Funny animal. The funniest animals in the world. Madagascar suckerfoot and broad-eared folded lip

funny animal

Alternative descriptions

In the cartoon - a cute “baby”, in life - a valuable fur-bearing animal

Forest washerwoman

Not a sperm whale, not a hippopotamus, but also a rhyme for the word cat

It can be a gargle and a crustacean

Predatory mammal with dark yellow valuable fur

Hat Beast

This animal from the famous cartoon was afraid of its reflection in the river

I went to the pond for sedge

Furry animal

. "relative" red panda

Scared of the reflection

Furry laundry lover

A beast with a neat image

Panda as a representative of the animal world

. "sinking..." (palindrome)

This Little One smiled at his reflection in the water

This is Canada's top predator, cute, with human-like arms

Thanks to this hero's song, we learned that friendship begins with a smile

Russian merchants who traded with the West in the sixteenth century first encountered the skins of an unknown animal, which the Americans called “racoon”, but what do we call it now?

This animal devotes 22% of its active time to palpating, most often on the shore of a reservoir; its Indian name is “one who scratches with his hands,” but what do we call him?

. “Wasche” is German for “washing”, “bar” is German for “bear”, and what animal do the Germans call “waschebar”?

According to some legends, at a meeting of animals, where the question of being on Earth was decided eternal day or eternal night, in the end, after a long debate, the chipmunk came forward and, without further ado, pointed to his neighbor’s tail, and who was this neighbor?

Who was Roni - the mascot Olympic Games in Lake Placid?

Cute cartoon baby

Striped garter

Baby with a “song about a smile”

An animal with the habits of a washerwoman

Cartoon baby animal

Fur animal

Furry animal

Both the gargle and the crustacean

Fought with the one in the pond

Gargle or crustacean

cartoon baby

Crayfish animal

Brutal Gargle

Animal with valuable fur

Eraser Beast

Animal with beautiful fur

Crayfish beast

Cartoon baby

. "Smile, baby..."

Clean animal

Beast gargle

Gargle and crustacean

. "laundress" in a valuable fur coat

Sang about a smile

Valuable gargle

. "laundress" from Durov's corner

Who sang to us about smiling?

Cartoon baby

Fluffy gargle

The brutal status of the gargle


Crayfish fur

Fur-bearing crayfish

Hero of the film "Forest Brotherhood"

Washerwoman in the animal world

Killed in abbreviation u. e.

Baby smiling at the reflection

A handsome guy who sang about a smile

Furry animal in a “mask”

Gargle, crayfish and kinkajou

Fur gargle

Furry animal gargle

Baby Beast (m/f)

Furry clean food lover

Performer of the song “From a Smile” in the famous cartoon

Who was the Roni mascot? (Olympus.)

Fur predator

Furry animal with a muzzle in a “mask”

Fur washerwoman

Baby - animal from m/f

Animal in a “mask”

Wild gargle

Predatory furry animal

Panda's Kindred

Played a laundress in a living corner

Kinkajou like an animal

Babybeast from the cartoon


Funny furry animal

An animal that knows a lot about washing

Fur washing fanatic

Nose like a beast

Fluffy crayfish and crayfish


An animal skilled in washing

Raked beetle, “dressed” in fur

Animal gargle

An animal in a “mask”, but not a panda

Predatory animal

. "laundress" from a living corner

Furry crayfish lover

Forest fur-bearing animal

Furry animal

Predatory mammal with dark yellow valuable fur

furry animal, carnivorous mammal raccoon family

. "The Laundress" from Durov's Corner

. "Laundress" from a living corner

. "Relative" of the red panda

. "Sinking..." (palindrome)

. "Laundress" in a valuable fur coat

. "Smile, baby..."

This animal devotes 22% of its active time to groping, most often on the shore of a reservoir; its Indian name is “one who scratches with his hands,” and that’s what we call him

In the cartoon - a cute "baby", in life - a valuable fur-bearing animal

Hero of the film "Forest Brothers"

Animal in a "mask"

An animal in a "mask", but not a panda

Performer of the song "From a Smile" in the famous cartoon

Baby - animal from m/f

Baby - cartoon animal

Baby - an animal from a Soviet cartoon

Baby with a "song about a smile"

Who sang to us about a smile

M. is a small American animal of the bear family, the crayfish, the bear, Ursus lotor. The first raccoon furs were brought to St. Petersburg to the Cabinet, and the Greek Gennadi was in charge of them; buyers called them genadievs, which is what they finally made into raccoons. However, the raccoon civet is called Viverra Genetta; and although this is a completely different animal, isn’t it closer to the point to look for connections here? Raccoon furs are in common use among us. south Sib. there is a raccoon animal, locally manal and mangut, the description is very similar to the American one

Furry animal in a "mask"

Furry animal with a muzzle in a “mask”

Rakied or gargle beetle

Raked beetle "dressed" in fur

Russian merchants who traded with the West in the sixteenth century first encountered the skins of an unknown animal, which the Americans called “racoon”, which is what we call it now

Killed in abbreviation u.e

Furry animal

An animal with the habits of a washerwoman

An animal in a "mask", but not a panda

Little animal from the cartoon

Kinkajou like an animal

Furry animal in a "mask"

Furry animal with a muzzle in a “mask”

Little animal from the cartoon

When looking at some of the animals that live on the planet, there is no doubt about great feeling humor of the creator nature. There is plenty of evidence - these are the funniest animals in the world.

Angora rabbits

Sometimes the Angora rabbit can be confused with a ball of hair, because these animals are particularly fluffy. Their fur consists of 90% fluff, so these cute animals are bred mainly for this amazing fur.

One rodent allows you to get from 150 to 500 grams of Angora wool, which can reach a length of 30 cm. Different rabbits are bred - they differ in the shape of the body and the shape of the ears, and can have different shades.

Despite dangerous name, the toad looks cute and seems to be smiling all the time. This impression is created due to the wide mouth, which forever breaks into a smile. But so smiling appearance very deceptive. The huge mouth and pseudo-teeth, which are located on the lower part of the jaw, help in excellent hunting. Shieldbacks are very evil, they are characterized by cannibalism. Therefore, in terrariums one can never find group keeping of individuals of this freshwater species.

Rhinopithecus Strykera

Stryker's Rhinopithecus or Burmese snub-nosed monkey has a tiny nose, which makes the face of this animal very funny and at the same time incredibly cute. The monkey is often called “Michael Jackson” for the shape of its nose.

The special shape of the nose is not very convenient for the monkey itself, because it causes discomfort to the animal during rain. Drops easily enter the nose, which causes sneezing attacks. To prevent this from happening, in bad weather the snub-nosed monkey tries to wait in the trees, hiding his head between his knees.

Snub-nosed monkeys are rare. They were discovered in northern Burma quite recently - only in 2010. The population of individuals is small - about 300.

On the territory of the basins of the Volga, Dnieper, Ural and Don rivers lives a funny animal, the muskrat, or, as it is sometimes affectionately called, the khokhulya. Look at this funny guy without smiling underground dweller does not work.

The appearance of the Khokhuli is touching - short legs on a round body, a sharp mouth with a tiny nose and half-blind eyes. The animal has beautiful fur, which expands from the base, and small sharp teeth. A funny little animal often becomes the main character of videos that are replete with the Internet today. After all, you can look at the funny gait and cheerful appearance of a muskrat for a long time.

Another primate that can be called one of the funniest animals in the world is the proboscis monkey. The monkey's large nose resembles a cucumber, and it is this that causes laughter when looking at this species of primate. True, so big nose Only males can boast.


A species of primate that is difficult to confuse with other species. Lori stands out thanks to her large and beautiful eyes, which seem to be specially outlined with a clear dark outline.

The animal is active at night and mostly sleeps during the day. Loris loves to hang upside down on branches, touching others with its appearance.

The primate, native to Madagascar, has long legs and a tail. Funny dark-colored face with round blue eyes has a somewhat surprised expression. There is no fur on the face, which covers the rest of the monkey’s body. Special proportions create the impression of clumsiness of a fluffy monkey.

Sifakas live in trees and love to eat flowers and leaves. This species of primate was discovered about 10 years ago.


Hungarian Shepherds are considered one of the oldest breeds. In past centuries, such dogs were often used to guard large cattle, since the dog breed is very large.

What makes the dog funny is its appearance – peculiar “dreadlocks” are visible all over its body. But this is not a consequence of the hairdresser’s work, but a special cord-like coat that the dog inherited from nature. Despite their rather large dimensions and extravagant appearance, dogs of this breed have a very affectionate character.

Madagascar handwort

This animal is also called Aye-aye; it is the only representative of the baton species. The animal is a prosimian, is small in size and has fluffy but very sparse hair. The animal has big round eyes and funny ears, as well as tiny paws with long fingers.

Emperor tamarin

And again we return to primates, which are leaders in the list of the funniest animals. This time we will talk about the imperial tamarin, which lives in the Amazon forests.

The small monkey with cute eyes has large white whiskers that stand out against his dark fur. Thanks to such a mustache, the tamarin won the title of the main “Cossack” among primates.


Australia is home to the good-natured animal quokka. The marsupial has a special appearance, so it seems that he is constantly smiling. The creatures are small and agile, but are not at all afraid of people. It is not uncommon to see a quokka boldly taking sweets from a person’s hand. By the way, people use this to take funny photos with a funny animal.

The creature looks more like a plush toy - luxurious reddish fur, a sharp nose, cute ears and black eyes give the animal charm. Despite the fact that scientists classify the red panda as a predator, the animal prefers to choose bamboo shoots for food.


These animals often become heroes of funny cartoons, which is facilitated by their cheerful appearance and special behavior. Sloths move little, which is due to the peculiarities of their metabolism. The fact is that the contents of the animal’s stomach make up 2/3 of the weight of the entire body, and the metabolism is very slow and food often takes months to digest. In addition, the animal’s diet consists only of plant shoots and leaves, which do not add much strength. So the animals have to save energy by refusing to move.

Tiny animal with big head and with huge eyes always makes you smile. The size of the animal is small - no more than 15 cm, so it seems that only the eyes are visible on the animal’s face.

An amazing feature of this species of primates is communication via ultrasound. Moreover, they are capable of hearing at frequencies up to 90 kHz.

People have liked funny animals for a long time. There was a period when they even tried to domesticate tarsiers. But nothing came of this idea, since the animals quickly died in captivity.


A mole with special tentacles around its nose has the characteristic name star-nosed mole. Its movable tentacles near the stigma help to determine by touch the food products the mole needs. It is the pink tentacles, which are shaped like a star, that make the appearance of the animal so funny.

Near the coasts of Tasmania and Australia, in the deep waters of the seas, a drop fish swims. Since the fish often dives to depths of up to 3 thousand meters, its body is a jelly-like mass, thanks to which it manages to swim at the bottom without wasting energy.

The fish has a funny appearance. A round jelly-like mass with drooping corners of the mouth and a potato-like nose gives the impression that the fish is very upset about something. This sad “facial expression” does not change, which is why today the blob fish is recognized as the saddest fish on earth.

A black creature with small paws and drooping corners of the mouth is another sad creature of our planet. This is a black rain frog that is found on the coast of Africa.

The frog is like a small ball with tiny eyes visible on it. When in danger, the amphibian has the ability to inflate to increase in size.

All over the world there are a huge number of amazingly strange natural phenomena, and animals. Nature has created a wide variety of unimaginable creatures: beautiful, ugly, scary, fantastic, etc.

What are the funniest animals on Earth? Here we will try to decide on these funny living creatures.

Generous nature amazes people with the diversity of its fauna. There are both magnificent and terrible ones, those that are impossible to look at without fear and amazement.

And among funny animals there are cute, cute, ugly, terrible and others.

The most in the world: photos

The top ones can be counted in an infinite number. It’s difficult to choose among them which is the best...

Below is a description of some of the funniest and funniest representatives of the diverse fauna that exists on planet Earth, which is increasingly surprising with its multifaceted richness and diversity.

The funniest animals in the world live in various natural and climatic conditions: in water, on the surface of the earth, in the ground, on trees, etc. Let's look at the features of some of them.


It’s not for nothing that in the famous dictionary V.I. Dahl's word "hoopoe" has two funny synonyms - "tattoo" and "dummy".

Scientists classify hoopoes as a separate group of funny hoopoes. There is one interesting fact about them. During the period of incubation and feeding of the chicks, the birds produce a peculiar oily liquid, and it is secreted from the coccygeal gland, after which a terribly unpleasant pungent odor appears. In this way, hoopoes protect themselves (like skunks) from danger.

The name of these birds comes from the guttural cry “ud-ud-ud” they make, which is repeated several times in a row. This is how this bird got its funny name “hoopoe”.

Imperial tamarin

This animal is a monkey that lives in wet forests R. Amazons in Peru ( eastern regions), in Brazil and northwestern Bolivia. It is called due to the presence of a long and prehensile tail. In addition, the primate has a mustache and beard that are unusual for such animals, and therefore can deservedly be called a “Cossack.”


The well-known muskrat is often included in the top “funny animals.” This is a relict species of mammals from the mole family (order shrews). Even its name itself sounds funny. The desman in Russia mainly lives in the river basins. Dnieper, Ural, Volga and Don.

It has a hairy tail (shaped like a turtle). In its pear-shaped thickening there are specific glands, also odorous. But unlike the skunk, the smell this animal produces is not so unpleasant and sometimes it is even used in perfumery.

The cunning muskrat is a very interesting animal. It moves along special dug trenches at the bottom of the reservoir. At the same time, the animal moves along the bottom of the reservoir, slowly exhaling the collected air from its lungs.

Komondor (Hungarian Shepherd)

It is impossible to imagine a list of “the funniest animals” without this adorable dog.

This is one of the oldest breeds. It was used in old times for the protection of livestock (including sheep).

This is one of the largest dogs. Its average height reaches 80 cm. In addition to this and a surprisingly affectionate and kind character, Komondors have an unusual, extravagant appearance. The shepherd's adorable hairstyle (“dreadlocks”), which is mostly white long laced wool, immediately attracts attention.

Snub-nosed monkey (Burmese)

Stryker's Rhinopithecus received the interesting nickname "Michael Jackson" for its tiny nose. This monkey can rightfully be included in the top “funny animals”.

For some reason, nature created such a strange nose for them, which causes a lot of inconvenience. The fact is that drops of water during rain fall into their noses, and therefore they sneeze loudly. Due to such inconveniences, they are forced to sit on tree branches during bad weather, hiding their heads between their knees.

Such wonderful monkeys live only in Burma (in the north), and their number is about 300 individuals. They were discovered only in 2010. This once again confirms that nature is rich and not yet fully known.

This can also be included in the list of “the funniest animals in the world” (the photo confirms this). This interesting name has a gopher, common to Far East and Siberia, where it is popular fairy-tale hero in folk Eskimo and Chukchi tales. IN Lately Mentions of funny stories that happened to tourists and related to these gophers became more frequent.

Evrazhki are very fond of begging, sometimes even going as far as robbery. With all this, these amazingly charming, albeit impudent animals do not leave anyone indifferent.

The Eurasian ewe looks very funny when it eats the food it has caught.


You can often see collections of photographs and videos under one topic - “the funniest children and animals.” These are shots that capture the magnificent moments of children interacting with cute creatures.

It is impossible to list all the funny animals. There are a huge number of them. Many of them resemble small wonderful and cute children in their appearance and behavior.

This can be said with confidence by looking at some of her creations. But humans are not far behind her in this matter, naming newly discovered specimens of flora and fauna in such a way that a smile appears on the face by itself. For example, funny names The animals, the list of which will be presented below, can easily claim to be the top most fun and entertaining. Of course, you can rearrange them as you wish, or just smile and get some positivity.

Muskrat and tuco-tuco

Our rating of “Funny Animal Names” opens, of course, with the muskrat. This cute animal of the Shrew-like order can be found in the basins of the Urals, Don, Volga and Dnieper. Somewhat similar to a mole and a beaver at the same time, they have a pear-shaped tail, slightly reminiscent of a turtle. The tail part of the muskrat is covered with horny scales, and on top there are also short, hard bristles. It looks a lot like a turtle's tail, only hairy. Under the tail of this animal there are special glands with a sharp, very specific smell. So, we can say that the muskrat is a Russian skunk, however, the smell of the glands is much less unpleasant and is even sometimes used in perfumery.

The second place in our ranking is occupied by a small rodent with the funny name tuco-tuco, living in South America. These animals live in small colonies of 100-200 individuals, with each rodent having its own “one-room burrow.” These little animals got their interesting name because when danger approaches, they make a loud, characteristic “tuko-tuko” sound, warning their relatives.

Star-nosed mole rat and naked mole rat

Third place in the “Funny Animal Names” ranking can be given to the star-nosed animal. This miracle is found in the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada. Distinctive feature star nosed one is interesting structure“nose”, or stigma, consisting of 22 tender fleshy tentacles-rays. When the starfish eats, its nasal “fingers” gather into a soft, compact “fist”, and if it wants to drink, then it has to lower the entire snout into the water for a few seconds. Otherwise, the star-nosed mole is very similar to an ordinary mole.

Another interesting animal that can dig many kilometers of tunnels is called the naked mole rat. This small rodent, which can fit entirely in the palm of an adult, most closely resembles a completely bald rat without ears. The mole rat lives in eastern Africa and prefers to be underground almost all the time. Their underground mansions can be up to 5 kilometers long. According to your lifestyle and behavior algorithm naked mole rats They most closely resemble ants: they live in colonies and love to make supplies, which they place in their pantries and bedrooms, connected by passages.

Cuzimanza and aye-aye (hand-footed)

When listing the funniest names of animals, one cannot help but recall the animal called the cuzimanza. This long-nosed relative of the mongoose lives in West Africa and is quite easy to tame and train. However, there is one interesting feature— the fact is that the cuzimanza has no pronounced sexual deformity and outwardly it is almost impossible to distinguish where the female is and where the male is, so difficulties may arise in choosing a nickname.

The next step in our improvised ranking is occupied by the largest nocturnal primate with the funny name “ay-ay”, living in Madagascar. This animal is also called the little arm, which is also quite funny. The aye-aye monkey is a rather rare animal; their entire population numbers only a few dozen individuals. The little arm has a brown color with white speckles and a large, about 15 centimeters, fluffy tail. It weighs about 2.5 kg and feeds mainly on larvae and worms.

Fossa and Margay

Next, the “Funny Animal Names” rating is continued by Fossa. At first glance, we can say that this is an ordinary medium-sized animal belonging to the cat family. However, scientists have found that the Fossa has nothing to do with cats - it is the only representative of the genus Cryptoprocta. In appearance, this animal is a cross between a jaguarundi, a mongoose and a civet. This is the most large predator islands of Madagascar. Although Fossa has no enemies in nature, people dislike it very much, and today it needs protection.

Margay is an animal similar to a small leopard. Has a very long tail and loves to climb trees. This beautiful representative of the cat family has huge, expressive eyes. Margay also has special structure paws, which allows him to descend upside down even from a completely vertical tree. It is unlikely that any other representative of the cat family can do this.

“Oedipus complex” and the evil shieldback

On the ninth step of our “Funny Animal Names” rating is the “Oedipus complex,” which is written in Latin as Oedipus complex. No, this is not a term from a psychology course, but a small salamander. Based on what considerations she got her name - it is unknown; it is unlikely that she knew Dr. Freud or suffers from any complexes. True, a little later this type of salamander was isolated as a separate species and “renamed”, arbitrarily changing several letters. Now they are called Oedipina complex - which has not only no translation, but no meaning at all.

The honorable tenth step can be safely given to the evil shieldback, or the frog Badjit. At first glance, this is a cute and harmless creature, but, sensing danger, the evil shield-back immediately ceases to seem cute. It swells to enormous sizes and becomes like a pimply soccer ball, emitting rather sharp and unpleasant sounds.

Madagascar suckerfoot and broad-eared folded lip

And again we will return to the island of Madagascar - the homeland of such animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that animals with funny names living there occupy most our rating. One of them is the Madagascar suckerfoot - bat in which the suckers are located directly on the skin. Although this “mouse” has as many as 38 teeth, it feeds mainly on small insects and loves to wrap itself in palm leaves, hiding from enemies.

The broad-eared folded-lipped bat is another bat that lives in the south of Primorye and the Caucasus. A distinctive feature of the folded lip is that it can serve several types sound signals from which at times he composes something like a song.

Okapi, dromedary and Tasmanian devil

Another animal with a funny name is the dromedary, or simply the dromedary camel. Their distinctive feature is, as is known, that they can do without water for several months. But if they got to a watering hole, they can “swallow” about a hundred liters in 10 minutes, and if the animals could hold a championship for the best “water drinker,” the dromedary would certainly be among the champions.

Not only nature can boast of its quirks. Crossed animals with funny names are also a common occurrence. For example, crossing a zebra and a giraffe resulted in a rather funny animal with the funny name okapi. Much like a giraffe, this cute animal has stripes on its legs and loins. Okapi also have small horns and a long tongue, which helps them pluck from trees. delicious leaves. Unlike giraffes, okapi have darker chocolate-colored fur, which allows them to better hide from predators.

Well, that concludes our rating Tasmanian devil- the largest predator among modern marsupials. Outwardly he looks a little like a little boy Himalayan bear- black with a white “tie” on the chest. The animal has a very stern disposition, for which it received the nickname “devil”. He also has strong jaws and sharp teeth, which in one bite can not only bite through a bone, but also crush the spine of his prey.

Our top 15 is now complete. Of course, this rating is far from complete, so anyone can expand it and tell us what other funny names of animals and birds exist in nature.

Angora rabbit– a breed of decorative rabbits that is distinguished by its “special fluffiness”. They are bred for their long and soft wool, which is 90% fluff. From 150 to 500 grams of wool are obtained from one such rodent per year. Angora wool began to be obtained in the Turkish city of Ankara, hence the name. There are angora rabbits with unprecedented long hair- up to 30 cm. Remove rodents from various shapes ears and body.


Evil Shieldback- belongs to the genus of tailless amphibians, the whistler family.
Cottonbacks live in the semi-arid region of southern Paraguay, Argentina and Bolivia. They lead a semi-aquatic lifestyle (there are no swimming membranes on their front legs, so they are poor swimmers). Shieldbacks live in bushes, temporary freshwater swamps, meadows and ponds. Due to habitat loss, they are in danger of extinction.

Don't let it deceive you harmless appearance toads, she has a formidable weapon - long cone-shaped outgrowths on the lower jaw - “pseudo-teeth”. The tadpoles of the evil shieldback are very angry; without blinking an eye, they eat their fellow creatures, swallowing them whole (probably, this is why they need such a large mouth). Shieldbacks are cannibals and are kept separately in terrariums.


Burmese snub-nosed monkey, or Rhinopithecus Strykera- The monkeys received the nickname “Michael Jackson” for their miniature nose. The nose causes discomfort to the monkeys: when it rains, drops get into the nose and they sneeze. Therefore, during bad weather, they are forced to sit in trees, hiding their heads between their knees.
Snub-nosed monkeys live only in northern Burma, their population numbers up to 300 individuals. They were discovered quite recently - in 2010.


Sea bats- fish from the batfish family of the order Anglerfishes, or monkfish. The bat's maximum length can reach 35 cm. These fish have a very extravagant and original appearance: they have a large head with a “fishing rod”, a tube-shaped outgrowth in which the bait is hidden - a special hunting organ. Sea pipistrelles have plump lips, a narrow body and tapers even more towards the tail, so the fish resemble the physique of a giant tadpole. Sea bats resemble frogs because of their special pectoral and ventral fins, which consist of several skeletal elements. Pelvic fins very large and similar to frog legs. The look is completed by bare skin without scales. The red-lipped and coconut sea bats are more popular and are known for their skillful makeup - well-chosen lip color. Sea bats are very clumsy and do not like to swim. Their favorite pastime is to lurk at the bottom.


Hungarian Shepherd or Komondor– considered one of the most ancient breeds. The Komondor's ancestors were used to guard sheep and cattle. This is one of the most big dogs– the average height of a male is 80 cm. In addition to their impressive size and affectionate nature, Komondors are distinguished by their extravagant appearance. The shepherd's hairstyle is long “dreadlocks”: a special white, long corded coat.


Aye-aye, or Madagascar little hand- the only species from the family of arms. Ai-ai - semi-monkeys, with fluffy but sparse black-brown hair, long tail, thin and long aristocratic fingers, big eyes and huge bald ears. Aye-aye lives in tropical forests Madagascar and leads night look life. The animal grows up to 45 cm in length, and its tail can reach 60 cm. It seems that Tolkien “copied” Gollum from this particular mammal.


Moon-fish, or fish-sun- This is really both the sun and the moon of the oceans, it is also called the “floating head”. The moon fish is the largest bony fish existing today: it grows up to 3 m in length and weighs up to 1.5 tons. The body of the moon fish, as if squeezed in a press, is flat, and the tail is very short. It lives in the tropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Small sunfish swim like all normal fish, but the bigger they get, the harder it is for them to swim. Adults are unable to fight the current. Moon fish can often be seen resting on their sides on the surface of the water.


Imperial Tamarina- a prehensile-tailed monkey that lives in the rain forests of the Amazon River, in the southeastern regions of Peru, in northwestern Bolivia and Brazil. The Imperial Tamarina is a distinguished barbel and bearded monkey; this monkey can deservedly be given the title “Cossack” among primates.