Love novels by Elena Proklova. Elena Proklova asked for forgiveness from the wives of famous actors with whom she had affairs. A novel covered in mud

Andrey Mironov, Oleg Tabakov, Oleg Yankovsky and Mihai Volontir were on her love list.

Elena Proklova shocked fans with a frank confession: the actress publicly asked for forgiveness from her wives former lovers with whom she had affairs. unexpected details Elena shared her personal life in Boris Korchevnikov's Live Interview program. The piquancy of the situation was given by the fact that ex-husband Proklova Andrei Trishin was present in the studio, with whom she divorced, but, nevertheless, continues to live under the same roof. True, having heard that it was about his novels ex-wife, Andrei wished to leave the studio and returned only at the end of the talk show. Despite the fact that the couple officially divorced, Trishin still believes that he and Elena are husband and wife, which he stated in front of the cameras and the audience.

The program went on the air under the title "Elena Proklova: from whom I apologize." The list of those before whom Elena Igorevna decided to publicly repent turned out to be solid. The actress said that the relationship with Oleg Yankovsky brought her the most excitement. During their romance, Proklova became pregnant and decided to have an abortion. Yankovsky, under the windows of the hospital, begged her to change her mind, but Proklova was adamant. Then the actor was not married, so she never took their relationship seriously.

Yes, he was married to a beautiful woman until the end of his days. Love was great, - Elena said during the broadcast. - I believe that the passion for a girl like me, although it was long and serious, it was just a hobby. His wife knew about us. She was wise

However, Elena has already voiced the story with Yankovsky in an interview with one of the TV channels. But her romance with the star of the film "Gypsy" Mihai Volontir was a complete surprise for everyone. Proklova never talked about her feelings for the Moldovan artist, with whom she starred together in 1983 in the film “Be Happy, Julia!” Filming took place in Moldova, and in the midst of the work of the film crew, Mihai's wife unexpectedly appeared on the set.

The scandal was indescribable. The whole hotel was shaking, ”recalls Proklova.

Elena also admitted that tender feelings connected her with Andrei Mironov (her partner in the film "Be My Husband") and Oleg Tabakov - at a time when they worked in the same theater. But Alexander Abdulov, with whom the actress stubbornly kept rumors, was not among her fans.

According to the actress, only over time she realized that the "boomerang effect" exists - when she herself was in the place of a deceived wife. Andrei cheated on her with a young neighbor when they were born long-awaited daughter. The couple went through a real family crisis and was on the verge of divorce.

Everything in life is interconnected. Any of your deeds - he will return to you, - Elena emphasized.

At the end of the program, Boris Korchevnikov summed up: both Oleg Yankovsky and Mihai Volontir passed away due to a serious illness. And next to them until the end of their days were devoted wives who managed to forgive them all their betrayals.

Yes, devotion is always valuable, - Elena Proklova agreed.

Not all studio guests appreciated the frankness of the actress. Some wondered why, after so many years, she needed to shake up dirty laundry again and talk about past romances with married men. In response, Elena admitted that she was tired of the rumors and speculation associated with her name, so she decided to tell herself how it really was.

A naive, addicted child, she first got on the set. Before approving the 12-year-old Proklova for the role of a charming pioneer in the film “They Call, Open the Door”, Alexander Mitta reviewed almost ten thousand Soviet schoolgirls! Not finding his heroine among them, the director was indignant and appealed to the team. After another such scene, assistant director Viktor Proklov responded: “Well, what should I take my granddaughter to you now?”

Lenochka gave the impression of a meek and naive child, but the entire film crew noted her extraordinary endurance and character. Their girl was presented with professional sports: at the time of filming, Lena was already a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. The coaches predicted high achievements for her, but fate had other plans for Lena.

A novel covered in mud

Proklova herself recalls her pure, first love with tenderness, never mentioning whether the affair with the brilliant Tabakov had intimate details.

Elena was barely 16, Oleg Pavlovich - 34, when Alexander Mitta approved both of them for the shooting of "Burn, burn, my star." There, they say, a serious romance began between the actors, burning in which, Tabakov seduced the young Proklova.

She protests. Say, it's gossip around intimate life underage actress and the already famous actor prevented them from going to decisive action. But he recognizes the fact that Tabakov became her first real love, taught to feel and got a place in her heart for life.

I wanted a dress

And Elena will get married a little later - at 17. The wedding was scheduled with her brother. With her future daughter-in-law, the actress was organizing a celebration, and suddenly she herself wanted to show off in a “princess” dress. The then young man Proklova is a friend of her brother Vitaly Melik-Karamov parents liked it very much. The marriage was blessed. The sister and brother of Proklov played the wedding on the same day.

Family life found Elena in her first year at the Moscow Art Theater School. The husband from the first day began to demand children. At the age of 18, the couple had a daughter, Arina.

It was a time of constant offerings and hard work. Elena left her daughter in the care of her parents, and she herself was constantly on the set. “It seemed normal to me to be a mother sunday. You bring sweets on the weekend, jeans from abroad, and now you have fulfilled your duty. In general, I am a relative mother. I must say that Arina's daughter argues with this statement.

Spouse Proklova was a supporter of the classical patriarchal family and tried to make Elena take care of the house and children, and not creativity.

One day, in the heat family quarrel, he put her before a choice: "Either me, or the theater!" "Theatre!" Lena, tired of such a relationship, shouted, packed her things and the child and immediately left.

Love to death

Start new serious relationship after such a marriage, the actress was in no hurry. But it never ceased to be popular with men. It seemed that the most talented actors, roam around her in flocks, love to madness.

For example, who received leading role in "Be my husband" Andrei Mironov chose a partner for filming himself, and settled on Proklova. Trying to hit on the actress, he was surprised to find that she had an affair with the father of the boy Philip, who participated in the filming, a decorator Alexander Adamovich.

married man love for Proklova made her leave the family. They lived together for two years, after which the debt of husband and father returned Adamovich to his French wife and two children.

Soon Elena received news of the death of her lover. In her circle, they still say: "Adamovich died of longing for Lena."

Dr. Sasha

his second official husband For a long time, Proklova was perceived only as an annoying admirer. He really fell in love with her acting talent at first, filled up with flowers, met at the theater, which only caused the actress's displeasure. But for ten whole years he firmly believed that this was “his” woman and that she herself would come to him.

As time went by, my daughter grew up. Once Arina was hospitalized with a disappointing diagnosis: the girl had an ulcer. One of the actors, sympathizing with Elena, gave the address famous doctor Alexander Deryabin. Elena rushed over to him. What was her amazement when the door was opened by the same admirer.

First, Arina went on the mend, and then a serious passion flared up between Sasha and Lena. Soon they got married, but Arina did not like her stepfather: he put her on a tasteless diet, what kind of child would love such a doctor Sasha ?!


That marriage marked the beginning of a drama that would force Elena to leave the stage for eight long years. But everything started well: the young began to dream of a child. The happiness of the spouses knew no bounds when it turned out that Proklova was pregnant with twins at once! But after the birth, it turned out that both sons were too weak to live. They died less than a minute after birth. Realizing this, Proklova lost consciousness.

Elena went into a deep depression, the meaning of life was lost. She thought that God was punishing her in this way for her early glory, for her successes.

Instead of being there and comforting his wife, Deryabin also withdrew into himself. Later, Elena will say that then both of them had a place to get away from grief, and serious family traditions and warmth at that time they have not yet acquired. The tragedy ended in divorce.


For reassurance, Elena went to her brother. After some time, she had to receive a guest. A brother's friend, eight years younger than Proklova, struck her heart at first sight. The day after meeting Andrey Trishin took her with him to St. Petersburg, and after - to a long happy life.

However, it didn't start well. The crowned marriage of an ordinary builder and famous actress called misalliance. The daughter's new stepfather seemed very young - he was only 25, the girl did not accept him. But that wasn't the worst either.

The black streak that began for Elena in her last marriage continued with Andrei. The long-awaited pregnancy ended with the birth of a weak son, who spent a whole week in a special box, and then suddenly died. This time the right words for consolation were found. The tragedy brought the lovers closer and forced them to fight for their happiness. But the next pregnancy brought Proklova to the hospital already at the sixth month, and an incorrect diagnosis deprived the happy couple of another child.

By the age of forty, the actress terminates all contracts and takes her health seriously. She will never regret the decision to leave both the stage and the frame. But a careful examination will reveal the cause of a series of tragedies: Lena's blood is too thick, which simply does not pass through the placenta, which prevents the development of the fetus.

Second wind

Elena spent all nine months of her next pregnancy in the hospital. She withstood 700 injections in the stomach, necessary to thin the blood and pass the vital elements for the child, gave birth to a charming girl, Polina. Eight years out of work full force. For the first six, she left the acting party altogether and devoted herself to her family and children.

At the beginning of the 2000s, Elena Igorevna returned to the profession, began acting again, and also got on television as a presenter. Now her career is in perfect order.

Everything would be fine if a year ago all the media had not announced that the actress had divorced her husband. She stated on camera that after thirty years of marriage, their relationship had cooled, and read ex-husband new family.

January 11, 2017

The artist publicly asked for forgiveness from the women with whose husbands she had affairs.

The next release of Boris Korchevnikov's program "Live" on the channel "Russia 1" brought a lot of revelations. The heroine of the show is an actress. She admitted that she was tired of gossip and speculation about her personal life, so she herself decided to tell the whole truth: “I have a lot of such actions on my conscience. All my novels with actors are continuations of my roles.

On the air, Proklova does not name the deceived wives, but talks about their unfaithful husbands-actors. The TV program compared the facts and found out to whom Proklova specifically addressed.

Lyudmila Zorina, wife of Oleg Yankovsky

Actor Oleg Yankovsky and his wife, actress Lyudmila Zorina. Photo: Vladimir VELENGURIN

According to Proklova, her affair with Oleg Yankovsky eventually led to an unexpected pregnancy. The actress did not want to give birth, therefore. Yankovsky stood under the windows of the hospital and persuaded her to change her mind, but Proklova was adamant. The fact is that Yankovsky was married at that moment, and she believed that she had no right to give birth from a man who was not free. The situation was complicated by the fact that she was familiar with the wife of the actor. Once she even took her daughter to the skating rink with her son Philip Jankowski.

- Yes, he was married to a beautiful woman until the end of his days. Love was great, - Proklova said on the air of the show. - I believe that the passion for a girl like me, although it was long and serious, it was just a hobby. His wife knew about us. She was wise. What do wives not know in the acting world? They know everything.

Obviously, we are talking about the Honored Artist of Russia Lyudmila Zorina. She was his faithful companion throughout his life, they spent more than 40 years in marriage.

By the way, Elena Proklova is not the first to admit to secret romance with Jankowski. Earlier, actress Elena Kostina spoke about love relationships with an artist.

Efrosinya Dobynde-Volontir, wife of Mihai Volontir

Efrosinya Dobynde-Volontir and Mihai Volontir. Photo:

The star of the film "Gypsy" was also on the love list of the beautiful Elena. She met Volontir in 1983 on the set of the film Be Happy, Julia!. The work was going on in the artist's homeland - in sunny Moldova. According to Proklova, Volontir seemed to her at that time very unhappy and lonely. A dizzying romance unfolded. In the end, Mihai's wife found out about this and suddenly came to the shooting.

The scandal was big. The whole hotel was shaking, - Proklova admitted on the air.

Officially, the actor was married all his life to one woman - Efrosinya Alekseevna Dobynde-Volontir. They got married at a young age and lived side by side. long years. In marriage, a daughter, Stella, was born.

Larisa Golubkina, wife of Andrei Mironov

Andrey Mironov, Larisa Golubkina, daughter Masha and mother Maria Mironova. Photo:

On the air of the TV show, Proklova also admitted that she had tender feelings with Andrei Mironov. Together they played in the film "Be my husband."

Andrew was amazing interesting person. A cheerful, groovy, hooligan fool and at the same time an elegant, beautifully courting gentleman. Firework Man! - the actress said earlier about him.

In those years, Mironov was already married to Larisa Golubkina. It is noteworthy that she guessed about the novel of her husband and Elena Proklova. Back in 2012, she touched on this topic in an interview.

- Of course, I was jealous of Andrei all the time. But only stupid women give vent to this jealousy, and smart women try to kill this feeling in themselves. There were episodes in our life that taught me a lot. One happened while working on the film Be My Husband. Alla Surikova filmed the film in Sochi in August. But already in January - February, Alla calls Andryusha and Lena Proklova to joint rehearsals. Proklova at that moment was a completely charming blonde. And I notice that Andrey every time goes to these rehearsals with great pleasure. And what should I have thought? Flies to Sochi and disappears. Doesn't call, doesn't write. Suddenly after a couple of weeks it is distributed phone call. In a sad voice, Andryusha asks me: “Can you come?” I take a ticket for the next plane, check into the hotel where Surikova, Mironov and Proklova live. In the evening we go to a restaurant, Lena Proklova is not in the restaurant - she is in a hotel. And so she calls us all to her room. I go to her and see a man with whom she has a completely unambiguous relationship. On the one hand, it was a relief - my suffocating jealousy in this case had no reason. But on the other hand, I was so angry with Proklova: I exchanged ours for this incomprehensible man ?!

Now, years later, it becomes clear from Proklova's revelations: the wife's suspicions still had a basis.

Oleg Tabakov's wife

Oleg Tabakov with Elena Proklova in the film "Burn, burn, my star!". Film frame

Oleg . They met in 1969 on the set of the film Burn, Burn, My Star! Elena at that time was 16 years old, Tabakov - 34 years old.

“Tabakov was a married man, the relationship between us was complicated,” the actress recalled. - I would compare what happened between us with the relationship between Lolita and Humbert Humbert, when a feeling is born in a young girl, and it warms up an adult man from the inside.

Oleg Tabakov and Lyudmila Krylova. Photo:

In those years, Tabakov was married to actress Lyudmila Krylova. Together they lived 35 years.

The actress publicly repented to women who were deceived by men in love with the actress for her sake.

In the program "Live" the Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema for the first time made a deafening recognition. sex symbol Soviet cinema Elena Proklova frankly told the whole country about what she regrets. For which now he asks for forgiveness.

The leitmotif of the program was the mention of the serious illness of the actress without clarifying the diagnosis. Before confessing to love affairs With married actors, 63-year-old woman explained why she decided to make a will.

"Because I've been around for a long time. And the longer I live, the less I want to have everything in the material sense. It's no longer interesting. I have, thank God, wonderful relatives who will not take anything away from me during my lifetime. I want my daughters to be calm, my husband too. I want nothing to tie me to the ground. In my will it was like this: “Everything that I have the right to after my divorce from my husband remains to my youngest daughter Polina. My eldest daughter got everything that was due to me from my parents. In order not to push children in financial matters, ”she said.

The artist also explained the situation of divorce from her third husband. The divorce was formal. In fact, Proklova continues to live with her ex-husband.

“Andrey Vladimirovich and I are married people. I couldn't afford to ruin this marriage. And the divorce did not take place because he had new love or me. We have lost what unites us. All the 30 years that we have lived have lost our weight, our strength, - Elena says frankly. - It seemed to me that the worst thing I can do for a man is to put obstacles in the way of his freedom. I said: “Okay, free. Live as you want". And then he wants to live nearby. Big difference when a man must and a man wants.

Star Soviet screen also admitted that 18 years ago they tried to get a divorce, decided not to, but made a prenuptial agreement:

“He fell in love with the neighbor's daughter, a very young girl, and could not do anything with himself. It was very difficult period in our life. Polushka [ youngest daughter actress Polina] was very small. I gave up my profession to live with our family. It was a wicked period. The house was unfinished... I didn't have a penny of money. I was completely stunned. I asked him to stay. I had a three year old child. It was scary. The feeling of being abandoned, I know."

The culmination of the talk show of the channel "Russia 1" was the recognition of Elena Proklova in novels with famous actors. At this point, the actual husband of the actress Andrei Trishin nervously left the TV program studio.

“I have a lot of such actions on my conscience ... I'm already tired of making excuses. We met for the first time at the buffet. I went with a cup of coffee. And oh, Yankovsky himself, the love of all the people, came to meet me. And he said: “Oh my God, how amazing you are!” Was his catchphrase, which he said to every girl with whom he wanted to meet, have a relationship: “You are my destiny!” To which I said: “I don’t think so.” And she went to the table with her friends. He later told me: “I was so offended, I was so used to it that after these words any woman blossomed.” And in the evening it turned out that we were sitting in the same compartment on the train to Moscow. He agreed. And from this trip began a relationship. I was single, not married. Whether he was married or not, I didn't really care at the time. Bouquets of flowers, trips to filming in other cities, to festivals. Everything was beautiful, ”the artist says in detail.

Studio guests ask Proklova several times about whether Yankovsky's wife, Lyudmila Zorina, really knew about her husband's affair.

“Yes, he was married to a beautiful woman until the end of his days. The love was great, great. I believe that the passion for a girl, such as I was, despite the fact that it was serious and long, but it was just a hobby. Yes, his wife knew about it, - the actress answered confidently. - She was smart, like some people. What do wives not know in the acting world? They know everything. I do not regret anything. First, I have no one to blame, I was divorced. I lived my life, free, happy, loving and so on.

“I had an abortion from Oleg. On your birthday. It was painful. It was my decision. I think I was right. I have great respect for his family, his wife, his wonderful talented son. Oleg is well done for not doing anything more. Oleg wanted this child. But I insisted on an abortion. How could I? He has a wife and a child. I do not think that you can claim something else, - Elena recalls. - It's easy to look back. It's easy to justify your actions. It is much harder then to bring these actions to the denominator of justice, conscience and honor. Today I can reproach myself, advise others not to do this. How can I judge myself today? It's a different person."

Elena's last high-profile confession was an affair with Mihai Volontir.

“My great-grandmother called me an almshouse. I have always had the share of a comforting woman, a woman who revives to life, who gives strength. I now understand that this is a favorite male trick - to complain about how lonely I am, how unhappy I am. So it was with the Volunteer. He has always been married. His wife passed to the end of his days. He was terribly afraid of her. There was a big scandal in the hotel in which we lived, ”Proklova continued to repent.

And she denied the alleged connection with Alexander Abdulov: “This is my great friend in life. No matter what they attribute to us, we never had an affair.

The actress summed it up like this:

“I ended my novels abruptly. All my novels with actors are continuations of my roles. As an actress, that's how I am. If I played love, it arose in me. Maybe that's why my roles were appreciated? When I was young, I was that woman who was not afraid of anything or anyone. Now I am afraid of many things, because I am beginning to understand that everything in life is interconnected.

I mentally asked for forgiveness a hundred times. I am very glad that once again I can ask for forgiveness from those wives for whom I unwittingly and without realizing made life difficult. I want to ask for forgiveness from the departed men, who were probably worth a cleaner life than they spent it. Maybe this topic will unite those people who would like to maintain their relationship not for a long time, but forever,” Elena Proklova finished.

Recall that officially Elena Proklova was married three times. The first husband of the actress was Vitaly Melik-Karamov, a documentary filmmaker. The marriage in which she was born eldest daughter artist Arina, lasted 4 years.

The second husband was a doctor Alexander Savelov-Deryabin. For the third time, Proklova went to the registry office with businessman Andrei Trishin, with whom they live to this day, even after a divorce in 2015. In this union, the youngest daughter of actress Polina was born 22 years ago.

Oksana Fandera, the wife of the director of the film "On the Move", escaped from his unhealthy tantrums in the warm arms of Konstantin Khabensky

On Channel One, the show of the series "Mysterious Passion" has ended. The project is long-awaited, but in reality it turned out to be a dummy. Alas, positive feedback almost nothing about the movie. Although the cast is strong. But is it a team led by director Vlad FURMAN (he became famous for filming several parts of "Gangster Petersburg" and "Agent national security”), not quite well-coordinated got up, or they failed to feel the depth of the passions on the basis of which the liquid script was written. In a word, there was no catharsis among the audience.

In this series, Philip YANKOVSKY, the son of Oleg Ivanovich, played well. He got the role of Jan Tushinsky, whose prototype was Yevgeny YEVTUSHENKO. Philip, of course, is personally acquainted with the poet thanks to his father. However, he should be grateful to the famous dad for a lot. After all, it was he who saved the marriage of his son with Oksana FANDERA many years ago. And now she helped Philip emerge victorious in the fight against a terrible disease.

In 2009, shortly after pancreatic cancer killed Oleg Yankovsky, his son was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma. The disease is rare and unpleasant. On the final stages bleeding growths begin to appear, plus hellish breaking pains in the whole body, plus a state of monstrous fatigue - as if driving piles for three days without rest. But then, seven years ago, Philip refused treatment. Yes, the symptoms of the disease were not encouraging, but he learned to drown them out.

An addiction that seemed to make Yankovsky's life brighter and more fun, the son of the great Oleg Ivanovich appeared in his youth. When the parents found out, they sounded the alarm. But, for obvious reasons, they could not control every step and hour of the grown heir. Of course, dad and mom saw salvation in Oksana and the children she gave birth to from Philip. They thought that for the sake of Vanya's son and Lisa's daughter, Filippok would tie up with foolishness, making the mind clouded.

Oleg Ivanovich, like no one else, understood: without Fanders, this charming Odessa girl with big black eyes and a sensual mouth, his offspring will be lost. In the truest sense of the word. Only she knew how to find the key to her husband and by some miracle hide the family drama from the public. And she tried with all her might to prevent the destruction of this marriage. For caring for the unlucky son, Yankovsky-dad thanked the beautiful Odessa girl in a royal way: he took expensive shops and bought various gifts. From the outside, it seemed to everyone that Oleg Ivanovich had far from paternal feelings for the young daughter-in-law. And she loves him back. Of course, no one held a candle, but in this case everything was quite decent - Oksana has principles! No, no, we don’t make a saint out of her, although you need to have a lot of strength and patience to live with a not quite balanced spouse for so many years.

About Oksana acting circles they say different things. That I slept with unknown illuminators and director Roman Prygunov(who in 2002 starred in the thriller "Loneliness of Blood"). And allegedly Prygunov then said that she was so sensual that she almost lost consciousness during an orgasm. By the way, at the same time, in 2002, Philip had a connection with the singer Lena Perova, who starred in his directorial debut On the Move. When Fandere kind people informed about her husband's hobby, she rushed to the set. Caught the wrong one in an inadequate aggressive state. If not Kostya Khabensky, who took Oksana to his room in time to wait out the storm and lick his wounds, that scene did not end with anything good.

Chain of random events

However, Philip was never a “walker” like dad. Even in student years when his childhood friend Fedya Bondarchuk and classmates Volodya Mashkov Yes Valera Nikolaev everything was squeezed out of life to the fullest. He was humble and quiet. He preferred music and unhurried conversations over a glass of something that gave birth to inspiration to carnal pleasures. In the 20-year-old Fandera, he saw first of all a muse. But definitely not insubstantial. And with an appetizing ass and other tempting roundness.

“On his part, I felt a pathological curiosity about my figure,” Oksana recalled more than once. - For some reason, Philip was amused and greatly surprised by my excessive sociability, openness, smile, laughter and the habit of kissing at a meeting. Over the long years of marriage, I realized one important thing: no matter how hard it is, you can’t give up. We must fight - for ourselves, for loved ones, for the sake of children, for the sake of common happiness. And we have it with Philip!

It was very difficult for the family in 2014. When Philip was taken to the hospital in a serious condition and was diagnosed with the third stage of the disease, which he brushed aside for five years. When you are standing in front of an abyss, the question: "Why me?" - rises by itself.

Igor YANKOVSKY, like his famous uncle, had problems with his son Denis - the guy even got a term for possession of drugs (pictured Igor Rostislavovich with his German wife Evelyn)

– Lymphomas are not caused by lifestyle or bad habits. For example, smoking, as happens with lung cancer, says Dr. Vyacheslav Dymov. - You are not to blame for anything and did nothing that could provoke the development of lymphoma. Lymphomas usually occur as a result of a chain of random genetic events, but doctors cannot yet determine their sequence in each patient.

Genetics is a tricky business. As well as karmic retribution. According to the laws of karma, as you know, their children always pay for the misdeeds of fathers. Usually with their health and problems in their personal lives. Oleg Ivanovich has been married for 47 years to Lyudmila Zorina and instilled in his son a "common truth":

- Marry once and for all! And there can be thousands of novels. But only if they don't destroy your family life.

Once Yankovsky almost destroyed his. because of Elena Proklova. Who slept with his nephew Igor. Zorina suffered inhumanly. You have to pay for this...

Mom's word

Then, in 2014, standing at hospital bed almost not breathing son, Lyudmila Zorina tightly squeezed his thin palm and said harshly:

“I won’t let anyone take my second beloved man away from me!” You will be treated as long as I am alive!

The mother’s words, the wife’s sobs, the phrase “we really need you, dad!”, uttered sparingly in a manly voice by the grown-up bass of Vanya’s son, the rosy forecasts of the doctors - apparently, everything played here.

Philip underwent seven courses of polychemotherapy, a serious rehabilitation course of immunostimulating treatment in Israel.

- I'm back in the ranks! - charmingly smiling, he recently told the whole wide world at the Moscow premiere of the thriller "Queen of Spades" Pavel Lungin, where the main role was played by his 26-year-old son. – Ready for big roles and new horizons. Many thanks to everyone who supported me. I will never forget your kindness and care. Now I will keep my health under strict control. Promise!