Italian mafia formation. The real Godfather. The Italian mafia has lost the symbol of cruelty and power. Individual style of the Italian mafia

Until now, the origin of the word "mafia" (in the early texts - "maffia") has not been precisely established, and therefore there are many assumptions of varying degrees of certainty.

For the first time the word "mafia" in relation to criminal gangs, was probably used in 1863 in the comedy staged in Palermo by Gaetano Mosca and Giuseppe Rizzotto "Mafiosi from Vicaria Prison" (eng. I mafiusi di la Vicaria). Although the words "mafia" and "mobster" were never mentioned in the text, they were added to the title to give local "color"; in comedy we are talking about a gang formed in the Palermo prison, whose traditions are similar to those of the mafia (boss, initiation ritual, humility and humility, "protection"). In its modern sense, the term came into circulation after the prefect of Palermo Filippo Antonio Gualterio (ital. Filippo Antonio Gualterio) used this word in official document for 1865. The Marquis Gualterio, sent from Turin as a representative of the Italian government, wrote in his report that "the so-called mafia, that is, criminal associations, has become bolder.

The Italian deputy Leopoldo Franchetti, who traveled in Sicily and wrote one of the first authoritative accounts of the mafia in 1876, characterized the latter as an "industry of violence" and defined it as follows: "the term 'mafia' implies a class of violent criminals, ready and waiting to be named , which would describe them, and, in view of their special character and importance in the life of Sicilian society, they are entitled to another name than the vulgar "criminals" in other countries. Franchetti saw how deeply the mafia was ingrained in Sicilian society and knew that it was impossible to put an end to it without a fundamental change in social structure and institutions throughout the island.

FBI investigations in the 1980s significantly reduced her influence. Currently, the mafia in the United States is a powerful network of criminal organizations in the country, using their position to control for the most part Chicago and New York crime business. She also maintains links with the Sicilian mafia.


The mafia as such does not represent single organization. It consists of "families" (synonyms - "clan" and "koska"), which "divide" a certain region among themselves (for example, Sicily, Naples, Calabria, Apulia, Chicago, New York). Only full-blooded Italians can be members of a "family", and in Sicilian "families", full-blooded Sicilians are allowed. Other members of the group can only be white Catholics. Family members observe the omerta.

Typical "family" structure

Typical mafia "family" hierarchy.

  • Boss, Don or Godfather(English) boss) is the head of the "family". Receives information about any "case" committed by each member of the "family". Boss is elected by vote capo; in the event of a tie in the number of votes, must also vote boss's henchman. Until the 1950s, all family members generally participated in voting, but later this practice was abandoned because it attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies.
  • improvised(English) underboss) - "deputy" boss, the second person in the "family", who is appointed by the boss himself. The henchman is responsible for the actions of all capos. In the event of the arrest or death of the boss, the henchman usually becomes the acting boss.
  • Consigliere(English) consigliere) - an adviser to the "family", a person whom the boss can trust and whose advice he listens to. It serves as an intermediary in the resolution contentious issues, acts as an intermediary between the boss and bribed political, union or judicial figures, or acts as a representative of the "family" at meetings with other "families". Consigliere usually do not have their own "team", but they have significant influence in the "family". However, they usually also have legitimate businesses, such as practicing law or working as a stockbroker.
  • Caporegime(English) caporegime), capo, or captain- the head of a "team", or "combat group" (consisting of "soldiers"), which is responsible for one or more types of criminal activity in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city and monthly gives the boss a part of the income received from this activity ("sends a share") . In a "family" there are usually 6-9 such "teams", and each of them has up to 10 "soldiers". The kapo is subordinate to the assistant or the boss himself. The introduction to the kapo is made by an assistant, but the boss directly appoints the kapo personally.
  • Soldier(English) soldier) - the youngest member of the "family" who was "introduced" into the family, firstly, because he proved his usefulness to her, and secondly, on the recommendation of one or more capos. Once selected, a soldier usually ends up on the "team" whose capo recommended him.
  • Partner in crime(English) associate) - not yet a member of the "family", but already a person endowed with a certain status. He usually acts as an intermediary in drug deals, acts as a bribed representative of a trade union or businessman, etc. Non-Italians are usually not accepted into the "family" and almost always remain in the status of accomplices (although there are exceptions - for example, Joe Watts, a close partner of John Gotti). When a "vacancy" arises, one or more kapos may recommend that a useful accomplice be promoted to soldier. In the event that there are several such proposals, and there is only one "vacant" place, the boss selects the candidate.

The current structure of the Italian-American mafia and the way it operates are largely determined by Salvatore Maranzano - "boss of bosses" (who, however, was killed by Lucky Luciano six months after being elected). The latest trend in the organization of the "family" is the emergence of two new "positions" - Street Boss(English) street boss) and family messenger(English) family messenger), - introduced by the former boss of the "family" Genovese Vincent Gigante.

"Ten Commandments"

  1. No one can come up and introduce himself to one of "our" friends. Someone else should introduce them.
  2. Never look at the wives of your friends.
  3. Do not allow yourself to be seen in the company of police officers.
  4. Don't go to clubs and bars.
  5. It is your duty to always be at the disposal of Cosa Nostra, even if your wife is about to give birth.
  6. Always show up for appointments on time.
  7. Wives must be treated with respect.
  8. If you are asked to give any information, answer truthfully.
  9. You cannot embezzle money that belongs to other members of Cosa Nostra or their relatives.
  10. The following persons cannot enter the Cosa Nostra: one whose close relative serves in the police, one whose relative or relative is cheating on his wife (wife), one who behaves badly and does not observe moral principles.

Mafias in the world

Italian crime groups

  • Cosa Nostra (Sicily)
  • Camorra (Campania)
  • 'Ndrangheta (Calabria)
  • Sacra Corona Unita (Puglia)
  • Stidda
  • Banda della Magliana
  • Mala del Brenta

Italian-American "families"

  • "Five Families" New York:
  • Purple Gang of East Harlem ("The Sixth Family")
  • "Chicago Organization" Chicago Outfit)
  • "Detroit Fellowship" Detroit Partnership)
  • Philadelphia "family"
  • DeCavalcante family (New Jersey)
  • "Family" from Buffalo
  • "Family" from Pittsburgh
  • "Family" Buffalino
  • "Family" Trafficante
  • "Family" from Los Angeles
  • "Family" from St. Louis
  • Cleveland "family"
  • "Family" from New Orleans

Other ethnic criminal groups

Italian-Russian "family"

  • "Family" Capelli (new family);

Influence on popular culture

The mafia and its reputation is firmly rooted in American popular culture, being depicted in movies, television, books and magazine articles.

Some see the mafia as a set of attributes deeply rooted in popular culture, as a "way of being" - "the mafia is the awareness of one's own worth, the great idea of ​​individual power as the sole judge in every conflict, every clash of interests or ideas" .


  • Dorigo J. Mafia. - Singapore: "Curare-N", 1998. - 112 p.
  • Ivanov R. Mafia in the USA. - M., 1996.
  • Polken K., Sceponik H. Who is not silent must die. Facts against the mafia. Per. with him. - M.: "Thought", 1982. - 383 p.



  • Russian mafia abroad. - page deleted
  • Video "Ndrangheta Activities in Germany" (German) .

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

A little history of the mafia
Each business has its own development, and each development is determined by the people involved in this business, especially if it is “Our business”. And the origins Italian mafia go back to the 9th century, when "robin hood" detachments protected the Sicilian peasants from the oppression and extortion of feudal lords, foreign raiders and pirates. The authorities did not help their poor, so they only called for help mafia and trusted in her. In return, a considerable bribe was paid, the unspoken laws put forward by members of the "security" groups were carried out, but, on the other hand, the poor were given guaranteed protection.

Why did crime families become known as "mafia"
There are two versions origin of the word "mafia". According to the first, under the influence of the Arab flair (either military or trade relations Sicily with representatives of the Arab countries), the root of the word means "refuge", "protection". According to the second version, suffering Sicily foreign invaders trampled along and across, and in 1282 there was an uprising, the motto of which became: “Death to France! Breathe Italy! (Morte alla Francia Italia Anelia). Anyway, mafia- a primordially Sicilian phenomenon, and identical criminal groups in other parts of Italy and the world were called differently, for example, "Ndragetta" in Calabria, "Sacra Corona Unita" in Apulia, "Camorra" in Naples. But, the “mafia” today, like the “jacuzzi”, “jeep” and “copier”, has become a household name, so any criminal organization is called it.

How did the mafia get into power?
As an organization, the mafia crystallized only in the 19th century, when the peasants, who did not want to obey the exploitative Bourbon regime ruling at that time, “blessed” mafia for political exploits. Thus, in 1861, the mafia officially took over the status of a ruling force. Having made their way into the Italian parliament, they got a chance to influence the formation of the political and economic course countries, and the mafiosi themselves were transformed into the so-called aristocracy.
Beginning in the 20th century, members of criminal organizations began to promote "their senators" to parliament, secretaries to city councils, for which they were generously thanked. The carefree “bathing in money” might have continued further if the Nazis had not come to power. Head of Italy Benito Mussolini did not endure mafia in power, and indiscriminately began to imprison by the thousands. The rigidity of the dictator, of course, has borne fruit, Italian mafiosi sunk to the bottom.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the mafia perked up again, and the Italian government had to start an official fight against crime by creating a special body, the Antimafia.
And the mafiosi dressed in expensive suits of businessmen, building their work on the principle of "iceberg" where the official chain of sporting goods could be engaged in the underground trade in drugs or weapons, prostitution, "protection" of other business. But, even today nothing has changed, this is what happens in some areas of Italy to this day. Over time, some "businessmen" have seriously promoted their restaurant and hotel business, food production.
In the 80s, a fierce bloody struggle began between criminal clans, where such a huge number of people died that most of the survivors prefer to work only in the field of legal business, maintaining omerta, "mutual responsibility", and other signs of a valid mafia organization.
But, the mafia has not left the stage to this day. In southern Italy, 80% of firms pay bribes to their "roof", just as it is impossible to start a business without enlisting the support of local authorities. Carrying out "cleansings", the Italian government regularly sends city, regional and national officials from key posts accused of collaborating with the mafia to prisons.

How Italian mafiosi moved to America
Since 1872, as a result of sheer impoverishment, the Sicilians, in search of a better life, armies emigrated to America. And, lo and behold, the introduced “dry law” worked into their hands. They began to sell illegal liquor, having accumulated capital, they bought up enterprises in other areas of activity. Yes, for short term, the money turnover of the Sicilians in America began to exceed the turnover of the largest American corporations. The American, originating from Sicily, the mafia is called "Cosa Nostra / Cosa Nostra", which means "Our business". This name is also used by those who returned from America to their homeland Sicilian crime family.

The structure of the Italian mafia
boss or godfather- the head of the family, a criminal clan. Information about all the affairs of his family and the plans of enemies flocks to him, and is elected by voting.
Henchman or underboss- the first assistant to the boss or godfather. Appointed solely by the boss himself and is responsible for the actions of all caporegime.
Consigliere- the chief adviser of the clan, whom the boss fully trusts.
Caporegime or capo- the head of the "team", which works in a single area controlled by the family-clan.
Soldier- the youngest member of the clan, who was recently "introduced" into the mafia. Teams of up to 10 people are formed from the soldiers, controlled by a kapo.
Partner in crime- a person who has a certain status in mafia circles, but is not yet considered a member of the family. Can act, for example, as an intermediary in the sale of drugs.

Laws and traditions honored by mafiosi
In 2007, the famous godfather of Salvador Lo Piccolo was arrested, who was found to have "The Ten Commandments of Cosa Nostra", which describes the traditions and laws of members of the mafia clan.

Ten Commandments of Cosa Nostra
Each group "works" in a certain area and other families do not interfere with their participation.
Newcomer initiation ritual: a finger is wounded and the icon is poured with its blood. He takes the icon in his hand, they set it on fire. The beginner must endure the pain until the icon burns. At the same time, he says: "Let my flesh burn, like this saint, if I break the laws of the mafia."
The family cannot include: policemen and those who have policemen among their relatives.
Family members respect their wives, do not cheat on them, and never look at the wives of their friends.
Omerta- Mutual responsibility of all members of the clan. Joining the organization is for life, no one can get out of business. At the same time, the organization is responsible for each of its members, if someone offended him, she and only she will administer justice.
For an insult, it is supposed to kill the offender.
Death of a family member- an insult that is washed away with blood. Bloody revenge for a loved one is called "vendetta".
The kiss of death- a special signal given by mafia bosses or capos and meaning that this family member has become a traitor and must be killed.
Code of Silence- a ban on disclosing the secrets of the organization.
Betrayal is punishable by the murder of the traitor and all his relatives.

Thinking about this topic, I conclude:

Despite the innumerable treasures obtained, only the poor from Italian dream of such a career development. south coast. Indeed, with a simple calculation, it turns out that it is not so profitable: members of a criminal group have to calculate the costs of protecting themselves and their families, unfastening bribes, constant confiscation of goods, and this at a constant risk to their lives and all family members. A halo of mystery, supported by heartbreaking rumors for many decades, was shrouded in the whole secret mafia system. Is it really worth it?

Svetlana Conobella, from Italy with love.

About konobella

Svetlana Conobella, writer, publicist and sommelier of the Italian Association (Associazione Italiana Sommelier). Cultivist and implementer of various ideas. What inspires: 1. Everything that goes beyond the conventional wisdom, but respect for tradition is not alien to me. 2. The moment of unity with the object of attention, for example, with the roar of a waterfall, sunrise in the mountains, a glass of unique wine on the shore of a mountain lake, a fire burning in the forest, a starry sky. Who inspires: Those who create their world full of bright colors, emotions and impressions. I live in Italy and love its rules, style, traditions, as well as "know-how", but the Motherland and compatriots will forever be in my heart. www..portal editor

This spontaneous uprising of the inhabitants of the island of Sicily against the French invaders, called the Sicilian Vespers, broke out in the city of Palermo on Easter, March 29, 1282. But his memory has been preserved for centuries. According to many historians, the motto of the rebellious Sicilians Morte Alla Francia, Italia Anela “Death to all the French,” calls Italy”), in the form of an abbreviation, turned into the name of the Sicilian organized […]

Long time American mafia Cosa Nostra was run by five Italian families. Of these, the most influential was the Gambino family, and the most odious head of this clan was John Gotti. Being an extraordinary personality, he tried to reform the mafia, whose traditions were carefully and rigidly kept by the dons of the old formation. The reforms of John Gotti significantly increased the income of the mafia and made the crime boss a real celebrity. […]

Salvatore Giuliano is an iconic figure in gangster Sicily. Having lived only 27 years old, he became a legend during his lifetime, being a Robin Hood in the Sicilian manner and at the same time a bloodthirsty bandit. His name is associated with last attempts Sicily gain independence. The life story of Giuliano, the last bandit of Sicily, marks the restoration of the power of the mafia, crushed by the fascist […]

In 1992, John Gotti, the godfather of one of the five largest Sicilian mafia clans in the US, was sentenced to life imprisonment in the United States. The decisive evidence at the trial was a videotape in which John whispers to his brother Peter literally the following: "We will make this rat answer." Peter vows to avenge his brother and deal with the "rat". But who […]

In the ranking of the Italian mafia, the Neapolitan Camorra takes an honorable third place, right after the Calabrian mafia and the Sicilian Cosa Nostra. But in terms of bloodthirstiness and lawlessness, the Camorra is the undisputed leader. She has tens of thousands of deaths to her credit. Despite the active struggle of the state against the mafia in general and the Camorra in particular, the Neapolitan lads are still very strong. “I see nothing, hear nothing, […]

In gangster movies, the cliché is "Sorry mate, it's just business, nothing personal." An example of this law was the fate of the gangster Roy Demeo, who betrayed his friends and, as a result, was betrayed by his friends. Membership in mafia families gave criminals not only the rights, but also the obligation to unquestioningly obey their superiors. Perhaps the last mobster who allowed himself to spit on the orders of the boss, […]

During Prohibition in America, an "alcohol war" between mafia families unfolded in New York. On opposite sides of the barricades, representatives of "Little Italy" converged: the old and new generations of natives of the Apennines. The result was the famous "Castellammare War", which claimed the lives of more than 110 mafiosi. The "Castellammare War" became a real confrontation between the generations: the "mustachioed Petes" - representatives of the first wave of migrants, and young gangsters, […]

Until the middle of the XIX century, the concept of "organized crime" in the United States was absent. The first sign was the clash of gangs in New York, about which Martin Scorsese filmed his famous movie. The Swamp Angels, Dead Rabbits, Gophers groups originated in the cellars of old breweries and the slums of Irish people who came to New World in search of a better share. They recruited 10-11-year-old killers into their ranks, organized dog […]

The term "Mafia" is perceived by many people as banditry, lawlessness and big money. But few people know how the real mafia appeared and what principles and unspoken laws influenced its formation, because being a criminal does not mean being in the ranks of the mafia.

The indigenous mafia was born in Sicily in the middle of the last century. The economic crisis was the reason for the formation of gangs that actively influenced the fields of activity of many entrepreneurs, politicians and ordinary citizens.
Clans, namely the so-called separate gangs, which were controlled by one boss, were firmly rooted in Sicily. They closely communicated with the local population, even helped to resolve conflict disputes, turmoil and problems, and the residents of the districts got used to the neighborhood with organized crime.

Why is the Sicilian mafia so firmly ingrained into everyday life and become the norm?
If we take into account the formation of large gangster groups in other countries and Italy, then the latter had its own unspoken code of honor called "Cosa Nostra". It was this set of commandments, according to many historians, that made the mafia of Sicily quite strong, powerful and united.
Cosa Nostra is considered the bible of the underworld, the police of those times knew about its existence, but they could see it with their own eyes only in 2007, when the then boss of Salvador Lo Piccolo was arrested. The text of the commandments became known to the masses and then the real power of the mafia was revealed.

The mafia is a silent family that is not necessarily strengthened by blood ties. but responsible to other members of the clanhuge.

Mafiosi were obliged to treat their wives with respect, in no case to cheat on them and not even look at the spouses of their “colleagues in the shop”.

It was also forbidden to appropriate the general money that belonged to one or some members of the gang. Mafiosi protected themselves from publicity, they were forbidden to visit clubs and bars. The right to join a family was considered a separate item, the successors could not be connected with the police by any relationship (even distant), and they were required to be faithful to their spouses.
The clear commandments of the mafia commanded respect from civilians, every young man from certain strata of society dreamed of getting into the ranks of Cosa Nostra. Imaginary romance, respect, the desire to earn money and get recognition in this life dragged young people into the lava of criminals associated with drugs, murders, and prostitution.
Clear prescriptions are observed in Sicily and all of Italy today, which is why it was Cosa Nostra that made the clans so strong that the police failed to completely eradicate them for a century and a half.

How is Cosa Nostra today?
At the beginning of the 21st century, the authorities took up the eradication of criminal clans with particular zeal. Many members of criminal gangs could only flee to the United States and neighboring countries with Italy. Such actions of the authorities pretty much shook the influence of the mafia, but did not completely overcome it. Since 2000, the police regularly arrested the leaders, successors, advisers of the clans, such as Dominico Rachulia, Salvador Russo and Carmine Russo, the Pasquale brothers, Salvador Coluccio. But according to the "omerta" - the code of conduct and hierarchy of the Sicilian mafia, after one don has been removed, his successor or the one chosen by the clan takes his place.

In addition, the clan war in the 80s undermined its own authority and cohesion, when the clans launched real hostilities against each other, dividing spheres of influence. Then many innocent people suffered and it embittered local population against the mafia.
Due to the large migration of influential members of the mafia abroad, Cosa Nostra began to form in other countries, but already under modified names. The Camorra was formed in Naples, the 'Ndrangheta in Calabria, and the Sacra Corona Unita in Puglia.
The fight against the mafia throughout Italy has led to the fact that instead of one boss, families are now controlled by about 7 people. The tense situation with the authorities forces gang leaders to be careful, rarely meet with each other to determine further strategies for behavior and development.
But if Cosa Nostra is forced to go underground to run a drug business, gambling business, construction, prostitution and racketeering, the areas of Sacra Corona Unita and 'Ndrangheta are actively developing. These gangs are considered young compared to Cosa Nostra and are trying to survive and adapt to the current conditions that are not easy for organized crime.
However, no matter how the lawyers and authorities fight the mafia, so far it actively holds almost 10% of the country's economy. Only last year the police counted about 5 billion euros of confiscated valuables and money from mafiosi.
Although the mafia in Italy continues to revive and be active, life for the general population has become calmer compared to the last century, which suggests that crime families have become more circumspect and restrained.
The Italian authorities still have to go through a difficult and possibly long way to completely eradicate the clans from the country, but this requires a lot of patience and cunning, namely the legislative framework should make the life of the mafia and clans unbearable. This is the only way to overcome the already established traditions of the underworld.

Hearing the word "mafia", today's law-abiding citizen will imagine a number of associations: he will simultaneously remember that crime in the world has not yet been defeated and is found literally at every step, then he will smile and say that the "Mafia" is funny psychological game so beloved by students, but in the end imagines stern men of Italian appearance in raincoats and wide-brimmed hats and with the same Thompson submachine guns in their hands, simultaneously losing the legendary melody of the composer Nino Rota in his head ... The image of the mafiosi is romantic and sung in popular culture, but at the same time we despise the guardians of order and the victims of their crimes (if they, by a lucky chance, remained alive).

The term "mafia" and the traditional idea of ​​mafiosi as "men in raincoats and hats" appeared thanks to people from Sicily who moved to New York in the 19th century and took control of it in the 30s of the 20th century. As for the origin of the word "mafia" is being a large number of disputes. The most common opinion about the etymology of the word is its Arabic roots ("marfood" in Arabic "outcast").

Mafia moves to the USA

It is known that the first Sicilian mafia who arrived in the United States was Giuseppe Esposito, who was accompanied by 6 more Sicilians. In 1881 he was arrested in New Orleans. In the same place, 9 years later, the first high-profile murder organized by the mafia in the United States took place - a successful attempt on the life of New Orleans police chief David Hennessy ( last words Hennessy: "The Italians did it!"). In the next 10 years in New York, the Sicilian mafia will organize the "Gang of Five Points" - the first influential gang of the city, which took control of the "Little Italy" area. At the same time, the Neapolitan Camorra gang is gaining momentum in Brooklyn.

The Mafia flourished in the 1920s. This was facilitated by factors such as prohibition (the name of the "King of Chicago" Al Capone has become a household name today), as well as the struggle of Benito Mussolini with the Sicilian mafia, which led to the mass immigration of Sicilians to the United States. In New York in the 1920s, two mafia clans, Giuseppe Masseria and Salvatore Maranzana, became the most powerful families. As is often the case, the two families did not divide the Big Apple properly, leading to the three-year Castellammares War (1929-1931). The Maranzana clan won, Salvatore became the "boss of bosses", but later fell victim to conspirators led by Lucky Luciano (real name - Salvatore Lucania, "Lucky" is, of course, a nickname).

"Lucky" Luciano in a police picture.

It was Lucky Luciano who should be considered the founder of the so-called "Commission" (1931), the purpose of which is to prevent cruel gang wars. "Commission" - a primordially Sicilian invention: the heads of the mafia clans get together and decide truly global problems mafia activities in the United States. From the first days, 7 people took their place in the commission, among which were both Al Capone and 5 bosses from New York - the leaders of the legendary "Five Families"

Five Families

In New York, from the thirties of the 20th century to the present day, all criminal activity is carried out by the five largest "families". Today, these are the “families” of Genovese, Gambino, Lucchese, Colombo and Bonanno (they got their names from the names of the ruling bosses, whose names became public in 1959, when the police arrested mafia informant Joe Valachi (he managed to live until 1971 and died his death despite a bounty being placed on his head by the Genovese family).

Genovese family

Don Vito Genovese

The founders are conspirator Lucky Luciano and Joe Masseria. The family was nicknamed "The Ivy League in the Mafia" or "Rolls Royce in the Mafia". The man who gave the family his last name is Vito Genovese, who became boss in 1957. Vito considered himself the most powerful boss in New York, but was easily "eliminated" by the Gambino family: after being in power for 2 years, he was imprisoned for 15 years for drug trafficking and died in prison in 1969. Today's boss of the Genovese clan Daniel Leo rules over a family from prison (his term expires in January 2011). The Genovese family became the prototype of the Corleone Family from the movie " Godfather". Family activities: racketeering, complicity in crime, money laundering, usury, murder, prostitution, drug trafficking.

Gambino family

Don Carlo Gambino in young age...

The family's first boss was Salvatore De Aquila, who served as boss of bosses until his death in 1928. In 1957, Carlo Gambino came to power, the period of his reign lasted until 1976 (he died a natural death). In 1931, Gambino held the position of caporegime in the Mangano family (caporegime is one of the most influential mafiosi in every family, reports directly to the family boss or his deputies). Over the next 20 years, he went through " career ladder»mafiosi, eliminating enemies and competitors with great ease, and being in power, extended the influence of his Family to a vast area.

... and a few days before death

Since 2008, the family has been led by Daniel Marino, Bartolomeo Vernache and John Gambino - distant relative Carlo Gambino. The Families' list of criminal activities does not stand out from similar lists of the other four families. Money is made on everything from prostitution to racketeering and drug trafficking.

Lucchese family

Don Gaetano Lucchese

From the beginning of the 20s, the Family was created by the efforts of Gaetano Reina, after whose death in 1930 another Gaetano, by the name of Galliano, continued his work, who remained in power until 1953. The third successive leader of the Family with the name Gaetano was the man who gave the Family his last name, Gaetano "Tommy" Lucchese. "Tommy" Lucchese helped Carlo Gambino and Vito Genovese achieve leadership in their Families. Together with Carlo, Gaetano took control of the "Commission" by 1962 (their children played enough that year magnificent wedding). Since 1987, the de jure family has been led by Vittorio Amuso, and de facto by a commission of three Caporegimes: Agnelo Migliore, Joseph DiNapoli and Matthew Madonna.

Colombo family

Don Joseph Colombo

The "youngest" family in New York. It has been operating since 1930, from the same year until 1962, the boss of the Family was Joe Profaci (in the 1928 photograph that opened the article, Joe Profaci was captured in a wheelchair). Despite the fact that Joseph Colombo did not become boss until 1962 (with the blessing of Carlo Gambino), the Family was named after his last name, and not Profaci's. Joe Colombo actually retired in 1971 when he received three bullets in the head, but survived. For the next 7 years, he lived without leaving a coma in a state that his accomplice Joe Gallo described as "vegetable".

Today, the boss of the Colombo family is Carmine Persico, who is serving a life sentence (139 years) for extortion, murder and racketeering. Persico's so-called "acting" boss is Andrew Russo

Bonanno family

Don Joseph Bonanno

Founded in the 1920s, the first boss was Cola Schiro. In 1930, Salvatore Maranzano took his place. After the conspiracy of Lucky Luciano and the creation of the Commission by the Family until 1964, Joe Bonanno was in charge.

In the 60s, the family survived civil war(Which the papers wittily dubbed the "Bonann Split"). The commission decided to remove Joe Bonanno from power and replace him with Caporegime Gaspar DiGregorio. One part supported Bonanno (loyalists), the second was, of course, against him. The war turned out to be bloody and protracted, even the removal of DiGregorio from the position of boss by the Commission did not help. New boss Paul Schiacca couldn't handle the violence within the divided family. The war ended in 1968, when Joe Bonanno, who was in hiding, suffered a heart attack and decided to retire. He lived to the age of 97 and died in 2002. From 1981 to 2004, the Family was not a member of the Commission due to a number of "unacceptable crimes". Today, the position of the Family's boss remains vacant, but Vincent Asaro is expected to fill it.

The Five Families now control the entire New York metropolitan area, including even northern New Jersey. They also conduct their business outside the state, for example, in Las Vegas, South Florida or in Connecticut. You can look at the zones of influence of families on Wikipedia.

In popular culture, the Mafia is remembered in many ways. In cinematography, this is, of course, The Godfather with its own Five Families of New York (Corleone, Tataglia, Barzini, Cuneo, Stracci), as well as the cult HBO series The Soprano Family, which tells about the connections of the DiMeo Family from New York. -Jersey with one of the families of New York (appears under the name "The Lupertaci Family").

In the video game industry, the theme of the Sicilian mafia is successfully embodied by the Czech game "Mafia" (the prototype of the setting is San Francisco in the thirties, in which the Salieri and Morello families are fighting), and its sequel, which was released no more than a couple of months before this article was written , is dedicated to the criminal activity of the Three Families in the prototype of New York called "Empire Bay" already in the 50s. The cult game Grand Theft Auto IV also presents the Five Families, but in a modern setting and again under fictitious names.

The Godfather - a cult film by Francis Ford-Coppola about the Sicilian mafia in New York

The Five Families of New York unique phenomenon in the world of organized crime. This is one of the most influential gangster structures on the planet, created by immigrants (still the basis of every family is mostly Italian-Americans), which has developed a clear hierarchy and strict traditions dating back to the 19th century. "Mafia" thrives despite constant arrests and high-profile trials, which means that her story continues with us.


2) Cosa Nostra - The History of the Sicilian mafia

5) Images taken from the portal ""