The mushroom looks like a butter dish but is lamellar. Maslyata - description with photos and videos, how to cook

Butter mushrooms are very specific mushrooms. They are tubular and belong to the bolt family. Collecting them is a pleasure. The downside is that cleaning and cooking is a rather time consuming process and requires a lot of patience. The name of this gift of nature speaks for itself: the mushroom has a slimy skin. Nevertheless, properly cooked butternuts have excellent taste. Any mushroom picker knows what butterflies look like. Although there are about fifty varieties in total. In some ways they are similar, but there are also differences. Some species have a skirt on the leg.

Common butterdish: photo and description

The mushroom cap has a diameter of four to sixteen centimeters. The color is varied. Most often, brown and dark chocolate colors are found, sometimes gray with a hint of olive or yellow-brown. Young mushrooms are hemispherical in shape, older specimens are flattened. The edges sometimes even rise in the form of plates. The slimy skin is easily separated from the pulp, which, by the way, is very juicy.

Butterflies are quickly susceptible to worm infestation.. Mushrooms become unsuitable for food, so speed is needed when collecting and processing.

Collection time at middle lane Russia starts in early August and ends in early October. Mushrooms usually grow in young pine forests.

Before eating, it is necessary to remove the skin from the caps. The protein content in the composition of an ordinary butterdish is higher than that of porcini mushrooms. However, they may contain allergens, so people suffering from allergic diseases should remember that they need to use this type with caution.

There is different names: autumn butterdish, yellow butterdish and others.

Mushrooms have orange or yellow color on the cut, and in the air it can turn blue. There is a smell of pine needles.

Grainy oiler: photo and description

The hat is brown or yellow in color, reaches a diameter of 4 to 14 centimeters, it is usually convex, may be slightly flattened. When touched, oiliness is felt, the skin can be easily removed. The granular butterdish is similar to the previous species, but its color is slightly paler. The mushroom has a dense stem in the form of a cylinder with a height of three to ten centimeters, the color of which is much lighter than the cap.

T the ribbed layer of oil has yellow pores.

M juicy pulp of light brown color does not change after cutting.

There is a variety - cedar boletus, their hat is darker, and there is a pink coating on the legs. Growth time begins in mid-June and ends in October in a temperate climate. Where to Find: Sandy soils in young coniferous forests.

larch butterdish

They have cylindrical legs up to thirteen centimeters in the same color as a hat with a bright yellow ring. They are usually found under larches on sandy soils.

In the photo of a larch butterdish there are large yellow pores that darken when squeezed. The pulp has a fibrous structure. She is very juicy. The color does not change when cut, interacting with air.

Twins are butterflies gray and red but they are rare. They have pale caps and legs, and red ones grow only in Western Siberia.

Mushrooms grow from the beginning of July to the end of September everywhere in Russia. Found in Europe and North America.

The main neighborhood is larches.

P having previously boiled and removed the skin, the mushrooms must be marinated.

White oiler: photo

The mushroom is conditionally edible.

The hat of the white oiler has a diameter of six to fifteen centimeters, turning into olive in wet weather. Young mushrooms have a bulge of the cap, which disappears in old age, and they become flat. Smooth to the touch and slightly slippery. The leg has a height of four to eleven centimeters. Her color is white.

The yellow-brown variety of this species is shown in the photo. The pulp has a dense structure and, when cut, turns red from interaction with air. The mushroom is of low quality and weak taste.

Twins oiler white are marsh boletus and cedar boletus. They have resemblance in young age. Later, the boletus becomes green, and the butterdish darkens.

Grows from early August to late September. Habitat: Siberia, Far East, China and North America, as well as Europe, bordering the Alps. In food, you can use marinated. Processing must be done within three or four hours after the mushroom has been plucked.

Butterheads: benefits and harms

Undoubtedly, oils are very helpful. Despite the fact that they belong to the second category, they are put on a level with porcini mushrooms in terms of calories and taste.

Valuable properties:

In addition to useful properties, scientists have proven the harm of mushrooms that grew close to industrial enterprises . They are able to accumulate various impurities, in particular, radioactive cesium. People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are not recommended to use, as they are difficult to digest. Oils are hard to digest by the body.

The calorie content of mushrooms is approximately 19.2 kcal per hundred grams of the product.

pickled butter recipe

For two kilograms of mushrooms, you need to take 500 milliliters of water, two tablespoons of salt and one tablespoon of sugar, one and a half tablespoons of nine percent vinegar. Pepper, cloves, garlic and other seasonings are added to taste.

Rinse and clean the mushrooms well, removing the film from the caps. Add citric acid to salted water, throw mushrooms there. Boil fifteen minutes, remove from heat, and pass through a colander. Cut the garlic into slices. Arrange the oil in jars that have previously been sterilized in the oven or in a water bath. Add to water, salt and sugar, in the proportion indicated above and seasonings to taste. Boil the resulting mixture for 3-4 minutes. After removing from heat, pour in 1.5 tablespoons of nine percent vinegar. Cool the resulting marinade and pour it into jars to the top. Close with polyethylene lids. Store pickled mushrooms in a cool place.

Calorie pickled butter can be compared with meat dishes. They are about the same level.

Roasting mushrooms

Fresh boletus is very tasty fried, and you can also cook mushroom soup. Before cooking, they must be cleaned of leaves and sand, remove the film and rinse strongly under running water, otherwise, when eaten, sand will creak on the teeth, which is extremely unpleasant. Further actions:

It is better to serve boiled potatoes as a side dish.

Frozen mushrooms are highly valued, as they contain everything useful vitamins and trace elements and nutrients. Before freezing, raw materials must first be cleaned, boiled and decomposed with plastic bags or containers. For salting and pickling, small butternuts are taken, and large specimens can be used for freezing.

Should not be collected

Most common mistake beginners: butternut squash looks like a pepper mushroom. The difference lies in the very large pores. If a sample was also found in a deciduous forest, then you should be wary, since traditional views found only in coniferous forests. It is inedible, but can be used as a condiment due to its pungency.

Butterfly gray or bluish mushroom pickers rarely collect. When cut, their flesh changes color and turns blue.

There is a possibility of coming across false butterflies: their hats are similar to ordinary ones, but if you turn them over, the difference becomes noticeable. The false oiler is not spongy, it is lamellar. On the cut, the leg is yellow, and the plates are gray. They are inedible and extremely poisonous. Better not risk your health.

Maslyata: photo

Oils are incredibly tasty and useful mushrooms. They have chosen conifers and mixed forests and appear at the beginning of summer. They contain very valuable and useful substances. In their composition, B vitamins, carbohydrates, essential amino acids, which are well absorbed by the body, were found.

Lecithin, found in butter, prevents the formation of cholesterol and atherosclerotic plaques.

Butter is shown to people suffering from headaches and gout. However, along with the undoubted benefits, mushrooms have harmful properties. Thus, it is known that they contain a large number of chitin, so they should not be carried away by those who have disorders in the digestive tract.

Oily well accumulate harmful pollutants. Only those that are collected away from industrial enterprises and highways are considered safe.

Signs of poisoning

Another danger to human health is the so-called false oil. Due to inexperience, novice mushroom pickers can put in baskets false twins. And this is fraught with serious consequences, since the toxins contained in them can lead to poisoning and disruption of the whole organism.

Signs of poisoning:

  • dizziness,
  • heat,
  • intestinal disorders.

If such a nuisance happened to you, you need to urgently contact a medical facility and wash your stomach.

Almost all edible mushrooms have toxic doppelgangers which are not recommended for use.

Main differences

How to distinguish false butterflies from useful mushrooms? For starters, it is important to know that they grow in several waves. Early butterdish, or larch, appears already in the first days of summer and, as a rule, grows in young pine forests. It is easy to confuse it with a false and poisonous oiler. It is not advisable to salt the representatives of the first wave, since seamings are often torn off, but for the preparation of delicious soups, mouth-watering roasts and aromatic seasonings best mushrooms just can't be found.

Pine butterdish appears in the middle of summer and belongs to the mushrooms of the second wave. It is great for pickling, but it is easy to confuse it with poisonous panther fly agaric. Unlike a real butter dish, toxic representatives have characteristic spots, for which they received their name. Their hats are clean, but sometimes they have stripes - traces of sunburn. The leaves, sticking to the hats, also leave traces. Thus, it is better to collect small young mushrooms with completely clean caps.

Beginning mushroom pickers confuse butterflies with panther fly agaric

Late butternuts are well suited for salting. It's believed that autumn mushrooms most nutritious and delicious. They differ from others with a bright chocolate hat. However, the autumn butter dish has its own counterpart, which is characterized by a rich reddish hat. Below it is a spongy layer, which is darker and denser than that of a real mushroom.

The fake butter dish is not deadly, although it tastes unpleasantly bitter and can cause stomach upset.

Before you send a forest dweller to the basket, try to correctly identify it. Moreover, there is characteristics, by which it is easy to distinguish and reject inedible individuals.

For example, in a false butter dish, the inner surface has pronounced plates. This is the main visual difference between edible representatives. The hat also plays an important role. In a poisonous representative, it has a purple color.

The inner surface of the false fungus has pronounced plates

Do you want to be sure that you have found edible butter dish? Just turn it over and put it on the hat. On the inside, there must be a light film. Remove her. If the structure is porous inside the cap, then you have an edible mushroom. If lamellar, feel free to throw the mushroom out of the basket. In addition, the false oiler has a gray color on the inside of the cap and purple leg, and it also turns very yellow when cut. These signs signal that the mushroom should not be taken. Experienced mushroom pickers with experience pay attention to this pattern: the lighter the mushroom, the more poisonous it is. Toxic individuals have a loose structure and crumble heavily. While in real edible mushrooms, the mycelium is dense, elastic, and the caps are bright and beautiful.

During the autumn warm days and rainy weather mushroom pickers gather in forests and copses different types mushrooms to your table.

Butterfly ordinary

Oilers- this is the name of a whole and rather large genus tubular fungi. The name of the genus is given because all its representatives have a slippery and oily hat. This feature makes it possible to distinguish butterdish from other types of mushrooms. There are a great many varieties of butter, but most often in domestic forests and copses there is an autumn butter dish, and a rarer species grows in oak forests - pepper butter dish. This mushroom is not poisonous, but it tastes bitter and therefore it must be boiled in boiling water before being used for cooking and snacks. In the photo below, you can see these types of oil.

Butter dish is a tasty mushroom in fried, pickled and salted form. It is good in soups, pies and salads. Thanks to palatability butterflies are valuable prey for any fan " silent hunting”, However, you need to know that in the forests, in addition to ordinary butterflies, there are also false butterflies, which are strictly forbidden to eat. How to distinguish a false butter dish from an edible mushroom - we will tell below.

Description and photo of the common autumn oiler

In order to learn how to distinguish edible from poisonous mushrooms, you need to carefully study the description of specific species. The description of an ordinary oiler is as follows:

  • The cap of the mushroom has a pronounced hemisphere shape and a small but distinct tubercle in the very core
  • Skin color - brown, in a variety of tint variations. Less common are butterflies with grayish or olive hats. The flesh is yellowish and easily separated from the outer skin.
  • The correct cylindrical leg of the oiler can reach a size of 10-11 centimeters

You can find butterflies in deciduous forests and pine forests, less often in plantings where cereals grow. Butterflies “love” sandy and limestone soils, grow in groups, thanks to which the mushroom picker can quickly fill his basket with a delicious trophy. Often butterflies grow next to others. edible mushrooms- russula, mushrooms and chanterelles. You can “hunt” for butterflies in summer and late autumn.

How not to confuse a poisonous species with an edible mushroom?

False butterflies - poisonous mushrooms, very similar to ordinary butterflies. However, distinguish false mushrooms from edible species you can: you just need to remember what a false oiler looks like, and be careful when harvesting mushrooms.

First of all, you should pay attention to the hat: in the poisonous butter dish, it has a slight but noticeable purple hue, and the flesh of the inside is bright yellow. The structure of the cap of a false butter dish is spongy, but for an edible butter dish it will be porous.

Take a closer look at the leg - a false oiler will have a noticeable white ring on it, descending almost to the very base. And if you cut the fake mushroom, you will notice that its flesh is reddish and spongy. In a real butter dish, the flesh does not change color when cut or broken, remaining a pleasant color.

And finally: do not pick mushrooms in edibility that you are unsure of. Poisoning with poisons that are present in certain types of mushrooms can lead to the most unfortunate consequences, including death.

How to distinguish false butterflies from edible ones?

Any mushroom picker will give you the answer to this question. Remember the 2 colors that define the false oiler - purple and bright yellow. Its hat has a purple hue, and the flesh of the fungus is bright yellow, not pale. The rest of the advice we gave in the previous chapter. It is very easy to distinguish these mushrooms. The main thing is not to panic and treat the collection responsibly. Well, you can bookmark this page and you will never make a mistake when harvesting a forest harvest.

Well, there is simply no person on the planet who has not heard of such a fungus as butterdish. In addition to its attractive appearance, butterdish is very tasty, healthy and grows on absolutely any soil, in the same place as russula. But, they also have a significant drawback - the difficulty in cooking. This is not a champignon, which you can simply throw into a pan and fry without prior heat treatment. Butter dish requires more delicate manipulations during cooking. Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves.


Mycologists divide all mushrooms into three types:

  1. Tubular (their hat consists of small tubes).
  2. Lamellar (hats form plates).
  3. Marsupials (spores are in special storages).

Butter mushrooms are just classified as the first type. The hat is a sponge, which is formed by many small tubes. Inside the tubules are spores. The cap of a young mushroom has a semicircular shape with a ring on the edge. The hat of the old mushroom is open, and the ring on the leg is barely noticeable. When you cut the mushroom, its edges begin to turn slightly blue.

Edible types of oilers

An ordinary oiler. This species is the most common in Russia. The hat is flat with curved edges. In the center, a noticeable tubercle is visible. Color brown.

The pulp is very juicy. The leg is solid, white. The older the mushroom, the darker it becomes. In very old fruits, the stalk becomes dark brown. Its height varies within 10 centimeters.

There is a view almost everywhere, but favorite place, however, as for any mushroom, is a coniferous area.

Ideal conditions for the development of a species family:

  1. Sandy soil.
  2. Good drainage.
  3. Dampness.
  4. Air temperature from +18 degrees Celsius.

Grows from July to October.

Larch oiler. It got its name due to the fact that most often it can be found in the habitat of larch. The mushroom is edible, but the taste is simple, without any aftertaste.

  1. A convex cap that flattens out with age. Its color is very bright. There may be fruits of bright yellow, orange, less often, dark brown.
  2. The pulp is dense, yellow. When a young mushroom is damaged, its color does not change. If an older fruit is damaged, then it will acquire a pinkish or reddish hue.
  3. The leg resembles a mace. Sometimes it has a curved shape. Height up to 12 centimeters, thickness does not exceed 3 centimeters. The color of the ring is white/yellow, rarely brown.

Butter is grainy. Also very popular view. Has a pleasant taste. Unlike other butterflies, this species does not have a ring on the stem.

The main characteristics of the mushroom:

  1. The hat is convex, small, with a diameter of 4 to 10 centimeters. In dry weather, it glistens in the sun. During rain, the mushroom becomes slimy. The color of the skin is brown, yellow-orange, rarely burgundy.
  2. The pulp is dense, yellow. Smells like hazelnut. When damaged, the color does not change.
  3. The leg is dense, cylindrical in shape, light yellow in color. In older mushrooms, it becomes dark brown closer to the root. The leg acquires such a shade due to the fact that the fungus secretes juice. It is not more than 8 centimeters in height, 1.5-2 cm in thickness. Granular formations are often present on the surface of the stem, because of which, in fact, the mushroom got its name.

This is not all types of this fungus. There are also others, however, less common on the territory of the Russian Federation. These are: white, yellow-brown, gray, American and swamp oilers.

false mushroom

The false oiler is a poisonous representative of its kind. After its use, intestinal upset may occur. By itself, it is very unpleasant in taste.

In order not to get poisoned, you need to pay attention to it appearance, because it is he who distinguishes the poisonous representative from the edible.

Edible mushrooms have a yellow cap, brown. The false one is dark purple.

How to cook

You have read the description of edible species, seen their photos, now it's the turn to tell you how to cook this unique mushroom.

These mushrooms are one of the favorite varieties for cooks. They are loved not only by adults, but also by children.

There are many ways to process oil. They can be pickled, fried, boiled. Below we describe examples various ways cooking these "mucilaginous yummy".


Their soup is very light and lean. Eating 100 grams of soup, a person will receive only 90 kilocalories.

To prepare it, you will need:

  1. 350 grams of mushrooms.
  2. 450 grams of potatoes.
  3. One carrot.
  4. One onion.
  5. A couple of bay leaves.
  6. 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  7. Salt and spices to taste.

The recipe is extremely simple. It is prepared in the same way as other soups. First, potatoes are boiled, spices, fried onions and potatoes are added, and fried butter is added at the end.


There are a lot of recipes for pickled butter. For one of them you will need:

  1. One kilogram of mushrooms.
  2. Half a liter of water.
  3. One tablespoon of sugar.
  4. Two teaspoons of salt.
  5. One bay leaf.
  6. Black and allspice 2-3 pieces.
  7. 2 pieces of cloves.
  8. 6% vinegar - 50 ml.
  9. 1-2 cloves of garlic.

Oils are pre-cleaned and washed well. Then they are boiled for 20 minutes in salted water. To prevent the mushrooms from turning dark, you can add a little citric acid to the water.

After the mushrooms are cooked, it is necessary to prepare the marinade. To do this, take a pan, pour into it all the above ingredients except garlic and vinegar. Put it on fire and bring to a boil. When the mixture boils, butter is added to it and boiled for 30 minutes. Five minutes before removing the pan from the heat, vinegar is added to the marinade.

Then all this is sorted into banks. Banks are pre-sterilized. A clove of garlic is placed in the bottom of the jar, and marinade is poured on top of it.

How to fry butternuts

Roasted in sour cream

Nobody fries mushrooms just like that. It's not as tasty as combining mushrooms with something suitable, such as sour cream. Sour cream will make the mushrooms fragrant and tender.

To prepare such a dish, we need 500 g of oil themselves, 4 tablespoons of sour cream, 1 onion, a little vegetable and butter and spices to taste (garlic, salt, etc.).

Now let's start cooking:

  1. First of all, rinse the butternuts, cut into small pieces and boil for 7-10 minutes in salted water.
  2. Cut the onion into rings and fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  3. Add mushrooms and fry them in a pan for about 5 minutes over medium heat. We put a weak fire and add butter. Fry the butternut squash for another 10 minutes.
  4. After 10 minutes, add spices and sour cream. Cover the dish with a pan and simmer for about 5 minutes.
  5. The dish is ready to be served.

Fried boletus with potatoes

This is the standard way to cook fried mushrooms. For cooking, we need 400 g butter, 500 g potatoes, 1 onion splinter, vegetable oil and spices.

After boiling the mushrooms, put them in a colander so that excess juice drains from them. Meanwhile, heat up the oil in a frying pan. Next, we start frying the butternut squash. In the meantime, finely chop the onion and add to the butter. Saute mushrooms and onions for 3 minutes.

Preparing potatoes. It can be fried in the same pan in which the mushrooms were cooked, or you can use a second one. Add potatoes and spices to the pan. We fry it. 2-3 minutes before full cooking, add the mushrooms. The dish is ready to eat.

In the photo butterflies in the forest

In the wild, butterdish grows mainly in the forest zone with temperate climate on the edges and clearings coniferous forests, along roadsides, in young plantings of pines and firs; larch butterdish is found in larches. The oiler is widely distributed in Europe and North America, lives in Asia and Australia. In Russia, the butter dish lives everywhere: from Arkhangelsk and Vologda in the north to forest-steppe zone Saratov and Voronezh region in the European part of the country; it is typical for the Urals, Siberia and the Far East.

Oilers are traditionally considered summer mushrooms, grow in coniferous forests from June to October, and in warm autumn in southern regions meet until the beginning of November.

So, the forest edges, however, not all, but pine, mostly young forests. You won't find them in the old forest. Where butter mushrooms grow, there are always young plantings: pines with green grass. It must be remembered that, in addition to the main name, this mushroom also has a name - it is called "pine".

If it is known that each mushroom cohabits with a certain tree, then let's do justice - the oiler chose not the worst. If, on the contrary, the tree chooses mushrooms (we don’t know anything about this yet), then the pine has a good reputation, good taste: upland mushroom and even the boletus itself.

If you know how butterflies grow, you can safely go for these mushrooms in a young pine forest. If they are found among adult pines, then in light forests, in a very sparse forest, about which you can’t even say that this is a forest, but simply pines.

One of the first to crawl out from under the ground is one of the first, already in early June they can be collected. At this time, they are mainly taken, as long as there are no boletus, white, or mushrooms, or milk mushrooms in plentiful quantities. Then, when the real diversity of mushrooms begins, the butterflies are somehow neglected, and, by the way, in vain. Butter is one of the tastiest quality mushrooms.

If we accept four methods of cooking mushrooms, that is: fry, dry, pickle and salt, then butterfish participate in the first three methods, avoiding salt alone. Fried Butter Dish very gentle and fragrant, especially since, thanks to the abundance of butter, you can always select only the youngest fungi for frying. And since butterflies really appear among the first, they usually have to break their fast after long winter. In breaking the fast, as you know, there is a special sweetness.

Usually during the summer there are several harvests of oil. The first - in the middle of summer, the second - in the beginning of autumn, although there are also lean years.

Oils are used both fresh and for pickling. The skin is usually removed from the cap. To do this better, mushrooms are dipped in boiling water for 1-2 minutes or kept over steam. Most types of oil practically do not differ from each other in taste. Butter is usually not dried, because after drying, they become hard as a stone. They fry or cook soup from summer gatherings, oil them, and autumn ones are better suited for pickling and pickling, because they are more dense and elastic, for a long time do not spoil.

Two more types of mushrooms belong to the genus Shrovetide: goat and pepper mushroom. The goat is edible, but of low quality. Pepper mushroom has a bitter taste, so it is not usually harvested. Some hobbyists use it as a condiment.

Oilers in the photo

Butterflies belong to the Bolet family, which has about 250 various kinds hat mushrooms. In nature, several types of oilers are common, of which the most common are the late or real oiler, the larch butterdish, the soft butterdish, the yellow-brown oiler and the granular butterdish. All of these species can be cultivated on household plots or on specially organized mushroom farms, depending on the conditions created, the composition of the soil and the presence of host trees with which these fungal species form mycorrhiza.

By the nature of their nutrition, butterflies belong to the category of mycorrhizal fungi, or symbiont fungi that form mycorrhiza with the roots of young coniferous trees. In nature, the mycelium develops for about 15 years until its maximum fruiting; it prefers sandy soils that are light in structure with great content limestone and rich in organic matter, grows mainly on coniferous litter.

In industrial mushroom growing, oilers are bred to a limited extent due to the lack of a highly profitable technology for intensive cultivation indoors, and therefore, to create production plots, large areas with conifer plantings. However, oil cultivation is typical for amateur mushroom growing due to the excellent qualities of mushrooms, as well as the high fertility of the mycelium.

The description of mushrooms is so characteristic that it is difficult to confuse them with any other mushrooms due to the characteristic oily cap, covered with a sticky layer on top, and yellowish pulp. In most species, the oily film separates easily from the pulp. The color of the cap is buttered brown; depending on their type and soil characteristics, it can vary from yellowish-brown to red-brown or brown-olive.

Pay attention to the photo - the hat of the butterdish mushroom on average reaches a diameter of 5-6 cm, but you can often find specimens with a hat diameter of 8-12 cm:

On the initial stage During the development of the fruiting body, the cap is either hemispherical or convex, and as the fungus grows, it straightens and becomes flatter. The height of the fungus is on average 6-10 cm, the stem is more often cylindrical in shape, in some species it can be club-shaped.

The mushroom has a harmonious taste, high nutritional value, and can be subjected to any processing method: from drying to boiling, roasting or pickling.

Look at the photo how the butterflies look in natural environment a habitat:

How to grow mycelium oil

Growing mycelium oil is possible at home, for which the collected mushrooms must be mixed with a specially selected substrate. The substrate for the development of mycelium is prepared on the basis of peat and coniferous sawdust, which help to create a nutrient medium close to natural. To obtain sawdust, it is desirable to use those tree species near which the mushrooms collected for cultivation grew.

For the propagation of mycelium, ordinary three-liter jars are better suited. The carefully dried substrate is laid out in a jar, lightly tamped until the container is about half full. Additional nutrition of the mycelium is provided by a special nutrient solution, which is prepared on the basis of sugar syrup with the addition of a yeast suspension at the rate of: for each liter of water, 1 tsp. sugar and the same amount of yeast.

For each three-liter jar, 1.5 liters of nutrient solution must be prepared. It is brought to a boil, after which the peat laid out in jars is poured over it. Then dried sawdust is added until the entire volume of the jar is filled, tightly closed with a lid and left for 5 hours to saturate the substrate with nutrients. Then the remaining water is drained, the substrate is thoroughly mixed, punctures are made with a thin stick in several places and pieces of mushrooms with spores are placed in the holes made. The jar is tightly covered with a lid with a hole 1.5 cm in diameter made in it, which is plugged with a foam rubber stopper and left for 3 months, maintaining the temperature in the room at 23–25 ° C. After the development of hyphae, the substrate with mycelium is removed before sowing in a cold dark room with a temperature of about 6 °C.

To date, in the culture of oilseeds are grown by amateur mushroom growers using an extensive method that is as close as possible to natural

Some types of oil, such as larch and graceful, contain medicinal substances that can bring relief from severe headaches and alleviate a gout attack. These properties of oil are widely used in folk medicine.

because of characteristic feature mushrooms to form mycorrhiza with the roots of young coniferous trees for oil plantations, they select a site with several young pines, cedars, larches or spruces, depending on the type of butter dish and the growing conditions of the mycelium from which the mycelium was obtained. The desired age of trees for growing butterflies is from 10 to 15 years, it is with such a neighborhood that the mycelium of butterflies develops as actively as possible, since young trees take less nutrients from the soil and water, leaving more food for the mushrooms. Some types of oil taken from mixed forests, can be grown under deciduous trees with which they are able to create symbiosis. Butterflies love light partial shade, but they can also grow in sunny areas, prefer acidic soils, and are able to grow on enriched peatlands.

Before growing boletus, in order to create soil optimal for the development of mycelium, the top layer of earth in the selected area is removed to a depth of 20 cm. Nutrient soil for boletus is formed from several layers. The first, lower layer is made from vegetable raw materials - it can be mowed grass, fallen leaves, chopped wood, needles. It is desirable to create the second layer from the earth collected at the place where the mushrooms grow - in this case, its acid-base balance will be as close to optimal as possible, but you can replace it with ordinary garden soil. Depleted garden soil must be enriched with humus. Mushroom mycelium is sown on the prepared soil.

To date, most mushroom growers prefer to use spores of overripe mushrooms collected in the forest for planting, despite the fact that specialized online stores now offer laboratory-grown mycelium oil. This is due primarily to the nature of the nutrition of the fungus, which receives most organic matter from the tree with which it forms a symbiosis.

With such nutrition, the composition of the soil, as well as the type of trees with which the oiler forms a symbiosis, are of paramount importance. As a rule, under conditions that are very different from the natural ones in which the mycelium developed earlier, fruiting bodies are not formed, despite its successful development.

This video shows the cultivation of butter mushrooms from mycelium:

Oil varieties: photo and description

Oiler yellowish in the photo
Cap yellowish with brown fibers

Buttercup yellowish. The mushroom is edible. Cap up to 3-6 cm, at first hemispherical, then cushion-shaped, later open, slimy when wet, yellowish with brown fibers, with peelable skin. In this species, the ribbed layer is yellow with relatively large radially oriented pores. Leg - 3-6 cm long, 1-2 cm thick, yellowish, brownish below. Under the cap is not always visible, slimy ring. The flesh is yellow. Spore powder is yellowish. It does not stain hands as much as a granular butter dish, as it contains less milky juice.

Grows on soil with high peat in a pine forest (forms mycorrhiza with pine), along roads, especially on sand. However, it can also be found in lowland swampy pine forests.

Occurs from July to October. It is important to harvest it young, while the mushroom is not damaged by "mushroom flies".

poisonous and inedible twins does not have.

Oiler granular in the photo
(Suillus granulatus) pictured

Oil can granular (Suillus granulatus). The mushroom is edible. Hat up to 3-8 cm, at first hemispherical, then cushion-shaped, then open, slimy, shiny, yellow-orange or densely ocher with peeling skin when wet. The tubular layer is pale yellow with droplets of milky juice on the tubules of young mushrooms. The leg of this species is oiled 3-6 cm long, 1-2 cm thick, yellowish with small dark grains, without a ring. All other types of oil have a ring on the leg. The pulp is white. Spore powder is yellowish.