MSSU Unified State Examination for admission. Mgsu. passing score, competition, benefits, dormitory

Moscow State construction university- for more than 95 years it has been providing young talents with the opportunity to receive higher education, master new knowledge and expand your own horizons.
The MGSU Institute won in 2008 the competition of modern educational programs.

Over the years of its existence, the university has managed to graduate over 200 thousand highly qualified civil engineers. Among them were: domestic film and television director A. Mitta, famous illusionist and actor E. Keogh, permanent host of the TV show “Field of Miracles” L. Yakubovich and others famous personalities. Among the teachers was M.I. Scanavi, the best Russian mathematician, popular scientific editor of books and magazines. Now the institution is training young professionals in the field of construction of safe and comfortable houses any level of difficulty. The passing score at MGSU 2017 ranges from 177.9 to 254.4 points in three subjects.

MGSU faculties:

✔ Architecture

✔ Reconstruction and restoration of architectural heritage

✔ Urban planning

Applied Mathematics

✔ Construction

✔ Construction of unique buildings and structures

✔ Computer science and computer technology

Information systems and technology

✔ Automation technological processes and production

✔ Technosphere safety

✔ Ground transport and technological means

✔ Standardization and metrology

✔ Economy

✔ Management

✔ Housing and communal infrastructure

Tuition fees in 2017-2018:

The university also has preparatory and specialized courses. The cost of training at MGSU 2017-2018 for these courses ranges from 10,800 to 43,200. at the moment More than 20,000 students study full-time, part-time and part-time in 30 different areas.

Frequently asked questions of applicants entering the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU)

1. In what areas and specialties can you study at MGSU?

At MGSU, training is possible according to the programs different levels: bachelor's degree, specialist, master's degree.

Upon admission to the first year, it is possible to study in the following areas of bachelor's training:

and specialties:

For persons with higher education, admission is possible to study in master's programs in the following areas:
Direction 080100 “Economics”.
Direction 080200 “Management”.
Direction 151600 “Applied mechanics”.
Direction 230100 “Informatics and Computer Science”.
Direction 270800 “Construction”.

2. Is it possible to study at MGSU on a contract basis?

At MGSU it is possible to study both on a budgetary and contract basis. The number of allocated places, as well as the cost of training, is approved annually by MGSU.

3. What exams do I need to pass to enter the areas of training and specialties at MGSU?

Direction 151600 “Applied mechanics”.
Direction 190100 “Ground transport and technological complexes”.
Direction 220400 “Management in technical systems”.
Direction 220700 “Automation of technological processes and production.”
Direction 221700 “Standardization and metrology”.
Direction 230100 “Informatics and Computer Science”.
Direction 231300 “Applied Mathematics”.
Direction 270800 “Construction”.
Direction 280100 “Environmental management and water use”.
Direction 280700 “Technosphere safety”.

as well as in the following specialties:
Specialty 190109 “Ground transport and technological means.”
Specialty 271101 “Construction of unique buildings and structures.”
Specialty 280705 “Fire Safety”

written entrance tests have been determined: Russian language, mathematics and physics.

For applicants applying for bachelor's degrees:
Direction 080100 “Economics”.
Direction 080200 “Management”.

written entrance tests have been determined: Russian language, mathematics, social studies.

The minimum scores that must be achieved to participate in the admission competition are determined by the annual order of Rosobranadzor.

For applicants entering all areas of master's training, written entrance tests are determined for the area for which admission is being conducted.

Entrance tests for persons with higher education vocational education, as well as certification tests for admission to the second and subsequent courses are carried out in the form of an interview.

4. What were the passing scores?

The passing and average scores of those enrolled in 2011 are shown in the table:

Please note that these data reflect the situation only in 2011 and cannot serve as a basis for predicting scores for the current year.
5. What are the deadlines for submitting documents to MGSU?

Admissions to full-time and can submit documents starting June 20 at 12°° Moscow time.

Applicants who do not have Unified State Exam results counted as entrance tests must submit documents to MGSU by July 5 and register to take the Unified State Exam at approved Unified State Exam registration points.

Applicants to MGSU who need to pass additional creative exams in the subjects "Drawing" and "Architectural Graphics" must submit documents to MGSU by July 5.

Applicants to MGSU, based on the results of entrance tests conducted by MGSU, must submit documents to MGSU and register for exams conducted by MGSU by July 10.

Acceptance of documents for full-time And Full-time and part-time (evening) forms of education ends July 25 at 12

°° Moscow time.

Documents are accepted at the MGSU admissions office on weekdays (Monday – Friday) from 10

°° to 17 °° Moscow time. Saturday and Sunday are non-working days.

Acceptance of documents for correspondence form training is conducted year-round.

Acceptance of documents for external studies is carried out in July-August.

6. What are the validity periods of Unified State Examination certificates and Olympiad diplomas?

Unified State Exam results are valid until December 31 of the year following the year passing the Unified State Exam. The validity period of the Unified State Examination certificate is increased by 1 year in case of passing an urgent examination. military service. If there are several valid Unified State Examination certificates in a subject, the certificate with the highest score in that subject is selected.

Olympiad diplomas are valid only in the year of participation in the Olympiad.

7. Is it possible to enroll in several directions and specialties?

You are allowed to apply for admission to no more than 5 universities, and no more than 3 applications per university. Applications submitted for different shapes training (full-time, part-time, part-time), training conditions (budget, contract).

8. When are exams taken at MGSU?

Entrance tests for the main part of applicants take place in the form and according to Unified State Exam materials(for more details see Admission Rules)

Entrance tests in the form and based on materials from MGSU are carried out according to a separate schedule, approved additionally:

Indicative timetable (exam schedule in 2011)

9. Is it possible to appeal against exams at MGSU?

An appeal on the issue of changing the grade received in the entrance test taken at MGSU in the form and according to materials determined by MGSU is submitted personally by the applicant the next day after the announcement of the exam grade only after the applicant has familiarized himself with the results of the work check. The application for appeal is submitted personally by the applicant in handwritten form directly in the audience in which the results of the work were presented, and is transferred to the Executive Secretary or his representative in this audience (appeals submitted after the applicant leaves this audience will not be considered). On appeal in mandatory specific reasons are indicated why the applicant does not agree with the grade assigned (appeals without specifying specific reasons, i.e., evaluation of work “in general”, “in general”, etc., are not considered).

The consideration of an appeal against the assigned grade is carried out by a commission consisting of the Executive Secretary of the MGSU Admissions Committee, the Chairman of the subject commission or their deputies and the teacher who checked the work, within a day after the day of familiarization with the examination papers.

The applicant has the right to be present during the consideration of the appeal (if he has an identification document and an examination sheet). One of the parents or legal representatives has the right to be present with a minor applicant (under 18 years of age), except for minors recognized in accordance with the law as fully capable before reaching adulthood.

The results of the appeal are communicated to the applicant

10. What benefits are there for the winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads?

MGSU takes into account the results of the winners and prize-winners of the final stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, Olympiads for schoolchildren approved in accordance with the law, the MGSU Construction Olympiad, as well as membership in national teams Russian Federation, formed in the manner determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, participating in international Olympiads.

Winners and runners-up final stage All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, members of national teams of the Russian Federation, formed in the manner determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, are admitted to MGSU without entrance tests for areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, international Olympiad.

The results of the winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, members of national teams of the Russian Federation, formed in the manner determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, are recognized as the highest results of entrance tests (“100” points) in these general education subjects for areas of training (specialty) , which do not correspond to the profile of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, the international Olympiad.

The results of the winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren of levels I, II and III, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, are recognized as the highest results of entrance tests (“100” points) in these subjects.

11. What documents are needed when applying to MGSU?

Identity and citizenship document (passport)

Education document (certificate, diploma)

Photo 3x4 when passing internal exams (4 photos are required for enrollment)

Military ID (if admitted based on the results of the Unified State Exam after military service)

Documents confirming special rights upon admission

12. In what order is enrollment carried out at MGSU for the first year of full-time and part-time study?

July 30 – orders for the enrollment of persons ( upon admission without entrance examinations or out of competition), about enrollment targeted places.

July 30 – publication of lists of applicants, ranked in descending order of the competitive score, highlighting those recommended for admission and the reserve.

August 4 – end of reception originals documents about the education of those recommended for enrollment.

13. Where can I see the list of Olympiads for schoolchildren?

MGSU is the Moscow State Civil Engineering University, founded in 1921. This is a technical university, it includes 7 institutes, 55 departments, about 30 scientific laboratories, 3 branches, 200 educational programs, 10 dissertation councils. 1300 scientific workers, including academicians, doctors and candidates of science.

In addition, the university cooperates with scientific and educational foreign centers, namely in Europe, Asia and America, therefore it prepares and trains specialists not only to work in our country, but also abroad.

MGSU is at the head of the Educational and Methodological Association and the Association of Construction Universities of Russia.

School graduates can enroll either on a budget or study on a contract basis. Offered forms of training:

  • full-time;
  • part-time;
  • correspondence

Additional information can be found on the official website

Budget places when entering a university

Both parents of future students and applicants themselves are attracted to universities budget places. What is this? And how to get on a budget?

A budget place in any educational institution requires free training and receiving a scholarship from the state for good progress in studies. It must be remembered that the main factor in admission to a university on a budget is always exams. In Russia, this is the Unified State Exam. For successful admission, many educational institutions offer preparatory courses, after which the applicant will receive some benefits.

Most often, it is not so easy to get on a budget: there are not enough places for everyone. But priority for admission to the university will be given to those applicants who successfully pass the entrance exams and provide certificates with excellent grades. In addition to these criteria, victories in competitions and success in sports competitions of future students are also taken into account.

Basically, the budget for students in preferential categories is:

  • orphans;
  • children without parental care;
  • disabled children;
  • disabled people of groups 1 and 2 (if they can undergo training for health reasons);
  • boys and girls under 20 years of age who have only one disabled parent of group 1 (the average family income is also taken into account - below the subsistence level);
  • those who serve (or have served) in the Russian Armed Forces (under contract).

Therefore, if you are not included in one of the preferential categories, but want to get on the budget, then you can only rely on your fundamental knowledge, using it when passing the Unified State Exam.

Passing Unified State Exam score in 2018-2019

Single state exam is carried out centrally in all schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, that is, secondary educational institutions. The form of the conduct is the same as the GIA (State final certification) in ninth grade. Such an exam is carried out to control the knowledge of schoolchildren who have completed their studies. Its results will serve as entrance exams for the university. After the Unified State Exam, based on the results, a certificate is issued, which indicates the points earned in all disciplines (11 subjects studied at school).

In 2019, there were some changes in the rules for passing the Unified State Exam. To enter a university on a budget, you must pass exams with a passing (minimum) score - the threshold for passing the Unified State Exam.

The scores in three subjects have changed:

  1. Mathematics – 24 (2018) – 27 (2019).
  2. Social science – 39 (2018) – 42 (2019).
  3. Foreign languages ​​– 20 (2018) – 22 (2019).

In other subjects, the passing grade did not change. Why do you need to increase this score? The Ministry of Education and Science is thus trying to raise the level of training of applicants. Starting from the same 2019, incoming graduates take profile Unified State Exam in mathematics. Clarification: The university itself can determine its own passing score for admission, but not lower than that established by Rosobrnadzor.

Budget places and passing grades for MGSU

There are only 10 budget places at MGSU allocated by the state for teaching students. As mentioned above, the university offers applicants a choice of 200 study programs.

The most popular are:

  1. Bachelor's degree. During four years of study, the student receives a full-fledged basic education in the chosen specialty (the diploma will say “Bachelor”).
  2. Specialty. The training lasts five to six years, after such training you can study scientific work or continue to graduate school.

In order to enter the budget, you must pass an entrance professional exam. But they also count Unified State Exam results. For example, in mathematics, only the results of the Unified State Exam at the profile level are counted.

In 2019, MGSU determined the following minimum threshold for school graduates (in points):

  • mathematics – 30-35 (depending on the chosen program);
  • Russian language – 45;
  • professional entrance test – 35;
  • creative entrance test – 35;
  • physics – 36-40 (depending on specialization);
  • social studies – 45.

It should be remembered that the results of each entrance test conducted by MGSU independently, are assessed on a 100-point scale.