When and in which forests to collect edible mushrooms. Mushroom season: collecting and preparing mushrooms correctly

The first mushrooms appear early spring and the question immediately arises: when is it better and healthier to pick mushrooms? Do you want to know when to pick mushrooms, figure out how to pick mushrooms correctly, find out which mushrooms to pick in the summer, learn how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones, learn the safety rules when picking mushrooms? Then read the article.
After reading it, all that remains is to look at the mushroom picker’s calendar, stock up on the right mushroom picker equipment and go into the forest for mushrooms on a quiet hunt.
Is it possible to collect spring mushrooms or should we wait for the autumn mushroom season, how to properly collect mushrooms in the forest? You can always collect mushrooms in the forest, the main thing is to understand mushrooms and know which mushroom appears at what time, so as not to confuse it with a poisonous one. Those who do not know when to pick mushrooms should learn a simple rule: mushrooms can be picked from May to late autumn. And also remember which mushrooms grow in the forest at a certain period of time. The spring and summer months are a great time to go to the forest to pick mushrooms.

When to pick mushrooms in spring.

The beginning of the mushroom season begins in early spring, when the very first spring mushrooms appear in the forest. Mushroom pickers, hungry for a quiet hunt, are eagerly awaiting them. What mushrooms appear in the forest in spring and when to collect them?
When to pick morel mushrooms.
Morels are harvested at the end of April or beginning of May. Morels grow mainly in deciduous forests because they love fertile soil. Mushrooms are category 3, so before stewing, frying or freezing, morels must be soaked in three times the volume of water for at least 20 minutes and then rinsed thoroughly under running water.
When to collect raincoats mushrooms.
After morels comes the time for raincoats. You can find raincoats in clearings, meadows and even on roads. Raincoats appear immediately after rain. Fried young puffballs are very tasty. They must be used on the day of collection. In Italy they are considered the best mushrooms. In our country they are little known and are undeservedly classified in the fourth category.

When to pick champignon mushrooms.

Champignons begin to appear in May and their mushroom season lasts until autumn. So the question of when to pick champignon mushrooms is rhetorical. For your information, champignons are good both fried and in soup, because they have a pronounced mushroom aroma. Champignons also contain special substances that destroy cholesterol plaques.

When to pick mushrooms in summer.

The most valuable are considered summer mushrooms. When the summer is rainy, even in hot weather the variety of mushrooms turns out to be so rich that they simply cannot be listed. All types of mushrooms that can be found in the forest in summer form their fruiting bodies until autumn. Many of them grow until autumn, but mushroom pickers like to collect them in the summer.

What mushrooms to pick in June.

In June, it is most likely to find boletus and boletus in the forest. In addition, June is rich in russula and summer honey mushrooms. In the shady forests at the end of June there are a lot of chanterelles and boletuses. In the clearings and forest edges you can find a lot of champignons. In the forest at this time there are still pigs and bitterlings. And after wandering around you can meet the king of mushrooms - porcini mushroom.

When to pick boletus mushrooms.

In June, you can collect boletus mushrooms in the forest, which grow mainly in birch groves. All boletus mushrooms are edible mushrooms and differ slightly in nutritional quality. Boletus mushrooms are good in every way in soup, in gravy, fried, in pies. They are also delicious in a marinade. It appears in the first half of summer in June, but most boletus mushrooms are collected from the second half of August until late autumn. The boletus is the closest relative of the porcini mushroom.
When to collect boletus mushrooms.
Boletus among tubular mushrooms after white it ranks second, in terms of nutritional quality it belongs to the 2nd category, it is eaten boiled, fried, dried and pickled. It is also the fastest growing mushroom. It is one of the most common and famous edible mushrooms. This elegant mushroom cannot be confused with others; it also has no resemblance to any poisonous mushroom. Therefore, to the question of what mushrooms to pick in June, the answer is obvious - boletuses.

When to pick boletus mushrooms.

Butterflies are collected in coniferous forests. It got its name because of the oily cap that is slippery to the touch. It is used in soups, fried, salted, pickled, in sauces and side dishes; it is rarely used for drying, but is also suitable. Butter is comparatively early mushrooms, and they can be collected in cleared pine forests from the first days of June. This period lasts no more than two weeks. Then the boletus disappears and appears again somewhere in the second half of July, and grows en masse from mid-August and the first half of September.

When to pick mushrooms porcini mushroom.

Beginning at the end of June, the porcini mushroom appears. The white mushroom grows in both deciduous and coniferous forests; it prefers to be friends with spruce, pine, oak and birch. It is fried and boiled fresh in soups, stewed in roasts; they dry it and then prepare soups, borscht, bake pies, and make mushroom caviar. Porcini mushrooms are pickled and made into various snacks. White mushroom is the most delicious and useful mushroom counts. The porcini mushroom is collected from mid-June to the end of September, the most widespread collection is in the second half of August.
What mushrooms to collect in July.

In July, as a rule, do you collect mushrooms for pickling and pickling? July is the month of the milk mushroom harvest. Milk mushrooms are an excellent option for pickling, especially yellow ones. Volzhanka and whitefish appear in July, which are only slightly inferior to milk mushrooms. You can please yourself with the taste of saffron milk caps, of which you can collect a lot in July. Saffron milk caps are wonderful in cooking.

When to pick mushrooms.

Gruzdy families meet. Real milk mushrooms grow mostly on sandy soil, in oak, birch, pine and birch forests. The most productive months are in July - August. Yellow milk mushrooms They are collected in spruce forests until October. Milk mushrooms are mushrooms of the first category. Only salted ones are used. Before salting, they are soaked for at least three days in cold water, which is changed at least twice.
When to pick saffron milk mushrooms.

Many mushroom pickers put pine or pine saffron milk cap in first place. It can be found in young pine trees that grow along the grassy edges of older pine forests. Rizhik is a mushroom of the first category, one of the most delicious mushrooms. It is consumed salted, canned and pickled, retaining its bright orange color when pickled. Saffron milk caps can be collected from the end of July to the end of October.

When to pick chanterelle mushrooms.

Edible mushrooms with good taste, but of low nutritional value. Fox in all the forests temperate zone old world common. The chanterelle's cap is convex or flat, funnel-shaped at maturity, with a thin, often fibrous edge, and smooth. Chanterelles are eaten pickled, salted, and can be fried without prior boiling. Fruits from July to October, often in large groups.

What mushrooms to collect in August.

The end of August is the richest season for mushrooms. In August, you certainly won’t have to think about when to pick mushrooms. You can do this throughout August and early September. What mushrooms are there in August? All of the above mushrooms remain relevant for collecting in August, but do not collect overgrown ones. Young mushrooms that are fresh and not bitten by insects are suitable for food. Thus, if the mushroom is wormy, safely throw it away.

When to collect autumn mushrooms.

Autumn honey fungus (true) - a popular and very productive mushroom grows in large groups from late August to late autumn on stumps, roots, dead and living deciduous trunks, mainly birch, less often coniferous trees, sometimes in nettle thickets. Honey fungus is good for preparing hot dishes, drying, salting, and pickling. For hot dishes, these mushrooms must be boiled for at least 30 minutes.

When to collect volnushka mushrooms.

Grows in deciduous and mixed forests under the birches. A widespread mushroom and very productive. The first layer of heathers and violins appears at the end of July, simultaneously with the flowering of heather, the second layer - from the end of August. You need to know how to cook volnushki. They are eaten only salted. Before salting, mushrooms need to be soaked for three to four days, changing the water each time. Afterwards, rinse well and salt with spices.

When to pick russula mushrooms.

Russula grows in almost all forests, in clearings, forest edges, but prefers roadsides and rare young birch forests without undergrowth. The first russula are harvested in June, but August is the most productive time for these mushrooms. Russulas with green and yellow caps are considered the most delicious. Russulas are boiled, stewed in sour cream sauce, fried, pickled, dried and salted. It is advisable to boil the mushrooms for 5-7 minutes.

Safety rules when picking mushrooms.

Rules for collecting mushrooms and preserving the reproduction of mycelium when collecting mushrooms:
- If you want the next time you come to famous place If you see a rich harvest of mushrooms there again, follow the rules for collecting mushrooms. Now that you know when to pick mushrooms, respect the gifts of nature. When collecting mushrooms, spare the mycelium: carefully cut the mushroom with a knife at the base and under no circumstances pull it out of the ground.
Safety rules for mushroom pickers:
- If you do not identify a mushroom, it is better not to cut it - treat mushrooms with caution, because a mushroom is a very insidious product. You should only collect mushrooms that you know - those that you are confident in.
- If the summer turns out to be rainy, then the mushrooms become saturated with water and become unsuitable for consumption. You should not dry such mushrooms, they still lose their taste qualities and begin to release toxins.
- Upon returning home, you should sort out the mushrooms, and immediately, without delay. After sorting out the mushrooms, put them in cool salted water for an hour, this will drive out the extra guests.
- Mushrooms must be carefully processed and subjected to reliable heat treatment!
How to pick mushrooms correctly.
- Mushrooms are collected early in the morning before the sun heats them. In this case, they can be stored for a longer time.
- Do not collect old, overgrown mushrooms. They accumulate products harmful to humans and absorb from environment foreign substances.
- Collected mushrooms are immediately cleaned of soil, leaves, pine needles, grass and other debris adhering to them. It is better to put mushrooms in the basket with their caps down - this way they are better preserved.
Mushroom picker equipment.
So, when should we open the mushroom season and what equipment will we need? When you go picking mushrooms, you will definitely need a good sharp knife, because it is better to cut mushrooms without disturbing the mycelium itself, as well as a comfortable long stick (indispensable when searching for mushrooms) to lift or rake the foliage, as well as a basket or basket.
Experienced mushroom pickers know what you need to take with you into the forest:
- Basket for mushrooms;.
- Knife for mushrooms;.
- A stick for searching for mushrooms;
- First aid kit with bandages and disinfectants;
- Water and sandwiches;
- Electronic GPS navigator;
- Phone with charged battery.
How to distinguish edible mushrooms.
How to collect porcini mushrooms.
Description: The porcini mushroom is distinguished by a thick and dense stem, a brown cap, white flesh, a pleasant taste and smell. Porcini mushrooms are quite easy to distinguish from poisonous ones.
Danger: discoloration at the break, bitter taste. Do not confuse the white mushroom with the poisonous yellow one - its flesh turns pink when cut.
How to collect boletus mushroom.
Description: The boletus is distinguished by a dense, brownish-red cap, the flesh turns blue at the break. This is how you can distinguish the edible boletus mushroom from other mushrooms.

How to collect boletus mushrooms.
Description: boletus is distinguished by a white leg with bright scales, the cap is brownish on top, the cap is white below, the flesh at the break is white. These are the main differences between edible mushrooms, so they distinguish edible boletus from inedible mushrooms.
Danger: the mushroom does not grow under its own tree.
How to collect boletus mushrooms.
Description: the butterdish (butterfly) has a yellow stem and the same cap with white marks on the edges and a sticky skin on top, as if greased with oil, which is easily removed with a knife. Learn to identify poisonous mushrooms.
Danger: discoloration at the break, reddish spongy layer, bitter taste.
How to collect flywheel mushrooms.
Description: Moss mushrooms have a dark green or reddish velvety cap, a yellow stem and a spongy layer. These are the main signs by which you can distinguish the edible flywheel mushroom from inedible mushrooms.
Danger: lack of velvety, reddish color of the spongy layer, bitter taste.
How to collect chanterelle mushrooms.
Description: chanterelle is dense, apricot or light orange in color, the plates from under the cap smoothly turn into a dense and durable stem. A way to distinguish the edible chanterelle mushroom from inedible mushrooms.
Danger: red - orange, empty leg.
How to collect saffron mushrooms.
Description: saffron milk cap is a lamellar mushroom of the appropriate color that secretes a milky juice that is orange and not bitter in taste. This is how to distinguish the edible saffron mushroom from its look-alike mushrooms.
Danger: white, bitter, acrid milky juice.
How to collect honey mushrooms.
Description: honey mushrooms are pecked by families on stumps, roots, and trunks of dead trees. The cap of the honey mushroom is ocher-colored and covered with small black scales directed from the middle, underneath there are whitish plates, and on the stem there is a white ring or film.
Danger: grows on the ground, yellow or reddish cap, without scales, black, green or brown plates, no film or ring on the stem, earthy smell.
How to collect milk mushrooms.
Description: milk mushroom is a lamellar mushroom, white, with fluffy edges, white and caustic milky juice, grows in flocks next to birch trees. This way you can distinguish milk mushrooms from poisonous and inedible mushrooms.
Danger: sparse blades, sharp blueness and stone hardness at the fracture, lack of birch trees nearby.
How to collect volnushka mushrooms.
Description: Volushka is a lamellar mushroom with a shaggy pink cap, curved at the edges, white and caustic milky juice. This distinctive features waves.
Danger: The “wrong” hat is not pink, unfurled, without hairiness.
How to collect russula mushrooms.
Description: Russula - lamellar mushrooms, easily break, caps different colors- pink, brownish, greenish, the skin is easily removed from them. This way you can distinguish edible russula mushrooms from inedible ones. Danger: red or brown-black cap, pink leg, reddened or darkened soft film on the leg, coarse and tough flesh, unpleasant and bitter taste. Now you know when to pick mushrooms. Well, don't hesitate. The end of June is a great time to collect young mushrooms suitable for delicious dishes. While you can still treat yourself to delicious mushroom food, feel free to pick mushrooms for pickles and pickling for the remaining two summer months! Happy quiet hunting!

Video on how to pick mushrooms correctly

There were heavy rains. When to go to the forest to pick mushrooms?

After the rains, boletus mushrooms appear first, after 2-3 days, and then other mushrooms. Still, most mushrooms grow to medium size in 3–6 days, and they live (until rotting and decomposition) for about 10–14 days. First of all, mushrooms with juicy pulp do not live this long, but mushrooms with dry pulp grow a little longer. Under favorable conditions, in 5 days the boletus grows to a size of 12 centimeters, the white mushroom up to 9 centimeters, the boletus - up to 7 centimeters, the honey fungus grows up to 6 centimeters, and the chanterelle up to 4 centimeters. At favorable air temperatures and optimal soil moisture, boletus, russula, and boletus can be harvested within 3 days after emerging from the ground; Porcini mushrooms ripen a little longer - 5-9 days; Boletuses can be harvested after 7 days.

Edible mushrooms

Edible mushrooms are usually called mushrooms that can be eaten without risk to health, without subjecting them to preliminary heat treatment. They have high gastronomic value.

Edible mushrooms differ from inedible and poisonous ones primarily in the structure of the hymenophore, the shape and color of the fruiting body, and only lastly in their smell.

Incredible, but true: you can search for mushrooms using a scientifically proven method. A. I. Semenov collected data and structured it into a system back in the days of the USSR. What to do if you just came to the forest? Depends on which forest you come to. If you find yourself among trees specially planted by man, then a “comb” route is suitable, when you can navigate along even rows of trunks and not miss a single meter of area.
A more complex option is called a “comb with a ledge,” but on the ground you are unlikely to check your path with the accuracy of a tree, so just take the principle into account.
Another search method is a wave, or a zigzag. We walk like this if the forest is transparent, that is, there are few trees.
When inspecting the edge of the forest adjacent to a clearing, use the tension spring principle to inspect the area around each tree.
Start combing it using a zigzag method. Let's take our time, enjoy nature, and don't run around looking for the first hat. Slower, even slower, one step per second - so you will see large area and you will be able to spot the mushrooms.
Did you find the first one? Great. Place any beacon (stick or basket) near the place where you found the mushroom and start moving in a spiral around it.
Choose whether your spiral will twist or unwind, or it is better to go the route in two directions to increase the chances of a successful search.
If you are not traveling alone (and it is boring to go picking mushrooms alone), then combine methods. While one person is inspecting the trees at the edge, another person is following the same course, but along a zigzag path and a little further into the forest.

Before you start searching for and collecting mushrooms on your own, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the main signs that may indicate the toxicity of the mushroom. Otherwise, the prey brought home can cause severe poisoning of the entire family - and this is in best case scenario. So how to distinguish inedible mushrooms? And what information should you have so that only safe and edible mushrooms end up in your basket?

  1. Unlike green russula or champignon, pale toadstool is characterized by the presence of white plates with a greenish tint and a bag-like wrapping near the base of the stem, as well as the absence of the smell familiar to mushrooms.
  2. If a satanic mushroom was picked instead of a porcini mushroom, then when cut it will first turn pink and then acquire a blue tint. But the oakberry, similar to this mushroom, will begin to turn blue immediately.
  3. U false value there are no ribbed edges, and its flesh has a smell similar to horseradish or radish.
  4. If a poisonous pepper mushroom gets into the basket, it will show itself by turning red.
  5. False chanterelles have a brighter color; they are characterized by large red-orange plates.

But if it is still not clear how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones, then it would be wiser to go for mushrooms in the company of experienced mushroom pickers.

Novice mushroom pickers are often interested in: “When can you pick mushrooms, only in mid-summer and early autumn? When " silent hunt"reaches its peak?" Let's try to answer this question in more detail. It is important to remember that every mushroom has its time, and you also need to be able to distinguish edible mushrooms from false ones.

The first mushrooms appear in the spring, as soon as the snow melts. These are morels and lines. Where and when to pick mushrooms? The conical caps of these representatives lift last year's fallen leaves, revealing their presence already in early March and April. Most often they are found in mixed forests, on sandy soil. However, it should be remembered that the spring morel, which is most often found at this time of year, is considered a conditionally edible mushroom. Before use, it requires high-quality heat treatment- Before frying, it must be boiled for about half an hour. In May, deer spittle, or deer mushroom, appears on rotten wood, which is distinguished by its excellent taste. At the same time, the first champignons appear. In this case, you should be very careful, because it is very similar to the white fly agaric.

Spring honey fungus appears on stumps and tree trunks. When to collect? Honey mushrooms are universal. They grow from May to October. They have excellent taste. Moreover, it can appear not only on the forest edge and clearing, but even in gardens and vegetable gardens. Honey fungus also requires attentiveness. The fact is that its false brother is considered very poisonous. The edible one is distinguished by the presence of a special cuff-skirt on the leg.

The next ones to appear in the forests are moss mushrooms and the first russula. When to pick mushrooms? At the end of May, beginning of June, if the summer is humid. If the beginning of the season is dry, then mushroom pickers may be disappointed, returning from the forest empty-handed. In June, the first boletus and boletus also appear. Despite the fact that these mushrooms will last until the fall, at the beginning of summer they are young and not eaten by worms.

In mid-summer it is time for noble mushrooms. Are these boletus mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, mushrooms? In July and August, if the summer was quite wet and rainy. In dry season, unfortunately, you can be left without a harvest. Mushrooms summer season Great for preserving for the winter. They are dried. Collected and prepared in warm time year, they will bring a piece of summer into the winter cold. At the same time of year appears large number poisonous mushrooms. Therefore, you should be especially careful and not take mushrooms that cause you doubts.

What other mushrooms are collected in July and August? Along with venerable mushrooms, whose taste qualities belong to the first category, less tasty, but no less beloved mushrooms appear, such as chanterelles, aspen boletus, boletus, russula, honey mushrooms and many, many others.

Finally, autumn. It's time for honey mushrooms and rows. Russulas and saffron milk caps are found in early autumn, during Indian summer, chanterelles are still found. From October to May, oyster mushrooms are harvested in the forests.

The world of living nature requires a careful attitude towards itself. In response to our love, he reciprocates, delighting us with wonderful harvests at any time of the year.

Every year, spring edible mushrooms appear in different times. But their appearance is accompanied by a number of patterns. Firstly, the soil must thaw, and secondly, the soil must warm up. In Russia this happens closer to the beginning of May.

What spring edible mushrooms can be found in Russia

Inedible mushrooms are the first to appear in the Russian Federation. They look unattractive and are small in size. The first edible mushrooms appear a little later in the spring. In black soil conditions they can be found in mid-May. So, what are the earliest mushrooms that can be eaten? Let's look at them in the table.

Name of the mushroom General description Where do they grow? How to cook
Morel (lat. Morchella) The height of the cap is up to 8 cm, the thickness is up to 6 cm, the shape is ovoid, the color is brownish. Morels are often due to appearance compared to a pear In groups and individually in gardens, parks, forests, near aspen, poplar, alder

Cooking and frying after heat treatment

Stitches (lat. Gyromitra esculenta) Conditionally edible marsupial mushrooms, can be eaten, but only after thorough boiling, caps irregular shape with convolutions, powerful legs, grayish color Located near rotting stumps and branches Can be eaten after repeated boiling
Petsitsa orange Similar to bowls, practically odorless and tasteless On the ground, near paths and on the edges

For pickling with other mushrooms, frying, boiling, pickling, dried as a seasoning powder

Skarkoscypha (lat. Sarcoscypha)

The hat looks like a red cup, resembles a flower

In mixed forests and parks, near roads

In salads, roasts, as a filling for pies

Discina thyroid (lat. Discina ancilis) The fruit body is brown or pink, saucer-shaped, central part wrinkled The species grows in forests, parks and gardens, on moist soil In salads, boiled and then fried in butter
Strobilurus (lat. Strobilurus) , appears in April Grow in spruce and pine forests, next to pine trees, in groups or singly

Boiling, marinating, stewing, frying

Common butterweed (lat. Suillus luteus) Appear in May, have an oily cap They grow in coniferous and pine forests, in gardens and parks on sandy soils


Boletus (lat. Boletus pinophilus) The cap is white, cracked or brownish Grows in dry and light pine forests Cooking, frying, salting
Calocybe (lat. Calocybe) May row, dense and beautiful mushroom. The cap is white or yellowish Grows in vegetable gardens, lawns, and deciduous forests For the preparation of extracts, tinctures, medicines
Summer honey fungus (lat. Kuehneromyces mutabilis) Collection can be carried out from May Located near a rotting tree in mixed or coniferous forests, bunch or groups Pickling
Field champignon (lat. Agaricus arvensis) White open or spherical cap, the plates underneath are brown, pink or gray, the stem is dense white, the smell is aniseed Near roads and on lawns since May Fry, bake, eat without heat treatment
Thyroid rosette (lat. Entoloma sinuatum) A mushroom with sparse plates, the diameter of the cap reaches 10 cm, the stem is dense In the woods Marinating, salting, frying
Raincoat (lat. Lycoperdaceae) The fruit body is shaped like a pear, gray in color, height, as a rule, up to 10 cm, but there are also giants Birch and pine forests Edible only in at a young age fried. Tastes like meat
Dung beetle (lat. Coprinus) Brownish-red mushrooms, caps look like an elongated egg, colors - white, gray, orange Grow in groups in manured soil

Consumed fried, not boiled

Oyster mushrooms (lat. Pleurotus) They have a color from brown to gray, the smell is different - some smell like flour, others smell like dampness. The hat is dense, with a diameter of up to 30 cm Deciduous forest Cooking

When to pick spring mushrooms

Poisonous and edible spring mushrooms ripen by May. Each species is collected at a specific time.

  • Morels, which grow fastest can be found as early as April. They love fertile soil and are found in deciduous forests. Since the mushrooms of the presented type belong to the third category, before cooking they should be thoroughly soaked 3 times and then rinsed well;
  • Raincoats can be found in clearings and near roads immediately after rain. Such young mushrooms are considered very tasty. However, they must be consumed directly on the day of collection. Belong to category 4;
  • Widespread in the spring and such a mushroom as line. It is relatively edible, but it is important to prepare it correctly. In the spring, on rotten wood you can find rowers, saucers, entolomas, and melanoleucas. They appear in May;
  • May mushroom can be found on St. George's Day. Important! The poisonous fiber of Patuillard is often found near it.

All spring mushrooms are divided into 2 main groups. Some can only be collected in the spring, while others appear in the spring, but are found in forests both in summer and autumn.

Mushrooms in spring: collecting (video)

Collection rules

When collecting spring mushrooms, it is worth remembering one thing important rule- you should not take old copies from last year. They absorb a large amount of toxins and dirt, which cannot be removed. That is, an old edible mushroom will be poisonous. One more point - pre-processing spring mushrooms. Some say that they need to be boiled for 2 hours before eating. Others say that 15 minutes of boiling is sufficient. In any case, you will have to boil the collected forest products several times, washing them each time after boiling. Processing removes gelvelic acid from the mushrooms, a poison that can poison humans.

It is better not to collect spring red mushrooms, Sarcoscypha, as they are almost tasteless in taste. But in the forest they are a real decoration.

You should not take scaly mushrooms, for example, polypore (Polyporus ciliatus), they are inedible. They are found from April and are usually found on rotten trees illuminated by the sun. They can grow singly or in groups. The presented mushrooms smell pleasant, but this does not mean that they are edible.

Cooking recipes

What can you cook from spring mushrooms? Let's look at some interesting recipes.

Morel Julienne

To prepare you will need:

  • mushrooms;
  • 2 onions;
  • half a glass of sour cream;
  • Art. l. flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. butter;
  • 2 cloves;
  • pepper and salt.

Prepare julienne as follows:

  1. The mushrooms are washed and left in salted water for 20 minutes.
  2. Then the water is drained and the mushrooms are cooked for 20 minutes. The water is drained again, the mushrooms are washed and boiled again.
  3. Then the finished product is cut. Then peel the onion, chop it and fry it in oil. Mushrooms are added to it.
  4. Next, fry the flour in butter, add sour cream and grated cheese, heat it slightly and immediately turn it off.
  5. The resulting sauce is added to the mushrooms and everything is mixed. Place in cocotte makers.
  6. After the julienne is baked for 15 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 170 degrees. When there are 5 minutes left before the end of cooking, sprinkle the julienne with grated cheese.

Spaghetti with morels

To make spaghetti with morels you will need the following ingredients:

  • paprika, salt and pepper;
  • spaghetti - 200 g;
  • heavy cream - a glass;
  • olive oil - 4 tbsp. l;
  • morels - 4 pieces;
  • white wine - ½ tbsp.;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp.

To prepare spaghetti you will need to do the following:

  1. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly, chop them and boil. Drain the water.
  2. Cut the onion into rings and fry. Add mushrooms to it and fry for 3 minutes.
  3. Add wine to morels. Fry them until it has evaporated by half. Then add soy sauce and cream. Salt and pepper.
  4. All that remains is to boil the spaghetti as indicated on the package. Then they are laid out on plates, and the resulting sauce is poured on top.

Pie with champignons and chicken

To prepare a delicious pie you will need:

  • champignons - 300 g;
  • puff pastry - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l;
  • chicken fillet - 300 g.

The preparation of the pie is carried out in several stages:

  1. The meat is washed, cut, fried in vegetable oil until ready.
  2. Add pepper and salt.
  3. Remove the meat from the frying pan and drain the fat.
  4. The champignons are washed, cut, and fried for 10 minutes. in the same place where the chicken was fried.
  5. Then the dough is rolled out and cut into 2 layers. Place the filling in each and roll 2 rolls.
  6. The pies are placed on a baking sheet greased with egg yolk and baked for half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Umbrella mushroom chop (video)

In spring you can already collect some types of mushrooms. But they must be collected correctly. You should not take old and unknown gifts of the forest. There are many safe specimens from which you can prepare surprisingly tasty dishes. It's worth stopping at them.

Mushroom menu: 10 recipes from the chef

  • More details
  • You need to go for mushrooms early in the morning. If your “early morning” is 10 o’clock, then you are not a mushroom picker. The most convenient time for picking mushrooms is 6 a.m., or at least 7 a.m.
  • The most favorable weather for the appearance of mushrooms is warm rain with sunshine. That is, if there was a light warm rain in the evening, it means that there will probably be a good harvest in the morning.
  • If you don’t know, don’t take the mushroom. At any slightest suspicion, it is better to simply leave the mushroom in the forest. Remember: life is more valuable.
  • It is best to collect mushrooms in baskets made of willow twigs or birch bark baskets. In plastic bags and buckets, they quickly deteriorate due to lack of air exchange.
  • Under no circumstances take mushrooms that have already rotted. Even if the rotten part is removed, the taste and beneficial qualities of the mushroom may suffer.
  • Overripe and soft mushrooms, as well as wormy mushrooms It's also not worth taking.

When collecting mushrooms, especially such valuable ones as porcini and others, never tear the moss or break out the stems along with the mycelium. In dug up areas, the exposed mycelium, which has been growing for 10 years, will dry out and die under the rays of the sun. There will be no mushrooms either this year or next.

Mushroom risotto in a slow cooker

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You should not eat unknown mushrooms; some of them may be poisonous. This group, first of all, must include several types of agaric mushrooms: pale toadstool, fly agarics (red, panther, poisonous), false honey mushrooms (sulfur-yellow and brick-red), and poisonous gray entoloma. Among the tubular mushrooms, the Satanic mushroom is poisonous. The alkaloid muscarine contained in the red fly agaric in a dose of 0.8 grams and the most dangerous toxic substances phalloidin and amanitin contained in the toadstool in a dose of 0.02-0.03 grams are fatal to humans!

Cream of mushroom soup in a slow cooker

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There are so-called inedible mushrooms. They are not poisonous, but only have an unpleasant taste or odor. This is, for example, gall mushroom, false chanterelle, inedible boletus, mouse row, earthy, fibrous and some others. You can recognize them by taste, but I would not advise you to do this. It’s better to take a closer look: if the mushroom doesn’t look much like itself, it means it’s inedible. Especially false chanterelles bear little resemblance to their edible counterparts.

Dumplings with cabbage and mushrooms

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Some edible mushrooms contain bitter or even toxic substances, which are destroyed or washed out after proper processing. Such mushrooms are called conditionally edible. These include thin pig, pink volushka, and some types of russula. They should be boiled for 7-10 minutes, the broth should be poured out, and the mushrooms should be washed in running water. After this treatment, they are quite suitable for eating, and many even have a very pleasant taste.

In their composition, mushrooms are close to meat, and therefore they are sometimes called “forest meat.” In my own way chemical composition they are close to vegetables, and amino acid-wise they are similar to products of animal origin. It should be remembered that mushrooms are heavy food, so you should not eat more than 200 grams of fresh or 100 grams of salted or 20 grams of dried mushrooms at one time.

By nutritional value mushrooms can be divided into four categories: the first is porcini mushroom, saffron milk cap and milk mushroom; the second – mushrooms of medium quality (boletus, boletus, butterdish, bruise); third - moss mushrooms, russula, chanterelles, honey mushrooms; the fourth - low-value mushrooms (some types of russula, pink volushka, thin svinushka, summer honey fungus and others).

The mushroom season in the forests near St. Petersburg is considered to be from August to November, but edible mushrooms can be found Leningrad region almost all year round.

And so - you gathered your courage, stocked up on tools, got acquainted with and even learned! Let's figure out whether you got ready for the forest on time. We look at the mushroom picker's calendar for the most popular edible mushrooms known in the forests of the Leningrad region.

Mushroom picker calendar
Collection month Types of mushrooms Collection Features
January Oyster mushroom For mushroom pickers, this is the emptiest month; there is practically nothing to look for in the forest. But if the winter is warm, you can find fresh oyster mushrooms. Oyster mushrooms usually grow on trees, the cap of such a mushroom is one-sided or rounded, the plates run down to the stem, as if growing to it. It is not difficult to distinguish oyster mushrooms from inedible mushrooms - they have a cap that is completely non-leathery to the touch.
February Oyster mushroom, tree mushrooms If there is no thaw, there is practically nothing to look for in the forest
March Oyster mushroom, tree mushrooms, talker There are practically no mushrooms, but at the end of the month the first snowdrops may appear.
April Oyster mushroom, tree mushrooms, govorushka, morel, stitch Snowdrop mushrooms – morels and stitches – are quite common
May Morel, stitch, oiler, oyster mushroom, raincoat Most mushrooms can be found not under trees, but in clearings, in thick grass.
June Oiler, boletus, boletus, oyster mushroom, morel, honey fungus, chanterelle, porcini mushroom, puffball In June, mushrooms of the highest category begin to appear.
July Oiler, boletus, boletus, oyster mushroom, morel, puffball, honey fungus, chanterelle, porcini mushroom, moss mushroom There are already quite a lot of mushrooms - both in the clearings and under the trees. In addition to mushrooms, strawberries and
August Oiler, boletus, boletus, oyster mushroom, morel, honey fungus, chanterelle, porcini mushroom, moss mushroom At this time, mushrooms can be found almost everywhere: in the grass, under trees, near stumps, in ditches and on trees, and even in city squares and on the sides of roads. In addition to mushrooms, it is already ripe, and appears in swamps.
September Oiler, boletus, boletus, oyster mushroom, morel, honey fungus, chanterelle, porcini mushroom, moss mushroom, oyster mushroom September is the most productive month for mushrooms. But you need to be careful: autumn is coming to the forests, and in the bright foliage it is difficult to see the colorful mushroom caps.
October Valuy, oyster mushroom, camelina, honey fungus, champignon, boletus, porcini mushroom, milk mushroom, moss mushroom, russula Number of mushrooms per open places- the clearings begin to shrink. In October, you need to look for mushrooms in closed places - near stumps and under trees.
November Butterfly, greenfinch, oyster mushroom, tree mushrooms. The weather is getting worse, there may be frosts in full swing, and there is a high probability of finding frozen mushrooms.
December Oyster mushroom, tree mushrooms There are almost no mushrooms, but if there is a fantastically warm autumn, and even luck, you can find the remains of autumn harvest mushrooms

May your quiet hunt be successful, and may dinner in good company at home or at a recreation center be a good reminder of our northern nature.