Abstract of educational activities for cognitive development in the senior group “Journey to the spring forest. Lesson summary “Spring Harassment”

Summary of GCD in senior group"Spring cares."

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, productive, cognitive-research, perception of fiction.

Goal: Continue to expand and enrich children's knowledge about vegetables.

Objectives: Learn to distinguish by color, shape; expand children’s understanding of seasonal work in the garden; clarify children’s understanding of what a plant can be grown from; continue to teach children how to sow seeds, bring children to an understanding of the conditions necessary for plant growth: sun, water, warmth; cultivate interest in flora, desire to work;

Preliminary work: observing indoor plants, looking at illustrations, riddles about vegetables, conversation “In what form are tomatoes eaten,” didactic game “Tops and Roots.”

Materials: cups with soil, rosettes with seeds, watering cans with water, wooden sticks.

Vocabulary work: hole, seedlings, gardener, florist, vegetable grower.

Planned results: solving riddles about vegetables with interest, friendly interaction with the teacher and peers during the game, demonstrating independence at work.

GCD move:

Introductory word from the teacher:

The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life,

The day comes, when does it happen?

Children: in the spring.

Educator: That's right, it's spring. Today we will talk about spring, about spring worries people. Guys, which of you can tell me the spring months?

Children: March, April, May.

Educator: That’s right, it’s March, April, May, but do you think the sun shines brighter or not?

Children: yes.

Educator: That’s right, in spring the days become longer, the sun is brighter and warmer. Today we will talk to you about spring chores in the garden.

Please tell me where the fruits are grown?

Children: in the garden.

Educator: what do they call people working in the garden?

Children: gardener.

Educator: where do they grow vegetables?

Children: in the garden, in the fields.

Educator: what do you call people who grow vegetables?

Children: vegetable growers.

Educator: today we will be little vegetable growers and prepare seedlings, and which ones you will find out by guessing the riddle:

Like in our garden,

Mysteries have grown.

Juicy and large,

they're so round.

In summer they turn green,

By autumn they turn red.

Children: tomato.

That's right, and in May the guys will plant our seedlings in the ground in the garden.

Educator: tomatoes began to be grown in Peru and Mexico, after the discovery of America, tomatoes, like indoor plants brought to Europe. But for 180 years now, everyone has known that ripe, beautiful berries, as they called it in the beginning, are very tasty. They are rich in vitamins A and C. Therefore, at the end of March and beginning of April, the seeds are planted in special greenhouses so they have time to ripen before the end of summer. Tomatoes are annual plants. For seed germination, a temperature of plus 22, 23 degrees is required. Tomatoes develop well in loose soil. We have already noted that tomatoes need warm climate, good soil, warm. Guys, tell me, is it warm in our group?

Children: yes.

Educator: Tell me, what else is needed for our seeds to sprout?

Children: water.

Educator: Yes, that’s right, you and I have all the necessary conditions: water, land, a warm room. Let's get some rest, guys. An outdoor game with a ball “It doesn’t happen.”

Frost in summer - no

Snow in winter - yes

Frost in summer - no

Leaf fall in spring

Blizzard in autumn

Frosts in spring

Rain in summer

Thunderstorm in spring

Dew in winter

In summer the buds

(An algorithm for the sequence of planting seeds is laid out on a flannelgraph. All actions are spoken out, then the child repeats and the children do the work independently.)

Educator: guys, your tables have everything you need, let’s go to the tables and do the work ourselves. We told you that the seeds are planted in special greenhouses, and we will prepare a greenhouse that will provide our seeds ourselves, we will cover the box with film, there will be additional heat and moisture.

Here in my hand I have a calendar of observations of planting tomatoes, where you and I will celebrate the germination and growth of our seedlings. And when the air temperature outside is plus 15, plus 20, we will plant them outside, where we will take care of them during the summer and harvest them in the fall. This is where our lesson ended, everyone did a good job today.


What did you guys like most about the lesson, was it difficult for you to plant tomato seeds? (children's answers)

Synopsis of the NOD “Spring Symphony”

(senior group/integration educational areas: cognition, communication, work, socialization, safety)

Software tasks:

1. Educational area “Cognition”:

Develop perception, the ability to establish a connection between an object and the environment;

Develop the ability to search;

Cultivate interest in new things;

Improve hand-eye coordination;

Improve your ordinal counting skills within 10.

2. Educational field “Communication”:

Develop the ability to clearly and clearly pronounce words and phrases;

Encourage children to take initiative in order to gain new knowledge;

Continue work to enrich everyday, natural history, and social vocabulary;

Exercise children in coordinating words in a sentence;

Develop the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher, with peers, to be a friendly and correct interlocutor

3. Educational area “Labor”:

Develop the ability to actively and creatively apply previously learned methods of making crafts;

Strengthen the ability to work with markings when making crafts from waste material;

Foster independence;

Develop the ability to diligently and accurately perform a task, put away the equipment used.

4. Educational area “Socialization”:

Develop strong-willed qualities: the ability to limit one’s desires, obey the demands of adults and fulfill established standards of behavior, and follow a positive example in one’s actions;

Foster friendly relationships between children.

5. Educational area “Security”:

To develop skills in the safe use of household items: scissors, magnifying glasses.

Equipment: multimedia installation, presentation with tasks, magnifying glasses, glasses, microscope, tables, model of flowers and insects, “bumps”, flowers, colored cardboard, paper, scissors, glue stick, oilcloth.

Preliminary work:

Getting to know flowers: meadow, garden, indoor;

Viewing and discussion of the presentation “Primroses”;

Watching the film “April” from the series “Seasons”;

Making flowers from corrugated paper using a template.

GCD move:


- Guys, look how many guests we have today, say hello to them (children say hello).

- Oh, what kind of box is this? (package)

That's right guys and it says from whom. This package is from the professor who is taking us to a fabulous laboratory. Why do you think? (to learn and see something new).

- Let's open the package and find out what's in it.

Teacher: opens the parcel and takes out the hats.


Guys, these hats will help us turn into experts who will end up in a fairy-tale laboratory, but only those who have knowledge will wear them.

Guys, look at the numbers that appeared on our screen, probably the professor wants to check if we know them. Let's name the number you like.

One child names a number, the task opens. Teacher:

Game "Fourth wheel".


Yes, this is not just a number, but a whole game, well, if you opened this game, then it will help us find the extra flower here. (There is an extra ficus flower here, since lily of the valley, primrose and mother and stepmother are wildflowers, and ficus is an indoor flower).


- Well done, that’s right, here’s your cap that turns you into an expert.

The game is repeated three times.

Game "Count."


Now open the number (1). Here is a game in which you have to count how many colors are drawn. Which flower will you count? (I will count dandelions. One dandelion, three dandelions, six dandelions).

The game is repeated three times.


- Well done, that's right, here's your hat.

Game "Where the flower grows."


Now you choose the number (5). And in this game you have to look and say where the flower grows in relation to the tree. (The flower grows to the right of the tree).

Well done, get your cap. Guys, all of you are wearing caps, which means that you have all become experts and can enter the magic laboratory.

The children go to the tables where the professor is waiting for them.

Professor: You guys got acquainted with forest and meadow primroses, and there are also garden primroses. And I have prepared a surprise for you: I brought one of these primroses from the greenhouse and it is called primrose. Primrose has inflorescences different colors(the bags are removed from the pots one by one and the children name the color of the inflorescences: yellow, lilac, burgundy).

Let's remember what parts a flower plant consists of. What is the name of the invisible part of the plant? (root) (Children examine a plant planted in a transparent container)

- What do the roots of flowering plants look like? (on strings)

What grows from a flower's root? (stem)

Primrose has not one stem, but many, and they end in leaves. Let's carefully touch the leaves and tell us what they feel like? (plump, fleecy, velvety)

And there are flowers on separate stems - they are called pedicels. Let's look at the flowers. How many petals do they have? (five or six) What is in the middle of the flower? (children's answers)

There is pollen in the middle of the flower. Let us look at the pollen very carefully, using magnifying glasses. (children look at flowers)

-What does pollen look like? (into small grains of sand or balls) What color is it? (yellow)

Almost all flowers have pollen yellow. Now let's look at the pollen through a microscope. I prepared everything in advance. And what do we see? (children's answers) it turns out that your and my observations coincided and we can display this in the table. (one child displays the color of the pollen, another – the shape, and the third – the size)

- Guys, why do plants need pollen? (children's answers)

Pollen is needed for plant pollination and seed formation. Do you know who pollinates plants? (insects) Do you want to know how this happens? (yes) Take all the flowers, and I’ll take the bee. The pollen in our experiment will be ordinary flour. You, dip your flower in a plate of flour, and a bee will fly to your flower, sit on it, move its legs, and when it flies up, pollen will remain on them. She will fly to the next flower, then to the next, to the next and so on, transferring pollen from one flower to another and pollinating each of them. Bees work hard and fly.

-And new meetings await you ahead, let’s go!

Physical exercise.

We come with you to the forest.

There are so many miracles around here!

We sat at the edge of the forest,

We looked all around.

Over there, near the little ones, near the hummocks

Flowers are blooming.

We'll jump over the bumps.

Let's collect flowers in a bouquet.

We need to not forget

Just take a flower. (jumping from hummock to hummock. 4 hummocks)

Let's go forward -

The road is calling us into the distance.

Looked right, left,

Bent over and sat down,

Let's collect one flower at a time,

And we'll hit the road again.

Who's that in front?

Who did we come to visit?

Met Vasilis's children.


Hello dear guests. I'm so glad to see you. What beautiful bouquets you have collected. Aren't you afraid to jump over bumps? How many flowers are there in the bouquets? (5 colors)

- How many bumps did you go over? (5 bumps.)


- How did you find out, did you count the bumps?

(We picked one flower from each hummock. 5 flowers means five hummocks.)


Well done. You are attentive. It’s good to give flowers, but on the road the flowers can fall out of the bouquets and get lost. How can we best preserve bouquets? (Children's statement). I suggest you make a flower basket.

- So, we have things to do now.

I count on you. As always.

You are skilled with us

Everything will work out now!

Just don't forget

Do everything together.

- Let's go to the tables. Look what kind of basket we will make with you.

Show sample.

- What does she have?

- There is a box and a handle.


- Look at your blanks and tell me what you see?

- We see simple and shaded rectangles


Shaded rectangles indicate that they need to be cut off. Like this (show). Simple rectangles indicate that they should be left. In order for the work to proceed smoothly, we will first cut all the strips, like this (show), and then cut them off (show). First we will do one side, then the other. Look, you can't go beyond the red line. She says stop, you can’t go any further. This is how the blank turned out (show). Now we will connect the outer strips to each other, like this (show). And we will glue all the rest to the middle. First one side, and then the other. I work slowly, carefully pressing and holding. The body is ready, we glue the handle. You can do it like this (demonstration). Or you can do it like this (show). Now the basket needs to be decorated. How? Think for yourself. You will choose the details that you like. Now I can put my flowers in the basket. Do you like the craft? Let's remember where we start working?

- Preparation of the workpiece.


- What are the rules when working with scissors?

- Do not lift with sharp ends upwards

- If scissors are not needed, put them in the stand.

- You can't swing scissors.


- Well done.

Don't be lazy, don't rush

And get down to business.

You'll have to work a little

And it will turn out to be a basket

Unprecedented beauty.

Flowers will fit in it.

Independent work of children.


- What great fellows you are! How hard we tried. Do you like your baskets yourself?

Let's go back to kindergarten.

Vasilisa sees off the children.


So you returned to kindergarten, you learned and saw a lot of new things in the magic laboratory, visited Vasilisa and made baskets. But look. We did not open the square with the question mark. Shall we open it? Look carefully and let's tell you why we need flowers.

(You can give flowers, this lifts your spirits. You can smell flowers, they have a pleasant aroma. You can put flowers in a vase, it makes your home beautiful. Cities are decorated with flowers. Flowers are pollinated by insects, they give them food).


Well done guys, they told me so much about flowers. And most importantly, flowers lift our spirits. Let's cheer up our guests too and give them our baskets of flowers. (Children give baskets to guests.)

The guests are leaving.


Guys, let's play some more. I will tell you riddles about flowers, and you will guess and find the answer in the group.

Summary of the organized educational activities

on the topic “Spring chores”

Goal: creating a situation to consolidate knowledge about spring, signs of spring through artistic and creative activity.


Provide conditions for children’s search activity (cognitive development);

Provide conditions for children to express their opinions (social and communicative development);

Provide conditions for independent selection of partners, materials (social and communicative development);

Create conditions to encourage children to engage in speech activity (speech development);

Strengthening skills in working with art materials.

Organization of children's activities:

Communication between a child and an adult.

Communication of the child with peers.

Artistic activity.

Introductory part (organizational and motivational point)

There are “thawed patches” on the floor.

-Guys, look what's on our floor?

-Where could thawed patches appear in the group? Children's reasoning.

-How shall we go?

-What did you find? Children discover thawed patches arranged in the form of a path.

I read the riddle written on the envelope.

- Loose snow melts in the sun,

The breeze plays in the branches,

So, it has come to us... (Spring)

-Who sent us the letter? They guess the riddle. They read the letter.

Main part

-Where do the thawed patches lead?

-What do we see at the end of the path?

We found ourselves in a clearing.

Visual gymnastics.

Here stands the spring forest,

There are many fairy tales and miracles in it.

On the left are pine trees, on the right are spruce trees.

The woodpecker from above taps and taps.

Close your eyes quickly

Find yourself in the middle of nowhere.

-How to help Spring Beauty come to the forest clearing?

I invite children to tables with boxes for creative activities.

-The boxes can be opened by friends who will come up with magic words together.

Children decide on their choice of friend. Each pair pronounces the magic words in agreement.

-What signs and how can we depict them?

-Teach how you will do this?

Agree with each other.

Children in pairs agree on the sequence of their work.

I get involved in the work of each couple in turn, clarify what they are doing and what result they want to get.

Productive activities of children:

-quilling - flowers, buds;

-origami - forest animals;

- paper - thawed patches, grass.

Completion of activity.

Well done, they worked hard and helped Spring Beauty. I’m in such a sunny mood that I wanted to add a ray of sunshine,

and if you have a gloomy soul, stick a cloud on it.

Children add a ray or cloud to the landscape, discussing what they liked most during the lesson.

Summary of the direct educational activities of children in the senior group on the topic “Spring drops.”

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Safety”, “Labor”.


Educational area "Cognition":

Expand and enrich children’s knowledge about spring changes in nature (thawed patches, first spring flowers, arrival of birds);

- fix the state of water (solid, liquid);

- introduce the gaseous state of water.

Educational field "Socialization":

- consolidate the ability to obey the rules in a group game;

- create a desire to act together;

- cultivate a culture of fair competition in competitive games.

Educational field "Security":

- continue to develop skills in a culture of behavior in nature (treat insects and plants with care);

- expand ideas about ways to properly interact with nature.

Educational area "Labor":

- involve children in sowing flower seeds.

Demo material:

tape recorder, audio recording “Sounds of Nature”, picture “Kapitoshka”, set of pictures “Phenomena of Nature”, set of pictures “Three states of water”, jug with hot water, plexiglass (for experiment), set of pictures “Wintering and migratory birds", didactic game "Find a Pair", didactic game "What's in the beginning, what's next", flower seeds, disposable cups with soil, sticks, napkins (for each child).

GCD move:

Drop music sounds.

Educator: Children hear sounds. How do you figure out what it is? (children's answers)

Educator: Yes, it was an icicle that melted and dripped and one drop fell on our windowsill.

Children look at a drop - a capitoshka.

Educator: What is she like? (round soft, water, cold).

Educator: Guys, let's revive her. What she doesn’t have (eyes, mouth, nose) the children draw with a marker.

Educator: The drop came to life - became Kapitoshka and told me in my ear that she had lost her friends and was asking for help in finding them.

Educator: Guys, where can you meet Kapitoshka’s friends (in the river, in the lake, in the sea, etc.) Well, guys, let’s help?

First task:

Educator: Children, come up, take any picture and stand in a circle, now look at it and say what is in your pictures. (Snowdrifts, river, snow, rain).

Educator: Think about what all these pictures have in common, what unites them. (according to the properties of water). Yes guys, this is water in different states.

And now who has water in liquid state They will take the chairs to my right, and those who have solid water will sit on the chairs to my left.

So you and I have completed the first task and get a drop - and so that it does not spill, we lower it into a watering can.

Educator: Kapitoshka told me that water has one more state.

Look: Teacher: shows an experiment on the gaseous state of water. (takes out a jug of hot water and plexiglass).

Educator: Guys, look at the carafe with hot water and tell me what you see? (means steam, air). From hot water steam rises - this is also water only in a gaseous state. Now let’s substitute the plexiglass and what we will see are droplets of water. When it comes into contact with cold plexiglass, the steam becomes water. We have become acquainted with another state of water - gaseous - repeat to remember.

Educator: You get a drop.

Educator: And now you and I continue to complete tasks according to commands. The team will call itself...... and the second team will call itself........

Task two:

Educator: Guys, you will need to think and finish the phrase

"What would you do if you saw it?"

1. A boy picks a snowdrop flower in the forest?

2. The girl clutched a butterfly in her palms and did not let go of it?

1. Did a bee land on your sleeve?

2. Is the girl touching the nettle?

Educator: You completed the task - a little bit for you.

Task three:

Educator: We made a feeding trough, we opened a dining room.

Sparrow, the neighbor's bullfinch, will be your winter lunch.

Visit on the first day of the week

The titmice flew to us.

And on Tuesday - bullfinches, brighter than the morning dawn.

Three crows were on Wednesday.

We weren't expecting them for lunch.

And on Thursday from all over the world -

a flock of greedy sparrows.

On Friday, in our dining room, a pigeon feasted on porridge,

And on Saturday seven magpies swooped down on the pie.

On Sunday,


A messenger has arrived

Spring -

Starling traveler, that's the end of the song.

Educator: Guys, a flock of birds has gathered at our feeder, and there are so many birds that you can’t even see where they are wintering. and what a migratory one.

Educator: Guys, you will need to name the bird and determine whether it is wintering or migratory, and put it on a snowflake - wintering, and migrating on a thawed patch.

One of the teams goes out, takes it, names the bird and puts it down.

Educator: Well done, you completed the task and you get a drop.

Physical education lesson: “Birds”

Birds jump, fly,

The birds sing merrily

Birds collect crumbs

The birds are pecking the grains.

Feathers cleaned

And they sat down.

Task four: "Find yourself a partner"

Educator: Now everyone will take one picture from the distribution.

Everyone has half a picture, you must find a pair for yourself from a neighboring team based on spring and explain why you formed such a pair.

Educator: You completed the task wonderfully and you get a drop.

Task five: “What comes first, what comes later?

Educator: Whose team will get up faster and most importantly, correctly in order and explain why you got up that way. (children look at the pictures and stand up)

B: “Seed-sprout-stem-bud-flower-fruit.”

Educator: whoever doesn’t have a picture helps to stand up correctly. Smart guys, you completed the task, you get a drop.

Educator: Now we have seen how a seed develops. And Kapitoshka also prepared flower seeds for us. What do people do with the seeds? (seeds are planted in the ground at the dacha, in flower beds).

Educator: And you and I will plant flowers on our plot. Why do we need flowers? To make it beautiful, you can admire them, smell them, make the butterflies fly, rejoice and watch them grow and bloom.

Educator: Now Polina Shutova will tell us about the plant "Calendula".

Educator: And there is also such a plant as “Castor bean”; Polina Vakushina will tell you about it.

Educator: Guys, what kind of flower will we plant on our plot? Calendula, because it is beautiful and healthy.

Educator: Thank you girls for the interesting stories.

Practical part:

Educator: Now let’s go to the tables and look at the seeds of the calendula flower. What are they like? (Claws) Yes, people call them marigolds.

Take cups of soil and use chopsticks to make holes, plant a seed and sprinkle with soil. Stick the chopsticks into your glass so that you know your glass, and you and I will continue to fill out observations in the album.

Educator: What is needed for a seed to germinate? (Need warmth, need light, need water). Let's put it on the windowsill.

Educator: guys, thank you, Kapitoshka is very pleased, thanks you all for your work.

Summary of GCD " Artistic creativity. Drawing using the wet-on-wet technique.

A lesson on familiarization with nature (the environment) in a senior speech therapy group on the topic “Spring nature is full of wonders”

Preliminary work:

Morning conversations:

“Comparative analysis of the paintings by I. Levitan “March” and I. Grabar “February Azure”, the first signs of spring, changes in the behavior of birds, the life of animals in the forest and insects with the arrival of spring.”

Work in the book corner:

Looking at photo illustrations of early spring; conversations about what signs of early spring are visible in these paintings.

Reading fiction:

N. Sladkov “Spring joys. Stream".
E. Shim “Solar Drop”.
G. Skribitsky “In a forest clearing. Happy bug. Spring".
N. Pavlova “Under the Bush”.

Working in a natural area:

Monitoring plant growth, bud development, planting onions and flower seedlings.

Plot-didactic games:

“TV reporter - spring reports from the streets of the village of Luzhniki”; "Gardeners"; "Not really".


Snow observation;
Observing the sun;
Cloud watching;
Observations of melt water;
Observations of buds on trees;
Bird watching;
Observations of grass in thawed patches;
Weather observation.

Software tasks:


To consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about spring changes in living and inanimate nature;
To develop the ability to establish connections between changes in inanimate and living nature, to establish their sequence;
Learn to express your point of view on a certain topic, communicate freely;
Activate children's vocabulary.


Develop coherent speech, thinking, horizons, observation, curiosity;
Develop aesthetic perception environment through visual and auditory receptors;
Develop tactile sensations, fine motor skills, articulatory apparatus;
Develop cognitive interest.


To foster an environmental culture in children;
Foster love and respect for nature.


Poem by A.S. Pushkin “Driven by spring rays”;
Musical accompaniment: phonogram with music by Vivaldi “Spring”, Ukrainian folk song “Vesnyanka”, recording of bird voices, murmur of a brook;
Spring models on rocker arms:
Sun, Spring streams, Arrival of birds, Glade with snowdrops;
Demonstration picture about spring, diagrams with spring signs.
Origami: flowers (snowdrops), birds.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment.

Invitation to travel: (children in a circle on the carpet).


Guys, in today's lesson we are going to exciting journey. We will talk about nature in one of the most amazing times of the year, we will listen to the sounds of nature, get to know it. And what an amazing time of year this is, you will now find out.

The music of Vivaldi “Spring” plays softly, the teacher reads a poem by Pushkin:

Driven by spring rays
There is already snow from the surrounding mountains
Escaped through muddy streams
To the flooded meadows.
Nature's clear smile
Through a dream he greets the morning of the year...
The skies are blue and shining.
Still transparent, forests
It's like they're turning green.


What is this morning of the year, guys?



Why do you think the poet called spring that?


Everything wakes up, comes to life, blooms.


Now you and I will also wake up a little and perk up. Let's open the window. The street is quiet and light. The air is clean, clean, fresh. Let's take a breath, let's exhale. Let's take a deep breath, let's exhale. How easy it is to breathe in spring. Now let's do exercises for our tongue. Early in the morning, the tongue got up, did exercises, kneaded the dough, baked pancakes, spread them delicious jam, drank tea, brushed my teeth and went for a walk. " Springtime- I ate, but from the yard.”


Well, we are ready for the spring trip. Are you happy about spring? Show me how?

Working with spring models on rocker arms


Guys, we need to choose the right route. Pay attention to our pictures. What do they show?


Signs of spring in nature.


Where does the approach of spring begin?


The sun will begin to shine brighter.


Let's find such a picture.
Here it is, sunshine! (Go to picture I).
What is it like? (Bright, spring, warm, affectionate, radiant, kind).
What do the Russian people affectionately call the sun? (Sun-bell, sun-bucket. Sun-red).


And now we will do gymnastics for our eyes.

Gymnastics for the eyes “Sunny Bunny”

My sunny little bunny,
(stretch your palm forward)

Jump onto your palm.
My sunny little bunny,
(put on palm index finger other hand)

Small, like a baby.
Jump on the nose, on the shoulder.
Oh, how hot it got!
Jump on your forehead, and again
Let's ride on your shoulder.
(follow with your eyes the movement of the finger: to the nose, to one shoulder, forehead, to the other shoulder)

So we closed our eyes,
(cover your eyes with your palms)

And the sun plays:
Cheeks warm with rays
Gently warms.
(open your eyes wide)


The sun shone and gave our land warmth. What happened to the snow? (The snow began to melt). How did the snow turn out? (Dirty, gray, loose, sticky, wet, cold). What has the snow become? (The snow turned into streams).


Sit down guys, make yourself comfortable, now we’ll listen to how the stream sings. What can you say about the stream? What is he like? (Fast, murmuring, blue, talkative, ringing, transparent, cold) Why do they say that he “runs”? Who can run? (Man, animal, those who have legs, paws run).
The stream has no legs. Why do they say about him that he “runs”?


Because it flows quickly.


In this case, the word "runs" is used in figurative meaning. Remember when else the word “runs” was used in a figurative sense? (Time flies).What do they mean when they say “time flies”? (Children's answers). Right. This means that time passes unnoticed, very quickly.

Finger gymnastics “Rucheek”

The sun laughs tenderly,
(we draw a circle in the air with our index fingers)

Shines brighter, hotter,
(show open palms)

It pours loudly from the hillock
(we run the index finger of our right hand along the palm of our left)

Talkative stream.
(we run the index finger of our left hand along the palm of our right)

I'm babbling, babbling, babbling,
(palms forward, wiggling fingers)

I sharpen the stones smoothly,
(rubbing palms together)

I'll run away like a blue ribbon,
(“snake” with palms)

I'll pour myself into the river full.
(connect palms separated to the sides)

My water is good
(massage thumb everyone else)

Lean over to get drunk.
(tilt, hands in a “handful”)

The river stirs the grass,
(we move our fingers)

The stream is calling me.
(smooth movements of palms from side to side)


Does it rain in spring?



What is he like? (warm, strong, etc.) The spring rain has passed. What will happen next in nature?


Thawed patches will appear. Snowdrops will bloom, grass will appear, other flowers will appear, the leaves on the trees will open (go to the next picture).

Physical education lesson “Flower”

There is silence all around
We are now out in the meadow.

With the warm rays of the sun, the “flower” begins to bloom “petals”: ​​prepare right hand– a hand with folded outstretched fingers – “bud”).

The “flower” slowly begins to bloom: sssss…. (teacher demonstrates long exhalation).

Smile. Show your teeth. Press the tip of your tongue against your lower teeth. The "flower" is blooming... Bloomed.

Show the “Flower” to the sun (raise your hand up, move your hand in a circular motion).

Look! Another “Flower” is blooming ( left hand, repeat the exercise).

But then the clouds came, covered the sun, the petals closed: ssss...

The “cheerful rain” has begun (jumping with arms raised up and to the sides) (feel a feeling of joy and fun)

A gentle breeze has arisen (tilts to the side, hands up), the speed increases - a hurricane (first a feeling of joy, then anxiety).

“Lightning flashed” (from the main stance, lunges in various directions with sharp movements of the arms. (feel a sense of triumph and strength).

The wind drove away the clouds “the sun is waking up” (from a squat, slowly stand up, rise on your toes, stretch your arms forward and upward towards the “sun” (feel the joy of the birth of a new day).


What else happens in spring?


Birds are flying in.


How did we meet birds? (they sang nicknames, read poems, told signs of spring, hung birdhouses). Let's listen to the birds singing in the spring forest. What migratory birds do you know? (starlings, rooks, swallows, larks, cuckoo).

Game "Good and bad"

What good is it if birds fly away from us? (It’s cold in winter, they have nowhere to hide from the wind and snow, birds have nothing to eat, since all insects sleep in winter, and it’s warm in the south). What's wrong with birds flying away from us? (We don’t see them, we don’t hear their singing, many birds die on the way, unable to withstand the difficult road).


And when it gets really warm, who appears in the forest?


Insects (butterflies, bugs, etc.).


You and I have walked a route called “Signs of Spring”.


Let's sit down in the clearing to relax and look at this picture. Spring inspires poets and musicians. Today we listened to wonderful poems about spring, musical works. And you and I will be artists and create our own picture of spring (demonstration of the painting “About Spring”).


What does it show?


Forest in spring.


Guys, I’ll tell you a secret that the artist did not fully paint the picture of spring, but you and I can make it even more beautiful and complete. (Children take pictures - stickers from the tray, look at them, stick them one by one and name the sign of spring: the sun is shining brightly; thawed patches appear; snowdrops bloom; the bear wakes up, comes out of the den; bunny; birds;).


Guys, what proverbs and sayings about spring do you know? (Children call).

A spring day feeds the year.
Spring rain is never too much.
Whoever is happy to work in the spring will be rich in the fall.
Lots of water - lots of grass.
Rook on the mountain - spring is in the yard.
I saw fluff on a willow - and spring arrived.
The swallow begins spring, and the nightingale ends summer.
It's spring time - I ate from the yard.
March - with water, April with grass, May with flowers.


That's how much folk wisdom in proverbs about spring.

Summing up the lesson:


Guys, our spring journey has come to an end. What did you like most?


Listen to the babbling brook. Look at pictures with signs of spring. To be flowers in a forest clearing.


Tell me, what is the very first sign of spring appearing in nature?


Spring sun. It not only shines, but also warms the earth. And everything begins to wake up after winter sleep.


(Paying attention to the picture that hangs on the board).

You and I have “created” a picture in which there are a lot of signs of spring. What can you call it? (We listen to the children's suggestions).


Spring is just coming into its own. And you and I will admire it for a long time, listen to its sounds, travel around spring nature, enjoy the sun, the arrival of birds, the murmuring of streams, the first snowdrops.


Guys, look how many spring snowdrops there are in our meadow. We made them with our own hands during the applique class. Let's give them to our guests as a souvenir of our meeting and this wonderful spring. (Children give).


Program content.

Consolidate knowledge about spring changes in nature.

Expand understanding of the features of agricultural work in spring period.

Foster a respectful attitude towards people involved in agriculture.

Activate vocabulary(spring harvest, harvester, agronomist, etc.).

Develop curiosity, creativity, initiative.

Brief description of the slides.

Slide 4. Organizational moment . Reading a poem.

Slide 5. Behind the forests, behind the meadows Thunder is heard in the field:

These are tractors with plows plowing light black soil.

The tractor carries a plow behind it - a ripper of the earth. It turns over the top layer of soil.

Slide 6. And this is a harrow. About Us sharp teeth, that’s why it’s called “dental”. The harrow breaks large clods of earth into small ones. A harrow is used to harrow the ground.

Slide 7, 8, 9. When the land is ready for sowing, a seeder is attached to the tractor. The seeder makes furrows.

From the seeder, the seeds evenly fall to the ground in the grooves.

Slide 10-15. Grains and leguminous crops are sown in this way. Cereals are plants that produce grain - wheat, rye, rice, millet, barley and others.

Slide 11. Wheat (semolina). Slide 12. Rye. Slide 13. Fig. Slide 14. P roso. Slide 15. Barley (pearl barley and barley).

Slide 16. Leguminous crops are beans, peas and others.

Agronomists - specialists agriculture– know when and what agricultural work needs to be done. The success of the entire year depends on how the spring field campaign goes. It is not without reason that the old peasant wisdom says: A SPRING DAY FEEDS THE YEAR.

What does it take for a seed to sprout in the ground? (From such a grain, a small sprout will first grow, then a spikelet, then these spikelets will be collected on the field by combines and taken to the flour mill. Bakers will make dough and bake buns, bread, rolls.

Do you know why bread comes in different colors? (There is wheat flour - it is made from wheat, and rye flour - it is made from rye.

Slide 17. Baked from wheat flour white bread, buns, loaves.

Slide 18. Black bread and rye gingerbread are baked from rye flour.

Conclusion. How should you treat bread?

Proverbs about bread.

Bread is the head of everything.

Bread and water are heroic food.

He who works tirelessly cannot live without bread.

Work until you sweat, eat bread when you want.



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Slide captions:

MBDOU kindergarten No. 8 “Yolochka” Urensky Municipal district Nizhny Novgorod region Presentation on acquaintance with nature " Spring suffering» Prepared by: senior group teacher Firuza Nikolaevna Maltseva

TOPIC: “SPRING HAPPY” Program content. Consolidate knowledge about spring changes in nature. Expand your understanding of the features of agricultural work in the spring. Foster a respectful attitude towards people involved in agriculture. Activate vocabulary (spring harvest, harvester, agronomist, etc.). Develop curiosity, creativity, initiative.

Brief description of the slides. Slide 4. Organizational moment. Reading a poem. Slide 5. Behind the forests, behind the meadows Thunder is heard in the field: These are tractors with plows Plowing the light black soil. The tractor carries a plow behind it - a ripper of the earth. It turns over the top layer of soil. Slide 6. And this is a harrow. It has sharp teeth, which is why it is called “tooth”. The harrow breaks large clods of earth into small ones. A harrow is used to harrow the ground. Slide 7, 8, 9. When the land is ready for sowing, a seeder is attached to the tractor. The seeder makes furrows. From the seeder, the seeds evenly fall to the ground in the grooves. Slide 10-15. Grains and leguminous crops are sown in this way. Cereals are plants that produce grain - wheat, rye, rice, millet, barley and others. Slide 11. Wheat (semolina). Slide 12. Rye. Slide 13. Fig. Slide 14. P roso. Slide 15. Barley (pearl barley and barley). Slide 16. Leguminous crops are beans, peas and others. Agronomists - agricultural specialists - know when and what agricultural work needs to be done. The success of the entire year depends on how the spring field campaign goes. It is not without reason that the old peasant wisdom says: A SPRING DAY FEEDS THE YEAR. What does it take for a seed to sprout in the ground? (From such a grain, a small sprout will first grow, then a spikelet, then these spikelets will be collected on the field by combines and taken to the flour mill. Bakers will make dough and bake buns, bread, rolls. Do you know why bread comes in different colors? (There is wheat flour - its made from wheat, and rye - it is made from rye. Slide 17. White bread, buns, loaves are baked from rye flour. Conclusion How to treat bread? - Bread is the head of everything. - Bread and water are heroic food. He who works tirelessly cannot live without bread. Work until you sweat, eat bread when you want.

Educational objectives:

1. To help deepen and generalize children’s knowledge about wild animals, birds, trees, fish.

2. Expand your understanding of the forest and its inhabitants.

3. Continue to introduce characteristic features spring.

4. Introduce the properties of ice and water.

5.Continue to teach to understand and use words denoting the ratio of objects by size.

Developmental tasks:

1. To develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of the forest and its inhabitants.

2. Develop memory, coherent speech, and ability to analyze.

Educational tasks:

1. To cultivate children’s interest in forest life, the ability to behave in the forest.

2. Foster love and respect for nature.

3. Show care and attention to all living things.

4. Create goodwill.

Preliminary work:

1.Looking at illustrations depicting wild animals, trees, birds.

2. Review of the album “Seasons”.

3. Conversations about spring.

4. Reading poems about spring.

5. Making riddles about birds and animals.

6. Reading fairy tales about animals.

7. Didactic games"Wild Animals", "Birds".


1. Path (made of cords).

2. River (blue canvas).

3. Birch branch.

4. Forest laboratory (2 tables covered with canvas).

5. Trays.

6. Fabric napkins.

7. Tape recorder.

8. Red cardboard.


Educator:Guys, do you want to go to the spring forest?

Children: Yes, we do.

Educator:Tell me, what time of year is it now?

Children: Spring.

Educator:How did you guess that it was spring?

Children:It’s warm outside, the snow is melting, the sun is shining and warming, buds are swelling on the trees, people have taken off their warm ones and put on light jackets.

Educator:Well done guys. To get into the forest, we need to follow the path. (shows an improvised track). What is she like?

Children:Wide (children walk along the road in pairs).

Educator:So we walked along the path. Where has she taken us?

Children: To the river.

Educator:That's right, we approached the river. In spring, the ice on the river is thin and fragile, it begins to melt and break. Who's that under the ice?

Children: Fish.

Educator:In the spring the ice melts and turns into water, the fish begin to swim. Do you think the fish are cold under the ice?

Children: Cold.

Educator:If a fish swims, then it is not cold. Now let's move on

To get to the forest, we need to cross the river on this beautiful bridge. What is he like?

Children: Narrow.

Educator:Well done. In order not to fall into the river, let's grab the railing with one hand and cross the bridge to the other side. (Children walk one after another across the bridge)

Guys, we have approached the forest. Look how beautiful the spring forest is.

March is fast approaching

Chasing winter away.

During the day the snow melts a little.

The night is freezing.

On a clear day, icicles cry -

The sun melts their sides,

At dark nights they hide tears -

Pre-spring melancholy.

(N. Radivilina)

Guys, what animals living in the forest do you know?

Children:Bear, hare, fox, squirrel, wolf.

Educator:What are the names of the animals that live in the forest?

Children:- Wild.

Educator: - What birds living in the forest in the spring do you know?

Children: - Tit, woodpecker, owl.

(The sound of drops is heard and Spring enters)

Spring: Hello guys!

Do you recognize me?

Children: Hello!



The guys will be quiet. Spring is red, and the guys and I did not come to the forest empty-handed. We brought birdhouses. They were made by children with their fathers and mothers for starlings.

Children give birdhouses to Spring.


Well done, thank you guys. What beautiful birdhouses you made with moms and dads. I will hang birdhouses on trees and starlings will live in them. And I want to tell you about the rules of conduct in the forest.

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just don't forget,

That you can't make noise in the forest,

Even sing very loudly.

The animals will be scared

They will run away from the forest edge.

Don't break oak branches,

Never forget.

There's no need to catch everyone here,

Stomp, clap, hit with a stick.

You are just a guest in the forest.

Here the owner is the oak and the elk.

Take care of their peace,

After all, they are not our enemies!


Thank you, Vesna, the guys and I will definitely remember these rules.


Look how many trees are around you. This forest is called mixed because they grow together here. different trees. What types of trees are there?

Children:Low and high.

Educator: Do you know the names of the trees?

Children: We know.

Educator: What is the name of this tree?

Children: Birch.

Educator: What does birch have?

Children:Trunk and branches, and soon leaves will appear.

Educator: What kind of tree is this?

Children: Christmas tree.

Spring: What does the Christmas tree have?

Children:Trunk, branches, needles.

Educator: Well done, everything is correct. For this I invite you to the forest laboratory.

(There are two trays in front of the children, one with snow and one with ice)

Look and touch the snow. What is he like?

Children:- Cold, wet, white.

Educator: That's right. And now I will put a sheet of red paper under a lump of snow and a piece of ice. What did you see through the snowball?

Children: Nothing.

Educator: So the snow is not transparent. What did you see through the piece of ice?

Children: Red paper.

Educator: That's right. This means the ice is transparent. So you and I learned about the properties of ice and snow. Ice is transparent, but snow is not.

Thank you, Vesna. We learned a lot of new and interesting things. Only our children were a little cold. It's time for us to return home.


To keep you warm, I will help you quickly return to kindergarten. Wind, wind, help my friends return home quickly! See you soon, children!

Children:Goodbye, Spring!

(Spring is leaving, children are sitting on chairs)


How good it is to be back in kindergarten. Now let's remember. Where did we go?

Children: To the forest.

Educator: Where did we go?

Children:We walked along a wide road and across a narrow bridge.

Educator: Who did we meet in the forest?

Children: Spring.

Educator: What have we learned about snow and ice?

Children:Ice is transparent, but snow is opaque.

Educator: Well done! Now you can play with your favorite toys.

Week 3 Integrating theme: “People’s work in spring. Where did the bread come from?
Strengthen knowledge about genre
Exercise children in walking
learn to understand figurative
and run in a column with
stopping at a signal
4 week
Learn to retell the text
accurately, consistently,
Program objectives
, 4 week
) Date____________________


Make a pattern based on
choose on your own
Arouse interest in drawing
decoration elements on
fantasy colors. Show
the middle and along the edge of the product.
modification techniques and
Develop imagination and skill
decorating petals with
compose a composition according to
by design, not by model.
educational activities
Lesson No. 30
Reading a fairy tale by D. Rodari
"Sly Pinocchio"
(Ushakova O.S.
Lesson No. 19
According to the plan of the muses.
Lesson No. 26 P. 189
Ushakova O.S.
Topic: "Fantastic
T. Komarova Page 177
I.A.Lykova No. 59 S. 132
Educational work carried out in
process different types children's activities,
during regime moments
Conversation. Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​sowing
bread Introduce the tools that
Conversation “Where did the bread come from on the table” Clarify and expand
were used in ancient times and are now used for
This work is a seeder. Strengthen children's knowledge about
children's ideas about the origin of bread, tell,
how many people work to bring bread into the house?
WALK (No. 1)
D/i “What is made from flour?”…………………………………
Weather observation. What's the weather like today? What about
Goal: To develop cognitive interest, thinking, visual
can you say it? Is it colder or warmer today than
Weather observation. What sky? What's on it? How
yesterday, the day before yesterday? What are we wearing?
can you tell me about the weather?
D/i “Raise your eyes to the sky, lower your gaze to the ground, close
Looking at paintings
eyes, expose your face to the wind, turn away from it - the result is we walk along
Goal: To introduce the tools that
Games with outdoor materials, construction games with sand
are now used for work - mortar, pestle,
“We build garages for tractors”
The outdoor game “Mousetrap” strengthens the ability to act according to
Walk No. (card file No. 2)
Observations: weather, clouds, birds
P/game: “Find your gingerbread”…………………………………….
Goal: Continue to develop children’s physical activity,
D/i “Finish the sentence” (No. 19)…………………
Experiments with land Purpose: To form ideas about
properties of hard and loose soil. Consolidate knowledge about
complex sentences.
that you cannot plant on solid ground
Mom put the bread... where? (in the bread bin), ears of corn
Reading “The Legend of How a Delicious Cupcake or
growing...where? (on the field), The combine drove onto the field,
a fairy tale about a magic grain."
in order to...(harvest the grain harvest), the grain was taken to
mill to...(grind flour), The cook kneaded
dough to…(bake bread), etc.

According to the plan of the muses.
Outdoor games
“The Kite and the Mother Hen”, “Who’s Next?”
Goal: learn to run, holding each other,
listen to the teacher's signal.
Independent play activity children
development environment
Illustrations about bread.
Counting sticks;
Benefits.. Balls by
Proverbs and
number of children
2. gymnastic
benches, two
Painting “Hedgehog”, “Fox”
with the little foxes."
Attributes for
Bakery games:
dummies of cotton products,
aprons, caps for
The paper is white and
sellers, bags,
colored for background,
wallets, for
colored pencils,
metal and
paper money,
price tags.



4 week
Give an idea of ​​the process
growing and manufacturing
“Where did the bread come from?”
O.F.Gorbatenko Page 62,
Reading the work “Spikelet” (Ukrainian
folk tale)
D/i “Cut pictures. Bakery products"
Pictures and
illustrations about bread.

Learn to convey impressions
from New Year's holiday.
Create an image in a drawing
decorated Christmas tree. Learn
mix paints on a palette
to obtain different shades
flowers. Develop figurative
perception, aesthetic
feelings (sense of rhythm, feeling
Repeat running with children
speed; repeat
game exercises With
ball, with jumping

“Spring has come.
The birds have arrived"
Komarova S.131
Lesson No. 21
(“Physical education
classes in kindergarten",
L. Penzulaeva, p.90)

D/i “What’s extra?” (No. 21)
Goal: To consolidate children’s ideas about products made from
attentiveness, logical thinking.
Articulation gymnastics “Pancake”
Canteen duty
Goal: Continue to develop skills
control the correctness of serving, check
Musical and artistic “In search of
D/i “Name your profession” (No. 23)………………..

bread production, expand your vocabulary.
P/i “Pies in the Forest” (No. 15)……………………….

Gouache Sheet of paper
white, color or
any soft tone.
Benefits. 3-b
balls (diameter 20
-25 cm), 3 hoops.
4 week
Introduce the method
blanks (semicircles) in
“high” cone by dividing a circle
in half; practice in
cutting a circle from a square,
work according to the template.
Lesson No. 1
Theme: "Mouse"
N.V. Novikova S. 90
Exercise children in walking
and run in a column with
stopping at a signal
Lesson No. 20
"Physical training
D/i “What kind of flour was baked from”
Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about cereals,
types of flour, bakery products which of them
D/i “Name your profession”
Goal: Expand children's ideas about professions
people involved in growing and producing
bread, expand your vocabulary.
D/i “What is needed for the work of a grain grower?” (application.)
Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about agricultural
technology, farmer's tools, develop visual
perception, attention, memory.
Gymnastics for the eyes “Left - Right”
P/game "Spikelet"
Goal: To promote the development of coordination of movements,
orientation in space, develop dexterity,
Outdoor game “Clap Stomp” to exercise skills
Blanks for
figures (6cm by 12cm);
colored paper, glue.
Balls by
number of children



