Marriage between a Muslim and a Christian is possible. Marry a Muslim, or Everything you need to know before the wedding. What will happen to the one who marries a Muslim?

This is a union of two people, but partners do not always have similar opinions or religious views. This is why certain difficulties often occur. To be happy with their husband, women are ready to do a lot, even to change their faith. Christians and Muslims - is there a chance to become happy together or should we give preference to a man with different views?

In fact, it's up to you, because if you clearly decided If you are ready to give in and put up with some peculiarities, then there is a high probability that you will be happy. How is the marriage of a Christian and a Muslim different from the marriage of people of the same religion? You will learn about this in this article.

What awaits a woman who decides to marry a Muslim?

1. Religious differences. Some representatives of the fair sex are quite indifferent to faith or even deny any manifestations of it. If you adhere to Christianity, then marrying a Muslim will not be so easy for you. Sometimes it is not so easy to adapt to new rules and principles, especially if you are clearly sure that you are right. If a Muslim gives in or changes his faith, then this is something of an exception, so you should be prepared that you will have to change. You can always adhere to neutrality, but if you are a deeply religious person, you will not be able to do this for long.

2. Other requirements for a wife. Many modern women They are clearly confident that everyone on the planet is equal, regardless of gender, but Muslims do not think so. You will have to accept that your main task will be to lead household and willingness to satisfy her husband’s needs at any time. If you are clearly sure that you are not ready to serve a man, it is better to refuse marriage with a Muslim. It is unlikely that a Muslim will forgive you for not preparing dinner or not being ready to have sex.

3. Willingness to obey. A Muslim always believes that he is right, and his wife’s opinion is a secondary concept for him. Remember how their parents forced them to listen and obey? Be prepared that you will have to be like this with your Muslim husband. Some women believe that Muslims do not listen to the opinions of their wives at all and act only as they want. This is not entirely true, because they often consult with their wives. But remember that no matter what you advised or suggested to him, the final decision will remain his. Some people think that this is normal, but for others this attitude is a disadvantage. Smart wife She can always present her opinion in such a way that a man thinks that this is his decision, so if your love is strong, it’s worth a try.

4. You can't refuse intimacy . All the excuses about headaches bad mood or problems at work, your Muslim husband will not be interested at all. The wife does not have the right to refuse sex, because he is the head of the family, and his desire is the law. An exception may be when you have critical days or you are seriously ill. A headache or simply feeling unwell is not a good reason to refuse sex. Even if you don’t want it at all, you will have to please your loved one and be the most passionate for him.

5. You'll have to hide your body and face. Surely you have heard that many Muslim women cover their faces and bodies. This is necessary so that other men do not have the opportunity to look at you. A Muslim wife can only please the eyes of her husband, and will have to hide from other representatives of the stronger sex. This requirement most often applies to Muslim women, but if you are a Christian and are going to marry a Muslim, be prepared for the fact that this will also be required of you.

6. A Muslim can have 4 wives. In Christianity it is accepted that one man can be married to one woman, but in Islam polygamy is practiced. Not all Muslims decide to marry more than one woman, so there is a chance that you could be the one for him. Your marriage will be more traditional for you if you stay in your country and do not go to his homeland. If you decide to change your place of residence, there is a high probability that he will eventually introduce you to another of his wives.

7. Your husband has the right to physically punish you. Much has been said about domestic violence, but it is not something scary among Muslims. If a wife does not listen to her husband, shows her character and tries to be an equal with him, he can punish her physically. A rather unpleasant fact, but you must be prepared for it. The most important thing is that no traces of beatings remain on her body, because then the wife has the right to file for divorce.

Don't expect a Muslim to forget his traditions

Many women They sincerely hope that their loved one is quite modern, and all traditions are not as important for him as for more mature representatives of the Muslim faith. Often young guys go to study in other countries, where they meet Christian girls. Of course, they partially forget about some of the rules and principles of their faith, but this is quite short-lived. As soon as he returns to his home, where his loved ones live, he immediately remembers the traditions and adheres to them in strict order. If you decide to go live with your chosen one, then be prepared for the fact that many things will surprise or even shock you. There is a high chance that your boyfriend will behave completely differently than in your country. You can convince yourself as much as you like, but marriage with such a person will not be easy; you will probably have a number of difficulties due to disagreements and differences in faith.

As you can see, the marriage of two people who do not stick to one faith, can be quite complex and specific. You yourself must understand that the choice is yours, so decide what is right for you and what is unacceptable for you. Now you know what are the features of marriage with a Muslim, so you won’t be shocked. Listen to your heart, but don't forget about your mind, because you just might ruin your life.

12:51 2018

What awaits us? What will the parents say? Can a Muslim man marry a Christian? What rights do brides have? What about polygamy? Can we be happy? And if so, for how long? What about our children? And many more similar questions, the answers to which, in my opinion, are overgrown with myths. So I will try to tell you what you should actually prepare for.

To begin with, let’s put an end to the answer to the question: “Is it possible marriage between a Christian and a Muslim? Yes. A Muslim man is allowed to marry women from the People of the Book - Christians, Jews. To do this, you do not have to renounce your faith, wear a hijab, and so on. The Koran clearly states that there is no compulsion in religion. But, of course, it is advisable for the girl to still accept Islam and profess the same faith as her husband. When you get married, it’s like you’re getting into the same boat, and if everyone rows in their own direction, how far will you sail?

In the first case Christian woman is getting married for so-called "nominal" or ethnic Muslim. That is, a person considers himself a Muslim, but has no inclination towards Islam and religious practice. Throughout their lives, such couples are guided by familiar moral principles and values. It is possible that the husband will visit twice a year big holidays go to the mosque or observe the traditions of your people. For particularly enterprising wives, and I know such cases, husbands even go to church on Sundays and are not against icons in the house. There are actually a lot of similar marriages. You can hear: “The neighbor over there has a Muslim husband, and he allows her to do everything - to wear makeup and to go without a headscarf.” Yes, he allows it, but at the same time the man himself is not averse to drinking and stares at the girls. And this is exactly the case when it is necessary to separate the “flies from the cutlets”. We must understand that being called a Muslim and being one are two different things. Such families are considered Muslim, as a rule, because of their place of residence or their Eastern surname, but not because of their lifestyle. Their longevity falls into the statistics of secular marriages.

In the second case marriage of a Muslim and a Christian is not limited to the registry office. If you find that your beloved also turns out to be a true believer, then you have a direct path to the mosque to legalize the marriage not only in front of society, but also in front of the Almighty. Often, during nikah, a woman will still be asked to say the Shahada (testimony of Monotheism). Many do not do this in name and actually convert to Islam over time. But there are also opposite cases. So, for example, one of my friends went out marry a turk and divorced after 5 years. Since after the birth of the child all disagreements that are possible between Muslim and Christian. When the husband wanted to teach his son prayer, his wife continued to memorize the “Our Father” at night. Think about whether you are ready for compromises in such life important issues, and agree on everything “on shore”. And if you do not plan to raise your child in the Muslim faith, why then connect your life with a person of other principles? The most strong families those where the wife is literally “behind her husband”: she fully accepts his lifestyle, observes religion herself and helps her husband, when everyone is in his place and fulfills his duties.

The third option is a nikkah without a registry office. Good news: Can a Muslim marry a Christian?, simply by concluding nikah in the nearest mosque. Two witnesses are enough, who are usually friends, and the girl’s guardian is the imam. The bad news is that almost all such marriages break up within the first two years, and the children born in such families grow up without a father. Remember, or better yet, write in bold letters: never agree to such adventures! Despite the fact that polygamy is permitted in Islam and is supported at the state level in some countries in Asia and Africa, the proportion of such marriages in these countries is very low. But for some reason young beauties They rush to add to the sad statistics and get involved in stories about which television and the Internet then make noise. Dear girls, before you go out marry an Arab or other eastern prince, understand: men love what they invest in. A marriage concluded in 5 minutes in a mosque, even with a decent gift, is nothing more than a way of quick and legal access to intimate relationships. Don’t rush to become second, third, or fourth, because the world is full of divorced people and even widowers. Why deliberately put yourself in a disadvantageous and obviously losing situation? But even if you are the first and only, and your betrothed only talks about love and is in no hurry to collect the necessary certificates for the embassy and marriage, run away from him. Most likely, this person is not distinguished by decency and responsibility for loved ones.

So, what is the first thing you should pay attention to before going out? marry a Muslim. Here are the main points for a happy and long marriage:

1. Beginning. As the proverb says: “A good start is half the battle gone.” It matters where and under what circumstances you met. It is doubtful that a marriage in which the future spouses met at a disco or on the beach will be blessed. If you are still searching, then be sure that the phrase "I want to get married" clearly visible opposite sex. Unfortunately, even among Muslims there are people with bad intentions, so be especially careful in public places if you are alone or with a friend. Choose a spouse from your circle or based on recommendations from friends.

2. Time. Never rush out get married early. To protect your interests, Islam has a wonderful custom - engagement (al-hitab). In this case, before marriage, the young people have time to get to know each other and make a thoughtful, informed decision. It’s better to spend months clarifying all the issues before the wedding than to spend your whole life tormented by a stranger or to get divorced after six months. According to my observations, most hasty marriages turn out to be extremely unsuccessful and unhappy. Don't make hasty decisions, don't burn bridges, and don't be led by feelings. The hadith says that slowness is from Allah, and haste is from the shaitan. If you are going to create a strong and lasting family for life, then arm yourself with this wisdom.

3. Family. Be sure to meet the groom's close relatives. Let your future husband will receive parental blessing. Also take a close look at the lifestyle in his family. How committed to religion are the mother and father of the chosen one, what kind of relationship do they have? In 99% of cases, a man copies the behavior model of his parents. Be wary if he hides you from everyone or keeps silent about the facts of his biography. Some peoples, especially in the Caucasus, strongly discourage marriages with women of other nationalities. And if the groom’s family is categorically against your future together and sees you as a stranger, you should seriously think about it. Equally important is what position one occupies in difficult situation your future husband. Whose side is he on: does he support you, or is the opinion of his parents more important to him? You will also gain support and understanding from loved ones before you go out. marry a Muslim. And really evaluate your chances - whether you can fight for happiness all your life together with your husband or alone, and also think about the consequences for the children.

4. Customs. A very important point, since not all Muslims are guided only by the Koran. For many peoples, traditions are so firmly rooted in everyday life that it is simply stupid to discount them. Study the customs of the people of your chosen one and try to try it on yourself - whether it suits you or not. If something bothers you about your behavior young man, then ask yourself the question: would he treat me this way if I were... (for example, Arab, Ingush, Tatar, etc.). If the answer is no, then you should be on your guard. Let’s say in the East it’s customary to give women a lot of gold at weddings and organize lavish ceremonies, but your gentleman suggests limiting yourself to a table in a cafe and teaching mahr instead surah of the Koran. Or if it is customary for the daughter-in-law to clean and cook for the whole family, but the man says that there will be no problems in everyday life. Get ready to adopt other people's traditions, learn a language, live in an unusual environment, and adapt to a different culture. You are aware that you will have to change, and not your husband?

5. Language. At first, a few phrases may be enough for you, but for life together in an interethnic marriage, be prepared to learn your spouse’s language, especially if you go to his homeland. It is ideal to attend language courses, but you can use tutorials and lessons, which are now numerous on the Internet. You also need to take into account that you will have to teach languages ​​to your children. Over time, you will master all the intricacies and rules of bilingual families, but to maintain literacy and a good level of two languages, you will have to work hard.

6. Documents. If the Muslim groom is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, then you will also have to comprehend the subtleties international legislation. It doesn’t matter where you live, the rule “without a piece of paper you’re a bug” applies everywhere. Keep in mind that you need to complete all documents for marriage, take care of timely renewal of visas and obtain a residence permit for yourself or your future spouse. Often this process requires not only money and time, but also nerves.

7. Social status. Everyone probably knows the joke: “How to marry a millionaire?” - “Marry a billionaire.” In life, unfortunately, the opposite is often true. Women fall in love with unmercenary people and make millionaires out of them. They are ready to sell apartments, give up their savings just to be sworn to eternal love. Why this scheme works well with an Egyptian animator or a Tajik guest worker, but does not work with a Russian janitor or waiter, is unclear to me. But the fact remains a fact. Unfortunately, even among my friends there are such victims. Problems can be avoided if you initially look for a spouse of equal status. To be fair, it should be noted that many couples start from scratch. But even if the chosen one is from a poor family, he must have potential, a desire to develop and improve, and not live at someone else’s expense. There is no “dowry” in Islam, but there is the concept of “ mahr" is a wedding gift for a woman, and responsibility for financial support after marriage rests entirely with men.

But the most important thing is religion. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “Truly, each of you is a shepherd and is responsible for the flock. A man is a shepherd for his family and is responsible for his flock.”(Muslim, Book of Government, 5, 1213).

Is Nikah done for those who, being non-Muslims, got married in a registry office or got married in a church, and then converted to Islam?

The opinions of the majority of Islamic scholars, based on the source (Koran and Sunnah):

If your faith with your wife was Christian and you both converted to Islam, then your marriage is valid and the children were born in marriage (legitimate), the past marriage is recognized, and there is no need to perform nikah again. And if they were ethnic Muslims, then it is even more believed that they had Nikah.

Because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not renew his marriage with Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her) after Islam, and did not require his companions to reread the Nikah after accepting Islam.

Providing for a wife and child after divorce

1 - A woman divorced by an incomplete divorce with the right to return is entitled to material support and housing, and this is the responsibility of the husband until the period established for divorce ('iddah) has expired, in accordance with the words of the Almighty:

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ إِذَا طَلَّقْتُمُ النِّسَاء فَطَلِّقُوهُنَّ لِعِدَّتِهِنَّ وَأَحْصُوا الْعِدَّةَ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ رَبَّكُمْ لاَ تُخْرِجُوهُنَّ مِن بُيُوتِهِنَّ وَ لاَ يَخْرُجْنَ

“O Prophet! When you give a divorce to your wives, then divorce within the prescribed period, keep track of this period and fear Allah, your Lord. Drive them not out of their houses, and let them not go out of them” (65:1).

أَسْكِنُوهُنَّ مِنْ حَيْثُ سَكَنتُم مِّن وُجْدِكُمْ وَ لاَ تُضَارُّوهُنَّ لِتُضَيِّقُوا عَلَيْهِنَّ

« Settle them where you live yourself - according to your income. Don't hurt them by trying to embarrass them"(65:6).

2 - A divorced person is not entitled to any financial support or housing. The proof of this is the decision of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) when Fatima bint Qais (may Allah be pleased with her) turned to him after her husband divorced her with a final divorce, asking whether she was entitled to maintenance from him, for which The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “ You are not entitled to any maintenance or housing " Muslim 1480. The version cited by Abu Dawud says: " You are not entitled to maintenance unless you are pregnant. » Sahih Abu Daoud 2/433.

3 - A pregnant divorcee, even if she is finally divorced, according to the unanimous opinion of scientists, is entitled to maintenance and housing until she gives birth. Proof of this is the words of the Almighty:

أَسْكِنُوهُنَّ مِنْ حَيْثُ سَكَنتُم مِّن وُجْدِكُمْ وَ لا تُضَارُّوهُنَّ لِتُضَيِّقُوا عَلَيْهِنَّ وَإِن كُنَّ أُولاَتِ حَمْلٍ فَأَنفِقُوا عَلَيْهِنَّ حَتَّى يَضَعْنَ حَمْلَهُنَّ

“Settle them where you live yourself - according to your income. Do not harm them by wanting to embarrass them. If they are pregnant, then support them until they are delivered” (65:6).

4 - The responsibility to bear the expenses of children lies with their father, regardless of whether they are married or divorced, whether she is rich or poor. A woman is not obliged to bear expenses for them if their father is alive. And on this issue all scientists agree.

Ibn Qudama (may Allah have mercy on him) in al-Mughni 8/169-170 reported the words of Ibn Munzir (may Allah have mercy on him): “ All the owners of knowledge from whom we adopted the knowledge unanimously agreed that a man is obliged to support children who do not have their own property».

5 - If after a divorce the children are in the care and education of the mother, then she can demand from ex-husband fees for guardianship and upbringing of children. See Mawsu'a al-fiqhiyya 17/311, as well as Sharh Muntaha al-Iradat 3/249.

6 - If a woman breastfeeds a child, then she has the right to demand payment from her ex-husband for this, in accordance with the words of the Almighty:

فَإِنْ أَرْضَعْنَ لَكُمْ فَآتُوهُنَّ أُجُورَهُنَّ وَأْتَمِرُوا بَيْنَكُمْ بِمَعْرُوفٍ

« If they breastfeed for you, then pay them a fee and consult among yourselves in a good way"(65:6).

This verse refers to divorced women.

This was the opinion of Abu Hanifa (may Allah have mercy on him), this is the most widespread and well-known opinion in the madhhab of Imam Ahmad (may Allah have mercy on him). This opinion was preferred by Sheikh al-Islam ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy on him), see al-Ikhtiyarat 412-413, and among modern scholars, Sheikh Ibn 'Usaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) adhered to this opinion, see "ash-Sharh al-Mumti'" 13/515-516. See also al-Mughni 11/431 and al-Fataawa al-Kubra 3/347.

7 - Material support includes: housing, food and drink, clothing, education, and anything else the children will need.

8 - The amount of material support, as well as fees for breastfeeding, and fees for the care and education of children, are determined by the customs of their locality and time. At the same time, taking into account the condition and position of the ex-husband, in accordance with the words of the Almighty:

لِيُنْفِقْ ذُو سَعَةٍ مِنْ سَعَتِهِ وَمَنْ قُدِرَ عَلَيْهِ رِزْقُهُ فَلْيُنْفِقْ مِمَّا آتَاهُ اللَّهُ لا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلا مَا آتَاهَا سَيَجْعَلُ اللَّهُ بَعْدَ عُسْرٍ يُسْرًا

“Let him who has wealth spend according to his wealth. And whoever is short of money, let him spend from what Allah has given him. Allah does not burden a person beyond what He has given him. After hardship, Allah creates relief” (65:7).

The rich must bear material costs in accordance with his position and condition. He who has average income, according to his position, is also poor. Or the parents themselves can agree on a certain fee, small or large. If the parents cannot reach mutual agreement on the amount, then the amount of material expenses for the child must be determined by a Sharia judge.

But still, it is better for them to come to a mutual agreement and assign a certain amount that will allow the child and his caring mother to live without need.

Having decided to marry a person professing a different religion, people do not always realize the consequences of such a step.

Where is it better to register a relationship, in the Russian Federation or in the homeland of your chosen one? Those who think this choice doesn't matter are in for a surprise.

Legislation on the possibility of marriage between Orthodox citizens of the Russian Federation and citizens of other religions

Marriage relations and their official confirmation by documents are regulated by the Family Code of the Russian Federation, if the marriage takes place on the territory of the Russian Federation or one of the couple has Russian citizenship.

In Art. 156 of the RF IC, as well as in other legislative acts, not a single paragraph mentions the religion of citizens and does not impose any restrictions on the reason that people belong to one or another religious group.

The Russian Federation is a multinational country, with various faiths existing in parallel.

IN major cities there is also Orthodox churches, and synagogues, and mosques, and Catholic churches. The very citizenship of any country does not define a person as professing a particular religion; religion comes from the depths family traditions.

Another issue is the compatibility and acceptance of laws adopted by different religious groups. Orthodoxy, for example, does not impose such strict limits on the behavior and life of a woman as Islam does. In countries where Islam predominates, there are serious differences from the life rules by which Orthodox Christians build relationships.

Features of marriage registration

It would seem that it makes no difference where to register the relationship - in the spouse’s homeland or in your own country.

But it turns out that there is a difference, and a significant one.

A wedding taking place according to religious laws - in a church, temple, mosque, synagogue - does not make the union official, that is, not legally documented in any way; only a civil registration gives the rights inherent in spouses, including property rights.

In the Russian Federation

Legislation represented by clause 2 of Art. 156 of the RF IC states that for each of the persons entering into marriage on the territory of the Russian Federation, the laws of the country to which this person is are applied, but only regarding consent to the union, marriageable age, restrictions, but not religious affiliation.

This legislative act indicates that if one of the future family has Russian citizenship, then all laws of the Russian Federation are applicable to this spouse, and if the other half is represented, for example, by German citizenship, then legal norms can be applied to this candidate spouse German legislation only.

In this case, it does not matter at all what faith each of the couple professes.

It is important that the marriage is recognized in the spouse’s homeland, so you need to follow the rules for joining a union in another country. For example, there is a wide range in the age for a union to be valid: failure to comply may result in the spouse's home country.

If there is a special agreement between the Russian Federation and the country of which the second of the couple is a citizen, then it is possible to register this union at the consulate, while Russian citizenship will remain with our person.

In a Muslim country

In other Muslim countries like Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia etc., polygamy is still recognized as a norm of life and there are strict rules that infringe on women’s rights.

Marriage in Muslim state does not require any registration, this procedure simple and straightforward: an offer is made, which is accepted or rejected. A marriage contract is concluded by a man with each of his spouses separately. The rights in such a family, as well as the responsibilities, are completely different for the husband and his wives.

Property rights are recognized for representatives of a couple only separately for each.

In a Muslim country, marriage must go through the procedure according to the laws of this state - according to Muslim custom, otherwise the union will not be recognized. A citizen of the Russian Federation (of any religion) must ensure that upon returning to their homeland the union is also legal, so they should contact the Russian consulate in the territory of a Muslim country and appear at reception hours together with their other half, with documents. It is necessary to have an alliance, which will be issued in a document after being recorded in a special book.

The passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation should not have marks indicating the presence of a valid marriage, but in any case they will make a request and find out this, since the absence official relations- one of the main conditions for registering a marriage.

What Christians Married to Muslims Need to Know

Before tying the knot with Muslims, it is important for Christians to understand some of the circumstances that arise after taking this step.

To a man

A Christian who becomes the husband of a Muslim woman will have to prepare for the fact that increased demands will be placed on him in terms of material support family, because according to Sharia law, maintaining a wife and children is the responsibility of the man alone, and if she considers his efforts not fruitful enough, she can apply for divorce.

Having received a Muslim wife, a Christian man becomes the owner of an obedient, reliable, hard-working and not inclined to obstinacy girlfriend in life. If there is a good material base, such an alliance has a favorable prognosis for for many years, in general, Muslim women are faithful, reserved and patient.

To a woman

A Christian woman needs to weigh everything a hundred times before starting a family with a Muslim.

Even if it looks like it modern man having higher education, he's with with mother's milk it gets used to dominating the weaker sex. You should not be sure that in a few years he will have only one Christian wife; on the contrary, we can assume that quite legally he can have up to four wives.

A man who is an adherent of such a confession is accustomed from childhood to the obedience of women, to their lack of rights. There is no hint of equality here, the husband dominates in everything, and all rights belong to him. He only has to utter words several times about his reluctance to be in this union - and that’s it, the marriage is over for his wife.

Children born in such marriages remain in the Muslim families of their fathers; the fight in the courts is practically futile, and the children will never be able to travel to their mother’s homeland. Not having the right to vote, a direct gaze, a raised head - it is unrealistically difficult to get used to this after the Christian perception of an equal person.

Thus, marriage is often concluded between a Muslim and a Christian. But what is said about such unions in religion and is a woman obliged to change her religion in order to become a Muslim’s legal wife?

Features of Muslim and Orthodox marriages

First of all, for Muslims, the family is an institution prescribed By God. Marriage has a lot to do with life more space than many other issues.

If we compare Christian and Muslim marriages, it becomes clear that they have similarities in many respects. But Muslim scripture still points out the unequal position of the fair sex in relation to their spouses.

Is marriage possible between a Muslim and a Christian?

Situations when representatives of different religious faiths decide to marry are not uncommon today. And not necessarily we're talking about O . On the territory Russian Federation live as followers Christian religion, and so are Muslims. A Muslim cannot marry a non-believer woman, as well as a Buddhist and Hare Krishna woman.

In Islam according to the Koran

Islam does not prohibit Muslims from marrying representatives of other religious faiths. But only on one condition. They must be chaste women from among the People of the Book. That is, they can be either Christians or.

True, to conclude an alliance, certain conditions must be met:

  • a woman must be chaste, that is;
  • for the wedding to take place, it must be performed religious rite- nikkah;
  • spouses must live where way of life corresponds to Sharia, that is, where a Muslim will have power over his wife and will be able to convert her to his religion;
  • a husband must have strong and strong faith.

Muslim girls cannot marry non-believers. This is canonically illegal.

In Orthodoxy

Despite the fact that many consider Christianity a tolerant religion, the church does not welcome marriage with people of other faiths. And if an Orthodox girl decides to marry a Muslim, she will definitely be condemned.

It is also said that this is evil and sin before God.

Therefore, until 1917, it was impossible for Christians to marry people of other faiths. Including with Muslims.

What does an interfaith union look like from the outside?

Quite ambiguous. On the one hand, it is clear that the union is concluded out of love, since young people sometimes have to overcome the condemnation of the older generation (and it undoubtedly exists), adapt to each other, change habits and traditions.

The older generation often has a negative attitude towards such marriages, since grandparents understand that sometimes even the strongest love is broken. everyday problems, especially if it is aggravated by cultural and religious disputes.

But that part of society that is tolerant of such marriages, on the contrary, is sure that since deciding on an alliance with a representative of another faith is not always easy, young people are ready for difficulties, and love will simply pass additional tests and become even stronger.

Is dating outside of marriage between Muslim/Muslim women and Christian/Christian women allowed?

Any religion, be it Christianity, Islam, Judaism, prohibits close relationships between a man and a woman who are not in an official or spiritual union. Here the rules are the same for everyone - any relationship will be considered vicious, and the priest or imam will call it a sin.

But what should you do if acquaintance has taken place, but marriage is still far away? Can young people communicate without violating church commandments and without contradicting the verses of the Koran?

Islam prohibits a man and a woman from being alone. They can go to the cinema, walk along crowded streets, drink tea in a cafe. But never have a one-on-one date at someone’s home.

The Bible also contains commandments prohibiting a man and a woman from touching each other before marriage.

We're not talking about casual touching or giving a girl a hand when she comes out. public transport. Namely, touching to express feelings. Christianity does not prohibit lovers from dating before marriage, but these dates must also take place within the framework of moral decency and not in private.

But friendship between a man and a woman without the thought of creating a family is also condemned in Orthodoxy. It is believed that if a guy and a girl cannot get married in the future, then there is no need for them to start any kind of friendly relationship.

Both religions say the same thing. Meetings outside of marriage between a man and a girl are possible only if they plan to get married in the future. Moreover, these meetings should take place in public places and not be of an intimate nature, but should occur only with the goal of getting to know each other better and discussing further wedding issues.


Mixed marriages between representatives of different religious faiths can sometimes lead to certain not very pleasant consequences:


In the name of the Gracious and Merciful Allah!
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!

Undoubtedly, all religions except Islam were abolished. After Allah blessed humanity with the coming of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the only religion recognized by Allah from that moment on was Islam. Allah says in the Quran:

إِنَّ الدِّينَ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ الْإِسْلَامُ

Allah recognizes one religion - Islam. (Quran, 3:19)

Basically, in the terminology of the Qur'an and Hadith, Jews and Christians are known as "Ahlul-Kitab" (people of the Book). This is due to the fact that they are followers of religions that Allah previously revealed to the prophets along with His Scriptures, which formed the basis of the Christian and Jewish religions. Because of these Scriptures they are called “people of the Book.”

Even during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), Christians and Jews were called “Ahlul-Kitab”, despite the fact that they believed in those Scriptures, which at that time had already been distorted and changed and differed from their original form. Koran confirms this fact, and in many verses you will find that these communities are called “Ahlul-Kitab”. From this it can be seen that although these religions have been abolished, these people are still called the “People of the Book”, and marriage to women from among them is permitted.

Also in the hadiths you will find many reports showing that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and his companions called these people “Ahlul-Kitab”.

Taking all this into account, the marriage of Muslim men to Ahlul Kitab women will, in principle, be permissible, as established by the Qur'an:

وَالْمُحْصَنَاتُ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنَاتِ وَالْمُحْصَنَاتُ مِنَ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ إِذَا آتَيْتُمُوهُنَّ أُجُورَهُنَّ مُحْصِنِينَ غَيْرَ مُسَافِحِينَ وَلَا مُتَّخِذِي أَخْدَانٍ

And you are allowed good women from among the believers and good women from among those who were given the Scripture before you, if you pay them the gift in marriage, not in debauchery, without taking them as your mistresses. (Quran, 5:5)

Accordingly, if a Muslim performs nikah with a Christian or Jewish woman, such a marriage will be legal and valid, and their children will be legitimate. Another thing is whether we recommend such a marriage for a Muslim or not. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that a person chooses a spouse based on certain pleasant qualities, and emphasized religiosity, that is, that the wife should be a sincere Muslim. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال تنكح المرأة لأربع لمالها ولحسبها وجمالها ولدينها فاظفر بذات الدين تربت يداك

A woman can be married for four reasons:
- because of her wealth,
– status,
– beauty
- and religion.
So be successful in marrying a religious woman, may you be blessed! (Bukhari. Sahih. – No. 5090, narrated by Abu Hurayra)

Therefore, a Muslim should choose a wife who will be a means of strengthening his faith, supporting him and raising his children with correct Islamic values ​​and principles. This becomes practically unattainable if a Muslim marries a woman from Ahlul Kitab, due to differences in religion. A Muslim should beware of considering the possibility of such a marriage. In most cases, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages due to the incompatibility of cultures, lifestyles and religions.

And Allah knows best.

Mufti Suhail Tarmahomed
Fatwa Center (Seattle, USA)
Fatwa Department of the Council of Ulama (KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)