Stars who gave birth to married men

“Love will inadvertently come…”, is sung in a well-known song. Sometimes the pot-bellied Cupid with wings shoots his arrows without understanding whether his victims are in a legal relationship. The result of such seething passions are children born from married men. Let's look at such cases on the example of domestic celebrities.

Elena Shanina and Alexander Zbruev

The office romance of the actors of the legendary "Lenkom" Alexander Zbruev and Elena Shanina lasted for several years.

This relationship has become not just a romance, but the second family of a popular actor. Zbruev stayed with his wife Lyudmila Savelyeva, whom he has been married to since 1967, although Elena Shanina gave birth to his daughter Tatyana.

Zbruev himself admitted to his legal wife that he had an illegitimate daughter, but he did not leave the family so as not to injure his eldest daughter Natalya.

Elena Shanina, commenting on her relationship with her daughter's father, claimed that they suited her, and that the actress never insisted on Zbruev's divorce.

Note that the actor took an active part in the upbringing of Tatyana, so the girl grew up in love and attention. Today Tatyana Shanina is an actress at Lenkom, where her parents still serve.

Evgenia Dobrovolskaya and Yaroslav Boyko

As you know, the actress has four children from different men.

And if everything is more or less clear with the fathers of three of them, then the name of the man from whom Evgenia gave birth to a son, Jan, for a long time was kept secret. It turned out to be the actor Yaroslav Boyko, with whom loving actress there was an affair on the set of the film "Suspicion".

Yaroslav at that time was married to the Lithuanian dancer Ramuna Khodorkaite and raised his son Maxim. The actor ended the relationship with Dobrovolskaya as soon as he found out about her pregnancy. Shortly after the birth of Jan and Boyko's wife gave birth to her husband's daughter Emilia.

Svetlana Ivanova and Janik Faiziev

On the set of the film "August. Eighth ”between the actress and the director of the film Janik Fayziev, a passionate romance broke out.

Unlike Dobrovolskaya and Boyko, their relationship lasted even after the end of filming.

The lovers were not embarrassed that Janik was married to actress Lily Espley and had two children.

In January 2012, Svetlana gave birth to a daughter, Polina, from Janik, and for three years she hid the name of the girl's father. In 2015, at the Moscow Film Festival, the director and actress appeared in public together and officially declared themselves a couple.

By the way, the director has not yet divorced his first wife.

Julia Peresild and Alexey Uchitel

Another young actress has become a muse for the venerable director. Yulia has two daughters, whose father she categorically refuses to talk about.

However, in the secular party there are persistent rumors about her romance with director Alexei Uchitel. They first met on the set of the film "Prisoner", where a very warm relationship immediately arose between them.

After that, the director called the actress to his next film, The Edge, and in the same year, Peresild gave birth to her eldest daughter, Anya. Five years later, the second daughter, Masha, was born. And Julia and Alexey periodically give new reasons for gossip, appearing together in public.

At the same time, the director has been married to producer Kira Saksaganskaya, the mother of his two sons, for more than 30 years.

Julia Snegir and Evgeny Tsyganov

By the way, for some time her partner in the film “Battle for Sevastopol” Yevgeny Tsyganov was considered the father of the second daughter Peresild.

But it turned out that his heart was already taken by another actress. In the spring of 2016, Yulia Snegir gave birth to the actor's son Fedor.

for the sake of new sweetheart Tsyganov left civil wife Irina Leonova, pregnant at that moment with their seventh child. The photo shows seven children of Irina Leonova from Evgeny Tsyganov.

Ksenia Rappoport and Yuri Kolokolnikov

The actress Ksenia Rappoport does not lag behind her young colleagues. In 2008, she began dating actor Yuri Kolokolnikov, who was seven years younger than her.

Three years of their passionate romance culminated in the birth of their daughter Sophia. Soon the actor left his common-law wife, with whom he raised common daughter Taisia, but he never married Rappoport.

The actors lived in two cities for a long time, until Ksenia left Yuri for the sake of a new lover.

Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze

Do not lag behind actresses and singers. The most scandalous homemaker recent years turned out to be the former soloist of the ViaGra group Albina Dzhanabaeva, who secretly gave birth to a son from Valery Meladze.

The intrigue was revealed when the boy was ten years old. The singer divorced the mother of his three daughters, Irina, with whom he had been legally married for twenty years.

Soon Dzhanabaeva gave birth to another son, Luka, to the singer, but the newly-made parents have not yet reached the registry office.

Eva Polna and Denis Klyaver

The singer, probably, would have continued to keep the name of the father of her daughter Evelina secret, if dad himself had not blabbed about it publicly - former soloist Group "Tea for two" Denis Klyaver.

Before that, even his parents did not suspect the existence of the girl. Denis stopped hiding this fact when he divorced his first wife.

It should be noted that Denis is now in excellent relations with both Eva and Evelina, although he is married again.

Singer Slava and Anatoly Danilitsky

Probably, the singer Anastasia Slanevskaya, better known as Slava, should be awarded the medal for the longest patience.

Since 2001, she has been in a close relationship with a major businessman Anatoly Danilitsky, to whom she gave birth to two daughters.

All this time, the man has been legally married to another woman, and, apparently, is not going to get divorced.

Svetlana Khorkina and Kirill Shubsky

Well, our hit parade is completed by an excellent student, athlete and simply beautiful Svetlana Khorkina.

The gymnast had an affair with millionaire Kirill Shubsky, husband of actress Vera Glagoleva and her father youngest daughter Anastasia. Svetlana selflessly fell in love with a man and hoped that for her sake he would leave the family.

However, upon learning about Khorkina's pregnancy, Shubsky tried his best to hide the fact of his betrayal, and even sent the athlete under a false name to give birth in Los Angeles.

True, a few years later he nevertheless recognized his son Svyatoslav and gave him his last name, but this story forever repulsed the gymnast's interest in married men.

It seems that it was the “declassification” of this couple that allowed the Meladze family to finally get all their skeletons out of the closets: it turned out that for more than ten years Valery Meladze could not decide on a divorce and, in fact, lived in two families. In 2004, Albina's son Kostya was born, and the singer did not say a word about the boy's father - until in 2009 Valery, a married father of three daughters, publicly admitted that he had another child. Divorce, however, followed far from immediately - only in 2014, when Albina gave birth to her second son. And soon the producer Konstantin Meladze divorced and began new life with Vera Brezhneva.

Svetlana Ivanova

The actress rarely commented on her personal life, although she once admitted that the wedding with cameraman Vyacheslav Lisnevsky was unofficial - just a beautiful ceremony in the Maldives, so there was no need to divorce later. In 2012, Svetlana gave birth to a daughter, Polina, but she never revealed the name of the father of the child, although she noted that she feels very happy and always admires her beloved man. But rumors that the actress had an affair with director Janik Fayziev (married, two children) went before Svetlana's pregnancy, so when the couple finally officially appeared together at one of the parties, they could only accept congratulations.

Eva Polna

The fact that Denis Klyaver (group "Tea for Two") is the father eldest daughter singers, Evelyn, former lovers successfully hid for many years - until Klyaver suddenly admitted this himself in an interview with Andrei Malakhov. The fact is that the passionate romance of two creative personalities fell on a period of quite happy marriage Denis, so he carefully concealed information about his illegitimate daughter. After revealing the secret, everything became easier, and Denis and Eva even took their daughter to school together on September 1!

Julia Snigir

The hero of Yulia Snigir's novel last year was married actor and father of many children Evgeny Tsyganov. The news that Tsyganov left his family for the sake of the pregnant Yulia was discussed for quite some time - but none of the sides of this triangle commented on what happened. Now the couple is raising a son, and Julia has already returned to work.

Julia Peresild

Yulia Peresild has never been married and carefully guards her personal life from prying eyes and gossip, but they say that not only work and friendships connect her with film director Alexei Uchitel. In 2009, Julia had a daughter, Anya, in 2012, another daughter, Masha, and journalists noticed Alexei Uchitel at the christening of the baby.

Evgenia Dobrovolskaya

Evgenia Dobrovolskaya is raising four children - and they all have different dads. About the father of the third son, Yana, the actress did not say anything for a long time, although she noted that all her children were born in Great love. But one day, Evgenia nevertheless admitted that Jan is the son of actor Yaroslav Boyko, with whom she had a short affair when Boyko was married and raised his son. Dobrovolskaya clarified that serious relationship never calculated and generally does not consider Boyko a responsible person.

Elena Shanina

The novel of colleagues at the Lenkom theater, Alexander Zbruev and Elena Shanina, was bright, but short: the actor was happily married and did not plan to change anything. But Zbruev recognized his daughter Tanya, who was born as a result of this passion, and in an interview he always noted that he loves both daughters equally - well, beloved women just had to understand and accept his bright and temperamental nature ...

Ksenia Rappoport

Actors Ksenia Rappoport and Yuri Kolokolnikov did not advertise their relationship for a long time - even when Ksenia had already given birth to her daughter Sophia. They would not advertise further - but Yuri in an interview dedicated to the filming of the film “Mama Daragai!” thanked Xenia for the joint work, and for the fact that she is his beloved woman and the mother of his daughter.

Svetlana Khorkina

In 2005, Svetlana had a son, the birth took place in one of the American clinics in strict secrecy, and the athlete did not say a word about the father of the child. But later, journalists became aware that the happy father is businessman Kirill Shubsky, who has long been married to actress Vera Glagoleva. The couple did not advertise the relationship, and the athlete went to give birth overseas in order to not give rise to gossip for as long as possible. Later, Shubsky officially recognized his son, and Svetlana has since decided to choose free men.

Family life Svetlana Ivanova has long been a fertile topic for various kinds of rumors and gossip. Even the wedding of the actress and cameraman Vyacheslav Lisnevsky, arranged in 2009 in the Maldives, with whom Ivanova later broke up, actually turned out to be just a beautiful fiction - the young people were not officially scheduled.

In 2012, the actress gave birth to a daughter, Polina, whose real father's name was carefully concealed by the star of the film "Legend No. 17". However, even a year before the birth of the girl, rumors appeared in the press that Svetlana had a stormy romance with a Russian-Uzbek director Dzhanik Faiziev, who is married to Lina Espley and has two common children with her.

In June 2015, Ivanova and Fayziev confirmed their romance by first appearing together at one of the parties held as part of the 37th Moscow International Film Festival. "Most the best man on the ground. You know, I think I'm a genius because I chose him correctly. He is smarter than me, more talented, it is easy and pleasant for him to obey. After all, I am for patriarchy. real Oriental woman! My beloved man is talented in everything. For example, cooking. I admire him for his intelligence, kindness, honesty, for such a set of qualities that are rarely found in one person, ”Svetlana frankly told 7 Days about her lover.

Recall that Janik and Svetlana met in the spring of 2011 on the set of Fayziev's military tape “August. Eighth ”, where Ivanova played one of the main roles. During joint work between the 26-year-old actress and the 50-year-old director began love affair at work, which both celebrities carefully concealed.

To the question of the correspondent of the magazine "7D" about a possible official marriage with Dzhanik Fayziev Svetlana Ivanova replied: “I am happy. I live how I want and with whom I want. I do what I want. Do you know which animal cannot be fed with anything other than what it eats in nature? This is a frog. So, I am a frog. I can't be forced to do something I don't want to. I go with the flow of life and it carries me in the right direction. And it turns out even better than I dreamed.”

In early October, director Alexei Uchitel confirmed that he was the father of two daughters of actress Yulia Peresild. At the same time, for more than 25 years, the Teacher has been married to producer Kira Saksaganskaya. We remember others famous women who gave birth to unfree men.

Julia Snigir

Born from Evgeny Tsyganov

In 2015, discord began in the family of Evgeny Tsyganov and his wife, actress Irina Leonova. The actor left his wife, who at that time was pregnant ... with her seventh child! Later it turned out that Tsyganov did not run away from the life that allegedly choked him, but to another woman. She turned out to be Yulia Snigir, who was already carrying their common child. For her, the boy who was born (the baby was named Fedor) became the first child, and for Tsyganov - the eighth ... The actors met in 2014 on the set of the series "Where the Motherland Begins." Apparently, during the joint work between Snigir and Tsyganov, a spark slipped through, which eventually led to Yulia's pregnancy and a scandal in the press. While the public was discussing the departure from the family of Evgeny Tsyganov, the actor, in turn, rented an apartment for a new lover and moved to a new place himself.

Albina Dzhanabaeva

She gave birth to Valery Meladze

It began even before Albina began to sing in VIA Gre - an unmarried backing vocalist had a son, Konstantin, but she did not disclose her father's name.

Most of all in this love affair the public was outraged that Meladze led a double life for more than ten years: in addition to Albina, his wife Irina was in his life, who gave birth to three daughters in marriage.

In 2014, Valery filed for divorce from his wife and began to live openly with Albina, who gave birth to his second son, Luka.

Julia Peresild

Born from Alexei Uchitel

33-year-old Yulia Peresild is raising eight-year-old Anya and five-year-old Maria. The actress did not disclose the name of her father until the fall of this year, but in October she confirmed that she had given birth to daughters from 66-year-old director Alexei Uchitel. Later, the director, who is still officially married to producer Kira Saksaganskaya, confirmed his paternity.

Eva Polna

Born from Denis Klyaver

Like Yulia Peresild, the singer at first did not disclose the name of the father of her first daughter Evelyn - then the lead singer of the Tea Together group Denis Klyaver was married to a dancer named Yulia, with whom he raised his daughter and son. He himself did not want to discuss the fact of the birth of his daughter Eva Polna, but in 2010 the singer admitted the fact of his paternity.

Svetlana Khorkina

The other day, Kristina Orbakaite turned 43 years old. Despite her age, the singer looks so beautiful that you would not think that she is the mother of three children. The artist gave birth to Nikita, Denis and little Klava from different men, but this does not prevent her from loving them equally strongly. We decided to remember which other stars were not afraid to do the same.

Christina Orbakaite - happy mom three children
Christina Orbakaite

Christina Orbakaite's personal life has always been eventful. The first man she fell in love with was Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. They met in the fall of 1986, the singer then had a joint concert with Laima Vaikule, to which Christina also came. After the performance, they walked around the city all night and gradually their relationship grew into feelings. A year and a half later, when the girl was 16 years old, Vladimir and Christina began to live together. In 1991, the couple had a son, Nikita, but five years later this union broke up.

Kristina Orbakaite and Ruslan Baysarov
Second civil husband businessman Ruslan Baysarov became the singer. At that time, he was one of the sponsors of Sergei Zverev, who worked for Alla Pugacheva as a stylist. The prima donna introduced the businessman to her daughter, the relationship between Christina and Ruslan lasted several years. The reason for the breakup was Baisarov's jealousy. As they wrote in the press, at one of the parties he was jealous of his wife for one of the guests, during a showdown, Ruslan hit the singer and broke her nose. The artist even had to turn to help plastic surgeon. In this marriage, Orbakaite had a son, Denis. After parting, the businessman tried to take the child for himself, but, after public hearings, the singer defended the right to her son.

Kristina Orbakaite with Mikhail Zemtsov and daughter Klava
Christina met her third husband Mikhail Zemtsov in Miami at the birthday party of Igor Nikolaev. It was with him that she first entered into an official marriage. The couple did not advertise their wedding and formalized their relationship in America. They had a daughter two years ago. The girl was named after Claudia Shulzhenko - Klava. Not so long ago, the baby turned 2 years old. The girl's parents gave her real holiday by inviting all the relatives.
Maria Shukshina

Maria Shukshina with her daughter Anya
Masha Shukshina got married for the first time when she was studying at the Institute foreign languages them. Maurice Thorez. The chosen one of the future star was her classmate Artem Tregubenko. The lovers got married in the fourth year, in 1989 their daughter Anya was born. But the child did not save the marriage and the couple divorced a few years later.

Shukshina's second husband was also her former classmate, Alexei Kasatkin. By the way, he was a witness to the groom at the first wedding of Mary. This union also did not last long and soon the couple divorced. In this marriage, the couple had a son, Makar. After the divorce, Kasatkin kidnapped his two-year-old son. According to the former mother-in-law Shukshina, Alexei did this only out of love for the boy, because the actress herself hardly took care of her son, leaving him to his relatives and nanny. The star even had to resort to help law enforcement to find and return the child.

Boris Veshnyakov with the twins Thomas and Foka
Maria met businessman Boris Vishnyakov in 2004. The artist looked after herself a country house through a construction company owned by a businessman. The couple began dating, and soon Shukshina gave birth to twins - Fok and Foma. However, due to the difficult nature of the actress, the relationship cracked and the couple broke up. The children stayed with their mother, but Vishnyakov does not back down and is still trying to achieve custody of the twins through the courts.

Vera Brezhneva

Vera Brezhneva with her daughter Sonya

Vera Brezhneva with Vitaly Voichenko
So far, one of the most beautiful singers on Russian stage Vera Brezhneva is not very lucky in her personal life. All her novels ended in parting. For the first time, Vera fell in love at the age of 17 with a simple guy Vitaly Voichenko. The couple had a daughter, Sonya, but when the girl was one year old, Vera left him. Soon the girl was cast in the group " VIA Gra". For three years of work in the Brezhnev team, she became one of the most popular singers, and after leaving the popular trio, she was repeatedly called one of the sexiest girls in the country.

Vera Brezhneva with Mikhail Kiperman
In 2006, Vera married Ukrainian oligarch Mikhail Kiperman, and three years later the couple had a daughter, Sarah. But this union also fell apart. In October 2012, the singer announced her divorce. It was rumored that the reason for the breakup was an affair with producer Konstantin Meladze. However, both Konstantin and Vera deny this information.

The youngest daughter of Vera Brezhneva - Sarah

Evgenia Dobrovolskaya

Evgenia Dobrovolskaya with her husband Dmitry and children
Evgenia Dobrovolskaya is a happy mother of four children. And the actress is not at all embarrassed that they are all born from different men. The first time Dobrovolskaya became pregnant when she was in her fourth year at GITIS, then she was 22 years old. The father of the child was the actor Vyacheslav Baranov. Despite the fact that relatives and friends discouraged the young actress from giving birth, she nevertheless decided to leave the child. But soon, after the birth of Stepan's son, the actors dispersed.

Evgenia Dobrovolskaya with her son Stepan

When little Styopa was five years old, Evgenia married Mikhail Efremov. In marriage, their son Nikolai was born, but the child did not save this relationship and the actors broke up. After the divorce, according to the court, Efremov got the apartment and Evgenia had to wander for some time with two children in her arms. The artist even spent the night in the Lada car, which was left to her after the divorce.

Evgenia Dobrovolskaya with Mikhail Efremov and sons Styopa and Kolya
Over time, Dobrovolskaya got to her feet. The actress acted in films, actively worked in the theater and did not even think about a new relationship. How surprised colleagues of the actress were when it became clear that she was pregnant again. Eugene carefully concealed the father of the child, but the press became aware that the actor Yaroslav Boyko became him. But the birth of a son, Jan, did not unite the couple, but, on the contrary, caused the separation. At the beginning of 2009, at the ninth month of pregnancy, Evgenia married cameraman Dmitry. Now their daughter Anastasia is 5 years old.

Yaroslav Boyko

Yana Rudkovskaya

Yana Rudkovskaya with Evgeni Plushenko and sons Kolya and Andrey

Yana Rudkovskaya with Viktor Baturin and sons Kolya and Andrey
Yana Rudkovskaya met businessman Viktor Baturin when she was 25 years old. At that time, Baturin's wife, Yulia Saltovets, was pregnant. After giving birth, the girl abandoned her son Andrei and Jan, having married Victor, she raised the boy as her own. A year later, the couple had a common son, Nikolai. After the divorce, Rudkovskaya and Baturin could not amicably resolve the issue of custody of their sons for a long time, but Yana still defended Andrei and Kolya, now the boys live with Yana and her second husband, Evgeni Plushenko.
Rudkovskaya met the figure skater when she was preparing her ward Dima Bilan to perform at the Eurovision Song Contest, in which Plushenko also participated. The couple hid their relationship for a long time, but when the novel became known, the lovers decided to legalize the relationship. In early 2013, the couple had a son, Sasha.

Yana Rudkovskaya with Evgeni Plushenko and son Sasha

Anna Sedokova

Anna Sedokova with her daughters Alina and Monika
Anna Sedokova is only 31 years old, but the artist has already experienced two divorces. The first time the singer got married in 2004. The chosen one of the artist was a Belarusian football player, captain Kyiv Dynamo, Valentin Belkevich. Then Anna, for the sake of family happiness, had to sacrifice musical career and leave the VIA Gra group, where she was one of the soloists for two years. In the same year, the couple had a daughter, Alina. But the birth of a child did not save the marriage and the couple divorced, having lived together for about two years.

Anna Sedokova with Valentin Belkevich

The second husband of the artist was Ukrainian businessman Maxim Chernyavsky. Anya and Maxim met in a Kiev fitness club, and three days later they went to rest in the Carpathians. A month later, Chernyavsky proposed to Sedokova and the lovers moved to Los Angeles. Soon the couple had a daughter, Monica, but not having time to enjoy motherhood, Anna left for Moscow - she received a lucrative job offer.

Anna Sedokova with Maxim Chernyavsky
Over time, new projects so absorbed the singer that she often began to visit the Russian capital, leaving both daughters with Maxim in America. Gradually, the couple began to live their own lives. And when the husband realized that the Anna he once loved was no more, he filed for divorce. Recently, Chernyavsky participated in the popular show "The Bachelor", where he found a bride. And Sedokova, in retaliation to her ex-husband, makes mysterious entries in her microblog, saying that the beauty’s heart is not free again.

Maxim Cherniavsky with Alina and Monika

Eva Polna

Eva Polna with daughters Evelyn and Amalia
At the peak of the popularity of the "Guests from the Future" group, Eva Polna gave birth to a daughter, Evelyn. The artist hid for a very long time who became the father of the baby. On June 6, the girl will turn 9 years old, but only two years ago it became known that her father is the ex-soloist of the Tea Together group Denis Klyaver. The musician spoke about this on the air of the program “Let them talk”. According to the singer, he hid his illegitimate daughter and from ex-wife Julia, and from parents, and from friends. However, over the years, Denis got tired of hiding and decided to confess everything.

Denis Klyaver and Eva Polna

the only official husband businessman Sergei Pilgun became the singer. In this marriage, in May 2007, Eva had a daughter, Amalia. However, this marriage lasted only three years. Now the singer is raising her daughters alone. Despite her busy work schedule, Polna tries to spend as much time with her children as possible. So, for example, the artist gladly visited the Darwin Museum with the girls.

Eva Polna with Sergei Pilgun

Julia Volkova

Yulia Volkova with children
At the age of 28, Yulia Volkova managed to give birth to two children from different men, but the singer did not have a relationship with their fathers. For the first time, the artist became a mother at the age of 19. Daughter Victoria Volkova gave birth to her bodyguard Pavel Sidorov. Young people met in a nightclub and started dating. Soon Sidorov began to accompany the singer as her bodyguard. At that time, Pasha already had a wife and a daughter. The romance of Volkova and Sidorov lasted about two years: they either converged or diverged, and with the birth of a child, the relationship completely went wrong. As Yulia later admitted, her daughter does not know her father and has not seen him since birth.

Yulia Volkova with Pavel Sidorov

Two years later, Julia met her son CEO company "Mosstroymekhanizatsiya-5" Obid Yasinov - 19-year-old Parviz. In 2007, the couple had a son, Samir. But this relationship did not last long and after three years the couple broke up. By the way, Samir also practically does not communicate with his father and calls him Parviz. Julia never interfered with the communication of children with their fathers, but they did not take the initiative. The singer believes that both Pavel and Parviz are not ready for responsibility, and she gives everything that is necessary to her children herself and they do not need anything. Now a beloved person has appeared in the girl’s life, with whom she is even going to go down the aisle. Relationship with former lovers the singer was never brought to the registry office, and now she says that she is finally ready for family life.

Yulia Volkova with Parviz Yasinov
Hope Meikher

Nadezhda Meikher with her son Igor
The first time Nadezhda Meikher became a mother at the age of 20. The singer almost never spoke about the father of her son Igor. It is only known that this is a Kyiv businessman Alexander, and the singer hides his last name because he is married and has children. The lovers broke up when they realized that the relationship had exhausted itself. Hope does not interfere with communication between father and son, and they often see each other.
Now the ex-soloist of the VIA Gra group, Nadezhda Meikher, is happy with her new chosen one, the president of the Melon Fashion Group group of companies, Mikhail Urzhumtsev. Two years ago, their daughter Anya was born. The couple met at the presentation of the Zarina and Renata Litvinova clothing collection. The actress introduced Mikhail to Nadezhda, and the singer immediately realized that this was her destiny.

Nadezhda Meikher with Mikhail Urzhumtsev
Despite the fact that both have children, neither Mikhail nor Nadezhda have ever been officially married. However, now they are seriously thinking about officially registering their relationship. Recently, there have been rumors in the media that Meyer is expecting her third child. They started talking about the singer's pregnancy after she showed her plump figure on the One to One show, in which she participates as a contestant. However, Nadezhda herself does not yet confirm this information.

Tatyana Bulanova

Tatyana Bulanova with her sons
Tatyana Bulanova met her first husband, Nikolai Tagrin, in 1989. Then the man was the head of the Summer Garden group and invited Bulanova to become her soloist. Soon they got married, and in 1993 the couple had a son, Sasha. They lived together for 13 years until the singer met Vladislav Radimov.

Tatyana Bulanova with Nikolai Tagrin
Tatyana first met the football player in 2004 when she interviewed him for one of the sports newspapers in St. Petersburg as part of the Star to Star Speaks project. Almost a year later they got married, and two years later their son Nikita was born. The press has repeatedly written that the couple is on the verge of a divorce, but they are still together. As the singer admits, passions often boil in their house: both spouses have unenviable characters. But, as a rule, scandals quickly subside, and after a few hours, peace and tranquility return to the house. By the way, Tatyana is still working with her ex-husband Tagrin, who is her producer. Radimov calmly treats the ex-spouse, understands that apart from work, nothing else connects them.

Tatyana Bulanova with Vladislav Radimov and sons