Business plan for wood processing. How to start a woodworking business. Ways to sell and promote joinery products

If you want to start a serious and promising business, you should pay attention and carefully study woodworking. After all, everything that is made of wood will always be in demand as ordinary people, and construction companies, large furniture companies, public and private institutions.

Processing of wood materials is of two types - primary and secondary. During primary wood processing, after which materials are obtained that are used in the manufacture of furniture. In secondary processing, those materials that have already undergone primary processing are used. It is from recycled wood that tables, chairs, all kinds of furniture are made.

Woodworking enterprises pay for themselves quite quickly - within a year. But to do so profitable business, should be thoroughly prepared.

First step. Creation of a business plan and registration of an enterprise.

Start by studying the sales market for the materials you are going to produce. Check prices, check quality standards, research target audience. After that, you can start drawing up a business project. You may have to turn to companies and organizations that specialize in this business.

It is important to find in advance those companies to which you can supply your goods. It could be like construction firms, shops, large enterprises, and individuals (for example, farmers, summer residents).

You will have to pre-calculate the prices of the goods. All sorts of reference books, publications, which will indicate the approximate cost of raw materials, rent and much more, can help you with this. The project must also take into account its future competitors. For example, you need to know their location, length of service, salary level of employees and much more.

To open own enterprise certain documents are required. They are necessary for government agencies and tax services. To correctly complete all the documents, you will need to seek help from a law firm.

First you will need: registration and assignment of the code of the State Statistics Committee; tax accounting; Pension Fund; health insurance; bank account.

Second phase. The room and its features.

In order for the workshop to work stably, the following are necessary: ​​a processing and production workshop; warehouse for raw materials; warehouse for finished products; adjustment shop; wardrobe; checkpoint; rest room for employees; medical Center; bathroom.

The approximate area for all these premises is 500-800 square meters.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then the easiest do it with online services, which will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to facilitate and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your enterprise and save a lot money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronic signature and sent automatically online. It is ideal for an individual entrepreneur or LLC on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

Third stage. Personnel and insurance.

The ideal option would be if the staff recruited by you will have special education. And, of course, these should be people with experience and work experience.

All the necessary equipment, tools, premises can be bought at your own expense. The approximate amount that will be required for this is at least 150,000 USD (it can reach 350,000 USD). Everything you buy, as advised by experts and common sense- must be insured. The amount of insurance varies.

Fourth stage. How to choose raw materials, technologies, equipment

If you base your business on the manufacture of finished products from wood, it is best to use dry edged boards. coniferous trees(you can also aspen). In this case, the production process is simple, including:

1. Receipt of material, its unloading and moving to the warehouse, transfer to the workshops;

2. Bilateral processing of materials;

3. Transportation of finished products to the warehouse, and then delivery to customers.

What is the advantage of such production?

1. The number of operations is minimal;

2. Little technology;

3. The number of personnel is reduced to a minimum;

4. Number of rooms - minimum;

5. Relatively small financial investments. Therefore, this approach is not bad: costs are minimal, profitability is high.

But there are also disadvantages. One of them is too expensive raw materials. However, if you equip the workshop accordingly, then you can buy wet wood, or one that has not been processed (it will cost less).

In this case, the production process will be different.

1. Receipt of other raw materials and materials, transfer to the warehouse, then to the workshop;

2. Processing of raw materials;

3. Drying of raw materials;

4. Bilateral processing with a special machine;

5. Shipping finished materials warehouse, delivery to customers.

With this option, changes in the production process will be required. You will need to purchase special equipment. However, the downside is that the production process will be delayed, take longer, although the financial costs for the purchase of raw materials will be less. If the production volumes increase, then it will be possible to get the maximum profit.

Fifth stage. Equipment.

Purchase the right technique and equipment can be obtained from firms that produce machine tools or from those who sell them. What is the difference? Those firms that produce equipment will only sell you what they produce. Firms that sell such equipment have a wider assortment, including products of foreign firms.

Most experts recommend purchasing machine tools from a domestic manufacturer. This is due to the fact that the machines of foreign manufacturers are quite expensive. Even more problems will arise when repairing, replacing parts, etc. Machine tools of domestic production can be corrected independently, besides, it is possible to call the master, there will be no problems with the guarantee.

An important positive factor is the fact that it is permissible to install foreign-made tools on domestic-made machines.

If the equipment of your enterprise is of high quality, then the products will be competitive. But remember that any technique sooner or later fails, breaks down, loses its effectiveness. Therefore, it needs to be examined preventive work to be done by special qualified personnel.

In order for your enterprise to work efficiently and functionally, you need certain employees:

- a machine operator with experience in working with wood;

- forklift driver

- fitter;

- security guard (watchman);

- cleaning woman;

— accountants;

- personnel in the field of marketing;

- Logistics specialists.

As soon as you go through the main stages, start working, “promote” your rather serious and profitable business.

Woodworking is one of the oldest crafts in human history. It provided stable income for many generations of those who were professionally engaged in it. The simple fact that when modern technologies and rational organization of the business, the woodworking shop is able to bring a good and stable income.

Where to start

And you should start with a simple understanding of the fact that no business is possible without a well-thought-out plan for the near and more distant future. This applies to any business in general. Equally both commercial and industrial. Woodworking is no exception. A business plan implies an enterprise development strategy for a specific period of time. It should include economic and financial indicators that management is required to achieve and how those results are to be achieved.

How to plan a business

It is simply impossible to foresee everything in advance. Such a seemingly traditional process as woodworking, the business plan of which includes several highlights, requires a mandatory level of qualification both on the part of management and all personnel of a small enterprise. Without this most important factor, any, even carefully calculated, plans are doomed to unrealizability.

When compiling a business plan for a woodworking enterprise, it is necessary to clearly represent the state of affairs in the regional market and the degree of demand for the products and services that you intend to offer to potential consumers of your products. A rational business plan includes organizational, production, marketing and financial components.

Woodworking, business plan and rational marketing of which are properly oriented to needs construction market region, is simply doomed to success. Demand for lumber is stable. In short, business planning comes down to correctly identifying the market need for products and finding a way to produce these products.

Required documents

Wood processing does not require state licensing in any of its specializations. However, it is best to make some adjustments before starting production. Woodworking is essentially about materials that burn well. Therefore, the entire production base must fully comply with the technical standards of fire safety.

The fire inspectorate should be contacted to inspect the production premises and surrounding areas. Typically, the inspector makes a list of detected non-compliances with the standards and issues a formal order to correct them within a certain period. The same algorithm of actions applies to communication with representatives of the sanitary and epidemiological station. The production base must comply with environmental protection standards and labor safety conditions.

These are the prevailing realities. Without communication with administrative structures, no type of manufacturing business is possible, including such as woodworking. A business plan can be implemented only after passing through some bureaucratic approvals. An attempt to optimize this process is quite possible, but one should be aware that all the trump cards in this game are by no means on the side of the entrepreneur.

Choice of direction

Woodworking technology differs mainly in the degree of impact on the material being processed. Conventionally, wood processing can be divided into primary and deep. The primary cycle involves the production of building lumber, and subsequent cycles - the manufacture of joinery of varying complexity from the resulting wood. In a corresponding way, woodworking enterprises usually specialize either in one direction or another. And much less often combine the first with the second.

Sawing round wood

This simplest way to earn money. The initial costs in this business can be recouped in one construction season. The woodworking technology of the primary cycle is not particularly difficult. Sawing round wood into building timber of various sections and into boards is usually done using a band-type sawmill.

You can even do without capital premises and mount equipment only under a canopy that shelters the production process from precipitation. But when deploying such a business project, it should be borne in mind that usually the business ends with the construction season. IN winter period demand for lumber is minimal.

joinery production

This type of wood processing is incomparably more complex in terms of technology and requires significant material investments. Carpentry cycle woodworking machines are distinguished by great variety and significant cost. But the successful functioning of a small woodworking enterprise is impossible without four base machines. They are the basis of any carpentry production.

This a circular saw, planer, planer and milling machines. In addition, joinery products are made only from wood of the appropriate standards. To do this, you will need to create a separate drying cycle for the material or buy ready-made dry wood, which is very expensive. Joinery production is able to generate a steady income throughout the year, regardless of the construction season. But it will require a significant investment in production room. It must be heated.

How to use wood waste

Technological processes of wood processing are always associated with the formation a large number waste. They have a negative impact on the production process if their timely removal and disposal is not rationally organized. But the peculiarity of this type of production lies in the fact that almost all waste generated during wood processing can be successfully sold and bring tangible profit.

From shavings and sawdust to cutting and slab inclusive. The demand for free-flowing fractions of wood waste is especially active in autumn period year, when there is a need for warming and insulating materials before the onset of cold weather. It should be noted that the timeliness of the removal of wood waste is liked by fire and sanitary inspectors in charge of the territory under their jurisdiction.


Technological woodworking tools always rotate quickly and have many sharp edges and edges. Almost all woodworking machines require a mandatory minimum skill level from the personnel working on them.

It is not news to anyone that the level of injuries in the woodworking industry is quite high. And this circumstance requires the management of the enterprise to constantly monitor production process and the state of discipline in the headed labor collective. For ensuring labor safety conditions, according to the current legislation, the entrepreneur is responsible.

The stocks of wood waste in the country are extremely large. By now, in Russia, taking into account all known various ways its processing, only about 50% is used, and in Siberia only about 35% of the total mass of wood raw materials. Mostly remain unprocessed: logging waste (wood greens), woodworking waste (bark), sawmill waste (sawdust and shavings), indicating that there are opportunities for the development of this industry.

For today, there are various business ideas for processing wood raw materials, but many of them require large financial investments in qualified personnel and sophisticated equipment. We are also interested promising business with an affordable organization of production and insignificant investments.

Such production can be attributed to the processing of VAT residue for coniferous extract. The vat residue is called condensate, which, when cooking woody greens, cedar and pine bark, accumulates at the bottom of distillation vats. It consists of biological active substances, which dissolve in water during long cooking. This condensate is rich in vitamins, provitamins, carotenes, chlorophylls, organic acids and other substances that have a beneficial effect on a living organism (even on humans). When concentrated, the condensate turns into a coniferous extract, which has high consumer properties.

This extract can be used as feed additive for animals and birds agriculture and as a preparation for therapeutic baths. In addition, coniferous extract is widely used in industrial production antibiotics (for animals).

After the pulping process of tree greens, cedar and pine bark, about 90% of the feedstock remains as waste solid waste. The idea of ​​processing this raw material into fodder meal will also help increase the income of the wood processing business. Shredded spent solid waste have bactericidal and other positive properties, they are also endowed with anti-tuberculosis action. In addition, feed flour can be used as an alternative to roughage.

Another technological solution for rational waste disposal is the preparation of fertilizers based on the waste wood waste mass using composting. The main costs for the implementation of this process will be the equipment of trenches and their laying. The crushed waste mass accumulates nitrogen in the substrate, which will help increase the soil potential. Such composts are especially useful for improving the fertility of loamy and highly mineralized soils.

Besides, the spent mass of wood waste can be used as fuel, it can be burned in a boiler room as an energy carrier. Although it is much more efficient and cost-effective to prepare wood waste for further processing into fuel briquettes or pellets (environmentally friendly fuels). This processing will be able to solve the problem of providing the population with inexpensive energy carriers, as well as reduce the amount of harmful emissions, which will reduce the negative impact of energy on environment, improve the sanitary condition of the forest and create new jobs.

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The woodworking industry in our country is not very competitive, because many refuse to start in an area where there are high costs of operating and a long payback cycle. At the same time, the demand for environmentally friendly materials is driving supply formation. If you draw up a quality business plan, you can get a highly profitable business.

It is best to choose an LLC as the legal form. This will allow you to more successfully establish contacts with partners, as well as avoid liability with all your property to the founders.

The main types of taxes paid by woodworking enterprises:

  • At a profit
  • For property
  • Income

In addition, it is required to make social contributions.

Where to begin

In order to create a company, you first need to decide on the scope of activity. Moreover, there should be an understanding of what the company will do in the next year and a half.

The most popular areas of woodworking:

  • Log rounding (according to statistics, 20% of enterprises are engaged in this type of activity);
  • Production of blanks for window blocks;
  • Production of furniture boards (refers to harmful types of production, since glue is used);
  • Pellet production (biofuel in the form of pellets is very popular abroad, almost all large deliveries are exported)
  • Production of chipboard or OSB boards.

You also need to keep in mind that there is traditionally high demand for wooden furniture.

When creating a woodworking enterprise, you need to clearly understand who will supply the raw materials. Perhaps, it is not even worth creating production until partnerships for raw materials are established, because now in Russia there is a shortage of high-quality and affordable timber.

Selection of raw material suppliers

Large enterprises are mainly engaged in the supply of raw materials. You should immediately discuss the delivery schedule with them, and not just the volume. In the event of the closure of federal highways, it is imperative to create large stocks of raw materials in spring and autumn.

Most often raw materials are sold high humidity which is not suitable for woodworking needs. Drying chambers may be required. Or you need to look for suppliers who can supply boards with at least transport humidity.

Drying wood allows it to be durable and resistant to decay and bugs. The so-called atmospheric drying, when raw materials are dried in the open air or in a large room, requires a long time. Raw materials can be prepared in chambers in 5-6 days.

Thus, in order to obtain a significant profit, most likely, you will have to spend money on drying chambers.

For a woodworking enterprise, it is important to choose enough large area, because it is necessary to carry out the acceptance of raw materials, production and storage of finished products. The territory should have a convenient entrance. Ideally, for several types of transport, for example, road, rail or sea. Also on the territory it is required to place:

  • checkpoint;
  • Administrative building;
  • boiler room;
  • Drying chambers;
  • Premises for rest and other service needs.

Usually the cost of renting land outside the city is lower. This should be taken into account when searching for the right site. But there must be good transport interchange.


When hiring staff, focus on working professions. In total, for an enterprise focused, for example, on the production of 24-30 thousand cubic meters of finished products of deep woodworking, approximately 100-110 people will be required. The most valuable employees are woodworking machine operators, inspectors, graders, engineers, etc. Proper inventory accounting is very important, since only a specialist can determine the difference between product grades. Therefore, the storekeeper must have an idea about woodworking products. The staff will also include:

  • Director
  • Chief Accountant
  • Head of Human Resources
  • Chief mechanical engineer
  • Chief Engineer
  • Technologist
  • Head of labor protection department
  • Chief power engineer and other services.

When drawing up a business plan, one should take the average industry wage levels for the production of appropriate calculations.


This item of expenditure will become the main one for initial investments in the business. To do woodworking you will need:

  1. Four-sided machines;
  2. band sawmill;
  3. Trimming machine;
  4. Drying equipment;
  5. Forklifts (at least two);
  6. A circular saw;
  7. Ventilation equipment with extractor hood (to absorb dust and small particles of wood waste).

The equipment can be domestic and foreign production. It is not necessary to buy new equipment, because its service life is usually very long. Given currency fluctuations, most likely to increase economic efficiency the project will have to choose domestic machines at the start.


Depending on the scale of activity, sales can be established in foreign countries(moreover, both near and far abroad), and by regions of Russia. Woodworking products are always in demand, but for some customers it is important to have guaranteed large volumes of one kind or another. In addition, it must be foreseen that individuals privately also often buy products directly from the shop. After all, they understand that prices are higher in retail stores.

Financial justification of the project

In order to start such a business, you will need about 16 million rubles. This cost could increase significantly if the ruble depreciation continues and equipment costs rise. So far, this amount assumes that the entrepreneur will spend 2.7 million rubles on the purchase of woodworking equipment.

Of these, about 1.5 million rubles can be spent on the arrangement of the territory. Monthly expenses should include:

  • Household expenses - 125 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of purchasing raw materials - 36 thousand rubles;
  • Expenses for fuel and energy resources - 30 thousand rubles;
  • payroll - 420 thousand rubles;
  • Taxes and social contributions - 130 thousand rubles.

For unplanned expenses in the business plan, it is worth providing about 2 million rubles. in year. With an optimistic forecast, the project pays for itself in two years of work and can provide up to 6 million rubles in income annually.

Woodworking is one of the rapidly developing areas in the Russian industry. Modern woodworking production makes it possible to obtain lumber, log cabins, furniture and many other products through wood processing.

How to improve efficiency?

Sawmilling is a traditional craft for our country. But, compared to the past, modern equipment allows cutting, drying and processing wood not only better, but also faster. Woodworking production today is aimed at increasing the efficiency of sawmilling through the introduction of new processing technologies and innovative equipment. As a result, many processes become mechanized, old machines are replaced by new models, automatic wood processing lines are introduced with its rejection and sorting.

Sawing features

Wood products are made from wood and processed different ways depending on what the woodworking industry is specifically engaged in: logging, furniture and wood pulp production, paper, cardboard and products manufacturing, and so on. In general, the steps can be described in the following way:

  1. It is carried out on a specially selected site for logging.
  2. Sawing wood and sawing fallen trees into logs.
  3. Rejection to sort large and small logs of different diameters.
  4. Already at the sawmill, the processing of logs into lumber using circular or band saws. It must be said here that the production of woodworking equipment is being carried out at an active pace today, therefore woodworking is both faster and better.

Let's take a closer look at the steps described above.

Cutting and drying

These two processes are closely related, and they can follow the enterprise in different sequences. Most often, the wood is dried directly in the boards, and the lumber is cut into blanks already in a dry form. According to experts, if drying is carried out in boards, then the output is 2-3% more lumber. In addition, cutting already dried boards allows you to timely notice defects and defects in wood and reject unsuitable elements.

The technology of woodworking industries involves drying in several ways, but most often - either atmospheric or using special chambers. Atmospheric drying is a lengthy process that involves storing wood outdoors. The use of drying equipment allows you to speed up the logging process. It is worth remembering that the quality of the final construction depends on the degree of drying of the lumber.

What technologies?

Modern woodworking production involves the processing of harvested wood in various ways. Note that any mechanical woodworking processes are complex cutting. But, depending on the technological goals, the woodworking process can be reduced to three actions:

  1. wood and wood materials undergo division.
  2. All elements undergo surface treatment, within which technological allowances are removed.
  3. Materials are subjected to deep processing, during which finished blanks are turned into finished parts of products.

The division of wood can occur with or without the formation of waste chips. Surface machining involves milling, grinding and turning, while deep machining involves drilling, deep milling and chiselling. Each of these processes has its own characteristics. Sawing, milling, peeling, grinding, turning, drilling - all these are technologies on the basis of which any woodworking production works. By the way, this is the first product that schoolchildren create at a technology lesson in the fourth grade. It is at this age that children get acquainted with the process of woodworking.

Protective measures

Wood is a material that is not resistant to external influences. natural factors. That is why at any enterprise that works with wood, protective measures are necessarily taken. Their task is to prevent the destruction of wood and protect it from fire, fungus, mold. As part of these activities, not only thorough drying of the material is carried out, but also chemical treatment using antiseptics. In most cases, sawmilling and woodworking industries for this purpose use antiseptics with an oily base, varnishes that do not dissolve in water. Processing is carried out with wood tar, creosote oil, carboleum.

What is produced?

Modern wood processing enterprises strive to optimize their technologies in order to obtain a larger volume of end products using less wood. Woodworking production allows you to get a variety of end products:

  • MDF boards. D For their production, production waste is used, which is ground and processed with steam under high pressure- the mass is rubbed, then dried and glued.
  • Slatted wood. This semi-finished product is obtained by gluing strips of already dried wood.
  • Chipboard boards. They are panels of uniform thickness based on chips mixed with binders.
  • Plywood. It consists of sheets of wood of different thicknesses, which are glued together with special adhesives.

What machines?

Woodworking machines for production are presented in a huge variety and can perform the most various works associated with material handling. Popular equipment includes:

  • Combined machines is a multi-purpose equipment capable of sawing, planing, drilling, cutting spikes and so on. These machines are used in the complex processing of blanks made of natural wood or its waste.
  • Lathes they process the workpiece by cutting and turning, cut out the thread, process the ends, drill holes.
  • Band saws make it possible to perform straight or figured sawing of materials. The blade in such equipment is a continuous metal band with teeth.
  • Milling machines perform work on guide lines, while the material is brought in manually. The use of such equipment is advisable in the profile, planar and shaped processing of wood blanks.
  • Drilling machine allows you to process holes, removing chips;
  • Panel saws allow piece-by-piece or batch cutting of slab materials.
  • Circular saws are tools that have hard teeth that can process wood.

This is only a small part of the machines that are used in woodworking. With their help, you can create lumber, blanks, semi-finished products, which are further used in construction, furniture and other areas.


It should be noted that every year both technologies and equipment used for wood processing are becoming more and more perfect. And this, in turn, makes it possible to create a variety of products from this natural material. Note that even at school, and in elementary school, woodworking is studied. The product "Ladder-support for plants" is the first thing a child can create already in the fourth grade. This makes it possible to teach children to take good care of wood and nature in general even at an early age and to draw attention to logging and woodworking as one of the actively developing areas in Russia.