Are shrimps found in the Black Sea. Shrimps and crabs in the black sea. Where crustaceans are caught in Russia

Sea delicacy - shrimp. One of the most valuable products that the sea gives us. They don't write odes about shrimp. They contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients, support normal hormonal background contribute to normal growth and development, enhance immunity. They are used in dietetics and even in the treatment of cancer.

Where do they live?

Decapod crustaceans live practically in the seas of the whole world, and some have mastered fresh water for living. Some adult shrimp reach three centimeters in size, but there are those that reach seven centimeters.

A large number of shrimps inhabit the shores of Japan, China, India, and Southeast Asia. They are warm-blooded and cold-blooded, the first individuals are always large sizes and they are caught in the waters of Thailand, Brazil, China. Cold-blooded shrimp are smaller, live in the northern seas, and are considered to be tastier than warm-blooded ones.

The most convenient place for breeding decapods is the Pacific Ocean, here they have all the conditions for life, so the islands of Somalia, Latin America, Brazil, Ecuador are famous for their large and tasty shrimp.

Here, deep-sea mining is carried out on an industrial scale. Here the extraction passes immediately heat treatment and freezing, it is believed that the quality of these marine animals is higher.

Belgium is famous for the old way of catching crustaceans. They attract tourists with nets, baskets and with the help of horses.

And in Russia, shrimp can be caught on Far East, here the shores delight with almost a hundred species of shrimp. Two species live in the Black Sea, one lives on sandy soil, at the bottom, where there are small pebbles, the second on rocky areas, near rocky shores.

One of the most delicious is the shrimp caught in the Sea of ​​Azov. The Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the waters of the Transcaucasus and even the Amur River are rich in this pure protein, which is small in size, but tasty.

It is necessary to catch shrimps at night or in the evening, you can set traps in advance so that you can harvest in the morning. The habitat of these crustaceans is at a depth of six hundred centimeters to one and a half meters, where there is a large accumulation of algae so that it can hide from danger.

Be sure to have information about the ebb and flow of your reservoir. The most convenient time for fishing is low tide, hours are evening or night.

"Handy" tools for catching shrimp

You can catch shrimp different ways. The most commonly used trawl or.

A metal semicircle, a rectangle, most often made of aluminum, to which a 3 or 4 meter bag with small cells is attached, like a fishing net, is called a trawl.

There are two types of trawls - mid-water and bottom trawls. 4 long ropes are tied to the trawl, for which you need to pull so that this device moves behind you along the bottom of the reservoir.

The net must have a long, strong handle and a bag with a very small cell, if the cells are not small, then the shrimp will simply slip out of the net. The net must be large enough in diameter.

And you can make a trap for catching shrimp. To do this, take a small mesh and sew it in the shape of a pipe, pass a piece of galvanized wire inside the nylon pipe. Since it is in the form of a spiral, it will keep the rings trapped.

It will be enough two or three turns inside and one outside. The first and last ring is fixed, and an even circle is obtained. Now you can sew a small pipe to the other end of the wide pipe, and the edges of the wide pipe need to be attached to the outer rings.

You also need a flashlight to catch this delicacy, because any small mollusk tends to light in the dark.

Clam fishing rules

Ostdenkerk - a place where shrimp are caught on horseback

The trawl catches shrimps either in the coastal zone or on a deserted coast, in places where there is a lot of algae. They pull the trawl against the current, being waist-deep in a pond. When the current changes, the trawl is moved so that it again stands against the current. In this way it is possible to short term catch a lot of shrimp.

It is easier with a net, you need to enter the water, go around all the stones and drive the net around them. You can catch shrimp like that, but not very much. But if you walk along the shore with the same net in the evening or at night, and even with a flashlight, then the result will please the night hunter.

And homemade traps are tied together and thrown into the pond.

An interesting way to catch black marine fish tins.

They catch shrimp in two ways:

  1. One, "old as the world" with a sealed lantern that runs on LEDs.
  2. Another original one is that in the morning they release a net with small meshes with a piece of missing meat from a boat near the high rocky shores. Literally in half an hour they have a great catch.
How to increase the catch of fish?

For 7 years of active passion for fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Biting activator. This pheromone additive lures fish the most in cold and warm water. Discussion of the Hungry Fish bite activator.
  2. Raise gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for the particular type of tackle.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

Reminder about catching a decapod crustacean

You can catch a mollusk from any place convenient for you - from a boat, from a pier, from the shore, the main condition is that the radius of your net is equal to the depth of the place where you are fishing. Give the net time to sink to the bottom and begin to pull it out with a rope.

When pulling the net, the rope will tighten, taking the shrimp with it. Pull it out and keep in mind that in addition to shrimp, you will find some other seafood there in the form of mud, sand and silt.

In the absence of a trawl, net or net, you can use elementary gauze, which is sold in a pharmacy. Fold it in several layers, tie some kind of load on the two ends, lower it to the bottom, next to the shore. Walk parallel to the shore and pull your new "net" along with you for several tens of meters. Then take it out and enjoy the catch.

Season for catching decapods

But you can’t hunt shrimp all year round; during the spawning period, catching them is prohibited. This period is from June 1st to August 31st.

In some places it is forbidden to catch shrimp with a trawl, but it is possible with a trap. Sakhalin fishermen could catch shrimp in the summer without any restrictions.

In the Black Sea, it was forbidden to catch mollusks, or rather, one person can catch no more than five kilograms. The government also banned shrimp fishing in the Crimean peninsula. Employees of the Eastern Black Sea Guard carried out daily raids along the coast.

In the Sea of ​​Azov, until the beginning of August, shrimp fishing could be penalized. In the Sea of ​​Azov, one person, when catching crustaceans, is allowed to use a net with a diameter of no more than seventy centimeters and can catch no more than one kilogram.

Shrimp - hobby, delicacy and harm

Whether you are an amateur or a professional, shellfish fishing is an unforgettable experience. Perfect weather, warm water, sun and your favorite hobby what could be better?

And if we also keep in mind what can be built from this living creature, what dishes to cook and what benefits to bring to the body. It is possible to strengthen the cardiovascular system, normalize the central nervous system, reduce blood clotting. daily rate a person will receive iodine by eating only fifty grams of shrimp.

But people with high cholesterol in the blood should give up this delicacy, since they themselves contain cholesterol, salt heavy metals, toxic substances.

A shrimp is called an animal of a row of crustaceans. On the this moment this is a popular product. Industrial trapping provides income to many firms that are engaged in this work. The demand for the product is associated with excellent digestibility and the presence of many vitamins and trace elements in it. And thanks to advanced technologies and infrastructure, the buyer receives the goods High Quality. Read more about catching shrimp in the article.


Animal meat contains a lot of protein, which is highly digestible and contains many essential amino acids. The latter cannot be produced in the body, they come only with food. This product contains much more iodine than beef, so it is in demand in regions with iodine deficiency.

A rich set of mineral elements and vitamins affects almost all organs and systems, including skin, hair, nails. This is an indispensable tool for the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.


Where are shrimp caught? There are several habitats for these creatures:

  1. There is a tiger species in the Pacific Ocean. Closer to the equator, animals are larger and tastier. A wide variety of species are found in warm waters. There are fewer of them closer to the poles.
  2. These animals are found in Kenya, Brazil, Ecuador, Somalia. In these countries, the water usually has a temperature of +25 to +30 degrees, which is favorable for the development of these inhabitants. Their sizes can be 30 cm. In South America, it takes place on farms, thanks to which a quality product is produced.
  3. Dropping the temperature to +15 degrees causes the death of marine life. Warm water works in a similar way - +35.
  4. The Barents, Baltic, North Seas are inhabited by small ones 2.5-10 cm long. Animals caught off the coast of Canada and Greenland are of great value.
  5. There are many marine life in the Mediterranean, Black, Azov Sea.
  6. There are freshwater animals in the Amur and cave reservoirs of Transcaucasia.
  7. There are crustaceans in fresh waters Far East. The population is relic, as it has lost contact with other similar species due to geological changes in land. They live at +15 degrees, but when the temperature drops to 10 degrees, the death of the larvae is observed. Adults cannot tolerate a drop to 0 degrees.

If animals live at temperatures that differ from optimal, then they grow more slowly and also stop reproducing. In such a climate, they exist up to 3 months. Shrimps are not very sensitive to salt water, since even those that live in fresh water are of marine origin.

industrial views

Although several thousand crustaceans live in nature, there is not commercial interest in all of them. In Russia, the most popular is beer shrimp - cold-water red. It is small in size and sweet in taste. She has subspecies - red comb and northern chilim. Gaming and king prawns.

The southern pink shrimp lives off the coast of Africa. The captain's is in artificial reservoirs China and Korea. In Black and mediterranean seas there is a sand shrimp fished by Germany. The grassy Black Sea shrimp is caught. U.S. restaurants serve spotted deep sea dwellers, as well as whites and pinks. There is a Chilean species common on the coast of Chile.

Where and when to fish?

When can you fish for shrimp? To have a rich catch, you need to go for shrimp at night or in the evening. Many recommend going fishing early in the morning, but this should be before dawn. The place should be chosen according to the type of inflow or where there is an intensive narrowing of the channel. The catch can be on the channel that connects the sea and the estuary.

The inhabitants crowd around the walls and supports of the pier, concrete structures, breakwaters, rocks, and the side of the ship. There are also many of them in algae thickets. A bright lantern can serve as bait. In the dark period, they illuminate the water column. Especially for this, flashlights with a sealed housing are sold. These products are suitable for underwater use. The crustaceans quickly run into the light. How to catch shrimp? To do this, several proven methods are used.

If trawl fishing is chosen, then chicken offal, fish, meat will be required. On this issue, the opinions of the fishermen are different. Some people think that the bait should be somewhat damp, while others say that fresh bait should be used. The ebbs are considered another subtlety. If you know about the time of their onset, you will be able to improve the result of fishing. How to catch shrimp in Primorye? For this, all proven methods are used. Let's consider them in detail.


How to catch shrimp? By law, it is allowed to use a net with a diameter of up to 70 cm. You need to choose a device with a long and strong handle. During illumination with a lantern, they are led near walls, supports, structures, near algae and a ship.

In this way the catch will not be big, but if the goods are not for sale, then it will be enough. Together with shrimps, silt, algae, sand penetrate into the net. If there is a boat, then fishing can be done from it. All the rules are the same, you just need to take a suitable net. How to catch shrimp in Any of the methods indicated in the article is suitable.


Another way how to catch shrimp? A trawl is a device for catching not only crustaceans, but also fish. It is a metal circle or oval to which a fine-meshed mesh is connected, similar to a bag. Its length can be 4 meters.

After immersion in water, the trawl must be pulled along the bottom, overgrown with algae. To do this, ropes are fixed to the metal frame. Often the trawl is tied to the boat. It can be installed in the place where the shrimp lives, only in advance you need to place the bait there. It helps to place the device in the area of ​​narrow ducts. Then you only need to control the flow and turn it around in a timely manner.


Usually it is used for fishing from a boat. How to catch shrimp with a net? It is lowered to the bottom with sinkers, and pulled out by a special rope. When choosing a fishing spot, it should be borne in mind that the depth should not be higher than the radius of the net.

There are other methods for catching crustaceans. For example, you need to tie a reed into a medium-sized bundle, place it inside the bait and sink it to the bottom. After some time, you need to pull out the trap with the contents. But this option is poaching, so there is a possibility of trouble with it. How to catch the Azov shrimp? Hunting for marine life is carried out by any of the 3 methods indicated here.

Should the seasons be considered?

It is important to consider not only how to catch shrimp at sea, but also fishing periods:

  1. In summer, the animals have spawning time. Fishing during this period is prohibited, and poaching is punishable by law.
  2. A mass run usually occurs in spring and autumn when the water is warm. Therefore, hunting for marine life in May, September, October will bring great results.
  3. In winter, crustaceans roam to a depth of 30 meters, so even if you use a net or it will not be effective.

Deep sea fishing method

Deep fishing is considered a complex process that can be used in the industrial field. Caught crustaceans are subjected to heat treatment on the ship, which increases their quality. Typically, large-sized trawls are used for industrial fishing. They are launched along the bottom, which allows you to collect everything in its path.

This method allows you to catch shrimp, fish, shellfish and other inhabitants. The trawl is able to plow sea ​​bottom destroying everything around. It is lifted onto the deck by winches. When the production is sorted, the products are frozen and delivered to the mainland.

Shrimp conservation

Since these marine life quickly deteriorate (in about 2-3 hours), it is necessary to properly store them after being caught. Recreational anglers place shrimp in a container filled with ice. If industrial fishing, then seafood is frozen on the ship. You can also save the product like this: place it in a cut bottle, fill it with water, and then put it in the freezer.

Thus, catching shrimp has its own characteristics. You need to know where, when and how to do it. You also need to remember about the safety of the product. In this case, hunting for marine life will bring excellent results.

Shrimp belongs to the suborder of crustaceans, order of decapods. Today this product is popular with millions of people around the world. Commercial shrimp fishing brings huge profits to fishing companies and private fishermen who specialize in catching shrimp.

How to catch a shrimp?

The bulk of shrimp is caught in a quiet, Atlantic Ocean, a small amount in the Black and Azov Seas. For fishing to be successful, it is advisable to catch in the creek. In the narrowest place, opposite to the direction of the current, a net or trawl is placed. These manipulations allow you to increase the catch several times.

Also, this crustacean can be caught from a boat and in the embankment area. If fishing takes place in the coastal zone, you need to choose a site near the stones, next to the pier, or near the bottoms of ships, or where there is a large amount of algae.

Place and time of fishing

The best time for good shrimp fishing is night and evening hours.. A flashlight is used as a special bait, which can attract sea ​​booty. If you catch at low tide, it will help to increase production at times. It is desirable to know exact time the onset of tides.

Restrictions and prohibitions on catching shrimp

These marine inhabitants are prohibited from being caught during the spawning period. Also in separate places limit the catch of shrimp using a trawl. From early June to last numbers August, fishermen are given a complete ban on catching shrimp.

The legal method of fishing is the use of a net or a trawl, with a cell diameter of not more than 0.7 m. Even this old method catching, which consists in the fact that the branches of the bushes are tied into bundles and immersed in water with a weight, is considered illegal. A whole flock of shrimp floats onto wet bushes, and they just need to be pulled out.

This method is poaching and the violator convicted of this is fined.

Fishing methods

There are 3 main ways to catch shrimp, and these methods are used both by ordinary fishermen and in industrial fishing. This is fishing with a trawl, net and net. Naturally, the trawl is used by professionals, while the lot of amateurs is a net. Catching with nets of any type is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Trawl use

This is an iron semicircle or a regular quadrangle connected to a metal mesh container. The length of the small-mesh bag is about three to four meters. The trawl is lowered to the very bottom with the help of cables and pulled along the bottom. Fishing is mainly carried out in the coastal zone, where there is no large clusters of people.

The best area for such fishing is where the bottom is overgrown with algae. You need to go into the water, drag the trawl along the coast. In industrial fishing, the trawl pulls the fishing vessel, often the diameter of the trawl meshes is much smaller than it should be, due to which a huge amount of small shrimp is caught.

Such predatory prey in the future may endanger the existence of the entire species.

net fishing

Such hunting takes place using a large fishing net, the size of which is about 30 centimeters in radius, to which a fine-meshed fishing net is attached. The handle of the net must be made long and strong enough.

At night, it is worth carefully wielding a net near piers, ships and various embankment objects near which there is a sufficient number of marine plants. For bait and illumination use a bright flashlight.

With such fishing, it is very important to observe safety precautions, use special clothing so as not to slip and fall into the water.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:
  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

Other fishing methods

In addition to those discussed above, such a method is also known in which p odsak, with a diameter of 70 * 75 cm and a handle - 2.5 m., and tulle. At the same time, the peculiarity of the coastal zone is taken into account, on which the place of fishing depends: coast, pier, boat.

Fishing on the Black Sea

When catching shrimps in the waters of the Black Sea, two methods are used:

  1. Trawl fishing. This is an iron or aluminum semi-circle, with a long bag attached that looks like a long net. They usually catch at night or in the evening, video near pepper or near stones with algae. They often use a lantern, highlighting themselves and luring shrimp, which are attracted to bright light.
  2. The easiest way is net fishing. To do this, of course, you need a net. They go into the water with it and drive this net near large stones overgrown with vegetation. So, of course, it will not be possible to achieve great success, but you can catch a little. If you want to catch a lot more, you need to take a net and preferably go to the pier at night. Shining a lantern, you should drive a net near the walls of the pier. And better near the side of the ship. With such fishing, the handle should be very long.

If you want to catch a large number of shrimp in the Black Sea, then take a trawl and go to the deserted coast at night. A place must be chosen with a lot of algae. Get into the water up to your waist, you need to drag the trawl behind you.

If a shrimp is found in these places, then pulling out the trawl, you will find a considerable number of shrimp caught.

Other mining methods

The method can also be considered very original when when catching these crustaceans, a horse is used. In Belgium, for centuries this method has been and remains the most common today. The bottom line is that casting gear into the sea occurs in the process of riding a horse.

However, there is one nuance that not everyone knows, not every breed is suitable for such fishing, because by nature horses are afraid of water, especially sea water.

"Handy" tools for catching shrimp

Crustaceans can be collected directly by hand, or using a net. You can also take a piece of loose thin fabric and act like a net to catch shrimp.

Rules for catching crustaceans:

  1. Hand fishing allowed and fishing with a net with a mesh diameter of at least 70 cm.
  2. Catch shrimp up to 1 kg per person
  3. It is forbidden to catch shrimp from the beginning of June to the end of August in the Black Sea, and from the beginning to the end of July in the Sea of ​​Azov.
  4. Caught shrimp must reach a length of at least 3.5 centimeters

industrial views

This seafood is represented by several thousand species.

But with all this, only a few species are of interest for fishing:

  • Most popular in European countries uses the so-called "beer shrimp", as well as various subspecies - red comb and northern chilim. This species is characterized by its small size and sweet taste. It lives in cold waters and is bright red in color.
  • Tiger and king prawns are also popular. living in warm ocean waters.
  • A rare species that is also eaten is the southern pink shrimp.. It can be found off the coast of Africa either at a depth of 50-60 meters, or at a depth of 200 meters (deep-sea subspecies).
  • Artificial reservoirs of China and Korea famous for the so-called "captain" species of these crustaceans.
  • In Germany on an industrial scale, the sand shrimp is the most popular, sometimes it can be found in the Black, Mediterranean Seas, as well as along the entire European coast.
  • Very small in size, but still in demand, grassy Black Sea shrimp.
  • Serrated shrimp are considered quite expensive., which is due to the method of fishing, rather painstaking - with a net or net.
  • In the United States of America you can find deep-sea spotted or white, as well as pink shrimp.
  • Off the coast of Chile dwells rare view chilean shrimp.

Reminder about catching a decapod crustacean - where and when to catch?

The main condition for excellent catching of these crustaceans is Night time. However, if you still decide to go fishing at dawn, then it is important to remember: if it is already dawn, then you definitely won’t catch much.

A huge catch of crustaceans will be waiting for you in the channel that connects the sea and the estuary, as well as where the channel suddenly narrows.

Most shrimp like to be in huge numbers in algae, near walls, pier supports, concrete structures, breakwaters, rocks, and even near the sides of a ship.

Perhaps the cheapest, but most effective, way of fishing is to use a flashlight, which illuminates the water column at night, or immerses under water (here you need to purchase a specialized flashlight, which must be airtight). Shrimps are very active, like night butterflies, flock to the light.

Also, many catchers resort to the help of a trawl, in which they put chicken offal, fish, and meat.

However, there is no consensus on the freshness of these products. Some believe that rotten foods are attracted to crustaceans, while others argue that successful fishing depends on the freshness of the bait.

Another important nuance is the ebbs, knowing the time of which you can safely determine the largest place for the accumulation of crustaceans. While waiting for the next high tide, they mostly hide under rocks, snags and near rocks.

Features of fishing in different seasons

The spawning season for shrimp falls on summer season. It is forbidden by law to catch them during this time, otherwise your actions will be considered as poaching. You will achieve the greatest result of the catch in spring (May) and autumn (September, October), because at this time the water is the warmest, and therefore the shrimp make a massive move along the coast at these times of the year.

In winter, the crustacean hibernates, burrowing to a depth of 30 meters.. Therefore, no matter how hard you try to dig them out with a net or trawl, you will catch only silt or sand.

Features of the deep sea fishing method

On an industrial scale, quite expensive and technically used hard way fishing - deep. However, crustaceans caught on great depth are subjected to heat treatment directly on the ship, which significantly increases the quality of products.

The most cost-effective method is considered to be fishing with huge trawls, which are attached behind the ship and lowered to the bottom, and slowly dragging them, they collect all the living creatures that come across on the way.

Then, on the deck, the catch is sorted and then frozen. But with all the advantages of this method, there is a huge minus - this is the destruction of the structure of the seabed, because the trawl "plows" it, leaving behind a deep mark.

How to save the shrimp catch?

Shrimp is a perishable product. It falls into disrepair literally in 3-4 hours.. To keep it, you need to know the secrets. Many fishermen will put the shrimp caught in a special container or vessel with food. During commercial fishing, the shrimp is frozen right on the fishing trawler.

If you put the caught shrimp in a plastic bottle with a cut off top, and fill it completely with water, put it in the freezer, the shrimp will also last longer. If you transport it in this container to the right place, then the water will melt during the journey, and the mollusk will retain its smell and color.

Shrimp fishing

If you want to use the shrimp as bait, then store it like this: live shrimp are planted in a jar of sea water and algae. So they won't die for at least 2 hours.

This type of crustacean is used for bait when catching fish in the Azov and Black Seas. The shrimp is hooked in the same way as the worm, in a similar way. Most types of marine fish love this bait. The most the main problem at the same time, the fact that the shrimp quickly deteriorates, changing color.

To summarize all of the above, it will be possible to understand the main rules and guidelines for action:

From the above, we can conclude:

  1. When fishing, the main thing is to choose right time of the year. In winter, you will not find crustaceans at the pier, as it goes to great depths.
  2. Fishing is better at night
  3. You need to lure prey with the light of a lantern, it is also desirable to use fish and meat bait.
  4. Use approved gear when fishing and methods of catching

If you follow these simple rules, then you will never be left without a catch.

How long have you had a really BIG CATCH?

When last time caught dozens of HEALTHY pikes / carps / breams?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perches, but ten kilogram pikes - this will be a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone knows how.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home, you can buy it in fishing stores. But it is expensive in stores, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be honest, homemade bait does not always work well.

Do you know that disappointment when you bought bait or cooked it at home, and caught three or four bass?

So maybe it's time to use a really working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the very result that we cannot achieve on our own, all the more, it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on manufacturing - ordered, brought and go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Especially now - the season! When ordering, this is a great bonus!

Learn more about bait!

Shrimp- an animal of the crustacean order, the decapod order. Today it is a very popular food product. Industrial catching is a source of income for many companies specializing in this.

This is partly due to the ease of digestion and a whole range of minerals contained in meat, and well-developed technologies and infrastructure make it possible to deliver a product of very high quality to the buyer.

Beneficial features

Their meat is rich in protein, which is very easy to digest and essential amino acids. The latter are not produced in the body, but come only with food. This product has a hundred times more iodine than beef, so it is very useful in regions where residents suffer from iodine deficiency.

A whole set of mineral elements and vitamins affects almost all organs and systems, including skin, hair and nails. This is an excellent tool for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.


  1. Most large view- tiger, found in the Pacific Ocean. The closer to the equator, the tastier and larger they are. The diversity of species in warm waters is very high. The closer to the poles, the less there are. Of course, in size they cannot be compared with warm-water ones, but the taste is no worse.
  2. In Kenya, Brazil, Ecuador, Somalia, shrimp are the easiest to catch and eat. In these countries, the water temperature ranges from +25-+30°C, which is optimal for the active reproduction and growth of these animals. Their sizes here reach 30 cm. South America shrimp are farmed, releasing a product of very high quality.
  3. Lowering the temperature to +15°C leads to the death of shrimp after a short time. Too warm water also acts similarly - + 35 ° C, these crustaceans will not survive.
  4. On the banks of the Barantsev, Baltic and North seas small shrimps live, 2.5-10 cm in size. Most of the cold-water shrimp are valued off the coast of Canada and Greenland.
  5. They also abound in the Mediterranean, Black and Azov Seas.
  6. Freshwater shrimp live in the Amur basin and cave reservoirs located in the Transcaucasus.
  7. The population of these crustaceans, inhabiting the fresh waters of the Far East, is considered relic, as it has lost contact with other related species due to geological changes in land. Optimum temperature for their habitat - + 15 ° С. When it decreases to 10°C, the larvae die. Adults do not tolerate a decrease to 0 ° C.

If they are in the range of temperatures that are different from optimal, but not lethal, they grow slowly and stop reproducing. In a similar climate, they can last up to 3 months.

Shrimps are much less sensitive to water salinity, because even those that live in fresh waters are of marine origin. In the process of their growth and development, they constantly roam, changing the place of "residence". At the same time, they can easily withstand fluctuations in water salinity of 10 ppm.

industrial views

Despite the fact that in nature there are several thousand species of these crustaceans, not all of them are of commercial interest.

The most popular in our country is the so-called beer shrimp - cold-water red, small in size, sweetish in taste. Its subspecies - red comb and northern chillim - are also quite common.

In addition to these, tiger and king prawns from warm ocean waters are actively eaten.

However, this is far from complete list. Off the coast of Africa, at a depth of 50-60 meters, the southern pink shrimp lives. Also southern pink, only deep-sea shrimp inhabit the same region, only at a depth of up to 200 meters. Captain's - has chosen the artificial reservoirs of China and Korea.

Sand shrimp live along the European coast, Black, Mediterranean seas, the most intensive fishery of which is carried out by Germany. The grassy Black Sea shrimp is small, but also interesting in terms of fishing.

With nets and nets they catch mainly serrated shrimps of the Black and Mediterranean Seas. Due to the method of fishing, the price of this species is quite high.

In US restaurants, you can order spotted deep sea shrimp, as well as white and pink. But the Chilean lives only off the coast of Chile, so only residents and guests of this country can try it.

How to increase the catch of fish?

For 7 years of active passion for fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Biting activator. This pheromone additive lures fish the most in cold and warm water. Discussion of the Hungry Fish bite activator.
  2. Raise gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for the particular type of tackle.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

Where and when to catch

To achieve more or less serious success, you need to go for shrimp at night or in the evening. Many advise to go "fishing" in the early morning. But it must be so early that it is not yet dawn.

Choose a place according to the type of inflow or where there is a sharp narrowing of the channel. A very good catch can be caught in the channel connecting the sea and the estuary.

They crowd near the walls and supports of the pier, concrete structures, breakwaters, near rocks, and even near the side of the ship. Also, a lot of them can be found in algae thickets.

As a bait, the most effective and cheapest way is a bright lantern. At night, they illuminate the water column. Modern market offers special flashlights with a sealed housing. They can be used underwater. The crustaceans literally run into the light. If you decide to fish with a trawl, you can put chicken offal, fish, meat in it.

The opinions of fishermen in this regard differ slightly. Some argue that the bait should be a little rotten, the second - that the shrimp is not cancer, and the result will be much better if the meat or fish is fresh.

Another subtlety is ebbs. If you know the time of their onset, you can significantly improve the result by looking for animals under stones and near rocks. They hide there, waiting for the next tide.

1. Netting

The law allows the use of a net with a diameter of up to 70 cm. Its handle should be quite long and strong. Highlighting with a lantern, they are led along walls, supports, structures, near the algae growth line or near the ship. Of course, it’s impossible to catch a lot like that, but “for yourself” it’s quite enough. In addition, the sea will give you its other "bounties" - there will definitely be silt, algae, sand in the net.

If you have a boat at your disposal, you can try to hunt from it. General rules- the same, only it is desirable to choose the appropriate net.

2. Trawling

Trawl- This is a device for catching not only shrimp, but also fish. It is based on a metal circle or oval, to which a fine-meshed mesh in the form of a bag is attached around the circumference. The length of the bag can be up to four meters. Entering the water, the trawl is pulled along the bottom, abundantly overgrown with algae.

For this purpose, ropes are attached to the metal frame. Very often the trawl is tied to the boat. As an option, it can be installed in the place where the shrimp settles, having previously laid the bait in it.

It is very productive to install this device in narrow channels. Then it remains only to follow the direction of the current and turn it around in time.

Basically, the net is used when fishing from a boat. It sinks to the bottom with the help of sinkers, and is pulled out by a rope specially provided for this. Only when choosing a fishing spot, you need to take into account that the depth should not exceed the radius of the net.

There are other ways to catch these crustaceans. For example, you can tie a reed into a medium-sized bundle, put it inside the bait and lower it to the bottom. After a while, it remains to remove the trap with all its contents. True, this method is considered poaching, and using it you can earn trouble.

In Belgium, a very old method of catching shrimp on horseback is used to attract tourists. At one time, a special breed was even bred for this. Of course, this is more a good way to have fun than to hunt, but this does not lose its popularity.

Features of fishing by season

  1. She has a spawning season in the summer. Catching it at this time is prohibited, and poaching is punishable by law.
  2. A massive run of shrimp along the coast is observed in spring and autumn, in May and September-October, that is, when the water is warm enough. So, hunting for it at this time will be the most effective.
  3. In winter, crustaceans migrate to a depth of 30 meters, therefore, no matter how much you fumble with a net or trawl, you will not catch anything except silt and sand.

Nuances of deep sea fishing

Shrimp deep fishing is a technologically complex and expensive process used on an industrial scale. The crustaceans caught at great depths undergo heat treatment on the ship, which undoubtedly improves their quality.

Basically, trawls of rather impressive size are used for industrial fishing. They are let along the bottom, where, dragging behind the ship, they "collect" everything that gets in their way. Obviously, these are not only shrimp, but also fish, algae, shellfish and other representatives of marine flora and fauna. In addition, the trawl literally plows the seabed, destroying everything that is on it and leaving behind a huge trail. It rises to the deck with the help of winches. After sorting, the prey is frozen and shipped to the mainland.

Drawing conclusions from all of the above, we can highlight the basic rules and recommendations:

  1. Choose the right time of year. In winter, the crustacean is at great depths, so do not try to find it along the coast or near the pier. In the summer, fish supervision does not sleep.
  2. Go hunting at night.
  3. Lure animals with light, and also use meat, fish, offal.
  4. Use only approved attachment.
  5. Take into account these simple knowledge, and your efforts will certainly be crowned with success.

For anglers who prefer to go to the sea for their favorite hobby, it has long been no secret that in addition to huge trophy fish, crustaceans are also valuable prey. Shrimp fishing is an exciting and interesting process, and for the most adventurous anglers it is also profitable business. Without a delicious sea delicacy, it is difficult to imagine a festive table or a menu of a self-respecting restaurant. Even in the treatment of some oncological diseases, shrimp are used, which contain a lot of useful substances and vitamins. How to catch such a miracle of nature, and where does the valuable sea delicacy live?

Shrimps are invertebrate animals that belong to decapod crustaceans. Their length can vary from just a few centimeters to almost half a meter with a body weight of up to a kilogram. In almost all species, females are much larger than males. It is not difficult to distinguish them, because in addition to size, females have a wide tail and slightly swollen sides, while males are flatter.

The shrimp family is large - in nature you can find up to two thousand varieties. Usually they are divided into groups, taking into account main characteristic- habitat:

  • warm water;
  • cold water;
  • freshwater;
  • marine.

Photo 1. King prawns.

Warm water prawns are better known as king prawns. This variety of crustaceans has always been one of the most expensive, because in addition to size (up to 30 cm), they are distinguished by high taste. Often they are bred on special farms, which allows the owners to receive a good income.

Cold-water members of the family prefer average temperature water and differ from their royal counterparts in size, because they rarely grow up to 10 cm. Freshwater - special kind shrimp. Thanks to geological changes sushi, they turned out to be isolated from relatives and are considered relic.

Regardless of where warm or cold water shrimp live, fluctuations in temperature can lead to mass death crustacean organisms. If the habitat is unfavorable, the shrimp larvae also die, sometimes only 1-3% survive. Cold temperature regime It is also reflected in the development of the delicacy inhabitants of the sea - they stop growing, become lethargic, and lose activity.

Equally important is the salinity of the water. Some shrimp living in the sea go to look for more comfortable places for breeding. Usually, these are bodies of water sea ​​water mixed with fresh water.

Regardless of where you live, the diet is almost the same:

  • bloodworms;
  • pipe makers;
  • coretra (blood-sucking mosquitoes);
  • daphnia;
  • plants with fleshy leaves;
  • the remains of dead fish, snails;
  • polychaetes.

Interesting! special attention deserves reproduction. In a mature female (this happens in the third year of life), greenish mucus forms under the tail - these are the eggs. Sometimes they can make up a third of the total body weight. Males feel the pheromones emitted by the female and enter into fierce fights, fighting for their chosen one. The outcome of the duel does not decide anything - sometimes several males climb onto the female to fertilize the eggs.

Shrimps are the main habitats

Oceans and seas are the main element of shrimp, but they can often be found in salt lakes and even freshwater big rivers. It is no secret for professional anglers that where these crustaceans live determines their size and even taste qualities. The most valuable are those that are found near the equator itself.

The countries richest in shrimp are located near the equator itself:

  • Brazil;
  • Ecuador;
  • Somalia;
  • Kenya.

Photo 2. Catching shrimp from a boat.

Water temperature Pacific Ocean(about 28 degrees) has a positive effect on growth and development, so for residents of warm countries, growing and catching crustaceans is the main source of income.

Shrimps are also found in the Black Sea, although their number is not as large as in the equatorial strip. There are no royal representatives here, but medium-sized crustaceans are well appreciated by gourmets. The Azov shrimp attracts hundreds of Russian fishermen with its excellent taste, so massive catches are gradually reducing the number of crustaceans in these waters. With a little luck, fishing ends quite satisfactorily, especially if you choose the right gear.

The cold waters of the North or Baltic Sea- the birthplace of cold-water shrimp. They easily tolerate temperatures of about 15 degrees, while managing to multiply and grow rapidly. Representatives of the delicacy family, caught off the coast of Greenland and the Canadian coast, are considered the most delicious.

The Amur River basin and cave reservoirs of Transcaucasia - the birthplace freshwater representatives families. The shrimp is also found in fresh waters in the Far East, easily withstanding harsh temperature conditions.

How to catch a shrimp - the main tricks for successful fishing

How to catch a shrimp? You should go fishing in the evening or even at night - it is during these hours that crustaceans are most active. Some anglers pre-set net traps for shrimp, which allows you to go in the morning for a delicious "harvest". Habitat - from 50 cm to one and a half meters, availability is required a large number aquatic plants, because this is where crustaceans like to hide.

Photo 3. Good catch.

Fishing is carried out in a variety of ways, but the most commonly used net or bottom trawl for shrimp. The mesh of such gear should be fine, otherwise catch it with a net small representatives crustacean families will be difficult, they will simply slip away through large cells. It is convenient to catch shrimp if the tackle has a long handle and a large circle diameter, this will allow the angler to make less effort and simplify the process.

Shrimp prefer to live in places with a lot of algae. The use of a trawl in such places and a little knowledge about the secrets of successful fishing will please you with a considerable catch. You only need to pull the trawl against the current, if it changes, turn around and move on. In the daytime, the number of gourmet specimens may not please, but if you arm yourself with a powerful flashlight and go fishing at night, then the result will certainly exceed all expectations.

The use of a net is simpler - armed with a simple tackle, you need to bypass the pitfalls, leading around them with a home-made or purchased device. Here, too, you can use a lantern, attracting the curious inhabitants of the sea with bright light.

Important! Black Sea fishermen came up with interesting way fishing. In the morning they are armed with several nets, each of which contains a piece of meat (necessarily with a "smell"). It is enough to use a boat and lower a net into the water near the rocky shores in order to extract it in half an hour with an overflowing delicacy product.

We should not forget about the restrictions on the catch of delicacy crustaceans. , which continues from the first summer day to the last, it is better not to tempt fate and give up an exciting activity. Before you go fishing, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the restrictions, because in some reservoirs it is forbidden to catch more than 2-5 kg ​​of shrimp.

Regardless of professionalism, catching shrimp is a pleasant and unforgettable experience, because what could be better than fresh air, gentle Sun rays and warm water? Even if the catch did not please, let's just enjoy the process itself, because this is precisely the beauty of fishing.