When is the best time to go to Nha Trang on vacation? Is it worth going to Nha Trang in winter, in the off-season? And if you go, where to swim? And if not to Nha Trang, then where. Best months for vacation

Vietnam has already become the most popular resort for Russians, as you can relax here all year round. But still, this country also has its own seasons when it is best to come here for a beach or excursion holiday. Let's look at when is the best time to vacation in Vietnam.

High season in Vietnam

The high season in this country begins in winter, the best time for beach holiday. And many residents of Russia and Europe try to escape here from the severe frosts. Also, many try to get to Vietnam in order to meet here New Year. Everyone has their own reason, but whatever it is, there are simply a lot of tourists here at this time.

The peak high season begins in December and ends in April. And at this time, Russians, French and Americans like to relax here. Vietnam owes such popularization among Russians to the fact that it is easy to get here, since from some cities in Russia there are regular flights, and in winter time Charter flights are also allowed. And the only disadvantage of holidays in the high season is the high cost of tours.

Low season

The low season is marked by the beginning of tropical rains. This is the period from the beginning of May to the end of October. The weather is not quite suitable for a beach holiday, but, nevertheless, those who want to relax in Vietnam large number, since tours for tourists are much cheaper. People begin to book tours already in winter, but there is no need to rush here, since as summer approaches, tourists begin to offer tempting “hot” tours, which turn out to be much more profitable than winter bookings.

But it is worth keeping in mind that the rainy season forces tourists to approach their holiday destination very responsibly at this time of year. In addition to tropical downpours, there is a great threat of destructive strong typhoons that cover several dozen provinces. At this time, it is better to choose resorts such as Danang, Hue and Hoi An.

Beach season in Vietnam

Beach or swimming season lasts 365 days a year, but depending on the time of year it is necessary to choose certain resorts. We recommend that you additionally read the information about beach holidays in Vietnam, as well as where and when is the best time to go.

IN winter months The best place to relax is on the south coast:

  • Nha Trang,
  • Dalat,
  • Phan Thiet,
  • Vung Tau,
  • Phu Quoc Island.

Here it rains from May to November, and the rest of the time the water temperature does not drop below +26 - +28°C. Velvet season falls in the month of January–February, when there is practically no precipitation. At this time, you can enjoy the most exotic fruits such as: mango, carom, banana, guava, watermelon, jackfruit, durian (king of fruits), lychee, coconut, pineapple, mangosteen, rambutan, etc.

And there are a lot of durians here, although many tourists are put off by it appearance and not a very pleasant smell. But if you peel it, you can enjoy the delicious pulp that warms a person from the inside.

But in the north of the country and in the central regions holiday season at its lowest point. It is not customary to swim here at this time, since the temperature of the water and air does not rise above +15 - +20°C. In summer, these levels in the resorts of Danang, Hue, Hoi An, Sapa, Halong, Cat Ba increase to +32°C during the day and +25°C at night. In Da Nang, the beach season opens in May and ends in July, since the beginning of August is the time of strong typhoons in Vietnam.

In the central part of Vietnam, the tourist holiday season begins in May and ends in October. Dry air and good weather contribute to oneself the best holiday in this region. And from September to December here in full force The region's best surfing is thriving. In coastal regions, typhoon season begins from July to mid-autumn.

Surfing and diving season

As a sport, surfing in Vietnam is not yet very developed and is just beginning to gain momentum. And today, many resorts, many resorts are beginning to organize professional surfing competitions. Most favorable season in the south of the country for kite, wind, SUP and classic surfing falls from September to April.

Those surfers who are just starting their “sports journey” choose smaller waves, which they can find in the eastern resort of Vung Tau. The period from January to March and from November to December is especially attractive for surfing. But it must be remembered that at this time, on the beaches of this resort There are no lifeguards, so you need to practice only with a professional instructor or be very careful.

And from January to March and from October to December, it is best to come to surf in Mui Ne, which is located almost in the south of the country.

Diving is no less popular, as it is considered one of the cheapest in Vietnam, but it is organized no worse than in the most expensive European resorts in the world. The South China Sea is simply replete with a variety of flora and fauna of the underwater world. Here you can see beautiful coral reefs, where fancy little fish, huge turtles, octopuses and even sharks swim, painted in all the colors of the rainbow.

The most popular resorts for divers are the island of Phu Quoc, where there are pearl “plantations”, a turtle farm on Huel, the Con Dao archipelago with ancient sunken ships, Nha Trang with the most beautiful bay in the world and a Russian diving center.

Diving can be done at any time of the year except December, January and February, when the sea becomes too rough. Each resort has its own best diving season. So, for example, in Nha Trang and Uel it is February–October, and on the island of Phu Quoc it is November–May.


Nha Trang resort is a great place for a family holiday with children. Most people go on boats to swim in the warm water and sunbathe on the warm sand. Do you also want to go to Nha Trang? Then find out when is the best time to go to Vietnam and specifically to the Nha Trang resort. We will tell you about this resort, its features and help you choose the optimal time for your trip.

When is the best time to go to Nha Trang for a beach holiday?
Here the answer is clear - January, February and March. It is during these months that there is practically no rain at the resort. The hot sun is shining, warming the air to +24 +30 degrees. And the sea warms up to +26 degrees.
In February the probability of typhoons is almost minimal. And the precipitation will be no more than 5 millimeters. And you won't even notice them!

If you are going on a beach holiday. Then look in our video to see what wonderful beaches await you there.

When to go to Nha Trang for diving?
But here everything is not so simple. After all, diving is going underwater. And you can dive in modern suits all year round, regardless of the water temperature. But everyone who dives wants to see underwater world. And for this you need a clean clear water. If you want to go diving in Nha Trang, then choose any of the summer months.
Firstly, the air temperature is very hot and there are few tourists. They do not swim and do not muddy the water.
Secondly, at this time of year there is practically no rain, which means that water from the rain will not flow into the sea and the water will be clear.
And thirdly, in the summer in Nha Trang you can take a good look at the sights. Since there are few tourists, it is hot and it is better to hide from such sun in some famous cave or mountain.

When should you not go to Nha Trang with children?
These are definitely summer and autumn months! In summer the resort is unbearably hot, plus high humidity. While adults can still acclimatize, children, especially infants, will definitely have problems.
In autumn, the rainy season begins in Nha Trang, which can last until January. Therefore, in the autumn months there is not much rest here. Although the air temperature does not drop to minus, the cold is still felt. After all, everything around is in water, high humidity and winds are blowing.

Nha Trang is famous for its 6-kilometer white sand coastline and azure waters. The climate in Nha Trang is divided into only 2 seasons: wet winter (from September to December) and dry summer(from January to August). Average low temperature in Nha Trang: 18°C, and average high: 30°C, and between them the standard for Nha Trang is 25°C - 26°C.

The rainy season from September to December accounts for 80% of all annual precipitation. Sometimes the rainy season begins in July or August and ends by November. During this time, expect winds and storms in addition to rain.

Nha Trang has high humidity, on average 77%. Add to this high temperatures and you get wonderful conditions when makeup drips from women’s faces and their armpits actively sweat.

Thanks to beautiful nature, an abundance of sandy beaches and long summer Nha Trang has become very popular among tourists who love beach holidays and water activities.

Weather in Nha Trang by months

IN January After the rainy season, Nha Trang becomes noticeably drier. Precipitation falls 6 times less than in December. Rains and storms subside, and temperatures fluctuate between 22-27°C.

IN February, in my opinion, is settling down perfect weather for a trip to Nha Trang. The amount of precipitation is further reduced, and the temperature remains around 20-25°C.

Already in March It's getting hotter. And by April the temperature reaches an average of 26-31°C. Rains by this point become very rare.

WITH May to August To high temperatures high humidity is added. There is practically no rain at all.

And with September to December The rainy season returns again. In September the level of precipitation increases sharply from 20mm to 135mm. The temperature remains virtually unchanged and averages 27-30°C.

IN October It rains twice as much as in September. Humidity rises to 90%.

IN November showers are frequent. The beautiful and calm nature of Vietnam from time to time turns into a wet and windy fury.

IN December everything is the same, only it becomes cooler and the temperature drops to an average 24°C.

Weather: Vietnam, Nha Trang by month, precipitation level, air and sea temperature

Average temperature in Nha Trang by month

Average monthly precipitation level. Number of rainy days per month

Average monthly sea temperature in Nha Trang

When is the best time to go to Nha Trang, Vietnam?

WITH January to May in Nha Trang the most pleasant weather conditions. It’s not so hot yet, rains are rare, the weather is suitable for any type of holiday. Among these months, the best month to visit Nha Trang is February.

IN summer months With June to August Nha Trang is also good, but it’s hot and there are a lot of tourists, which means higher prices for hotels and other tourist infrastructure. If you are going to Nha Trang from July to August, remember the name Hòn Bà. Hon Ba is a mountain 30 km from the center of Nha Trang. It's always cooler there than in the city. This is a great place to hide and take a break from the heat.

Therefore, it’s time to sum it up. You can relax in Nha Trang all year round. It's always warm here.

For tourists, the season can be divided into 3 segments:

  • from January to May. Warm and no rain. The most pleasant month is February.
  • from June to August. Hot, but no rain again. Lots of tourists and high prices.
  • from September to December. Warm but wet. This does not mean that every day it will be watered like a bucket. You'll just be a little more dependent on the weather forecast.

Nha Trang is a universal resort thanks to its geographical location You can go here any month of the year. Of course, not everything is always perfect, but for the most part it is safe to say that if you go in a certain month and are doomed to sit in a hotel, you can’t. By the way, it will be said that quite a large number of tourists from Europe, in particular the British, prefer to come to Nachang in the winter months, when it is quite cold in their homeland, and thus they save on heating the house, while the cost of renting housing at this time is here , as in all other resorts in Vietnam, is sharply declining, sometimes halving.

Quite a large number of tourists come here at the height of summer, such as from June to . At this time, so-called eco-tours and various water sports are popular among tourists.

Rainy season in Nha Trang

At a time when all the resorts in the southern part of Vietnam are literally immersed “knee-deep in water” for as many as 6 months a year, due to heavy monsoon showers, Nha Trang seems to stand aside, and only 4 months in the second half of the year (the period from to December) can be called conditionally rainy here.

High season

In the first half of the year, almost from January itself- the weather, we can say with confidence, is ideal for spending part of your vacation in Nha Trang. The dry season here is quite long, so it cannot be said that there are a lot of tourists in certain months. "Packets" from the CIS countries appear here evenly, starting from January and ending in August. However, beach lovers need to know that from June the heat sets in here, and being on the beaches and in hotel rooms is very difficult due to the heat.

Note: As with many European countries, In Vietnam, with the onset of summer, it's time for vacations. Thousands of Vietnamese with children rush to the sea. I advise you to take this nuance into account in the future if you don’t want to feel “like in Anapa.”

Hottest time in Nha Trang

The period from July to August is terribly hot. It is much worse tolerated than similar heat in the resorts of Egypt, due to the fact that the humidity in Nha Trang is somewhat high. We recommend postponing your trip during this period, or, as a last resort, try to be 100% sure that the hotel where you will be staying has air conditioning. With a propeller on the ceiling, it will be unrealistically difficult to survive such heat.

In my humble opinion, best for Nachang is the period from to April, average daily temperature at this time is within 24-26 degrees Celsius, which in combination with a fairly large amount sunny days and rare night rains, makes the holiday more predictable and wonderful. I don’t recommend going here in the fall; it’s warm, but damp and dull. There are no continuous rains, but they are quite frequent during the day and very intense. The sun is almost always behind the clouds, because of this the sea looks gray, and photographs are not expressive. I hope the article answered many of your questions quite clearly, happy holidays.

If we look at the map of Vietnam, we will see that the country is very elongated from north to south (almost 2.5 thousand km) Therefore Vietnam climate and weather by month V different parts countries are very different. Conventionally, Vietnam can be divided into three climatic zones: Northern, Central and Southern. will vary greatly depending on where a particular resort is located.

Temperatures by month in the north and south of Vietnam

Weather in southern Vietnam

In the south of Vietnam (from Mui Ne to Ho Chi Minh City) two seasons can be distinguished - dry and wet. The air and water temperatures here fluctuate slightly - within a few degrees. Average annual temperature 26-28. Weather in southern Vietnam by month is this:

— Dry season from December to April.

— From February to May the weather is hot, with virtually no rain.

Wet season starts in May and ends in November. Largest quantity precipitation, that is, rainy season in southern Vietnam from June to August. However, these rains are short and it can be said that cloudy days provide a pleasant respite from the heat. The best weather in southern Vietnam in months - from October to April. This period is considered high season in this part of the country.

The main resorts in southern Vietnam are: Mui Ne, Vung Tau and Phu Quoc Island.

Mui Ne

Mui Ne is located about 200 km north of Ho Chi Minh City, near the town of Phan Thiet. Former fishing village last decades turned into one of best resorts Vietnam, and throughout Southeast Asia.

Mui Ne is Vietnam resort, weather whom by month It will be comfortable almost all year round. Along with Nha Trang, this is the most visited resort by Russian tourists. The undoubted advantage of Mui Ne is that all hotels are located on the beach (on the first line). In addition, there is a huge number of restaurants and bars. The resort of Mui Ne is considered best place for kite lovers, thanks to the almost constant wind, strong wind. It is this wind that big waves the sea are a feature of the climate in Mui Ne. From November to March is season for active recreation on this resort Vietnam. It is in Mui Ne that tourists come from different countries to go kiting here. There are a large number of kite schools along the entire coast, staffed by experienced instructors. Best time for kiting lessons from November to March.

But for the fans calm sea Suitable time is from April to September. At this time, the sea in Mui Ne becomes calm and clear.

Vung Tau

Vung Tau is a resort located just 128 km from Ho Chi Minh City, which has a very developed tourist infrastructure. This is one of the oldest resorts in the country. All along the coast are former villas of the Vietnamese nobility, now converted into restaurants and guesthouses. Vung Tau has several beaches: front, back and mulberry. There is also a small, picturesque beach with the French name Rocher Noir.

On the mountain above the city there is a huge statue of Jesus, 32 m high, very similar to the one in Rio de Janeiro. The disadvantages of the resort include its close proximity to oil production platforms, which is why the sea in Vung Tau cannot be called clean.

Phu Quoc Island

Phu Quoc Island is located in Gulf of Thailand and is the largest island in Vietnam. The length of the island is 48 km, width 25 km. This is perhaps the quietest and most beachy of all Vietnamese resorts. The beaches of Phu Quoc stretch from the town of Duong Dong to the south and, almost along the entire length, are built up with hotels. In 2008, Fukuoka's beaches were recognized as the cleanest and most beautiful in the world.

The period from October to March is months of the best weather Vietnamese resort - Phu Quoc Island. From April to Fukuoka begins rainy season, which continues until September.

There are practically no attractions in Fukuoka, but the nature of the island is beautiful and in some places almost untouched. It is noteworthy that, unlike other areas of Vietnam, rice is not grown here. Instead of rice fields, there are huge black pepper plantations on the island. Phu Quoc ranks first in the world in pepper exports.

Ho Chi Minh City

Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) is also located in the south of Vietnam and is certainly interesting for tourists. This is the most big city Vietnam (population about 8 million people). During French rule and later (from 1955 to 1975), Saigon was the capital of the country. At the end of the war with communist North Vietnam, Saigon was renamed Ho Chi Minh City. The best weather in Ho Chi Minh City- This months from October to April.

Central part of Vietnam

Nha Trang

Nha Trang is located 450 km from Ho Chi Minh City to the north. Nha Trang is perhaps the most popular Russian tourists resort in Vietnam. Unlike Mui Ne, also popular among Russians, which is more like a village, Nha Trang is a city with a well-developed infrastructure. A number of luxury hotels, including well-known international chains, stretch along the seven-kilometer sandy beach. And the rest of the city is very densely built up with hotels.

The beach in Nha Trang is very clean and well-groomed, like the whole city. The mountains here approach the very coast, so there is less precipitation than in other regions of the country and the likelihood of typhoons is minimal. Nha Trang is suitable for both a relaxing beach holiday and for lovers nightlife. The city has many bars, nightclubs and discos.

It is also a paradise for diving enthusiasts. Dive clubs are everywhere in the city. Nha Trang is also known as a medical resort. There is a mud therapy and treatment clinic in the city mineral water. People come here to be treated for joint diseases, bronchopulmonary and skin diseases. Best holiday season this resort in Vietnam from February to May. At this time there is no rain at all, the weather is clear and the sea is completely calm. in summer Nha Trang season rains. Also rainy weather in November and December. At this time, the sea is cloudy, cool and stormy almost all the time.


Danang is located 500 km north of Nha Trang. The best weather and season for holidays in Vietnamese resort Da Nang is the months from February to May.

Danang is one of the largest port and industrial cities in Vietnam. In terms of population, Da Nang ranks fourth in the country. Despite the developed tourist infrastructure, a large number of hotels and good beaches(China Beach is recognized as one of the best in the country), the number of tourists coming here is much less than in Nha Trang. Most travelers consider Da Nang as a transit point when moving from north to south or vice versa. There are no signs in Russian, and the restaurants will not offer you a Russian menu. But prices are much lower than in Nha Trang and Mui Ne and, importantly, there is no hectic traffic on the roads. Getting around the city on foot or on a rented motorbike is much more comfortable than in most other cities in Vietnam.

Holiday seasons in northern Vietnam

Weather in northern Vietnam by month characterized by clearly visible seasonal differences. Winter in this part of the country is quite cool. In December and January, temperatures can drop below 10 degrees. But summer weather in northern Vietnam, sometimes it is hotter than in the south of Vietnam. The landscape of the north of the country is mainly mountainous. Snow is not uncommon in these areas, especially around the city of Sapa.


In the north of Vietnam is the capital and main administrative center of the country - Hanoi. If you are planning to visit the capital, then remember that weather in Hanoi very often rainy and cool, especially in winter.

Ha Long Bay

The main resort in northern Vietnam is Halong.

Halong Bay is a real pearl of Vietnam. He is listed world heritage UNESCO. There are more than 1,600 rocky islands scattered throughout the bay. The view of the bay is stunning at first glance and leaves no one indifferent.

But weather and climate of northern Vietnam not always comfortable for relaxation. Beach season in Ha Long Bay, due to climatic features, quite short. In winter, the water temperature here drops to 15 degrees. And summer in Ha Long is very rainy. The most favorable holiday season in northern Vietnam by month