Yu 71 hypersonic aircraft. The fastest hypersonic aircraft in the world. Russian hypersonic aircraft. Chinese hypersonic vehicles

30-06-2015, 16:01

By 2025, Russia will have a serious nuclear trump card in negotiations with the United States

Russia is testing a new hypersonic glide vehicle, the Yu-71 (Yu-71), which is capable of carrying nuclear warheads. The Washington Free Beacon reported this on June 28, citing a publication by the famous British military analytical center Janes Information Group.

According to WFB, Russia has been developing the device for several years, but its first tests were carried out in February of this year. The device is allegedly part of the Russian secret project "4202" associated with the missile program. According to the authors of the publication, this will give Russia the opportunity to be guaranteed to hit a target with only one missile. According to the Washington Times, Russia intends to use the hypersonic military project as a tool of pressure during arms control negotiations with the United States.

Hypersonic vehicles like the one created by Russia are extremely difficult to track and shoot down, since they move along an unpredictable trajectory, and their speed reaches 11,200 km/h, experts from the British center note. According to them, up to 24 of these hypersonic aircraft (combat units) can be deployed in the Dombarovsky regiment of the Strategic Missile Forces in the period from 2020 to 2025. Previously, this designation - Yu-71 - did not appear in open sources.

It is worth noting that even retired generals of the Strategic Missile Forces prefer to refrain from commenting on object “4202”, citing the confidentiality of the topic and possible consequences discussion of this topic in "SP".

Plans for adopting “4202” objects into service were indeed not announced. But it is known from open sources that the development of the devices is being carried out by NPO Mashinostroeniya (Reutov), ​​and it began before 2009. The formal customer of the R&D “4202” is the Russian Federal Space Agency, which, according to some experts, can serve as a kind of “cover.” IN New Year's greetings“NPO Mashinostroeniya” in 2012 named object “4202” as one of the most important for the corporation for the next few years. Most likely, the first test of the device from object “4202” was carried out not in February 2015, as British experts claim, but as part of the “Safety-2004” exercises at the Baikonur training ground, because at a press conference the then First Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Russia's Yuri Baluevsky said that during the training, a spacecraft was tested that is capable of flying at hypersonic speeds, while performing maneuvers both in course and in altitude.

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Missile and Artillery Sciences (RARAN), Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov says that the current combat units intercontinental ballistic missiles hypersound is developed in the passive section. However, the difference between a promising hypersonic warhead most likely lies in the fact that it does not simply act as a ballistic warhead, but follows a rather complex trajectory, that is, it maneuvers like an aircraft at enormous flight speed.

It is possible that specialists on the topic “4202” use Soviet technologies, which were worked on by one of the leading developers of Soviet aerospace technology, Gleb Lozino-Lozinsky. Let me remind you that he was the project manager for the aerospace fighter-bomber “Spiral”, the leading developer of the Buran spacecraft, and supervised the project for the reusable aerospace system “MAKS” and a number of other programs where work was carried out, including on hypersound.

You need to understand that hypersonic warheads are quite heavy - 1.5-2 tons. Therefore, it can probably become the warhead of a light ICBM of the Topol-M type (after all, the latest tests were carried out on the UR-100N UTTH), but the RS-28 Sarmat ICBM, which should be put into service by the end of the decade, will be able to throw several such warheads at once, which will follow complex trajectories, which will make them practically invulnerable to enemy missile defense systems. For example, even in intercepting old ballistic missiles whose warheads do not maneuver, the transatmospheric American GBI interceptors ground-based give a very low probability of defeat - 15−20%.

If our Strategic Missile Forces actually adopt missiles with hypersonic warheads by 2025, then this will be a rather serious application. It is logical that in the West, ICBMs with hypersonic warheads are called a new possible trump card for Moscow in negotiations with Washington. As practice shows, the United States can be brought to the negotiating table with only one the only way- put into service systems that will make Americans truly afraid.

In addition, Russia is also developing hypersonic cruise missiles, which can go at low altitudes. Accordingly, their defeat by promising missile defense systems is problematic, because these are, in fact, aerodynamic targets. Besides modern complexes missile defense have limits on the speed of hitting targets within 1000 meters per second: as a rule, the speed of an interceptor is 700-800 meters per second. The problem is that when firing at a high-speed target, the interceptor missile must be able to maneuver with overloads measured in tens and even hundreds of g. Such missile defenses do not yet exist.

Editor-in-Chief of the Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine, member of the Expert Council under the Chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation Viktor Murakhovsky notes: it is no secret that combat equipment, payload Our ICBMs are constantly being improved.

And when President Vladimir Putin, speaking on June 16 at the Army-2015 forum, said that this year the composition nuclear forces will be replenished with more than 40 new intercontinental missiles, then all the media paid attention to this figure, but somehow missed the continuation of the phrase - “which will be able to overcome any, even the most technically advanced missile defense systems.”

In the program to improve combat equipment, work is underway, including the creation of hypersonic maneuvering warheads precisely on the maneuver trajectory - after the payload has been deployed, which will make it possible to really ignore any conceivable promising missile defense system. Yes, the intercontinental ballistic missiles in service with the Strategic Missile Forces now have blocks that deploy at a speed of 5-7 kilometers per second. But it’s a completely different matter to carry out a maneuver, and a controlled one, at such speeds. It is quite possible that these warheads can be installed on the new Sarmat heavy missile, which will replace the legendary Soviet R-36M2 Voevoda in the army. I think that in the future similar warheads will be installed on missiles entering service with the Strategic Missile Forces.

“SP”: - According to information from open sources, on February 26, the launch of “object 4202” was carried out by the UR-100N UTTH missile system, the serial production of which continued until 1985. This missile is a modification of the Stiletto (UR-100N, according to NATO classification - SS-19 mod.1 Stiletto)…

The service life of this missile system seems to have been extended until 2031, and it is used only for testing. Naturally, this missile is examined before each launch, but it has always demonstrated reliability. So, our payload is launched into orbit by Dnepr launch vehicles - the launch vehicles, to put it mildly, are no longer young, but also reliable, during the operation of which, as far as I remember, major accidents didn't happen.

“SP”: - The media have repeatedly reported that the Chinese, in addition to the WU-14, are developing a hypersonic cruise missile.

Hypersonic missiles are, of course, a completely different direction. To be honest, I don’t really believe in the appearance of such weapons, even in the long term, because I can’t imagine how a cruise missile can be accelerated to hypersound in dense layers of the atmosphere. Of course, you can build something gigantic, but in relation to the payload it will be an absolutely irrational use of funds.

"SP": - In the USA, hypersonic projects within the framework of the implementation of the concept of "Prompt Global Strike" are being developed by various departments: the X-43A aircraft - NASA, the X-51A missile - the Air Force, the AHW vehicle - Ground forces, ArcLight rocket - DARPA and Navy, Falcon HTV-2 airframe - DARPA and Air Force. Moreover, the timing of their appearance is different: missiles - by 2018-2020, reconnaissance aircraft - by 2030.

All this promising developments It’s not for nothing that there are so many of them. For example, the AHW project, according to various sources, is also a combined weapon consisting of a three-stage launch vehicle and a hypersonic warhead itself. But it is difficult to say how far the Americans have progressed in the development of this project (the tests were considered either successful or unsuccessful - “SP”). As you know, the Americans did not particularly bother about equipping their missiles with missile defense penetration systems, meaning, for example, the creation of a “cloud” of false targets around a real warhead.

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Moscow is developing a hypersonic strategic strike aircraft, similar to a similar Chinese one, Western media report, citing military analysts.

Yu-71 (Yu-71) has been in development for several years. The last tests of the aircraft took place in February 2015. The launch took place from the Dombarovsky test site near Orenburg. Previously, it was purely speculatively reported by other Western sources, but now this launch has been confirmed by new analysts. The publication refers to a report released in June by the famous Western military analytical center Jane's Information Group.

“The aircraft is part of a secret Russian project with the creation of a certain object 4202"

As the document notes, this will give Russia the ability to carry out precision strikes on selected targets, and in combination with the capabilities of its missile defense system, Moscow will be able to successfully hit a target with only one missile.

The report suggests that up to 24 of these hypersonic aircraft (combat units) could be deployed in the Dombarovsky regiment of the Strategic Missile Forces in the period from 2020 to 2025. It also follows from the document that by this time Russia will have created a new heavy intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of carrying the Yu-71.

Previously, this designation - Yu-71 - did not appear in open sources.

Although the era of the Cold War is in the past, today there are still enough problems in the world that need to be solved with the help of the latest developments in the field of weapons. At first glance, the world's main problems come from terrorist groups; relations between some major world powers are also quite tense.

IN lately Relations between Russia and the United States have become extremely strained. Using NATO, the United States surrounds Russia with missile defense systems. Concerned by this, Russia has begun developing hypersonic aircraft, so-called “drones,” that can carry nuclear warheads. It is with these projects that the secret supersonic glider Yu-71 is associated, the tests of which are carried out in the strictest secrecy.

History of the development of hypersonic weapons

The first tests of aircraft capable of flying at speeds exceeding the speed of sound began back in the 50s of the 20th century. This was associated with the era of the Cold War, when the two strongest superpowers in the world (the USA and the USSR) tried to beat each other in the arms race. The first Soviet development in this area was the Spiral system. It was a small orbital aircraft, and had to meet the following parameters:

  • The system was supposed to be superior to the American X-20 "Dyna Soar", which was a similar project;
  • The hypersonic carrier aircraft was supposed to provide a speed of about 7,000 km/h;
  • The system had to be reliable and not fall apart under overload.

Despite all efforts Soviet designers, the characteristics of the hypersonic carrier aircraft are not even close to the coveted speed figure. The project had to be closed because the system did not even take off. To great joy Soviet government, American tests also failed miserably. At that time world aviation was still infinitely far from speeds exceeding several times the speed of sound.

Tests that were already closer to technologies related to hypersound took place in 1991, then in the USSR. Then the flight of “Kholod” was carried out, which was a flying laboratory created on the basis of the S-200 missile system, based on the 5B28 rocket. The first test was quite successful, as it was possible to reach a speed of about 1,900 km/h. Developments in this area continued until 1998, after which they were curtailed due to the economic crisis.

Development of supersonic technologies in the 21st century

Although accurate information about the development hypersonic weapons for the period from 2000 to 2010, no, having collected materials from open sources, you can see that these developments were carried out in several directions:

  • First of all, warheads are being developed for ballistic intercontinental missiles. Although their mass is much higher than conventional missiles of this class, due to maneuvers in the atmosphere they will not be intercepted by standard missile defense systems;
  • The next direction in the development of supersonic technologies is the development of the Zircon complex. This complex is based on the supersonic missile defense system "Yakhont/Oniks";
  • A missile system is also being developed, the rockets of which will be able to reach speeds that exceed the speed of sound 13 times.

If all these projects are united in one holding company, then the rocket that will be created through joint efforts can be both ground-based, airborne or ship-based. If the American project “Prompt Global Strike,” which envisages the creation of supersonic weapons capable of hitting anywhere in the world within one hour, is successful, Russia will only be able to be protected by intercontinental supersonic missiles of its own design.

Russian supersonic missiles, the tests of which are recorded by British and American specialists, are capable of speeds of about 11,200 km/h. They are almost impossible to shoot down and even extremely difficult to track. Information about this project, which often appears under the name Yu-71 or “object 4202,” is extremely small.

The most famous facts about Russia's secret weapon Yu-71

The secret Yu-71 glider, which is part of the Russian supersonic missile program, is capable of flying to New York in 40 minutes. Although this information not officially confirmed, based on the fact that supersonic Russian missiles capable of reaching speeds of over 11,00 km/h, these are the conclusions that can be drawn.

According to the little information that can be found about it, the Yu-71 glider is capable of:

  • Fly at speeds over 11,000 km/h;
  • Has incredible maneuverability;
  • Able to plan;
  • During the flight it can go into space.

Although the tests have not yet been completed, everything suggests that by 2025, Russia may have this supersonic glider armed with nuclear warheads. Such a weapon will be capable of reaching almost anywhere in the world within an hour and delivering a targeted nuclear strike.

Dmitry Rogozin said that the Russian defense industry, which was the most developed and advanced during the Soviet era, fell far behind in the arms race during the 90s and 2000s. For last decade Russian army begins to be reborn. Soviet technology is being replaced by modern high-tech models, and fifth-generation weapons, which have been “stuck” in the design bureaus in the form of projects on paper, begins to take on very specific outlines. According to Rogozin, new Russian weapons can surprise the world with its unpredictability. By unpredictable weapon, they most likely meant the Yu-71 glider, armed with nuclear warheads.

Although this device has been in development since at least 2010, information about its tests reached the US military only in 2015. The Pentagon fell into complete despondency because of this, because if the Yu-71 is used, the entire missile defense system, which is installed along the perimeter of Russian territory, becomes absolutely useless. In addition, the United States of America itself becomes defenseless against this secret nuclear glider.

Yu-71 is capable of not only inflicting nuclear strikes on the enemy. Thanks to the presence of a powerful, state-of-the-art system electronic warfare, the glider is capable of disabling all detection stations equipped with electronic equipment in a few minutes, flying over US territory.

If you believe NATO reports, then from 2020 to 2025, up to 24 Yu-71 type devices may appear in the Russian army, any of which is capable of crossing an enemy border undetected and destroying the whole city several shots.

Russian plans for the development of hyperweapons

Although no official statements have been made in Russia regarding the adoption of the Yu-71, it is known that development began at least in 2009. Back in 2004, a statement was made that a spacecraft capable of reaching hypersonic speeds had successfully passed tests. It is also known that the test vehicle is capable of not only flying along a given course, but also performing various maneuvers in flight.

The key feature of the new weapon will be precisely this ability to maneuver at supersonic speeds. Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov claims that modern intercontinental missiles are capable of reaching supersonic speeds, although they act only as ballistic warheads. The flight trajectory of these missiles is easy to calculate and prevent. The main danger to the enemy is precisely controlled aircraft, which are able to change the direction of movement and at the same time move along a complex and unpredictable trajectory.

At a meeting of the military-industrial commission, which was held in Tula on September 19, 2012, Dmitry Rogozin made a statement that we should expect the emergence of a new holding that will take over all aspects of the development of hypersonic technologies. Also at this conference, the enterprises that should be part of the new holding were named:

  • NPO Mashinostroyenia, which is now directly involved in the development of supersonic technologies. To create a holding, NPO Mashinostroyenia must leave Roscosmos;
  • The next part of the new holding should be the Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation;
  • The Almaz-Antey concern, whose field of activity currently lies in the area of ​​anti-missile and aerospace, should also actively assist the holding in its work.

Although, according to Rogozin, this merger has long been necessary, due to some legal aspects, it has not yet taken place. Rogozin emphasized that this process is precisely a merger, and not an acquisition of one company by another. It is this process that will significantly accelerate the development of hypersonic technologies in the military field.

Director of the Center for Analysis of the Global Arms Trade, military expert and chairman Public Council at the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Igor Korotchenko supports the merger ideas voiced by Rogozin. According to him, the new holding will be able to fully concentrate its efforts on creating new promising types of weapons. Since both companies have enormous capabilities, together they will be able to make a significant contribution to the development defense complex Russia.

If by 2025 Russia will be armed with not only hypersonic missiles, with nuclear warheads, but also Yu-71 gliders, this will be a serious application in negotiations with the United States. Due to the fact that America is accustomed to acting from a position of strength in all negotiations of this type, dictating only favorable conditions to the other side, full-fledged negotiations with it can be conducted only by possessing new powerful weapons. The only way to force the United States to listen to the words of its opponent is to seriously frighten the Pentagon.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking at the Army 2015 conference, noted that nuclear forces will receive 40 of the latest intercontinental missiles. Many understood that this meant hypersonic missiles that are able to overcome all known missile defense systems. The president’s words are indirectly confirmed by Viktor Murakhovsky (member of the expert council under the chairman of the military-industrial commission), saying that Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles are being improved every year.

Russia is developing cruise missiles that can fly at hypersonic speeds. These missiles are capable of reaching targets at ultra-low altitudes. All modern missile defense systems in service with NATO are unable to hit targets flying at such low altitudes. In addition, all modern missile defense systems are capable of intercepting targets flying at a speed of no more than 800 meters per second, so even if you do not count the Yu71 glider, there are enough supersonic Russian intercontinental missiles to render NATO missile defense systems useless.

According to the latest data, it is known that the USA and China are also developing their own analogue of the Yu-71, only Chinese development can be a real competitor Russian development. The Americans, to their deepest sorrow, have so far failed to achieve serious success in this area.

The Chinese glider is known as Wu-14. This device was officially tested only in 2012, but as a result of these tests it was able to reach speeds of over 11,000 km/h. Although it is known about the speed qualities of the Chinese development general public, there is not a word anywhere about the weapons that the Chinese glider will be equipped with.

The American supersonic drone Falcon HTV-2, which was tested several years ago, suffered a crushing fiasco - it simply lost control and crashed after 10 minutes of flight.

If supersonic weapons become the standard weapon of the Russian Space Force, then the entire missile defense system will become practically useless. The introduction of supersonic technologies will create a real revolution in the military sphere throughout the world.

This top-secret aircraft, limited information about which has begun to appear in the press under the name Yu-71, is part of Project 4202, associated with the domestic missile program. From more or less reliable information about it: it is capable of reaching speeds of over 11 thousand kilometers per hour, has super maneuverability, uses a gliding type of flight (hence the name glider) and is capable of maneuvering into near space. Tests are still ongoing, but their results allow talk about the undoubted success of Russian technical thought. It is expected that by 2025, Russia, through this new type of weapon, will have a powerful nuclear trump card in negotiations with the United States. “The arms race at the end of the last century allowed our country to significantly outstrip NATO countries in military-technical terms and create fourth-generation weapons,” says the defense official. » Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. – The fifth generation, let’s be objective, for a number of understandable reasons related to the collapse of the Soviet Union, is still stuck at the level of design bureaus. The current task of the military-industrial complex is not only to catch up and bring to life fifth-generation weapons, but also to take a step into the future - to work now on the sixth and seventh generations of weapons. And such developments, I note, are very successful, already exist. This is a completely new, sometimes unpredictable weapon.” Dmitry Olegovich did not name specific developments, limiting himself only to areas of technical development, but he, of course, also meant a hypersonic aircraft capable of carrying nuclear weapons. combat unit– Yu-71. Russia has been developing this device, capable of reliably hitting a target with one missile, for several years, having carried out several successful tests. But the information leak occurred only in February 2015. The generals in the Pentagon were not only upset, but also completely despondent: this Russian “argument” not only cancels out all plans to create a missile defense system along the perimeter of Russia, but also makes the United States itself absolutely defenseless. Among the technical capabilities of the Yu-71 is not only the infliction of instant and deadly blows. A hypersonic vehicle equipped with an electronic warfare (electronic warfare) system is capable of crossing US territory in a matter of minutes and disabling all electronic detection stations on its way.
According to NATO, up to 24 hypersonic aircraft can be deployed from 2020 to 2025 in one of the regiments of the 13th Missile Division of the Strategic Missile Forces (Orenburg Region), presumably in the village of Dombarovsky. And let’s say, the U-71 can fly to Washington in 45–50 minutes, to New York in 40, and to London in 20. It is impossible to detect, much less shoot down, these devices. There is a serious reason for frustration here! In Russia itself, plans to adopt 4202 objects into service have not been announced. However, it is known from open sources that the development of the devices is being carried out by NPO Mashinostroeniya (Reutov town near Moscow) and it began before 2009. The formal customer of OKR 4202 is the Russian Federal Space Agency, but the Ministry of Defense is also showing increased interest in it. At least, the General Staff stated back in 2004 that a spacecraft capable of flying at hypersonic speed was tested, while performing maneuvers both in course and in altitude. “Even the current warheads of domestic intercontinental ballistic missiles are developing in the passive phase hypersound,” says corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Missile and Artillery Sciences (RARAN), Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov. “However, the difference between a promising hypersonic warhead most likely lies in the fact that it acts not just as a ballistic warhead, but follows a rather complex trajectory, that is, it maneuvers like an aircraft with enormous flight speed.” And if the Russian Strategic Missile Forces by 2025 will actually adopt missiles with hypersonic warheads, this will be a serious application. Already in America and Europe, Russian hypersonic vehicles is called Moscow’s new trump card in negotiations with Washington. They are not in vain: as practice shows, there is only one way to bring the United States to the negotiating table - to put into service systems that will make the Pentagon seriously afraid. “It is no secret that the combat equipment and payload of our ICBMs are constantly being improved,” says a member of the expert council at Chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation Viktor Murakhovsky. – And when President Vladimir Putin, speaking at the Army-2015 forum, said that this year the nuclear forces would be replenished with more than 40 new intercontinental missiles, everyone paid attention to this figure, but somehow missed the continuation of the phrase: “which will be able to overcome any, even the most technically advanced missile defense systems.” It is no secret that Russia is also developing hypersonic cruise missiles that reach targets at low altitudes. It is almost impossible to hit them even with promising missile defense systems, because these are essentially aerodynamic targets. In addition, modern missile defense systems have limits on the speed at which they can hit targets: interception is possible only within the range of 700–800 meters per second. Plus, the anti-missile missile must have the ability to maneuver with overloads. But there are no such things in NATO yet. Developments similar to our Yu-71 hypersonic vehicle are being carried out in China and the USA. At the same time, experts believe that only a Chinese development called Wu-14 can become a serious rival to the Russian hypersonic glider. This is also a glider, although it was tested only once - in 2012. It turned out that, like the Russian glider, the Chinese one was able to maneuver at a supersonic speed of 11 thousand kilometers per hour. It is unknown, however, what weapons the Chinese device can carry. But the results of American designers are much more modest than those of Russian and Chinese. Several years ago, during testing, the Falcon HTV-2 hypersonic drone simply lost control 10 minutes into the flight and crashed.

It ended a long time ago, the world has not become safer. The dangers of this century come not only from terrorist groups; relations between the world's leading powers also leave much to be desired. Russia blackmails the United States with “radioactive ash,” and the Americans surround Russia with a missile defense system, lay down new strategic submarines and test missile defense. More and more often high-ranking officials and multi-star generals of both countries announce the creation of new species strategic weapons and modernization of old ones. One of the directions of the new arms race was the development of hypersonic aircraft that can be used as effective remedy delivery of nuclear charges.

Recently, information appeared about tests in Russia of a new hypersonic unmanned aerial vehicle Yu-71 with unique characteristics. The news was noticed in the foreign press, it is extremely scarce, and we learned practically nothing about the promising complex. In Russian sources, the information is even more scanty and contradictory, and in order to general outline To understand what the new Yu-71 weapon could be, you need to remember why the military used hypersound in the first place.

History of hypersonic vehicles

Hypersound is far from a new direction in the development of offensive weapons. The creation of aircraft with speeds several times greater than the speed of sound (more than Mach 5) began in Hitler's Germany, at the very beginning of the rocket era. These works received a powerful impetus after the beginning of the nuclear age and went in several directions.

IN different countries sought to create devices capable of developing hypersonic speed, there were attempts to create hypersonic cruise missiles, as well as suborbital aircraft. Most similar projects ended in vain.

In the 60s of the last century, the United States began developing a project for the North American X-15 hypersonic aircraft, which could make suborbital flights. Thirteen of his flights were classified as suborbital, their altitude exceeding 80 kilometers.

In the Soviet Union there was a similar project called “Spiral”, which, however, was never brought to life. According to the plan of Soviet designers, the booster jet aircraft was supposed to reach hypersonic speed (6 M), and then a suborbital vehicle equipped with rocket engines would take off from its back. This device was planned to be used mainly for military purposes.

Work in this direction is also being carried out today by private companies that plan to use similar devices for suborbital tourism. However, these developments are already underway modern level technology development and will most likely end successfully. Today to ensure high speed Such devices often use ramjet engines, which will make the use of such aircraft or drones relatively cheap.

The creation of cruise missiles with hypersonic speed is also moving in the same direction. In the United States, the government program Global Prompt Strike (quick or lightning-fast global strike) is being developed, which is aimed at gaining the ability to deliver a powerful non-nuclear strike on any point on the planet within one hour. As part of this program, new hypersonic vehicles are being developed that can both carry a nuclear charge and do without it. As part of the Global Prompt Strike, several projects of cruise missiles with hypersonic speed are being promoted, but the Americans cannot yet boast of serious achievements in this direction.

Similar projects are being developed in Russia. The fastest cruise missile put into service is anti-ship missile Brahmos, created jointly with India.

If we talk about spacecraft developing hypersonic speed, we should remember spaceships reusable, which during descent develop a speed many times greater than the speed of sound. Such ships include the American shuttles and the Soviet Buran, but their time has most likely passed.

If we are talking about unmanned hypersonic aerial vehicles, then we should note hypersonic warheads, which are the warhead of ballistic missiles. missile systems. Essentially, these are warheads capable of maneuvering at hypersonic speeds. They are also often called gliders for their ability to plan. Today, three countries are known to be working on similar projects: Russia, the USA and China. It is believed that China is the leader in this direction.

The American hypersonic warhead AHW (Advanced Hypersonic Weapon) passed two tests: the first was successful (2011), and during the second the rocket exploded. According to some sources, the AHW glider can reach speeds of up to Mach 8. The development of this device is carried out within the framework of the Global Prompt Strike program.

In 2014, China conducted the first successful tests of the new hypersonic glider WU-14. There is evidence that this warhead can reach a speed of about Mach 10. It can be installed on various types Chinese ballistic missiles; in addition, there is information that Beijing is actively working on creating its own hypersonic ramjet engine, which can be used to create vehicles launched from aircraft.

The Russian response to the developments of strategic competitors should be the Yu-71 (Project 4202), which was tested at the beginning of this year.

Yu-71: what is known today

In mid-2019, an article in the American publication The Washington Free Beacon caused a great stir. According to journalists, in February 2019, Russia tested a new hypersonic aircraft, the Yu-71, for military purposes. The material reported that the Russian device can reach speeds of up to 11 thousand km/h, and also maneuver along the descent trajectory. Such characteristics make it virtually invulnerable to any modern means PRO.

Yu-71 is also called a glider. It was launched in low-Earth orbit, and was delivered there by the SS-19 Stiletto intercontinental ballistic missile (UR-100 N). It launched from the area of ​​deployment of the Dombarovsky Strategic Missile Forces formation. According to the same publication, this is exactly what military unit will be armed with similar glider combat units until 2025.

Experts believe that the Yu-71 is part of the top-secret Russian Project 4202, related to the development of new strategic weapons, which started in 2009. There is very little information about the new warhead (which is quite understandable), only the speed and ability to maneuver at the final stage of the trajectory are mentioned. However, even with such characteristics, the Yu-71 is no longer afraid of any missile defense systems of our day.

In Russian General Staff back in 2004, they announced that they had tested an aircraft capable of developing hypersonic speeds, while performing maneuvers both in altitude and heading. This coincides with the launch of the UR-100N UTTH ICBM from the Baikonur test site against a target at the Kura test site.

In 2011, information appeared about the test launch of a ballistic missile with special equipment capable of overcoming modern and promising missile defense systems. Probably, one of the promising Russian ballistic missiles will be equipped with a new warhead, most often called the new Sarmat missile (RS-28 ICBM).

The fact is that such warheads have a relatively large mass, so it is better to install them on powerful carriers capable of carrying several Yu-71s at once.

According to the scant information from Russian sources, the development of project 4202 is carried out by NPO Mashinostroeniya in the town of Reutov near Moscow. In addition, the press reported on the technical re-equipment of the Strela Production Association (Orenburg), undertaken with the aim of participating in the 4202 project.

The warheads of modern ballistic missiles develop hypersonic speeds during their descent trajectory and are capable of performing quite complex maneuvers. Experts consider the main difference between the Yu-71 to be an even more difficult flight, comparable to the flight of an airplane.

In any case, the adoption of such units into service will significantly increase the effectiveness of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces.

There is information about the active development of hypersonic cruise missiles, which could become a new weapon for Russian combat aircraft, in particular the promising PAK DA strategic bomber. Such missiles represent a very difficult target for interceptor missiles of missile defense systems.

Such projects could render the missile defense system as a whole useless. The fact is that objects flying from high speed, it is extremely difficult to intercept. To do this, interceptor missiles must have high speed and the ability to maneuver with huge overloads, and such missiles do not yet exist. It is very difficult to calculate the trajectories of maneuvering warheads.

Video about the Yu-71 hypersonic glider

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