Who fits the decade in horoscopes. Compatibility of zodiac signs: who is right for you

From time immemorial, all developed cultures united the stars into constellations, projecting their myths and religious concepts onto the sky. And astrology has also operated with constellations for a long time. Astrologers kept track of which constellations rose, which culminated, where in this moment there are planets, and based on this they made their conclusions.

Constellations were not suitable as starting information for astrology, since they have different extents, and besides different cultures determined the names and boundaries of the constellations in different ways. This is how the Zodiac appeared - a universal method of division starry sky into twelve different parts.

Each sign of the Zodiac is divided into 3 decades - one decade lasts 10 days. The first ten days are the zodiac sign in its purest form. The second ten days of a sign are its second elemental brother, so this second decade will carry the qualities of both the main sign and its elemental brother. The third decade is mixed with the third sign of the same element. For example, within the sign Leo there are Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. Leo of the 1st decade will be different from Leo 2 and Leo 3.

Like all Aries, these people are energetic, brave and impulsive, but at the same time their brain works like a computer. These are not cornets rushing headlong into battle, but military generals. They have a fairly high opinion of themselves, but since those around them also value them, this does not bring any inconvenience. Men are wildly successful, women are real Amazons, not particularly concerned about their appearance and despising “female tricks.” The principle of Aries of the first decade is “to change what I cannot bear.” In no case can you call them rude; they will always listen to the opinions of people they sympathize with and... act in their own way. These Aries have a poor understanding of people and therefore often encounter betrayal and dishonesty. They have ups and downs, life treats them harshly, but they will always find the strength to rise and move forward. And at the same time they still manage to smile.

For these people, everything is divided into “black” and “white,” “ours” and “not ours.” All means are good against enemies, but friends must be protected sparing your belly! In some cases, Aries of the second decade commit impermissible acts, being in the simplicity of their souls convinced that they have the right to do so. They are generous, love animals and patronize those who are weaker. They love to show off and have difficulty admitting their mistakes. They always get into some kind of adventure, without this life is simply not pleasant for them. They are born leaders and fighters. In a calm environment, they begin to feel sad. Such Aries love passionately, go straight to the goal, and appealing to their common sense is useless. These are people of extremes, and any hatred is really only a step away from them. Their enemies are furious, active and... stupid, since they very rarely guess where they really need to strike.

Romantics and pioneers. Sincere, bright, direct, they not only shine, but also warm. If necessary, they are ready to sacrifice themselves. They endure the blows of fate in silence, so that it seems to others that they have no problems. The interests of Aries of the third decade noticeably go beyond the interests of ordinary people. These people are very talented, they have a particularly strong passion for literature and theater, they can become great actors and wonderful poets. However, they succeed in everything they undertake, as long as it is not boring and ordinary. They are not always successful in love, since they are attracted to opposites, and the dissimilarity of characters often results in misunderstanding. In addition, their honesty, compassion, absolute simplicity and impulsiveness make them easy prey.

Pleasant in appearance calm people having good taste. They know how to give their home a unique coziness, they have golden hands; everything they touch gains new life. Taurus people of the first ten days love to eat delicious food and relax in bed, they are a little lazy, inert, but, nevertheless, they have a developed sense of duty. They are obligatory and soberly assess own capabilities, and therefore they always do what they undertake, and do it well. Their vanity is very moderate, unless we are talking about children. Men are peace-loving and calm, but craving for opposite sex they have it quite strongly expressed. Women have a rare charm. These are ideal mothers and good wives. The only thing that can push such a woman to break up with her husband is his unreasonable suspicion, jealousy and pickiness.

They love life in all its manifestations. They like to shine in society, play significant roles and not be too stressed. They are usually beautiful and quite intelligent. It is considered unnecessary to rush into an embrasure, but a certain amount of courage cannot be taken away from them. They are not afraid to go against the grain. In the family life of Taurus in the second decade, not everything goes smoothly, so they often meet old age among loving grandchildren, but without a life partner. They have a unique sense of humor, love to drink, have fun, and sometimes even slander. Quite good-natured. You can’t call them greedy, but they somehow manage to receive more than they give. Men until old age have lovers, the last of whom are the same age as their daughters. Women at fifty can not only dress like they did at twenty, but also manage not to look ridiculous.

Absolutely normal people. They have a cozy home good family, good job. They not only collect books, but also read them, not only give advice to others, but also follow them themselves. Everything shines at home, they have good health and common sense. These are pleasant, thorough interlocutors, attentive lovers, reliable life partners. They love flowers very much; even an old stump will bloom. They are not distinguished by sophistication, brightness or beauty, and they perceive new things with some difficulty. If they are seriously offended, they may become angry. They are very touchy, but they forget insults quite quickly. IN money matters usually lucky, in your personal life - depending on how you look at it. They try to force children to “do life” on their own, which does not always work out and can lead to conflicts.


Fast, tenacious, selflessly loving everything new and ready to endlessly experiment. They can be real despots and tyrants if they are not brought into at least some kind of framework in time. Nervous, hot-tempered, talkative, Geminis of the first decade always find themselves in the center of events. They always grasp things on the fly, their heads are always filled with a variety of information. The news gets out before everyone else. And for all that, they are not gossips and are capable of serious and even great things. Their love affairs are in disarray all their lives. If fate sends them a strong and powerful partner, they eventually adapt to his rhythm, but if not, then they catch their own tail all their lives. They get carried away sincerely and violently, but “out of sight, out of mind,” and the new hobby is already crowding out the previous one.

Friendly, but sharp-tongued, observant and sociable. They appreciate a joke, respect any creativity and are not jealous of others’ fame, perhaps because they themselves are talented. They are sincere, capable of high impulses, disregard conventions, do not seek favor with the powers that be, and can be bold to the point of recklessness. They love people and with all their outward frivolity they can be true friends. Moreover, they are the ones who are able to keep other people’s secrets for years. Geminis of the second decade are romantics and eternal children, in the sense that they continue to joyfully explore the world until old age. Women of this decade almost always find their place in life. Men are successful with the fairer sex without any effort. After all, beautiful ladies have always appreciated not only knights, but also troubadours.

People are retinues, they are indispensable when it is necessary to serve a significant person. Their sociability, ability to wedge themselves into any conversation, determine in time which way the wind is blowing, and leave a sinking ship give them a good chance to survive and get a piece of bread and butter. The main danger that awaits them is an attempt to set off on an autonomous voyage, since they do not always have enough knowledge and abilities for this. Geminis of the third decade are painfully proud, touchy and jealous. But sometimes they are happy to provide benefits to those who depend on them or show due respect to them. Women of this decade look bright and attractive. Such women have good taste, know how to present themselves, there is never a dull moment with them, and they are able to get their lover out of any situation...

Calm, affectionate, deep people, devoted to their home. Most, especially women, are very beautiful and romantic. They are very vulnerable and touchy, although they try not to show it. They love and appreciate beautiful, especially antique, things. These people are capable of making anyone happy, but they themselves are ready to be content with little. Men may be somewhat lacking external manifestations masculinity. Many would consider their calmness, politeness and sincerity to be a sign of weakness, but this is far from the case. Cancer of the first decade will show courage and dedication if he is forced to defend what is dear to him. It is interesting that the memory of their first love lives in their souls for years, and it often happens that after ten, twenty, or even fifty years, fate again brings these Cancers together with their former lovers, and they never part.

These are strong men and good housewives. Their house is a full bowl. They can succeed in almost anything that requires skill rather than inspiration. The only thing Cancers of the second decade need to avoid are financial scams and politics: there will be no sense. And they are also at risk of alcohol, which they should never get used to. Taking these notes into account, such Cancers will live to a ripe old age, being healthy, happy and rich. Their real treasure is their children, whom they adore. Cancers of this decade are actually somewhat tight-fisted, but not because of stinginess, but because of the desire to be confident in the future. They rarely find a successful life partner on the first try, but they firmly know what they want, and in the end, on the second or third try, they create strong family.

Good, reliable people. True humanists. Sometimes they are hindered by the inability to say “no” in time, especially to good friends. Outwardly, they are usually large and strong, and they are in good health. They have a penchant for medicine and love good books and peace. Their sense of duty is very strongly developed, and if Cancer of the third decade believes that his place is “at the forefront,” he courageously faces any danger. In comparison with their “colleagues”, these Cancers have a certain chance of becoming famous in the public sphere. They make good diplomats and legislators. They are not alien to creativity. They judge what is happening sensibly and fairly, they get very upset when someone close to them takes a slippery slope, and they do everything to get him out.

These people crave recognition of their considerable merits. They need an audience and applause. Talented, bright, self-confident, well-mannered and tastefully dressed, they are noticeable in any society. If such a Leo is doomed to vegetation and obscurity, bitterness and anger accumulate in him, he can fall into intrigue, become petty and irritable. But if fortune smiles on him, he will show himself in all the splendor of nobility and wisdom. Men are public politicians who know how to make an impression. In their personal life they are quite picky. They give in to jealous women, although they themselves more often find themselves in the position of being deceived than of deceivers, because they cannot imagine that they could prefer someone else. Women often marry for convenience.

Such people constantly need to win. The conquered peak seems low, the order received is not so honorable, and the assigned title does not give her the opportunity to expand to its full extent. They are talented in everything and therefore are scattered. Leos of the second decade are smart, beautiful, self-confident and narcissistic, always surrounded by an admiring retinue. They are selfish and altruistic at the same time. Never point out their mistakes - you will make an enemy for life. They completely lack a sense of humor towards themselves. Reigning is more important to them than ruling. They are rarely lucky in family life, since Leos need the incompatible. Their partners should arouse envy and admiration among others and at the same time adore their lord or mistress.

These Leos do not want to reign, but to rule. They direct all their considerable energy to remaking the world at their own discretion. They know better than anyone how to organize Russia, reinvent the wheel and re-educate their loved ones. Moreover, they are ready to roll up their sleeves and put their ideas into practice. Outwardly, they are not as bright and attractive as Leos of the first and second decades, but they are more resilient and decisive, and they are also forgiving, altruistic and sociable. Women are born actresses, men have a golden soul, rare courage and... a weak heart. These are true knights without fear or reproach, to whom fate sends dragons and shrews to test them. Such Leos become fathers of wonderful sons and write excellent dissertations. They are not only respected, but also loved.

These Virgos are smart, educated, moderately sociable and incredibly punctual. True, for a thousand methodical Virgos there will definitely be one slob, troublemaker and adventurer, but he doesn’t make a difference. For Virgos of the first decade, work comes first, health comes second, and art comes third. One cannot help but envy the observation, iron logic and ability to work of these people. These are not only great performers, but also brilliant inventors. It is impossible to deceive them, they do not set unattainable goals, and they always fulfill what they set. Fate protects them in everything except love. Very often they remain lonely, despite their pleasant appearance and good position. They simply don't have time for their personal life. Men and women of this decade have the same advantages and disadvantages.

They are hardworking and efficient, persistent, patient, resilient and very thrifty. They have a great love for science. Virgos of the second decade are the most unpredictable. You come across some very impressionable, emotional ones, and some sleepy ones. There are enterprising people who love change, travel, business trips, and

yes - absolutely inert. In general, these Virgos are quite easy-going people. Their exactingness can border on capriciousness. Unfortunately, they have a very unpleasant trait - to rip off Bad mood on others. Hence a certain alienation on the part of subordinates and a chill in the family. Women never slander, do not tolerate scandals and intrigues. They are very feminine, dress with great taste, read a lot, and know history and music very well.

These Virgos are attracted to research, love of science and art. They are good inventors and innovators, but in the sphere of love and marriage, married and family life, they are often haunted by disappointments. Men have huge claims. They achieve success relatively easily and immediately begin to worry about their new position. They are jealous of potential competitors, curry favor with those on whom they depend in some way, but at the same time they talk a lot about their own independence and indifference to general opinion. However, they are quite responsive, generous and courageous, and when they forget about work, which is rare, they become simply irresistible. Women are independent, educated and sooner or later, they achieve their goals. These are very good mothers, developing their children not only physically, but also spiritually.

They are distinguished by their rich imagination and love for everything beautiful. Very compassionate and merciful to the sick and unfortunate. Educated, smart, intelligent and honest. They are capricious in love, but loyal and decent. They themselves are not intriguers, but are very interested in behind-the-scenes games, they are attracted by subtle moves, far-reaching calculations and the grace of combinations. Libras of the first decade are not very temperamental, and therefore “dangerous connections” threaten them less than anyone else. In their youth, they search for themselves through trial and error, and having chosen their path, they follow it with enviable tenacity. Libras of this decade are attracted to Savor, and they try to choose partners from those who are higher in social status. However, such unions often turn out to be strong and happy.

These people are capable of dramatically changing their lives and rushing into any adventure. They are brave, agile, sociable and sincere. Another thing is that they quite often change their views and circle of friends. This is not unscrupulousness, but a sincere attempt to find the key to solving all problems. You can trust Libras of the second decade: if they recognize you as “one of their own,” they will give you many pleasant moments. The opposite is also true. These people's enemies are meticulous, thorough and irreconcilable. Despite the obvious claim to leadership, they are followers by nature, although they try not to show it. This is best seen in family relationships, when these Libras make passionate speeches, and after a while everything is done the way their quiet and inconspicuous half wants.

These are finely balanced in spiritually people who must be treated very carefully. They are friendly, frank, sociable, smart and intelligent. They are characterized by sudden mood swings and are easy to offend, but by recognizing their merits too zealously, you risk raising a sultan who demands constant praise from his subjects. Libras of the third decade are very fond of big names; they can often be found surrounded by famous people. However, in difficult moments they behave boldly and principled. They can be vindictive and vindictive, they want to put their boots on the chest of a defeated enemy, but even more - they want to dream about how this will happen. Men tend to marry several times. The women are very beautiful and sophisticated, always surrounded by rich admirers.


Strong, tough, aggressive, these people live only for themselves. Other people's opinions and other people's lives mean little to them. They are talented, ambitious and damn attractive. Their mind is tenacious, but somehow down to earth. They are jealous, but smart enough to show it only to the right people at the right time. Women are always surrounded by a retinue of admirers, and in the morning they do not always know who they will be with in the evening. However, when such a woman gets married, she becomes a wonderful wife who helps her husband make a career. A man thinks and talks a lot about sex, he can be rude and intolerant, but deep down he doesn’t mind submitting to an even stronger nature. In general, Scorpios of the first decade are terrible enemies, but devoted friends and passionate lovers.

Independent, proud, secretive and absolutely untamable natures, living by their own laws. They never lie to themselves or reveal their souls to others. They are afraid not of death and pain, but of their own helplessness. They forget nothing and forgive nothing. At times they are capable of amazing generosity, and at times - of monstrous cruelty. It is impossible to understand them, much less predict their actions. Women of this decade belong to the “fatal” category.

Scorpios of the second decade will never betray or abandon in trouble those whom they choose as friends or partners, but they will mercilessly erase them from their lives if they are disappointed. Unlike their “colleagues in the sign,” Scorpios of the second decade are not vindictive when it comes to them personally, but they will never forgive offenses inflicted on their loved ones.

Secretive, unpredictable and unforgiving people. Women are obsessed with love and sex. In the worst case, they are aggressive, hysterical, and pose a threat to others. Men are very independent and talented, even to the point of genius. They always go their own way, which, as a rule, lies off the beaten path. They are not afraid to put everything on the line and start over. Such Scorpios have exquisite taste, remarkable courage and the ability to silently endure any pain. They achieve success early in life, causing others the greater envy, the less they seek society and approval among colleagues. This especially applies to creativity and science. Unfortunately, Scorpios of the third decade rarely win in love and family life, but in all other matters they usually emerge victorious.

Sagittarians of this decade are friendly, charming and inquisitive. They pay tribute to life in all its manifestations, without giving up delicious food, a good book, or love affairs. In their youth they are predicted to have a brilliant future, and if the predictions do not come true, it is only because such Sagittarians, alas, are lazy and uncollected. Until old age, they live by the principle “there is no need to be sad, your whole life is ahead,” and since it is ahead, it means they can relax. At the first meeting they make a strong impression, but later they often disappoint. In essence, these are eternal tramps and romantics with all the ensuing advantages and disadvantages. They love to build castles in the air, infecting others with their enthusiasm. To succeed in life, they lack determination, toughness and self-discipline.

These Sagittarians are quite capable of making a fairy tale come true, since in addition to natural talents and rich imagination, at least half of them are endowed with a sharp mind, business acumen and willpower. Hot-tempered, but quick-witted. Sometimes they are capable of altruistic actions, but “they will not miss theirs.” As a rule, they have strong convictions that they do not renounce, but at the same time they are able to respect other people’s points of view. This is the “middle part” of the centaur, transitional between the animal and human essence, therefore Sagittarius of the second decade can be very different from each other. In general, these people are noble, selfless, energetic, courageous and highly intelligent. But against this background one comes across striking examples of stupidity, duplicity, unprincipledness and senseless stubbornness. However, exceptions only confirm the rules.

These are Don Juans, preoccupied with the search for “great” love. They believe themselves to be irresistible and often really are. Cheerful, a little obsessive, somewhat prone to barracks humor, they represent what was once called a “good guy.” But how romantic they are! It costs them nothing to fly south in winter to pick up flowers for their beloved and... give them to the flight attendant. They cannot stand routine, they try to stay away from their superiors, or even better, not have one at all. They are very touchy when their own dignity is hurt. Women of this decade know how to get their way. They rarely manage to retain a man’s love, but they keep him “with a tight grip.” In judgments they are categorical and businesslike. Not everyone considers them pleasant, but they are always taken into account.

These people do not enjoy “wild success,” but they always have two or three very close and reliable people. Women are wonderful mothers and wives; in their youth they are not particularly beautiful, but by the age of fifty they look thirty-five years old. Energetic, fit, purposeful. Men, although attached to the home, especially to children, look at the weaker sex with all their eyes, not forgetting about their career. For the sake of promotion, they can make certain deals with their conscience. Most Capricorns are “workaholics” who are not particularly healthy, but nevertheless live to an old age. If a Capricorn in the first decade fell under the yoke of a strong, despotic personality in childhood, he risks remaining weak, infantile and hysterical for the rest of his life. But if he grew up at least until the age of 15 in an atmosphere of freedom and mutual respect, he will not flinch under any circumstances.

Strong, calm, even stern people. They cannot stand vanity, vanity, deceit, and do not allow just anyone to come near them. Work is everything to them; they will make any sacrifice for it. We owe everything in the world to ourselves. The second half of life is usually more pleasant and successful than the first. Unfortunately, Capricorns of the second decade are often painful, but they endure their illnesses very patiently. They don’t always create a family, but once they do, they hold on to it until the last possible opportunity. A bit of a despot, but the same applies to friendship, for which they can even sacrifice their career. Money for them is not a goal, but a means. They are power-hungry, jealous and envious of the successes of others, but carefully hide it. The circle of communication is very narrow and practically unchanged. Women raise their children to be real people. Their sons are men in in the best sense this word, and daughters are ready for everyday vicissitudes.

These people are prone to unexpected and undeserved troubles, often due to false friends. They try to plan their lives very scrupulously, but His Majesty Chance has his own way. Very often they enter into unsuccessful marriages, but due to an exaggerated sense of duty, they pull the strap to the last. Once they have given their word to someone or stood under some flag, they remain faithful even contrary to common sense. Men tend towards military careers, women towards social activities. If they remain lonely, they don’t feel burdened by it, always finding something to do. Capable of any work that requires patience and perseverance. Both men and women do not resort to all sorts of tricks to attract the opposite sex, but often become salvation and a quiet haven for those who are disappointed in life.

In their youth they are charming and cheerful, but over the years they turn into purposeful and tough masters of life. Educated, independent, categorical, “self-made.”

They are able to easily break away from their roots and rush off in search of happiness. Having achieved success, they begin to take care of less fortunate relatives and friends, but they do this tactlessly, and sometimes simply ruthlessly, according to the principle: “I know better what you need.” They show much more tolerance towards strangers and casual acquaintances than towards family members. They are very impressionable, capable of accumulating grievances and splashing them out at the most inopportune moment. Women almost certainly become candidates or even doctors of science, but not always mothers. Their children, as a rule, are late, sickly and endlessly loved.

Sociable, charming, unpredictable people. They very rarely make their own career, change many partners and friends, sometimes fall into apathy, but most often they burn with enthusiasm. Women of this decade are more noticeable than men, among whom there are cowards, pessimists, henpecked people, and alcoholics. They are altruistic, curious and artistic. They are attracted to everything unusual and mysterious. However, they are afraid of magic and the occult, perhaps because they consider personal freedom sacred, and witchcraft is often based on the submission of someone else’s will. Aquarians are not afraid of new things, starting life over with delight several times over. At the same time, they have an analytical mind. It is obvious to them what others will understand only after a few years. Their home is always full of unexpected, interesting people and unthinkable things, and the family is, first of all, a union of like-minded people.

Slobs, slobs and more slobs. But talented and lucky. But talented and lucky. Often, out of pure altruism, they manage to help someone who later becomes “ strong of the world this” and at the same time does not forget the services rendered to him. They readily take on any task, even if they don’t understand anything about it, and, what’s most interesting, sometimes they achieve success, outshining recognized professionals.

At the same time they have several lovers and... a strong family. Hot-tempered, but quick-witted. They love to play with animals and build castles in the air. If they are not stopped, they regularly get involved in some dubious scams. Sometimes they are very intrusive, but never cruel. They always confuse everything, forget, lose, but don’t get upset. They are afraid of nothing and no one except boredom and dentists.

They take life seriously. Very suggestible and respectable. Shining with “reflected” light, they are ideal partners for bright personalities. These are the most diligent students, the most loyal citizens and the most devoted and trusting wives. They rarely develop their own talents. And completely in vain. Pisces in the first decade have a surprisingly developed sense of harmony and color. They can be excellent artists, designers, fashion designers. They are kind, sympathetic, religious, but very suspicious. They are afraid of fires and epidemics, and are often subject to attacks of apathy and melancholy. Men find pleasure in submitting to strong and powerful women, although at times they try to rebel or seek compensation on the side. Women are “darlings”, looking at everything through the eyes of a husband and ruler.

They are emotional, but, as a rule, they know how to control their feelings. They are kind, loyal and selfless, have a keen sense of art, love and understand animals. They rarely play their own game and, unfortunately, at a decisive moment they can lose control of the situation. But as a member of a team, such a Pisces is simply irreplaceable: its inherent sense of duty sets the moral tone in any team. Feeling self-esteem, nobility, the ability to forgive and endure cannot but command respect. But every barrel of honey has its own fly in the ointment. Sometimes among the Pisces of the second decade there appear narcissistic hysterics who love to make a scene, judge what they understand nothing about, and be jealous of telegraph poles. If you keep a tight rein on them, you can still deal with them, but by giving them the right to a decisive vote, you risk finding yourself in a position of eternal

defendant and defendant.

Smart, observant, talented, but cowardly and suggestible. Sticking your head in the sand, abandoning your own words, shifting responsibility onto someone else’s shoulders - this is what Pisces of the third decade can do in an unpleasant situation. But when everything is fine, you won’t find nicer, more pleasant, more subtle interlocutors. These Pisces have a fairly high opinion of their appearance and ability to charm, and many people really like them. They have very developed intuition, even clairvoyance. Unfortunately, they are pessimists by nature and tend to become despondent, predicting all sorts of horrors, including the end of the world. They love to be treated, and with unconventional methods, they are keenly interested in occult sciences, and often write good poetry. They get married several times, remaining romantic until old age. They live with pleasure at the expense of others and love to be admired.

In all horoscopes, a mandatory item is a description of the compatibility of signs, but, unfortunately, most of them describe only special cases using examples of pairs of signs, losing sight of general principles for all. Although these principles are very logical and at the same time simple. And understanding them will help you figure out once and for all who is compatible with whom and, importantly, how compatible.

So, according to classical astrology, whose principles guide the calculation of In-contri compatibility in the corresponding section, the signs of the Zodiac are suitable for each other in love and family relationships, if they do not contradict 2 main rules:

  • signs belong to the same parity
  • the signs are not the same

Accordingly, from the first point it follows that the signs belong to the same element or different, but complementary. As you know, there are only 4 elements - Fire, Earth, Air and Water. That. within each element, the signs are compatible with each other and pairs representing a positive combination of the elements Fire-Air and Earth-Water are compatible. As you can see, everything is simple.

2 groups of compatible characters

Let's take the signs with their elements in order and look at them clearly:

We see that the signs of the elements of Fire and Air are odd, and the signs of Earth and Water are even. Consequently, the compatibility of the signs of each pair of elements, both among themselves and within, is very natural: Air helps Fire to flare up stronger, and Water fills the Earth, making it fertile.

Compatible signs Fire and Air:
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

Compatible Earth and Water signs:
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

On the other hand, in combinations of signs of different parities - these are pairs of elements Water-Fire, Water-Air, Earth-Fire, Earth-Air - there is no positive union observed. Moreover, even from the nature of the elements it is clear that some of these pairs are opposing. Therefore, their compatibility in love and family is considered negative.

This is how compatibility of zodiac signs works in general at the compatible/incompatible level. But there are still a number characteristic features, depending on the relative position of a pair of signs.

7 types of compatibility between signs

A more detailed description of compatibility in a couple can be found by the location of the signs relative to each other on the zodiac circle. Moreover, both clockwise and counterclockwise. Only depending on the direction of the count, the role of your sign in the pair will change. Let's look at how this works, using the example of the first sign - Aries.

Location: +1 and -1 sign from yours
Pair type: “Best friend and best enemy” - incompatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Taurus(2), Aries(1) - Pisces(12)
Description: the most popular pair of signs among all the others. They make friends quickly, but serious relationship conflict of elements interferes. Frequent problems: envy, rivalry, difference in interests and goals in life.

Location: +2 and -2 digits from yours
Pair type: “Older brother and younger brother” - compatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Gemini(3), Aries(1) - Aquarius(11)
Description: a pair of signs of positively combined elements. It is important for each partner to understand their roles. The "elder brother" is usually superior to the "younger" in age, experience or character.

Location: +3 and -3 digits from yours
Pair type: “Patron and Advisor” - incompatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Cancer(4), Aries(1) - Capricorn(10)
Description: a pair of elemental signs that are in conflict, but can, if desired, find common ground. Alas, only in business, but not in the family sphere. It is better for them to choose a common business than a home.

Location: +4 and -4 digits from yours
Pair type: "Child and Parent | Student and teacher" - compatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Leo(5), Aries(1) - Sagittarius(9)
Description: a wonderful pair of signs of the same element. The “parent” must show all his wisdom, care and patience - more depends on him here. It is enough for a “child” not to be too capricious and wayward.

Location: +5 and -5 signs from yours
Pair type: “Boa constrictor and rabbit” - incompatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Virgo(6), Aries(1) - Scorpio(8)
Description: The couple being written about romance novels. No happy ending. First a storm of feelings and emotions. In the end - boredom and fatigue of the "boa constrictor", a broken heart of the "rabbit". We advise you to avoid it, especially if “rabbit” is your sign.

Location: +6 and -6 signs from yours
Pair type: "Opposites attract" - compatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Libra(7)
Description: like the poles of a magnet, these signs are so different, but their attraction is just as strong. This relationship is strongly recommended only to experienced and wise partners. Young people make many mistakes with such a couple and are rarely able to unleash its full potential.

Location: same sign
Pair type: “Me and my mirror” - incompatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Aries(1)
Description: a frequently encountered pair among young partners. There is nothing easier than starting a relationship with someone just like you. But subsequently there is nothing more dull and annoying than seeing your own shortcomings side by side.

From time immemorial, all developed cultures united the stars into constellations, projecting their myths and religious concepts onto the sky. And astrology has also operated with constellations for a long time. Astrologers monitored which constellations were rising, which were culminating, where the planets were currently located, and based on this they made their conclusions.

Constellations were not suitable as starting information for astrology, since they have different extents, and besides, different cultures defined the names and boundaries of constellations in different ways. This is how the Zodiac appeared - a universal way of dividing the starry sky into twelve different parts.

Each sign of the Zodiac is divided into 3 decades - one decade lasts 10 days. The first ten days are the zodiac sign in its purest form. The second ten days of a sign are its second elemental brother, so this second decade will carry the qualities of both the main sign and its elemental brother. The third decade is mixed with the third sign of the same element. For example, within the sign Leo there are Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. Leo of the 1st decade will be different from Leo 2 and Leo 3.


Like all Aries, these people are energetic, brave and impulsive, but at the same time their brain works like a computer. These are not cornets rushing headlong into battle, but military generals. They have a fairly high opinion of themselves, but since those around them also value them, this does not bring any inconvenience. Men are wildly successful, women are real Amazons, not particularly concerned about their appearance and despising “female tricks.” The principle of Aries of the first decade is “to change what I cannot bear.” In no case can you call them rude; they will always listen to the opinions of people they sympathize with and... act in their own way. These Aries have a poor understanding of people and therefore often encounter betrayal and dishonesty. They have ups and downs, life treats them harshly, but they will always find the strength to rise and move forward. And at the same time they still manage to smile.

For these people, everything is divided into “black” and “white,” “ours” and “not ours.” All means are good against enemies, but friends must be protected sparing your belly! In some cases, Aries of the second decade commit impermissible acts, being in the simplicity of their souls convinced that they have the right to do so. They are generous, love animals and patronize those who are weaker. They love to show off and have difficulty admitting their mistakes. They always get into some kind of adventure, without this life is simply not pleasant for them. They are born leaders and fighters. In a calm environment, they begin to feel sad. Such Aries love passionately, go straight to the goal, and appealing to their common sense is useless. These are people of extremes, and any hatred is really only a step away from them. Their enemies are furious, active and... stupid, since they very rarely guess where they really need to strike.

Romantics and pioneers. Sincere, bright, direct, they not only shine, but also warm. If necessary, they are ready to sacrifice themselves. They endure the blows of fate in silence, so that it seems to others that they have no problems. The interests of Aries of the third decade significantly go beyond the interests of ordinary people. These people are very talented, they have a particularly strong passion for literature and theater, they can become great actors and wonderful poets. However, they succeed in everything they undertake, as long as it is not boring and ordinary. They are not always successful in love, since they are attracted to opposites, and the dissimilarity of characters often results in misunderstanding. In addition, their honesty, compassion, absolute simplicity and impulsiveness make them easy prey.


Pleasant, outwardly calm people with good taste. They know how to give their home a unique coziness, they have golden hands; everything they touch takes on new life. Taurus people of the first ten days love to eat delicious food and relax in bed, they are a little lazy, inert, but, nevertheless, they have a developed sense of duty. They are obligatory, soberly assess their own capabilities, and therefore always do what they undertake and do it well. Their vanity is very moderate, unless we are talking about children. Men are peaceful and calm, but their attraction to the opposite sex is quite pronounced. Women have a rare charm. These are ideal mothers and good wives. The only thing that can push such a woman to break up with her husband is his unreasonable suspicion, jealousy and pickiness.

They love life in all its manifestations. They like to shine in society, play significant roles and not be too stressed. They are usually beautiful and quite intelligent. It is considered unnecessary to rush into an embrasure, but a certain amount of courage cannot be taken away from them. They are not afraid to go against the grain. In the family life of Taurus in the second decade, not everything goes smoothly, so they often meet old age among loving grandchildren, but without a life partner. They have a unique sense of humor, love to drink, have fun, and sometimes even slander. Quite good-natured. You can’t call them greedy, but they somehow manage to receive more than they give. Men until old age have lovers, the last of whom are the same age as their daughters. Women at fifty can not only dress like they did at twenty, but also manage not to look ridiculous.

Absolutely normal people. They have a cozy home, a good family, and a good job. They not only collect books, but also read them, not only give advice to others, but also follow them themselves. Everything is sparkling at home, they have good health and common sense. These are pleasant, thorough interlocutors, attentive lovers, reliable life partners. They love flowers very much; even an old stump will bloom. They are not distinguished by sophistication, brightness or beauty, and they perceive new things with some difficulty. If they are seriously offended, they may become angry. They are very touchy, but they forget insults quite quickly. In money matters they are usually lucky, in personal life - depending on how you look. They try to force children to “do life” on their own, which does not always work out and can lead to conflicts.


Fast, tenacious, selflessly loving everything new and ready to endlessly experiment. They can be real despots and tyrants if they are not brought into at least some kind of framework in time. Nervous, hot-tempered, talkative, Geminis of the first decade always find themselves in the center of events. They always grasp things on the fly, their heads are always filled with a variety of information. The news gets out before everyone else. And for all that, they are not gossips and are capable of serious and even great things. Their love affairs are in disarray all their lives. If fate sends them a strong and powerful partner, they eventually adapt to his rhythm, but if not, then they catch their own tail all their lives. They get carried away sincerely and violently, but “out of sight, out of mind,” and the new hobby is already crowding out the previous one.

Friendly, but sharp-tongued, observant and sociable. They appreciate a joke, respect any creativity and are not jealous of others’ fame, perhaps because they themselves are talented. They are sincere, capable of high impulses, disregard conventions, do not seek favor with the powers that be, and can be bold to the point of recklessness. They love people and, despite all their outward frivolity, can be true friends. Moreover, they are the ones who are able to keep other people’s secrets for years. Geminis of the second decade are romantics and eternal children, in the sense that they continue to joyfully explore the world until old age. Women of this decade almost always find their place in life. Men are successful with the fairer sex without any effort. After all, beautiful ladies have always appreciated not only knights, but also troubadours.

People are retinues, they are indispensable when it is necessary to serve a significant person. Their sociability, ability to wedge themselves into any conversation, determine in time which way the wind is blowing, and leave a sinking ship give them a good chance to survive and get a piece of bread and butter. The main danger that awaits them is an attempt to set off on an autonomous voyage, since they do not always have enough knowledge and abilities for this. Geminis of the third decade are painfully proud, touchy and jealous. But sometimes they are happy to provide benefits to those who depend on them or show due respect to them. Women of this decade look bright and attractive. Such women have good taste, know how to present themselves, there is never a dull moment with them, and they are able to get their lover out of any situation...


Calm, affectionate, deep people, devoted to their home. Most, especially women, are very beautiful and romantic. They are very vulnerable and touchy, although they try not to show it. They love and appreciate beautiful, especially antique, things. These people are capable of making anyone happy, but they themselves are ready to be content with little. Men may be somewhat lacking in outward displays of masculinity. Many would consider their calmness, politeness and sincerity to be a sign of weakness, but this is far from the case. Cancer of the first decade will show courage and dedication if he is forced to defend what is dear to him. It is interesting that the memory of their first love lives in their souls for years, and it often happens that after ten, twenty, or even fifty years, fate again brings these Cancers together with their former lovers, and they never part.

These are strong men and good housewives. Their house is a full bowl. They can succeed in almost anything that requires skill rather than inspiration. The only thing Cancers of the second decade need to avoid are financial scams and politics: there will be no sense. And they are also at risk of alcohol, which they should never get used to. Taking these notes into account, such Cancers will live to a ripe old age, being healthy, happy and rich. Their real treasure is their children, whom they adore. Cancers of this decade are actually somewhat tight-fisted, but not because of stinginess, but because of the desire to be confident in the future. They rarely find a successful life partner on the first try, but they firmly know what they want, and in the end, on the second or third try, they create a strong family.

Good, reliable people. True humanists. Sometimes they are hindered by the inability to say “no” in time, especially to good friends. Outwardly, they are usually large and strong, and they are in good health. They have a penchant for medicine, love good books and peace. Their sense of duty is very strongly developed, and if Cancer of the third decade believes that his place is “at the forefront,” he courageously faces any danger. In comparison with their “colleagues”, these Cancers have a certain chance of becoming famous in the public sphere. They make good diplomats and legislators. They are not alien to creativity. They judge what is happening sensibly and fairly, they get very upset when someone close to them takes a slippery slope, and they do everything to get him out.

a lion

These people crave recognition of their considerable merits. They need an audience and applause. Talented, bright, self-confident, well-mannered and tastefully dressed, they are noticeable in any society. If such a Leo is doomed to vegetation and obscurity, bitterness and anger accumulate in him, he can fall into intrigue, become petty and irritable. But if fortune smiles on him, he will show himself in all the splendor of nobility and wisdom. Men are public politicians who know how to make an impression. In their personal life they are quite picky. They give in to jealous women, although they themselves more often find themselves in the position of being deceived than of deceivers, because they cannot imagine that they could prefer someone else. Women often marry for convenience.

Such people constantly need to win. The conquered peak seems low, the order received is not so honorable, and the assigned title does not give her the opportunity to expand to its full extent. They are talented in everything and therefore are scattered. Leos of the second decade are smart, beautiful, self-confident and narcissistic, always surrounded by an admiring retinue. They are selfish and altruistic at the same time. Never point out their mistakes - you will make an enemy for life. They completely lack a sense of humor towards themselves. Reigning is more important to them than ruling. They are rarely lucky in family life, since Leos need the incompatible. Their partners should arouse envy and admiration among others and at the same time adore their lord or mistress.

These Leos do not want to reign, but to rule. They direct all their considerable energy to remaking the world at their own discretion. They know better than anyone how to organize Russia, reinvent the wheel and re-educate their loved ones. Moreover, they are ready to roll up their sleeves and put their ideas into practice. Outwardly, they are not as bright and attractive as Leos of the first and second decades, but they are more resilient and decisive, and they are also forgiving, altruistic and sociable. Women are born actresses, men have a golden soul, rare courage and... a weak heart. These are true knights without fear or reproach, to whom fate sends dragons and shrews to test them. Such Leos become fathers of wonderful sons and write excellent dissertations. They are not only respected, but also loved.


These Virgos are smart, educated, moderately sociable and incredibly punctual. True, for a thousand methodical Virgos there will definitely be one slob, troublemaker and adventurer, but he doesn’t make a difference. For Virgos of the first decade, work comes first, health comes second, and art comes third. One cannot help but envy the observation, iron logic and ability to work of these people. These are not only great performers, but also brilliant inventors. It is impossible to deceive them, they do not set unattainable goals, and they always fulfill what they set. Fate protects them in everything except love. Very often they remain lonely, despite their pleasant appearance and good position. They simply don't have time for their personal life. Men and women of this decade have the same advantages and disadvantages.

They are hardworking and efficient, persistent, patient, resilient and very thrifty. They have a great love for science. Virgos of the second decade are the most unpredictable. You come across some very impressionable, emotional ones, and some sleepy ones. There are enterprising people who love change, travel, business trips, and there are others who are absolutely inert. In general, these Virgos are quite easy-going people. Their exactingness can border on capriciousness. Unfortunately, they have a very unpleasant trait - taking out their bad mood on others. Hence a certain alienation on the part of subordinates and a chill in the family. Women never slander, do not tolerate scandals and intrigues. They are very feminine, dress with great taste, read a lot, and know history and music very well.

These Virgos are attracted to research work, love of science and art. They are good inventors and innovators, but in the sphere of love and marriage, married and family life, they are often haunted by disappointments. Men have huge claims. They achieve success relatively easily and immediately begin to worry about their new position. They are jealous of potential competitors, curry favor with those on whom they depend in some way, but at the same time they talk a lot about their own independence and indifference to general opinion. However, they are quite responsive, generous and courageous, and when they forget about work, which is rare, they become simply irresistible. Women are independent, educated and sooner or later, they achieve their goals. These are very good mothers, developing their children not only physically, but also spiritually.


They are distinguished by their rich imagination and love for everything beautiful. Very compassionate and merciful to the sick and unfortunate. Educated, smart, intelligent and honest. They are capricious in love, but loyal and decent. They themselves are not intriguers, but are very interested in behind-the-scenes games, they are attracted by subtle moves, far-reaching calculations and the grace of combinations. Libras of the first decade are not very temperamental, and therefore “dangerous connections” threaten them less than anyone else. In their youth, they search for themselves through trial and error, and having chosen their path, they follow it with enviable tenacity. Libras of this decade are attracted by social life, and they try to choose partners from those who are higher in social status. However, such unions often turn out to be strong and happy.

These people are capable of dramatically changing their lives and rushing into any adventure. They are brave, agile, sociable and sincere. Another thing is that they quite often change their views and circle of friends. This is not unscrupulousness, but a sincere attempt to find the key to solving all problems. You can trust Libras of the second decade: if they recognize you as “one of their own,” they will give you many pleasant moments. The opposite is also true. These people's enemies are meticulous, thorough and irreconcilable. Despite the obvious claim to leadership, they are followers by nature, although they try not to show it. This is best seen in family relationships, when these Libras make passionate speeches, and after a while everything is done the way their quiet and inconspicuous half wants.

These are finely balanced spiritually people who must be treated very carefully. They are friendly, frank, sociable, smart and intelligent. They are characterized by sudden mood swings and are easy to offend, but by recognizing their merits too zealously, you risk raising a sultan who demands constant praise from his subjects. Libras of the third decade are very fond of big names; they can often be found surrounded by famous people. However, in difficult moments they behave boldly and principled. They can be vindictive and vindictive, they want to put their boots on the chest of a defeated enemy, but even more - they want to dream about how this will happen. Men tend to marry several times. The women are very beautiful and sophisticated, always surrounded by rich admirers.


Strong, tough, aggressive, these people live only for themselves. Other people's opinions and other people's lives mean little to them. They are talented, ambitious and damn attractive. Their mind is tenacious, but somehow down to earth. They are jealous, but smart enough to show it only to the right people at the right time. Women are always surrounded by a retinue of admirers, and in the morning they do not always know who they will be with in the evening. However, when such a woman gets married, she becomes a wonderful wife who helps her husband make a career. A man thinks and talks a lot about sex, he can be rude and intolerant, but deep down he doesn’t mind submitting to an even stronger nature. In general, Scorpios of the first decade are terrible enemies, but devoted friends and passionate lovers.

Independent, proud, secretive and absolutely untamable natures, living by their own laws. They never lie to themselves or reveal their souls to others. They are afraid not of death and pain, but of their own helplessness. They forget nothing and forgive nothing. At times they are capable of amazing generosity, and at times - of monstrous cruelty. It is impossible to understand them, much less predict their actions. Women of this decade belong to the “fatal” category.

Scorpios of the second decade will never betray or abandon in trouble those whom they choose as friends or partners, but they will mercilessly erase them from their lives if they are disappointed. Unlike their “colleagues in the sign,” Scorpios of the second decade are not vindictive when it comes to them personally, but they will never forgive offenses inflicted on their loved ones.

Secretive, unpredictable and unforgiving people. Women are obsessed with love and sex. In the worst case, they are aggressive, hysterical, and pose a threat to others. Men are very independent and talented, even to the point of genius. They always go their own way, which, as a rule, lies off the beaten path. They are not afraid to put everything on the line and start over. Such Scorpios have exquisite taste, remarkable courage and the ability to silently endure any pain. They achieve success early in life, causing others the greater envy, the less they seek society and approval among colleagues. This especially applies to creativity and science. Unfortunately, Scorpios of the third decade rarely win in love and family life, but in all other matters they usually emerge victorious.


Sagittarians of this decade are friendly, charming and inquisitive. They pay tribute to life in all its manifestations, without giving up delicious food, a good book, or love affairs. In their youth they are predicted to have a brilliant future, and if the predictions do not come true, it is only because such Sagittarians, alas, are lazy and uncollected. Until old age, they live by the principle “there is no need to be sad, your whole life is ahead,” and since it is ahead, it means they can relax. At the first meeting they make a strong impression, but later they often disappoint. In essence, these are eternal tramps and romantics with all the ensuing advantages and disadvantages. They love to build castles in the air, infecting others with their enthusiasm. To succeed in life, they lack determination, toughness and self-discipline.

These Sagittarians are quite capable of making a fairy tale come true, since in addition to natural talents and rich imagination, at least half of them are endowed with a sharp mind, business acumen and willpower. Hot-tempered, but quick-witted. Sometimes they are capable of altruistic actions, but “they will not miss theirs.” As a rule, they have strong convictions that they do not renounce, but at the same time they are able to respect other people’s points of view. This is the “middle part” of the centaur, transitional between the animal and human essence, therefore Sagittarius of the second decade can be very different from each other. In general, these people are noble, selfless, energetic, courageous and highly intelligent. But against this background one comes across striking examples of stupidity, duplicity, unprincipledness and senseless stubbornness. However, exceptions only confirm the rules.

These are Don Juans, preoccupied with the search for “great” love. They believe themselves to be irresistible and often really are. Cheerful, a little obsessive, somewhat prone to barracks humor, they represent what was once called a “good guy.” But how romantic they are! It costs them nothing to fly south in winter to pick up flowers for their beloved and... give them to the flight attendant. They cannot stand routine, they try to stay away from their superiors, or even better, not have one at all. They are very touchy when their own dignity is hurt. Women of this decade know how to get their way. They rarely manage to retain a man’s love, but they keep him “with a tight grip.” In judgments they are categorical and businesslike. Not everyone considers them pleasant, but they are always taken into account.


These people do not enjoy “wild success,” but they always have two or three very close and reliable people. Women are wonderful mothers and wives; in their youth they are not particularly beautiful, but by the age of fifty they look thirty-five years old. Energetic, fit, purposeful. Men, although attached to the home, especially to children, look at the weaker sex with all their eyes, not forgetting about their career. For the sake of promotion, they can make certain deals with their conscience. Most Capricorns are “workaholics” who are not particularly healthy, but nevertheless live to an old age. If a Capricorn in the first decade fell under the yoke of a strong, despotic personality in childhood, he risks remaining weak, infantile and hysterical for the rest of his life. But if he grew up at least until the age of 15 in an atmosphere of freedom and mutual respect, he will not flinch under any circumstances.

Strong, calm, even stern people. They cannot stand vanity, vanity, deceit, and do not allow just anyone to come near them. Work is everything to them; they will make any sacrifice for it. We owe everything in the world to ourselves. The second half of life is usually more pleasant and successful than the first. Unfortunately, Capricorns of the second decade are often painful, but they endure their illnesses very patiently. They don’t always create a family, but once they do, they hold on to it until the last possible opportunity. A bit of a despot, but the same applies to friendship, for which they can even sacrifice their career. Money for them is not a goal, but a means. They are power-hungry, jealous and envious of the successes of others, but carefully hide it. The circle of communication is very narrow and practically unchanged. Women raise their children to be real people. Their sons are men in the best sense of the word, and their daughters are ready for everyday vicissitudes.

These people are prone to unexpected and undeserved troubles, often due to false friends. They try to plan their lives very scrupulously, but His Majesty Chance has his own way. Very often they enter into unsuccessful marriages, but due to an exaggerated sense of duty, they pull the strap to the last. Once they have given their word to someone or stood under some flag, they remain faithful even contrary to common sense. Men tend towards military careers, women towards social activities. If they remain lonely, they don’t feel burdened by it, always finding something to do. Capable of any work that requires patience and perseverance. Both men and women do not resort to all sorts of tricks to attract the opposite sex, but often become salvation and a quiet haven for those who are disappointed in life.


In their youth they are charming and cheerful, but over the years they turn into purposeful and tough masters of life. Educated, independent, categorical, “self-made.”

They are able to easily break away from their roots and rush off in search of happiness. Having achieved success, they begin to take care of less fortunate relatives and friends, but they do this tactlessly, and sometimes simply ruthlessly, according to the principle: “I know better what you need.” They show much more tolerance towards strangers and casual acquaintances than towards family members. They are very impressionable, capable of accumulating grievances and splashing them out at the most inopportune moment. Women almost certainly become candidates or even doctors of science, but not always mothers. Their children, as a rule, are late, sickly and endlessly loved.

Sociable, charming, unpredictable people. They very rarely make their own career, change many partners and friends, sometimes fall into apathy, but most often they burn with enthusiasm. Women of this decade are more noticeable than men, among whom there are cowards, pessimists, henpecked people, and alcoholics. They are altruistic, curious and artistic. They are attracted to everything unusual and mysterious. However, they are afraid of magic and the occult, perhaps because they consider personal freedom sacred, and witchcraft is often based on the submission of someone else’s will. Aquarians are not afraid of new things, starting life over with delight several times over. At the same time, they have an analytical mind. It is obvious to them what others will understand only after a few years. Their home is always full of unexpected, interesting people and unthinkable things, and the family is, first of all, a union of like-minded people.

Slobs, slobs and more slobs. But talented and lucky. But talented and lucky. Often, out of pure altruism, they manage to help someone who later becomes “the mighty of this world” and at the same time does not forget the services rendered to him. They readily take on any task, even if they don’t understand anything about it, and, what’s most interesting, sometimes they achieve success, outshining recognized professionals.

At the same time they have several lovers and... a strong family. Hot-tempered, but quick-witted. They love to play with animals and build castles in the air. If they are not stopped, they regularly get involved in some dubious scams. Sometimes they are very intrusive, but never cruel. They always confuse everything, forget, lose, but don’t get upset. They are afraid of nothing and no one except boredom and dentists.


They take life seriously. Very suggestible and respectable. Shining with “reflected” light, they are ideal partners for bright personalities. These are the most diligent students, the most loyal citizens and the most devoted and trusting wives. They rarely develop their own talents. And completely in vain. Pisces in the first decade have a surprisingly developed sense of harmony and color. They can be excellent artists, designers, fashion designers. They are kind, sympathetic, religious, but very suspicious. They are afraid of fires and epidemics, and are often subject to attacks of apathy and melancholy. Men find pleasure in submitting to strong and powerful women, although at times they try to rebel or seek compensation on the side. Women are “darlings”, looking at everything through the eyes of a husband and ruler.

They are emotional, but, as a rule, they know how to control their feelings. They are kind, loyal and selfless, have a keen sense of art, love and understand animals. They rarely play their own game and, unfortunately, at a decisive moment they can lose control of the situation. But as a member of a team, such a Pisces is simply irreplaceable: its inherent sense of duty sets the moral tone in any team. Self-esteem, nobility, the ability to forgive and endure cannot but command respect. But every barrel of honey has its own fly in the ointment. Sometimes among the Pisces of the second decade there appear narcissistic hysterics who love to make a scene, judge what they understand nothing about, and be jealous of telegraph poles. If you keep a tight rein on them, you can still deal with them, but by giving them the right to a decisive vote, you risk finding yourself in the position of an eternal defendant.

Smart, observant, talented, but cowardly and suggestible. Sticking your head in the sand, abandoning your own words, shifting responsibility onto someone else’s shoulders - this is what Pisces of the third decade can do in an unpleasant situation. But when everything is fine, you won’t find nicer, more pleasant, more subtle interlocutors. These Pisces have a fairly high opinion of their appearance and ability to charm, and many people really like them. They have very developed intuition, even clairvoyance. Unfortunately, they are pessimists by nature and tend to become despondent, predicting all sorts of horrors, including the end of the world. They love to be treated, and with unconventional methods, they are keenly interested in occult sciences, and often write good poetry. They get married several times, remaining romantic until old age. They live with pleasure at the expense of others and love to be admired.

If people knew who was right for them in marriage, many family dramas and divorces could be avoided. Advice from astrologers can help avoid a rash, unhappy connection, but for specific recommendations about the compatibility of people in marriage, it is not enough to know only about the moment of their birth; it is necessary to compare at least six indicators in each of both horoscopes (natal charts) ( mutual arrangements planets and rising signs of each). However, even brief recommendations, giving only general idea about compatibility are useful in that they allow you to navigate in the right choice of a partner.

Aries(March 21 - April 20)
Aries, born in the first decade of the period, is attracted by Leo, Scorpio, Libra. Aries of the second decade tends to the first and second ten days of Sagittarius, to the second ten days of Scorpio, to Libra and the last ten days of Virgo. For Aries of the third decade, an alliance with Leo, Gemini, and Sagittarius is favorable. An alliance with Capricorn, Pisces and Taurus is unfavorable.

Taurus(21 April - 21 May)
Women of this sign, born in the first decade, choose Scorpio of the first decade, men - Scorpio of the last decade. The first and last ten days of Virgo are also suitable for Taurus. Marriage to a Capricorn may be reasonable. Scorpio is also suitable for Taurus in the second decade. For those born in the third decade, a harmonious union with Virgo, Cancer, Pisces, and sometimes with Capricorn is harmonious. The union with Leo and Aquarius is unfavorable.

Twins(May 22 - June 21) Gemini in the first decade is attracted to Sagittarius, Libra, third decade of Aquarius, Capricorn. Those born in the second decade tend to the first and second decades of Sagittarius. Dreaming of perfect love want to get along with Libra, and supporters passionate love with Capricorn. Virgo, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius and Capricorn are suitable for Gemini in the second decade. For Geminis of the third decade, the most harmonious unions are with Capricorn, Libra, Aquarius, Leo, and the most favorable ones are with Virgo and Sagittarius. Some accept the love of Pisces. Happy is also the union between Gemini themselves.

Cancer(June 22 - July 22)
Cancer of the first decade Perfect marriage connects with Capricorn. Scorpio and Pisces inspire them with great love. Particular happiness can be found with Virgo and Pisces. Cancer of the second decade tends to the last decade of Capricorn, the second decade of Scorpio and the first decade of Pisces; Aquarius can also suit it. Cancer of the third decade gravitates towards Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn, Leo, Gemini, Aquarius. As we see, Cancer can find mutual understanding with many signs of the Zodiac.

a lion(23 July - 23 August)
Leo, born in the first decade, is suitable for an alliance with Capricorn and the first and second decades of Aries. You can also choose the second decade of Libra, the last decade of Sagittarius. Leo of the second ten days will be happy with Sagittarius, and will get along quite well with Aquarius, Scorpio, Aries. For Leo in the last ten days of the period, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces are suitable. An alliance with Gemini and Libra is unfavorable; marriage with Capricorn is doubtful.

Virgo(24 August - 23 September)
A Virgo born in the first ten days is attracted to Pisces in the first and second ten days, the first ten days of Capricorn, and the first and second ten days of Aries. Virgo of the second ten days chooses a life partner forever. - Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus are suitable for her. The love choice of Virgos of the third ten days falls on Gemini, Pisces, Taurus. An alliance with Scorpio and Cancer is unfavorable. Virgo strongly attracts Aquarius, but long-term relationships between them rarely arise. Mutual sympathy with one's own sign is also extremely rare.

Scales(September 24 -October 23)
For Libra in the first decade, an alliance with Aries, its absolute complement, is suitable; marriage with Taurus is also harmonious. Aquarius inspires great love, but marriage with him promises suffering. Those born in the second ten days will be quite satisfied with the first ten days of Aquarius, Leo and the second ten days of Aries. Libra of the third decade will find full understanding of the last decade of Capricorn, they can also be satisfied with Pisces, Leo and Aquarius.

Scorpion(October 24 -November 22)
For Scorpio in the first decade ideal companion life of Taurus, he will also find reciprocity in Cancer and Pisces. A person born in the second decade will be happy in a union with Pisces; a marriage with Cancer is also suitable for him. Scorpio of the third decade will be quite satisfied with an alliance with Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer. A union with Taurus and Gemini will bring difficulties, and with Aquarius - misfortune.

Sagittarius(November 23 - December 21)
Sagittarius of the first ten days is impressed by Aries of the second and third ten days, Gemini of the first ten days. Excellent results when connected with the first decade of Leo and Virgo. Sagittarius, born in the second decade, is attracted to Cancer, Pisces, Aquarius of the third and Gemini of the second decade. Sagittarius of the third decade willingly converges with Aries, the first decade of Leo, the last decade of Gemini.

Capricorn(December 22 - January 20)
The first ten days of Capricorn are Cancer, Taurus, the first and second ten days of Leo, and the third ten days of Virgo. Those born in the second decade can seek intimacy with Leo, Taurus, Aries. Capricorn of the third decade willingly enters into an alliance with Aquarius, Scorpio of the second decade, Leo or Aries of the first decade. Alliances with Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces are harmonious. A marriage with Libra will be unstable, a marriage with Sagittarius is extremely rare, and a strong union with Leo is rare.

Aquarius(January 21 - February 18)
Libra and Gemini are very drawn to Aquarius in the first decade. Sometimes Leo loves this sign, but conflict between them is inevitable. Aquarius of the second decade is satisfied with Virgo, Gemini of the second decade. For those born in the third ten days, the first ten days of Gemini are suitable. An alliance with Libra and Sagittarius is also favorable. An alliance with Pisces threatens excesses. Quarrels with Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, and Virgo are inevitable, although Aquarius experiences a strong physical attraction to the latter. An alliance with Aries is possible.

Fish(February 19 - March 20)
Tender love arises between Pisces of the first decade and Cancer of the second decade, but marriage with Virgo is more reasonable. Complete incompatibility with Scorpio. For Pisces of the second ten days, the first and last ten days of Cancer and the last of Scorpio are suitable. A good partnership with the first two decades of Virgo, the second decade of Sagittarius and the last decade of Libra. Pisces in the final ten days have harmonious marriages with Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn. Difficult relationships develop with Sagittarius, happy marriages are extremely rare. Pisces is strongly inclined towards Gemini. There is little chance of a harmonious marriage with Aquarius. Rarely fold a good relationship with a related sign.

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Sergey writes | 06/22/2010 05:06 | e-mail

I still believe in this, but I would correct a lot of things here, for example, I believe that:
My observations: Aquarius - Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini, Libra;
Pisces - Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio;
Aries - Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Leo, Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius;
Taurus - Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Libra;
Gemini - Aquarius, Sagittarius, Aries, Leo;
Cancer - Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces;
Leo - Gemini, Sagittarius, Aries, Libra;
Virgo - Cancer, Taurus, Capricorn, Sagittarius;
Libra - Aries, Sagittarius, Virgo, Taurus;
Scorpio - Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Aries;
Sagittarius - Gemini, Aries, Leo, Aquarius;
Capricorn - Pisces, Aries, Scorpio, Taurus.
P.S, please teach me how to determine compatibility by decades 😊

I'm a Gemini 3D - he's a Capricorn 1D, happy))

Victoria writes | 04.07.2016 03:28 | e-mail

Konstantin writes | 24.11.2016 07:26 | email | website

I was born on August 21, 1997, who am I?
suits me how many times in a meeting what do I need
Geminis are very good matches with Pisces
somewhere around 50℅ or 45℅ percent

Compatibility horoscope: Cancer zodiac sign by decade - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

People born under the sign of Cancer, from June 22 to July 1, are distinguished by well-developed intuition and daydreaming. Cancers born in the first decade find it difficult to get along with people around them. However, in a narrow circle of their loved ones and acquaintances, they may well be considered jokers and the life of the party.

Since childhood, Cancers of the first decade have high intelligence and curiosity. They easily succeed in all sciences, but at the same time they always have their strong point. Some Cancers are born humanitarians, others are born techies. In everything that concerns their hobbies, Cancers have no equal. If a Cancer child of the first decade prefers literature, then in the whole class there is hardly anyone who can show more high knowledge on this subject. If a Cancer child prefers mathematics, then his knowledge by the time he graduates from school will be quite equal to the level of knowledge of an institute graduate.

Cancers of the first decade mature very early, so they often start a family before they even leave the family. adolescence. In it they try to find tenderness, understanding and love, without which they feel extremely uncomfortable. Cancers of the first decade separate from their parents very early, because they feel like completely adults and need complete independence and freedom.

Often a Cancer man finds a companion somewhat older than him. Cancer women born in the first decade often do exactly this. Cancers are very smart and versatile. Moreover, their education and level of erudition are often completely unrelated to the educational institution in which they studied. Cancers often begin their studies at a higher educational institution somewhat later than their peers. This is due to the fact that all of them, without exception, necessarily try to ensure high material wealth for themselves. Therefore, starting from their earliest youth, they work tirelessly. Cancers are very hardworking. And, despite the fact that they rarely have good health, they do not spare themselves at all, literally burning out at work.

If a person was born under the sign of Cancer between June 22 and July 1, there will be many disappointments in love in his life. This is an inevitability that representatives of this sign have to come to terms with. Such disappointments happen especially often in youth. This is due to the fact that Cancer has difficulty withstanding the infidelity and betrayal of their partner. Cancer women of the first decade very quickly become attached to their partner and begin to experience strong emotional dependence on him. And if for some reason the relationship does not work out, Cancer of the first decade becomes disillusioned with love for a long time and falls into depression.

Horoscope by decades of other zodiac signs:

Cancer Decade

Cancer horoscope - being born in the sign of Cancer bestows sensitivity, subtle perception, a rich inner world and good imagination. Cancer is the first sign of the Water triad of signs. Water is a symbol of not only nutrition and nurturing, but also sensitivity and receptivity, and along with the planetary ruler of Cancer, the Moon, it traditionally rules the sphere of feelings and emotions.

The information that the popular Cancer horoscope can provide often exaggerates the weaknesses of representatives of this sign, equating them with overly suspicious and vulnerable individuals. In fact, Cancer is the owner of large reserves of energy necessary to achieve goals, to which he often takes roundabout routes, deftly avoiding any obstacles and difficulties.

Cancer of the First Decade (June 22 – July 1)

Cancer of the first decade is Cancer clean water. He passes everything that happens through his heart, he can worry about anything, but he doesn’t show it to others. He is very emotional, but all his emotions rage inside him. Outwardly, he may seem quite calm, the only thing that can give away his feelings is that he blushes. In life he manifests himself as a conservative and traditional person.

The main thing in their life is family values. They dream of a family in which there will be equal relationships, but, unfortunately, in reality everything happens a little differently due to their desire to control their partner in everything. They are very touchy and want all the attention of their significant other to be directed only to them. If this does not happen, they withdraw into themselves.

Cancer of the first decade feels completely relaxed with his partner only when he is confident in him and trusts him. Then his protective shell opens slightly and he can tell about everything that is going on in his soul. They themselves are an example of caring and loyalty to their loved one. Their home usually resembles a quiet haven where family members gather after a difficult working day and enjoy an atmosphere of peace and harmony.

Cancer of the 1st decade is capable of real actions for the sake of love, they are ready to sacrifice themselves, but they also expect the same from their partner. Women of this sign usually look like the ideal image of a woman that most men imagine - beautiful, gentle, caring. They cannot live without romance. They love vintage things, antique jewelry, antiques.

Since Cancer is still female sign, and belongs to the element of water - the element of emotions and feelings, Cancer men may seem insufficiently courageous and brutal. They are polite, tactful, and not hot-tempered. But this is only the outer shell. After all, Cancer is also a cardinal sign, that is, people of this sign are capable of decisive actions, they are ready to make serious decisions and do not hide from troubles. Be sure that with this man you will be like behind a stone wall.

Cancers of the first decade are sentimental to the point of tears, they can keep photographs and letters from lovers from their youth until old age, they are often visited by pleasant memories of past novels, and it often happens that after many years of separation, fate again connects Cancers with the heroes of their past novels.

Cancer of the Second Decade (July 2 – 12)

Cancer of the second decade has the character traits of Scorpio. He is distinguished by enormous willpower, is active in all spheres of life, his interests are very diverse. Cancers of the 2nd decade are ambitious and want to achieve maximum results both on the personal front and in their careers. They do not give in to difficulties, they are always in the forefront, courageous and energetic. They are not indifferent to power. They always stand out from their surroundings and radiate inner strength. These Cancers are strong in spirit and body, representatives of this sign are well developed physically.

They are excellent housekeepers, their home is always filled with comfort and warmth. They have golden hands and a bright head. Tireless work and constant honing of their skills will help them achieve success in life. However, in cases involving money fraud or political activity worth forgetting. They will only bring harm to Cancers of the second decade. Another danger comes from drinking alcohol; there is a high probability of addiction among people of this sign.

If Cancers of the second decade follow these tips, they can achieve the heights in life that they have long dreamed of. Cancers of this decade are good business executives, they know how to save in such a way that it does not affect the quality of life. They always have a certain amount in reserve for a rainy day. They just need confidence in the future, and such nest eggs give them it.

These Cancers initially understand what they want from family life and what kind of companion they need, but you cannot order your heart, and the first marriage usually turns out to be completely different from what they imagined it to be. Therefore, divorces and remarriages often occur in the lives of these people.

Cancer of the Third Decade (July 13 – 22)

Cancer of the third decade resembles the sign of Pisces in character. He craves respect for his person, and tries in every possible way to emphasize his importance. These Cancers, just like those of the second decade, are very ambitious and self-confident. They set goals for themselves and confidently achieve them. And when they achieve them, they install new ones. These are real workaholics, they are ready to do their work from morning until late at night because of a developed sense of duty, but in their hearts they hope that their efforts will be noticed and somehow rewarded.

Cancers of this decade have abilities in drawing and literature. Among them are a huge number famous artists and poets. They are a typical “vest” that others use to cry into. People of this sign have one peculiarity - it is difficult for them to refuse others, especially close people. These are the most best friends, you can always rely on them. They are ready to help everyone, even strangers. They like to take care of others and have a sense of compassion for others. This is why Cancers of the third decade are so attracted to medicine.

They are well developed physically, have a strong physique, and almost never get sick. They don’t like noisy places and companies; they prefer to read in silence interesting book. Cancers of this decade know first-hand what a sense of duty is, and can put aside all their whims and act according to the principle “if necessary, then necessary.”

They have a great opportunity achieve certain successes as civil servants, diplomats, and also in the field of jurisprudence. Despite this, they still have a great sense of beauty and can become famous as people of creative professions. Cancer of the 3rd decade has selflessness, he is ready to go to the end for loved ones, and does everything possible so that the lives of other people are filled with kindness and warmth.

Cancer Compatibility

Cancer of the first decade (June 22 – July 1)

Cancer of the first decade - features of the zodiac sign

People born under the sign of Cancer, from June 22 to July 1, are distinguished by well-developed intuition and daydreaming. Cancers born in the first decade find it difficult to get along with people around them. However, in a narrow circle of their loved ones and acquaintances, they may well be considered jokers and the life of the party.

Since childhood, Cancers of the first decade have high intelligence and curiosity. They easily succeed in all sciences, but at the same time they always have their strong point. Some Cancers are born humanitarians, others are born techies. In everything that concerns their hobbies, Cancers have no equal.

If a Cancer child of the first decade prefers literature, then in the entire class there is hardly anyone who can show higher knowledge in this subject. If a Cancer child prefers mathematics, then his knowledge by the time he graduates from school will be quite equal to the level of knowledge of an institute graduate.

From the outside it may seem that Cancer of the first decade is constantly depressed and upset about something. But this impression is deceptive.

The fact is that Cancer is simply subject to frequent mood swings. And from gaiety he can suddenly turn to deep melancholy. If Cancer was born between June 22 and July 1, his mood changes as a result of any trifle, and sometimes even for no reason.

Adolescence is a difficult age for Cancer; at the very beginning, he begins to think about himself as an individual, trying to find his place in the world. At the age of 14, Cancer already thinks like an adult with a fully formed character.

Cancer of the first decade – stage of life up to 25 years

Cancers of the first decade mature very early, so they often start a family before they even leave adolescence. In it they try to find tenderness, understanding and love, without which they feel extremely uncomfortable.

Cancers of the first decade separate from their parents very early, because they feel like completely adults and need complete independence and freedom.

Often a Cancer man finds a companion somewhat older than him. Cancer women born in the first decade often do exactly this. Cancers are very smart and versatile. Moreover, their education and level of erudition are often completely unrelated to the educational institution in which they studied.

Cancers often begin their studies at a higher educational institution somewhat later than their peers. This is due to the fact that all of them, without exception, necessarily try to ensure high material wealth for themselves.

Therefore, starting from their earliest youth, they work tirelessly. Cancers are very hardworking. And, despite the fact that they rarely have good health, they do not spare themselves at all, literally burning out at work.

If a person was born under the sign of Cancer between June 22 and July 1, there will be many disappointments in love in his life. This is an inevitability that representatives of this sign have to come to terms with. Such disappointments happen especially often in youth. This is due to the fact that Cancer finds it difficult to tolerate infidelity and betrayal of their partner.

Cancer women of the first decade very quickly become attached to their partner and begin to experience strong emotional dependence on him. And if for some reason the relationship does not work out, Cancer of the first decade becomes disillusioned with love for a long time and falls into depression.

Cancer of the first decade – stage of life from 25 to 30 years

Most Cancers of the first decade have children early. In general, the parental instinct is extremely developed in Cancers. They pay a lot of attention to their offspring. And at the same time, Cancers are strict and demanding parents. Therefore, as children grow up, difficult relationships develop between the two generations.

Both men and women born in the first decade often marry more than once. The first time Cancer in the first decade creates a family is in early youth.

He or she wants to find love and hopes for mutual respect and understanding in the family. At the same time, a partner may be guided by completely different interests. Subsequently, the Cancer man or woman becomes severely disappointed.

However, Cancer itself almost never initiates a breakup. After the collapse of the family or long term relationship Cancer suffers for a very long time, and only then decides to try its fate again. And very often fate again presents unpleasant surprises.

Indeed, it is not easy for Cancer to find a companion or life partner, because some features of his character seem not entirely attractive to others. For example, Cancer often seems too withdrawn, arrogant and gloomy.

Cancer of the first decade - stage of life from 30 to 40 years

The situation changes dramatically when Cancer enters adulthood. Starting from the age of 30, Cancer becomes more impressive and interesting to others. Therefore, the life of Cancers in the first decade from 28-45 years old is often a cycle of love relationships.

If by this age Cancer has already started a family, he is unlikely to want to get a divorce. On the contrary, Cancer will be very attentive to children and spouse. And at the same time, he will not fail to indulge in love on the side with pleasure, without giving a reason for reproach to his family.

By the age of 30, as a rule, Cancer in the first decade has a stable financial situation. He needs comfort - both domestic and moral. He is very ambitious, so he will try to make others envious of his wealth and financial position.

Cancer loves his home very much, in which he lives with his often large family. Therefore, a representative of this sign of the first decade will definitely equip a house or apartment to the highest class. This is where he prefers to spend his free time.

Wherever Cancer works, his colleagues will definitely respect him. Responsibility and hard work are the traits that characterize representatives of this sign.

If Cancer was born in this period, then he easily makes a career, leaving his more capable, but less hardworking and persistent colleagues far behind. By the age of 35-40, Cancers usually achieve a leadership position. They make excellent leaders, although they are somewhat picky about their subordinates.

Cancer of the first decade - stage of life from 40 to 55 years

The period from 45 to 50 years is often very difficult for Cancers. At this age, they begin to be overcome by diseases that formerly Cancer didn't pay attention. It is very important for them to endure the trials that happen during this period. Cancers need support at this time, but they do not always receive this support. Cancers are hurt very painfully by the lack of attention from their own children.

Cancer of the first decade - stage of life from 55 to 60 years

55-60 years is a very calm period for Cancers. If they continue to work, then it becomes something like a hobby for them. If they raise grandchildren, then they find maximum pleasure and satisfaction in this matter.

Grandchildren become a real joy for Cancers, whose relationships with children were often not the most prosperous. But Cancers have complete mutual understanding with their grandchildren.

In old age, Cancers often exchange their usual city life for closeness to nature and begin to live in their own home, surrounded by greenery. This change has a very beneficial effect on them, which is why there are many long-livers among the representatives of this sign.

Cancer of the first decade - stage of life after 60 years

In old age, Cancers become very interesting conversationalists, because earlier, in their younger years, they usually did not have time to have long conversations.

And now they are happy to talk with others at the most different topics. Even in old age, Cancers work a lot in the garden or around the house, not allowing anyone to deprive them of such a necessary and pleasant activity.

Cancer. Characteristics of the Zodiac sign

On June 21, the Sun moves into the Zodiac sign Cancer and will remain there until July 22. These days, unusually faithful, sensitive people are born. They love their home, family, are somewhat unsociable, and extremely cautious. Usually birthday is on summer month zodiac Cancer, that is, the period from the last ten days of June to the second of July greatly affects the character, behavior, and abilities. The element of Water has a special influence on representatives of the sign.

The main characteristic of the Cancer zodiac sign is increased sensitivity, which causes its representatives to be withdrawn and closed. They rarely trust others because of their caution and are forced to hide their own emotionality.

Sensitive Cancer feels safe only at home or among his most trusted friends. A representative of such a cautious zodiac sign expects enormous support only from loved ones and family. Society clearly divides Cancer into its own people, to whom one can open up a little, and outsiders. For him, the family is an island of calm, where the elements of frightening changes are far away, and the house is a bastion to hide from a hostile world.

If Cancer has found people with whom he feels comfortable, he will be devoted to them endlessly.

A spouse or friend whose birthday falls in the month under the influence of this zodiac sign will become an excellent travel companion and reliable support.

Two types of Cancers

Safety - main need Cancer, for her sake he is ready to do anything. But this does not mean weakness at all. To maintain stability, outwardly quiet representatives of the zodiac sign often show real strength. Defending his bastion, family and home, Cancer sometimes becomes a real leader, forgetting about fears or doubts.

IN astrological month, ruled by such a difficult zodiac sign, sometimes real tyrants are born. There is even a peculiar classification of Cancer, which divides representatives of the sign into two completely different types.

The first type of Cancers are soft, caring people. Timid, often shy, with a gentle soul and gentle character. They become excellent spouses, ready to do almost anything to maintain family comfort. Such Cancers always remember memorable dates and are only happy to have close people in their lives. They often live exclusively for the benefit of their loved ones, are unusually faithful, and after the birth of children they devote themselves only to the interests of their beloved child.

The second type of Cancer is radically opposite. Such representatives of the sign are selfish, put their interests on a certain pedestal, are often openly cruel or hypocritical, and recognize only their feelings. These people hide their real emotions behind a reliable wall of cynicism, and are practically devoid of empathy, compassion, and mercy. Absolute narcissists, they can literally trample or destroy. Such Cancers have chosen a very dubious way to protect their precious inner world, but they simply do not see any other way.

Decades of the sign Cancer

To qualitatively assess a personality, it is worth paying attention to the birthday and month, the dates on which Cancer was born. It is customary to distinguish 3 decades, the characteristics of which can vary significantly. The description of the personality of a sign representative born in the month of June is somewhat different than psychological picture Cancers whose birth dates fall in July.

Cancers of the first ten days (the period from June 21 to July 1) are typical representatives of the zodiac sign. They are bad at making new contacts, very timid and withdrawn. At the same time, they are very intelligent, often become independent early and enter into marriage, are very loyal, have excellent intuition and are romantic. Cancers of June are incredibly emotional, subject to sudden mood swings, and often look unhappy or depressed. They do not tolerate quarrels well; any aggression usually causes confusion or sharp rejection. Such Cancers may have connections on the side, but they always return. This month adds ambition, special love for oneself and loved ones to the character of the representatives of the zodiac sign.

Cancers of the second decade (the period from July 1 to July 10), unlike representatives of the sign whose birth dates fall in June, often attract people very much with their intelligence, sensitivity, and strength of personality. Among the Cancers of this decade there are very self-centered individuals who are difficult to communicate with. They are curious, try to look for benefits in everything, cunning, practical.

The third decade, whose birth dates are from the 11th to the 22nd of July, is characterized by impressionability, sensuality, and spirituality. These are incorrigible romantics, among whom there are many creative personalities. Cancers whose birthdays fall during this period have a keen sense of people, are responsive, have success in society, but love peace too much.

Professions, self-realization, finance

Quiet professions are suitable for very vulnerable, emotional Cancers, where they will feel comfort and safety. The water element of the sign gives the character some passivity in choosing the work of life. Cancers patiently wait for the current of fate and the external elements to bring them to the right shore, where they can find recognition. Representatives of this sign love money, but are not used to making efforts for their own well-being.

Passivity in their career often leads Cancer to routine, boring work, where due to fear of change, some social anxiety, and indecision, they remain for a long time. He is often exploited, underestimated, and overloaded with tasks. Such people should be bolder in their careers, be active, and learn new things. Professions related to office work, nature, gardening are suitable for them.. Cancers make good cooks, nurses, educators, and administrators.

Planets of Cancer and elements

The Zodiac sign is ruled by the element of Water and the planet Moon.

Two and even numbers bring good luck to people of the sign.

These numbers carry lunar vibrations. It is this mysterious astrological planet that determines such traits of Cancer’s nature as emotionality, thoughtfulness, and daydreaming.

Jupiter in exaltation allows Cancer, despite its isolation and secrecy, to achieve fairly stable social status. Weak, in its fall, Mars deprives such people of perseverance, assertiveness, energy, and Uranus and Saturn in exile deprive them of firmness, discipline, and endow them with fear of change.

The water element makes people of the sign a little passive, endows them with intuition, sensitivity, and the need for protection.


Cancers have an unusually beautiful inner world, feelings, and a tendency to think, but excessive caution forces them to a passive existence. Such timid people should leave their doubts and fears behind and trust others more. Only this step will help them get out of their shell and achieve real success.