Who is broadcasting along with Gordon. Changes for the better Yulia Baranovskaya. Community discussion

Yulia Baranovskaya is a famous Russian TV presenter, former civil wife Andrey Arshavin, for loud parting with which the whole country followed. The troubles in life did not break the character of Julia, which is proved by successful career TV presenter, awards from the Fashion People Awards as the "Best Fashion Presenter", and from MODA Topical as the "Most Active Mom".


Julia was born in Leningrad, her date of birth is June 3, 1985. She was raised by an intelligent family. The girl's mother's name is Tatyana Vladimirovna Bratseva, a teacher by profession, and her father, Gennady Ivanovich Baranovsky, worked as an engineer. Julia studied at a regular school, her mother early years instilled independence in her daughter. The girl had good academic performance, she actively participated in the life of the class, her classmates more than once chose her headman.

A big tragedy for Julia was the divorce of her parents. When she was 10 years old, her father left the family. The daughter took his act as a betrayal and did not communicate with dad for 15 years. Soon, my mother remarried, and Julia appeared younger sisters: Xenia and Alexandra. The girl cordially received her sisters, actively participated in their upbringing and still maintains warm relations with them.

From an early age, Julia dreamed of becoming a journalist or presenter, but at the insistence of her mother, after graduating from school, she applied to State University aerospace instrumentation at the Faculty of Management. Although Julia was a diligent and diligent student, she was unable to complete her studies. Already in the 1st year, she realized that the dry laws of sales were not interesting to her, study was difficult. In 2005 she left for academic leave, and never completed her education.

Personal life

In 2003, Yulia Baranovskaya began dating a promising striker from Zenit, Andrei Arshavin. A month later, the lovers came together. After 2 years, Yulia gave birth to her first son, Artem, and 3 years later, her daughter Yana. The third child was born when Julia was actually lonely.

Andrey Arshavin

The lovers lived together for 9 years, but their marriage was never officially registered. Julia did not want to get married while she was carrying a baby. Despite Andrey's proposal, the girl refused, because she wanted a beautiful wedding. After the first child, a daughter appeared in the family, and the football player no longer proposed to his common-law wife.

In 2009, Arshavin signed a contract with London's Arsenal and moved with his family to England. Andrei spent all his time in training, and Yulia took care of the children. At first, it was difficult for her to adapt in a foreign country. She did not know the language, the customs of foreigners were alien to her. The British seemed cold and stiff, which she told the local press. The media disliked her, wrote caustic articles against Baranovskaya after each release of the Arshavins.

After some time, the situation improved, the family was drawn into London life, Julia began to go out. She met with the wives of other football players, attended events in the company of her husband. At that time, Baranovskaya planned to create a women's club in London, where she could give advice to those who had just moved to England. But this project was never realized.

In 2012, Andrei was offered to return to Zenit. The football player accepted the invitation and left for Russia. Julia at that time was 5 months pregnant. She could not suddenly pull out the grown children from their usual habitat, so for some time she was forced to stay in London. Perhaps this separation was an indirect reason why they divorced.

In St. Petersburg, Arshavin started a relationship with Alisa Kuzmina and announced to Baranovskaya that he was leaving. After scandalous divorce the career of the former Arsenal player did not work out. He settled in Kazakhstan, where he lives with his new darling Alisa Kazmina is a London model. On September 1, 2016, young people formalized their relationship, and on February 11, 2017, the fourth daughter of a football player was born safely, she was given beautiful name Yesenia.


After parting, Arshavin left his family without any support, he avoided meetings and calls from children. They learned about the fate of their father from TV screens, not understanding why close person. Yana and Arseniy believe that their father is Kai, he has an ice shard in his heart, and Artem says that his father difficult period in life.

Julia teaches children to be independent. According to Baranovskaya, if she wants to grow strong people, she should not interfere in their relationships with peers. According to breaking news, Yana is engaged in dance studio"Todes". Artem has chosen the stage so far, from the age of 3.5 he attended the drama studio of Sylvia Young, upon his return to Russia he joined Fidget. The youngest son Arseniy is categorical in his choice future profession, declares that he will become a football player or president.

Julia often posts photos of happy children on Instagram. Many subscribers noticed that the eldest son is very similar to his father.

Loud scandal: relationship with ex-husband

After Baranovskaya parted with Arshavin, a long process began to receive alimony for the girl. Since their marriage was not officially registered, Yulia had to file a lawsuit to evade the maintenance of common children. The process took place in parallel in England and Russia. As a result of the trial, Baranovskaya and Arshavin entered into a settlement agreement.

50% of all income of a football player goes to the payment of alimony, which is approximately 5 million rubles a month. The payment of such an amount will continue until 2023, until Artem reaches the age of eighteen. Arshavin will then give away a third of his income until 2026, until the second child turns 18. And finally, he will pay a quarter of the income until 2030.

Newspapers, magazines and social networks immediately announced the details of the breakup famous couple. Throughout litigation Notes surfaced about Arshavin's act and about the fate of Yulia, who periodically appeared on federal channels and appeared on famous talk shows.

Television career

Julia has always dreamed of becoming a journalist. In London, she graduated from the Sotheby's Institute of Art. Since 2011, she has become the host of the Russian Maslenitsa holiday for the Russian-speaking population of England three times. Later, she was invited to Andrei Malakhov's show "Let them talk", where she gave a detailed interview. And at one of the social events, Julia was introduced to the famous producer - Peter Sheksheev, who helped the future star get on the screens.

Viewers have repeatedly wondered what happened to Yulia's voice, why he is so hoarse. There were speculations and assumptions, it was considered the reason that the girl smokes a lot. However, hoarseness is a congenital feature of Julia and is not caused by a bad habit.

Russian Maslenitsa

This is a festival of Russian culture in London, which is held annually in Trafalgar Square. Baranovskaya regularly appeared on stage as the host of the holiday, sometimes together with her son Artem.

What do men want

In March 2014, Yulia was called as a consultant on the show "What Men Want" on TNT. In this post-show for the Bachelor project, the girl was a constant relationship expert. If earlier Baranovskaya's name appeared only next to her husband's name, now she is an independent successful TV star.


In April 2014, Yulia acted as the host of the Girls show, which has been broadcast on the Russia-1 channel for 4 years. The girl was worried about whether she could become part of an already formed team, but co-hosts Olga Shelest, Tutta Larsen, Alla Dovlatova and Rita Mitrofanova warmly welcomed new colleague.


In the same year, Julia replaced the host of the Reloaded show, Ekaterina Veselkova, who was pregnant at that time. Julia's popularity was just taking shape. The topic of self-development turned out to be close to her, since the presenter herself recently went through a similar “reboot” habitual life. And she gladly provided assistance and support to the participants of the project.

Male / Female

In September 2014, Baranovskaya, together with Alexander Gordon, became the host of the new talk show "Male / Female", which started on Channel One. In the program, Julia and Alexander analyzed complex life situations. At the same time, not only relations between people were discussed. In the fall of 2017, the release of a program dedicated to the shooting of a dog without a muzzle was released. The hosts took the position of the main character, which caused a scandal on the network.

fashion sentence

Since 2016, Baranovskaya has been participating in the Fashion Sentence program. Here Julia took the place of the protector. This is a show about fashion and style, where the characters change their appearance, in accordance with fashion tips and their own ideas about the ideal image.

ice Age

In the fall of 2016, Yulia appeared in the rating project " ice Age". Her partner was the bronze medalist Olympic Games Maxim Shabalin. The audience especially remembered the number "Darling". According to Yulia, skates made her re-learn her body, feel who she really is, her femininity. There were tears, and laughter, and falls, and reconciliations - a whole little life.

Fashion People Awards

In 2016 and 2017, Baranovskaya becomes the host of the annual Fashion People Awards.

Babi rebellion

Now Yulia is hosting a new talk show, Babi Riot. In the company of experienced colleagues different destinies, views on life, problems, achievements, the TV presenter talks about the topical problems occurring in the world. At the same time, she does not adapt to the opinions of others, voicing her own view of things.

Whom does he meet

After breaking off relations with a famous football player, journalists are even more closely monitoring the personal life of the girl and her boyfriends. She is long time did not discuss the issue of a new relationship. The girl admitted that she wanted to save the marriage and was ready to forgive her husband's infidelity. However, Arshavin firmly decided to put an end to the relationship between them.

Andrey Chadov

In 2013, Julia increasingly appears in the photo with actor Andrei Chadov. Julia posted them in in social networks. Although the photographs clearly showed a warm and tender relationship, young people claim that there is no relationship between them. love affair. However, there is information on the network that there was still an affair between the stars, but the feelings could not stand it. long distance, since Julia at that time lived in the UK.

Evgeny Sedoy

At the end of March 2015, Baranovskaya was noticed at the show by Yulia Prokhorova in the company of stylist Evgeny Sedoy. They posed for photographers together. The stylist did not step aside from the children of Yulia, who came with her. Earlier, young people were noticed at the Comedy Club. However, it turned out that Eugene and Yulia are work colleagues and the relationship between them is professional and friendly.

Andrey Arshavin - Russian football player, one of the best team players. He was born in St. Petersburg and started his professional football career in the same city. However, the public is interested not only in his success in football, but also in his personal life, which is very controversial for an athlete, and sometimes even scandalous.

In total, Andrei Arshavin had two life partners- Julia Baranovskaya and Alisa Kazmina, not counting short intrigues (according to rumors).

Julia Baranovskaya

Yulia Baranovskaya met Andrei Arshavin in 2003, while still a student. On the advice of her parents, she began to study at the University of Aerospace Instrumentation, which the girl attended until 2005 (then Yulia interrupted her studies, since she had a child).

Julia and Andrei began to live together a month after they met. A couple of years later they had a boy, Artem, and in 2008, Yana was born., however, the spouses never signed - they continued to live in a civil marriage until parting.

At this time, Andrei Arshavin became real star football, moved to the London team Arsenal, after which he moved to live in England with Julia and his two children.

In the new country, the life of the girl was difficult. Once, Yulia Baranovskaya told reporters that the British were acting too stiffly - after that, the British media began to write unpleasant articles and sharp notes about her.

But when Yulia began to see the wives of other football players, to participate in public events in the company of her husband, the media stopped persecuting the woman.

In 2012, Andrei Arshavin was invited to return to Russia again and join his native Zenit team. He immediately moved, however Julia could not quit everything and go after her husband: her children began to study in English school, besides, the woman was expecting the birth of a third baby. As a result, the couple began to live separately.

Unfortunately, when Julia gave birth to a third child, a son named Arseny, by that time Arshavin had already had a new lover.

Husband leaving as a push

In May 2014, Julia decided to comment on the departure from the Arshavin family. According to her, her husband left her without the slightest means of subsistence when she was pregnant with her third child. She was aware of her husband's infidelity, but hoped that there would be no parting.

Julia filed for alimony twice, last time- on Russian territory. A court in St. Petersburg sided with the woman and ordered the football player to pay half of his income to the first family every month until the end of 2030.

The career of a TV presenter began with a woman in 2013. At first she was an expert consultant on the Bachelor show, and a year later she became the host on the Girls show. It was the "Girls" who convinced Yulia to return to Russia and start new life in Moscow.

In 2014, Yulia began hosting the Reboot show on TNT, helping girls change their appearance and get rid of their complexes. In the same year, Baranovskaya became the host of the talk show "Male and Female".

Julia's life now

Today Julia is a successful TV presenter. Baranovskaya is single, feels free and happy, with wonderful children and wonderful friends. The woman also released the book "Everything is for the better."

In the fall of 2016, fans saw Baranovskaya in the Ice Age project.

Julia has a great figure, which is noted by her subscribers. In the winter of 2017, Baranovskaya boasted that she became the owner of a cozy modern apartment with an Art Deco interior.

Alisa Kazmina

Alisa Kazmina was born in St. Petersburg, studied at the State University of her native city and received her education in high school journalism.

Her first husband was businessman Alexei Kazmin. A son and a daughter were born in the family, who, after the divorce, remained with their mother.

Then Alice met Arshavin. The couple officially formalized their relationship on September 1, 2016. The wedding was planned to be held back in 2015, but the husband had difficulties with his ex-wife so the event had to be postponed for a year.

Interesting Notes:

The couple lived in St. Petersburg, in a huge three-story mansion owned by Andrei. In the fall of 2017, Alice announced that she wanted to divorce her husband.

According to Alice, Andrei had eternal romances on the side, and she was tired of constantly forgiving his affairs. However, soon the football player publicly repented of his betrayals, and Alice decided to forgive him.

She was impressed that Andrei confessed his act to the whole country. As a result, talk about the upcoming divorce was hushed up.

At the beginning of 2018, Alice found herself at the center of an unpleasant scandal. According to official data, the woman did not comply with the requirements of the airline on the plane- she wanted to transfer the nanny from economy class to business class. The public took it ironically this news- especially the fact that Alice several times called herself a "FSB major".

Julia was born into an intelligent St. Petersburg family. The mother of the future star was a teacher, and her father worked as an engineer. The girl showed early Creative skills and curiosity about the environment.

At school, always collected and very obligatory, Yulia was distinguished by diligence and diligence. It was not for nothing that her classmates chose her as a headman, and the teachers loved her for good grades and a kind, calm disposition.

But in the meantime, things didn’t go well in the family: when the girl was 10, dad and mom divorced, and at the initiative of her father. Baranovskaya admits that she could not forgive for a long time native person this insult.

But everything was decided successfully: my mother got married a second time, and Yulia had two sisters - Alena and Sasha. When the little ones grew up, all three girls became very good friends. So Julia again felt that she had a real strong family.

After school, the girl admitted to her parents that she would like to try her luck at the Faculty of Journalism: she was always attracted by everything new and unusual, besides, perseverance would help to understand topics deeply and thoroughly. But mom and dad felt that there were few prospects in this profession and persuaded her to change her mind.

As a result, the girl chose the Faculty of Management at the University of Aerospace Instrumentation. Studying was not something that was a burden to her, but it did not arouse interest at all. She wanted variety and creativity, not endless numbers and dry facts.


Once Yulia and her friend went for a walk along Nevsky Prospekt. There, a very young Zenit football player Andrei Arshavin met her. They began to meet often and very quickly realized that they did not want to live without each other. A month after they met, the young people came together.

They lived together for almost two years, when the girl became pregnant with her first child. In her third year, she had to take an academic leave at the institute, but Yulia did not want to recover there - she had never been attracted to this profession.

The first son of Baranovskaya and Arshavin Artem was born. The young couple was in no hurry to sign, and it was Yulia who decided not to put a stamp in her passport. It seemed to her that their love is endless and unshakable. No one and nothing can upset the union of lovers.

When the boy turned three, the lovers had another joy - the daughter of Yana. And Julia realized that she really wanted to devote herself to her family and children.

Meanwhile, the man became more and more popular. The charming wife who adjusted her life gave strength to the young Arshavin for new victories. Soon the whole world noticed the magnificent game of the athlete.

Where she kept her own weekly blog.

Biography of Yulia Baranovskaya

Julia Baranovskaya was born on June 3, 1985 in Leningrad in the family of an engineer and a school teacher. The girl studied at the most ordinary school, was a very diligent student, head of the class. Julia's parents divorced when she was ten years old. She was very upset by the divorce of her parents and stopped communicating with her father for 15 years. After some time, Julia's mother remarried.

After school, Yulia wanted to enter the Faculty of Journalism, but changed her mind and entered the University of Aerospace Instrumentation at the Faculty of Management. During her studies, she met football player Andrei Arshavin, a rising star of St. Petersburg Zenit. Baranovskaya had to leave the university due to her first pregnancy. Later Julia admitted that she had chosen the wrong profession: studying was very difficult for her - the girl was constantly drawn to creativity.

In 2009, Arshavin was offered a contract with the London Arsenal, and the family moved to the UK. While Andrei disappeared in training and matches, Baranovskaya took care of the children. At first, it was difficult for Yulia to adapt in a foreign country, since she did not know either the language or customs. But, getting used to it, she was able to provide comfortable life both for yourself and your family.

In 2012, Arshavin was invited back to his native Zenit. At this time, Yulia was already expecting her third child, the older children Artem and Yana began their studies in Britain, so the head of the family returned to Russia alone. In St. Petersburg, the footballer started new novel and announced to Baranovskaya that he was leaving the family. Yulia was left alone with three children (August 14, 2012 she gave birth to her son Arseny). A year later, she filed for alimony, but since the couple's marriage was not officially registered, the process dragged on. At first, the case was considered in London, but the court put an end to the proceedings northern capital Russia, obliging the football player until 2030 to pay half of his income to his common-law wife and their common children. Despite all the difficulties that the girl had to overcome, she considers herself an absolutely happy person.

In the spring of 2017, Yulia finally bought her own apartment in Moscow and moved out of a rented apartment. Design new apartment Baranovskaya entrusted the specialists of the Perfect Repair program on Channel One.

The children of Baranovskaya and Arshavin lead an active lifestyle: Artem performs on stage as part of the team " fidgets", Yana dances in Alla Dukhova's show ballet" Todes ", and the youngest son Arseniy followed in his father's footsteps and began to play football.

Career of Yulia Baranovskaya

After breaking up with civil husband Julia Baranovskaya became a media person and pursued a career in television. To interview her, publications lined up. After participating in Andrey Malakhov's show "Let them talk", where Yulia spoke about her family life With Andrey Arshavin, the whole country sympathized with her plight. Friends tried to support her in every possible way and often invited her to private parties. On one of them, Julia met the producer Peter Sheksheev, which helped her break into television.

First, she was invited to the show “What do men want? » on the TNT channel as a consultant. Her name, which had previously appeared only next to her husband's name, began to appear more and more often on television screens. Since May 2014, Yulia has been one of the hosts of the Girls show on the Russia 1 channel. The girl was very worried about whether she could join the already formed women's team and, in general, into the format of the show. But her fears turned out to be in vain: Olga Shelest, Alla Dovlatova and Rita Mitrofanova greeted the new colleague very warmly.

Then Baranovskaya became the host of the fourth season of the show "" on TNT, where she replaced the pregnant Ekaterina Veselkova. The key theme of the project - self-development, getting rid of fears and complexes - was very close to Yulia herself, who not so long ago herself had to go through a similar "reboot" of her usual life.

In 2014 Julia Baranovskaya she moved to Moscow with her children, and already in September of the same year, a new talk show was launched on Channel One "Male / Female", the host of which she became along with Alexander Gordon. In the program, Julia and Alexander analyze various life situations. After shooting one of the episodes of the program "Male / Female", dedicated to the relationship between parents and children, Baranovskaya solved her long-standing problem in relations with her father. She had not seen him since her divorce from her mother and decided to meet.

The program also raises acute issues related not only to gender relations. In the fall of 2017, the release of a program dedicated to the shooting of a dog without a muzzle that got into the playground was released. Gordon and Baranovskaya sided with the hero of the issue, which caused a scandal on the network. Thousands of people, outraged by their position, signed a petition demanding that the presenters be fired. However, after 2 weeks, the story of nine-year-old Maxim, who is now in intensive care, was released on the show. He was bitten almost to death by two fighting dogs, which the owner walked without a muzzle.

The first book was published in June 2016 Yulia Baranovskaya entitled "All goes to good", in which the author outlined her biography and talked about life with Andrey Arshavin.

Yulia Baranovskaya - active participant secular life, regularly attending various charity events and promotions, fashion shows and presentations.

In October 2016, Baranovskaya appeared on Channel One's Ice Age show, in which Maxim Shabalin acted as her partner and mentor.

Yulia Baranovskaya: “I always delve into myself after a performance. As Alexander Zhulin said about me (a professional trainer who trains participants in the show. - Approx. Ed.), I am one of those people for whom 6.0 is also a bad mark. Even if there were only sixes, I would find something to complain about.

Baranovskaya spoke of her dancing partner as a well-bred, intelligent person and a real gentleman.

Yulia Baranovskaya: “Most of all I'm afraid to let my partner down. If I rode alone, I would not be afraid of anything at all! I love ice very much, I spend a lot of time on it. But letting Maxim down is my biggest fear.”

In September 2017, the host of "Evening Urgant" made a tough joke on Yulia and burned it in live one of the copies of her book "Everything is for the best". Despite this, Baranovskaya did not take offense at Ivan and answered all questions on her blog.

“I was not offended - I was upset. Because even more people send me the question: “Where can I buy your book? We can't find it in any store." These questions are pouring in hundreds in direct, other social networks, in personal correspondence. Copies of the book have really ended for sale a long time ago, the entire circulation is sold out, and it turns out that Vanya burned almost the last copy! “Shame on you, Ivan Andreevich?! I want to ask him. “People can’t buy, and you burn books, and even in front of the whole country!”

November 2017 Julia Baranovskaya together with journalists Sofiko Shevardnadze and Elena Abitaeva , as well as singer Olga Buzova and actress Tatyana Vasilyeva became the host of the talk show "Baby Riot". In the program, TV personalities discuss the latest news and the main characters of news feeds, share their thoughts on significant political events in Russia and in the world, and also comment on the loudest scandals in show business.

Yulia Baranovskaya: "Baby Rebellion" is an uncensored project - we discuss all the events that take place in the world without adjusting to each other. I believe in the success of this format. Each viewer will be able to see herself or her friend in one of the five of us. She will be interested in how we defend our points of view, we will become, as it were, her mouthpiece. Men, I want to believe, will also be interested: everyone will be able to find in one of the leading a certain image that he likes or not. Maybe the point of view of one of us will remind him of one of the women he knew or once loved, and it will be interesting for him to know what she thinks about important events. We were allowed to have our own point of view - I'm definitely not going to be good to everyone. Honestly, you can be sure of this! We don't play roles - we are who we are."

In December 2017, the star editor of Vokrug TV performed in an unusual role for herself: Yulia was invited to hold concert program"Faces", in which young choreographers and ballet dancers participate. What's more, she came out on stage with the program manager Sergey Filin. Baranovskaya was designed to slightly change the usual nature of events in one of the most famous theaters in the world. She led the concert not from the stage, but meeting young choreographers and guests of the evening in an impromptu dressing room and buffet right in the hall.

According to the head of the youth program Sergei Filin, “Julia immediately became her own in the theater. She felt and understood all the ideas, and showed herself to be an incredible professional, spending days in the theater rehearsing and discussing the script.”

“When I was offered to lead the evening at the Bolshoi Theater, I got scared ... and agreed. The Bolshoi Theater makes me tremble. For me, this is the main theater of the world. And here I am - a person far from ballet - I must break, according to by and large, familiar formats, get out of the comfort zone itself and take the guests of the evening out of it. It was a risk. And I knew what I was getting into. I understood that not everyone would be able to accept the format that we had prepared, but it was the most suitable for the choreographers themselves - those who presented their numbers on stage. It was not a classical ballet in the conventional sense. And it wasn't a classic dribble on my part."

In early February 2018, it became known that Yulia Baranovskaya made her feature film debut. The TV presenter performed a cameo in the comedy of her colleague on the program "Male / Female"Alexander Gordon called "Uncle Sasha". The film is slated to release in autumn 2018.

Baranovskaya admitted that during the filming she completely relied on Alexander Gordon, as she trusts him. “To be honest, I arrived at the site completely calm and prepared calmly, and then I saw Alexander in action, saw the work of the actors and got excited. I am very sincere with Sasha and was very afraid to let him down. I came to people who are professionals in their field, but I need to spend more time on me, explain something ... This knocks me out of my comfort zone. And I just would not want to spoil what they created. I hope I don’t spoil it, ”said Yulia.

Personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya

Since 2003 Julia met with football player Andrei Arshavin. AT civil marriage they had three children: Artem, Yana and Arseniy. In 2013, Andrei and Yulia broke up.

Yulia Baranovskaya: “Andrey left the family, but remained a father. I tried to make sure that the children were affected by all this as little as possible. In no case should they hate the pope. By the way, that he loves them, I really do not doubt for a second. And if at the same time Andrei committed a not very beautiful act at some point in his life, well, what can you do?

After parting with a famous football player, there were rumors that Yulia was having an affair with actor Andrey Chadov. The couple appeared together at social events and film premieres, flew to Italy on vacation, and their joint photos constantly became a topic of discussion. Julia herself has always emphasized that between them is just friendship.

At the end of March 2015, Baranovskaya was spotted at a fashion show by a fashion designer. Yulia Prokhorova with a stylist Evgenia Sedogo.

In June 2017, journalists noticed that the TV presenter began to wear ring finger ring. However, Julia herself said that the ring is not a symbol of a new relationship.

Yulia Baranovskaya: “There really was a ring. But not at all an engagement one, and not even mine. I think someone hastened to wishful thinking. I bought this jewelry for my daughter. I could not get past the ring, made in the form of a kitten hugging a finger, with absolutely charming pink hearts. I immediately thought about my Yanka. But the ring was too big for her. Then I suggested: “Come on while I vilify, then you will.” After all, my fingers are only slightly larger than hers, also quite miniature. But since I know from questions and comments on social networks that many people wish me happiness, wish me to get married, then, apparently, someone wished for reality, and away we go ... "

Nevertheless, Baranovskaya does not exclude the possibility of a new relationship and even marriage, but plans a future with a person who has nothing to do with show business.

Yulia Baranovskaya: “In my life very, very soon there will be major changes. This is absolutely accurate. I will say more, they could have happened six months ago, but then I was not ready yet. And now I have a premonition that soon a loved one will appear in my life, I will quickly get married, I will definitely White dress and I'm having my fourth child."

“And how many can you name long happy marriages in which both husband and wife are famous people? I just understand how much I would have to invest in such a relationship, what compromises to make. Despite the fact that I still have to take care of children and work, in six months I would just “grunt” would.

“If I want to raise strong people, I should not interfere in their relationships with peers now. They are obliged to make their way in life on their own, ”Yulia believes. TV presenter and mother of many children introduced TN to her big friendly family.

On Julia: top, skirt - Philosophy
On Yana: dress - Next
On Artem: sweater - Dior, jeans - Armani Junior
On Arsenia: turtleneck - KYO, jeans - Dolce & Gabbana / "Kangaroo"


Many girls from school begin to think about what dress they will get married in and how many children they will have. I dreamed of something else. No, apparently, somewhere in the depths of my soul I was sure that I would get married, took it for granted, understood that the prince would certainly appear on a white horse, but how else?

But as a child, I clearly imagined what would happen like this: I am in a tight black pencil skirt, in a strict jacket, in a white blouse with a frill collar, taking a folder of papers under my arm, going somewhere on Very Important Matters. This picture stood before my eyes very clearly, with the smallest details. In those days, my mother sewed and knitted a lot for me, using patterns from the Burda Moden magazine. I was very fashionably dressed, I allowed myself to go out in a curiosity called a “skirt-pants” (then it was beyond the understanding of others: no one wore such a style, and they laughed at me, but I didn’t care). In general, I didn’t know what exactly I would do in fashionable clothes and with a folder under my arm, but I imagined that I would be very businesslike and insanely in demand.

In life, everything turned out to be a little more complicated. The saddest thing is that I never learned to defend my personal interests, to remind myself. I can ask for another person, defend his convictions in front of opponents, break through the wall with my forehead if someone needs my help. But I can't beat the threshold for myself. That is why it is not easy for me to live on my own.

I don't interfere

I teach my children - twelve-year-old Artem, nine-year-old Yana and five-year-old Arseny - that they must learn to accept independent solutions. If I want to raise strong people, I should not interfere with their peer relationships right now. They are obliged to make their own way in life, this is my firm conviction. If someone offends them, even in this case I will not arrange a showdown. I'll just pick it up from the class or from the circle where this happens. And I certainly will not interfere if my son, for example, wants to participate in some kind of competition and I am required to come to the organizers and ask for him. This is categorically wrong. Well, you will ask for your child once or twice. And then what to do with it? When will he start demonstrating his personal achievements, and not go out on my acquaintances and connections? My daughter Yana is engaged in "Todes", I have excellent relations with the director of this ballet, Alla Dukhovaya. I love Alla very much and often go to her after the reporting concert with the participation of my child. But I never take Yana with me. I think that this is not pedagogical and incorrect in relation to the team in which she works. I say to Yana: “With your work and talent, make sure that Alla herself notices you, comes up and singles you out from among the rest of the pupils. This will be right."

With younger son Arseny
On Julia: dress - Max&Co

On children famous people there is a double load, very high pressure. The temptation to project onto the child the attitude towards the parent is too great. You can’t say about your children: “Well, of course, this is the son / daughter of the very one that you want, there is blat everywhere.” And so that the children casually say: “Oh, my mother can do anything, she will now come and achieve for me leading role!" - is also unacceptable. In general, a very difficult task.

I remember, Andrey (Andrey Arshavin, ex-husband Julia. - Approx. "TN"), looking at Artem, said: "Lord, what a blessing that Artem does not play football!" Because Andrei, whatever one may say, is a world-class star, and if he brought Artem to any football section, they would inevitably point the finger at them. And be sure to consider every step under a magnifying glass: how Arshavin Jr. plays there, better than dad or worse.

Artem has chosen the scene so far. When we lived in London, from the age of three and a half he went to a drama studio, first in our area, then he was accepted into the famous Sylvia Young team. They even come to her from Hollywood to select students for filming in films. The son was there in good standing, and they still write to us from there: “Maybe you will bring Artyom at least for the summer?” In Russia, studies in serious drama schools begin at a more conscious age, and in order not to wait for this moment and still give the child an understanding of the stage, we decided to take him to Fidget.

On Jan: dress - Woolrich

Yana also started with "Fidget", while at the same time she danced in "Todes". And after a few months she said that she only wanted to dance, so we abandoned Fidget and stayed with Alla Dukhovaya. I was upset: I really wanted Artem and Yana to perform on the same stage and practice together, but you can’t force them. I agreed with her decision.

And last spring, the daughter said she wanted to go ... to a circus school. At first, I thought it was some kind of whim, and persuaded her to wait until September - they say, there will be a new set, then let's go. In the depths of her soul, she was sure that over the summer, Yana would forget about her idea. It wasn't there. As a result, the daughter goes three times a week to the circus studio and three times to "Todes". And what she chooses in the end - it will be only her decision.

In general, it seems to me that this is precisely the most difficult thing in education - to understand what the child really wants, and not to choose classes for him according to his desire. And if he was doing something, and then abruptly quit, do not be surprised that this happened. The task of the parent is to recognize where the wind is blowing from, what is really behind the child's behavior, and correct it.

Bandit, football player, president

Concerning younger son, Arseny, he is very categorical in his choice of the future. “Well, in general, I am a bandit,” he says. And then he adds: “That is, now I am a bandit. And when I grow up, I will become a football player, and maybe a president.” True, the presidents, according to him, work very hard and they do not have enough time for football and racing. The last circumstance confuses Arseny. Our dialogues with him are pure pleasure. I remember that we were with him in Cyprus and, leaving the temple, I explained to my son what we were doing there. And he says to me: “Yes, I know everything. What do you have Mother of God asked good boy, and you got an ill-bred one? Of all my children, Arseniy has the most playful character. But also the hardest. He can tell me calmly and in an adult way: “You offended me. I do not want to talk to you!"

On Julia: T-shirt - Antonio Marras, culottes - Max&Co, shoes - Philosophy
On Artem: shirt - Diesel, trousers - Armani Junior / "Kangaroo"
On Arsenia: T-shirt - Mango, jeans - Armani Junior

The most important thing in life

When there are three children in a family, it can be difficult. They quarrel and resent each other. For me, their relationship is probably the most important aspect of education: not how they will study, not what profession they will choose in the end, but how adult life they will communicate with each other. I try with all my might to inspire the children that they are the closest people to each other and should take care of each other, take care, help. I know for myself that this is very important. More important than friends is work. Yes, I love my friends, but I have repeatedly convinced myself that life can breed us. And that friendship is not forever, as I thought before. I tell Artyom: “Imagine the situation: you became a minister, and Yana is dancing, and she is not very good with money, she does not have enough, for example, to travel. Help your sister. Make it so that she does not think about money, but dances for her own pleasure. Then, at another stage in life, Yana will help you.” Someone can say that I'm wrong and that each of them should have their own life. And I think family is more important.

I try to spend every minute of my free time with my children. Even if, for example, I was invited to a restaurant by a big noisy company, I take the guys with me. It happened that they fell asleep on my lap, I talked with friends, the children rested, and everyone was happy. My parents did the same, never held to the generally accepted view that at ten in the evening in any situation lights out, a bedtime story and close your eyes, and the adults in the other room at that moment are just starting to have fun. I hung out with them. With children, we definitely go on vacation together, I never have the idea to spend a vacation separately from them. We spend time in different ways: we can go to the sea, we can ride to Disneyland, go to an unfamiliar place for us. European city, for a tour. This year in Barcelona there was a quest in the Sagrada Familia Cathedral, the children were completely delighted. We also went on a cruise in a very difficult mode - every day new country or new town. We went ashore, walked, listened to the guide, learned new things. Sometimes the children got tired, but they are used to traveling like this. I remember when Artyom was little, he came from some trip and gave dad a tour of our house: “Dad, look to the right, look to the left, pay attention - here is an 18th-century bed.” Dad was delighted.

On Julia: jumpsuit - Max&Co

I often hear reproaches that I pay little attention to children because of my employment. I assure you that even if I quit my job and become a housewife, I won’t be able to see the guys more often - they are even busier during the day than I am. But I do not grab every project that is offered to me. I am a perfectionist and, if I take on something, I bring everything to the maximum possible ideal state. Recently was funny scene: I came to the gym (as always, at eleven in the evening - this is the only time when I can work out) and suddenly I saw the figure skater Maxim Shabalin, my partner in the Ice Age project, enter the same gym. I haven't seen him in years! I fly off the treadmill, run up the stairs to him through three steps and shout: “Max!” He turns and I see the eyes of a man who went back in time for a year, during our training period with him. His reaction is understandable to me - when we rehearsed the numbers, I tortured him with training, we spent a lot of time on the ice, I wanted to bring every movement to perfection. His friends laughed that Max did not prepare for the Olympics as much as for performances in this show.

And that's how I approach any business I'm involved in. 2018 will bring many surprises: new projects and updating of existing ones, the continuation of my book “All for the Better” is coming out. There are many tasks, and I am always glad to challenges!

Julia Baranovskaya

A family: children - Artem (12 years old), Yana (9 years old) and Arseniy (5 years old)

Education: St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (management faculty), Sotheby's Institute of Art (contemporary art course)

Career: hosted the programs “What Men Want” and “Reboot” on the TNT channel, the talk show “Girls” on the Russia 1 channel. Now, together with Alexander Gordon, she hosts the talk show “Male / Female” on Channel One. Acts as a defender in the Fashion Sentence program. In November 2017, she became one of the hosts of the Babi Riot program on Channel One


Photo by Luba Shemetova