Anna Starshenbaum photos. Anna Starshenbaum announced a divorce from Alexei Bardukov. Irina Starshenbaum and Anna Starshenbaum: sisters by blood and by love for the acting profession

Anna Starshenbaum is one of the few stars of Russian cinema who has built a career without having vocational education.

Already the first film with the participation of Anna "Tell Leo" was presented at the Kinotavr, and the film "Children under 16 ..." brought the artist a number of prestigious awards.

Childhood and youth

Anna Starshenbaum was born on April 26, 1989 in Moscow. An unusual surname often makes fans doubt whether the celebrity has taken a pseudonym, but the girl claims that she is real, her ancestors wore her. The surname of the actress has German roots and used to be pronounced as Starkenbaum. At one time, Anna's ancestors moved to Israel, where the surname, thanks to the Jewish transcription, received its current sound.

The girl's parents are not professionally connected in any way with show business or with the world of art. Father is a professor of psychology, author of a series scientific works. Once, for the sake of Anna's mother, whom he met at the Institute of Psychiatry, he left old family.

From early childhood, Starshenbaum was engaged in dancing and vocals. Once the girl watched a film called "Country of the Deaf" with the title role, the picture made such a strong impression on her that she firmly decided to link her biography with the acting profession.

The girl literally got sick of the movie. When Anna was barely 14 years old, she left high school and, without waiting for a certificate of secondary education, she entered the class created at the theater of Vladimir Spesivtsev. The girl's father initially did not approve of such an eccentric act of her daughter, despite the fact that in his youth he was a violinist and played in the theater. Subsequently, Professor Starshenbaum changed his mind after he heard an excerpt from the stage speech performed by Anna.

From 2004 to 2006, Anna studied at GITIS (variety department). Without graduating from this university, she entered the service at the Center for Drama and Directing named after A. Kazantsev and M. Roshchin.


At first, Starshenbaum starred exclusively in extras. The girl received her first episodic role after meeting the director. Anna was so interested in him as an actress that a role was specially prescribed for her in the film “Lie Detector for Sale” (2005). The aspiring artist played the role of a hostel girl who takes off her T-shirt, throws it in the boy's face, and then cries.

Starshenbaum played her first major role in the film Tell Leo, which was released in 2008. By the time of filming, the actress had cut her hair bald, but in the photos that got to the director, she was with her hair. At the casting, the artist had to try to convince the directors of the correctness of their choice. The film was in competitive program Film Festival "Kinotavr"

In 2009, the photo session of the actress appeared on the pages of the famous men's magazine MAXIM. Anna's photographs were a success. In the same year, the artist appeared in the main cast of the film "Love is not what it seems." According to the girl, this is her favorite job, such a warm atmosphere reigned on the set, which she had never seen again.

In 2010, the actress starred in the film "About Love", where she managed to work with and. The role was again episodic, but thanks to the success of the film at the box office, a number of scenes with Anna made the audience pay attention to her.

The popularity of the actress brought the picture, filmed in the same 2010. It was the work of Andrey Kavun called "Children under 16 ...", which tells about 4 teenagers for whom everything in life happens for the first time.

Dmitry Kubasov and Anna Starshenbaum in the film "Children under 16 ..."

The following year, Anna starred in the comedy film My Boyfriend is an Angel together with her. The image of an angel girl brought the actress new fans.

Then Starshenbaum's filmography was replenished with works in the films "Pretty Woman", "Three Musketeers", "Sex, Coffee, Cigarettes" and "Family Business". An interesting project in the actress's repertoire was the series "Bones", where she appeared in the image of Polina's computer graphics. This is an adapted version of the rated American detective, which starred,.

In 2014, the actress took part in the popular interview program "Evening Urgant" on Channel One, where she talked with the TV presenter about interesting summer premieres.

At the end of 2015, the screens came out New film with the participation of Starshenbaum - the comedy "SOS, Santa Claus, or Everything will come true!". In 2016, Anna played the main role in the 4-episode detective melodrama Hotel last resort”, film adaptation of the novel. Another premiere of the year was the adventure comedy "Selfie # Selfie", which brought together a brilliant cast -,. Anna also got into the number of performers of the main roles.

In the spring of 2017, the premiere of the comedy "Love with Limits" took place, where the artist played the main role. The picture easily and humorously told about the everyday life of people with handicapped, favorably differing from other films about the disabled in that it showed them alive, loving and dreaming, and not cardboard images that serve only to inspire the viewer. She became her partner in the filming process.

From time to time, the actress is credited with roles in films where she did not star in, for example, in the TV series "", released in 2016, or in the film "" 2017. The fact is that the cousin of the actress also started acting career. The girl made her debut in major roles in major projects.

The age difference between the sisters is 3 years, so they often appear in similar roles, playing pretty young girls on the screen, which they are in real life. Outwardly, the sisters are not too similar, but a rare and memorable surname often misleads fans.

Among the last bright projects with the participation of Anna, the crime drama “99% Dead” was included, in which fans of the actress could watch her play in a duet with.

The series "" turned out to be no less rated, where Starshenbaum again played the main character. She appeared on the screen in the form of a psychologist Alina, who is mired in a series of fleeting novels and does not think about family and children. Her friends were introduced and.

Like many other modern stars, Anna illuminates her life in in social networks. The actress maintains an account in "Instagram", which makes out in a fabulous style.

Personal life

Anna from her youth was distinguished by emotionality, so she experienced a feeling of love early. The first platonic love of the artist was with whom the relationship did not work out - both entered different theater institutes.

The first serious romance happened in Starshenbaum's personal life with Roman Babin, a graduate of the Gnessin School. The young even lived together, but youthful love broke on everyday problems. Parting with a young man was not easy - Anna felt guilty before her former lover.

Starshenbaum began a new period in her life with a bald haircut. According to the actress, her mother did so often in difficult moments of her life. They helped to get out of the crisis and hatha yoga classes.

Now the actress continues to work on main role in the adventure comedy "The Wizard" directed by Mikhail Khleborodov. She got a dramatic image in the series "The Nanny", this is Starshenbaum's first experience in a historical picture.

The television series Diplomat is awaiting its release in 2019, where Anna will reincarnate as a diplomat suffering from stuttering. On the screen, she will appear in the company. The star is also removed in the continuation of the “Psychologists” beloved by the viewers.


  • 2008 - "Tell Leo"
  • 2010 - "Children under 16 ..."
  • 2010 - "About Love"
  • 2011 - "My boyfriend is an angel"
  • 2011 - "Sex, coffee and cigarettes"
  • 2013 - The Three Musketeers
  • 2014 - "Family Business"
  • 2016 - "Love with Limits"
  • 2017 - "99% Dead"
  • 2017 - "Psychologists"
  • 2018 - "Moscow secrets. Guest from the past Investigator Vyazemskaya"
  • 2018 - "Moscow secrets. Seven sisters"
  • 2019 - "Diplomat"

Irina Starshenbaum is a bright young star who has become a hostage of her own name: the girl is constantly compared with her sister, Anna Starshenbaum. But it seems that talent for acting is a family trait of these artists. The same as the ability to lead other people's men. Irina Starshenbaum and Alexander Petrov had an affair at a time when the actor was practically family man… Won't this novel become fatal mistake in the biography of Irina Starshenbaum?

Irina Starshenbaum and Anna Starshenbaum: sisters by blood and by love for the acting profession

The star of Irina Starshenbaum ascended the horizon of Russian cinema a little later than the star of Anna Starshenbaum. But the famous cousin gave Irina such powerful support that the girl simply had no choice, and she quickly became famous.

Sisters-actresses Irina Starshenbaum and Anna Starshenbaum

But the path to fame for the girls was very different. And the Starshenbaum sisters spent their childhood years in very different ways. Irina grew up in a full-fledged, prosperous family. True, her parents were far from acting, but Irina's family can boast of a whole dynasty ... hairdressers! Her grandmother and parents worked all their lives in establishments that today are proudly called beauty salons. And this one remarkable fact could not but be reflected in the appearance of the young Irina Starshenbaum. From the very early years relatives experimented with the color and length of the hair of the future actress.

Today Irina Starshenbaum does not like to experiment with her appearance

Unlike her younger cousin (the difference between the Starshenbaum sisters is three years), Anna grew up in a very difficult, conflicting atmosphere, which is difficult to call family. Father is a psychologist, mother is a lady with an extremely unbalanced psyche. It all turned around imminent divorce- Anna Starshenbaum was then only six years old. Since then, the girl practically did not see her father. And he just deleted his daughter from his life, following his ex-wife.

Anna Starshenbaum in childhood

After - the mother went into all serious trouble, changing lovers like gloves. And all this happened in front of her little daughter. Anna Starshenbaum admits that such a difficult childhood quickly accustomed her to self-reliance and independence. The girl herself went to the kindergarten, unaccompanied by adults. And at the age of five, she secretly tried to smoke! However, Anna changed her mind in time and did not roll down the slope. On the contrary, after school, the girl was able to enter GITIS on her own ... which, however, she soon left due to the fact that she was simply bored there! But learn acting skills nevertheless continued - in the center of Kazantsev and Roshchin. And soon the film debut of Starshenbaum Sr. took place: it was an art-house picture “Tell Leo”.

For her first film role, Anna Starshenbaum shaved her head and posed nude

As a result, the picture turned out to be frankly a failure. But a bright girl with expressive eyes was noticed, and they began to invite to act in other film projects. And even though these were for the most part "passing" pictures - the girl worked hard and gained experience. And during the filming of the series “Love is not what it seems,” Anna Starshenbaum fell in love with her partner, Vladimir Yaglych, then the wife of Svetlana Khodchenkova. In the future, Anna rather self-confidently and even brazenly told reporters that Yaglych left Khodchenkova for her. Although, in fact, the actor rushed between two fires for a long time until he was left alone. As the saying goes, you chase two hares... Then you know.

Imperfect couple: Anna Starshenbaum and Vladimir Yaglych

Unlike the star relative, Irina Starshenbaum starred in only a few, but very successful television and film projects. Everyone knows Irina well from the series "The Roof of the World", where, ironically, she ended up on the same set with the husband of her star sister Anna Starshenbaum.

Irina Starshenbaum starred in the series with the husband of her sister Anna Starshenbaum

Meanwhile, few people remember that this young artist first appeared on the screen as a strong heroine with disabilities. Irina very convincingly played a girl chained to a wheelchair. True, the picture was released only two years later. And then there was the one star role, after which Irina Starshenbaum woke up famous. This is a disaster film by Fyodor Bondarchuk "Attraction".

Rumor has it that a little-known young actress did not just get a role in the sensational blockbuster directed by Stalingrad and the 9th Company. Allegedly, the candidacy of Irina Starshenbaum for the role main character the painting "Attraction" was lobbied by Tata Bondarchuk, Fyodor Bondarchuk's daughter-in-law and part-time best friend Irina Starshenbaum.

Irina Starshenbaum and Fyodor Bondarchuk's daughter-in-law, Tata, are best friends

By the way, it was on the set of "Attraction" that Irina Starshenbaum met Alexander Petrov. And somehow this relationship gradually grew into something more ... but more on that later. As for the Starshenbaum sisters, the director has not yet been found who would bring two talented star relatives together on the same set. But maybe soon, it will still happen? - At least the fans of Irina and Anna Starshenbaum hope so.

Irina Starshenbaum: were there any scandalous photos of 2014 for Maxim magazine?

In 2014, few people knew about the young actress Irina Starshenbaum. And therefore, recent news that Irina Starshenbaum allegedly starred in a candid photo shoot for Maxim magazine back in 2014 turned out to be untrue. Yes, and "nude" among the photos of Irina Starshenbaum paparazzi could not be found. There are only a couple of flirtatious and rather harmless shots, but nothing more. Perhaps the actress received similar proposals, but she went on principle and refused to appear in a photo shoot for a men's magazine? And, perhaps, Irina Starshenbaum is not yet so famous as to grace the cover of one of the most popular glossy publications for men - Maxim magazine.

Perhaps these photos were mistaken for part of Irina Starshenbaum's photo shoot for Maxim magazine

And the famous cousin of the star of "Attraction", Anna Starshenbaum, has already managed to "light up" on the pages of "Maxim". And it was quite a long time ago, in 2009. The shooting took place on one of the beaches of Egypt, where the girl showed herself in all her glory.

Irina Starshenbaum: is it possible to find a photo with her husband and son on her Instagram page?

Here is another unfortunate misunderstanding associated with the famous actor's last name. Irina Starshenbaum has no husband and son yet. And the journalists who print such headlines again confused the sisters. Anna Starshenbaum has a husband - actor Alexei Bardukov. They met on the samples of the television series "Bomber", and since then they have experienced many happy and difficult moments of family life.

Anna Starshenbaum with her husband Alexei Bardukov

In 2011, the acting couple had a child - son Ivan. It would seem - here it is, absolute happiness! But a few years later, Starshenbaum and Bardukov made the difficult decision to part ways. Anna herself commented on this as follows:

“In the period from 20 to 30 people change a lot, at some point we stopped matching with my spouse”

Many insiders linked the couple's breakup with the actress's renewed passion for her former lover, Vladimir Yaglych. But soon everyone was struck by the news of a family reunion. Anna Starshenbaum with her husband and son even appeared at the premiere of the cartoon "Storks". However, for some reason, Anna's Facebook page has the status "Single". One has only to guess whether the external idyll in acting family, or is this another cunning PR move to stir up audience interest in the actors Starshenbaum and Bardukov?

Sister of Irina Starshenbaum, Anna with her husband and son

As for Irina, she really has a page on Instagram. There she willingly shares with her subscribers breaking news his turbulent biography, new joint photos with her boyfriend (and, perhaps, future husband?) Alexander Petrov, pictures from fashion photo shoots and filming, and also with might and main posting ... her beloved cat.

Irina Starshenbaum and her cheerful Instagram

Irina Starshenbaum and Alexander Petrov: will they build happiness on someone else's misfortune?

Looking at the Starshenbaum-Petrov couple, you think: everything is perfect with them! Both are young, both are confidently climbing to the top of fame, popularity and wealth. But ... not everything is so simple in these seemingly idyllic relationships.

Irina Starshenbaum and Alexander Petrov (photo from Instagram)

The guys met during the filming of the film "Attraction", where they had to play the role of a couple in love. Although, no. Acquaintance took place a little earlier. As Alexander said, it was quite by chance that the serial sites where the artists were filming turned out to be nearby, in Moscow. Then Irina Starshenbaum played in the "Roof of the World", and Alexander Petrov - in the "Policeman from Rublyovka". What happened after the couple exchanged a few words is hard to describe. But, as the actor admits, he could no longer not think about his new partner - some kind of magic happened.

“Short conversation, smiled at each other. But at that moment something clicked, you still do not understand and cannot explain what is happening, but you clearly feel it - bang! In the evening, I again opened Irina Starshenbaum's profile on the social network, looked at her in a different way and said to myself: "Interesting." Inner instinct told me that this had never happened to me before. And it’s scary, and fun, and it becomes unusual - this is a feeling that cannot be described ... "

Irina Starshenbaum herself at that time was set up exclusively for work, and was not going to twist any cupids. Especially with a colleague. But fate decreed otherwise.

“When we started working together and I got to know Sasha better, I saw in him an incredible inner strength, masculinity, so rare, especially at this age. And he has a special look - correct, attentive, concentrated. I thought, “Wow, cool, good!””

Irina Starshenbaum with possibly her future husband Alexander Petrov

Although, the actress honestly for a long time she tried to overcome in herself the growing feeling that it was He, the very one, the hero of her novel. Yes, and Alexander Petrov was at that time almost a married man - the actor had serious relationship with a girl Daria for 10 years. But against the seductive, young, purposeful and talented Irina, he could not oppose anything.

Alexander Petrov with ex-girlfriend Daria

Will the actors be able to find happiness in each other's arms, making one person unhappy - ex-lover Alexandra - time will tell. While young and talented people enjoying life, each other and jokingly, they admit that Fyodor Bondarchuk, having learned about the novel outside the set, almost fired the actors. The director felt that romantic relationship in life will have a detrimental effect on the relationship of a young couple in the frame.

“Fyodor Sergeevich laughed at us: “You ruined everything! You shouldn’t have loved him! Why did you do it? Do you want to screw up the film?” We even looked for a way out of this situation.”

But, apparently, they did not find a better way out than to be together. Today Alexander Petrov and Irina Starshenbaum, sister star Anna Starshenbaum, are filming in the second seasons of telenovelas, which brought them popularity and love of the audience, lead Instagram and, perhaps, dream of becoming husband and wife soon.

28-year-old Anna Starshenbaum officially announced a divorce from 32-year-old artist Alexei Bardukov. The actress announced this on Facebook and Instagram. The celebrity published a post in which she asked fans and the press not to comment on this event and not to interfere in her personal life.

“Hello everyone ... I don’t know how to say it better ... In general, my husband Alexei Bardukov and I broke up and decided that it was better to say this ourselves before rumors spread ... I ask you not to comment on this. Thank you for your understanding, ”wrote Anna (Spelling and punctuation more. — Note. ed.).

Recall that the couple got married in 2009. Three years later, their first child, Ivan, was born. After the baby was born, rumors began to circulate about the spouses that they allegedly could not find a common language, which is why Starshenbaum had an affair with another actor. Then the media reported that the artist was carried away by Vladimir Yaglych. However, shortly after the appearance of such gossip, Anna gave a frank interview in which she explained that she had not been living with her husband for two months, but there could be no talk of betrayal.

A few months later, the couple were able to overcome difficulties and began to live together again. But two years later, they still decided to divorce. Earlier, Starshenbaum admitted that she and Bardukov stopped living together because both had changed. The actress stressed that no one offended anyone and it was a mutual decision.

Anna Gennadievna Starshenbaum - famous actress Russian cinema, leading roles in the films "Selfie#Selfie", "Love with Limits", "The Three Musketeers", "My Boyfriend is an Angel" and others. Cousin actress Irina Starshenbaum.

The taste of success helped her taste the film "Children under 16 ...", which allowed her to fully reveal her talent young talent. The director of the film, Andrei Kavun, noted Anna's brilliant ability to portray a complex combination of feelings, balancing on the verge of any emotion. At the film festivals "Window to Europe", "Constellation", "Reflection" and "Kinorurik" she received four prestigious awards for embodying the image of the eccentric student Leia in the film.

Difficult childhood

The actress is a Muscovite, born on April 26, 1989. Her father was an accomplished 44-year-old psychotherapist Gennady Vladimirovich, candidate of medical sciences, a practicing psychologist, and her mother was his former patient Oksana, a foreign language student, an emotionally unstable and expressive 21-year-old person (in school years She even fought with teachers). When Anya's parents met, her father was already married and raised two sons, but, unable to resist the young beauty, he divorced.

Soon after the birth of the girl, quarrels began in the family. The young wife reacted violently to any infringement. Once, during a scuffle with her husband, in front of her crying daughter, she sprayed her husband in the face with a gas spray.

The girl tried to hide from her grandmother's unbearable scandals, but it was impossible to be in her apartment - there was an unbearable stench. An elderly woman, a literary critic in the past, under the influence of age-related changes, arranged at home not only a warehouse of various rubbish, which she sought out in garbage cans but also a shelter for homeless cats and dogs.

Anya's mother was a supporter of raising a child in an atmosphere of permissiveness and independence. Therefore, with a light heart, she sent her 4-year-old daughter to kindergarten alone.

When Anna was 6 years old, her parents finally broke up - her mother fell madly in love with another. Subsequently, she had many fleeting novels. Papa found new family and rarely saw his daughter.

Life with my mother was full of extreme sports. Among Oksana's chosen ones, there was even a character with a prison past. She left a profitable job in her specialty, became interested in spiritual practices and, as a challenge to society, got a job as a janitor. Then she completely became unemployed and lived by renting a room in an apartment.

The hardships of life forced 11-year-old Anna to go to work. Mom told her daughter not to touch her food and live independently on her father's alimony, giving part of it to pay for the apartment. The girl managed to get a job as a waitress in a cafe. At the age of 14, after another attempt by her mother to hit her, the girl left home and began to live alone in the apartment of her late grandmother. At the same time, she left school, where she did not shine with success, but on the other hand she amused everyone, earning the nickname Petrosyan.

Anna's interest in the profession of an actor arose in early childhood when she watched Valery Todorovsky's "Country of the Deaf" tape with Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun. Leaving school, she entered the class of the Experimental Studio Theater of Vladimir Spesivtsev, and at the same time began acting in films as an extra.

Actor career

In 2004, the girl received a certificate and entered GITIS, in the workshop of Vladimir Nazarov. A year later, she appeared in a small role in the film Lie Detector for Sale and in the TV projects Doomed to Become a Star and Kulagin and Partners. But after another six months, she left the university, disappointed in the learning process.

In 2006, the aspiring star joined the troupe of the Center for Drama and Directing. A couple of years later, she managed to get an offer to play a central role in the thriller Tell Leo. It is interesting that she appeared bald for the audition - she shaved her head, experiencing a break with her lover, as her impulsive mother did more than once.

With this picture, which told of young people moving away from reality into virtual world, for the first time in her life she got to Kinotavr. At the festival, the film was mercilessly criticized, and the artist ran away to drown herself, and, having changed her mind, she just got drunk. But despite negative feedback specialists, the tape received the audience award at the Pacific Meridian festival.

In 2009, the artist starred in the television series Love Is Not What It Seems. Then an article appeared in the "yellow" press stating that she stole her husband Vladimir Yaglych from Svetlana Khodchenkova, who played Anna's character's boyfriend in the series. During the same period in men's magazine"Maxim" appeared an interview and a photo shoot of the half-naked Starshenbaum. The photos received positive reviews - she was compared with Milla Jovovich and Natalie Portman.

2010 became a landmark in the career of the actress: during this period, 7 works with her participation were released. In particular, she played in the melodrama "About Love", where she was lucky to work with Fyodor Bondarchuk, Evgeny Stychkin and Oksana Fandera. Then - in the poignant drama "Children under 16 ...", which tells about first love in colors. These works demonstrated the cardinal transition of Anya's stage skills to a new, more high level. The recognition of the professionalism of the actress was also her invitation in 2011 with the jury of the film forum "Window to Europe".

In the same year, the fantasy film “My boyfriend is an angel” was released, where she, as a student Sasha, fell in love with the young man who saved her, who turned out to be a heavenly creature (played by Arthur Smolyaninov).

Soon, the artist supplemented her filmography with the Kazakh action film “Two Pistols. The Elusive Diamond, the melodrama Porcelain Wedding, a collection of sketches for adults Sex, Coffee, Cigarettes, The Three Musketeers and Fort Ross: In Search of Adventure.

In 2012, Anya participated in the intellectual show "Polyglot" on the channel "Culture", trying to master Italian for 16 hours. In 2014, she came to the studio of the Evening Urgant show on Channel One, where they discussed the upcoming premiere screenings of films with her participation.

"Evening Urgant": Anna Starshenbaum and Maxim Matveev

In 2014, the artist also starred in the sitcom "Family Business" as a young fitness instructor, whom the hero of Vladimir Yaglych marries, who has taken custody of five orphans. It is known that this teamwork almost ruined the marriage of the actress. In 2015, the comedy film “SOS, Santa Claus, or Everything will come true!” was released with the participation of Anya! about New Year's adventures.

According to experts, Starshenbaum's career developed quite successfully and rapidly, but most of the projects did not give her a reason for great joy and fell short of a movie hit. For example, in the film about the Musketeers, her character Constance was re-voiced without the knowledge of the artist, and the film Fort Ross was commercially unprofitable.

In 2016, the premiere of the detective series "Bones" took place, where the actress got the role of a computer graphics artist. Her heroine, using modern technical means Helped solve crimes.

In the same period, the artist embodied on the screen the image of Katya in the mini-series of a similar genre, Hotel of Last Hope. According to its plot, her friend Nadia (played by Emilia Spivak) has a personal drama (left by her husband) and an emergency at work in a hotel (preparation for the arrival of the king). As it should be - trouble does not come alone - and strange and terrible events begin to occur around the woman, including the murder witnessed by Catherine.

In addition, the sought-after actress starred in the film with the intriguing title "Selfie#Selfie", consisting of 4 short stories. Anna's colleagues on the set were Vladimir Sychev, Konstantin Kryukov, Agniya Ditkovskite, Andrey Smolyakov.

At the beginning of 2017, the light and romantic comedy Love with Restrictions was released, where the actress acted as a wheelchair-bound beauty and worked with Pavel Priluchny.

Anna Starshenbaum about the film "Love with Limits"

She was also invited to the role of the main character in the large-scale television project of the First Channel "Nanny", which tells about a village girl who had a hard time.

Personal life of Anna Starshenbaum

An emotional star with a half-childish look (as she is often called in the press) is married to actor Alexei Bardukov. They tied the knot in 2009, and 2 years later their son Ivan was born.

The girl's first love happened while studying at Spesivtsev's theater studio. The subject of her sighs was now famous actor

Meanwhile, in the troupe of Nazarov there was a meeting with her new lover - Roma Babin. They lived together whole year. And parting with him became ordeal for an expressive beauty. She even wanted to jump out the window out of desperation, but her mother stopped her in time.

On the set of the TV series “Love is not what it seems,” the girl was first in love with Pavel Barshak, but he warned her that it was impossible to flirt, because he was married. Then she had a stormy romance with Volodya Yaglych, who then went to her, then returned to his wife Khodchenkova.

romantic relationship with current husband she began after their second meeting at the Bomber trials, which, by the way, they both failed. When they got married, they were absolutely happy, Honeymoon spent in the Maldives. On November 11, 2011, their son Ivan was born.

Anna Starshenbaum's interview on Chanson radio

In 2014, a crisis occurred in the relationship of the spouses. Anna explained this by the fact that all people change a lot over time. But, according to journalists, the reason for the breakup was the outbreak of new force Anya's passion for Yaglych during the filming of " family business". A year later, she and Alexei reconciled, but in 2017, the actress admitted that she and Bardukov had divorced.