What documents are needed for management. Taxi documents. MTPL insurance policy

Documents for car registration are needed for registration vehicle for state registration. Without a package of documents specified by law, a traffic inspector cannot accept an application to register a car.

Registering a car with the traffic police - where to start?

The registration procedure involves the citizen contacting the traffic police department at the place of residence. At the same time, he must have with him an application and documents necessary for registering the car.

Before visiting, citizens are also advised to check the reception schedule of the local branch of the State Traffic Inspectorate. The schedule can be found on the official website of the traffic police of any subject of the Russian Federation; citizens also have the right to call the contact number and get advice from the inspector on duty.

Application form and list of documents for car registration 2019 - 2020

Application form

Before going to an appointment at the traffic police department, it is worth clarifying what documents you need to provide to register a car. Typically, a list of documents for registering a car with the traffic police is available at a stand located in each department, and it can also be obtained from the employees responsible for this.

Both the documentation and the application can be submitted by the citizen either personally or through a representative with a power of attorney. Moreover, the law allows you to send applications both in the form of electronic documents and paper media. State portal provides citizens with the opportunity to submit applications signed with an electronic digital signature.

List of documentation

The list of documents for car registration is fixed by the legislator in the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 08/07/2013 No. 605.

This order defines the following documents for car registration:

  1. An application that must be executed in one copy. It must be completed in writing or via digital devices. The application shall indicate: name of the road inspection department accepting the application, full name of the applicant, description required service, detailed information about the registered vehicle, information about the owner’s representative and the owner of the car. The application is drawn up by filling out a unified form.
  2. Applicant's passport. If the identity document does not contain a mark on the registration of a citizen, then he must present another registration document confirming the legality of his stay on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  3. Birth certificate, if the owner of the car is a citizen of the Russian Federation under 14 years of age.
  4. Documents for the car, that is, PTS, STS, registration papers, design safety certificate, etc.
  5. Papers for license plates of the car.
  6. Documents establishing ownership of transport.
  7. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  8. Foreigners will also be required to have a foreign citizen's passport.
  9. Other documents in individual cases.

PLEASE NOTE! It is no longer required to provide a compulsory motor liability insurance policy in connection with the entry into force of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “On introducing changes...” dated March 20, 2017 No. 139.

What else is needed to register a car with the traffic police, besides the standard package of documents?

In addition to the above documents, a power of attorney may also be required if registration is not carried out by the owner of the car. If a car belonging to a diplomatic or consular officer or institution is being registered, cards of international organizations will be required.

Since 2017, employees of registration authorities also have the right to request documents confirming the fact of disposal of vehicles, and decisions of preliminary investigation authorities, accompanied by an expert opinion or certificate of research, on the basis of which the vehicle was identified.

The procedure for registering a new car with the traffic police

Registration of a new car with the traffic police (which previously did not belong to anyone and was purchased from a car dealer or in a showroom) is much simpler. All you need is a passport, PTS and an application. In addition, however, you will need to pay a fee.

Car registration period after purchase in 2019 - 2020

Within 10 days from the moment the new car was purchased, its owner is obliged to provide it for inspection by the traffic police. There, the car is checked to see if it is listed in the databases as stolen or arrested by bailiffs. If everything is in order, the traffic police puts a mark that registration is permitted, after which you can submit all the documents necessary to register the car with the traffic police.

Grounds for refusal to register a vehicle

Order No. 1001 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 24, 2008 contains a number of grounds according to which a traffic inspector may refuse a citizen to register a vehicle.

Thus, registration may be refused if:

  • the submitted documents contain false data;
  • false documents are presented;
  • the vehicle title does not contain a note indicating payment of the recycling fee;
  • there is a ban on registration;
  • the car does not meet safety requirements.

That is, drivers who want to register their car must take care of collecting a full package of title documentation and properly filling out the application.

How to register a homemade car with the traffic police

In the same case, if you did not purchase the car, but assembled it yourself, registering it will be much longer and more difficult. For such cars, the procedure for registering a car with the traffic police in 2019-2020 will look like this:

  1. You conduct official tests of the machine - this is done by specialized laboratories and institutes. It is best to negotiate with them in advance, even before assembling the car, in order to agree on the design of the car and the procedure for checking it.
  2. If the design of the car uses license plate units of other cars, you will need to submit to the traffic police certificates of their purchase and deregistration of those cars on which they were previously used.
  3. With the test report and certificate issued in the laboratory, you contact the MREO, where you will be given a document stating that your car does not have an identifier (VIN).
  4. With this document, you need to contact forensic experts who will prepare a report on the car and issue a referral for assignment of an identifier.

Only after this can you submit documents to register your car with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (2019-2020 did not bring any major changes in this regard). Further, the registration of the car with the traffic police, the documents for which you submit, will take place according to the general rules.

PTS is a document similar in purpose to a passport of a Russian citizen; it is the main document of the car. It must be protected like the apple of your eye. But is there an obligation to always carry a PTS with you and present it or hand it over to a traffic police inspector for inspection? What is it, what regulations regulate its status and other subtleties of car law, as well as in what cases you need to carry a PTS with you in 2019, we will find out in simple language and with links to current legislation in 2019.

Do I need to carry my PTS with me in my car?

The obligation to carry with us, and, most importantly, to hand over to a traffic police inspector in order to check certain documents, is clearly stated in the traffic rules, specifically in paragraph 2.1.1, according to which in all cases we must carry with us a driver’s license, compulsory motor liability insurance policy and registration documents, and in a number of cases they must additionally be transported and handed over to an inspector for inspection waybill, power of attorney, license (if required), certificate of disability and some others.

There is no direct statement in the Rules that you are required to carry your vehicle with you. But there is a phrase that is not entirely clear to many of us: " registration documents". What is this? Does PTS refer to registration documents?

No, it doesn't apply. In general, these are only the vehicle registration certificate (), and it is this that we are obliged to always hand over to the police for verification. Order No. 1001 on the procedure for registering a vehicle in its paragraph No. 7 directly tells us that a vehicle passport is not a registration document. General provisions:

7. Registration documents include vehicle registration certificates, as well as technical passports (technical coupons) of vehicles.

The registration certificate, by the way, is not a PTS at all. There is no such term as “technical passport” in Russian legislation at all for 2019. Only out of habit, many drivers call the car registration certificate and, less often, PTS, a registration certificate. In the legislation on the procedure for registering a vehicle, despite its regular changes, this term has also been preserved as a relic of the past.

In what cases is it better to carry a PTS with you?

There are, however, a number of cases when there is no obligation to carry a PTS with you in the car, but in fact it is better to have this document on hand for every trip.

Buying a new or used car

One of these cases is when you just bought a new or used car and have not yet registered it with the traffic police. In this case, you only have the STS of the old owner in your hands, or you won’t have it at all if the car is new from a car dealership, a driver’s license, as well as a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, which may also not be available, since the obligation to insure motor third party liability occurs within 10 days after purchases.

Thus, if you have not yet purchased compulsory motor liability insurance and have not received a registration certificate, then you can only submit your driver’s license to the traffic police inspector for inspection. And this is by law. In practice, a traffic police officer on the road in almost any case will demand from you a sales contract and a PTS (although a PTS does not always require it, but quite often). In the absence of these documents, the inspector can issue a fine of 500 rubles under Part 1 of Article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and even take the car to the impound lot.

This, again, is illegal, but in practice, if you are not legally savvy, you will not always be able to prove that you are right. Therefore, the case when you need to carry a PTS with you in your car is a car that was purchased and not yet registered with the traffic police.

Is a copy of the PTS suitable?

As we have already indicated above, the requirement to carry a PTS with you in any case is illegal, since in no case directly legal act not registered. Therefore, it would be absurd to ask about the possibility of carrying a copy of the PTS with you in your car, because you don’t even need to carry the original!

However, based not on the letter of the law, but in practice, in the absence of a registration certificate or, if (when buying a used car) the old owner of the car is recorded in such STS, the inspector will ask you for the original PTS, and a copy will not work here in most cases cases.

And here it is easier to solve the problem of the missing original of this document. If it is lost, damaged, stolen, etc. it needs to be restored, and this must be done by the new owner of the car - that is, you. This can be done immediately after the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement, since ownership passes at this moment.

Every driver of a car or other vehicle should know what documents he may need on the road. All of them are listed in the second section of the Rules traffic, where the driver’s responsibilities are indicated. A police officer may require such documents from you for verification.

Documents for a passenger car driver

If it is a passenger car, then you need to have with you:

  • A driver’s license of the appropriate category, and if it was confiscated from you in the prescribed manner, then a temporary driving permit must be issued;
  • vehicle inspection certificate and registration documents, and if there is a trailer for the vehicle, then for it;
  • compulsory insurance policy issued in the name of the car owner;
  • A document confirming the right to own a vehicle or the right to use it (power of attorney), and if the car is with a trailer, then for the trailer. If the owner is present during the trip, then a power of attorney is not required.

Driver documents for international flights

A driver who makes international flights,

  • registration documents for a car or other vehicle, and if there is a trailer, then for it;
  • a driver's license, which must comply with the Convention on Road Traffic;
  • decals and registration plates on the vehicle and on the trailer (if any) of the state in which the vehicle is registered;
  • driving permit if the car is not your property.

All documents provided for by international treaties Russian Federation, you may be required to check your employees Federal service for the supervision of transport at control points, which are indicated by road signs.

What documents must a driver have for cargo transportation?

The rules of cargo transportation are prescribed in Chapter 40 “Transportation” and Chapter 41 “Transport Forwarding” Civil Code RF. After all, behind every cargo transportation there is a transaction, and it must be documented. Therefore, the driver who has been entrusted with the cargo must have, in addition to driver’s documents and documents for the vehicle, also documents for the cargo being transported. So, full list Driver documents for cargo transportation include:

  • driver's license;
  • license card and certificate of approval for the transportation of dangerous goods;
  • when transporting oversized cargo, you must have a permit and pass from the traffic police;
  • power of attorney from the owner of the vehicle to drive it;
  • a copy of the employment agreement, if this is a hired worker and not an individual entrepreneur.
  • vehicle passport;
  • ticket technical inspection car;
  • compulsory insurance insurance policy;
  • waybill;
  • waybill.

What documents must a forklift driver have?

Loaders can run on electricity, gasoline, or gas, and therefore sometimes problems arise that employers face when hiring forklift drivers. You need to carefully look at the documents that indicate what type of forklift the driver has permission to operate. As a rule, the work permit may simply contain “forklift driver”, and the clarification is only on the driver’s license.

Electric forklifts are not supervised, Gostekhnadzor licenses are not required for them, but the employee must have an electric forklift driver's license indicating the type of machine on which he has the right to work. This could be an electric pallet truck driver or a battery-powered forklift driver, etc.

Forklifts or forklifts with an internal combustion engine are subject to Gostekhnadzor, and therefore the employee must receive tractor driver's license to have the right to drive a self-propelled vehicle.

Electric forklift driver must have the following documents:

  • medical certificate confirming suitability to work as a forklift driver;
  • photograph of 3x4 cm format.

Forklift driver must have the following documents:

  • copy of passport (first, second page and registration);
  • driver’s medical certificate indicating suitability to drive self-propelled vehicles;
  • copy of the document about special education or a copy of the ID;
  • two photos size 3x4.

To get a lawyer's comment, ask questions below

Recently, our editor received a letter in which its author said that he was stopped by employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate and first asked to present a power of attorney for the right to drive a vehicle (!), and then a waybill. As you already understand, our hero was driving a corporate car that belongs to a legal entity. Since he did not carry out commercial transportation of passengers and did not transport commercial cargo, according to the current legislation he had the right to travel without a waybill.

The same applies to the power of attorney to drive a vehicle, which was canceled back in 2012. But, despite the fact that the driver did not break the law, he was brought to administrative responsibility for the lack of a waybill. Do you think this is legal? In such a situation, is the driver required to have a completed waybill with him? Let's figure it out.

First, let's find out whether traffic police inspectors legally demanded a power of attorney from the driver to drive a car.

And so, for this, let's remember the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1156 of November 12, 2012, which canceled paragraph four of clause 2.1.1 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation. Let us remind you that this paragraph regulates the list of documents that the driver of the car is obliged to carry with him and present them to the police at the first request.

Thus, in particular, Government Decree No. 1156 of November 12, 2012 abolished the paragraph previously obliging drivers to carry with them a document giving them the right to drive a vehicle in the absence of the owner. That is, in other words, in 2012 the Government abolished the obligation of drivers to carry with them powers of attorney for the right to drive a vehicle. Accordingly, since 2012, police officers have no right to require drivers to present a power of attorney.

Fortunately, our hero, who was stopped by traffic police officers to check his documents, knew about this Resolution and actually quoted it word for word to the police officers. As a result, traffic police inspectors immediately forgot about their request and suddenly switched to the waybill, demanding to see a completed document, indicating that the car was registered to a legal entity, which means that, in accordance with the law, all drivers driving corporate vehicles are required to carry and present completed travel forms upon request.

As you already understood, our hero did not have a issued waybill. As a result, employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate, having drawn up a protocol on administrative offense, issued a fine of five hundred rubles.

Unfortunately, our hero is not a lawyer in the field of motor transport and road safety. Therefore, he believed the police officers that every driver of corporate transport is required to have a completed waybill with him. As a result, he, as a law-abiding citizen of the Russian Federation, paid the fine within the period established by law.

But in fact, the traffic police officers issued the fine illegally, and it could have easily been canceled by challenging it in court. The thing is that our hero, despite driving a car that belongs to a legal entity, was not obliged to carry a completed waybill with him, since he did not carry out commercial transportation of passengers or goods.

The worst thing is that this is not an isolated rare incident on the road. We receive a lot of information from all over the country, which suggests that traffic police officers in many regions also require completed waybills from all drivers of corporate vehicles. It is also not uncommon for drivers of corporate vehicles to be asked to provide a power of attorney. What happens? Do the police officers who are called upon to protect the law and monitor its observance break it themselves? We hope that this is not intentional or out of ignorance. Although we admit that there are probably some employees who try to “cheat” incompetent drivers in this way.

Why don’t traffic police officers have the right to demand a waybill and a power of attorney?

And so let's carefully look at paragraph 2.1.1 of the Rules of the Road:

According to clause 2.1.1 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations, the driver of a motor vehicle is obliged to have with him and, at the request of police officers (including traffic police officers of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation), hand over to them the following documents for verification:

Driver's license or temporary permit to drive a vehicle of the appropriate category or subcategory

Registration documents for this vehicle (except for mopeds), and if there is a trailer - also for the trailer (except for trailers for mopeds)

- in specified cases permission to carry out activities for the transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxi, waybill, license card and documents for the transported cargo, and when transporting large, heavy and dangerous goods - documents provided for by the rules for the transportation of these goods

A document confirming the fact of disability, in the case of driving a vehicle on which the identification sign “Disabled” is installed

Insurance policy of compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner (MTPL policy)

In cases expressly provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, have and submit for verification to employees of the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport an access card for a vehicle for international road transport, a waybill and documents for the transported cargo, special permits, if available in accordance with The legislation on highways and on road activities allows the movement of heavy and (or) large-sized vehicles, vehicles transporting dangerous goods on highways, as well as providing a vehicle for weight and dimensional control

Pay attention to the text highlighted in red. This paragraph indicates that drivers are required to carry a waybill with them only in cases established by law. That is, if you follow the logic of the law, the driver does not always have to carry a waybill with him. Otherwise, there would be no mention in the law about " established cases".

Also read the paragraph carefully Traffic regulations 2.1.1.

Do you see a clause here obliging the driver to carry with him and present to the police upon request a power of attorney? Naturally, this point is not here, since current rules road traffic, since this legal requirement was abolished by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation back in 2012.

And so, according to the traffic rules that are in force today, no one has the right to demand from you a power of attorney for the right to drive a vehicle, regardless of who owns the car.

Remember that a power of attorney is needed if on behalf of legal entity or the entrepreneur driver is going to carry out any legal actions. For example, picking up a car from a parking lot, or carrying out registration actions at the traffic police.

We also know that you need to carry a completed waybill with you only in cases established by law.

But in what cases, established by law, are drivers required to carry a completed waybill with them and present it at the request of the police?

Yes, indeed, in certain cases, you still need to fill out a waybill and take it with you in order to present it upon request. For example, in the case where the driver is engaged in the commercial transportation of cargo(s) or passengers.

First, let's find out in what cases the waybill is filled out. This issue is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 152 dated September 18, 2008 " On approval of mandatory details and procedure for filling out travel documents", with changes for 2017.

So, according to this document, the waybill is filled out for vehicles belonging to legal entities or individual entrepreneurs for the transportation of goods, passengers or luggage. Here is an excerpt from Order of the Ministry of Transport No. 152:

  • "9. A waybill is issued for each vehicle used by a legal entity, individual entrepreneur for the transportation of goods, passengers and luggage by road and urban ground electric transport in urban, suburban and intercity communications"

Many will say that in this document there is not a word about " commercial transportation “Therefore, apparently, a waybill must be issued in all cases of operation of a vehicle that belongs to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

Actually this is not true. The fact is that Order No. 152 of the Ministry of Transport directly refers to a more important Federal Law:

Law No. 259-FZ "Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport" dated November 8, 2007

Article 1. Subject of regulation

  1. This Federal Law regulates relations arising during the provision of services by road transport and urban ground electric transport, which are part of transport system Russian Federation. Relations related to the provision of services by road transport and urban ground electric transport and not regulated by this Federal Law are regulated by other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
  1. This Federal Law defines general conditions transportation passengers and luggage, cargo, respectively, by buses, trams, trolleybuses, cars, trucks, including using car trailers, car semi-trailers (hereinafter also referred to as vehicles), as well as general conditions for the provision of services to passengers, charterers, shippers, consignees, carriers, freighters at transport infrastructure facilities.
  1. Transportation of passengers and luggage, cargo by road V international traffic are regulated by international treaties of the Russian Federation.
  1. To relations related to the transportation of passengers and baggage, cargo for personal, family, household or other purposes not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activity needs, the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of consumer rights also apply.

That is, as you can see Order of the Ministry of Transport No. 152, referring to Federal Law No. 259, implies that a waybill must be issued for commercial transportation of goods and passengers. But in these documents there is not a word that the driver of a car that belongs to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur must have a completed waybill in hand for any type of transportation. That is, if there is no fact of commercial transportation in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Transport, the waybill should not be filled out. For example, when traveling for corporate needs of the company. Otherwise, this would be spelled out in such a document.

In what cases can the transportation of cargo and passengers be considered commercial?

According to Federal Law No. 259 of November 8, 2007, commercial transportation includes services for the transportation of goods, luggage and passengers.

Also, according to the same law, such concepts as cargo, baggage and passenger are clarified:

Cargo- a material object accepted for transportation in the prescribed manner

Baggage- passenger’s belongings accepted for transportation in accordance with the established procedure

Passenger - individual who has entered into a contract for the carriage of a passenger, or an individual for the purpose of whose transportation a contract for chartering a vehicle has been concluded

Also pay attention to article 2 "Basic concepts used in this Federal law No. 259", which explains what a carrier is:

  • "Carrier - legal entity, individual entrepreneur who, under a contract for the carriage of a passenger or a contract for the carriage of cargo, have assumed the obligation to transport a passenger and deliver baggage, as well as to transport the cargo entrusted by the shipper to the destination and hand over the baggage and cargo to the person authorized to receive them"

So what follows from this:

Is it necessary to issue a waybill for drivers who are driving a corporate (official) vehicle if they do not carry out commercial transportation, but operate vehicles for the internal needs of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur?

As you already understood, this is not necessary, since the current Russian legislation clearly identified those persons who are required to carry a completed waybill with them while driving a vehicle and present it to the police upon first request.

Unfortunately, some traffic police officers, apparently, either do not know about these not very simple legislative norms (although this is their direct responsibility), or deliberately take advantage of the legal illiteracy of drivers who work in various companies on the road.

The car has long become not a luxury, but a means of transportation; but it must be remembered that a car is also a source of increased danger on the roads. When driving a vehicle, the driver is responsible to other road users, including pedestrians. This responsibility is indicated in the car documents, which every car owner must have.

1. Vehicle registration certificate

In accordance with current legislation, a vehicle registration certificate is a document confirming the registration of a car with the traffic police immediately after its purchase. The vehicle registration certificate contains all the basic data of the car: make, identification and registration number, type, model, category of the vehicle, data on the body, chassis, frame, owner data (full name and registration address).
The car owner is obliged to present a vehicle registration certificate in the event of such a request from the traffic police inspector.

2. Vehicle Passport (PTS)

PTS is also a mandatory document for a car. PTS is confirmation that the car is approved for use.
The PTS contains all the main technical specifications car, and all data of the vehicle owner. A PTS is required when buying and selling a vehicle, as well as for registering it with the traffic police. Also, the PTS must be presented during control to confirm the legality of importing the car into the country (for example, when passing through customs control). In addition, the PTS confirms your ownership of the car in cases such as accidents, theft, or damage to the car.

3.Technical inspection certificate (TO)

A vehicle technical inspection certificate is another mandatory document for a car. A maintenance ticket is issued to the car owner after the car has successfully passed the inspection. The presence of a maintenance ticket indicates that all components and assemblies of this vehicle are in good working order, and the car will not create an emergency situation on the road.

4. OSAGO policy

Russian legislation has established compulsory insurance vehicle under compulsory motor liability insurance. IN in case of an accident or when another situation arises that falls under the concept insured event, the MTPL insurance policy will make it possible to compensate for the damage you caused to the injured party. Simply put, an OSAGO policy is the basis for payments to the owner of a car who is recognized as a victim of the actions of the car of the owner of this OSAGO policy. Also, any car owner is obliged to present the MTPL policy to the traffic police inspector if he requests it.
The absence of a policy is punishable by a fine and is an administrative violation.

5. Documents confirming ownership

There are several documents that guarantee the ownership and legality of purchasing a car. This:
— a correctly executed purchase and sale agreement;
— import certificate;
- customs declaration.

6. General power of attorney

If the car owner allows other persons to drive his vehicle, he can give these persons a notarized general power of attorney. This power of attorney does not give the trustee ownership rights to the car, it only allows him to dispose of this car. The owner of such a car by law is the one indicated in the title.
If you have all the above documents in your hands, then you can be sure that your car legally belongs to you.