Palmistry: how to read your hand correctly. Indian numerology stripes. Rare signs in palmistry

Girls are often interested in how to tell fortunes for themselves? Not everyone is able to entrust their fate to an outside magician, so people try to master the art of fortune telling on their own. Finding out the future is quite simple - it is important to perform certain manipulations correctly.

In the article:

How to tell fortunes for yourself for the future?

To find out what upcoming events have in store, you can use different ways. Fortune telling on Christmastide is quite common. Each option is unique and allows you to look into the future and lift the veil of secrecy.

Before you begin any such ritual, you need to properly prepare the magical attribute and tune in yourself. It is advisable to clean the artifact using salt, water or fire.

It is enough to put the item in a pre-prepared Thursday salt, hold it several times over the candle flame or hold it under running water. Negative energy, which was on the magical attribute, will leave. Before starting fortune telling, you need to relax and get rid of unnecessary thoughts. You can meditate, use .

Rituals with attributes are not all common ways that will help you find out what fate has prepared for a person. No less popular is decoding, which will help you find out when to expect the most important events what can be prevented and what should be feared. Fortune telling by hand - palmistry - also remains popular.

How to tell fortunes on your hand?

Palmistry is a complex science that cannot be learned quickly. It takes experience and constant practice to continually improve your skills. You can learn some basics that will help you know the future. For example, by looking at your hand, you can determine the size of your palm and fingers, which will help you recognize the protective element.

If the palm and fingers are equally short, the patron is Earth, if the length of the palm is longer than the length of the fingers, the assistant is Fire, if vice versa - Air. If the fingers and palm are the same length, the patron is Water.

Brief general characteristics:

  1. People whose patron is Earth, usually have clear boundaries, are stubborn, do not deviate from priorities and are full of energy. Practical, responsible, love to work with their hands.
  2. For Air characterized by sociability, wit, and talkativeness. Often people are angry, cold and even petty. Representatives of air are able to cope equally well with mental and physical work. Often a person uses radical methods.
  3. Representatives Water introverted, creative, sympathetic, empathetic and insightful. Quite emotional, but can be withdrawn and capricious. To find out what is going on in their soul, you need for a long time gain confidence. They rely only on intuition.
  4. Representatives Fire spontaneous, optimistic, extroverts. They take on work boldly and listen to their instincts. Often a person can be an egoist, but his conscience also gnaws at him. They are often accused of impulsiveness and insensitivity, but at heart they are quite vulnerable.

Afterwards, you need to determine which hand to guess by. In a woman right hand means the skills and events that were laid down at birth, and the left one tells what was acquired during life. For men it's the opposite. You should pay attention to the dominant hand, which will tell you about the past and present, and the second hand - about the future.

After defining the hand, you need to find the main lines. Not every person has deep and clear contours; sometimes they are short and intermittent. There are at least three main lines on any palm:

  • hearts;
  • heads;
  • life.

The line of fate is not visible to everyone.

Heart line

Usually located from the little finger and going to the index finger, it is responsible for stress resistance, love relationship, depression, heart disease. A beginner needs to know that if the line starts below the index finger, a lot awaits the person romantic relationships.

Other meanings of the heart line:

  1. If it starts on the middle finger, the person is probably selfish in love, an owner, and often a despot in the family.
  2. If it starts in the middle of the palm, the person is amorous and flighty.
  3. Direct and short - lack of romance.
  4. In contact with the life line - it is easy for the owner to get hurt.
  5. If it is long and crooked, it is difficult for a person to restrain emotions and feelings, perhaps this will interfere with achieving goals.
  6. Straight and placed parallel to the line of the head - the personality is able to control emotions, manage the situation and influence other people.
  7. Wavy - a large number of romantic relationships that do not result in marriage.
  8. The presence of circles means emotional breakdowns and depression. The closer the circles are to the index finger, the more likely it is that this will happen in adulthood.
  9. Line breaks indicate emotional trauma.
  10. Perpendicular small lines will indicate emotional upheaval.

Head line

Responsible for intelligence, thirst for knowledge, the ability to learn, and communicate with other people.

Head line meanings:

  1. Short line - a person believes that physical achievements are more important than mental ones.
  2. Curved - achievements in the creative field are possible.
  3. Standing far from the line of life - a thirst for adventure, optimism.
  4. Merges with the life line - a strong connection with relatives.
  5. Wavy - inability to concentrate attention and control behavior.
  6. A deep, long line speaks of a clear and sharp mind, the ability to concentrate, and achieve goals.
  7. Direct - realist.
  8. The presence of circles and crosses means emotional crises.
  9. A large number of perpendicular lines means making spontaneous decisions.

Life line

It is located near the thumb and creates an arc that usually ends near the wrist. Responsible for physical health, changes in life. People often believe that the longer the line, the more years the person will live.

In some interpretations, you can find information regarding another line, which is located next to the line of life, closer to the thumb. They believe that this line appears on the palms of lucky people, the favorites of fortune, and is characterized as another life line that helps to overcome any troubles.

If the life line is located too close to the thumb, this indicates possible problems with health, disorders psychological nature, fatigue.

Other interpretations of the life line:

  1. Winding - great energy potential.
  2. Deep - vitality.
  3. Short and barely visible - a person is easy to control.
  4. Located in a semicircle - the personality is very strong, full of enthusiasm.
  5. Straight and as if crossing the palm - a person is careful in relationships.
  6. The presence of circles indicates serious illnesses and injuries.
  7. A broken line means a change in lifestyle, a shock.

Line of fate

Palmistry is ancient art reading lines on the palm in order to predict a person's fate.

Many people can learn this and have a pleasant time in an informal setting, “predicting” the fate of their friends and relatives, but this does not mean they can be called palmists. Not everyone can become a professional palm reader for a number of reasons. For example, it is not enough just to know chirology; you need to understand human psychology.

The palm reader has the greatest power and the greatest responsibility: he sees the future of a person by his hand. Therefore, he must be able to competently, accurately and carefully, based on the client’s personal qualities and his ability to perceive negative information, explain what he saw.

Just as not everyone is able to master any profession, so not everyone can be a good palmist. But you shouldn’t be upset, because no one forbids you to be just an amateur. For the sake of your pleasure, self-education and self-knowledge, palmistry can and should be practiced.

Basics of chirology

At the very beginning, you need to study the person’s hand itself: the skin, the shape of the palm, the length of the fingers, nails.

The appearance of a hand can say a lot about a person, just like the palm: what kind of character he has, his state of health, etc., for example, if his hands are pale with thin skin, you have a sensitive nature, subject to disturbances of the heart.

Then you should feel the bumps on the palm, there are nine of them:

  • Mount of Venus
  • two hillocks of Mars
  • Mount of Jupiter
  • Mount of Saturn
  • Mount of Apollo
  • Mount of Neptune
  • Mount of Mercury
  • Mount of the Moon

The presence or absence of these hills on the palm can tell a lot about a person’s personality. For example, the pronounced upper mount of Mars speaks of will and fighting qualities, but the second opposite mount of Mars indicates a strong level of patience. There are a lot of different subtleties in chirology.

After studying the bumps, you need to look at the lines on the person’s palm:

  1. life
  2. hearts
  3. health
  4. fate
  5. Apollo

Even by reading only the lines of life, heart and mind, you can give a complete picture of life from the palm of your hand.

Life line

There is an opinion that one can determine Its duration by the line of life, which is not entirely true. This line shows a person’s life path, events and changes of views. It can talk about a person’s state of health and his love for life.

Heart line

This line is responsible for emotional condition person. Some experts believe that it can also show heart disease as an organ. This line is very easy to find: it is located under the little finger and rises towards the middle and index fingers. Along this line you can determine a person’s ability to love.

Head (mind) line

Along this line one can judge a person’s mental abilities, his success in activities and professionalism. This line is located in the middle of the palm, deviating downward from the index finger to the little finger. When considering this line, you need to pay attention to its length and angle of inclination.

Line of fate

Along this line, you can say a lot about a person’s life and his future. This line may not be present in all people. The study of the life line should be done at the end, comparing the data obtained from other palms.

Health line

This line speaks of chronic human diseases. Many palmists believe that the absence of this line is an ideal case. Studying this is extremely difficult, since it is subject to serious changes in short time time

Apollo Line

This line speaks of a person’s self-esteem, achievements and success. How the client perceives himself, his confidence in own strength can be read along this line.

Chirology is a science that requires patience and time, is complex and specific.

This article presented the basic concepts of fortune telling, but this is not enough to become a real professional in this field. However, don’t be upset: you don’t have to be a real palmist to tell fortunes. Any person, after studying palmistry for some time, will be able to tell fortunes by his own hand or the hands of friends. This way we can better understand ourselves and the people around us.

It is worth remembering that life lines can change just like the person himself, the results of fortune telling in different periods lives may vary.

People who are interested in palmistry claim that the number of years allotted to a particular person can be determined by the life line on the hand. It is believed that fate is written on the palm, and the vein marks are signs of the past, present and future. There are several ways by which you can not only find out how many years of life a person has been measured out, but also under what circumstances his life will end.

Life line

There are many lines on the human palm - both large and small. Most of of which matters. It is possible to determine exactly how long a person has left to live only based on all the results obtained.

It is not difficult to find the life line in the palm of your hand; it is one of the most prominent on it:

  • starts between big and index finger,
  • ends in front of the wrist;
  • represents an arc.

There is an opinion that the shorter this line on the hand, the shorter the person’s life will be. Experienced palmists disagree with this statement. They are sure of the opposite: the duration of this feature on the hand does not affect the age at which death will occur. To determine the number of years allotted to a person, you need to analyze the clarity of the life line, its color, width and depth.

If the mark is dark in color, clear and lasting, then the person will live a long time.

In order to find out how many years a person has left to live, you should use the method of determining time.

To do this you will need a regular felt-tip pen and a ruler. You can also use a gel pen or any other that writes on the skin. To determine the duration life path

  1. according to the method of determining time, you need:
  2. 1. Apply a ruler to the middle of your index finger vertically, and then mentally draw a straight line to the life line.
  3. 2. Put a dot where these two lines touch - the age of 10 years is marked here.
  4. 3. Mark the second point at the intersection of the life line with a line drawn to it from the space between the index and middle fingers. This mark indicates age 20 years.
  5. 4. Measure the length of the segment between 10 and 20 years.

5. Calculate how many such segments will fit on a given life line. Each of them represents one dozen years.

For example, if about 7 such marks fit on this line, a person will live 70 years. When, after distributing full 10-year segments along the line, it has not yet ended, you need to estimate how many years it could be: approximately half of the segment is 5, a third is 3–4 years. Contrary to popular belief, there is nothing wrong with the fact that there are tears in the palm or a triple line. This is considered a symbol of what protects a person strong guardian angel

, which will prevent all his misfortunes and troubles.

Line of fate

Unlike the life line, not everyone has the destiny line. In palmistry this is considered a bad sign. This means that fate has not yet been destined, and there is a high probability that a person will die at a young or childhood age.

The line of fate is straight, weakly expressed, running vertically across the entire palm - from the fingers to the wrist.

If there is one, then you can find out the approximate lifespan of a person from it. The 18 year point is located at the very beginning of the line, 35 is at the intersection of the lines of the mind and fate, and 50 is at the point of contact between the lines of fate and the heart. If it goes beyond the last mark, that is, 50 years, then the person’s life will be long, and he will die in old age.

The line of fate bifurcates and intersects with the line of life - what does this mean?

Mind line The line of the mind is clearly visible on the palm. This is the middle longitudinal line on it. It is located between the lines of the heart and life. Thanks to this mark, it is also possible to calculate how many years a person has.

  • from 0 to 20 years;
  • from 20 to 40 years;
  • from 40 to 60 years.

Then you need to use a ruler and a felt-tip pen. A straight and clear line is drawn down from the middle of the little finger. If it intersects with the first segment, the person will die in at a young age, if the line intersects with the second, then he will die before the age of 40, with the third, he will live to old age.

It is said that God has written the destiny of every person on the palm of his hand. In this article we will talk about palmistry (hand fortune telling), we will provide the meaning and photo of lines for beginners. Palmistry allows you to determine a person’s intellectual capabilities (mind line), propensity for selfless love (heart line), material condition (wealth line), likelihood of marriage, love and number of children. This is a rather complex science and beginners need to comprehend it starting from the very basics...

Our destiny and future are written on the lines of the palm: whether you should be rich or poor, happy or unhappy...

The lines on the hand, the interpretation of which people have been mastering for thousands of years, reflect the character of a person, his potential, inclinations, past events and probable future.

The science that studies the connection between lines, knots, patterns on the hand and their connection with events in life is called palmistry, and a person who is able to “read” the mysterious intricacies on the palms - palmist.

Anyone can study palmistry, that is, the meaning of lines when fortune telling on the hand, possessing a large amount of information and possessing the necessary equipment and knowledge.

Palm analysis should begin with a detailed study of the main lines: the line of fate, the line of the heart and the line of the mind, which most fully and accurately characterize the person himself and potential opportunities in the future. In this article about palmistry, we have collected not only the meaning of lines when fortune telling by hand, but also their photos.

Photo of the main lines, hills on the hand + table of values

The science of palmistry is quite complex, a free table with explanations and photos for beginners contains images of the main lines, hills, figures, and islands on the hand. She should definitely help you! Especially this information will be useful to a beginning palm reader who is just learning the basics of this interesting and secret knowledge.

Palmistry: lines, hills, figures diagram + main names

Table: palmistry for beginners with explanations (see photo diagram above)

No. Type Name of the line on the palm
1. Main line Line of Fate
2. Main line Heart Line
3. Main line Line of Mind
4. Main line Life Line
5. Secondary line Health Line
6. Secondary line Line of Happiness
7. Secondary line Line of Intuition
8. Secondary line Sun Line
9. Secondary line Line of Inheritance
10. Secondary line Line of Mars
11. Secondary line Travel Line
12. Rings and belts Ring of Saturn
13. Rings and belts Belt of Venus
14. Rings and belts Ring of Solomon

Free online palm fortune telling

If you want to receive quick fortune telling per hand for free, you can use our predictor! The shape of the hand and the length of the fingers also have important. In order to find out their meaning, select the appropriate options and click the “Guess” button.

A) Clear shape, fingers and nails are short and wide.

B) The shape of the palm is elongated triangular, the fingers are equally long. B) The basic shape is a triangle, the fingers are rounded and convex. D) The palm is graceful and refined, the fingers are proportional.

A) The index finger is shorter than the ring finger. B) The index finger is longer than the ring finger. B) index and ring fingers

identical in length.


This online interpretation the main lines in the palm, but before starting fortune telling, we recommend that you read the description of the lines in this article for a more precise definition.
Option A Option B Option C Option D Option E Option A Option B Option C Option D Option E Option A Option B Option C Option D Option E Option A Option B Option C Option D Option E Option A Option B Option C Option D Option E Option A Option B Option C

Line of the Head (mind)

The location of the line can be different, most often it originates between the index and


and, crossing the palm across, goes to the edge of the palm.

This line determines a person’s mental abilities, talent, thirst for knowledge, intellectual capabilities and willpower.

  1. When analyzing, you should take into account the length of the line, width, color, starting point and its position at the end, as well as the presence of various branches and signs. Ideally, the head line should lightly touch the life line, but not merge with it. Such a beginning of the line indicates a balanced character, rationality in actions, accuracy and a tendency to study details. The fusion of the two lines characterizes an overly cautious, sensitive and vulnerable person.
  2. On the hill of Mars. The head line, originating inside the life line, defines a hot-tempered, aggressive, sometimes reckless person, prone to rash actions.
  3. On the Mount of Jupiter. The head line, which is located above the life line and does not touch it, indicates a brave, decisive and courageous person. Such people are mobile, energetic and have leadership qualities.


  1. On the top of the Mount of the Moon. A clear line of the mind, which has a smooth slope towards the Mount of the Moon, indicates a lively, energetic, impressionable person. Such people have creative abilities, rich in imagination, able to think abstractly and outside the box.
  2. On the bottom of the mound. An excessive slope of the line indicates isolation, excessive mysticism and the dominance of emotions over the mind. Such people often create an illusory world for themselves as a means of escaping reality.
  3. On Pluto. The end of the line of mind on Pluto is a clear, objective mind, excellent memory, logical type of thinking.
  4. Direction to the heart line. This ending of the line denotes the supremacy of emotions and feelings over rational thinking.
  5. Connecting the head line with the heart line. Such a sign predicts a blind passionate love with a lack of rational thinking.
  6. Double head line. Most often indicates an extraordinary person with deep thinking. Such a person is distinguished by determination and fortitude.

Marks and signs on the line

  • Island - means mental stress and breakdown;
  • Rupture or cross - warns of the possibility of head injury or illness;
  • Chain – scattered attention, lack of concentration;
  • The square is a symbol of amulet and preservation;
  • Star – temporary enhancement of mental abilities, excessive mental stress

Online test"Can you be a palmist?" (24 questions)


*Important: personal data and test results are not saved!

Line of Fate

The line of fate predicts the course of life.

As the science of palmistry says, the line of fate tells about the course of a person’s life, about ups and downs, about periods of good fortune and luck and a person’s struggle for “a place in the sun.” The line of fate or fate can originate from any part of the palm, but the direction vector will always point to the Mount of Saturn.

A bright, clear, straight line without breaks or kinks indicates a rich and successful life. A weak line or its absence indicates the individual’s weakness of character, lack of willpower and leading an aimless lifestyle.

This line determines a person’s mental abilities, talent, thirst for knowledge, intellectual capabilities and willpower.

There can be 6 starting points:

  1. On the line of life. The merging of two lines at the beginning of the path indicates the individual’s enormous attachment to the family, dependence of a spiritual or material nature. The point of division of the lines shows the age period of a person gaining independence.
  2. On the plain of Mars. Indicates the struggle with difficulties throughout life.
  3. On the rosette. A straight, long and clear line starting from the rosette and ending under the Mount of Saturn predicts a great, happy future, good luck throughout life.
  4. On the hill of the moon. Such a beginning indicates independence of judgment, good character and the unpredictability of fate.
  5. On the Mount of Venus. Indicates early help from parents and attachment to the family. A similar arrangement occurs in the case of receiving an inheritance or other kind of key support in life.
  6. On the line of the head or heart. Indicates late success in life, achieving a full, happy life at a late age.


  1. Completion at the head line indicates the probability of committing fatal mistake, the consequences of which will prevent you from achieving success;
  2. Completion at the heart line indicates significant sacrifices for love;
  3. Completion on the mount of Saturn predicts good luck, success, wealth and the realization of life goals;
  4. A branch towards the Mount of the Sun predicts inevitable greatness and glory;
  5. The end, indicated by a trident, predicts a well-fed, successful life, full of surprises and pleasures.

Marks and signs

  • Square – protection from financial collapse;
  • Island – losses and obstacles;
  • Transverse lines crossing the lines of fate are obstacles on the path of life;
  • Breakup – change of type of activity, cardinal changes;
  • Triangle – desire to diversify life, non-acceptance of routine;

Heart Line

A person’s temperament, ability to love and be loved are predicted along the line of the heart.

This line talks about a person’s temperament, the ability to love and be loved, selflessness, kindness and the emotional side of life.
It runs above the line of the head under the base of the fingers and has either a curved or straight shape. The brighter and deeper the line, the more sincere and noble the person, the more devoted and stronger his feelings and impulses will be.

By shape and color

  • Curved – warmth, sensitivity, openness, impulsiveness;
  • Direct – isolation, tendency to internal experiences, restraint;
  • A bright red line is a sign of a strong Great love, hot temper;
  • Dull and wide - disappointment in feelings, debauchery, indifference;
  • Pale – lack of vitality;
  • Wide – stormy, emotional life;
  • Thin, without branches - a person is closed and closed, does not need communication;
  • Chain – variability, inconstancy;
  • Yellow is a sign of kidney disease


  1. The end of the line is on the Mount of Jupiter. The longer the heart line, the greater a person’s desire to love and open up. Such people often marry late due to excessive demands on their partner; they are idealists in love.
  2. On the Mount of Saturn. A person with a lack of emotion and sensitivity towards a partner is restrained in expressing emotions.
  3. The line ends between the first and second finger. Such people have a balanced, calm character, they are harmonious and natural in expressing their emotions, capable of deep feelings, and extremely loyal.
  4. A heart line ending outside the Mount of Jupiter on the back of the hand indicates excessive jealousy.
  5. The heart line ends with a fork on the Mount of Jupiter. A person who loves truth, is honest and open, capable of experiencing deep feelings.
  6. Connecting the line of the heart with the line of the mind is not auspicious sign, predicts danger for a woman during childbirth.
  7. The end of the heart line is indicated by a branch: one branch is located on the Mount of Jupiter, the other on the Mount of Saturn. A person with this placement is extremely temperamental, fickle in his desires, changeable in love. It is extremely difficult for such people to build a family due to their unstable nature.
  8. The end of the heart line is indicated by a branch: one branch is located between the first and second fingers, the other is on the Mount of Jupiter. A similar location of lines indicates a good, friendly person, predicts a long, happy life and great love.
  9. The heart line consists of small lines. A similar line characterizes a person prone to flirting and inconstancy.

Marks and signs

  • A line crossing the heart line is interference in the relationship of another person;
  • Breakup – emotional trauma, disappointment;
  • Island - mental suffering;
  • Star - predicts happiness and good luck

Marriage Lines

The marriage line predicts the nature and duration of the relationship.

Marriage lines, although secondary, are no less important. They indicate close love affair, on the nature of the union, on the duration and quality of the relationship.

The lines are located on the edge of the hand in the interval between the beginning of the little finger above the line of the heart. The number of clear horizontal lines indicates the number of probabilities of marriage. You can predict not only the presence of love in the future, but also the age when this event will occur.

The close location of the horizontal line to the heart line indicates early marriage (before 21 years). A line in the middle of the hill indicates marriage before 28 years of age, close quarters to the beginning of the little finger predicts late marriage.

Happy love marriage on long years reflected on the hand with a clear, expressive horizontal line without branches or intersections.

Thanks for the information, very informative, hard to put down! I read everything, but especially liked the one about the money triangle. I told my husband fortune. Husband successful businessman and in his palm there is this triangle, so smooth and clear! But I don’t have it, apparently it’s not given to me. But my love line is thick and long. It was a discovery for me that the line of love and marriage are two different lines)

Heard a little about this. But I have never encountered it personally. The article dragged on. Written in an accessible way. I wanted to delve deeper into this issue. In general, I don’t believe in fortune telling, it’s more for girls. But as far as palmistry is concerned, there is some meaning to all this. Some kind of logic that allows you to somehow believe. Thank you for the article. Interesting.

Palmistry is the queen of esoteric sciences. Many people consider palmists to be charlatans, and only a few know how accurate this science is, requiring analysis and constant construction of logical chains. The science! Of course, there are many uneducated amateurs, but those who master this art can definitely say everything.

I can say about myself that I believe. They wondered, some of the predictions had already come true. A girl who knew my friends told me fortune telling. Who has been closely involved in palmistry for a long time. Moreover, when she read fortunes on my hand, she did not talk about my near future in any way. in general phrases. And she directly, specifically said what was waiting for me.

And if someone has an injury, for example, God forbid, of course, someone has a cut, for example, or even worse, a rupture of the soft tissue of the arm. After all, they won’t be able to sew it either. Does this affect fate? After all, some lines will break. They will change their appearance, and some may not even be able to see them. Does anyone know anything about this? Thanks for the article.

And I once heard that great palmists can influence a person, carry out work with him, I don’t know what exactly, but it affects a person’s fate. And the lines can change. It is possible that this is nonsense. There's a lot of stuff on the Internet. I have never met a real palmist. Does anyone have any thoughts on this matter?

I have not met a palmist, but I think that this is a whole science. Very interesting science. Without psychic abilities discern the fate of a person. Palmistry is very popular because it gives the ability ordinary people find out the future. Everything coincided for me too. I will study my husband now)

Palmistry is very interesting. No one has the same lines, they are all different. I read the article. How many palmists I have met, everyone looks only at the left hand, I want to ask why? What’s wrong with the right one, I read somewhere that the left one is the hand of the dead ancestors and there is information about the past there, is it true or not? Maybe someone knows?

The gypsy woman was telling fortunes by hand. She said a lot of personal things and about the accident came true, I was in shock and didn’t believe that it was possible to find out everything this way. I became interested and now started studying. By the way, your article came in handy, everything is written in great detail and in clear language, now when I meet friends I look at their hands on the line, while I’m studying and analyzing, everyone is different and a lot of things coincide

I had 3 marriages and all ended in death, but according to the description; I happy marriage. About children, it is written to the point, especially about intelligence and well-being. A very necessary thing when choosing future of the profession child, what interests to pay attention to, and partially know their future. About the heart, well, they knew who they were writing about. Thanks to the author.

How many lines is it really possible to remember all of this, the hills, and the rings of Saturn, even intuition, How many things, I didn’t know that you could tell fortunes by your hand! And it’s somehow not entirely clear from the lines how our life is connected with the lines on the hand, when I read it I checked it against my hand, wow. I’m still in shock because everything is written like that, it’s really true.

My mother practiced palmistry, but she burned all the books. I looked for information about palmistry for a long time and found it here, now I understand why my mother never stopped getting clients because everything was written correctly, very instructive. I really enjoyed practicing on my friends and predicting their futures. They are shocked, I hope this will be my income. Thank you.

I believe that everything that happens in our lives is reflected in our hands. Health, predisposition to some sciences, character, fate, personal life. But you need to correctly interpret the lines on your palms; I don’t believe in the most famous stereotype, that if the life line is short, then a person will not live long. After all, palmistry is a whole science and it must be studied well. The main aspects are briefly but correctly stated here, a good article.

I was told long ago by the palm of my hand that I would live in misery, almost a beggar begging from everyone and everything. I didn’t believe it, but I was scared and these memories constantly popped up in my memory, sometimes it was even very scary... Pah-pah-pah, I live well now, here I found another meaning that is more suitable for my life today - the interpretation of the lines on my hand, it’s more like to the truth.

I have memories from childhood, when I was visiting my grandmother in the village, that there lived next to my grandmother’s house an old man who was an avid palmist. Everyone came to him and even friends of his fellow villagers came, people came with problems, difficulties and not knowing what to do and how to continue to live, what to expect. The video is interesting and the article as a whole is good, I believe that you can give a deal about a person true scenario and suggest something to help.

Oh, it worked out for me. “The narrow distance between the lines tells about the small age difference between the children” - mine is 1.2 years apart, it is written about a wider line - for the birth of a boy, I really have the first wide one (an older boy), and the second thinner one - a girl. And about successes also coincides in my life. In general, palmistry is a very interesting science, you just need to learn to correctly interpret the meaning of the lines and their location

At the end of December I went to a palmist; if I had seen this article earlier, I think I would not have gone to him. Because he told me that my hands show that I will be poor, I won’t have enough for a piece of bread, I can’t see my husband by my hands (although I’m married, but I didn’t tell him), that I’ll work my whole life for pennies and not for money. Who will he rely on except himself and a pittance salary. I compared my palms with the meaning here and calmed down, everything looked much more like the truth.

I am sure that there is a relationship between a person’s fate, the lines on the palm, even fingerprints. It’s just that over the years people have identified a pattern and a whole science has appeared - palmistry. And they are still studying it, but previously this knowledge was passed on from the elders to the younger ones. I see no reason not to trust palmists, not crooks of course, but professionals in their field.

Which interesting article. I have been interested in palmistry for a long time, I can read fate from the palm of my hand, which is what all my relatives and friends use) But I immediately warn you not to take this fortune-telling seriously, especially if you see something bad. I believe that a person’s fate is changeable, he himself can change it

But I can’t see the lines properly, I don’t even understand where they start, or which side. And where are the forks and triangles, I don’t see anything. Someone needs to show it directly on their hand. I think palmistry is very interesting activity and would like to learn how to understand these lines.

A very interesting article, a full selection is given with many options and interpretations, but to be honest, I am most concerned about the line of love and marriage. It turns out that I will get married before the age of 28 and, apparently, for love. There is still time, although serious relationship I am not included.

When I was at school, I really liked to tell fortunes by hand with my friends. They sat looking smart and came up with something. And only thanks to your article, I learned that the number of children’s lines does not coincide with reality, otherwise I was often told that there would be no one. How stupid they were.

Although it is not customary for men to get involved in such things, I have a very positive attitude towards palmistry. Of course, because everyone has their own imprint of lines on their hand, this is definitely not easy. And not only the lines speak about the character and fate of a person, the very shape of the hands, the so-called hills. I learned a lot from this article and it is very well written.

The future has always attracted man. Thousands of systems were created that helped spy on the future. The secret of how to guess by own hand has long occupied the minds of many girls. This is a very popular way in which the future is recognized by the “relief” of the palm, the qualities of the soul, talents, and successes awaiting a person are determined. This system long before today it was called palmistry. What are the signs and what do each line mean?

What is palmistry

Palmistry will help you learn how to read your hand correctly. Previously, it was a science taught in higher education educational institutions. Literal translation The word “palmistry” from Greek means “fortune telling, prediction by hand.” The first books on the study appeared in German cities in the middle of the 15th century. Science does not require special knowledge in the medical field; to practice palmistry, age does not matter.

Fortune telling by hand

Since the face receives a certain expression depending on emotional experiences, such emotions are reflected on the hands. Any manifestation of emotions is accompanied by movements that force the muscular system to work, which leads to the formation of folds on the palms. Palmistry is one of the most confusing ways to find out your destiny. Guessing the future is not easy; for this you need specialized knowledge.

How to tell novice palmists from another person’s hand? Character is determined by deduction and careful observation. There is no need at all to go into the depths of palmistry for this. Just look at the person's dominant hand. Some roughness of the skin is a sign of a straightforward character; cool and thin limbs will tell about the sophistication of nature. The shape of the palm adds clarity to the interpretation: a square one means a person is very practical, and an elongated one means he is impressionable and suspicious.

To get some more information, pay attention to the length of all the person’s fingers. Superficial people with enormous amounts of energy generally have short fingers. Those with long hair are distinguished by their stubborn character and are very pedantic. Average length fingers indicates that a person has everything in moderation - perseverance and superficiality. If they are larger than average, then it is better to stay away from this.

How to tell fortunes for a man and a woman

Before you start fortune telling using the lines on your hand, decide on your leading palm. In this science it is believed that left hand- this is the “book” of fate, which is given by nature, but the right one changes throughout life, because it is “built” by the person himself. How to correctly tell a woman's hand? The right one will show what she was born with, and the left one will show what she acquired during her life. The same principle applies to men, only in reverse.

Main lines

After a superficial examination of the palms, figure out how to guess by human hand, its main elements. Each hand has its own picture, each person is the owner of a unique image. There are only 4 main lines:

  1. Life - determines a person’s character and traits that distinguish him from other people;
  2. Fates;
  3. Hearts;
  4. Heads.

The study of palmistry also comes down to deciphering various signs and letters on the palm. What does the letter m on the palm or another name for Rune mean? For the owner, this is a favorable sign indicating changes in better side in those spheres from which lines this letter is created. This is the sign of a master who knows exactly what he wants from life. It occurs in many people and indicates material world.

Hearts (of love)

What does the line mean? She determines how to tell fortunes about marriage by hand. The heart strip provides information about all human emotions. From it, a palmist or fortune teller will read about the characteristics of character and temperament, determine the ability to sympathize and be compassionate. This element indicates general state hearts. An unexpressed line characterizes a very sensitive human nature.

Palmists distinguish people according to the lines of their physical and spiritual hearts. The first type is characterized by an ending between the middle and index fingers. The spiritual one is located parallel to the line of the base of the fingers. Physical personifies love and the ability to express oneself, resistance to depression. The spiritual line is a symbol of sensitivity.

A heart line that runs too high characterizes a person who is very jealous and demanding of his partner. Well expressed means generosity, the absence of branches indicates dryness and ruthlessness. If the element bifurcates, then the owner will be a very devoted spouse. Intersection with other lines promises deceptive actions in love. With the help of this element, fortune telling by hand for marriage occurs.

Uma (head)

This element is very important, and a person wondering how to tell fortunes by hand must definitely take it into account. It indicates the power of thinking, intellectual development. If this part of the palm pattern is too short, then the person is unable to analyze information; a large length indicates versatility and large-scale thinking.

The ramifications determine a person's creativity. If the line of the mind connects or comes into contact with others, then the owner is careful. An intermittent pattern characterizes underdeveloped intelligence, poor memory, and inattention. A thin, long line indicates frivolity, a wide line indicates carelessness and irascibility. The color of the line has its own meaning: red - cruelty, pink - high level intellectual development.


How to read lines on your hand? The better the life streak is expressed, the more energy and vitality a person has. A small line does not mean that the days are numbered; such people are less physically resilient. Intersection with small lines indicates the presence of stress and anxiety in life. Good sign- a stripe running parallel to the main line; the owner of such a pattern has a guardian angel.

Health is at risk when the lines of the head and heart merge. If the stripes connect only at the very beginning, people with such palm relief are cautious and unsure of themselves. If there are no fusions of these lines, the person develops early and has determination. Such people are gifted and creative.


This is another basic element of the science of palmistry. He is responsible for information about careers and work success. Not everyone has this line, but its presence will allow the owner to make the right decisions. To interpret the line, you first need to find it: above the wrist, tending to the middle finger. long length speaks of human independence. The trait may be well or weakly expressed. Discontinuity denotes frequent shifts professional activity, ramification - the ability to enjoy life.


This line will help you find out whether a person will have a child. The line on the hand is small, located between the root of the little finger and the heart stripe. This is where the marriage line begins, from which the lines indicating the number of children are counted. Long and strong lines are deciphered as the expectation of a boy, and short and thin ones - girls.

Video: how to learn to guess

Information about palmistry cannot be contained in a short review. Therefore, we suggest watching several videos that will complement the article with a description of other symbols, different variations of how lines can intersect, etc. By understanding the meanings of the signs inscribed on your hand, you will learn to predict the future without errors better than an experienced fortune teller.

Meaning of lines

Signs on the palm

Marriage line