Documents for early passing of GIA 9. Who and how can pass the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination ahead of schedule? A more relaxed atmosphere during the exam


The work consists of two modules: “Algebra” and “Geometry”. There are 26 tasks in total. Module "Algebra" "Geometry"

3 hours 55 minutes(235 minutes).

as one digit

, squarecompass Calculators on the exam not used.

passport), pass and capillary or! Allowed to take with you water(in a transparent bottle) and I'm going

The work consists of two modules: “Algebra” and “Geometry”. There are 26 tasks in total. Module "Algebra" contains seventeen tasks: in part 1 - fourteen tasks; in part 2 there are three tasks. Module "Geometry" contains nine tasks: in part 1 - six tasks; in part 2 there are three tasks.

For execution exam paper in mathematics is assigned 3 hours 55 minutes(235 minutes).

Write down the answers to tasks 2, 3, 14 in answer form No. 1 as one digit, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer.

For the remaining tasks of part 1 the answer is a number or sequence of digits. Write your answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to answer form No. 1. If the answer is received common fraction, convert it to decimal.

When completing the work, you can use the formulas containing the basic formulas of the mathematics course, issued along with the work. You are allowed to use a ruler, square, other templates for building geometric shapes (compass). Do not use instruments with reference materials printed on them. Calculators on the exam not used.

You must have an identification document with you during the exam ( passport), pass and capillary or gel pen with black ink! Allowed to take with you water(in a transparent bottle) and I'm going(fruit, chocolate, buns, sandwiches), but they may ask you to leave them in the corridor.

The school year has already begun, which means that the time has come for students in grades 9 and 11 to think seriously about the upcoming exams. After the serious innovations that last year’s graduates had to face, teachers and future applicants are trying not to miss important news about the upcoming OGE and State Examination. Rosobrnadzor has already presented a draft schedule Unified State Examinations and OGE for 2018 and we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most likely test schedule for students in grades 9 and 11.

The final essay is the first test for graduates who dream of successfully entering a university on a budget-funded form of education. As with the main subjects of the State Academic Examination, in 2018, students will have the opportunity to retake the essay if the first attempt is unsuccessful, because Rosobrnadzor included three official dates in the draft schedule:

  • December 6, 2017;
  • February 7, 2018;
  • May 16, 2018

Particular attention should be paid to preparing for those who plan to enter humanitarian specialties and take the subject “Literature”. You can read more about what innovations are possible, how the exam will be held and how to properly prepare for it, in the materials on our website.

Unified State Exam calendar for 11th grades in 2018

As before, students will take exams in three stages:

  1. early;
  2. basic;
  3. additional.

Early period of the Unified State Exam 2018

Graduates of previous years, as well as 11th grade students who, for good reason (documented) will not be able to attend the main session of the Unified State Exam, have the right to take the exam early.

The official draft schedule for the State Examination for 2018 assumes the following dates for the early stage:

Day of the week

geography, computer science

Russian language

history, chemistry

mathematics (base and profile)


foreign languages (written part), biology, physics

social studies, literature

Reserve days

geography, chemistry, computer science, foreign languages ​​( oral part), story


foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology

Russian language, mathematics base and profile

Please note that to participate in an early session, you must submit an application to the school principal before March 1!

Main session of the Unified State Exam 2018

Most 11th grade graduates and future applicants who want to undergo certification to apply to Russian universities can focus on the dates of the main session.

Day of the week


geography, computer science

mathematics ( basic level)

mathematics (profile level)


chemistry, history

Russian language

foreign languages ​​(oral part)

foreign languages ​​(oral part)

social science


biology, foreign languages

literature, physics

Reserve days

geography, computer science


mathematics (basic and specialized)

Russian language

history, chemistry, biology, foreign languages

literature, physics, general science

foreign languages ​​(oral part)


all items

Additional period (retake of the Unified State Exam) in 2018

The autumn retake is the last chance to get a certificate and enroll in a university, at least for a contract form of study. Some universities extend enrollment in specialties that are not very popular among applicants, which makes it possible to become a student even after the fall retake. Read more about the right to rights in the corresponding article on the pages of our information portal.

The approved draft schedule from Rosobrnadzor gives those taking the State Examination Test in 2018 a last chance in the following numbers:

Day of the week

Russian language

mathematics (basic level)

Reserve day

mathematics (basic level), Russian language

OGE calendar for 9th grade in 2018

Compared to the exam calendar for 11th grades, ninth graders were given more days to retake the September exam. And the range of subjects that can be retaken is much wider.

Dates for early passing of the OGE in 2018

The proposed draft schedule confirms that 9th grade students eligible for early completion will be able to take the OGE in March 2018. The following dates for the preliminary session have been approved:

Day of the week



Russian language

foreign languages

Reserve days



history, biology, physics, geography

Russian language


computer science, social science, chemistry, literature

foreign languages

Like 11th grade graduates, ninth graders will need to collect necessary documents, confirming the need to reschedule the exam. We recommend that you contact the director of the educational institution with this question in February and find out all the important nuances.

The main stage of the OGE 2018

For the bulk of high school graduates, exams will begin on May 25 with tests in foreign languages. Rosobrnadzor proposes the following draft main schedule for the OGE for 2018:

Day of the week

foreign languages

foreign languages

Russian language

history, biology, physics, geography

physics, computer science


Reserve days


history, biology, physics, geography

Russian language

foreign languages


social studies, chemistry, computer science, literature

all items

September retake of the OGE 2018

The September session will give a chance to those who cannot pass the exam in the main period due to illness or receive unsatisfactory grades. Also, these dates will be relevant for those whose results will be canceled for reasons beyond their control.

Day of the week

Russian language



history, biology, physics, geography

social studies, chemistry, computer science, literature

foreign languages

Reserve days


Russian language

history, biology, physics, geography


social studies, chemistry, computer science, literature

foreign languages

For more information about what awaits students at the OGE in 2018, read about the innovations for the upcoming academic year.

The most important exam for high school students, which determines the level of knowledge acquired in high school, is the GIA. It is he who gives students the opportunity to enter secondary specialized educational institutions and obtain in-demand and important professions. All ninth grade students must take it - a kind of threshold that delimits high school and high school. And therefore, every student is obliged to keep abreast of all the news related to the State Examination and State Examination, including the draft schedule for 2017.

Draft State Exam Schedule 2017

The main state exam in 2017 will be divided into three stages: early, main and additional.

  • Early stage: in the updated draft schedule of the OGE, Rosobrnadzor indicates the following dates - 20.04. – 05/06/2017
  • Main stage: for most schoolchildren, the exam time will be from 26.05. until June 24, 2017
  • Additional stage: for those who were unable to pass the OGE in the first two stages for objective reasons or simply want to improve their grade, Rosobrnadzor designated the period from September 4 to September 21, 2017.

Exam Schedule

This is the second draft of the State Examination Schedule 2017, which is published by Rosobrnadzor. The changes in it compared to the first one are quite minor, but they are there, and we advise you to focus on the updated version.

First stage. Early period for passing the OGE

Second stage. The main period for passing the OGE

Third stage. Additional period for passing the OGE

What are GIA and OGE

GIA is an abbreviation derived from the words “state final certification”. OGE, accordingly, from the words “main state exam”. The GIA includes two types of exams - OGE and GVE (state final exam). What's the difference?

OGE – conducted for general education students educational institutions(schools, gymnasiums, lyceums), and GVE - for special closed educational institutions, such as schools for difficult teenagers, etc. The OGE is taken using CMM - control and measuring materials, and students take the GVE in the form of tests and tickets.

This is the exam that ninth grade students take to obtain a certificate of secondary education. Therefore, you can often find in the press the writing GIA-9, which should be understood as OGE - exams taken by ninth-graders.

What changed in the OGE in 2017

In 2017, GIA-9 will face significant changes - and this is noticeable even from the draft schedule of the OGE in 2017.

The procedure for passing the OGE will be as close as possible to the Unified State Exam. It was decided to use the experience gained over the years of conducting the unified state exam back in 2015, but the start new program delivery is scheduled for 2016-2017. The main innovation will be a fundamental strengthening information security to prevent leaks exam materials, and consequently, cases of biased assessment of students’ knowledge.

Important dates

In preparation for the OGE 2017, Rosobrnadzor publishes the dates of some events. To successfully and smoothly pass such an important exam, the student must be aware of the following events:

  • September 6, 2016. The OGE task bank has been published. On the FIPI website you can find training tasks for exams and demo versions of the OGE. You can try your hand and get an idea of ​​the level of complexity of the OGE today.
  • December 31, 2016. This is the last day for posting information about the mechanism for submitting applications for passing the State Examination Test. Before this date, the relevant departments are required to publish data on the places and deadlines for sending applications for examinations.
  • March 1, 2017. The beginning of spring is the last day of registration for passing the State Examination. Students: be sure to apply early!
  • April 1st. Until this day, departments are required to publish information about exam dates. After April 1, Rosobrnadzor is no longer obliged to provide data on the State Examination Schedule.
  • April 20. Up to specified date government agencies are required to post information about the results of the State Examination and the appeal mechanism. Students, please note: information about the dates and places where you can find out the exam results and the mechanism for filing a protest will be published only until the twentieth of April.
  • April 20. Early exams will begin on this day. The first, early stage of the OGE and GVE starts.
  • May 26. The beginning of the second, main stage of passing the OGE and GVE.
  • September 4. The start of the third stage of exams is additional time for those who did not have time to pass the OGE and GVE or want to increase their final grade.

What is GIA?
State final certification of 9th grade graduates is carried out in the form of the Main state exam(OGE) using examination materials, which are sets of tasks in a standardized form (control measuring materials) or in the form of the State Final Exam (GVE - 9) in the form of written and oral exams using texts, topics, tasks, tickets (for persons with disabilities health).
The GIA results can be used both to certify graduates for a basic school course and to identify students who are best prepared to study in specialized high school classes.
Mandatory exams: Russian language and mathematics.
Optional exams: literature, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history, social studies, computer science and information and communication technologies, foreign languages ​​(English, German, French and spanish languages).

Who can take the OGE (GIA) ahead of schedule.
Sometimes situations arise when it is necessary to pass the State Examination Examination ahead of schedule. The following students can pass the State Examination test ahead of schedule: students of 9 classes of evening (shift) educational institutions, called up for military service students traveling to Russian or international sports competitions, competitions, shows, Olympiads and training camps, for permanent residence or to continue their studies in foreign country or sent by medical indications to medical, preventive and other institutions for medical, health and rehabilitation measures. Early completion of the OGE is possible, but not earlier than April 20 of the current year. Usually it is carried out in a gentle manner with the creation additional conditions.
An application for certification is submitted ahead of schedule by students in grade 9 to their educational institution with the presentation of documents giving the right to early certification.
An application for early certification is sent by the local government body responsible for management in the field of education to the regional Ministry of Education by March 1.

Retake the OGE (GIA)
Students can retake the exam if they receive an unsatisfactory grade in one of the exams - Russian language or mathematics. Also, GIA participants who were removed from the exam and those who did not complete the exam due to poor health can retake the State Exam. All of the above categories of students are allowed to retake the state final certification in the traditional form on another day set for the retake.
Graduates of 9th grade taking the State Examination have the right to file an appeal both regarding the examination procedure and about disagreement with the results obtained. Each OGE participant must be familiar with the rules for filing an appeal no later than 2 weeks before the start of the exams.

Information about sites, which contain regulatory legal and instructional materials regulating the conduct of the state final certification.

The Department of Education is open "hotline" on issues of organizing and conducting state final certification in educational programs basic general and secondary general education. For any questions you can contact us by phone 8(49679)77200, 8(49679)77196.

Responsible for the work" hotline" - Deputy Head of the Department of General Secondary Education Sinyukova Lyudmila Vladimirovna.

Many graduates wonder whether it is possible to take the OGE ahead of schedule and how to do it? Not everyone, for some reason, can take it during the main period, so they decide that they need to take the exams in advance. And this can be done.

To write the OGE ahead of schedule, you need to submit an application. I can’t say exactly until what date, but most sources write that until March 1 of this year. Also, before this time, you must submit a document stating which subjects you are going to take (in 2017 these are 4 subjects - 2 required - 2 optional). The early period for passing the OGE begins in the second half of April and ends at the end of May, when the main period for passing the OGE begins.

If you have not submitted an application, you will have to write the OGE during the main period, like everyone else. I can’t say for sure whether you can submit an application after March 1, but it’s unlikely that you will succeed, because back in March lists are created of who, when and what subjects will take.

All detailed information You must ask the administration at the school where you study.

Updated: 2017-04-10

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