Karmic knots: what is it, how to diagnose and eliminate them. What is a karmic knot and how to untie it - Women's Sangha

Karmic knot- this is a phenomenon associated with the fact that two souls have a special connection with each other. Such a connection is caused by debts, mutual claims and bad deeds that people have committed against each other. The knot is formed not so much because of a bad deed, but because of the negative state of a person’s soul at the time of events.

Such nodes usually pass through many past lives. If people do not resolve issues that have arisen among themselves, do not discuss problems, do not forgive actions, the knot becomes larger and larger.

A karmic knot is an involuntary interdependence of souls from each other, predetermined from above. Such two people are destined by fate to be close, live side by side, work together, etc. And it doesn't matter if they want it. As a rule, such a karmic connection exists until the moment when people understand, redeem and resolve this karmic knot (and obligations to each other).

Regardless of their desire, people will be next to each other for many lives - as long as it takes to untie the knot and make their hearts free from the accumulated bad emotions towards each other.

What effect does the karmic knot have

A karmic knot almost always has a bad effect on people's relationships and any joint activity, and also introduces bias and negativity into relationships.

It is worth saying that both two and three can get into the knot, or more persons. Often, so-called love triangles are the result of karmic knots created as a result of mistakes made in past lives.

Why is it called karmic

Karma remembers all the mistakes and bad deeds that people do towards others, and ties such people in a knot until they correct these mistakes.

Karma also removes the knot, releasing the souls to freedom from heavy mutual dependence, only when they atoned for sins, sincerely apologized and sincerely forgave.

How to find out about the existence of a node

  • You have episodes of sudden negativity, irritability, claims against a person for no reason.
  • you have constant quarrels for various reasons, including minor ones.
  • you definitely do not want to communicate with a person, but, despite your desire, fate pushes you together again and again.
  • even if a person is now many kilometers away from you, thinking about him, you experience a strong negative, do not trust him, are afraid, despise or experience other unpleasant feelings.

How to remove a karmic knot

The removal of karmic knots necessarily takes place in the presence and with the participation of the Forces of Karma, and only if they approve of it. You can remove the knot only if justice is restored, that is, when the people connected with the knot, or at least one of them, corrected their mistakes.

Thus, the node can be destroyed unilaterally. If one of the participants in the knot understood the reason for its appearance, corrected everything, apologized and forgave, Karma may allow you to release him from the karmic knot. In relation to such a person, bad influences are repaid, and those who did not realize their guilt, did not apologize and did not eradicate the harm done, continue to act. Karma is cruel to them, and they bear severe punishment for the evil they have done.

Withdrawal procedure:

1) It is necessary to find out what became the reason for the formation of a karmic knot. Usually, this is a certain event that happened to people who significantly violated the laws of spirituality. A common knot is the love triangle. Here is an example: a woman cheated on her husband, and when the man found out, he killed his rival and ended up in places not so remote. In the next incarnations, all three of them will again be tested, so that they can correct the mistakes that they have made.

An experienced Spiritual Healer with extrasensory abilities. It’s definitely impossible to find out the reason for tying the knot yourself, because sins and mistakes were committed in past lives that we don’t remember.

2) When the cause of the knot becomes known, it is obvious what mistakes the person made, then it will be possible to start working on removing the knot, in particular, to realize one’s guilt, apologize, repay debts ( we are talking not about material debt, but about spiritual debt). If before you did not want to work, forcing the other to work for you doubly, now it is worth doing the work for two. If in the past you often offended others, now is the time to become a protector of the offended and weak.

3) After the atonement of sins, it is necessary to conduct a specific ritual. This can be done by the Spiritual Healer, who has a special right to conduct removal rituals. Only representatives of Karma can destroy the node and stop its consequences in relation to a person.

However, it also happens that a person good deeds, committed constantly, as if it redeems the knots that connect it with others. AT this case doing the ritual is not at all necessary, because the Forces of Karma remove the karmic knot from a person just like that, on the basis of his positive deeds. But this happens quite rarely and not with all nodes. Still, as a rule, in order to untie the knots, the persons who created them by their actions must realize their guilt and admit mistakes, repent and take all measures to correct the situation.

When the karmic knots that bind people finally disappear, the energy threads between them acquire purity and become lighter, acquire a white-gold hue, become good energy, the rays of which are transmitted from heart to heart.

Sometimes we encounter situations that we cannot resolve within years. Problematic relationships with relatives, a series of failures and illnesses, loneliness or lack of money may be the result of negative experiences. past life- karmic knot. By untying it, you can get rid of problems and achieve what you want.

According to Eastern teachings, every person has karma. This is the experience of past incarnations, remembered by our soul and transferred from life to life. It can be both positive and negative, embodied in relationships, fate and karmic marriage, but in any case, such an experience is always aimed at benefiting our soul.

However, there are situations that cannot be resolved: they bother us for a long time and are constantly present in our lives. Such phenomena are called karmic lessons, or karmic knots. Unlike natural karmic experiences, they are working off the mistakes we made in a past life.

Signs of karmic knots

There are several signs by which one can distinguish ordinary negative events from a karmic lesson that needs to be worked out. If the first is a normal move human life with all sorrows and joys, then the second is past mistakes that will haunt a person from life to life until a way is found to solve the problem and untie the karmic knot.

Signs indicating the presence of karmic knots:

  • negative emotions associated with a situation, place or person since childhood;
  • extremely difficult relationship with one of the relatives;
  • serious illness;
  • extremely negative love relationship that do not bring joy;
  • obsessive fear haunting you.

All these signs indicate that in your life leading role plays a karmic lesson that you need to live and let go, getting rid of the problem. Practitioners and esotericists name three sure ways to untie karmic knots on an energy level and allow life to take its course without exposing you to endless trials.

Learn and teach. You can look at any situation and any relationship from different angles. The doctrine of karma tells you to put yourself in the place of another in order to understand him. The same can be done with any situation. For example, the claims and endless accusations of relatives can be answered with the understanding that each person does not like in others what he himself suffers from.

To help a loved one get rid of his bad character trait, to accept and love him as he is, means to untie the karmic knot, having learned to look from the other side and teaching the other to love.

Forgive and let go. Often a tragic event in which another person is guilty becomes a serious life lesson. Such situations never happen just like that, and from the point of view of karmic teachers, they are working off your deeds in past incarnations. A difficult, but the only true way in such a situation is to forgive the offender in your heart and the ability to find the strength in yourself to live on without blaming or cursing.

Get over yourself. Often we ourselves are the main karmic knot in our destiny. Flaws in appearance that drive us crazy, a complex character or illnesses are also working off past experience. In this situation, it is necessary to learn a difficult but possible thing: to accept and love yourself. Meditations, bodily practices, or advice from people who love and appreciate you can help with this.

Knowing how to change Fate and clear karma, you can achieve serious changes for the better and attract joy, prosperity and happiness into your life. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.01.2017 05:04

Karma binds people, forcing them to correct the mistakes of the past or experience some emotions that are echoes of the past...

KARMIC KNOTS. Often there are situations when people want, but cannot change the situation that does not suit them. life situation. There are many such examples. This is also unhappy love, when one person loves another who does not pay attention to him. These are dysfunctional families where husband and wife are in conflict and almost hate each other, but for various reasons they do not diverge. This is also industrial relations, when employees are in conflict, but do not have the strength or ability to change something.
There are many such situations in life. Despite the external diversity, common features can be distinguished in them, namely: people are dissatisfied with the current situation, but do not have the strength and ability to change it,
Here various folk terms like “curse”, “rock” or unfortunate fate are involuntarily recalled. In the theory of karma, such situations are called “karmic knot”.

According to classical concepts, a karmic knot is a situation in which the souls of dead people who created a problematic situation in one of their past lives gather again and try to solve the same problem again. Moreover, in relation to the past, the situation can become a mirror image. The former rapist becomes a victim, the victim gains power over him. And so on - depending on who idealized and violated what.
Karmic knots are tied when conflict situations when one (or several) people allow violence (or resentment) in relation to another person. An example is rape, murder or injury, hooliganism, beating, theft or robbery with long-term consequences for the victim, causing material damage or other severe offense. The offended person dies without forgiving the offender - thus a karmic knot is tied. In subsequent lives, they will meet until the offended person forgives his offender.
Moreover, the knot is not always tied at the events listed above. And only when one of the parties to the conflict considers itself unfairly offended. If she considers the event to be an accident or a punishment for some kind of sin, then the knot usually does not arise.

Diagnosis of karmic knots
Detecting the presence of a karmic knot can be both simple and difficult. Simply because the karmic knot is (by definition) characterized by dissatisfaction with the existing situation. A situation that you cannot change, and in which a second specific person is involved. If this person is known to you, then there is only one problem - how to untie this knot. But not everything is simple here either. For decoupling, it is very useful to know how this node appeared, what events formed its basis.
And how do you know what happened to you in one of your past lives? Here, either clairvoyant or enlightened healers are needed, or you need to use the methods of reincarnation therapy. With the latter it is quite difficult, there are very few specialists in our country.
In addition, you can try to communicate with your subconscious and pull out the necessary information from there. If contact with the subconscious gives good results, do not forget to ask him what you need to do to get out of your karmic knot.

But a person does not always know the second participant in his karmic knot. Sometimes there is dissatisfaction with life or other problems, but it is not known who is the second member of the node. For example, a person suddenly loses interest in life or an undiagnosed disease appears, and there are no reasonably explainable reasons for the occurrence of this event. There are no idealizations, resentment against life and other grounds for “
upbringing". But there are problems brought from another life. And you can unearth them either with the help of the same clairvoyant, or at a session of reincarnation therapy, or when communicating with your subconscious. There are ways out, only you need not be lazy to do at least something.

Signs of denouement of a karmic knot
In the presence of a karmic knot, as we have already indicated, a person is dissatisfied with some situation in his life. From this it is clear that a sign of the denouement of a karmic knot is a state of inner peace, satisfaction, well-being, the removal of claims against another person, the cure of a complex disease. Sometimes, when untying a knot, the marks on the body even disappear (for example, birthmarks), karmic diseases usually go away, the situation in fate changes.
A karmic knot unites several people - at least two, as you understand. If only one person has karmic problems, then this is closer to “

erroneous beliefs or solving individual karmic problems.
The emergence of a karmic knot. A karmic knot may appear not only because of the mistakes of our ancestors in past lives. It is quite possible to earn it in this life. There are quite enough ways - remember the “vessel of karma”. Any of your actions, as a result of which a person offended by you appears, can lead to the tying of a karmic knot.

And if we ourselves do not identify and eliminate this knot today, then our descendants will have to untie it. This is exactly what the ancestors of our contemporaries did - those who are experiencing karmic problems today.

Therefore, in order for us and our descendants to live happily, let's not conflict with other people and tie new karmic knots. There are many options for karmic knots, and each knot has its own characteristics. Typical karmic knots
It seems to us that in a family a karmic knot can consist in a situation where a husband and wife do not love each other, but cannot part. Often this situation looks like when the wife does not love and condemns her husband, and he does not have the strength to break this connection and becomes an inveterate drunkard.
A variant of a love karmic knot - a girl loves young man and he loves another. Or sometimes a girl refuses to marry a loved one for some mental reasons such as morality, public opinion, etc. With such a development of events, her sexual karmic task is not solved, and the souls of lovers will have to meet again in the next life.
At work, a karmic knot can be characterized protracted conflict one or more employees, constant conflicts between the founders of the enterprise, or between the boss and one of his subordinates.
Now it's time to consider what are the ways of untying karmic knots. There are at least three of them. Let's consider them in more detail.

Three ways to untie karmic knots
So, ways to untie karmic knots:
1. Awareness of the problem and Christian repentance.
2. Awareness of the problem and a change in attitude to life.
3. Using the help of enlightened healers.
The first way is awareness of one's problem and Christian repentance.

Christian remorse
What is the realization of the presence of a karmic knot in you, you already understand. The karmic knot is characterized by a situation that does not suit you, which you cannot change by ordinary means. You can’t do it yourself - ask for help from the Higher Forces. The easiest way to do this is by using the rituals of your religion.
Accordingly, if you are a baptized Christian, then you have a direct path to the church for confession, repentance or unction. This path is not easy, because the effect will be only with your complete and sincere humility and openness. The game of repentance can deceive the priest, but not Higher power. And not every modern person who is used to hiding his thoughts and emotions from others will be able to break his own pride and lay out all his problems to an unfamiliar priest.
This path becomes acceptable if the karmic knot “
got it”

you already to the liver. Nowhere to go, it won't get any worse. Therefore, you have to humble your pride and repent. Church repentance is a very powerful tool for clearing karma, and can help untie the karmic knot. Moreover, it is unlikely that it will be possible to persuade your “partner” in the karmic knot to repent. He may still try to continue with his task, and you will change your attitude towards this task. Calmness and humility will come in your soul, sympathy for the “partner” in the karmic knot will appear - this is a sign of the denouement of your knot.

Change in attitude towards life.
The second way to unleash a karmic knot is to realize the problem and change your attitude to life. This path can be used by people who are not believers and, due to a variety of circumstances, who are unable to use the help of the church. They will have to extricate themselves from the karmic knot in a different way. It also begins with the realization of the presence of a karmic knot and an understanding of why it arose and what needs to be done to untie it. The next step is to change your attitude towards life in such a way that the level in your karma vessel begins to decrease. To do this, you need to accept and be guided by one of the life positions that allow you to avoid idealization and excessive involvement in the events taking place around you. This approach is especially effective for completely fresh karmic knots that we tie in our current life. Perhaps it is far from harmful to remember to whom we caused trouble and insults, and at least mentally ask for their forgiveness. But if you do it in reality, the effect will be much better.

Help healers
The third way to untie the karmic knot is to use the help of enlightened healers.
The soul can be cured by correcting erroneous views on life, by changing the consciousness of a person. But it's not easy. Moreover, most healers themselves are burdened with excessive worries about material well-being, resentment towards life, or “

But healers, even the most outstanding ones, need to be contacted only after understanding the causes of problems in your life, realizing the presence of a karmic knot and approximate ways to untie it.
1. The karmic knot is characterized by a situation that does not suit people, from which they cannot get out with all their efforts.
2. A karmic knot consists of at least two people.
3. There are three options for resolving a karmic knot:
christian repentance,
change in attitude towards life
help of enlightened healers.

Karma, simply put, is the law of cause and effect.

Within one lifetime, causes and effects are clearly visible: if a person does something good, then he will also receive good in return, and if he does bad, he will receive bad in return.

However, the eternal soul travels from life to life, changing bodies just as we change clothes within one lifetime.

The memory of past lives is closed for most people, but this does not mean that karma is also closed. On the contrary, the seeds sown in a past life grow in the present.

If a person did good deeds in a past life, then favorable consequences await him in this life. Conversely, if the actions were bad, then the consequences will be the same.

In a simplified understanding of karma, it is customary to talk about actions. But in fact, it is not the actions that matter, but the thoughts and emotions with which these actions were performed. A person can perform good deeds on the external level, but inside himself he is bargaining - they say, if I do a good deed, I will be rewarded for it. - Will not be!

This nuance of the karmic law explains cases when apparently virtuous people are unlucky in life. However, the same situation of bad luck good people can also arise when a large supply of negative karma was accumulated in a past life.

Karma is positive and negative. Positive karma usually does not raise any questions from anyone. And, in principle, positive karma is good for everyone, except for one thing - it does not create reasons for development. And, indeed, when everything is good, when everything is there, then there is nothing to strive for. So to say, the “karmic holidays” have come. They say about such people: “rolls like cheese in butter”.

However, this situation is not so frequent - almost everyone has some amount of negative karma. And therefore quite a large number of people think about the question: “Why did this happen to me?”

Negative karma forces a person to atonement. In general, the karmic law allows souls to understand what is “good” and what is “bad”.

Redemption of karma occurs through its working off. In other words, in order to atone for karma, you will need to work, work hard.

Karma can overtake a person at three levels:
- the event is far away;
- event nearby;
- event with me.

The “event far away” level is the easiest and is given to a person either for minor negative actions, or for actions that he himself did not personally commit, but which he was present at.

This level of working off karma happens many times a day when we listen to news reports about certain negative events, disasters, etc. We learn that something bad happened somewhere, but these distant events do not affect us personally.

The manifestation of sympathy for those who suffered in those distant events redeems the karma of this level.

The second level is more difficult. “An event nearby” occurs when a person in the past was the direct creator of some negative reasons, but these reasons were not very severe. “Event nearby” is something bad that happens to close people to whom a person is attached. This may be the illness of a loved one, his life difficulties or even death.

The most difficult level of working off karma is the “event with me”. That is, these are certain events that occur personally with a person. It can be failures in life or illness. In the most severe cases, karma is worked out through death.

Despite the fact that karma is inevitable, very often (not always, but, indeed, often) there is an opportunity to transfer it from the most difficult level to easier ones.

The main thing to do for this is to accept karma in your thoughts and emotions. In Christianity, there is a suitable term for this - humility. And humility does not mean passivity. This is precisely the acceptance of the event, the absence of emotional and mental protest. When the event is accepted, negative emotions and there are no thoughts about it, then in a miraculous way (if karma is not fatal, which happens rarely!) Opportunities for solving the problems that have arisen open up. This is what true humility is. In contrast to ostentatious humility, when a person on the external level behaves extremely badly, but inside him everything protests and boils with indignation.

Once karma is accepted, concrete steps must be taken to correct it.

Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life.

Below I give clues that will be useful to you in analyzing the situations that happen to you in life.

1. External equals internal.

2. Like attracts like.

3. Start paying attention to what is happening around and inside you.

4. If you notice something around and it causes you certain thoughts and emotions, therefore, it is present in you; you should learn some lesson from this situation.

5. If you don't like something in others, then it is present in you.

6. If we avoid something, it means that pain or fear is hidden behind it.

7. Doing something, be present at what you are doing.

8. Once in any situation, be present at what is happening. If you feel like running away, see how you do it.

9. When you do something, do not blame yourself, but analyze everything that happened before, during and after, including your thoughts, feelings and premonitions, and learn a lesson from the situation.

10. Situations are generated or attracted by your thoughts and blocks.

11. Our blocks are what we need to know and understand about this world.

12. If you find yourself in the same situation or are constantly sick, then you are going through some kind of lesson. What should you understand from this situation?

13. You are the reason for what happens to you.

14. Don't try to change the world or the people around you, change yourself first. When you change yourself, the people around you will change, the world will change.

15. If you tell yourself and others that you have already changed, therefore, you have not changed at all, this is a mask.

16. If you tell yourself and others that everything is in order in some area of ​​your life, then there is a complete mess. This is what the mask says. This is where you need to take a closer look at yourself.

17. Do not consider the advice given to you and the help offered to you as an allusion to your shortcomings and inability to solve the problem yourself / yourself.

18. When you do not have something that you want to have, therefore, you either do not want or do not really intend to have it. To get something specific, describe to yourself clearly what you want. Learn to cut the crystal of thought.

19. Never think about what people can give you or what you want from them. In doing so, you lose your attractiveness.

20. Forget about striving to be strong. True strength lies in love and attention to yourself and the environment.

21. A man becomes free and able to act when a woman, loving him, refuses to possess him.

23. Money doesn't come from not enjoying living in poverty.

24. Your attention is the channel through which energy flows to nourish thought. Creative energy follows thought.

25. Negative emotions don't bring what you want, they only bring what you don't want.

26. Dreams and fantasies show you your potential.

27. Imagination takes you beyond limits and releases your potential.

28. If you keep telling yourself why you can't have the object of your dreams, you will never get it. Start telling yourself why you can have what you want.

29. View money and material objects not from the point of view of satisfying your own needs, but as a tool for self-knowledge, fuller self-expression and realization of your potential.

30. Focus on what you want to have, not on getting rid of what you don't want. Many do not know exactly what they want, but they know exactly what they do not want.

31. If you can't believe something is possible, you will never have it.

32. Owning money is not as important as mastering the process of creating it.

33. Learning to create well-being in your life is the process of your growth.


Message *)) » 02 Apr 2014, 15:47

Since karma exists for learning and NOT for meaningless suffering, in the New Age - the Third Millennium of Our Era - many methods of transforming karma are given to mankind. "New Consciousness" and deals with one of them. It is possible to break the vicious circle of karma if scientifically work on this process. Now is the time. It is time for mankind to live with dignity and happiness. Therefore, the laws by which karma is created are first revealed to him, the goals of karma are explained, and only then methods are given, applying which a person (having understood the laws and goals of karma) can improve his fate.)

For example, you need to know that karma, among others, has three important features which we must take into account when working with karma. It is a function of shaking, settling (or compensating) and stimulating.

So, if a person is insensitive to the voice of the Soul, the Higher "I", to the correct spiritual values, then the Higher "I" has to organize trouble or misfortune for him. After intense stress and a forced twist of fate, a person finally has to change their values ​​and STOP DOING SOMETHING WRONG.

Illnesses, misfortunes, conflicts are the instrument of "shaking".

But misfortune can "shake" a person for another reason - when he fulfilled a misunderstood duty, and, on the contrary, did not fulfill what the Soul demanded of him.

Very many people turn to spiritual work on themselves only when they get sick, or if they are “squeezed” by poverty, or if conflicts occur in a series. And then, when there is “nowhere to run”, a person remembers God and his own Soul.

The function of the settlement (compensation) of karma I call what we used to call God's punishment.

The Lord does NOT punish, but a person suffers through the law of karma, which makes him experience the pain inflicted on other beings. The law of karma also requires a person to correct the evil he had previously done: return the stolen, suffered from the hand of his own victim, whitewash the undeservedly slandered and fell in love with everyone whom he refused to love, whom he had offended before.

It is envisaged by the program of our development that man (before he takes a significant evolutionary step forward) extinguishes most their karmic debts and compensated for the harm they had done to other beings in the past. This happens because going forward is easier without a heavy load, because a heavy load will "pull" a person back.

But, if a person has learned to do good, to work and develop, to take responsibility for other people (and not just for members of his family) - and does it on his own, without prodding, then the function of tension (or stimulation) softens for him. Why push a man if he goes by himself?

Therefore, if we want our karma to be good and life happy, then we ourselves, WITHOUT any misfortunes, must perform all these three important functions of karma: shaking, regulating and stimulating!

Talking about karma, many associate this word with some kind of fate, providence, sudden happy or tragic events and miss a very important thing - it turns out that karma primarily affects a person’s character. There are happy characters. These people are loved by everyone, and everyone seeks to benefit the owner of this character.

In contrast to happy characters, there are characters that are unhappy from birth or deteriorated at 7 years old, at 14 years old, at 21 years old or at 28 years old. (In some cases, the age differs by 1-2 years in one direction or the other.)

Why can character deteriorate in these years? Because these critical (as it is already known in modern psychology) years characterize certain stages of a person's development, and at each such stage he meets with another portion of his past karma.

The age of 7 years corresponds to the maturation of the physical body and gives way to physical karma.

The age of 14 characterizes the maturation of the human astral body and corresponds to the release of emotional karma.

The age of 21 marks the maturation of the mental body and awakens mental karma.

And, finally, the age of 28 corresponds to the maturation of the causal (causal body) of a person and gives a full release of karma.

How does karma work in a person's life?

Karma is complex structure consisting of several parts. These parts, the components of karma, have a different effect on a person and have a different origin.

“In order to understand at least the most general concepts about human Karma, it is necessary to single out from its complex composition three categories of forces that build human destiny:

1. Human thought. This power builds a person's character. What his thoughts are, such will be the man himself.

2. Desire and will of man. Desire and will, which are two poles of the same force, unite a person with the object of his desire and direct him to where this desire can be satisfied.

3. The actions of a person. If a person’s actions bring contentment and happiness to other living beings, they will respond with the same contentment and happiness to himself, but if they cause others suffering, they will bring the same suffering to him, no more and no less.

Let's consider this definition in more detail.

1. Thought builds a person's character. Nowhere is man so clearly and immutably the creator of his destiny as in the realm of the mind.

Aspirations created in one incarnation are transformed in a new incarnation into abilities, repetitive thoughts into inclinations, volitional impulses into activity, all kinds of trials are transformed into wisdom, and the sufferings of the soul into its conscience.

2. Desire and its highest form, will, are the most powerful creative forces of the Universe….

Desires, i.e., a person’s inner desires for external objects, always attract him to that environment where these desires can be satisfied: the desire for earthly things chains our soul to the earth, high desires draw it to heaven. That is why it is said: "A man will be born according to his desires."

3. Actions set the exact size of happiness. If a man's actions have been the cause of suffering for others, he will suffer in the same measure himself; if they brought joy or prosperity to others, this will be reflected in his subsequent incarnation in the form of favorable earthly conditions.

Compensation regulates karma, makes it pure, lightens the burden of a person and eliminates the imbalance of forces in his energy structure.

The next function of karma is tension or stimulation. Since the main goal of earthly existence is evolution, the disclosure of the potential forces and abilities that exist in us, a person striving for relaxation and an easy life will not be able to fulfill the tasks of his own development well enough. Then for him there is a "whip of evolution" - hard and tense conditions in which he will be placed by life itself.

Often we notice that sometimes serious trials and problems benefit a person. By resolving them, he improves. It is right to meet any problem as a challenge, as a struggle, imagining that you are a spiritual warrior. After all, it is the problem, forcing us to overcome ourselves, that opens up a place for achievement in life.

Poverty, harsh living conditions and harsh natural responsibilities (such as the responsibility of parents to children or children to parents) are powerful stimulants for development. All these factors make a person work hard to improve his karma.

Mistakes in the fight against negative karma.

There are difficult periods in the life of every person when he works out bad karma. Unexpected bad incidents that fall like “thunder from a clear sky”, illnesses that suddenly put a person to bed for a long time, loss of loved ones, etc., etc. Some people have more bad karma for this life, while others then less. Often a person thinks: “I am so good, but such tragedies happen to me, but he is so bad, but he lives happily ever after.” Since every person believes in the justice of God, of life itself, as soon as something bad begins to happen to him, he hangs on himself the stigma of “the very last bad man”, begins to feel humiliated compared to other people. But no one is “better” or “worse”, just because it is with him that a bad event happens. It's just that his "personal karmic schedule" is as follows.

Living in a society of people, we all observe that everyone has a different “karmic load” and, unfortunately, we constantly compare, compare, compare ... But it would be right to learn not to evaluate anyone (including ourselves) by the amount of happiness or suffering.

Why? Because, by the will of our Soul, in some lives a person works out more of his karma, in some - less. If a person in this life works out more karma, then his life will be clearly harder than the lives of other people, in this life there is less suffering, then his life will look to others as "solid pleasure." The schedule of "karma duty" is different for everyone. The one who now lives easily, most likely, in past lives just “was on duty”, and the one who is very difficult now, he is working out his “outfit”. But that fact alone does NOT mean anything.

These periods - working off bad karma - have a very mysterious "healing" effect on a person. “Mysterious” because try to guess for what reason you “got sick” and how to “treat”. What did you do wrong and what should you become in order to “quickly” fix it all. Here the person also tries - one, another, the third. Sometimes it helps, and the “disease” passes quite quickly. But when the karma is really heavy, then many attempts to improve something lead to nothing, unless they aggravate the situation.

And then a person, in addition to his bad karma, falls into despair, loses hope. This is where the biggest “trap” awaits him, set by bad karma. He stops dreaming and begins to believe that it will always be so bad.

At the same time, his karma begins to be aggravated by “negative visualization”. His subconscious is trying to realize, embody the images of "eternal torment". In this case, internal aggression quickly accumulates, which leads to new bad events.

Our inclinations can be strengthened or weakened, directed along a new channel or completely destroyed, depending on the property and strength. inner work that builds our character.

Nascent Karma is created incessantly by our thoughts, desires and deeds; it is the sowing whose fruits we will reap in the future. It is this Karma that represents the creative force of man.

Instead of being chains, the learned law of Karma gives the strong soul wings on which it can rise to the spheres of boundless freedom” (H.P. Blavatsky, “Karma, or the Law of Cause and Effect”).

Taking this phrase as a guide to action, we can begin to work scientifically with karma, and the first step along this path should be to change our character and spontaneous reactions to ongoing events. About ourselves - we believe that something external makes us unhappy. In reality, we carry our misfortunes with us, like a snail that carries its house on itself.

Man, by his character, by his thinking, by his mode of action and by his choices, attracts certain events to himself.

A person creates a significant part of his negative karma already in this life. That is, bad karma makes a person, as it were, “manifest it”, it is embodied primarily in the character of a person and in his energies - and only later does it turn into real bad events.

It is embodied NOT instantly, but with some delay, after a certain period of time.

Karma "works" in such a way that one initial mistake of a person (caused by flaws in his character) generates in space such a response that causes a person to make even more mistakes.

One of the main dangers of the karma of past lives is that it has the ability to "recreate itself" anew - coil by coil. At the same time, it reinforces a person's erroneous reaction to what is happening every time and makes his erroneous behavior patterns even more rigid.

Imagine this chain: a person's negative karma gives him a tendency to react wrongly, and this "turns on" his strong feelings. Strong feelings lead to erroneous actions and their negative consequences which, in turn, increase the amount of negative karma.

A new, even more burdened karma causes an even stronger tendency to react erroneously, and, as you already understood, a person "goes through the second circle" of his karma, then the third, and so on.

With each round of such karma, the amount of pain experienced by a person increases.

And now imagine that we want to stop the winding of karma on itself.

Where do you think we should break this "negative spiral"?

Obviously, in the place where a person mistakenly reacts to a negative event. And for this it is important to take the first, important, absolutely obligatory step - to start teaching yourself the correct reaction to those events that you do not like.

A change in your reaction to a bad event that has happened breaks the ring of an obsessive thought-form, breaks the spiral of karma.

So our thoughts build our character; our desires determine what we will be surrounded by in the next life; our actions set the exact measure of our happiness, internal and external, by the amount of happiness, internal and external, that we gave to others. Now we come to another law of Karma: each force operates in its own sphere.

The laws of Karma keep the strictest account and pay for everything done by man, to the smallest fraction. The driest egoist will be born in good conditions if he has contributed to the well-being of others in the past, but whether he will be contented and happy under these conditions, or gloomy and dissatisfied, this will depend on another karmic account that sums up his motives ...

This law, embodying for us the consequences of actions committed in past lives, absolutely precisely sets the conditions in which a person incarnates. That's why:

“The reasons laid down by a person in previous incarnations determine:

a) the duration of his earthly life;

b) features of its physical shell, its positive and negative properties;

c) selection of relatives, friends, enemies and all with whom a person comes into contact;

d) social conditions;

e) the structure of the instruments of the soul: the brain and the nervous system, which determines the limits in which the forces of the soul will manifest;

f) the combination of all the joys and sufferings created by karmic causes that can be experienced by a person during the same incarnation.

In all this there is no choice for man; his choice was made in the past when he sowed, now it remains to reap the harvest.

But if the creator of thoughts has had time to think, freedom of choice is still possible: he can oppose a new thought to an inveterate thought and, energetically repeating the latter, gradually replace the old thought with it.

In this phenomenon we have the key to solving the difficult problem of free will and predestination. The free will of a person creates for him those restrictions that he calls his destiny. He limits himself to his own past thoughts; unfulfilled opportunities, erroneous preferences, unreasonable concessions; he is bound by his forgotten desires, chained by the sins of his former days.

And yet, he is free. He, who created his past, which keeps his present in shackles, can also work inside the prison he created to secure a free future for himself. When the strong man learns that he is free, his chains will fall of themselves.

From a psychological point of view, latent Karma can be seen as tendencies coming from the past. As opposed to mature, latent Karma is subject to change.

In fact, we cannot change the past, but we can change those qualities that made us make mistakes in the past. The events that happened to us a long time ago (and even in past lives) will remain unchanged, but we can today, in the present, try to correct their negative consequences.

This correction should do two things: the first is to change ourselves so that we stop doing something negative, the second is to correct the consequences of the bad deeds that we have done both in this life and in the past. We can atone for this second part of karma with our kindness, namely, by the fact that in every situation when it is natural to help another suffering person, we, being distracted from our studies and affairs, from our family, donate to him part of our time, our means, our energy.

Only spiritual ideas about the world and the Supreme Values ​​that follow from them are capable of creating happy fate for humanity, (and as a consequence, for the individual). In today's unified world, no one will be able to remain happy if another unfortunate person lives next to him.


Re: Karma. Karmic knots. Karmic laws.

Message *)) » 02 Apr 2014, 15:49

There is one wonderful recipe for how to think correctly in times of bad karma. You should accept everything that happens - without resentment towards God, the Universe, realizing that those bad events that you are experiencing now, you yourself once did with others. And, having accepted your karma - then to affirm the fundamental, strong as a stone, ETERNAL HOPE. There is only one correct state of mind in relation to one's own karma: calm acceptance of it and eternal hope. In this case, the subconscious is in harmony with the world, and bad karma is eliminated with record speed in the easiest possible form.

The next manifestation of erroneous thought feelings, which interferes with the correction of karma, is a hasty and NOT justified generalization.

If a person (when once more something bad happens) will say to himself: “Well, of course, I’m a loser, only this could happen to me, as always,” then by doing so he will lay down a failure for himself in the future.

Remember, an automatic involuntary response to an event is a "flag thrown out by the subconscious mind" and shows what program is inside. At this very moment, it is most important to "correct" your subconscious, that is, in response to its "evil" remark - to express your positive, based on knowledge of spiritual laws.

After a bad event, say to yourself: “Now my karma has cleared and balanced. From now on, I will try to create only good events!” Just DO NOT say “That's good!” After a bad event, otherwise those negative entities from subtle world who create bad events, your “good” can be remembered and they will try to do something wrong again ....

In the area of ​​his hook, a person generalizes the fastest. A few failures, insults or conflicts, and he already says - “everything”, “always”, “everywhere”. Having quickly generalized, he immediately includes for himself a program for the realization of the bad, the embodiment of what he generalized.

Karma forces a person to choose exactly that picture of the world, which will lead him to the realization of bad karma, karma forces a person to make exactly the generalization that contains the program of bad events. I hope you now understand how carefully generalizations should be made, and it is better to refuse altogether. them!

Another mistake in the fight against negative karma is our negative attitude towards life. Some people live happily because they are positive, their joy is natural and similar to the joy of children, they persevere and DO NOT lose heart even in difficult circumstances. Other people are always unhappy, they are nervous, upset and aggressive even in a calm everyday life. And if something is wrong, then their response is immediately - whining, claims, condemnation or even hatred.

Abroad, we Russians can be immediately distinguished from people of other nationalities by how critical we are and are always dissatisfied with everything. Is this not how we create a difficult life for ourselves?

When starting to work with your negative karma, you need to remember that only the RIGHT METHODS of working with karma, with consciousness and subconsciousness (it is in the subconsciousness that karma is located) really improve the fate.

The nascent karma is the easiest to correct: this is the “clay” that is still in our hands, and we can give it any shape. In order to give the nascent karma the right properties, a person must become very vigilant and observe all thoughts and feelings, "sifting them through the sieve" of right perception. It is important to “catch” the wrong thought (or feeling) very quickly and replace it with the right one, that is, one that will create positive karma.

Any thought after its occurrence moves in the form of an electromagnetic signal along the spinal column for approximately 5 seconds. Then it radiates into the aura, and then the whole aura begins to oscillate under the influence of this thought.

It is clear that it is much easier to correct a negative thought within the first five seconds. Then the pathological signal can be rather quickly deprived of negative information and converted into a positive one. It is much more difficult to deal with negative energy a little later, when the entire aura is already vibrating with a negative thought or feeling. It takes many times more energy and effort to correct a thought (or feeling) that has already gained momentum.

Hidden karma, in addition to a way to correct wrong thoughts and feelings as quickly as possible, also requires additional methods of work. The negative energy of bad thoughts and feelings over the years of a person’s life (and for some past lives) has already accumulated in the cells of his body, which still “tolerates » this energy, although it suffers from it, as from pollution

No one is to blame for problems and failures - not parents, not friends, not bosses, not neighbors, no one. Man creates everything himself. It follows that the first thing that is required to improve fate is the absence of indignation, anger, protest and the desire to declare someone guilty of their problems and misfortunes.

If a person accepts everything that happens to him as fair, then this already partially heals karma, because the opposite feeling, namely, indignation at what is happening, is very negative and enhances negative karma.

When a person gets rid of claims both to the world and to other people, then, as if by magic, a completely different life begins for him. About 40 percent of problems “fall off”, as if they never existed. Even in those cases when someone is clearly unfair, offends, or takes something away, say that: “This is either my karma, or I have to learn something, but I have no complaints about this person, he is only a performer the role that I wrote myself.

We have already said that Karma creates character. And this means that by correcting the character, we correct karma.

Correction of character is the correction of our spontaneous reactions to situations. I think that you will agree with me that often a person is a victim of his character. It is the innate character that causes a person to create trouble for himself. If someone objects to me that the character of a person was determined by his upbringing and his environment in childhood, then I want to remind you that it is well known that under the same conditions and the same upbringing, different characters are nevertheless formed in different children.

Correction of character helps to correct karma. However, this is not so easy to do. Everyone knows how difficult it is sometimes to perform even a single right deed, when you don’t want to do it at all, or even, as we believe that we cannot do it, we don’t know how.

And as for the habit ... How to force ourselves to do things that are difficult for us every day?

However, why is it so difficult for us to do some important and good deeds?

The whole difficulty lies in the fact that we did actions in past lives, and a bad habit was sown from the repetition of bad deeds - for sometimes even very many lives. Therefore, we received the character already ready in this incarnation, shaped by our innate genes. For example, someone was born very touchy and this is a consequence of the fact that he offended himself. Now the most trifle, the smallest thing will cause him suffering.

One of the most effective ways to transform your karma is to work on changing your wrong reactions to the world and learn to be truly happy in the conditions in which we are now, to overcome our negative emotions with CORRECT spiritually oriented work on ourselves.

I emphasize - CORRECTLY spiritually oriented. If a person applies an erroneous method, then, having removed bad emotions, he will only transfer the energy charged with aggression from the plane of emotions and mind to the plane of the subconscious and the body, which can lead to a chronic disease or to a “light shift of the roof”, which will cure more difficult.

Of course, you may ask, “Why should we be happy in our present conditions? Shouldn't we strive to change bad conditions into good ones? Can't we remove today's bad circumstances and make them good?"

I will answer that, of course, we can and even SHOULD strive to improve our conditions of life and change bad physical circumstances into good ones - by ordinary methods of the physical plane. However, this is not enough. A person who changes his life by moving all the time, constantly changing partners or jobs, trying to "make" more and more money and heals only his physical body without changing thoughts and feelings (so he will cure one disease - another arises in its place, or does it again and again plastic surgery, or performs many more actions to get away from problems, from his bad karma), then he again gets problems, however, sometimes in an unrecognizable form.

He carries his karma with him in the form of discontent, constant claims, irritation, ambition, greed and selfishness.

The secret of correct reorientation, true healing, lies in finding the right cosmic attitude to what is happening to you, as well as in understanding what specific action is required to be taken in this situation. Do not expect that it will be enough to accept everything that happens with joy and love. This is only half the happiness. The second half is the right action.

A person mentally prolongs today "into infinity" for his own convenience, because it seems to him easier to deal with what he is already familiar with than with something completely new and unknown, and therefore "frightening".

This prediction, which is “convenient” for the subconscious, prevents people from correcting karma, because it is easier for the subconscious to realize the same “bad” present for tomorrow, because it is worked out, habitual and familiar, than a better, happier, but unusual future. Our subconscious mind controls us through subtle energy impulses that make us desire one thing and repel another. We do not notice how the subconscious mind manipulates us, and we consider its impulses to be ours. own feelings, aspirations and even beliefs.

Therefore, it is important to train the subconscious to be able to perceive that tomorrow may be different from today.

For example, you are annoyed by some trait of your character (let it be impulsive for illustration), and you teach yourself to live as if you were calm and balanced. Etc. It turns out that when you manage to set yourself up and “live as if”, then you will be faster - everything that you need will happen, form, and be embodied on the physical plane.

Let's think a little about the fact that all our suffering today comes from the past, from our karma. Therefore, if we want to improve our lives, we must "sort of" change the past.

Why "as if"? Because we cannot change the events themselves, but we can change their consequences. The events themselves have already taken place, embodied, one might even say that they have crystallized, become very solid.

H. P. Blavatsky compares karma with clay, saying: “When a person thinks, feels and strives, he works, as it were, on soft and plastic clay, which he crumples and molds at his own discretion; but this clay is soft, only while in his hands; formed, it quickly hardens. That is why it is said: “Look! Clay hardens in fire and becomes iron, but the potter himself gave it the shape. Man, yesterday you were the master, now destiny has become your master.

Often we complain about our actions in the past, especially when we clearly see how our WRONG actions ruined our lives. However, regretting the past only makes things worse.

So it's important to let go of this kind of regret and say to yourself, “Yes, I made a mistake. However, now I have learned to do better, more correctly. I correct my mistakes and move forward!”


Karmic relationship

Message *)) » Apr 23, 2014, 08:38

Throughout our lives, we interact with many people. We meet some of them for the first time, and we have already met some of them in past incarnations. There are many such people, but not all of them leave an indelible mark on our lives.
When people meet to jointly solve karmic problems, such relationships are usually called karmic.
Such relationships can be positive character. Souls meet again to go through life in the same direction, to complement and support each other. Such souls are also called kindred. As a rule, kindred spirits are old acquaintances. Sometimes the duration of the history of their acquaintance is many thousands of years. Dozens of times they come to Earth together to help each other.

Alas, there are often relationships that reach a dead end, and getting out of such a dead end is not easy.
How is a karmic relationship different from other relationships? In the past, it was the result of conflict, clash of interests and points of view, accompanied by strong emotions. Partners could have been enemies before, to the extent that one of the partners may turn out to be the killer of the other. In any case, there was an unpleasant situation, after which one or both of them immediately left resentment, guilt or another inexhaustible emotion. Emotions and feelings in this case are the key point.

If, as a result of a serious conflict with someone, a person then cherishes resentment, anger, a thirst for revenge all his life, then he can be "congratulated" on the development of a new karmic connection. And the stronger the negative emotion, the more trouble this connection will cause later. If, after the conflict, he forgives the other and no longer attracts this person emotionally, then with a high degree of probability the crossing of their paths in the future will not cause trouble.

There is a phrase: “He left a piece of his heart there” - this is what they say when a person puts a lot of his emotions into something and subsequently often mentally returns to it. It can be some place on Earth, especially dear to the heart, and for years it has been dreaming in a dream, pulling there. It could be another person you loved or hated. Resentment also makes people mentally return to the offender again and again. There is such a beautiful theory: when a person experiences strong emotions, he puts a part of his soul into it. This part of the soul pulls him back. That is why souls are attracted, which once "hooked" on each other with strong emotions - parts of their souls are looking for reunification with their parental soul.

The simplest thing a soul can do to find peace and regain a lost part of itself is to forgive another soul, to accept it as it is. For this, souls meet again and again. In this case, there will be a feeling of strong attraction or repulsion. There are two ways out of this situation: patiently work out joint karma or forgive each other. The purpose of the new meeting is to give each other the opportunity to work out by recreating the same situation that once connected them. Partners play the same roles or switch roles, depending on the task.

For example, an abandoned woman suffered greatly in a past life. In the next life, HE worries about the breakup she started, for HE must understand what it means to be abandoned and learn not to suffer because of it.
Karmic relationship wear more often negative character. Despite the obvious attraction to each other, karmic partners cannot agree in any way. They are different in character, lifestyle and other parameters. "Together is bad, apart is impossible". Love-hate.

Another example: in the past, two people did not share something and quarreled a lot. One of them harbored great resentment and anger. The next time they meet, they will again sort things out, but the task of both is to get out of the conflict with honor, getting rid of condemnation and resentment. If they fail, the next lesson will be more brutal.
So that karmic partners do not miss each other and do not pass by in a fuss Everyday life, their meeting always has a shade of something unusual, bright, memorable and sometimes fatal. The so-called love at first sight is often a heavy karmic connection. Souls experience great attraction and interest to each other. At sensitive people there is a so-called deja vu, a feeling that it was once, that this moment was expected, they were going to it all this time.

At first this passionate love. But such people, as a rule, are not at all similar to each other. Usually there are strange sensations: it seems that a person is very interesting, strongly drawn to him. But as soon as a close relationship is established, a situation of mutual misunderstanding will certainly arise, which brings pain to both. It is difficult to break such a relationship, because the attraction is very strong. So such relations are spinning according to the following scenario: attraction-rapprochement-conflict-distance-attraction. and the main task here for both partners is to balance the joint karma, correct the mistakes made sometime by going through the situation again. And this time they have the opportunity to do the right thing.
A karmic connection can last only a few months, or it can drag on for many years. It depends on how quickly the partners can correct their mistakes. The karmic connection may be interrupted by the flight of one or both partners, but in this case the question of the karmic knot remains open and will overtake again sooner or later.

So, the main signs that will help to understand that we are dealing with karmic relationships:
At the first meeting, there is a strong mutual attraction to each other, a strong interest. You may get the feeling that you already know this person, have seen it somewhere.
Another person causes you feelings or emotions, the origin of which you can not explain to yourself. These feelings may be completely illogical and out of character for you. This can also include inappropriate actions. That is, actions that are not characteristic of a person in relation to other people, but with this partner, as if something makes them act in this way and not otherwise.
Relationships develop quickly and unexpectedly. At the same time, it seems that even the partners themselves can change little here. There is a certain predestination in such relations. Breaking such relationships is very difficult. Even if you do it by force, then subsequently the image of this person will haunt you for many years. And all because you left the working off without finishing what you started.
Relationships are often negative. Despite the strong attraction to each other, karmic partners cannot agree in any way. They are very different in their character, lifestyle and other parameters. "Together is bad, apart is impossible"
A karmic connection often resembles a love spell in its action. People feel bad together, but they cannot part. And if they part, then they are drawn to each other with irresistible force.
This relationship is characterized by dissatisfaction with the current situation. Dissatisfaction and the inability to change anything.
A sign of the denouement of a karmic knot is a state of inner peace, satisfaction, well-being, the removal of claims against another person, the cure of a complex disease.

In due time, death frees them from their bodies, and both souls pass into invisible world. But for life together they created many obligations to each other, and debts made in the physical world must be repaid there. The two are to meet again in earthly life and rekindle the relationship that was cut short by death. Moreover, the relationship can be of a completely different kind. ex husband and the wife have a chance to meet as father and son, as two sisters or girlfriends, even as enemies from different camps. The Spiritual Beings, who are in charge of the law of karma, guide both souls to incarnation at the same period of time so that their earthly lives can coincide and at the right time they can meet again.

If the debt obligation was one of love and mutual service, they will feel sympathy. Their selves recognize each other by perceiving the other body as just another garment.

But if the debt consisted of mutual hatred and harm done, the souls will feel mutual distrust. Every person experiences this at least once. Such sudden likes and dislikes are usually spoken of as "uncaused." But the doctrine of reincarnation explains this, and, proceeding from it, not a single person on Earth can be alone and independent of others.

Who does not know how quickly you can sometimes get close to yesterday's stranger and how long we can live next to someone, remaining strangers! Where do these strange inclinations come from, if not from the memories waking up in the soul? "It's like I've known you all my life," we say to a person whom we have only recently met, while people with whom we have to live since childhood are like a closed book. The souls of the people who meet recognize each other, although their bodies are completely alien and unfamiliar. Despite the fact that the human brain cannot yet perceive the memories of past lives, the memory of the soul tells us our feelings.

But it happens that the connection, which arose from hatred and harm, attracts ancient enemies to the same family. Former enemies one has to endure the bad consequences of a common past. And that soul, which in past incarnations committed violence and caused suffering, in this life will suffer and torment its physical body, paying for past crimes.

It is possible that someone will have a question: "If this is so, should we protect the victims from the tormentors?" Undoubtedly, they should. Our duty is to alleviate suffering, in whatever form it may meet us. If protection is sent to someone, it means that something in the past experience of this soul allows it to count on help. If you want to help a person, no matter how low and terrible he may be, then the experience of your soul and its development require that you become a conductor of mercy.

Using the words of Gloria Chadwick, let's say: "Your karma is closely connected with relationships between people. A lot of connections in the present reflect the bonds that connected you in the past. If the connection was negative, then in the present you can together try to change karma and translate it into positive level If you are having difficulty communicating with someone, it means that in the past you created negative karma together.If you were close, this connection will not be interrupted in the present.

How, in practice, to destroy the vicious connection with a hostile soul? Will not just suffering create a new link, thanks to which today's criminal will become in turn a victim, and the victim - a tormentor? To this we find the answer in the teachings of Buddha and Christ, it is a law that says: Verily, hatred is never destroyed by hatred, and he immediately adds, hatred is destroyed by love.

This is the secret of liberation. The soul must be courageous enough, wise and great enough to pay with suffering for the harm done, to say: "I forgive! (I forgive those who hurt me today, because I realize that these sufferings are the answer for my past actions .. .)". This is the only way to break the chain of hatred - to forgive those who served as an instrument of retribution for your past sins.

And the links of love become stronger with each earthly life in which friends and lovers manage to approach each other. On the side of love, there is another advantage - it continues to grow during the stay of souls outside the body. Hate Links do not carry over to this plane. Those souls between whom a bond of hatred has formed do not touch in upper world, for its purpose is to transform into human qualities all the positive that the soul has taken out of its earthly life. When a person manages to transfer the memory of the past into his current consciousness, he can see for himself that love is immortal. The knowledge that friendship and intimacy has survived death and several lives brings people even closer, and their connection acquires such strength and reliability, which connection single life cannot give.

Negative karma is formed not even by an act or thoughts, but by the state of mind that you experienced at the moment of action or thought. Life is a moment now. The state of the soul is now forming the next moment, following the moment now or in thousands, millions now. And this future already exists now.

A state is a feeling in the soul of love, peace, lightness. If you experience anger, anger, confusion, depression and other negative feelings, then they are the ones that shape your future.

Why don't wishes come true? Or when you really want something, you get something completely wrong, or you get it through serious trials, when you have already forgotten about your desire, or you don’t get it at all. If through trials, then you are offered to go through unlearned lessons again, go through - the desire is fulfilled to some extent. Do not pass - there is no fulfillment, but there are tests. Desires are fulfilled when most of the karmic knots are untied, and there is lightness and a velvety feeling of love for oneself and the whole world in the soul.

How to untie karmic knots? We work with the past.

To begin with, what are lessons and how do we tie karmic knots. Lessons are completely private. This is the development of certain character traits. Someone needs to learn to stand up for themselves, these are just lessons. Someone to overcome fears - it's different. Someone to eradicate greed, pride, weakness of will and so on. There are countless lessons and each one has its own.

Perhaps only pride is present in everyone, but it has different poles. Someone exalts himself day after day, cherishing a sense of his own importance. “You know, today there was so much work, it was necessary to do this and that ... I cleared everything, and here I did this, and there I built those ... and the like.” Or “yes, his intellect is not all right ... zero intelligence, dork ... what a stupid ... and these in general are the dregs of society ... and so on.” Every time one thinks like this, a person ties a karmic knot.

There is another pole of pride - this is self-abasement. Complete or partial lack of self-love. "I'm not worthy, I'm dumber, scarier ... That one is more talented, more successful, smarter ... etc." There is also envy involved. A sort of cocktail based on self-abasement. It is quite clear that lessons will be given so that a person can overcome all of the above vices. Moreover, if a person has passed the lesson and developed the necessary qualities, additional lessons will be given to consolidate the material in order to bring the behavior to automatism.

A look into the past.

The lessons are easy to recognize. These are events in life, some people perceive them as difficulties, when something had to be done, and it was difficult for you to overcome it. For example, to speak in public, and everything was shrinking inside you from fear. If they overcome, they completed the task. If you refused, having found a bunch of excuses, the karmic debt is yours.

Or, they put pressure on you morally and force you to do something. And in your soul you feel resistance, but you do not have enough fortitude to fight back, to be left alone, because you will only do as you see fit. And keep doing something to match something. You will be trained until then and each time in more difficult situations until you learn to follow your Higher Self.

Everyone had a great variety and variety of situations in life. How can visible karmic knots be untied?

Stay alone with yourself. Recall a life situation that is fresh in your memory, as if it was yesterday, and work through it. If you blame a person, he is not to blame, just a lesson came through him (it could have been someone else). It happened by the will of the Creator, so that you could learn, develop the necessary character traits.

Then, thank him, thank the Creator for this situation and admit your failure - “yes, I could not (could) answer, yes, I showed (showed) cowardice (weakness of mind), yes, pride climbed out of me, etc., but should have (should have) done so-and-so.” Determine for yourself which lesson you didn’t pass, based on the situation, admit it through your soul, and not through your mind, and ask for forgiveness.

Everybody! The karmic knot is untied! There will be no more lessons on this topic. The load has been dropped from the cart. There is a feeling of lightness and love in the soul. If you now try to remember this situation, then there will be no clarity and brightness, as if it were covered with a veil - it is erased!

So you can work out all the visible situations and untie the karmic knots. They will no longer shape your future. Just do not force yourself to work with the past by force, let this work go easily, without tension. We worked out one situation, you will take another later when you are ready for this. Go slowly.

And another very important point. When you discuss or judge someone, you take all their karma on yourself and work it off as your own!

Protracted love without reciprocity, when a person simply cannot refuse another, forget him, start over. Complicated Relationships with relatives, a tangle of family contradictions that does not subside for years. Love triangle, where all partners suffer from betrayal: they love, they hate, but they can’t leave it, they can’t get out of it. In life, such confusing, protracted situations often develop, which are based on a karmic connection. They are also called karmic knots, in which two or three people can be involved. These difficult emotional situations are given to us to pass the next “lesson”, which can come from a past life, to work out our qualities and the evolution of the soul.

Karmic knots: causes and solutions

Karmic knots are always tied to the negative, too many resources are always invested in them: emotions, feelings, spiritual anguish, torment, pain. As a result of this forced dependence, a serious “working out” of a life lesson takes place, each participant in the node is freed from negativity, changes, the tangle of problems and claims is unraveled. Participants can finally forgive and let go in order to move on with their lives.

How to understand that you are in a knot?

  • In relation to a particular person, you long time experience irritation, unreasonable negativity, claims. You run into him again and again in negative circumstances.
  • You disperse, disperse, but life develops in such a way that negative attitudes with a certain person continue over and over again.
  • Squabbles and skirmishes always take place, even in trifling situations, you want to do it "out of spite".
  • When you remember this person, negative emotions cover you: fear, hatred, aggression, resentment, distrust.
  • Often you cannot remember where the dislike came from, but you feel that it has always been that way. It can even be a painful attachment to a particular person, “obsession” with him.
  • The relationships you are in are like a “vicious circle”: they exhaust you mentally and emotionally, but you can’t break up.

Karmic knots can drag on for years, but as soon as you start spiritual work on yourself, the situation gradually begins to level out. The one that worked out the lesson can come out of the “node”, for the rest the situations will be aggravated and repeated again and again.

How can karmic knots be untied?

Tip: If you want to understand Vedic astrology and karma, understand how to make up your natal chart and see those areas that are important to work out, register for a free webinar

The main task of a person who feels that he has fallen into such a “binding” is to determine the cause of the knot. Somewhere in the past there was a situation with a serious violation of spiritual laws, which has remained unresolved to this day. It can be difficult to find the cause of the node yourself, so you need to contact a specialist.

After the cause is identified, painstaking work on oneself begins. With humility and desire, you will have to change certain qualities of character, habits, practice forgiveness (often more than one!), repay debts (not only money, but also the debt of respect, care, participation).

So, gradually, day after day, the knot will begin to unravel and your life will get better! It is only important to have the desire to get to the bottom of the matter and stop the chain of negative situations with a specific person!

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Love each other leaving suffering behind

Dear ones, Kryon welcomes you to this space of God's love and light, a multidimensional space where the laws of time do not rule and where we are all one family. You can always be in this space whenever you want, with or without our help, because here you are at home, just like we are.

In the space of God's love there is no suffering, no strife and conflicts, no painful knots that are sometimes tied in your human relationships on Earth. Here you can resolve all conflicts, eliminate all suffering and untie all knots. Yes, you can do it, because there is no predestination in your suffering and strife. Your painful relationship is maintained only as long as you are willing to put your strength into it, as long as you yourself support it with your own behavior and reactions.

Oh, dear ones, you often torment each other and have done so for millennia of your earth time. Do you think that the person who gives you so much worries, suffering and troubles now appeared in your life by chance? No, it's not. You are closely connected throughout many lifetimes. And if now your relationship has become extremely uncomfortable, this means only one thing: throughout all these lives, you not only did not unravel the painful knots that bind you, but tightened them tighter and tighter.

Now is your chance: to untie these painful knots once and for all and stop torturing each other! Now you can easily do what has not been given for thousands of years. Your lessons are coming to an end. You don't need to make each other suffer anymore. You can love each other without torment and suffering. The time has come for this. And only your habit of pain and suffering makes you continue this uncomfortable relationship.

First, you need to stop blaming each other for the pain and suffering that you inflict on each other. Remember, this is a lesson that each of you is going through. You agreed on this lesson even before the incarnation - and did it with great love for each other. Yes, it may seem paradoxical to you, but it is true: out of great love for each other, you agreed that you would torment each other until you untie the karmic knots that bind you. If in the past incarnation you were unable to untie these knots, but tightened them only more, it means that your lessons have become more complicated, and they will become more complicated until you find a way out - a way out in love, forgiveness and gratitude to each other for the opportunity to go through the necessary a lesson for yourself.

How are these karmic knots tied? It could have happened a very long time ago, many incarnations ago. You did not remember who you really are, forgetting about your angelic, Divine nature. You forgot that everything that happens is just a game. You took the disagreements between you too seriously and showed in relation to each other and to yourself dissonant energies - running counter to the Divine development of the Universe. You showed intentions and committed actions aimed at destruction, not creation, separation, not unity. You have departed from Divine love and have shown properties, qualities and energies opposite to love.

All this is not said as a reproach to you, dear ones. When you went to this experiment called "planet Earth" - you knew what you were going to. Something like this was to be expected. You consciously and deliberately decided to go through the mistakes - to test yourself: how you will be able to correct them. For many incarnations, you plunged deeper and deeper into the abyss of these mistakes, not seeing ways to correct them. And only a few of you found light in the darkness, got out of the depths of mistakes and showed the way to others. And now the time has come when not only a few, but all people can find this path.

Because the path has already been paved! You don't have to look for it in the dark. You can also say this: the “model” of untying karmic knots has already been worked out and is known. You can access this model as it is already inscribed in the collective consciousness of humanity. You don't need to invent anything yourself! But if you need road signs' and 'pointers' - I'll give you those. They will help you navigate your way. But do not forget that you still have to go this way on your own.

Five landmarks on the path of liberation from karma

Landmark number one: your reaction to the attitude of other people towards you.

If someone makes you suffer, torments you, shows dissonant emotions towards you - how do you react? If you also react with dissonant energies, do you know what is happening? You are multiplying dissonant energies. Moreover, their volumes (relatively speaking) increase not twice, but hundreds and thousands of times. You tighten the karmic knot and plunge even deeper into the abyss of suffering.

The way out is to change the response. When you react in a balanced, gentle, neutral way, you discharge your karma, and the offender takes it upon himself. Do you understand? Already in this you can see a reason to thank him. When someone torments you and makes you suffer - thank him for freeing you from karma, taking it upon yourself. But your release is possible only when your reaction is neutral (at least), or better - full of love and gratitude. As soon as you reached such a reaction, you correctly oriented yourself and headed along the path of liberation from karma, to freedom, love and light.

Landmark number two: unconditional love.

Unconditional love is love without conditions. This is Divine love, dear ones. God loves you just the way you are, no matter what. You can be sure of Divine love - it is constant and unchanging, it will not be taken away from you under any circumstances. To bring Divine love to Earth is the task of people.

People often call love another love - conditional, that is, depending on certain conditions. If you love another only on the condition that he loves you, that he behaves in accordance with your ideas about what is right, fulfills your requirements and is next to you when you want it - your love is conditional, that is, not Divine.

You will say, “But how can I love another if he treats me badly? If he offends me, makes me suffer? Dear ones, God loves him just as much as he loves you - no matter what. You - each of you - are a part of God. This means that you can manifest Divine properties and qualities in your life and learn Divine love.

Loving someone who treats you badly does not mean enduring and indulging his ego. To love unconditionally even someone who treats you badly means to become like God, invulnerable to a bad attitude, not dependent on someone else's attitude, free in his love.

Think about it. Ask your Divine Self to show you what unconditional love is and how you can manifest it. And then you will feel what it is. I can't give you any other explanation.

Landmark number three: connecting the energy of forgiveness.

Dear ones, you are not to blame. And no one is to blame for anything. I repeat over and over again: the suffering that you inflict on each other is a lesson that you agreed on even before incarnation. You chose to go through this experience yourself. Nothing happens that goes beyond your own decisions. You have chosen this lesson - and you are going through it. This is normal and natural. There is no one's fault in this - but there is mutual agreement on this development of events.

Why do we talk about forgiveness? What does forgiveness have to do with no one's fault?

However, you may have the illusion of guilt. In your 3D world, you don't remember your agreements before incarnation. Therefore, you can seriously feel resentment or guilt. When I talk about forgiveness, I use your term for your better understanding. But from the point of view of the Spirit, what you call forgiveness is actually going beyond all resentment and all guilt - going into those dimensions where there are no more concepts of resentment and guilt, and, therefore, there is no need for forgiveness.

But in order to get to this level, you sometimes need to first go through the illusion in order to overcome it. And in order to pass through the illusion, you need energy, which can be conditionally called the energy of forgiveness.

The fact is that the illusion of guilt or resentment can bind you very tightly. These dissonant energies create addictions, painful attachments to whoever you blame, resent, or feel guilty about. To get out of these dependencies, you need a certain application of force. Need energy. This energy is given by what you call forgiveness. Although it would be more accurate to call this energy the energy of letting go and untying knots.

Remember the convention of the concept of "forgiveness". Don't associate it with guilt. Forgiveness does not mean putting up with a bad attitude towards yourself and admitting that someone who treats you badly is right. To forgive means to cut the painful connection and gain freedom.

Forgiveness in this sense will help you go beyond the illusions of guilt and resentment, thereby untying karmic knots.

Landmark number four: transformation of dissonant energies.

Dear ones, we understand your suffering, your pain and your anguish from those relationships that leave much to be desired. Do not think that the Spirit exists in emptiness and that your feelings and experiences are alien to it. No! We love you, we sympathize with you, we understand your problems - and how we want to help you free yourself from unnecessary troubles, from those dramas that should have left your life long ago.

Dear ones, you will fulfill your task and untie the karmic knots if you stop accumulating and multiplying your suffering, and instead begin to transform it.

Remember that your suffering, pain, drama and experiences are just energy. You are in control of energy. You, beautiful, powerful, Divine beings can do - and do - with any energies whatever you want.

It is only a matter of your choice. If you choose drama and suffering, you continue to live in drama and suffering. But you can make another choice: start transforming these energies into something more positive. You have two options: you can either ground these energies, turn them into the light and love of God, or do both. It's simple. You can. You don't even have to make an effort to do this - just express your intention!

When you experience pain or suffering, express the intention to ground these energies. They will be transformed by the power of the Earth - transformed into light. You can also express the intention to immediately turn these energies into the love and light of God by turning to the Creator with a corresponding request. Energies are easily transformed, you will see for yourself. Dissonant energy is transformed into creative energy by the sheer force of your intent.

Landmark number five: a firm intention to neutralize karma.

And again about intention - the most important component of the process of liberation from karmic knots. Turn to your Divine "I" with the firm intention to get liberation from karma and specifically - to untie the karmic knot that caused disharmonious relationships. Ask God to give you instructions on how to act to neutralize karma and gain freedom from painful addictions.

Disharmonious relationships often cause you a storm of negative emotions, anger and resentment towards other people. This is familiar to you as a person, but it is not constructive and works against you. Showing dissonant emotions, you only exacerbate the situation. Other people come into your life only to point out your problem and create conditions that push you to solve it. If you do not understand this and fight with others instead of recognizing your problem and solving it, there will be more and more of these others who bring disharmony into your life. Dear ones, you don't have to suffer anymore, you don't have to live in disharmony. Choose the path of neutralizing karma and be free.

Exercise 1. Release from karma

1. Sit in a comfortable position, breathe measuredly and calmly to relax and neutralize extraneous thoughts. Think about the relationships that make you uncomfortable and focus on the unpleasant emotions associated with them.

2. Focus on the area of ​​the heart, connect with your Divine center and direct the flow of light and love to the area of ​​the body where dissonant emotions are felt. Tell: "Creator(God, Spirit) , dissolve the dissonant energies in the Divine Light and transform them into light and love. Let me become an observer of this process. The transformation is taking place. The transformation has taken place. It's done. Thank you Creator."

3. Then express the intention to neutralize the karma that caused the dissonant relationship. Tell: “I express my firm intention to neutralize karma and untie the karmic knots that bind me to ...(person's name) . Creator, I allow myself to free myself from this karma and ask for Your help and support. Karmic ties are neutralized. It's done. Thank you Creator."

Repeat this exercise as often as needed to harmonize your relationships and move away from the dissonant energies associated with them.

You may ask: “Kryon, but if I untie all karmic knots and neutralize all ties that connect me to other people, what will happen? Will I be lonely?

Answer: You will become self-sufficient. Self-sufficient - but not lonely. You already know that loneliness is an illusion. You can stay on desert island but not to be lonely and, what is especially important for you, not to feel lonely.

You are part of the whole. A part cannot be alone if it is constantly connected to the whole!

Another thing is self-sufficiency. You are part of the whole - but you don't need other people to feel you are part of the whole! Paradox? No. This seems paradoxical only in the system of linear thinking. There is no paradox in the system of multidimensional thinking.

You are part of the whole, and yet you are free. If you want, you can enter into a relationship, but there will no longer be painful pathological bonds between you and other people. It will be a relationship based on unconditional love, and nothing more. If you do not want to, you can not enter into any relationship at all and at the same time not feel lonely, remaining part of the whole and treating with unconditional love to all people, even those who are not connected with you in any way. Do you understand?

This is freedom when your relationship is determined only by your choice. There are no more karmic connections that force you to continue relationships even with those people with whom you might not want to have any relationship at all. You can communicate if you want, or you can not communicate. You can find a partner, or you can choose to be alone. You can cooperate with others, or you can achieve your goals alone. No restrictions! It all depends on your intention. That is what freedom from karma is.

Three steps to harmonize relations with the departed

Now let's talk about another very important aspect of the relationship, which is fraught with the potential for complex karmic connections. It is a relationship with the dead. Yes, dear ones, physical death is not the factor that automatically breaks karmic knots. Many of you are well aware of this. It happens that after the death of one of your loved ones, your relationship with him continues, and sometimes cause more pain and suffering than in life. This means that the karmic knots are being tightened, and in the next incarnation you will again have difficult lessons in untying them.

But you can do otherwise: untie these knots in your current incarnation in order to give freedom from karma to both yourself and the person who left you.

We know how painful it is for you to lose loved ones. We know that it is natural for you to grieve for the departed. We do not urge you not to grieve! We know how hard the loss is and how real it feels in your world to be separated from your loved ones as they pass through the veil. Your experiences, your grief is appropriate in the conditions of the Earth, and you must give time to the emotions of grief. But you can use this time not to tighten karmic knots, but to untie them.

First what you should do is pay your respects to the life of the departed. Mourning death, bless his life! He did not come to Earth by chance, he completed the tasks of his incarnation, and he is worthy of admiration for the life he lived. Do not judge by your human standards - judge by the standards of the Spirit, for which there is no life "failed" or "not developed", "bad" or "good". Every life is worthy of admiration and reverence. Praise his life! This is the first step towards untying the karmic knots between you.

Then do second step : End a relationship that may have been left unfinished during this person's lifetime. Emotions of pain, regret that you didn’t do or say something during the life of this person, or that your relationship was not good enough testify to the incompleteness of the relationship. Oh, dear ones, in the space of Spirit you can make things right at any moment. And do you know why? Because in the space of the Spirit there is no life and death in your understanding. There is no time in the space of the Spirit.

Therefore, you can meet in the space of the Spirit with the departed and talk to him as if he were alive. He will be there and he will hear you. Tell him about what causes your anxiety - what worries you and does not give you rest. Talk about the feelings you have about what you didn't do or say. Ask for forgiveness and forgive yourself if there is something between you that needs forgiveness. Finally, pay respect to him and his life and thank him for being with you on your earthly journey.

Third step is to let go behind the veil without creating bindings on the earthly plane. Death does not exist - you know that. The one whom you consider dead, only moved to another level of vibrations, leaving the physical body, but did not cease to exist. You can continue to communicate with him, but you should not keep him close to you on the material level.

Your resentment and incomplete relationship can become the chains that keep the departed close by. Thus, you only tighten the karmic knots between you. Forgiveness and the end of the relationship are already helping to ensure that the departed can move to another level that is not held by the material plane. But to make this process easier, you must express intent. Say out loud that you agree to keep unconditional love between you, but break all bonds that are not unconditional love, and that you release this person so that he can move to the level at which he should be according to his new status.

Remember that when dying in the earthly world, each person is simultaneously born in the spiritual world - in the world that is your real home, dear ones. What from your point of view is death - from the point of view of the Spirit is a holiday of returning home.

Your separation is illusory, because all people will return home, where a grandiose happy meeting awaits them!

Remember this, so as not to get bogged down in your suffering about the past. Your suffering aggravates his return home and contributes to the development of your common karma. You can save yourself and him from this. Remember the departed with kindness and love.

Don't forget that accidental deaths can not be. Each soul chooses the hour of leaving. In every care there is a meaning, proportionality and appropriateness. It is not always clear to you as people - but your Divine essence knows about it. Honor the life and death of the deceased, because both his life and death are appropriate! It makes a lot of sense and it has a lesson for you left behind - a big positive lesson that can transform you and your life if you get it right and get it right.

Exercise 2. Completion of relations with the departed

This exercise will help you break karmic ties with the deceased - no matter how long ago his life ended. If you still have difficult experiences associated with this person, you will help both yourself and him if you perform the ritual described below.

1. Find an opportunity to retire, breathe calmly and measuredly to calm emotions, free yourself from extraneous thoughts. If you feel more comfortable, close your eyes. Mentally address the deceased and ask him to come to talk with you. You can do it differently: do not close your eyes and put a photo of the person you want to talk to in front of you, or just imagine him, alive, next to you.

2. Imagine that a ray of Divine light descends on this person (or his image in the photograph) from above. Then remember all the good things that you had connected with this person during your lifetime, and thank him for it. Ask for forgiveness for anything that may have caused him trouble or distress. Let him know that you also forgive him.

3. If there is something that you did not have time to tell each other, or something that bothers you, talk about it with the departed and ask him to neutralize the dissonant energy between you. Then ask the Creator about the same and imagine how the dissonant energies melt in the beam of light in which you mentally placed the departed.

4. Then send him a stream of unconditional love from your heart - which can be imagined as a warm yellowish-white beam of energy. Say out loud or to yourself: “I send you unconditional love. I bless your life and thank you for being by my side. I acknowledge the appropriateness of your departure and thank you for the lesson you taught me. I promise you a positive experience from this lesson. And now I'm letting you go. The karmic ties between us are neutralized, we are connected only by unconditional love. You are free to return to the Divine home. I am free to remain in earthly life and keep a bright memory of you.

You can add any words from yourself - words of love, farewell, gratitude, words about what kind of bright memory you will keep about this person. Then imagine how his image melts in a ray of Divine light.

You can repeat this ritual from time to time again and again - until the moment when your memories cease to be painful, but become bright and grateful.

Dear ones, you can discharge any dissonant energies - the energies of your suffering, experiences and the energy of grief for the departed. You know how to do it: with love and gratitude. Love and gratitude are universal energies that can neutralize even the heaviest karma. Help yourself and your loved ones - and you will leave difficult, painful relationships and come to freedom, light and unconditional love.

Remember that we are always there for you along the way!