What points are used when massaging the feet? Therapeutic foot massage procedure - reflexology, massage for flat feet for children and adults

The feet are the part of the body that bears a huge load every day. At the same time, the well-being of a person as a whole depends on their health. Let us remember what pleasure the usual immersion of tired legs in warm water brings to the whole body. A simple techniques, which allow you to master foot massage and do it yourself at home, give visible results.

Indeed, the feet have a direct connection with all organs and systems. Reflexology deals with these issues in detail.

The field of medicine that specializes in the study of reflex zones in our body focuses on special attention the soles of the feet. Along with the palms, they are responsible for the tactile function and are rich in nerve endings and receptors that transmit information to the brain and other organs.

Traditional Eastern medicine also gives great value foot stimulation and has knowledge of energy zones. Here, many phenomena are interpreted more broadly: the connection between the physical, psychological and spiritual comes first.

In our body, all systems are interdependent and therefore one problem, if it is not solved, leads to others. Our skin, according to reflexology, directly reflects the state of our internal organs and vice versa. If blood circulation and nutrition of the legs suffer, uneven loads occur, accompanied by pain, “distress signals” begin to be sent to the brain and other body systems. Such a situation, if it is permanent, is a great stress and threatens to result in global disruptions. By taking care of our feet and caring for them, we impart a healthy, comfortable state to the entire body.. There are also feedback: the affected internal organs also transmit information to the skin. And knowing the exit points of these signals, you can not only diagnose, but also treat.

In reflexology, a so-called foot map is used. It shows all the significant points and indicates which bodies they are responsible for communicating with. There are 36 such zones on the sole of each foot. The foot is a projection of the human body, where the toes are the head, and the heel is the pelvic region and knees. So, on top there are points responsible for the brain, pituitary gland, vision and hearing. The wide part of the foot is connected to the heart, lungs, and liver. The lower section allows you to influence the reflex zones of the kidneys, intestines, and genitals. The outer part of the foot is also rich in active points. For example, internal lateral surface is a projection of the spine.

Types of procedures

There are a number of techniques that allow you to relieve pain and fatigue, correct orthopedic deficiencies, improve the functional properties of the foot, and also influence other organs and systems, normalizing their functioning. They are used to solve specific problems and preventive measures. The most famous are the directions described below.

Point (reflex)

To properly perform reflex massage, you need to be well aware of the location of active points on the foot and their purpose. Traditional Eastern medicine speaks of the release of energy during the procedure, which helps to harmonize the work of all body systems. European medicine explains the effect by the release of endorphins that occurs when the points are pressed. Thus, the body uses own resources, promoting recovery.


The Chinese technique is one of the areas of acupressure of the foot. Masters use various techniques, which are combined by working with reflex zones. Pressing on the desired points activates the channels through which the vital energy Qi moves. The impact depends on the task at hand: treatment of headaches, respiratory diseases, digestive diseases, as well as insomnia and depression. Massage therapists use techniques such as stroking, pressing, rubbing, and vibration. Often these treatments are combined with other types of therapy, such as acupuncture.

Photo: zones of the feet responsible for internal organs


Many people compare Thai technique to yoga. Massage therapists pay attention primarily to the muscles and joints, which experience a very intense effect. Deep pressure is used, twisting the foot, arching the toes up and down, and pressing on the crossed feet. For point pressure, thin wooden sticks are used.


Therapeutic massage is prescribed by a doctor for chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system and serves to improve foot mobility and relieve pain. It is often part of a full body treatment.

Massage technique

As in other types of massage, each session includes three mandatory stages: preparation, main part (intensive impact) and completion.

First, the tissues are warmed up using stroking and light rubbing. As a result, there is an active flow of blood and noticeable redness of the skin. Massage oil or cream is applied to the feet.

During the procedure itself, the following techniques are used:

  • stroking with the palm or knuckles;
  • rubbing with straight and circular movements;
  • tong-like kneading;
  • pressure (on active points);
  • effleurage;
  • vibration (lifting and shaking each toe or the entire foot.

IN different methods the sequence of actions is different. In this case, as a rule, the procedure begins with working on each finger. Then massage the sole, where the concentration of active points is especially high. Next comes the impact on outside: top and sides. Finally, attention is paid to the heel, Achilles tendon, and ankle joint.

The procedure ends with light stroking. The massage therapist's hand soothes and relaxes the tissues.

Indications for massage

  • joint diseases: arthritis, arthrosis;
  • orthopedic problems: flat feet, valgus;
  • chronic fatigue and swelling of the legs;
  • emotional depression, consequences of stress, insomnia;
  • poor blood circulation in the extremities,
  • rehabilitation after injuries: sprains, dislocations, fractures,
  • prevention of varicose veins.

Photo: heel massage

Impact on reflex zones is also used in complex therapy to treat:

  • headaches;
  • digestive disorders;
  • problems with the spine, in particular radiculopathy;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • chronic bronchitis and colds;
  • gynecological problems in women and prostatitis in men;
  • as well as many other ailments.

Improvement in arthritis

Arthritis is a joint disorder characterized by decreased mobility and pain. Treatment is necessary; neglected disease leads to disability.

It is important to know that massage is part of a comprehensive program. It is done already in the remission stage, without directly affecting the affected joint, if it causes pain.

You can learn independent execution procedures, because it is their regularity that brings the greatest benefit.

For arthritis, the following self-massage techniques are especially effective:

  • rubbing the outer part of the foot and sole in the direction from the toe to the shin, using pinching;
  • kneading the fingers: stroking movements, circular movements with impact on the pads, gentle extension up and down.

Help with arthrosis

The causes of arthrosis are metabolic disorders, lack of joint fluid, and changes in the structure of cartilage. It leads to limited mobility and acute pain. To help affected joints, perform the following exercises:

  • work each finger using stroking, pinching and light vibration (taking it by the pad and shaking it slightly);
  • rub and move the joints connecting the phalanges;
  • rub vigorously top part feet from ankles to toes and vice versa;
  • work the sole by pressing with the pad thumb and pressing with the knuckles of the back of the hand;
  • Using circular movements of two fingers, rub your heel, ankle, and Achilles tendon area.

In cases where we're talking about about medical procedures, it is especially important to perform them correctly. It is therefore advisable to have a few object lessons before proceeding to practice.

Flat feet: how can massage help?

With flat feet, the sole of the foot does not have a pronounced arch, which worsens the shock-absorbing function and increases the load on the entire musculoskeletal system. This manifests itself in fatigue, pain, and eventually leads to joint problems. Gymnastics and self-massage help restore the foot after stress and improve its shock-absorbing properties.

Following the standard set of preparatory stage procedures, perform the following manipulations with each leg five to six times:

  • rub your fingers alternately (left and right hand work with adjacent fingers simultaneously);
  • With one hand (the other holds the heel), pull all your toes up and then bend them down as much as possible;
  • roll a massage ball or a small hard ball along your foot;
  • Turning your foot to the side and holding your ankle with one foot, massage the sole, first with straight-line stroking movements, and then with circular movements.

Performing the procedure at home

Most of the various foot massage techniques are easy to perform on your own at home. However, using reflexology techniques requires significant training and preparation. At the same time, it’s easy to do a simple relaxing procedure for yourself today.

  1. Wash your hands and feet. Sit back, take a relaxed position.
  2. Warm up the surface of the foot and toes with light stroking movements.
  3. Apply cream or massage oil.
  4. Stroke and rub the top and ribs of the foot towards the ankle.
  5. Gently knead each finger from the nail to the base, using vigorous movements to work all the joints.
  6. Rub the sole, moving from the toe to the heel and applying pressure with your knuckles.
  7. Knead the wide part of your foot with your palms cupped into a fist.
  8. Work the top surface of the foot in a circular motion, pressing with the balls of your thumbs.
  9. Warm up your ankles and calves by cupping them with your palms and moving from heel to knee).
  10. Actively massage the sides by wrapping your fingers around them.
  11. Repeat ankle massage, kneading the sole and stroking the outside of the foot several times.
  12. Complete the procedure with light relaxing movements.

In the future, you can improve your technique by mastering new techniques from video tutorials. If some reasons prevent you from mastering manual massage at home, aids will come to the rescue: special rugs, slippers with spikes, as well as small balls, walnuts or chestnuts that are rolled along the foot. Self-massage and stimulation of active points on the legs are facilitated by walking on peas and other grains.

After an active day, our legs need relaxation. Massage is the best way to cope with this task, because thanks to it, blood circulation is restored, lymph flow improves, and muscles relax. By learning how to massage your feet, we will help your loved one truly relax and renew their strength.

Apply massage cream or cosmetic oil to your hands. Warm it a little in your palms so that the person does not experience discomfort due to the temperature contrast. Relax your legs with gentle stroking, make sure that your body is not tense and is ready for the procedures. Start with the foot. Massage its upper part in a circular motion and gradually lower it onto the sole. Here, pay special attention to the heel: the skin on it is quite rough, so movements must be strong. Thumbs draw circles over the entire area of ​​​​the heels, and then make cross movements (toes alternately slide up and down). Pat and pinch the area. Go to the hollow of your foot, massage it with the knuckles of your fisted hand, then make movements similar to squeezing a towel. Using a closed fist, stimulate the balls of your feet. If you've relaxed your partner enough, he won't feel ticklish or uncomfortable. Pay attention to each finger. Gently move the skin from the nail to the base, massage all joints. Pull your finger slightly. If crunching sounds occur and they do not cause discomfort to the person, you can continue. Walk along the hollows between your fingers, moving back and forth in each one. Using your thumbs, rub up and down the Achilles tendon, repeat 4-5 times. Stretch your ankle in the same way, then place your fingers on the protruding bones on both sides of the leg and massage the skin near them in a circle. With one hand, secure your leg just above the ankle, with the other, grab your foot and rotate it clockwise and in the opposite direction. Warm up the calf area by rubbing. Use your knuckles to work the long muscles of your calf. Grab the soft tissue of your calf and work your way from your ankle to your hamstring. Bend your leg at the knee and return it to its original position, repeat several times. Stretch the muscles slightly by pressing on the foot of the bent leg. Massage the thigh in the same way as the lower leg. If the situation allows, you can stretch your gluteal muscles with active movements. You need to finish the massage smoothly, using a minimum of effort. Light stroking with the entire palm should be replaced by barely noticeable touches of the fingertips. In this case, the partner will feel completely relaxed and light. Finally, we would like to give some general advice:
  • Use oil or cream sparingly, otherwise your hands will be too slippery for a good massage.
  • When your brushes are tired, shake them up to five times. This will relieve tension and continue the procedure.
  • Be extremely careful when planning to massage the feet of a pregnant woman or someone with diabetes or hypertension.
  • Massage both legs equally so that your partner feels the same.
  • Make sure your partner is in a comfortable position. The ideal option is to lie on your back; it is acceptable to sit comfortably in a chair. If the person is lying down, place a folded towel under the knees so that blood flows well to the feet and the muscles are not tense.

Complete relaxation together with a massage is provided by light music or a serene, quiet conversation. If the atmosphere is romantic, candles will come in handy. But the main guarantee of a quality foot massage is your desire to please and help you cope with fatigue.

Legs, legs, would you like a drink or lighter shoes? So, or approximately so, I would like to turn to my legs in the evening, which receive a solid portion of loads during our labor activity, and during rest.

Regardless of whether we sit at work all day at the office desk, and in the evening in a chair in front of the TV or computer, whether we stand behind the counter, rush around with reports, or teach the good stuff at the blackboard, our legs have a hard time.

Because of this, in the evenings they seem to be shackled in iron shackles, they swell and flatly “refuse” to perform their duties with the required speed.

Moreover, over time they “delight” with an extensive network of swollen veins, which not only worsen the attractiveness of the legs, but also threaten big troubles with health in general.

A home or salon foot massage will help you avoid this ending. How to massage your feet at home? Taking into account such nuances as: weight, age, health status and personal attitude to all these pats, pinches and strokes.

How to massage your feet?

To do acupressure foot massage, it is important to master the technique and basics of this procedure. It is highly desirable that during the procedure, the person receiving it does not sit, but sits comfortably on a couch, sofa or bed.

The impact on the leg muscles activates blood and lymph flow, so you need to ensure their free movement throughout the body.

This is very well facilitated by the procedure. They do not go well together and can be carried out in parallel. The effect will definitely be higher.

It is also better to remove tight accessories, as well as very tight clothes and socks. We are not talking about cleanliness of feet - everyone should know and observe this.

Preparatory techniques

Are your hands cold? You need to warm them up by intensively rubbing your palms together. Touching the “ice” to the body will not only cause discomfort, but will also stimulate compression of the blood vessels in the skin, which is extremely undesirable.

The next stage is a gradual warming up of the surface of each leg with the help of stroking performed with light pressure.

Movements should be smooth, directed from the ankle to the knee, from the knee to the pelvis. By warming up the thigh muscles on the inside, the pressure and intensity of movements are reduced; on the outside, they are activated, but in moderation.

At the same time, the rule of counter movement is observed: the hands on the leg should slide in the opposite direction.

Moving downwards, the effect on the skin is weakened, carefully working only with your fingers. Moving upward, the entire surface of the palms is also involved in the work.

Finger massage

Especially appreciated by women who prefer to wear shoes on high heels. Over time, this leads to deformation of the joint at the base of the big toe and the formation of a so-called “bone”.

Several sessions of finger massage, if they do not completely get rid of this “acquisition,” will significantly reduce its size.

During one procedure, each toe is first kneaded from the ball of the foot to the base, then each phalanx is carefully rotated separately, moving clockwise and counterclockwise.

As an additional load, you can use flexion-extension of the fingers.

Foot massage

How to massage your feet? It is best to do this while the person is lying on their stomach. In this position, the muscles on the legs are most relaxed, so it is much easier to exert the desired effect on the dense skin of the inside of the foot.

  1. To warm up and relax the muscles of the foot, first stroke it, then, clasping it with your hands, stretch it between your palms 5 times, moving from the toes to the heel - if the person is lying on his back, and vice versa - if he is on his stomach.
  2. Then knead the outer edge of the foot with your fingers, perform pressing movements with the edge of a bent fist or elbow in the instep area, tap your fingers in the heel area, and then press down its edge.
  3. After this, fixing the leg with one hand, gently twist the heel with the other. Holding the lower joints of the fingers, they knead the muscles around them, making a movement to “separate” the bases of the fingers from each other.
  4. Along the line of their placement in the foot, the edge of the fist is passed several times. The impact on the outer side of the foot (tapping, pinching, pressing) should be much more delicate, since the skin here is sensitive and delicate. The direction of movement is from the fingers to the shin.

When massaging your feet, do not forget about the points indicated above. You can walk through them several times, the effect will only be positive.

Calf massage

Movement of the hands (gentle kneading, straight rubbing, rotation of the palms) is performed from the ankle to the hollow under the knee.

Moderately energetic, smooth manipulations are performed with the middle part of tightly closed fingers, fists, and the lower part of the palms. The number of repetitions for one leg is up to 7 times.

The calf muscle - if it is not stiff after excessive loads, is intensively pinched with a wide grip, without making movements to the tear.

Then they perform a series of chopping gestures, moving from bottom to top. Final stage– squeezing towards the knee, followed by a series of light pats and strokes.

When the muscle becomes stiff, the warm-up should be done longer.

Foot massage

A protruding bunion on the foot is a problem for many. To reduce the pain inside the inflamed joint and try to return it to its previous condition, it is recommended to undergo full course, including the following procedures:

  • A relaxing general massage of the foot will increase blood circulation inside it, and therefore stimulate metabolic processes in each joint.
  • Then the thumb is carefully moved slightly to the side and numerous circular movements are made. First in one direction, then in the other. After this, the finger is moved towards and away from itself several times and twitched.

Achilles tendon and ankle massage

We work with this area with the leg placed on a support. Method of work: pinching and stroking, alternating with rubbing movements.

Direction from joint to knee. When working on the joint, perform gentle rubbing and tapping with your fingertips.

After warming up, fixing the leg in one hand, grab the foot with the other and perform 7 rotational movements in both directions.

Thigh massage

The procedure is two-stage and consists of working out the back and upper surface of the thigh. Start is optional. The complex of movements includes stroking, kneading, rubbing, vibrating actions directed from the knee to the hip joint.

After repeating each element seven times, perform a squeeze with the palms, performing it towards the pelvis.

The final stage is vibrating movements with the entire palm pressed to the surface of the thigh, light tapping.

The set of exercises includes: delicate and then increasing stroking, pressing, light chopping movements along the muscle area, pinching and spiral fingering.

Performing these movements correctly, foot massage can have a strong effect on weight loss. Since the upper fat layer is intensively kneaded. In addition, you get an additional anti-cellulite effect.

This procedure is carried out both on the whole body and locally, so you can focus directly on the legs.

Movements are performed with fingers, palms, and the side of a clenched fist. Direction: from the sacrum to the lower back, from the sacrum towards the inguinal lymph nodes.

Foot massage at home

With the right approach, a foot massage at home differs from a professional one only in the coordination of movements - if the procedure is performed independently or by someone in the household.

If there is no one to help, and you can’t do self-massage of your feet, or you want to completely relax during the procedure, then you can invite a specialist to your home.

Do you want to stretch your muscles, but there is no way to pay for the services of a specialist? A video on how to properly massage your feet will help you quickly master all the basic steps of the procedure.

Foot massage for flat feet

The procedure, performed on children in infancy, will prevent the development of flat feet. For adults, the complex will relieve discomfort in the feet.

First, the lumbar spine is warmed up, which causes stimulation of the nerve endings in the legs.

If you are faced with a similar illness in young children, then you need to immediately, without delay, deal with this problem.

The effectiveness of treatment depends very much on the stage of the disease at which it is treated. Performing it gives a strong effect in combination with massage procedures.

Then they warm up the muscles in the lower legs and feet, increasing the time spent working on the fingers, their lower phalanges and the Achilles tendon. Light tickling of the inner surface of the foot is helpful.

Leg massage after a fracture

Until the moment of complete fusion of the damaged bone, in the absence of tissue breaks and violations of the integrity of the main elements over the damaged area circulatory system, the skin near the cast is lightly stroked, pinched and tapped with your fingertips.

Even such light movements lead to activation of blood and lymph flow, which will provide support for muscle tissue in the diseased area and its speedy healing.

After removing the plaster and receiving confirmation that the fracture has healed successfully, muscle tone is restored with the help of gentle rubbing and spiral fingering.

The impact is performed both over the site of injury and in areas adjacent to it, using light kneading techniques with gripping the muscles with the fingers, vibrating actions (if they do not cause discomfort).

Indications and contraindications

Despite the fact that foot massage is a useful and pleasant procedure, you should resort to it with an eye to your health condition.

Active warm-up of the feet and lower limbs should not be done by pregnant women, people with serious disorders of the cardiovascular system, or patients with thrombophlebitis complicated by dermatitis.

You cannot perform active manipulations with a person who has an elevated body temperature or painful joints in the acute stage.

For everyone else, a foot massage, especially taking into account the location of vital points, will allow you not only to pamper your body with a pleasant procedure and relax, but also to significantly improve your health.

At correct execution foot massage can quickly relieve tension and have a beneficial effect on muscles and organs, as they are directly connected to the points on the feet

Relax after have a hard day A foot massage will help restore your strength. They will help you learn how to do this procedure correctly. useful recommendations from specialists. When performed correctly, the movements can quickly relieve tension and have a beneficial effect on the muscles and organs, as they are directly connected to the points on the feet.

Having mastered the technique of massage movements, you can perform the procedure at any time.

Nuances of foot massage

Foot massage is indicated for many diseases. It is recommended to perform it for problems with blood circulation, diseases of the limbs, systematic headaches and disorders digestive system.

The beneficial effects of massage are associated with improved blood circulation and nutrition of the skin. To get maximum effect you need to know: how to properly massage the foot and use the appropriate techniques.

The massage should be performed in such a way as not to cause pain. For lower limbs apply the following types movements:

  • Point pressure with fingers.
  • Stroking with pressure.
  • Rubbing movements in the form of a spiral.
  • Touching with deep rubbing.
  • Patting movements.
  • Calm stroking at the beginning or end of the procedure.

Advice! It is convenient to massage your feet on a mat with rubber spines, on which you clean your shoes when entering your home. You can purchase a wooden roller with spikes or a Kuznetsov applicator.

Beneficial properties of massage

Foot massage differs from massage of the back and other parts of the body in that this procedure stimulates not only the muscles, but also has a positive effect on the entire body. The reason for this is the huge number of reflex points on the surface of the foot, which are responsible for various organs and systems of the body.

Useful properties Such a procedure is manifested in the following:

  • Blood supply to the legs improves. Constantly freezing toes, even in warm weather, will indicate poor blood flow.
  • Muscles are toned. The procedure is effective for flat feet and increased stress on the legs.
  • Massage helps relieve tension in the legs, which prevents nervous breakdowns.

Advice! All areas of the sole and foot are sensitive. If your feet are hypothermic, a runny nose or cold may appear. Feet should be kept warm, but warm time It is useful to walk on sand, pebbles and dew.

  • Feeling constantly tired.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Insomnia.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Metabolic problems.

Such problems are not considered diseases, but they cause great inconvenience. If you perform a foot massage, it will affect the quality of blood flow, activate the internal organs and lift your mood.

Foot massage: how to do it correctly?

The procedure should be performed in a calm environment. This helps relieve muscle tension.

The main movements are made by the upper phalanx or the pad of the thumb. The pressing force is determined individually. It depends on the patient's health condition.

When performing a massage yourself, you must follow the following rules:

  • The reflexogenic zone should be massaged slowly, working every millimeter of the foot.
  • When pressing on some points, particularly painful sensations occur. This indicates problems with the organ for which this area is responsible. The painful area must be treated especially carefully.
  • You need to click on the same point several times.
  • The massage is carried out no earlier than an hour after eating.

Advice!For preventive purposes, massage should be performed for twenty minutes a day. For chronic diseases, at least 20 sessions are required.

Points on the foot

On the foot there is large number reflex zones. When performing a massage you need to know them:

Advice! Foot massage, continuing to the center of the folds on the buttock, is performed for hemorrhoids, lumbago and radiculitis.

Types of foot massage

There are many techniques for performing foot massage.

Point technique

This technique is considered one of the oldest. In the east they were sure that on the sole there was a map of all systems and organs human body. And influencing the points will help you get rid of many diseases.

Advice! Light movements are performed at the end and beginning of the massage. They allow you to establish contact with the body and relax the muscles. At the same time, stroking movements are made.

Thai technique

This technique appeared in Thailand a long time ago, but it came there from India. The essence of the technique is to influence the energy flows that connect individual points and human organs. Problem areas that need restoration are massaged.

Advice! One of the important conditions for the procedure is a relaxing environment. The session can be carried out with pleasant music and dim lighting.

Massage for flat feet

The practice of foot massage includes knowledge of how to do it correctly if you have flat feet.

This type of massage is recommended if a problem is detected early. The procedure lasts about 8–12 minutes. The course consists of 12 sessions. Attention should be paid not only to the feet, but also to the lower back. Massage movements are performed from the tips of the toes to the shins. Massaging movements are performed in the form of pressing, rubbing and chopping. The procedure should be completed by kneading and stroking the foot.

Advice! Kneading, chopping, effleurage and stroking can be applied to the front area of ​​the thighs. To the soles and shins - stroking and rubbing.

Reflex massage

This type of massage allows you to strengthen the immune system, as well as heal the body and put it in order. nervous system. In this case, certain areas on the feet are massaged, which are reflexively connected to internal organs. Such movements will help get rid of many problems. Treatment of the foot should be accompanied by a change in pressure - from weak to stronger.

Advice! The use of mechanical devices - gurneys, sticks and rollers - has less effect than finger massage.

Classic foot massage

In the east, foot massage is called happiness for the feet. The most important effect of massage is the stimulation of natural healing mechanisms. When certain areas are affected, the function of problem organs is normalized.
The procedure includes deep kneading, shaking, patting, chopping and effleurage. For a tonic effect, the session is carried out at an accelerated pace.

Massage for children's feet

Such manipulations should be presented in the form of a game. Massage is recommended for the development of flat feet and club feet.

The set of exercises is selected individually. In case of severe problems with the foot, the procedure should be performed by a specialist.

Parents can perform foot massage for preventive purposes. It helps:

  • Increase muscle tone.
  • Strengthen the baby's musculoskeletal system.
  • Prevent the development of foot deformities.
  • Improves blood circulation.

The first massage movements can be performed from the second month of the baby’s life. They involve light stroking. All actions should bring pleasure to the baby.

At 4–5 months, rubbing of the surface of the sole and the entire foot and pressure are added.

At 8–9 months, light finger twirling is added.

As the year approaches, you can work on individual areas of the leg. The impact is on the heels, toes and arch of the foot. Tapping, rubbing and kneading are also performed.

The following set of exercises is used:

  1. Stroking the foot with the pads of the fingers.
  2. Feet are rubbing light touches from heel to toe and back.
  3. The number 8 is drawn on the sole.
  4. Circular rubbing is performed clockwise and counterclockwise.
  5. The number 7 is drawn. A line is drawn under the toes, and then lowered to the heel.
  6. The foot is rotated clockwise and back.
  7. The foot bends and extends.
  8. Every finger is rubbed.
  9. Fingers are rotated and flexed.
  10. The lesson ends with stroking.

The time of the procedure depends on the child’s mood. It is recommended to perform the procedure every day. To improve the result, you should combine foot and leg massage.

Advice! You can't massage crying child. The lesson for infants should take a few minutes. During exercises you need to talk to your baby.

Secrets of performing erotic foot massage

Erotic foot massage is performed using aromatic oils. Some tips will tell you how to do it correctly. Oils soothe and relax. For this massage, rose oil, sandalwood and patchouli are used. Essential compounds can be added to base oil for massage. All movements are performed softly and delicately.

Even a gentle massage requires rubbing the entire body. Circular movements and pressure are applied to the back. When massaging the foot, pressure is applied to the inner and outer surface of the foot. After pressing and stroking, pinching is performed.

Are there any contraindications?

There are temporary and permanent contraindications. Temporary ones include increased temperature, sensitivity of the skin, exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system or kidneys.

Advice! Before performing a foot massage, pregnant women should consult a doctor.

Features of self-massage

The big advantage of foot massage is that you can do it yourself.

Self-massage is performed as follows:

  1. The massage begins on the outside of the foot, on the instep. At the same time, stroking movements are made.
  2. Zigzag, spiral, circular and straight rubbings are performed. Movements are made with the pads of the fingers, the edge of the palm or the ridge of the fingers of the fist.
  3. Circular movements are made from the toes to the heel and vice versa.
  4. Rubbing movements are performed using the thumbs.
  5. Each finger is rubbed, as well as twisted and stretched.
  6. Finally, smoothing movements of the feet are performed.

By performing a foot massage you can provide yourself with good mood and well-being for the whole day.

Every person needs rest. Foot massage, in addition to its healing qualities, provides true pleasure, which relieves fatigue and tones the body.

The procedure can be performed either independently at home or use the services of a professional.

By performing a foot and leg massage, you can cure quite serious illnesses, save your legs from further diseases. You can perform the procedure yourself at home or use the services of a professional. Having mastered the massage technique, you can do something pleasant for your loved one, relaxing him after a hard day at work.


We can say about this type of massage that it is slightly different in impact from other types of massage. Most massage techniques work directly on the muscles. By performing this procedure, in addition to the effect on the muscles, there is a beneficial effect on the entire body. This is explained by the fact that in the area of ​​the feet there are a large number of biologically active points, which in turn are responsible for the condition of the body as a whole.

In the area of ​​the feet there are a large number of biologically active points, which in turn are responsible for the condition of the body as a whole.

Let's give an example: in the area of ​​​​the feet there are many active points connected directly to the spine. Therefore, by stimulating certain points, you can get rid of back pain, as well as completely solve problems with the spine. In the same way, problems with vision, hearing, and digestion can be solved.

Each of us wants to bring pleasant emotions to our loved ones and loved ones. That is why we will now perform the procedure for our loved one. This technique will be useful as self-massage. To do this, you need to create a feeling of comfort during the procedure: place a pillow or a soft blanket rolled up under the knee. This will reduce the risk of any unpleasant sensations during the sensation.

It doesn’t matter at all whether you have perfected the technique or are just learning this art - the patient should feel comfortable. To do this, you need to create the appropriate atmosphere: first of all, take care of a comfortable body temperature. In the meantime, while you massage one leg, you can wrap the other in a warm terry towel.

For greater efficiency and relaxation, use aroma oils. This aroma effect will have an even greater relaxing effect. In addition to oils, you can use warming massage creams that will relieve the patient of heaviness in the legs.

For greater efficiency and relaxation, use aroma oils. This aroma effect will have an even greater relaxing effect.


  1. We take the foot and begin to actively warm it up. We perform warming actions with the palm and phalanges of the fingers, alternating them in equal proportions.
  2. After warming up the foot, rub each toe separately. We perform the movements with the pads of our fingers.
  3. Afterwards, we carry out circular movements over the entire surface of the foot with a sore finger. In those places where rough skin is felt, the movements are more intense and strong, in delicate places - softer.
  4. Let's move on to the next step. We take the foot in one hand, and with the other hand we take the area at the base of the ankle. Gently rotate first in one direction, then in the other.
  5. Let's move on to the lower leg. We perform rubbing movements, then circular movements, describing each muscle.
  6. Having warmed up the shin thoroughly, move on to the upper part of the leg. It is not recommended to stimulate the area on the inside of the knee, since in this area the vessels and capillaries are very close to the skin. Perform soft circular movements over the entire surface of the leg, using the buttock area.

Foot massage for varicose veins: how to do it correctly

  1. The procedure for varicose veins should be performed very gently and carefully, with stroking movements from the foot to the thigh. It is recommended to carry out this procedure after a little gymnastics for the legs.
  2. We place our feet on a soft hill and begin to perform massaging movements with our palms. 7 minutes is enough.
  3. Afterwards, we move on to stroking. You should start from the lower sections, ending with the area near the groin area. It is necessary to perform stroking, the skin should not move.
  4. After the massage, your legs should rest a bit. To do this, you need to keep them at a height for some time.


Massage for varicose veins must be performed very carefully. In some cases it is contraindicated:

  • Inflamed venous nodes;
  • Leg ulcers;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Vacuum and cupping massages are prohibited;

The foot massage procedure can include both a therapeutic effect and an absolute relaxing remedy that will be pleasant for anyone. Give more pleasant and at the same time healthy moments, and your life will take on new bright colors.