How to create a favorable socio-psychological climate of the team? Favorable climate in the team and its formation

Every person wants to have a job where the salary is decent, and the team is friendly, and the workload is small, and full social package. Almost 99% of resumes on various job search sites contain such information. Employers, in turn, offer fewer privileges, but more demands for not always decent pay. On the other hand, it is also important for them not only to find a suitable candidate, but also to get the best labor productivity with the least effort on their part. In large national and international corporations, the practice of working with personnel is successfully implemented not only for the purpose of professional development ( initial education, trainings, seminars, and so on), but also improvements psychological climate in the team. We will learn how to improve it correctly with.

Unfortunately, many medium and small enterprises do not pay any attention to this issue at all, which entails a number of problems and difficulties. Each of us is better in some ways, worse in others. It goes without saying that you need to choose a profession depending on your abilities, preferences and experience, but we do not always right choice. But there are situations when, for example, you are an aspiring designer with great potential and higher education, and, having got into a disordered team, you lose faith in yourself and without a drop of regrets change your profession to a completely different one, later regretting after many years that you have lost the opportunity to realize yourself in your favorite business. Alone, it is not so easy to change the team at your own discretion, being an ordinary worker. Here, recommendations are already given to the management of the enterprise.

The concept of the psychological climate of the company

So, let's highlight the concept of the psychological climate of the company, or rather, the socio-psychological climate (SPC) - this is a general, relatively stable, psychological mood of employees of one enterprise, which is manifested in various forms of activity. Each team, regardless of the number of people, rarely exists separately, and the interaction of its members is inevitable, whether it is mutual assistance, focus on results, striving for a common goal and corporate spirit on the one hand, and fatigue, enmity, violation of discipline and theft on the other hand.

Naturally, a favorable atmosphere in the team always has a positive effect not only on the psychological state of each employee, but also on financial (or other) indicators to a large extent. When psychological climate positive, we can distinguish such features as trust in each other and leadership, a sense of security and stability, general optimism and readiness to cope together with even the most difficult situation, pleasant communication, support, sympathy between people, confidence, attention and warmth, cheerfulness, willingness to compromise, free-thinking within acceptable limits, the desire and opportunity to professionally and intellectually develop, to be creative in solving problems, initiative, and so on.

The opposite situation in the team leads to negative consequences and even the most irreversible. Not every leader understands that it is the human factor that plays one of the most important roles in the success of the enterprise as a whole. Only occasionally can one observe corporations and network firms where a business owner can afford to entrust his business to experienced and reliable managers and enjoy life in peace. In most cases, there is a need for constant self-monitoring.

Determining the atmosphere in a group of people is not so difficult. Even one day is enough to reveal clear signs of team cohesion, psychological state, pace of work and general mood. A primitive example is a private hotel in which the staff consists of 12-15 people. On the very first working day, the intern (let it be an administrator) by the evening hears countless stories from employees about each other, and not in the most favorable light. There is no place for staff as such, where people can have lunch and relax in peace. The maids go home early without notifying the manager. With all this, each employee is afraid and dislikes the authorities. Here you can immediately conclude that if gossip is permissible, it means that the hostess or the owner themselves set such an example, or do not participate in work with the staff and allow such behavior.

Unfavorable working conditions (lack of room for staff) breed fatigue, apathy, disinterest in work, and hostility to management is caused by unreasonable fines, delay or non-payment wages, personal grievances. Large groups people should be subjected to a deeper analysis to identify the causes of an unfavorable psychological climate with subsequent adjustment of the current situation. The main features of the analysis are:

Employee productivity
Degree of staff turnover
Product quality
Absenteeism and being late for work
Number of customer and employee complaints
Handling equipment (negligent or careless)
Degree of commitment to your team of employees

Factors affecting the psychological climate in the team of workers

What can affect the psychological climate of the team, making it positive or negative? Of course, sanitary and hygienic conditions largely contribute to this. These include illumination, humidity, area of ​​the room, the degree of convenience of the workplace, air temperature and much more. For example, when it is winter outside and the room is poorly heated (perhaps to save on heaters), employees feel pronounced discomfort in the workplace, and they may also get sick and not go to work at all.

The next factor that significantly affects the psychological climate in the team is the leader himself as a leader (). Man Leading healthy lifestyle life, responsibly relating to his work and having positive moral character, always acts as a role model among his subordinates. However, here we are talking only formal leadership. Often a certain mass entertainer appears in a group of people, in other words, an informal leader, as a rule, who has more authority than the official leader. The task of the business owner here is to competently direct his efforts in a creative direction, without losing his own authority, otherwise a boycott is inevitable.

In order to create a favorable psychological climate in the team, the manager should select a team where people are temperamentally compatible with each other ((material and non-material incentives, a system of sanctions); be a vivid example to follow; set clear tasks and monitor their high-quality implementation; create and maintain the corporate spirit (with the help of corporate holidays, corporate uniforms and badges, a good reputation of the company and the prestige of working in this particular company); give everyone the opportunity to realize themselves and optimistic prospects for the future; ensure normal working conditions.

Generally, favorable psychological climate in the team always has a positive effect on the result of work, because our life is not only monotonous everyday life, but also an exciting job that brings us money, pleasure and new experiences.

The most important problem is to identify the factors that shape the socio-psychological climate in the team. The most important factors determining the level of professional psychological climate in the team will be the system of selection and placement of administrative personnel, as well as the personality of the leader. The climate of the team is also influenced by the personal qualities of the leader, the style and methods of leadership, the authority of the leader, as well as the individual characteristics of the team members.

The leader influences almost all factors that determine the socio-psychological climate. The selection of personnel, the promotion and punishment of team members, their promotion in career ladder, organization of work of workers. Much depends on his leadership style.

Team leadership is a combination of science and art. From the point of view of American management, the essence of leadership is to do the work not with your own, but with someone else's hands. In fact, an even more difficult task is to make not only other people's hands work, but also other people's heads. Therefore, it is unreasonable to rely only on yourself, considering yourself omniscient and able to do everything. You should never do yourself what subordinates can and should do (except in cases of personal example).

The performance of each task must be monitored and evaluated (forms of control should not be totalitarian); lack of control can lead the employee to the idea of ​​the uselessness of his work. No need to turn control into petty custody. If offered by an employee independent solution problems does not contradict in principle the point of view of management, there is no need to fetter the initiative of the employee and argue over trifles.

Each achievement of the employee and his initiative should be immediately noted. You can thank a subordinate in the presence of other employees. A person is encouraged by a positive assessment of his actions and upsets if they do not notice and do not appreciate success in work. When an employee is in some way more talented and more successful than his manager, this is not something negative; the good reputation of subordinates is the praise of the leader and is credited to him.

It is not necessary to make comments to a subordinate who has committed a minor offense in the presence of other persons, employees or subordinates; human humiliation is not The best way education. There is no point in criticizing people. It would be more constructive to criticize their mistakes, pointing out from what shortcomings such mistakes can occur. And even more so, it is not necessary to point out these shortcomings in a person - he must draw all the conclusions himself.

AT conflict situation the use of harsh, offensive words (if the situation can be resolved without them) will be disastrous. It is very important: a spark of respect and, moreover, sympathy, planted by the leader in the soul of a subordinate, can charge him for creative selfless work, regardless of time.

Precise formulation of one’s thoughts: professional literacy, managerial competence, common culture. An easily outlined and formulated thought encourages communication, eliminates the potential for conflict caused by misunderstanding. Correctly made remark eliminates unnecessary irritation. Sometimes it is helpful to make comments in the form of a question: “Do you think there is a mistake here?” or “What do you think…”.

The ability of a leader to defend the interests of the entire team and each of his subordinates is a good means of gaining authority and uniting employees into a single group.

Credulity and distrust are the most important qualities of a person, on which the socio-psychological climate in the team depends. Excessive, excessive gullibility distinguishes inexperienced, easily hurt people. They find it difficult to be good leaders. But worst of all is suspicion of everyone. The incredulity of the leader almost always breeds the incredulity of subordinates. By showing distrust of people, a person almost always limits the possibility of mutual understanding, and hence the effectiveness of collective activity.

Delegation of authority stimulates the disclosure of abilities, initiative, independence and competence of subordinates. Delegation often has a positive effect on employee motivation and job satisfaction.

Objective contradictory situations that arise in people's activities create the potential for conflicts that turn into reality only in combination with subjective factors. No matter what objective conditions exist, ultimately it is people who come into conflict, therefore, what development it will receive depends on their attitude to the situation, their perception of it. The human factor in the emergence of conflict is associated both with the characteristics of the team and with individual personality traits of people. The psychological climate that has developed in the team has an impact on the background level of conflict in it, on how people experience stressful situations. stressful situations. Outgrowth difficult situations conflicts are more often observed in teams with a low level of development, characterized by the disunity of its members, the lack of unity between them on issues of joint activities and other aspects of interaction. The level of development of the collectivist principle itself turns out to be one of the factors determining the ability of the team to optimally overcome difficulties and difficult situations, and vice versa, the potential tendency to conflicts. The predominance of one or the other personal qualities among the members of the team, it affects the relations that develop within the team, the nature of its mental attitude, gives it a certain feature which may help or hinder its cohesion. Especially strong impediment to team building negative traits character: resentment, envy, painful pride.

In general, conflict is understood as a collision of oppositely directed actions of employees caused by differences of interests, views, and aspirations. Conflict is accompanied by tension in relationships.

Common causes of conflicts are:

Shortcomings in the organization of rationing and remuneration. The spiritual comfort of people largely depends on the degree of implementation of the principle social justice. It is very important that those workers who work better get more.

Deficiencies in the organization of leadership, caused by the incompetence of the leader, the discrepancy between his personality and the level of maturity of the team; his insufficient moral upbringing, as well as his low psychological culture.

The imperfection of the team itself or its individual members: lack of conscious discipline, which hinders the work of the leader and the development of the entire team; the prevailing inertia and inertia in the stele of the collective's activity, which leads to great resistance to innovation, unhealthy relations between personnel workers and newcomers; psychological and moral incompatibility of individual members of the team, the transfer of personal misfortunes, troubles individuals on relations in the labor collective, etc.

Team building involves, first of all, identifying the causes of the conflict and conducting an appropriate preventive work which can be carried out in the following areas:

Improving the organization and working conditions, ensuring rhythm and strict coordination production process what causes workers moral satisfaction with work;

Selection of personnel and the correct placement of personnel, taking into account their socio-professional characteristics and psychological compatibility, which reduces the likelihood of conflict;

Development of criticism and self-criticism, etc.

However, it is impossible to completely avoid conflicts in the team. As a rule, not a single team can do without conflicts. Moreover, conflicts have both negative and positive consequences. They help team members get to know each other, get more full view about mutual expectations and claims, and the administration - about shortcomings in the organization of work, life, production management. Therefore, it is very important that the clash of views, the positions of the conflicting parties do not alienate them from each other, so that contentious issues were resolved and ceased to be contentious so that the conflict would not go down a destructive path. In this regard, the behavior of those in conflict, the culture of conflict, is of particular importance.

Thus, the socio-psychological climate is the psychological mood in a group or team. The main factors of the psychological climate: vertical and horizontal relationships, their style and norms, and then various components of the production environment (organization and working conditions, stimulation system). The nature of the socio-psychological climate generally depends on the degree of development of the team. There is a direct positive relationship between the socio-psychological climate of the team and the effectiveness of the joint activities of its members.

The socio-psychological climate is the result of the joint activity of people, their interpersonal interaction. It manifests itself in such group effects as the mood and opinion of the team, individual well-being and assessments of the living conditions and work of the individual in the team. These effects are expressed in the relationships associated with the labor process and the solution of the common tasks of the team.

Members of the collective as individuals determine its social microstructure, the originality of which is determined by social and demographic characteristics (age, gender, profession, education, nationality, social background). The psychological characteristics of the individual contribute to or hinder the formation of a sense of community, that is, they influence the formation socio-psychological climate in the workforce.

Efficiently working team: has clear goals; all members are not indifferent to each other; they are open to each other; relationships between people are characterized by a high degree of trust; decisions are made by consensus or, where alternatives exist, after the consent of all members has been obtained; people are committed to the team and strive to make its work even more effective; emerging conflicts are resolved without outside interference; all members take into account not only the ideas and opinions, but also the feelings of their comrades (they can be expressed openly); roles are clearly defined; makes every effort to achieve a common goal; constructive relationships are established with other groups and teams.

The socio-psychological climate is a specific phenomenon, which is made up of the peculiarities of the perception of a person by a person, mutually experienced feelings, assessments and opinions, readiness to respond in a certain way to the words and actions of others. It affects the well-being of team members;

for the development, adoption and implementation of joint decisions;

to achieve the effectiveness of joint activities.

Moral and psychological climate- this is the relatively stable psychological mood of its members that prevails in a group or team, manifesting itself in all the diverse forms of their activity. The moral and psychological climate determines the system of relations between members of the team to each other, to work, to surrounding events and to the organization as a whole on the basis of individual, personal-value orientations. Any actions of a leader or team member (especially negative character) affect the state of the moral and psychological climate, deform it. Conversely, every positive managerial decision, positive collective action improves the moral and psychological climate. The basis of a positive favorable moral and psychological climate is the socially significant motives of the attitude towards work among the members of the labor collective. The optimal combination of these motives will be if three components are involved: a material interest in this particular job, a direct interest in the labor process, and a public discussion of the results of the labor process.

A sure sign of a favorable moral and psychological climate is the active participation of all members of the team in management, which can take the form of self-government.

Another sign of a positive moral and psychological climate is high productivity teamwork. The next sign is the developed interpersonal relations, interpersonal contacts in the labor collective of the enterprise. One can also note such a sign as a positive attitude of the team towards innovations. In the era of the scientific and technological revolution, the rapid development of technology and production technology, innovations are inevitable in any team.

Thus, the socio-psychological climate is the relatively stable psychological attitude of its members that prevails in a group or team, manifesting itself in relation to each other, to work, to surrounding events and to the organization as a whole on the basis of individual, personal values ​​and orientation.

As you know, the socio-psychological climate can be favorable or unfavorable.

Signs of a favorable socio-psychological climate:

Trust and high demands on each other;

Benevolent and businesslike criticism;

Sufficient awareness of team members about its tasks and the state of affairs in their implementation;

Free expression of one's own opinion when discussing issues relating to the entire team;

Satisfaction with belonging to the firm:

Tolerance for other people's opinions;

High degree of emotional involvement and mutual assistance;

Taking responsibility for the state of affairs in the group by each of its members ...

The following factors influence the formation of a certain socio-psychological climate:

1. Compatibility of its members, understood as the most favorable combination of the properties of employees, ensuring the effectiveness of joint activities and personal satisfaction of each. Compatibility is manifested in mutual understanding, mutual acceptability, sympathy, empathy of team members to each other.

There are two types of compatibility: psychophysiological and psychological.

Psychophysiological is associated with the synchronism of the individual mental activity of workers (different endurance of group members, speed of thinking, features of perception, attention), which should be taken into account when distributing physical activity and assignment of certain types of work.

Psychological involves the optimal combination of personal mental properties: character traits, temperament, abilities, which leads to mutual understanding.

Incompatibility is manifested in the desire of team members to avoid each other, and in the event of the inevitability of contacts - to negative emotional states and even to conflicts.

2. Style of behavior of the leader, manager, owner of the enterprise.

3. Success or failure of the production process.

4. The applied scale of rewards and punishments.

5. Working conditions.

6. The situation in the family, outside of work, conditions for spending free time.

Depending on the nature of the socio-psychological climate, its impact on a person will be different - stimulate work, cheer up, inspire vigor and confidence, or, conversely, act depressingly, reduce energy, lead to production and moral losses.

In addition, the socio-psychological climate can accelerate or slow down the development of key employee qualities required in business: readiness for constant innovation activities, the ability to act in extreme situations, make non-standard decisions, initiative and enterprise, readiness for continuous professional development, a combination of professional and humanitarian culture.

Measures to create a favorable socio-psychological climate:

Staff recruitment taking into account the psychological compatibility of employees. Depending on the goals of working in a team, it is necessary to combine different types people's behavior. In very many situations, a group with representatives of one type of behavior will turn out to be ineffective, for example, if only people who are waiting for instructions and who do not know how to take the initiative, or only those who like to command, will gather.

It is necessary to optimally limit the number of persons subordinate to one leader (5-7 people);

Absence of superfluous workers and vacancies. Both the lack and the excess of members of the group lead to its instability: there is a ground for the emergence of tension and conflicts in connection with the desire of several persons to take a vacant position and get a promotion at work or in connection with the uneven work load of individual workers in the presence of extra persons:

Office etiquette that starts with appearance.

At work, too conspicuous, the so-called sharply fashionable clothes, bright cosmetics, and an abundance of jewelry are inappropriate. But just as disrespectful to colleagues, to visitors to the institution would be negligence in clothing, sloppiness, slovenliness.

Greetings. The first to greet the incoming. By the way, if some tension has been created between him and someone the day before, then it is this short, obligatory greeting that often helps to remove it painlessly for pride. It is not necessary to shake hands, and if several people work in the room, then it is not necessary.

At work, a person is obliged to be correct, not to impose his experiences on anyone, and even more so not to try to "tear off evil" on someone;

The use of socio-psychological methods that contribute to the development of effective mutual understanding and interaction skills among team members (employees' passion for personal example, training, business game, method of persuasion, etc.).

Similar information.

The demand and popularity of studies of the socio-psychological climate in the team is due to the tendency to complicate relationships and the growth of requirements for the professionalism of an employee.

Why is it so necessary? Everything is logical. Favorable climate increases efficiency in a team joint work. Unfavorable relationships can cause high staff turnover, increase the level of conflict, reduce labor efficiency and, in general, worsen the reputation of the organization. Often the manager notices only the listed consequences, but does not know the reasons for their occurrence. There are cases when the leader does not see the true reason for the deterioration of the work of the team and directs efforts in the wrong direction, which, of course, does not lead to an improvement in the situation. Therefore, it is important for the head of an organization or an HR to study the current state of the socio-psychological climate and, based on the results of the study, take necessary measures for its improvement. In this article, we will talk about the main methods that allow us to explore the socio-psychological climate in an organization, as well as give recommendations for their application.

To begin with, it is necessary to define what is meant by the term "socio-psychological climate". The socio-psychological climate in the team is a complex, integrated indicator that reflects the internal state of the community as a whole, and not just the sum of the feelings of its members, but also its ability to achieve joint goals. The main factors that form the socio-psychological climate in the team are:

  1. Emotional attitude of employees to their activities;
  2. Relationships between employees in the team;
  3. Relationships between subordinates and managers;
  4. Service and household factors of labor organization;
  5. Economic (material) factors of labor encouragement.

Of course, the list presented is not exhaustive: it can be refined and expanded if necessary within the framework of a particular study.

If the purpose of the study is to analyze and assess the socio-psychological climate in the team, then to achieve it, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. Determine the emotional attitude of employees to their activities in general;
  2. Identify the nature of the relationship between employees in the team;
  3. Identify the nature of the relationship between subordinates and managers;
  4. Determine the degree of satisfaction of employees with service and household factors of labor organization;
  5. Determine the degree of satisfaction with the economic (material) factors of labor encouragement.

After formulating the goals and objectives of the study, it is necessary to choose the method by which the data will be collected. We recommend the questionnaire survey as the most effective method data collection in medium and large groups, which, under certain conditions, gives a high guarantee of the sincerity of the answers. These conditions should be considered in more detail.

  • In order for the respondent to be interested in giving sincere answers, it is necessary to guarantee the anonymity of the data submission and explain that the results of the survey will be presented in a generalized form. This information should be conveyed to the respondents not only in the preliminary message about the upcoming survey, but also immediately before the survey. For example, you can put the following text in the title of the questionnaire:
  • In addition, informing respondents about the purpose of the survey will help to ensure the sincerity of the answers. Before conducting the survey, it is recommended to inform that the opinion of all respondents will be taken into account, and based on the results of the survey, measures will be taken to improve the climate in the team. If respondents know that their opinion can really change the situation in better side, they will be more sincere.

In our experience, HR professionals are increasingly doing this kind of research through online surveys. They are convenient not only because automated system allows you to collect data much faster and provide a result, but also that will provide the necessary conditions for a successful survey. Handout paper questionnaires that are supposed to be filled out at the workplace may lead to a decrease in sincerity in the answers of respondents: being near the object of assessment, their colleague, the respondent is likely to feel discomfort and overestimate the assessment. While away from the workplace and in a less unnerving environment, the respondent will be able to answer sincerely. In addition, some employees may express concern about the deanonymization of their profiles by handwriting (and this happens :). In online surveys, the reasons for such feelings are, of course, excluded, which can also affect the increase in sincerity in the answers of respondents.

Now consider the most popular methods used to study the socio-psychological climate in the team.

Sociometric test (according to J. Moreno)

This technique is used to identify and evaluate emotional ties in a team based on sympathy or antipathy for team members. Sociometric tests make it possible to identify informal leaders in a group, to detect existing group cohesion within a team, and to determine the degree of cohesion. Practicing psychologists and sociologists recommend conducting a sociometric test in teams where employees have experience of cooperation for at least six months, since only in this case, according to experts, the sociometric test will have an indicative result.

Respondents are asked to answer several questions regarding their relationship with other members of the team. In the field with the answer, you must enter the names of colleagues selected by the respondent according to the specified criterion. It is recommended to use no more than 8-10 criteria by which each team member will be evaluated. Criteria should be selected according to the significance of each of them for a particular team, so they can and should be modified in accordance with the conditions in which the test is conducted.

Questions in a questionnaire based on a sociometric test may look like in the following way:

The analysis of respondents' answers is implemented as follows. To calculate the index of group cohesion, such a tool as a sociomatrix is ​​used. It is a table consisting of the names of the members of the collectives chosen by the respondents and the names of the respondents themselves.

Based on the results obtained from the matrix data, the group cohesion index is calculated using the following formula:

If Employee 1 chose Employee 2 according to the first criterion, then the number 1 is entered in the corresponding cell in the table, if Employee 3 was selected according to the second criterion, the number 2 is entered in the corresponding cell, and so on. If employees chose each other according to the same criteria, this figure must be highlighted. Next, the total number of elections for each employee and the number of mutual elections are calculated.

where C is an indicator of group cohesion of team members;

K - the number of mutual choices made by members of the team;

M is the maximum number of possible choices in the group (M=n(n-1)/2, where n is the number of members in the surveyed group).

It is believed that the value of a “good” indicator of group cohesion lies in the range from 0.6 to 0.7.

Further, based on the data of the sociomatrix, a sociogram is compiled, which is 4 circles, each of which corresponds to the "rating" of the selected employees. The first circle includes "stars" - those employees who received maximum amount votes. The second circle, which is conditionally designated as “preferred”, includes those members of the team who scored more choices than the average number of choices received by one assessed employee. The third circle, "neglected", includes those employees who received fewer votes than the average number of elections received by one assessed employee. The fourth circle, the “isolated” zone, is intended for employees who have not scored a single choice. Bilateral arrows in the sociogram show mutual choice, one-sided - one-sided.

The sociogram looks like this:

The sociogram allows you to visualize the existing groupings in the team and identify informal leaders in the team.

In practice, the sociometric method is used to study the socio-psychological climate in small teams of up to 15-20 people. At the same time, it is recommended to indicate in the questionnaire how many names of colleagues the respondent can indicate in one or another variant of the answer to the question. As a rule, respondents are offered to limit themselves to 2-4 surnames. Such a restriction will simplify the task both for the respondents, who do not have to evaluate and rank all members of their team, and for the researcher, since the constructed sociogram will more clearly and clearly reflect the situation in the team.

Psychologists recommend using the sociometric method to obtain information about intragroup relationships. This will optimize the workflow and improve relations between groupings among the team. The sociometric circles displayed on the sociogram will make it possible to visually identify informal leaders in the group with organizational skills and give them appropriate tasks. This will be useful both for improving group work and for the employee-leader, who will be able to show and develop his abilities.

Methodology for assessing the psychological atmosphere in a team (according to A.F. Fidler)

This technique is based on the method of semantic differential. Respondents are invited to familiarize themselves with 8 pairs of words that are opposite in meaning and attribute their answer closer to the one that, in their opinion, more accurately reflects the atmosphere in the team. Typically, a Fiedler survey looks like this:

Each extreme value is assigned a number of points: the extreme negative - 10, the extreme positive - 1. Then all the indicators are added up, and based on the value of the sum, an assessment of the atmosphere in the team is given. The minimum total score is 10, which is an indicator of a positive atmosphere in the team, the maximum is 100, respectively, an indicator of a negative atmosphere. Based on all private assessments, an average is calculated, which will characterize the atmosphere in the team.

Fiedler's technique can only give descriptive characteristics of the climate in the team, its common features. For a complete and in-depth assessment of the socio-psychological climate in the team, it is recommended to combine the methodology for assessing the psychological atmosphere with a sociometric test. This will allow the researcher to give more precise and specific recommendations and advice for a particular team.

Determination of the Seashore Group Cohesion Index.

Group cohesion is one of the most important parameters that demonstrate the degree of team integration. It shows how cohesive or divided the group is. The “classic” Seashore method includes 5 questions, and the respondent is asked to choose one answer that is most appropriate, in his opinion. Each answer option is assigned a score from 1 to 5 (these scores are not indicated in the questionnaire itself, the respondent does not see them), then the total score is calculated and, based on the figure obtained, a conclusion is made about the degree of team cohesion.

An example of a question from a questionnaire based on the Seashore method:

The total value obtained as a result of addition is usually interpreted as follows:

from 15.1 points - high group cohesion,

from 11.6 to 15 points - group cohesion is above average,

from 7 to 11.5 points - average group cohesion,

from 4 to 6.9 points - group cohesion is below average,

up to 4 points - low group cohesion.

If the value of the group cohesion index is 4 or lower, this may serve as a signal to management about the need to implement measures to bring the members of the team together.

Experts argue that the Sishore method is appropriate for the study of a socio-psychological team if its number does not exceed 40 people. If the organization is large and includes several departments, then it is recommended to use the Seashore method to determine the group cohesion index for a department or division and analyze the socio-psychological climate in this particular group.

This method has proven to be effective remedy to study the socio-psychological climate in the team, however, for a more complete and in-depth analysis, it is recommended to use this method in conjunction with other methods. The combination of various methods will allow a deeper and more comprehensive assessment and analysis of the state of the socio-psychological climate in the team.

Periodic research of the socio-psychological climate in the team can identify problematic areas of the life of the team and take measures to improve the socio-psychological climate and, as a result, the efficiency of the work of the organization's employees.

  • HR policy, Corporate culture

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers of Valery Kharamov's blog! The moral and psychological climate in the team is a very important component of the process, on which both the efficiency of the work of each employee and the success of the company as a whole depend.

Why is it needed?

A favorable microclimate makes it possible to feel the value of both your work (and, accordingly, your personality) and the enterprise itself. And as a result, there is respect for the leader, recognition of his managerial skills and a desire to cooperate with him, and not compete or sabotage the process. General friendly atmosphere will be seen by customers. The number of which will begin to grow thanks to the very effective way advertising - word of mouth.

The main task of both small firms and large corporations is to create a comfortable working environment, devoid of tension, anger or fear. It is in such conditions that employees will be able to show their skills, jointly make important decisions and look for ways to overcome difficulties. Because they have one goal - to promote their company.

Signs of a low level of psychological climate

Employee Relations

  • Employees are overly demanding and do not forgive mistakes, even the smallest ones, reminding them of them at every opportunity.
  • Lack of trust, against the background of which colleagues do not seek advice or support from each other, even realizing that they have more experience and knowledge. The fear of rejection is so dominant that it is easier for a person to endure criticism from superiors for a defective work result than to live in horror that employees will consider them incompetent in their industry. As for the opportunity to talk about your personal problems and difficulties, there can even be no question. Although there are such individuals who are not aware of their boundaries, therefore they are able to “dump out” the most intimate even to casual passers-by.
  • Inability to express one's opinion at meetings and other gatherings. It's easier to sit back and keep silent, because the criticism that follows the manifestation of the initiative can be excessive, or even punishable.
  • Internal omissions lead to the fact that members of the group have insufficient information about the affairs of their company. I mean, their communication is broken. Why the transmission of material about completed tasks or unexpected difficulties occurs with failures. Or absent altogether, if someone wants to harm both the company and the colleague.

Relationship with the company

  • Members of the group are not able to take responsibility, both for what is happening in it, and for the state of affairs of the company itself in the market.
  • Dissatisfaction with the place of work, the desire to quit as soon as possible and not see anyone else. In the morning, living powerlessness, and all due to the fact that a large number of energy is used to maintain tension. Why, by the way, can worsen not only the general emotional condition but also health.

Personal life of employees

  • Difficulties in personal life. The fact that in work time one has to cope with a mass of negative feelings, it also has a devastating effect on a person’s life outside the professional space.
  • Difficulties with self-esteem. Due to the lack of a feeling that I am in my place, that the environment accepts and recognizes me, a person may well take personally the fact that the relationship did not work out, which is why her self-esteem will rapidly fall.

These factors and signs, by the way, may well lead to depression, especially in men for whom self-expression and professional stability usually come first.

Work strategies

Preventive Methods

  • It is important to take into account psychological features each person upon employment. Therefore, if during the interview some moments alerted you, think carefully about whether it is worth letting such a person into your company then. Objectively evaluate all the consequences of the manifestation of her character, no matter how professional in her field or a close relative she may be.
  • Certification of employees should be carried out periodically, especially those who have even a minimal number of people in their subordination.
  • Strict control of the number of employees and vacancies. If there is a shortage, part of the responsibilities has to be distributed among all members of the group, or shouldered by one person. And this always threatens with the emergence of anger and irritation, which not everyone has the opportunity to show, which causes a tense atmosphere. And when there are extra workers, then conflicts will be inevitable between them against the backdrop of competition and clarification of which of them is the most important and valuable.
  • In submission to one leader, you should not give more than 6-7 people, otherwise he will not be able to keep track of everyone, and also notice the brewing of the conflict.
  • You already know about the value of boundaries from about personal space. With their help, the image of another person becomes clearer, what he loves or does not accept, how you can behave with him, and how it’s better not to, and so on. The same is true in the work process, if people do not understand what values ​​exist in their company, norms, traditions, plans and attitudes, they may experience anxiety, which will provoke conflicts and feelings of dissatisfaction. Therefore, the formation of a healthy atmosphere must begin with the definition of the boundaries of the company.

Conflict situations

They are inevitable, because people are different, with different opinions, life and professional experience, mood and general well-being are in a single process and space. Are you fighting with your family members?

This means that you have noticed a difference in something, and do not yet know how to deal with it. It is not the conflict itself that is terrible, but what it "poured out", especially if it is hidden.

Measures to improve the climate

Organize a vacation together and not only on public holidays. This will not only improve the microclimate, but will also help bring all group members closer together, and possibly create more informal relationships.

A collective celebration will help relieve unnecessary tension, improve the emotional state, perhaps clarify some of the nuances and difficulties in relationships, as well as create common impressions and memories, returning to which over time, employees will feel closeness and solidarity. The main thing is that they are positive.

And do not force to attend such events, it can cause a storm of anger. Over time, they themselves will join, as there will be a desire to participate in the general discussion and celebration.

Trainings. Often, in various corporations, it is practiced to attract coaches and psychologists in order to create a harmonious atmosphere in which there will be a desire to work and give all the best. Some trainings allow you to achieve not only professional, but also personal growth. They allow, for example, to raise your self-esteem, learn how to make decisions, cope with tension and aggression, and improve your communication skills.

  1. Highlight informal leaders, give them more power and encouragement, because it is they who are trusted by the team, it is their opinion that they will support, and seek help in case of difficulties. Therefore, if the unspoken leader will respect and appreciate you, then, cooperating with him, you can be sure that everyone else will share his opinion, with the exception of special instances. And to become the most elected group, see the article about.
  2. For conflict resolution, see.
  3. If you managed to build relationships with employees, do not forget about such a nuance as maintaining the created atmosphere in the group. As the saying goes: "To break is not to build." So try not to devalue and nullify all efforts. Literally one miss at first will be enough for everything to come back. If you have changed the approach to colleagues and the work process, then no matter how provoked you are to return to a more familiar system, do not give in. Criticism and punishment must be fair so that no one can doubt your competence. Be sure to look at the rules and techniques.
  4. Show by your own example how to talk with colleagues, support and help. If you are a leader, then prove that you trust your subordinates. Try to relax control, give a more serious task and provide an opportunity to show your abilities by asking for advice in resolving some difficult issue.
  5. Managers are not gods, no matter how geniuses they may be, which is why they may well make mistakes. It is important to only be able to apologize to subordinates, this will not make you weak, but on the contrary, it will strengthen your authority and show that you are also a living person. Learn, if you do not know how, to make concessions and seek compromises with people, even those of lower rank.
  6. Choose a leadership style depending on the situation and environment. If you are authoritarian, then at the moment when the situation in the team reaches its peak, you risk receiving a lot of resignations, or, in extreme cases, set-ups, slander, and so on. , which scientists have developed, just for the purpose of learning to determine when and how to behave.


Creating a favorable atmosphere in the team is not an easy process, but definitely worth it to make the most of your efforts. So try it and you will succeed!

The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.