You can check if the organization exists. Checking the LLC name for uniqueness

The privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) has been developed in accordance with Federal law dated July 27, 2006. No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” (hereinafter referred to as FZ-152). This Policy defines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the security of personal data in the service (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) in order to protect the rights and freedoms of a person and citizen when processing his personal data, including the protection of rights to integrity privacy, personal and family secret. In accordance with the law, the service is for informational purposes and does not oblige the visitor to make payments or other actions without his consent. The collection of data is necessary solely to communicate with the visitor at his request and inform him about the services of the service.

The main provisions of our privacy policy can be formulated as follows:

We do not share your personal information with third parties. We do not transfer your contact information to the sales department without your consent. You independently determine the amount of personal information disclosed.

Information collected

We collect personal information that you have knowingly agreed to disclose to us in order to obtain detailed information about the company's services. Personal information comes to us by filling out a form on the website In order to receive detailed information about services, costs and types of payments, you need to provide us with your email address, name (real or fictitious) and telephone number. This information is provided by you voluntarily and we do not verify its accuracy in any way.

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Data protection

The Site Administration protects information provided by users and uses it only in accordance with adopted Policy privacy on the Site.

In this material, I have combined many ways to check the organizations with which you are going to cooperate. Checking a company is actually quite simple: just follow the steps according to the checklist below. Almost all of the above methods for checking companies are free.

Has to be one of the most useful services. It is not for nothing that disputes continue to rage about whether the list of information provided constitutes a disclosure of tax secrets.

In the future, the service should become an effective tool for identifying ephemeral scams.

However, as of August 1, 2018 (when its full version should be launched), the service is “knocked out.” There is no time frame for restoring functionality.

One of the main services for verifying legal entities. You can search by TIN or by organization name. The service is located on the tax office website and can be used for free. The result of the company search is current information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the form of an extract.

The most important thing that allows you to check the service (and what is very often ignored when concluding a deal! - which is simply a paradox) is the reality of the organization’s existence.

In the statement you can see the following information:

  • about the director;
  • about the founders;
  • creation date legal entity;
  • information about reorganization, liquidation, etc.;
  • size of the authorized capital;
  • OKVED codes and other information.

An extract from the “Check yourself and your counterparty” service can also be used to join a claim in the event of a legal dispute in arbitration courts.

You can check it like this: individual entrepreneurs, and YUL.

The service allows you to “break through” the company’s debts, which have already reached the point of forced collection by the bailiff service.

Allows you to evaluate:

  • the presence and total amount of debts of the organization (and, accordingly, its relations with other companies);
  • presence of claims from the tax inspectorate, Pension Fund, etc.;
  • the likelihood of bankruptcy of a legal entity.

Through this database You can also find the debts of the director of the organization and its founders. This can also reveal a lot about them, and in some cases may have direct consequences for you (for example, challenging transactions).

Also very important files reflecting disputes in arbitration courts throughout Russia.

On the one hand, the presence of disputes in the courts is an indicator of the real activity of the company and this gives some confidence that you are not dealing with a fly-by-night company.

However, for a deeper analysis, it is better to study the most typical court decisions for a given legal entity and especially pay attention to whether there are court decisions related to its bankruptcy. Also look at how regularly your potential counterparty pays off with its partners and how demanding it is in its relations with them.

Information on the bankruptcy of legal entities is officially published in Kommersant. There you can find information not only about the fact of declaring bankruptcy, but also other information provided for by bankruptcy legislation (for example, about meetings).

Also useful in this regard is the “Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information”

Non-state service - aggregator court decisions arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction. Possibility of searching by judges, by regions, by specific representatives.

The greatest usefulness is when searching for decisions of courts of general jurisdiction in relation to the director and founders of a legal entity.

The check is useful because:

  • allows you to find out whether the organization is a small or medium-sized business (in some cases this matters);
  • shows that the organization submitted reports in the last reporting period, since it is on the basis of this data that the status is assigned.

Direct usefulness, of course, for state and municipal organizations.

However, if your potential counterparty is on this “black list,” this is a reason to think about his honesty.

Despite the fact that at the top there is the inscription “Prosecutor General’s Office...”, the service also shows planned and completed inspections of other regulatory and supervisory authorities (for example, the labor inspectorate). Of course, such inspections may result in administrative suspension of activities, large fines and other penalties if violations are detected. Therefore, the service is very useful.

Useful, for example, in the case of purchasing equipment with identification numbers or cars for your organization. The information in the register is of an official nature.

In case of purchasing real estate (buildings, offices, structures), checking these registers is mandatory!

Currently, there are two essentially independent registers - the cadastre and the Unified State Register. Information about the object must be requested from both registers.

You can use both the official website and websites that are partners of Rosreestr. Through partner sites, statements can be received in no more than a few hours, through the official service - in a week.

Example of a quick statement website:

The extracts contain information about the owners, encumbrances, legal claims, as well as real (legally significant) characteristics of the object.

Of course, if a transaction is concluded for the supply of office supplies, this check is not necessary.

But it is useful if you hire a specialist to perform certain work or services (for example, a lawyer or an auditor). Allows you to verify the qualifications of the specialist.

The only problem is that the Rosobrnadzor website barely works. But maybe you'll get lucky.

This database does not yet contain all documents, but it is being updated.

When concluding a transaction and entering into a partnership with a counterparty, it is advisable to have truthful information about the state of his affairs. This will help avoid many problems. For example, it doesn’t hurt to find out if his company has been liquidated. It's quite easy to do - you just need to know how.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 61 Civil Code liquidation of a legal entity entails the termination of its activities without the transfer of rights and obligations by way of succession to other persons.

There are several methods to find out if a company has been liquidated. How to do this?

Method one

Go to official portal Federal Tax Service ( and check the information. It should be noted that the information there is presented in a somewhat “truncated” form compared to the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. But if the enterprise was closed, then this will be documented. You can use the information for free; you do not need to pay a state fee to search for it.

Method two

Request an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The request must indicate the full name of the legal entity, its address, main state registration number, and taxpayer identification number. If the company was liquidated, then you will immediately see this in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities extract. According to clause 23 of Government Decree No. 438 of June 19, 2002, the cost of each requested document is two hundred rubles. It is issued within (no later than) five days from the date of receipt of the application from the interested person. If the extract is needed urgently, you will have to pay twice as much for it. It is issued within one business day.

Method three

You can view information regarding the presence of a bankruptcy case on the portal of the Supreme Arbitration Court Russian Federation( By entering the name of the enterprise, the main state registration number or taxpayer identification number, you will be able to see a list of cases in which this company is (or was) involved. She can act as a plaintiff, defendant or third party. If there is a case marked “B” (about bankruptcy), you need to find out on which side the object you are interested in is located. If he is a creditor, that's not bad. You can have no doubts about his deeds. But if he acts as a debtor, then it means that he is the one going through the bankruptcy procedure. And this is bad for you.

Please note that all advertisements are certainly published in the Kommersant publication. They are available in both electronic and paper sources. But this method makes it possible to find out not about the closure of the enterprise, but about the bankruptcy procedure. If the company is at the stage of “ruin”, you will know about it. Thanks to the Kommersant publication, you can also find out about the stage of bankruptcy at which the object you are interested in is located. If this is important to you. But in most cases, it does not matter whether the company closes or goes through bankruptcy. After all, both events indicate problems at the enterprise. These may be financial, administrative or other complications. Therefore, before entering into business relations with a potential partner (or form connections with a current one), you need to find out about the state of his business. In particular, whether bankruptcy proceedings are being carried out against him.

Method four

Go to the VGR portal ( Here you can view all publications regarding the object you are interested in. For example, whether the company filed a notice of impending liquidation.

All of the above methods are perfectly acceptable to use. By using any of them, you have the opportunity to acquire necessary information. The difference between these methods is only in the method of obtaining information. Please note that you can obtain data on the closure or bankruptcy of a company from a free electronic source at any time. But this will only be information, not supported official documents. A real strength has only an extract confirmed by the Federal Tax Service. This is the proof of the veracity of the information provided.

Taxation of your organization is a necessary condition for the work of every accountant. In addition, this information is extremely useful when concluding agreements with counterparties. In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to find out the taxation system by TIN (individual tax number - a special code for any taxpayer in Russia - both an individual and a legal entity, which is issued to him upon registration at the tax office) and how to do it. Let's start by defining such systems that exist today.

Tax systems

Before we talk about how to find out the taxation system by TIN, let’s understand the concept itself. It refers to a number of rules that regulate the amount and procedure for collecting taxes and other fees (Article 11 of the Tax Code of Russia). In our state there are five such regimes, different in rate, object, reporting deadlines, and the availability of certain benefits:

  • OSN - general system taxation.
  • USN (otherwise known as "simplified") - simplified.
  • UTII is a single tax on imputed income.
  • PS - patent system (only for individual entrepreneurs).
  • Unified agricultural tax - unified agricultural tax.

When registering an LLC, it automatically appears on the OSN. Then the organization or entrepreneur, if the required characteristics are available, can choose any of the other four modes.

Why do many people require a TIN system? Not in all tax regimes the company pays VAT - in some cases it falls on the shoulders of the partner. However, let's talk about taxation systems in a little more detail.

Types of tax regimes

Let's present it in a table key features existing tax systems available to LLCs.

Mode type Characteristic Important Terms

Maintaining tax and financial statements in full size.

Payment of income tax, property tax, VAT.

Income tax - 20%.

VAT - 0.1-0.18%, depending on the type of product.

Property tax - regional rates.

simplified tax system

Common among new firms. To choose it for yourself, the company must meet a number of restrictive limits - number of employees, number of vehicles, annual income.

Simplified reporting.

The "income" rate is 6% of the total annual profit. Benefits on insurance premiums.

The “income minus expenses” rate is 15% of the annual profit.

UTIIIn order for a company to switch to this regime, it must not only have a given number of employees on staff, but also be engaged in a certain type of activity.The rate is calculated using a special formula. Due to the insurance premiums paid, it is possible to reduce the amount of deducted tax payments by no more than half.
Unified agricultural taxSimilar to the simplified tax system, but only for companies engaged in the production, processing and sale of agricultural products. - all mentioned cycles must be carried out by the company independently.All specific conditions are contained in Chapter. 26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Now let's move even closer to the essence of the issue.

How to determine an LLC by TIN: legality of the issue

TIN is a strict 12-digit combination. The first two of its symbols can tell about the region where a given person or organization is registered for tax purposes (Article 84 of the Tax Code of Russia). But how to find out the taxation system of an LLC using the TIN of the counterparty is a question that is somewhat more difficult to cope with.

However, it is noticeably simplified by the fact that the tax code is open data - it must be written down in all constituent and registration documentation, as well as in agreements, reporting and contracts of the company. Therefore, since this information is freely available, the question is: “How can I find out the taxation system of an LLC by TIN?” absolutely legal. Now let’s outline all the available ways to obtain such information.

How to find out the LLC taxation system by TIN: 4 methods

The methods are quite simple and accessible:

  1. Visit the branch where the counterparty is registered and contact the inspector with a question that interests you - write a corresponding application where you need to register the partner’s TIN.
  2. You can also find out about the tax regime of an LLC online - go to the official website of the tax service or “Government Services”. Enter the code in a special field - and the information will instantly appear in front of you.
  3. Get necessary information"here and now" is also possible by calling hotline Federal Tax Service.
  4. Another quick way- send an SMS with a specific code to the Federal Tax Service mobile service number. Information will also be sent to you via text message. You can find out the service number and command codes on the official website of the Russian Tax Service.

These methods are available not only for organizations, but also for individual entrepreneurs. Don't forget to receive an email digital signature to access online services on the listed resources. We strongly ask you not to pay attention to third-party services that promise to provide information about the tax regime of LLCs through the TIN - it is easier and safer to use official methods.

Additional methods

If the question is: “How to find out the taxation system of an LLC by TIN?” is asked by an accountant, not a counterparty, then two more simple methods can be considered:

  1. Look at the company's constituent documents - if it did not remain on the OSN during registration, but switched to another regime, then you will find copies of papers there indicating this fact.
  2. It is easy to determine the reporting regime for past periods.

Determination of the tax regime of individual entrepreneurs

The same methods apply as for LLCs:

  • Applying to tax authority- information will be available on the day of the visit.
  • Through electronic service website of the Federal Tax Service and State Services - instant display of the required data.
  • SMS message or call to the tax service hotline - the service or operator will provide you with information within a few minutes.

We are convinced that determining the tax regime of a particular LLC is not a difficult task. In addition, the above methods are useful for getting acquainted with the individual entrepreneur taxation system.

Faced with an unusual situation? In our article we will tell you how to check an organization. This knowledge will not be superfluous, as sometimes it can help: find out the authenticity of the company, check the reliability of the partner. So, what data can you use to check an organization:

  1. By its name.
  2. According to the assigned TIN.
  3. According to the main state registration number(OGRN).

Let's look at each point in more detail.

Check by name

You can check the organization by name on the Internet. To do this, you just need to type it into a search engine; it’s rare that a company doesn’t try to appear there. Next, from the site you can find out the company’s address, its tax identification number and other data that will be useful for searching. It would also be a good idea to check on - the tax authorities’ website, enter the name of the organization and if one exists, the computer will show it. You can go to: and get information there. To check the license number of this organization, you need to follow the following links:

  • Licenses of companies hiring people to work abroad -
  • Travel agency licenses -
  • Tour operators -
  • - type the name of the organization into a search engine.

But, it is worth considering that checking a license is not 100% accurate; you should also contact the authorities that issued it for clarification.

We check by TIN

You can also check the organization’s TIN on the computer. What is an organization's TIN - this is a taxpayer identification number, that is, any organization must register with the tax office when opening. To search for our company, you need to go to the website, fill in the data known to us in the empty fields and search. Or Please note: the TIN of the organization consists of 10 digits, the individual entrepreneur - 12.

We check according to OGRN

OGRN – record number of information about the legal entity. face mostly state register. It consists of 13 digits, which have their own special meaning. You can check the OGRN of an organization on the Internet, on the federal tax website - For the same purposes, you can go to, but this service is only available for subscribers. You can also contact the tax office and send a written request asking for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about this organization. This information is not closed, the response usually comes within 6 business days.

On these sites you can not only check the presence of an organization, but also find out about other useful information: when it was founded, who is in charge, where it is located, whether the company’s address has changed or not, whether there are tax debts, whether the owner has changed or not. Sometimes this data is enough to form an initial opinion about the activities of a particular organization. And be careful, don’t be lazy to double-check the information.