss grew over the years. This annoyed the female astronaut with the character of the male commander.
At receptions in foreign embassies, smiling Valentina Vladimirovna strictly observed the rules good manners, and at home she relaxed and used to behave in a simple way.
- Once Alena came to me all in tears, - Igor Mayorov recalls the time when he was still courting future wife. - She complained: “Mother hit me in the face with such force that even the earrings flew out of my ears!”
But Valentina Vladimirovna also knew how to be affectionate. Without divorcing Nikolaev, she got along with Yuli Shaposhnikov, director of the Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics (CITO). This one, which lasted several years, secret connection caused a break with her first husband. And when talk of decay star family calmed down a little former lovers registered.
Elena has no reason to be offended by her stepfather. After graduating from medical school, she worked under his wing at CITO. Igor Mayorov remembers how his fiancee was taken on duty and home in a company car.

Nonsensical mother-in-law

Igor Mayorov lived with his daughter Tereshkova for seven years. And I saw my mother-in-law with my own eyes only three times, and then - before the wedding.
He met Lena and Valentina Vladimirovna on the same day.

One day friends unexpectedly came to my house, - says Igor. “They brought a pretty dark-haired girl with them. It was Lena. Later, the guys admitted that Tereshkova's daughter really asked them to introduce her to me. Near the entrance, our company was waiting for a black "Seagull" - the cosmonaut's service limousine. We drove to the Star. I realized that her undivided power reigned in the town. Imagine: especially for me in the middle of the night they opened the Museum of Cosmonautics. Then I was visiting famous family. Valentina Vladimirovna was at home and graciously received us.
Igor almost did not remember the second meeting: Lena needed to go to her mother at work, to the Committee of Soviet Women, and he accompanied her. But the third date was fatal.
“Valentina Vladimirovna invited Lena and me to the dacha without any special reason, no celebration and guests were expected,” recalls the former son-in-law. - I myself was driving, I didn’t know the road well, and we were late, only about 20 minutes. But as soon as we crossed the threshold of the house, Tereshkova attacked us with reproaches, splashing offensive words in high tones. I got excited and answered in the same spirit. And then he turned around and left.
Even before this unfortunate misunderstanding, Elena admitted to Igor that her mother did not like all her past suitors. "The Seagull" believed that the guys beat up the threshold of their house only because they want to intermarry with the first cosmonaut, enjoy the benefits of her family and make a career for themselves. Igor himself went to eligible suitors. His father - Alexei Mayorov - in those years headed the representative office of Aeroflot in Sweden, and before that he led the government air squadron and was the personal pilot of four general secretaries - Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko and Gorbachev. (We plan to publish an article about the famous pilot in the next issues. - Ed.) The Mayorov family did not live in poverty, so the guy was not interested in Tereshkova's money and benefits, and he could make a career without the help of Chaika. But due to an unfortunate oversight, Igor fell out of favor.

By that time, Elena had turned 26 - it would be time to get married. And the girl decided to run away from home. For several weeks she hid with Igor at the dachas of friends.
- Valentina Vladimirovna, in anger, called her father in Stockholm, - Igor recalls. - She was shouting something utter: I supposedly introduced Lena to drugs, robbed her apartment, and threatened to put me in jail. Well, how could I inject drugs or smoke weed if I flew as a co-pilot at Sheremetyevo? Yes, and Tereshkova hastily invented about theft, hoping to crush him with her authority. But my father was not timid. And instead of sending his daughter to her mother, he waved his hand and said: “Marry!”
The wedding of Lena and Igor was modest. We celebrated at the apartment. Total attendance
12 people. Valentina Vladimirovna was not invited.
Two years later, the Mayorovs had a son, Alyosha.
“Elena said that she would never show her grandson to her mother,” says Igor. - Valentina Vladimirovna also did not make any attempts to make peace with us. We did not receive any congratulations or gifts from her.
Meanwhile, the astronaut at work often met with her son-in-law's father - they had joint projects. But she had the courage not to be interested in her own daughter and grandson.

Husbands swap wives

In 1999, Lena fell in love and left her husband. Her chosen one was Igor's colleague - pilot Andrei Rodionov. Then, however, as now, Elena worked as a doctor at the Aeroflot Medical Center. Andrei regularly came to see her, during one of these visits they became close.

Once, three-year-old Alyosha asked his father:
- Dad, why, when you are on a business trip, does Uncle Andrey sleep in your place?
By that time, Igor already guessed that his wife was cheating on him.
- I'm tired of being my husband's nanny, - Elena explains the reason for the family discord. - Igor could have had a great career, but he did not strive for anything, he lived only on what his father achieved. And with Andrey, I felt that next to me was a real and loving man.
Deceived Igor, investigating the story new love Elena, met the abandoned wife of Andrei Rodionov. At first they became friends, and then began to live together.
“They decided to take revenge on us, and they are still taking revenge,” Elena chuckles.
Having left her husband, she did not allow Igor to see her son. He had to seek the right to communicate with the child through the courts. He was allowed to see Alyosha only 3 times a month and only in the presence of his mother.
- My ex-wife wants to erase the idea in her son's memory that it was she who destroyed the family, - Igor believes. - Even despite the court order, I hardly see Alyosha: Elena always finds excuses to refuse a date. She probably remembered how Valentina Vladimirovna successfully managed to excommunicate her from her father, and now her daughter is successfully applying the experience of her mother.

generous grandmother

Elena left her husband, taking a couple of suitcases. At first, they rented an apartment with Andrei. But lovers soon got tired of loitering without a roof over their heads. The daughter went to confess to her mother. So "The Seagull" saw her grandson for the first time. Alyosha was then in his fifth year.
“Elena’s lawyer told me that Tereshkova did not immediately forgive her daughter,” Mayorov says. - She felt sorry for her grandson, because the baby also experienced inconvenience, living where he had to. Valentina Vladimirovna ceded to Elena and her new husband her apartment in an elite building in Granatny Lane.
By that time, Tereshkova's second husband, Julius Shaposhnikov, had died. "The Seagull" was left all alone. And then the daughter returned, the grandson appeared, and life again filled with meaning. Valentina Vladimirovna did not have to crowd: the first cosmonaut had plenty of living space - in Zvezdny there was a four-room apartment and a solid cottage in the forest zone of the town. The only heiress of all real estate is Elena.
- With his first wife, Andrei lived in a three-room apartment on Sokol, - says Igor Mayorov. - At first, having left the family, he did not apply for this housing. But then he changed his mind. He said that he was leaving the living space behind him, and gave his abandoned wife 42 thousand dollars to buy an apartment. I, like Andrey, fly on a Boeing and know perfectly well how much pilots get. Believe me: you can’t save up for an apartment from my salary even in ten years! It remains to be assumed that the newly-minted son-in-law received an impressive sum of money from a generous mother-in-law.

There are other reasons to think that Andrei managed to win the favor of Elena's mother. After marrying the daughter of an astronaut, his career took off sharply. He was the commander of the Il-62. Usually the next step is the co-pilot of the Boeing. But Andrei immediately sat in the commander's chair of the highest class aircraft. The second son-in-law was grateful. He does not reread his mother-in-law and tries to help her in everything. They say that in winter Andrei Rodionov regularly clears the snow near Tereshkova's cottage.
Over the past year, according to Igor, Tereshkova twice took her grandson Alyosha abroad - to Malta and Spain. Where does the first cosmonaut get money - for an apartment, a mansion and tourist trips - to an ex-son-in-law and it's somehow inconvenient to ask. Valentina Vladimirovna in collaboration with commercial structures they didn't seem to notice. She still works at the Russian Center for International Scientific and cultural cooperation under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. And, according to her daughter, she lives modestly, on a salary and a pension. What benefits are due to the mother, as the first cosmonaut, Elena could not remember, saying that they were not significant. Peter, own son Yulia Shaposhnikova, assures that her father was not engaged in business, but devoted himself entirely to science.

Instead of an epilogue

Elena, four years after the divorce, did not abandon the surname of her first husband, she is still Mayorova and is in no hurry to become Rodionova. From the apartment of the former spouse is not yet discharged. Igor believes that someday she may raise the issue of the division of property. And there is something to share in the Mayorov family. Elena said that ex-husband four apartments, at least three cars, a couple of cottages and a huge bank account. She is also sure that the ex-husband splashes out to the press about her mother's money is not at all accidental. He wants to forestall some possible property process. If the spouses do not amicably agree, then it is possible that the legend of the "Seagull" will acquire new details.

By the way

On the eve of the 40th anniversary of her first flight, Valentina Tereshkova denied rumors that her first marriage to cosmonaut Andrian Nikolaev took place on the "order" of the Politburo. But she confirmed that Leonid Brezhnev personally gave her permission to divorce.

From the dossier

Tereshkova Valentina Vladimirovna 10th cosmonaut in the world, 6th cosmonaut in the USSR - born March 6, 1937
March 12, 1962 - enlisted in the cosmonaut corps
June 16, 1963 - flew into space on the ship "Vostok-6"
November 3, 1963 - married cosmonaut Andriyan Nikolaev
June 8, 1964 - gave birth to a daughter, Elena
In 1979 she joined civil marriage with Yuly Shaposhnikov
In 1982, she divorced Andriyan Nikolaev


The world's first female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova never told anyone about her marriage. Exactly thirty-eight years ago, she became the wife of the cosmonaut, no less legendary than herself, Andrian Nikolaev. They lived together not so long - eight years. Their marriage is shrouded in mystery to this day. So what are they talking about former spouses? We have collected together everything that is known about this.


It was not Valentina Tereshkova who was supposed to fly into space, but her friend from the flying club Tatyana Morozycheva, who had much more parachute jumps. But at the medical examination, it suddenly turned out that Tanya was expecting a baby. They say that soon, never recovering from the shock, this woman drank herself.

When 26-year-old Valentina landed safely after her flight, for many, feelings of resentment and envy were replaced by pity. Tereshkova did not endure space travel well. Those seventy hours were a living hell for her. Almost all the time, Valentina was continuously sick and vomited. But she tried to hold on - reports were sent to Earth: “I am“ The Seagull ”. The flight is going well." And during the ejection, Tereshkova hit her head on the helmet - she landed with a huge bruise on her cheek and temple. Valentina was almost unconscious. She was urgently transferred to a hospital in Moscow. Only in the evening, the luminaries of domestic medicine reported that Tereshkova's life and health were out of danger. The next day, they urgently made a staged shooting for a newsreel: Tereshkova was put into the camera, they filmed extras running towards him. Then one of them opened the lid of the apparatus. Tereshkova sat inside, cheerful and smiling. These shots have spread all over the world.

The Seagull returned from space as a female symbol. They begin to imitate her - the ladies ask at the hairdressers to get a haircut, like Tereshkova's. appear on the shelves wrist watch"Gull". She is invited to the Kremlin - they kiss the hand. Public organizations all over the world want to see her as their honorary member. Her jacket, in addition to the star of the Hero, is decorated with two Orders of Lenin, the Order October revolution, Red Banner of Labor and Friendship of Peoples. She is the hero of the republics of Bulgaria and Mongolia. Tereshkova becomes a woman legend. She is awarded the rank of general (she is still the only one in Russian army female general). One of the craters on the moon is named after her.

Everyone who knew her said that "from there" Tereshkova returned as a completely different person. Her fellow countrymen were especially amazed at the "star fever". She arrived in her native Yaroslavl a month after the flight. A rally was organized at the plant. The townspeople were waiting at the gate when the famous cosmonaut, after meeting with the weavers, would come out to them. And Tereshkova was taken to the pier by the back door to the boat. The people were left with a nose. After that, a meeting with fellow countrymen was to take place at the stadium. And again, people were waiting for the heroine, getting ready, dressing up. They came and saw nothing.

“Then we met with her,” says Romanov, chief power engineer at the Krasny Perekop textile mill. But she couldn't be herself anymore. Maintained a different image. All the time with a retinue that never let her go for a minute. Secretaries of regional committees, city committees ... She seemed to ask, as before, “How are you?”, And the tone is different. More and more high phrases. We learned about her life only from newspapers.


Five months after the flight - on November 3, 1963 - Tereshkova, unexpectedly for many, married cosmonaut Andrian Nikolaev. No one could understand why this particular man became her husband. It was rumored that she was in love with Gagarin, but he was already married. Yaroslavl residents recalled that she seemed to have some kind of fiancé, but who is he, where and what happened to him? One newspaper named the name of Robert Silin, with whom Valentina worked at the flying club and whom she allegedly planned to marry. However, the journalists failed to find this person.

“Close relationships, as is customary today, were rare then,” says Romanov. - Although, of course, she was looked after. She was friends with Valentin Aristov. We went to the cinema, to the theater, walked in the evenings, probably kissed. And they did not hide their relationship.

For many, the only explanation for this marriage, unexpected for everyone, was that Khrushchev himself betrothed them.
He was pushed to this by medical scientists who wanted to continue the studies of the human body begun in space during and after the flight. In addition, the head of state wanted to show the whole world what “correct” Soviet people- and do what is necessary, and marry whom it is necessary. Indeed, such star couple was nowhere in the world. Nikolaev at that time was the only one who spent the longest time in space - four days. He is the first who was allowed to get rid of the chair and go into "free swimming". In addition, he was the only single man in the astronaut team.

True, there were those who completely denied the version of the marriage, calculated by Khrushchev. The third female cosmonaut, Elena Kondakova, said: “The members of the first detachment were such privileged people that Nikita Sergeevich himself listened to them. And if Valentina Vladimirovna had said “no”, no Central Committee of the CPSU could have forced it.”

- Yes, Khrushchev was zero, he did not decide anything! - Andrian Nikolaev himself said in one interview. On the contrary, he ruined our wedding. I wanted to spend it in the House of Officers of the Moscow Garrison, ordered a table for 300 seats, and Khrushchev said that the wedding would be in the Government Reception House.
And there could only accommodate 200 people. We asked a hundred friends and relatives to wait for us in Star City. And as soon as Khrushchev and his wife left the wedding, we immediately fled to Zvezdny.

A year later, Valentina and Andrian had a daughter. There is an opinion that the girl was born premature and deaf. However, other than strabismus, no other external factors,
pointing to her illness, no one noticed. Elena graduated from high school with honors, medical institute. Now she is married, she has a son, Alyosha, who tells everyone that his grandfather and grandmother flew on a rocket. The daughter does not say anything about the marriage of mother and father, or about the subsequent divorce. It is possible that Tereshkova has not revealed all the nuances to her so far.


The divorce of a star couple shocked many no less than a wedding. I must say that at the same time it was not easy for them themselves - family quarrels in the detachment of astronauts then dismantled numerous commissions. However, the divorce was not a surprise for everyone. When the Tereshkova and Nikolaev family first appeared, there were those who understood that this would not be for long. On November 10, 1963, General Nikolai Kamanin, who was well versed in people, wrote in his diary: “Yesterday, at the airfield, Valya and Andrian smiled and outwardly were quite pleased with each other .... For politics and science, their marriage may be useful, but I'm not at all sure that Valya really loves Andrian. They are too different: she is fire, and he is water. Both are strong strong-willed people, none of them will voluntarily submit to the other ... Nikolaev will gain more from this marriage, and Tereshkova can only lose.

Andrian Grigoryevich himself, in his first book “Meet me in orbit”, published in 1966, gently and warmly writes about his wife: “We are happy. We found each other, as the most cherished in life. We were related by common views on life, common work, common goals and, as Valya said, one river. Both of us are from the Volga ... "And already in his second book," Space is a road without end ", published in the 79th, about Tereshkova - briefly and dryly.


In the early 80s, Valentina Tereshkova met Yuli Germanovich Shaposhnikov, head of the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. They said he quit because of her old family. He died of cancer a few years ago. "Humble and hard worker" - so he was characterized. Yes, and Valentina Vladimirovna spoke warmly about her second husband.

Unfortunately, the first female cosmonaut had almost no truly close people. Dearly loved by her younger brother Volodya, who worked as a cameraman at Zvezdny, died a few years ago. Mom is long gone. For a very long time, Valentina Vladimirovna searched for the grave of her father, who died on the Karelian Isthmus. Thanks to one of the marshals of the Ministry of Defense, who allocated funds for flying around the area, she found a mass grave overgrown with forest. She erected a monument and regularly visits there.

They say that now Tereshkova's retinue is much smaller. She is always modestly dressed, just as hardworking. Somehow she had visiting school teachers. They said: I got up at six in the morning, cooked millet porridge, fed everyone ... Tereshkova did a lot for Yaroslavl, helps people. In 1996, the director of the school where Valentina Vladimirovna studied became seriously ill. Needed an operation. Thanks to Tereshkova, they did it in Moscow for free.

The government of the USSR and Russia never ignored the first female cosmonaut. She has always been in state and public work. Tereshkova has huge connections, thanks to which, they say, she became a general at the last moment before retiring. Although, to be honest, very little is known about this side of her life.


Zvezdny is a small town. Here everyone knows about everyone. Especially about celebrities. The women of Zvezdny speak of Nikolaev as an exemplary host - thorough, managerial and "correct", and they usually add "too correct". One of his neighbors told with admiration that Andrian Grigoryevich's house was perfectly clean, not a speck of dust. And then she added in surprise: “And this despite the fact that I have never seen a woman help him with the housework!”

Since the beginning of the 60s, Nikolaev regularly receives letters from women who would like to connect their lives with him. Especially often such messages began to come after the first notes were published in the press that she and Tereshkova live apart. Letters are coming in now. But what about - he is still handsome, fit, although he has already overcome the seventy-year milestone, besides, he is a general, twice a Hero ...

- In order to get married good friend find, - Andrian Grigoryevich considers. - And where can you find a woman friend now ?! I never found it! I understood that many were not interested in me, but in my position - I am an experienced person, I see people.

Rumors that after the divorce he began to take a glass, he completely denies: “Yes, I never drank! This one newspaper wrote that the pilot-cosmonaut Nikolaev is a completely drunk person. I sued her and won. Now he must receive money for moral damage.


On the official website of the Center for International Scientific and Cultural Cooperation under the Government of the Russian Federation, headed by Valentina Tereshkova, it is written: "We are open to interaction and cooperation." Unfortunately, this does not apply to the personal life of the first female astronaut.

Nikolaev himself is silent about his marriage to Tereshkova. It seems that the former spouses entered into a non-disclosure agreement on the facts of their family life. And if this is so, then it is worth respecting a man who has not stooped to the description of "kitchen" scenes. Although, no doubt, he would have made decent money on his memoirs.


The second "orbital pair" was Valery Ryumin, Deputy General Designer of RSC Energia, who has now flown into space four times, and cosmonaut Yelena Kondakova, who has been in orbit twice. For Ryumin, marriage to Kondakova is the second. From his first marriage he has a son and a daughter, from the second - a daughter. Today there is only one married couple in the American astronaut corps - Margaret Seddon and Robert Gibson. They have been together for several years. But another married couple, Ronald Sega and Bonnie Dunbar, divorced last year. They didn't have children. There was another space family in NASA - Judith Resnick and Richard Mullane. In 1984, the couple even flew together on a shuttle. Moreover, Judith was the second American woman to have been in space. But two years later, in 1986, during the second flight, Reznik died - the "shuttle" exploded a few seconds after the rocket left the Earth.

Russia was and remains the first in everything. We went into space first. Yuri Gagarin became the first space hero.

However, he was not the only one who was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In addition to Gagarin, into space in different time about 10 astronauts were sent. Among them was Valentina Tereshkova, the first female cosmonaut.

Valentina Tereshkova

In this article we will talk about who Valentina Tereshkova really is - what is interesting in her biography and personal life for our contemporaries.

Valentina Tereshkova was born in Yaroslavl region March 6, 1937 Its history began in a small village, which is difficult to see on the map of Russia (formerly the USSR). Her parents are from Belarus. None of them even thought that their daughter would become the first woman in the USSR to go into space.

Tereshkova's mother worked at a textile factory. Father was a tractor driver. Unfortunately, the Tereshkova family managed to live happily for a short time. Valentina's father died in the Soviet-Finnish war. Naturally, this was a great loss for the family.

Valentina Tereshkova in childhood and adolescence

It's not just that they lost a loved one. There was one less breadwinner in the family. The mother had to work even harder to at least provide her family with everything necessary.

In 1945, Tereshkova went to school in Yaroslavl. Then no one knew about Valentina Tereshkova. The school now bears her name. Students know Valentina's biography inside and out. Personal life Soviet star students are of little interest. Her cosmic feat is important to them.

Valya was a diligent student. She did not want to upset her mother, so she received exceptionally high marks. In addition to studying, Tereshkova was engaged in playing the dombra. Vali had a good ear for music. It is possible that if Tereshkova had not become an astronaut, she would have connected her life with music.

After 7 years of schooling, Tereshkova went to work. She wanted to help her family financially, so she got a job at the Yaroslavl tire factory. Despite wanting to support his family, young girl did not drop out of school. She went to school in the evening.

Valentina Tereshkova went in for parachuting

Just at this time, Valentina was carried away parachuting. She attended the local flying club. Tereshkova was a fearless girl. Unlike her "colleagues" in the club, jumping was very easy for her.

It was parachuting that became a landmark in the biography of Valentina Tereshkova. At that time, a set of female paratroopers with certain parameters was announced, one of which was supposed to fly into space.

Who else but Tereshkova could still go into space?

Of course, Valentina Tereshkova was not the only contender for the title of the first Soviet woman cosmonaut. Besides her, there were 3 other girls. Why was Tereshkova chosen? One of the reasons is her impeccable biography and personal life. The second reason is that she really was the best prepared.

Let's remember who could go along with Tereshkova to surf the galaxy. Among them were Valentina Ponomareva, Tatyana Kuznetsova, Irina Solovieva, Zhanna Erkina. Each of them dreamed of becoming the first.

Irina Solovieva, Tatyana Kuznetsova, Zhanna Yorkina, Valentina Ponomareva, Valentina Tereshkova and Sergei Korolev

Khrushchev had the final say. It was he who decided which of the girls would become the first astronaut. Perhaps, in addition to the reasons we have listed above, why they chose her, there were some others. However, nothing is known about them. Only Tereshkova knows why she went into space, and not someone else. Especially since all the girls-candidates deserved it.

Valentina Tereshkov in her youth

How was the fate of the other girls?

Two of the girls never went into space. However, this did not stop them from arranging their lives. in the best way. Ponomareva became an aviation colonel. She defended her dissertation and now works at the Institute of the History of Natural Science and Technology.

Valentina Tereshkova in training

Solovyov, like Ponomareva, Ph.D. She works at the astronaut training test center. Solovieva also took part in Antarctic and Arctic expeditions. The famous women's team "Metelitsa" became native to her.

After the flight, the foreign press nicknamed Valentina Tereshkova "Miss Universe". From a girl unknown to anyone, she became real star cosmic scale. Now the journalists wanted to know everything about her: her biography, something from the personal life of the astronaut.

For Valentina, June 16, 1963 was a decisive day. She ended up in orbit under the call sign "Seagull". Before Tereshkova, only 10 people made a space trip around the earth.

Valentina Tereshkova getting ready for space flight

For 3 days, while Tereshkova was outside our planet, journalists learned more and more about her. She returned to earth as the most famous girl in the Soviet Union. She was solemnly welcomed at the airport. Tereshkova walked the red carpet and was nominated for awards. She became the only female general in Russia.

The authorities in every possible way supported the myth that a man from outer space is returning as if from a resort. Naturally, being at that time in aircraft, it was difficult to talk about any comfort. However Soviet citizens had to believe that the flight for astronauts is like something taken for granted.

Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova

Interesting facts from Tereshkova's flight

How do you imagine the aircraft of that time? It is now that astronauts use laptops, read newspapers and have fun in flight. In the 60s, at least minimal comfort could only be dreamed of.

The astronaut must spend all the time in flight lying down. He was unable to walk or move anywhere. Agree, lying for 3 days in one position is not an easy task. Moreover, for some it is simply not feasible. Only not for Tereshkova and other male cosmonauts who had already flown into space before her.

Valentina Tereshkova in space

It is known that Yuri Gagarin, returning from his first flight, could not recover for several days in a row. The man forgot his name, date and constructor's name aircraft. Gagarin is one of those people who has always been cheerful and energetic. However, after returning from space, Yuri was melancholy for several days in a row. Even if a man strong in both body and spirit behaves like this after a flight, then what could be said about a woman, even if not as fragile as others.

Now that Valentina Tereshkova's fame has subsided a little and only a few are still interested in her biography and personal life, she is ready to tell how the flight actually went.

Initially, they wanted to send the girl into space in a brand new lieutenant uniform. Later, Tereshkova was sent to change clothes. The authorities decided that the "militarist note" is useless here.

The start of the flight was, surprisingly, successful. But what happened next, only Tereshkova and the leaders of the launch knew. It turns out that an inaccuracy was made in the automatic program of the aircraft.

Valentina Tereshkova and Yuri Gagarin

You can't call it insignificant. The mistake was so serious that the girl could simply not return to earth. The flying ship was oriented so that instead of descending, it raised the orbit. It turns out that Tereshkova did not approach the Earth, but moved away from it.

Naturally, Tereshkova immediately reported this problem to the Queen. The day after the flight, the system was fixed. Gradually the ship adjusted to the correct course.

Nobody knew about this error for several decades. Valentina Tereshkova decided to talk about this only when such information began to penetrate the press without her knowledge.

Tereshkova's personal life

Some time ago, information “walked” on the Internet that Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova was unhappy in her personal life. As if Khrushchev changed her biography, who married her to Valya's first husband, Andriyan Nikolaev. Actually, it's all fiction.

Valentina Tereshkova with her first husband Andrian Nikolaev

Tereshkova's first husband began courting her even before the flight. Andrian was 10 years older than Valentina. It is possible that this is one of the reasons why they broke up. The lovers got married 5 months after Tereshkova's flight.

Some of Valentina's acquaintances believed that their marriage would really only be good for politics or science. After all, the lovers were completely different. Valentine is fire. Andrian - water. Both Tereshkova and Nikolaev were strong-willed people. Giving in to another is an incomprehensible task for them. Many have noticed this.

The marriage of Tereshkova and Nikolaev lasted 19 years. A year after the wedding, they had a daughter.

Valentina was constantly traveling around the country. Her husband at that time was preparing for a new flight (Nikolaev was also an astronaut).

Tereshkova has repeatedly admitted in her circle of relatives that her first husband is a real despot. It is possible that last years life together they were only together for their daughter. The couple broke up when she was 18 years old.

Valentina Tereshkova with her husband and daughter

Tereshkova and Nikolaev stopped appearing together in 1979. At that time, to get a divorce meant that the career of astronauts would have to end. This is especially true for Nikolaev. Moreover, some astronauts were indeed suspended from work due to divorces. It could also have a detrimental effect on Valentina. At that time she was the chairman of the Committee of Soviet Women.

According to some reports, Brezhnev played one of the main roles in the biography of Valentina Tereshkova. It was he who decided the issue of divorce. It was lucky that Valya had only one daughter from the children. Plus, at the time of the divorce, she was already an adult.

Tereshkova's second husband

The second marriage for Tereshkova was happier. They met in 1978. Tereshkova hoped to fly into space again. For this, she underwent a medical examination. Her second husband, Julius Shaposhnikov, was one of the members of the medical commission who passed the verdict on the astronauts.

Valentina Tereshkova and Julius Shaposhnikov

Relatives and friends of Tereshkova say that it was immediately obvious from Valentina and Julia that they were in love with each other. The couple had no children. But that didn't stop them from being happy. Look at the photo. Here Valentina is depicted with her second husband.

Valentina Tereshkova: photo

Tereshkova lived with her second husband for 20 years. It is possible that they would be together to this day. However, in 1999 Julius died.

What is Tereshkova doing now?

After learning about the biography of Valentina Tereshkova, her personal life and children, readers will be interested to know what the former cosmonaut is doing now.

Valentina Tereshkova now

This year, Valentina celebrated her 80th birthday. She is currently a member of the State Duma. Tereshkova is trying to do everything and even a little more for her native region - the Yaroslavl region.

Valentina Tereshkova recently turned 80.

The attitude towards the first woman-cosmonaut is ambiguous.
It is believed that since she was launched into space only to prove the equality of men and women in the USSR, then her flight was somehow fake. They talked a lot about the fact that another girl was supposed to fly instead of her, but she became pregnant and could not. It was said that in space Tereshkova panicked and was unable to complete the program. They also rested on the fact that she was sick in space. And what do they care?
For some reason, they didn’t say anything like that about male astronauts, and since a woman, so every bast in a line. By the way, Tereshkova is the only woman in the world who has made a space flight alone.

This photo was taken no earlier than 1967. On it, together with Brezhnev and Tereshkova, cosmonaut Valery Bykovsky - he made his first flight at the same time as Tereshkova (he flew a day earlier on Vostok-5).

After the flight, Tereshkova became an important person and for the rest of her life she was a deputy of the Supreme Council, and then State Duma.

An interesting moment in her biography was her marriage to cosmonaut No. 3 Andrian Nikolaev. In marriage, the astronauts had a daughter.
From the very beginning, this marriage seemed unequal: an equal marriage for the first female cosmonaut would have been marriage with the first male cosmonaut, that is, with Gagarin, but he was already married.

On November 10, 1963, General Nikolai Kamanin wrote in his diary: “Yesterday at the airfield, Valya and Andrian smiled and outwardly were quite pleased with each other .... For politics and science, their marriage may be useful, but I’m not at all sure that Valya really loves Andrian. They are too different: she is fire, and he is water. Both are strong, strong-willed people, neither of them will voluntarily submit to the other ... Nikolaev will gain more from this marriage, and Tereshkova can only lose " .
Andrian Grigoryevich himself, in his first book "Meet Me in Orbit", published in 1966, gently and warmly writes about his wife: "We are happy. We found each other, as the most cherished in life. work, common goals and, as Valya said, one river. Both of us are from the Volga ... "And already in his second book "Space is a road without end", published in 79, Tereshkova is short and dry.
They lived together for 8 years, and then parted, although they officially divorced only in the 80s.

On the occasion of the anniversary Tereshkova showed her daughter. She is very similar to Nikolaev. But for some reason, her last name is no longer Nikolaeva-Tereshkova, as they were at birth, but simply Tereshkova. It's strange somehow.

In the early 80s, Valentina Tereshkova met Yuli Germanovich Shaposhnikov, head of the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. They lived together until his death in 1999.

And Nikolaev never married again. The women of Zvezdny spoke of Nikolaev as an exemplary host - thorough, managerial and "correct", and they usually added "too correct". One of his neighbors told with admiration that Andrian Grigoryevich's house was perfectly clean, not a speck of dust. And then she added in surprise: "And this despite the fact that I have never seen a woman help him with the housework!"

Rumors that after the divorce he began to take a drink, Nikolaev completely denied: “Yes, I never drank! It was one newspaper that wrote that the pilot-cosmonaut Nikolaev was a completely drunk person. I sued her and won.”

When Nikolaev died, he was buried in Chuvashia.
"The Chuvash people deeply mourn the untimely death," Nikolai Fyodorov, President of Chuvashia, wrote in his obituary. "Andriyan Grigoryevich was and remains the pride of Chuvashia."

And that's right. By nationality, Nikolaev was a Chuvash, born in Chuvashia. He was a deputy from Chuvashia. He was highly respected there.

But it is unlikely that Nikolaev could have imagined what kind of battles his death would cause.
In July 2004, he came to his native Cheboksary to judge the All-Russian Rural sport games, but right at the banquet he became ill. Cosmonaut No3 was taken to the hospital, but it was already impossible to do anything.

2 weeks before that, the astronaut had a grandson. It was a child from the second marriage of Nikolaev's daughter.

Grandchildren Andrey and Alexey, Valentina Vladimirovna, daughter Elena and son-in-law Andrey Rodionov

Between the daughter of Nikolaev and the president of Chuvashia, there was a dispute about where the astronaut's grave should be.

President Fedorov claims (and directly refers to this in his order on organizing the funeral) that Andriyan Nikolaev asked to be buried in his homeland - in the village of Shorshely.
However, he did not leave a written will. And Elena Nikolaeva-Tereshkova categorically refutes this. According to her, literally two weeks before his death, Andriyan Grigoryevich told his driver's wife that he would like to lie in the cemetery in Leonikh - near Star City - along with other astronauts.
But they buried him all the same in Chuvashia, and his daughter did not come to the funeral. Many cosmonauts also could not say goodbye to their colleague - they expected that the funeral would take place in Moscow.
On the other hand, Shorshely is only 35 kilometers from Cheboksary. They are connected by a magnificent road. And he was not buried in a rural cemetery, as they sometimes write now - there is a magnificent memorial complex with a museum.

The first time Elena got married against the will of her mother, and they did not even communicate for some time. But now they have reconciled. Tereshkova helps her second son-in-law in her career.

Valentina Tereshkova looks good in her 80s. And she has more dreams.
In 2013, at a press conference in Star City, which was dedicated to the 50th anniversary of her space flight on the Vostok-6 spacecraft, she said: "Mars is my favorite planet. Of course, it's a dream to visit Mars, to find out if there was life there. If there was, then why didn't it exist? What catastrophe happened to this planet? Probably, specialists are working on this problem, a ship is needed. Most likely, the first flights to Mars will be in one direction, I think so. But I’m ready to fly” (then there was talk that such an expedition could be arranged). amazing woman! Romance still lives in her soul.

It is a pity that this is hardly possible to implement. And in fact, to see Mars and die - everything is better than in a hospital.
But I think Tereshkova will meet more than one high-profile anniversary.