Didactic game for senior preschool age: “What is your name? Didactic games such as: think of a number; number what's your name

Without play, there is not and cannot be full-fledged mental development. The game is a huge bright window through which spiritual world the child is infused with a life-giving stream of ideas, concepts. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

The game helps to make any educational material exciting, causes deep satisfaction in children, creates a joyful working mood, facilitates the process of mastering knowledge. In didactic games, the child observes, compares, contrasts, classifies objects according to certain characteristics, makes analysis and synthesis available to him, and makes generalizations.

Didactic game is an activity in which children learn. Didactic game can be individual or collective. An essential feature of a didactic game is a stable structure that distinguishes it from any other activity. a huge role mathematics plays a role in mental upbringing and in the development of the intellect.

The first group of games includes teaching children to count directly and reverse order. Playing such didactic games as "What number is gone?", "How much?", "Confusion?", "Correct the mistake", "Remove the numbers", "Name the neighbors", children learn to freely operate with numbers within 10 and accompany with words their actions. The game "Count, do not make a mistake!" Helps to master the order of the numbers of the natural series, exercises in direct and backward counting. Didactic games such as "Think of a number", "Number, what's your name?", "Make a sign", "Make a number", "Who will be the first to name which toy is gone?" and many others are used in the classroom in their free time, with the aim of developing children's attention, memory, thinking.

“Count, don’t make a mistake” Learn the order of the numbers in the natural series, exercise in forward and backward counting.

Second group math games(games - time travel) serves to introduce children to the days of the week. It is explained that each day of the week has its own name. In order for children to better remember the name of the days of the week, they are indicated by circles. different color. Observation is carried out for several weeks, indicating by circles every day. This is done specifically so that the children can independently conclude that the sequence of days of the week is unchanged. The children are told that the names of the days of the week guess which day of the week is counted: Monday is the first day after the end of the week, Tuesday is the second day, Wednesday is the middle of the week, Thursday is the fourth day, Friday is the fifth. After such a conversation, games are offered in order to fix the names of the days of the week and their sequence. Children enjoy playing the game "Live Week." For the game, 7 children are called to the board, counted in order and receive circles of different colors indicating the days of the week. Children line up in such a sequence as the days of the week go in order. For example, the first child with a red circle in his hands, indicating the first day of the week - Monday, etc. Then the game becomes more complicated. Children are built from any other day of the week. In the future, you can use the following games "Name it soon", "Days of the week", "Name the missing word", " All year round"," Twelve months", which help children quickly remember the names of the days of the week and the names of the months, their sequence.

The third group includes spatial orientation games. Spatial representations of children are constantly expanding and fixed in the process of all types of activities. Children master spatial representations: left, right, above, below, in front, behind, far, close. My task is to teach children to navigate in specially created spatial situations and determine their place according to given condition. I teach children to navigate in specially created spatial situations and determine their place according to a given condition. Children freely perform tasks such as: “Stand so that there is a closet to your right and a chair behind you. Sit down so that Tanya sits in front of you, and Dima sits behind you. With the help of didactic games and exercises, children master the ability to determine the position of one or another object in relation to another: “A hare is to the right of the doll, a pyramid is to the left of the doll,” etc. At the beginning of each lesson, a game minute is held: any toy I hide it somewhere in the room, the children find it or choose the child and hide the toy in relation to him (behind the back, on the right, on the left, etc. This arouses interest in the children and organizes them for the lesson. There are many games, exercises that contribute to development of spatial orientation in children: "Find a similar one", "Tell me about your pattern", "Carpet workshop", "Artist", "Travel around the room" and many other games. Playing the games discussed, children learn to use words to indicate the position of objects.

"Photo" Learn to navigate in specially created spatial situations "House for colored pencils" Learn to navigate in space. "Tell me about your pattern" Learn to use words to indicate the position of objects. "Collect a bouquet" Learn to navigate in space

To consolidate knowledge about the shape of geometric shapes, I suggest that children learn the shape of a circle, triangle, square in the surrounding objects. For example, it is asked: "What geometric figure does the bottom of the plate resemble?" (tabletop surface, sheet of paper, etc.). There is a game like "Lotto". I offer children pictures (3-4 pieces for each), in which they look for a figure similar to the one shown. Then, I invite the children to name and tell what they found. The didactic game "Geometric mosaic" can be used in the classroom and in your free time, in order to consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, in order to develop attention and imagination in children. In conclusion, children analyze their figures, find similarities and differences in solving a constructive idea. The use of these didactic games helps to consolidate memory, attention, and thinking in children.

"Pick up in shape" Learn to distinguish identical shapes of different colors Learn to combine objects into objects and into a group according to some common ground. "Geometric shapes" Learn to find suitable geometric figures and collect them from parts. "Associations"

"Umbrellas" Learn to select certain geometric shapes of certain colors for each umbrella. "Snowmen" Learn to collect a variety of snowmen from geometric shapes. "Mittens" Learn to correctly select geometric shapes for the sample "GEOMETRIC FIGURES" Learn to correctly determine the color and shape of geometric shapes.

“Balls” Learn to match in size “Magic Figures” Learn to match in size “Matryoshka” Learn to match in size “Big-small” Learn to match in size “Phone” Learn to match in size “Apples” Learn to match in size

At preschool age, children begin to form elements logical thinking, i.e., the ability to reason, to draw one’s own conclusions is formed. There are many didactic games and exercises that affect the development creativity in children, as they have an effect on the imagination and contribute to the development out-of-the-box thinking in children. These are such games as "Find a non-standard figure, how are they different?", "Mill", and others. They are aimed at training thinking when performing actions. These are tasks for finding a missing figure, continuing a series of figures, signs, for finding numbers. Acquaintance with such games begins with elementary tasks for logical thinking - a chain of patterns. In such exercises, there is an alternation of objects or geometric shapes. I suggest that children continue the row or find the missing element. In addition, I give tasks of this nature: continue the chain, alternating in a certain sequence squares, large and small circles of yellow and red. After the children learn to perform such exercises, the tasks for them become more complicated. I propose to complete a task in which it is necessary to alternate objects, take into account both color and size.

"Lacing" Learn to group objects by meaning, lace them to the base and create patterns from colored braid. "Developing framework" Learn to compare a single figure with its contour, build a consistent chain of actions and find the only correct solution

Great importance with the development of thinking, imagination, perception and other psychological processes, they have riddles. When getting acquainted with numbers, I suggest that children solve such riddles in which certain numbers are mentioned. Has 4 teeth. Every day he appears at the table, but does not eat anything. What is it? (fork.) 5 brothers: are they equal for years, different in height? (Fingers.) Forming spatial representations, such riddles will do: Two stand side by side, look to the right - to the left. Only they can’t see each other at all, this must be very insulting to them. (eyes.) Entertaining mathematical questions contribute to the development of ingenuity and resourcefulness in children, teach children to analyze, highlight the main thing, and compare. Examples of such entertaining questions are the following: - Dasha's grandmother has a granddaughter Masha, cat Fluff, dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does the grandmother have? (one granddaughter Masha.) - 7 candles burned. 2 candles extinguished. How many candles are left? (7.)

When forming spatial and temporal representations, logical endings help. - If Sasha left the house before Serezha, then Serezha ... (left later Sasha.) - If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother ... ( younger sister.) Children really like tasks in poetic form. At the bazaar, a hedgehog bought boots: Boots fit his own leg, A little bit smaller for his wife, With buckles for his son, With clasps for his daughter, He put everything in a bag. So how many pairs of boots did the hedgehog buy? (4) Counting skills are practiced using counting rhymes: Once upon a time there were a hundred guys. Everyone went to kindergarten, Everyone sat down for dinner, Everyone ate a hundred cutlets, And then went to bed Start counting again. Proverbs and sayings can help to form elementary mathematical representations. - One in the field is not a warrior. - Seven do not wait for one. Do not forget about the ordinal score: - The first pancake is always lumpy. - There is no second homeland. Proverbs will also help in the study of temporary representations. - Whoever starts a business on Friday, it will back away. - Don't poke your nose, Friday, before Thursday. Proverbs will help to remember the names of the months: - January - the beginning of the year, winter - the middle. - Neither water in March, nor grass in April

In the course of the work done, I concluded that the didactic game can be used both at the stages of repetition and consolidation, and at the stages of learning new material. It should fully solve both educational tasks and the tasks of enhancing cognitive activity, and be the main step in the development of children's cognitive interests. Didactic games are necessary in the education and upbringing of children preschool age. Thus, the didactic game is a purposeful creative activity, in the process of which the trainees more deeply and brighter comprehend the phenomena of the surrounding reality and cognize the world. The use of didactic games increases the efficiency of the pedagogical process, in addition, they contribute to the development of memory, thinking in children, having a huge impact on the mental development of the child. Teaching young children in the process of playing, I strive to ensure that the joy of games turns into the joy of learning. Teaching should be joyful! Therefore, I recommend that kindergarten teachers use didactic games in the process of teaching children mathematics and developing their mathematical abilities.

The leader is selected. He takes the ball and the others stand in a circle. The leader throws the ball to some player and calls any color. The player who received the ball must quickly find their bearings and name any object of the specified color and quickly throw the ball back to the leader. If the player did not have time to orient himself and give the ball away or did not have time to answer the question within a few seconds, he is out of the game. Meanwhile, the game continues. The winner will be the one who lasted the longest in the game.

"Tell Your Secret"

Each person has his own secrets, they can be both big and small. This game just consists in telling everyone about some secrets. The leader is selected. He takes the ball and the players stand in a circle. The leader throws the ball to one of the players. He must quickly tell some secret - both real, for example, his own, and invented, for example, one that is possible in principle.

But it should be agreed that it is impossible to give out other people's secrets, because it is ugly and dishonorable.

Secrets can be simple, such as: "The boy got a deuce and corrected it in his diary for a five"; “The girl skipped the control, now she hides it from her parents”; “The cat stole a piece of meat from the owner, and no one knows about it.”

If a player fails to come up with a secret quickly or does not give the ball away quickly, he is out of the game. The winner is the one who lasts the longest in the game. This will be the player with the best reaction.


For children of senior school age.

The leader is selected. The rest stand in a circle. The leader throws the ball to one of the players. This player should quickly give him some kind of compliment, then throw the ball back to him. If the player could not quickly orient himself and say some kind of compliment or did not manage to give the ball in time, he must leave the game.

Compliments can vary. If the host is a boy, you can say such things to him: “You are very strong, smart, elegant, athletic, honest, resourceful, cheerful,” etc. If the host is a girl, you can say such words to her: “You are very beautiful, gentle , cute, charming, smart, etc. The winner is the one who lasts the longest in the game. This means that he has the fastest reaction, besides, he knows more compliments.

Laughter, and only...

For children of middle school age.

The leader is selected. The rest of the players form a circle. The host alternately throws the ball to one or the other player, naming some object. The player's task is to quickly give this item funny name. The host says: "Pot", and the player answers: "Cooker", the host says: "Cat", the player answers: "Fluffy". The player must quickly throw the ball back. If he hesitates and does not have time to give a funny name or throw the ball back, he must leave the game. The winner is the one who stays in the game the longest.

"What is your name?"

For children of primary school age.

The leader is selected. The rest of the players form a circle. The leader takes turns throwing the ball to the players, and they must quickly answer a very simple question: “What is your name?” The difficulty is that you need to give not your name, which everyone knows, but some kind of nickname. For example, a boy who loves math might answer the question "What's your name?" Answer: Mathematician. He can also answer: “Knight”, “Hero”, “Musician”, etc. The main condition is that the nickname corresponds to the qualities of character. The girl can answer: “Goldilocks”, “Poetess”, “Blue-eyed”, “Gymnast”, etc. If the player could not answer in time or did not have time to quickly throw the ball, then he must leave the game. The winner is the one who lasts the longest.

Funny questions - funny answers

For children of middle school age.

The leader is selected. Players stand around him. The leader throws the ball to one of the players and asks any funny question. The player who received the ball must quickly respond to it and immediately throw the ball back. If he did not have time to answer in time and immediately throw the ball, he is out of the game. The game continues until the last participant remains - the winner. It is he who has the fastest reaction, besides, he has a superbly developed intellect and imagination.

Funny questions can be very different. For example, the facilitator asks: “Why does a dog have four legs?” The player can answer, "Because she wouldn't be able to run fast in two." Or the host asks, "Why don't flowers grow at the North Pole?" The player can answer: "Because no one puts them there." Answers and questions, as you can see, are very different, the main thing is that everyone should find it funny and interesting.

Who knows more

For middle and high school children.

The leader is selected. He holds the ball in his hands, and the rest form a circle. The leader throws the ball to the players in turn, calling any letter. The player who received the ball must quickly name the city, river, plant, animal, as well as the name of the girl or boy with this letter. You can call in any order, but quickly, without hesitation. The ball must be thrown back immediately. If the player hesitated, did not have time to name something, he leaves the game. The same thing happens if he did not manage to give the ball in time. The winner will be the one who lasts the longest in the game.


For children of middle school age.

The leader is selected. He takes the ball, the others stand around him. The leader throws the ball to the players one by one, naming some country, city, village or any other locality. The player's task is to quickly say what he personally would do in this country, city or village. For example, the host says: "Africa." The player replies, "There I would sunbathe and eat bananas." If the facilitator calls Switzerland, the player can answer that he would ski there. the host calls America, and the player replies that he would do business there, teach English language etc.

The player must answer the question quickly and immediately throw the ball back. If he hesitated to answer or did not have time to quickly give the ball away, he leaves the game. The winner is the one who lasted the longest in the game.

We play and communicate - communication games


For children of primary and secondary school age.

The number of participants is from 3-4 people, they are seated in a semicircle. It is important to create a comfortable environment.

The facilitator suggests recalling a sad or tragic incident that shook one or another player to the core. You can use the cases as from yours own life, and from the lives of their friends and acquaintances. When the guys cope with the task, the host offers to start telling funny, funny stories, while it is allowed to fantasize.

The host should be loyal to the players, not forcing them, but at the same time reminding them to follow the rules of the game. It is not necessary to determine the winner here, you can simply mark one or several of the brightest and most interesting players.

This game will help children open up emotionally, teach them to feel and understand others better.

Number of players: any
Extras: no
The host says:
index finger right hand touch your nose and say "nose" as you do so. One more time, one more time I will do the same. But as soon as I say, for example, "forehead", you should immediately touch your forehead. Understandably? Started! Nose-forehead-nose-nose-forehead-ear!
Since there was no talk of an ear at the beginning of the game, the children instantly get confused. Moreover, by saying “ear”, the presenter deliberately deceives the guys, pointing his finger not at the ear, but at the forehead or chin, and the guys involuntarily do the same.

Who came up - a game for children

Body parts - game for kids

Number of players: any
Extras: no
The leader sits in the middle of the circle, the rest of the players sit around him. The host says, for example, “nose, nose, nose, mouth” and first touches the nose 3 times, and then some other part of the face. Players should not be hypnotized by the facilitator's movements and only do what the facilitator says. The most attentive wins.

What do you mean where? Who where? - game for kids

Number of players: any
Extras: no
First, you can make an oral excursion to familiar places, for example, through the rooms of your apartment.
What do we have in the kitchen?
What do we have in the hallway? Etc.
Where is our TV set?
Where are our pans? (the child can give a monosyllabic answer - in the kitchen, or a more detailed one - in the kitchen in the closet by the window, on the top shelf).
Then "go" on a journey.

Finger - game for children

Number of players: at least two
Optional: pictures
The more pictures there are, the more difficult and intense (and therefore more interesting) the game will be.
For this game, the child definitely needs a partner - preferably a peer. If this is not the case, the role of a partner can be played by an adult (grandmother, grandfather, brother, etc.), who slightly plays along with the baby.

One, two, three - speak! - game for kids

Number of players: any
Optional: pictures
This game can be the first step in the development of focused attention, and children as young as 2-3 years old can participate in it.
Usually, when a child is offered a task consisting of two or three actions, he, without listening to it to the end, begins to act and performs only a part. This happens because the baby cannot keep in his mind several conditions for completing the task and reacts only to the first. This game teaches children to stick to two different conditions completing the task: one of them is to recognize the object in the picture and correctly name it; the second is to keep the already known answer and not to name the subject ahead of time.

With a calendar sheet - a game for children

Number of players: any
Optional: flip calendar
Each participant receives a flip calendar sheet. A girl is an even number, a boy is an odd number. In the course of the evening, the holders of the calendar sheets are offered a variety of tasks: to get together by months, get together by the days of the week, make up the number of the year.
Or: form a team of 12 Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, etc. (the number doesn't matter, but each of the 12 months must be represented); find "yesterday" (e.g. September 25th, looking for September 24th, etc.).

Goalkeeper - game for kids

Number of players: any
Extras: no
The leader throws the ball to the child, at the same time warning the child where the ball should fly. The child must make a goalkeeper movement in a given direction.
I don't call myself a goalkeeper for nothing:
I will always catch the ball.
One two Three -
Right (left, straight) ball, look!

Games and game techniques in the classroom for preschool children with activity.

All teachers who work with preschoolers know that play occupies a huge place in the life of children. Games accompany the whole life of the baby. In the game, he comprehends the rules and norms of life, in the game he learns to communicate with peers and adults, tries on various social roles, in the game for the first time gets an idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"what is good and what is bad." Preschool education is also very difficult to imagine outside of play.

I have been working with preschoolers for 12 years. During this time, a lot of experience has been accumulated in the use of games and playing techniques in the classroom with children from 3 to 6 years old. Here are the most interesting ones.

  1. Games for adaptation and dating.

Hello game

The teacher says the words of greeting and shows the movements. Children repeat the movements after him.

Hello pens! Clap your hands

Hello hangers! Raise and lower your shoulders

Hello elbows! The arms are bent at the elbows, we take the elbows to the sides.

Hello knees! We clap our hands on our knees.

Hello eyes! We blink our eyes.

Ball games (for kids it is better to use not a rubber ball, but a ball - soft toy)

Game "What's your name?"

The teacher throws the ball to the child. He asks: "What's your name?" The kid throws the ball back, while loudly calling his name.

Game "Club" (conducted in a group of no more than 5-6 people)

The children stand in a line. The first calls his name and passes the ball to the next. The second player calls the name of the first and his own, passes the ball further. The third must name the names of the first and second, then his own, etc.

Game "Curious Neighbor"

During the game, passing the ball in a circle, children can ask their neighbor what interests them. For example - What is your name? – What is your favorite toy? - Do you have a brother or sister?

The game "Puppy hid"

Children close their eyes, the teacher at this time hides the Puppy's soft toy. Then the children open their eyes, and the teacher invites the child who wants to find the Puppy in the office. During this game, children master the space of the office in which they have to study.

All these games are held during the adaptation period, which in our development school lasts 2 weeks. During this time, children get to know teachers, with each other, get used to the schedule of classes and get used to the conditions of our institution - the Center for Children's Creativity. Games make the adaptation period easier, more interesting, create an atmosphere of goodwill and trust between children, teachers and parents.

  1. Games for acquaintance with visual means and materials.

Game "Queen-Tassel"

The Queen-Tassel (a large brush, beautifully decorated) comes to visit the lesson. She brings with her girlfriends - Girls - Tassels, distributes them to each child. The Tassel Queen then explains how she should be handled:

The brush loves cleanliness, loves to swim (we wash the brushes in a glass)

The brush likes careful handling, it is very gentle (we draw the brush several times on the back of the hand)

The brush does not like to be gnawed, left in a glass of water, pulled by the "tail".

And most of all, Kistochka loves to draw.

After the teacher tells all the rules, he asks several children to repeat them.

The game "Colorful water".

This game will help to reinforce the ability to rinse the brush each time before using a new paint.

In front of each child, the teacher places glasses with clean water(4-5 pieces) and a set of paints (preferably gouache) in the same amount. Then the teacher offers to “color the water in the first glass in blue color". Shows the children how to carefully pick up the paint on the brush, and then rinse the brush in a glass of water. Children watch how in the process of washing the water from transparent "turns" into blue. The exercise is repeated several times, sequentially, as a result, all the water in the cups becomes multi-colored. The brush must be clean.

Finger game "Horse".

Strengthens the ability to hold the brush (pencil) correctly. The teacher shows, if necessary, helps each child to correctly take the brush in his hand (between the thumb and middle fingers, the index finger lies freely on top), all movements are performed with the brush (pencil). The “horse” jumps along the track - the movement is up and down, only with the hand, the tongue “clicks”, the “horse” jumps in a circle - the brush performs circular rotations left and right.

The game "The artist went to the store."

The teacher lays out various objects on the table: tools, toys, and among them are drawing accessories familiar to children: felt-tip pens, wax crayons, watercolors with a brush, colored and pencils, a set of gel pens, a set of gouache paints, a set of pastels, an album. Children are offered the role of "Artist". The "artist" goes to the store and "buys an item" that is needed for painting. It is advisable to name this item correctly. Another variant of this game is using puzzles about drawing supplies.

colorful sisters

Missed without water (paint)

If you give her a job

Pencil worked in vain (eraser)

I'll draw what I want.

Just sharpen the nose (pencil)

Your pigtail without fear

She dips herself in colors

Then a dyed pigtail

Quite leads on the page (brush)

The game "Flower - seven-color".

Conducted to consolidate knowledge of the primary colors of the spectrum. Each child receives 7 petals of a flower - a seven-flower (from colored cardboard). The task of the game is to correctly fold the magic flower so that the petals are arranged in the same sequence as in the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple).

Game "Magic colors".

Gaining knowledge about mixing colors. The teacher tells the children that our colors are not simple, they are magical. Today we will see it for ourselves.

The teacher invites the children to depict a yellow color spot and add a few drops of red paint to it. Watching what happens in the end Orange color. Similarly, mixing of yellow and blue paint is carried out to obtain Green colour, red and blue for purple.

The game "Wonderful lump".

It is used to get acquainted with the properties of plasticine, as well as a warm-up at each modeling lesson. Each child receives a piece of plasticine, choosing the color they like. The teacher tells that someone is hiding inside each piece. And to find out who, the plasticine needs to be warmed up and kneaded. You can use the “magic words”: “Warm up, warm up, plasticine, the guys have a lot of strength!” When the plasticine becomes soft, you need to look closely and listen "who is hiding there, inside?". “Maybe a little worm? Let's try to blind him!"

Surprise game.

Consolidation of knowledge about the types of paper. The teacher asks the children to close their eyes. A piece of paper is placed on the palm. The teacher asks the child, without opening his eyes, by touch, to determine what kind of paper it is (cardboard, velvet, newsprint, corrugated, etc.)

These types of games help children remember the rules for working with various visual means. In the game, this is unobtrusive, fast and fun.

  1. Game exercises to relieve psychophysical tension.

Eye relaxation exercises.

"Day-night" - strongly squeeze and unclench the eyelids

"Tick-tock" - look to the right and left several times.

"Carousel" - rotation of the eyes in a circle, gradually increasing the amplitude.

"Border guard" - first look in front of you without blinking for 2-3 seconds, then follow the "offender" finger with your eyes, which moves left and right.

"Sleeping" - close your eyes and lightly massage your eyelids in a circular motion.

Upper limb exercises.

"Musicians" - an imitation of the game on musical instruments(piano, drum, etc.)

“Clean hands” - quickly turn the palms up and down.

"House" - the hands are connected to the castle. Let's check if the house is strong - the rotation of the brushes.

"Elephant" - and. n. - hands behind the head. The baby elephant “flaps its ears” - we perform elbow movements forward-backward, left-right.

Exercises for the cervical spine.

“I know - I don’t know” - we perform smooth turns of the head to the left - to the right, up and down.

"Bird" - the neck is stretched forward, we imitate the movements of birds that peck grains.

"Ball" - head movements to the beat of a bouncing ball.

"Frost" - retraction and extension of the head. Cold - pulled the head into the shoulders, warm - relaxed.

Exercises for the lumbosacral spine.

"Tumbler" - torso forward and backward at a fast pace.

"Carousel" - turns the body to the left - to the right at a fast pace.

"Girls and boys. Grandmothers and grandfathers". I.p. - standing. "Girls" - straightened their backs, "grandmothers" - hunched over.

These exercises are necessary because Classes in our development school are held in the evening, children get tired quickly. To avoid this, physical education sessions are held, 2-3 per lesson lasting 25 minutes. Children quickly memorize them, older pupils (5-6 years old) can conduct them on their own, replacing the teacher in turn.

  1. Games for studying the properties of objects (shape, size and color).

ball games

"What is this color?" The teacher takes turns tossing the ball to the children. It asks the question: “What can be yellow color? (blue, red, green ...) The child must answer the question and throw the ball back to the teacher. The game can also be reversed. The teacher asks the question: “What color is the lemon?” (orange, eggplant, cucumber). Children answer and throw the ball back.

Games - loto.

Each child receives a card with the image of several objects and geometric shapes, you need to group them on the basis of "similar in shape" - a rectangular rug and a chocolate bar, or, conversely, "different in size" - tall tree and a low tree.

A more difficult option is to select images that are defined by several criteria, for example, round blue, or square red. Lotto games have a lot various options. Their choice depends on the age and level of education of the pupils.

Constructor games.

Each child receives a handout (sets of plastic geometric shapes of different colors). The teacher invites everyone to make an image of some object from them (a house, a cat, a rocket, a car). The task of the child is to correctly name all the geometric shapes that he used in his image. Constructor games, like lotto games, are very diverse and have many applications.

  1. Opening day games.

This type of game is used in classes with older preschoolers. Games are used to consolidate knowledge about genres visual arts, about artists and their works, about folk toys, about the concepts of “warm and cold colors”, etc.

"Find the landscape (portrait, still life)"

Several reproductions made in various genres are placed on the board. The task of the game is to show all the landscapes (portraits, still lifes).

"Vernissage of Ice and Coal"

Several reproductions are placed on the board, made in warm and cold colors (pronounced). Two interested pupils are invited. One of them is the "artist Ldinok", the other is the "artist Coal". The task of Ldinka is to show his "cold" pictures. The task of Ugolyok is to show "warm" pictures.

"Attentive spectator".

Reproductions of paintings known to children are placed on the board. The task is to find a specific picture (for example, " gold autumn"I. Levitan," Three heroes "by Vasnetsov). The most attentive viewer receives a prize.

"Find the Extra"

Among the reproductions or items selected on the basis of similarity, find the "extra". For example, a still life will be superfluous among portraits, superfluous among objects made by Gzhel masters will be Dymkovo toy etc.

  1. Playing with the results of visual activity.

Highly important point classes is debriefing and monitoring. For this, the use of game techniques is also suitable. One of them is playing with the results of their activities.

For example, they made a Snail with the kids. The teacher suggests: - Let's think of her name. - My snail is Ulya, and yours? - My Snail went to visit a friend, but where is yours? - Show how fast your Snail can crawl, but how slowly can it? - Do you like your Snail? A series of similar questions with the answers of the kids give the teacher an idea of ​​whether the pupils are satisfied with the results of their work and the lesson in general.

interesting game technique is the addition of a picture with appliqué elements. For example, they drew rain with the kids, supplemented it with a “cloud” application, drew “waves on the sea” - glued a boat.

One more example. At the lesson, they drew a traffic light. At the end of the lesson it is advisable totraffic light game.The conditions of the game are The teacher calls the colors of the traffic light, the children perform a certain movement. “Red” - we stand still, “yellow” - we put our palm with a “visor” to the forehead, we turn the body to the left - right with inclinations, “green” - walking in place. To complicate the game, we speed up the pace and change the order of the names of the colors.

7. Use of game characters.

In the classroom with kids, you can not do without game characters. They can “come to visit”, “get acquainted”, “give assignments”, “tell stories”, they can also evaluate the results of the work of kids.

There are a number of requirements for these toys:

The toy must be age appropriate.

The toy must be attractive.

The toy must be made of environmentally friendly material.

The toy should have didactic value.

The toy must have a connection with the cultural traditions of the people

The toy should not provoke the child to aggression, cause

manifestations of cruelty.

There shouldn't be too many playable characters.

So for three-year-olds it is enough to use 3-4 game characters

During school year, for older children - 5-6.

Each character should be interesting and memorable, "have their own character." For example, Cheburashka, Ryzhik and Mouse "come" to our classes. Ryzhik loves nature and traveling, knows a lot about it and is happy to tell children. Cheburashka is still small and therefore slightly naive, he often needs the "help" of children. The little mouse is an athlete, he shows warm-up exercises, talks about various types sports. And, of course, all three characters are very "like to draw and craft" and easily involve children in the creative process.

"Children's games" - Classification of games. Pedagogical guide games. Subject-game environment. The game is a form of organization of children's life. Modeling toys family relationships. Diverse knowledge. Pedagogical management of children's games. Practical part. Summarizing the results of observation by groups. What should be a toy.

"GROWTH Games" - The optimal number. Lesson structure. A game. Integrated program "ROSTA Games". Season closing holiday. Natural science. aesthetic education. Developing course for preschoolers "ROSTA Games". ROSTA Games program. Mathematics and the development of logical thinking. Mass holidays.

"Game technologies" - The structure of the game as a process -. Controllability. Kinds pedagogical technologies. Four main features inherent in the game. Conceptuality. Typology educational games by the nature of the game method. By the nature of the pedagogical process, the following groups of games are distinguished: Basic requirements (criteria) of pedagogical technology:

"The subject-game environment in the preschool educational institution" - Spectrum of games. The influence of the teacher on the development of the developing environment in preschool educational institutions. The child is the subject for which we are trying. Method of integrated management of the game. Our children are the most amazing creatures. Play is the leading activity in preschool childhood. At the level of preschool age, the growing up of the child is especially noticeable.

"Games in the kindergarten" - "Pancakes". "Lezginka". Games and exercises in kindergarten. "Fist - rib - palm." Children with great pleasure, interest perform unusual tasks. Kinesiology is a science. Why do we need this. Kinesiology exercises. "Ear - nose". "Ring". Where are you finger.

"Games for preschoolers" - Senior educator of MDOU d / s No. 393 "Rostok" r.tel 66-50-72. 3.Developing computer games. Development cognitive abilities. speech repertoire. Ways, forms, levels of cognitive activity. pedagogical experience. cognitive development. Ironic "easy on the up" I love space, animals and new experiences.