What is a state nature reserve? What is the difference between a reserve and a nature reserve: description and differences. Types of reserves depending on restoration objects

Nature reserves are areas of land, water surface and airspace above them, where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health value, which must be withdrawn in whole or in part from economic use. A special security regime should be established for them. These include state reserves, national parks, nature reserves, natural monuments and protected forest areas.

Specially protected natural areas are a resource for ecological tourism (ecology is the science of human interaction with the environment (natural, technogenic, anthropogenic, social, psychological, cultural, national, etc.)).

A reserve is an environmental institution whose territories include natural complexes and objects of unique environmental value.

The purpose of using the reserve: 1) environmental protection 2) scientific 3) scientific and educational 4) recreational (very limited).

The territories of the reserve, based on the purpose of use, are divided into several zones, each of which has its own functional significance (See Fig. 1).

I - zone of protected regime, interaction between living and flora occurs without human intervention.

II - zone environmental monitoring, which can host weather stations and mini laboratories for operational analysis of soil, water, and air.

III - zone of scientific education can (gardeners' laboratories, conduct ecological routes).

IV - economic and administrative zone (houses for staff, warehouses).

Especially important role In the work of nature conservation, state reserves play a role, created in order to ensure the safety of all natural complexes concentrated in a certain area of ​​particularly great scientific and cultural interest. In this area, all economic activities must be stopped: forest cutting (except for selective sanitary), grass cutting, grazing, hunting, etc. The main significance of nature reserves is to serve as standards of nature, to be a place for learning about the course of natural processes not disturbed by man. The reserves have become the basis for the conservation, reproduction and elimination of the threat of extinction of many rare species of plants and animals such as beaver, wild ass, bison, sika deer, tiger, leopard, sable, common eider, flamingo, etc.

The foundations of conservation in Russia were laid by prominent conservation scientists environment, such as. P. Borodin, G.A. Kozhevnikov, A.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, D.K. Soloviev. The idea of ​​​​creating the first Russian state reserves was warmly supported by G.F. Morozov and V.N. Sukachev.

Currently, state reserves have the status of environmental research organizations in Russia and have been conducting long-term research for more than 60 years. scientific research according to the unified program “Chronicle of Nature”. These studies provide the basis for environmental monitoring and control natural environment. In the 90s XX century in Russia there were more than 80 reserves, including 16 biosphere reserves, with a total area of ​​more than 20 million hectares, which accounted for 1.2% of the country's territory. The international Russian-Finnish reserve “Friendship-2” was opened, work was carried out to create new international reserves in border areas: Russian-Norwegian, Russian-Mongolian.

Among Russian nature reserves the main place is occupied by 16 biosphere reserves UNESCO. Six of these reserves have integrated background monitoring (forecast) stations. These stations provide data on chemical pollution of reference protected ecosystems. In many reserves, nurseries have been created in which the most valuable gene pool is preserved, studied and bred. rare species animals.

Wildlife sanctuaries

Sanctuaries are protected areas where one of the components of nature is protected.

There are nature reserves different types, as well as permitted recreational activities on them (see Table 1).

Table 1

Permitted activities depending on the type of reserve

The creation of hunting and fishing reserves is widely practiced. This category of protected areas differs from nature reserves in that it is only partial or selective in nature, and not comprehensive, as in nature reserves. In nature reserves, individual species of animals, plants or part of a natural complex are protected over a number of years or constantly, in certain seasons or year-round. Economic use of the rest natural resources permitted in a form that does not cause damage to the protected object or complex.

The reserves are varied in their purposes. They serve to restore or increase the number of game animals (game reserves), are created to provide a favorable environment for birds during nesting, molting, migrations and wintering (ornithological), protect fish spawning sites, feeding grounds for juveniles or places of their winter aggregations, and especially preserve valuable forest groves, individual landscape areas with great aesthetic and cultural significance(landscape reserves).

The total number of reserves in the 90s. XX century in Russia there were 1519, of which 71 were federal, 1448 were local. They occupied 3% of the country's territory.

Sanctuaries, unlike other systems of environmental territories, are an extremely dynamic and mobile form of protection of natural objects.

What is a reserve?

  1. A reserve is a protected natural area in which (unlike reserves) it is not the natural complex that is protected, but some of its parts: only plants, only animals, or their individual species...
  2. As far as I remember, this is something like a nature reserve, but a little different. If it's wrong, sorry, it was a long time ago at school =)
  3. 1. State natural reserves are territories (water areas) that have special meaning to preserve or restore natural complexes or their components and maintain ecological balance. 2. Declaring a territory as a state nature reserve is permitted both with and without withdrawal from users, owners and possessors of land plots. 3. State nature reserves can be of federal or regional significance.
    4. State nature reserves can have a different profile, including being: a) complex (landscape) designed for the conservation and restoration of natural complexes ( natural landscapes) ; b) biological (botanical and zoological), intended for the conservation and restoration of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, including valuable species in economic, scientific and cultural terms; c) paleontological, intended for the preservation of fossil objects; d) hydrological (marsh, lake, river, sea), intended for the conservation and restoration of valuable water bodies and ecological systems;
    e) geological, intended for the preservation of valuable objects and complexes inanimate nature.
    5. State natural reserves of federal significance are under the jurisdiction of federal bodies executive branch in the field of environmental protection and are financed from the federal budget and other sources not prohibited by law.
    Article 24. Regime of special protection of the territories of state natural reserves
    1. In the territories of state natural reserves, any activity is permanently or temporarily prohibited or limited if it contradicts the goals of creating state natural reserves or causes harm natural complexes and their components.
    2. The tasks and features of the special protection regime for the territory of a specific state natural reserve of federal significance are determined by the regulations on it, approved by the federal executive body in the field of environmental protection.
    3. The tasks and features of the special protection regime for a specific state natural reserve of regional significance are determined by the executive authorities of the constituent entities Russian Federation who decided to create this state nature reserve.
    4. In the territories of state natural reserves where small ethnic communities live, the use of natural resources is permitted in forms that ensure the protection of the original habitat of these ethnic communities and the preservation of their traditional way of life.
    5. Owners, possessors and users of land plots located within the boundaries of state natural reserves are obliged to comply with the special protection regime established in state natural reserves and bear administrative, criminal and other liability established by law for its violation.
  4. We have several reserves in the mountains. These are areas for young growth (spruces, fir trees, oaks, etc.). When the trees grow up, they are planted where they need to be (or rather, they are planted). There are the same reserves for young animals (there are chukars, chanterelles, etc.)
  5. A protected area where hunting is permitted under a license
  6. A territory or water area in which, with limited use of natural resources, certain species of animals, plants, water, forest, and land objects are protected. There are hunting and fishing reserves.
  7. A type of reserve where hunting is temporarily prohibited or where plants are under special protection.

Reserve(in Belarus also reservation) - a protected natural area in which both the entire natural complex (if the reserve is complex) and some of its parts can be protected: only plants, only animals (or their individual species), or individual historical, memorial or geological objects.

In Russia, according to Federal law“On specially protected natural areas”:

  1. State natural reserves are territories (water areas) that are of particular importance for the preservation or restoration of natural complexes or their components and maintaining the ecological balance.
  2. Declaring a territory as a state nature reserve is permitted both with and without withdrawal from users, owners and possessors of land plots.
  3. State nature reserves can be of federal or regional significance.
  1. State natural reserves of federal significance are under the jurisdiction of the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Management of state natural reserves of federal significance is carried out by federal government budgetary institutions, including those managing government nature reserves and national parks.

To ensure the integrity of protected objects in reserves, certain types of economic activities are prohibited, for example, such as hunting, while other types of activities that do not affect the protected objects are prohibited.  can be allowed (if the reserve is not complex). These types of activities can be haymaking, grazing, and so on.

As of 2015, there were 70 state nature reserves in Russia federal significance, the total area of ​​which was 13.05 million hectares, including 2.9 million hectares of water areas. In 2014-2015, 5 reserves of federal significance (Sumarokovsky, Bairovsky, Lebediny, Stepnoy and Tomsky) were transformed into reserves of regional significance. The number of federal reserves has been reduced to 65.

Number of state nature reserves regional significance significantly higher and, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, at the end of 2013 it was 2,238 units. The area they occupy (excluding marine areas) exceeds 45.0 million hectares or 38% of the area of ​​all


a section of territory or water area within which not the entire natural complex is under special protection, as in the Reserve , but only its individual elements: vegetation, all or some species of animals, etc.

In the USSR greatest distribution received hunting licenses established for the purpose of preserving valuable species of animals and birds; Hunting is prohibited in them for a period of up to 10 years or more. There are fishery protection zones (for the protection of spawning grounds, breeders and juveniles valuable fish), landscape (picturesque river valleys, lakes with surrounding terrain, etc., having aesthetic and cultural significance and used for recreation and tourism), forest, steppe and swamp (established in scientific purposes, as well as for solving certain economic problems and protecting communities rare plants), geological (unique caves, geological outcrops, locations of remains fossil flora and fauna), hydrological (lakes with unusual hydrological regime) and other natural lands, as well as lands for the protection of territories of historical and memorial significance.

Natural lands are formed according to resolutions of the Councils of Ministers of the Union Republics and decisions of local Councils; Their regime is established by the governments of the union republics, environmental protection bodies, and executive committees of local Soviets. Special legal acts o Z. adopted by the Union republics. Economic activities that are incompatible with the main purpose of the land are usually prohibited on the territory of the land. Depending on the object of protection, the following may be prohibited: hunting, fishing, forest cutting, grazing, haymaking, quarrying, etc.

Lit.: Remarkable natural landscapes of the USSR and their protection. Sat. Art., ed. L.K. Shaposhnikova, M., 1967; Emelyanova V.G., Legislation on nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments, M., 1971, p. 22-26.

L.K. Shaposhnikov.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


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    RESERVE, huh, husband. A type of reserve where plants and animals are under special protection. Landscape z. Bobrovy Z. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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    Reserve- 10. Reserve Territory allocated from public use for the purpose of preserving, reproducing and restoring individual or several components of nature and maintaining the overall ecological balance

State natural reserves are territories (water areas) that are of particular importance for the preservation or restoration of natural complexes or their components and maintaining the ecological balance.

Federal Law of March 14, 1995 N 33-FZ, Art. 22

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State nature reserves

territories (water areas) of particular importance for the preservation or restoration of natural complexes or their components and maintaining the ecological balance. Declaration of the territory of the g.p.z. allowed both with and without withdrawal from users, owners and possessors of land plots. G.p.z. may be of federal or regional significance. G.p.z. may have a different profile, including being: complex (landscape), intended for the preservation and restoration of natural complexes (natural landscapes); biological (botanical and zoological), intended for the conservation and restoration of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, including valuable species in economic, scientific and cultural terms; paleontological, intended for the preservation of fossil objects; hydrological (marsh, lake, river, sea), designed to preserve and restore valuable water bodies and ecological systems; geological, designed to preserve valuable objects and complexes of inanimate nature. In the territories of g.p.z. Any activity is permanently or temporarily prohibited or limited if it contradicts the goals of their creation or causes harm to natural complexes and their components. As of December 31, 2006, there were 69 state nature reserves of federal significance in the Russian Federation (total area 12.7 million hectares, or 0.73% of the area of ​​Russia, land area - 9.9 million hectares, marine area - 2.8 million hectares ) and 2,439 state natural reserves of regional significance with a total area of ​​43.8 million hectares (2.6% of the territory of Russia).