Samples of veterinary brands and stamps. Instructions for veterinary marking of meat

Veterinary mark Veterinary mark or "State Veterinary Service".

in Schedule-C:

Great service

Own equipment. Veterinary stamp urgently?

Online payment

We already Tomorrow

Veterinary brands and stamps to order (oval and rectangular shape)

Production of veterinary brands and stamps

Veterinary mark - a mark for marking meat and meat products. It confirms that the products have passed veterinary and sanitary examination and can be sold without restrictions. Veterinary mark has three pairs of numbers. The first pair indicates the serial number of the region, the second - the serial number of the district (city) and the third - the serial number of the institution, organization, enterprise. In addition, the veterinary mark contains the name of the country and the inscription “Gosvetnadzor”or "State Veterinary Service".

5 reasons to order a veterinary brand
in Schedule-C:

Impeccable quality, 100% GOST.

We produce veterinary brand clichés made of LS brand brass (stainless metal). The handle is made of aluminum. Parameters in accordance with the Instructions for veterinary branding of meat approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation on April 28, 1994.

Great service

We will call and clarify the details of the order at working hours. We will advise you on all issues during the production process.

Own equipment. Veterinary stamp urgently?

Own production. We will produce a veterinary stamp urgently in agreement with the manager.

Online payment

It takes just minutes to submit your order. You can pay for your order online ( bank cards, electronic wallets, cash through payment terminals, Svyaznoy and Euroset networks).

Delivery throughout St. Petersburg, Russia and the Customs Union

We already Tomorrow We will bring the stamps to your office in St. Petersburg or deliver them to the recipient during business hours. There is delivery throughout Russia and the UK.

State Committee

Russian Federation

on standardization,

metrology and certification



1. Oval stamp

Size: 40 x 60 mm

Bezel width - 1.5 mm

Letter height - 6 mm

Number height - 12 mm

2. An oval-shaped stamp (smaller) for branding the meat of rabbits, poultry, nutria, etc.

Size: 25 x 40 mm

Bezel width - 1 mm

Letter height - 3 mm

Number height - 6 mm

3. Rectangular stamp

┌──────────────────┐ │ VET SERVICE │ ├────────────── ────┤ │ PRELIMINARY │ │ INSPECTION │ ├ ──────────────────┤ │ 09/17/37 │ └────────────── ────┘

Size: 40 x 60 mm

Bezel width - 1.5 mm

Height of letters and numbers - 7 mm

4. Veterinary stamps

┌──────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────┐ ┌───────── ─────────┐ │ VET SERVICE │ │ VET SERVICE │ │ VET SERVICE │ ├─────────────── ───┤ ├────────── ────────┤ ├──────────────────┤ │ FINNOZ │ │ COOKING │ │ TUBERKULE Z │ ├─────────── ───────┤ ├──────────────────┤ ├─────────── ───────┤ │ 15 -06-42 │ │ 09-06-41 │ │ 01-02-03 │ └──────────────────┘ └──── ────── ────────┘ └──────────────────┘ ┌────────── ────────┐ ┌ ──────────────────┐ ┎ VET SERVICE │ │ VET SERVICE │ │ VET SERVICE │ ├─ ─────────────────┤ ├──────────────────┤ ├─ ────────── ───────┤ │ FOR CANNED │ │ FOR MEAT BREAD │ │ SCALP │ ├───────────────── ─┤ ├───────── ─────────┤ ├──────────────────┤ │ 02-03-04 │ │ 03-04-05 │ │ 04-05-06 │ └──────────────────┘ └────────────────── ┘ └──────── ──────────┘

Size: 40 x 70 mm

Bezel width - 1.5 mm

Height of letters and numbers - 7 mm

5. Additional stamps

┌──────────┐ ┌─────────────┒ ───────┘ └──── ─────────┘ ┌───────────┐ ┌─────────┐ │ CAR - PP │ │ DEER │ └─────── ────┘ └─────────┘

Size: 20 x 50 mm

Bezel width - 1.5 mm

Letter height - 7 mm

6. Electric brands for poultry carcasses at meat and poultry plants, poultry plants, poultry farms

Height of numbers, stamps - 20 mm

Appendix 2

to the Instructions

for veterinary meat marking






Altai Territory - 01

Krasnodar region - 02

Krasnoyarsk Territory - 03

Primorsky Krai - 04

Stavropol Territory - 05

Khabarovsk region - 06

Amur region - 07

Arkhangelsk region - 08

Astrakhan region - 09

Belgorod region - 10

Bryansk region - 11

Vladimir region - 12

Volgograd region - 13

Vologda region - 14

Voronezh region - 15

Nizhny Novgorod region - 16

Ivanovo region - 17

Irkutsk region - 18

Kaliningrad region - 19

Tver region - 20

Kaluga region - 21

Kamchatka region - 22

Kemerovo region - 23

Kirov region - 24

Kostroma region - 25

Samara region - 26

Kurgan region - 27

Kursk region - 28

Leningrad region - 29

Lipetsk region - 30

Magadan region - 31

Moscow region - 32

Murmansk region - 33

Novgorod region - 34

Novosibirsk region - 35

Omsk region - 36

Orenburg region - 37

Oryol region - 38

Penza region - 39

Perm region - 40

Pskov region - 41

Rostov region - 42

Ryazan region - 43

Saratov region - 44

Sakhalin region - 45

Sverdlovsk region - 46

Smolensk region - 47

Tambov region - 48

Tomsk region - 49

Tula region - 50

Tyumen region - 51

Chelyabinsk region - 52

Chita region - 53

Ulyanovsk region - 54

Yaroslavl region - 55

Republic of Bashkortostan - 56

Republic of Buryatia - 57

Republic of Dagestan - 58

Kabardino-Balkarian Republic - 59

The ability to enter information about used and invalid veterinary brands has been implemented.

Information about brands is added to information about the supervised object in the “Settings” section - “Register of supervised objects (enterprises, markets, etc.)” and “Register of enterprises Customs Union"(Fig. 1).

  • “Register of Enterprises of the Customs Union” - enterprises certified for export to other countries of the Customs Union;
  • “Register of supervised objects (enterprises, markets, etc.)” - other enterprises not certified for export to other countries of the Customs Union.

The ability to enter information about supervised objects (enterprises, SBBZH and GLVSE markets) and the veterinary brands used on them is provided to users with the “Administrator” role in the “Argus.VU” subsystem.

Rice. 1. Settings of the Argus.VU subsystem

Before adding a business identification number or vet number. stamps must be found in the register. If the company is not in the database, then add information about it.

To add a new enterprise, follow the link to the required register and click the “Add” button (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. List of enterprises in the Argus.VU subsystem

After completing the steps, the “Add an enterprise” page will open (Fig. 3), where for the “Register of supervised objects” you must enter the following information:

  • “Type of supervised object” (enterprise, market, SBBZH, ship). If the addition occurs in the register of enterprises of the Customs Union, then this field is determined automatically, the type of the supervised object is enterprise.
  • “Facility identification number/vet number. stamps";
  • "Name of the enterprise";
  • “Actual address” - the address of the actual location of the enterprise;
  • “Country” - the field is determined automatically and is not available for editing;
  • “Region” - the field is determined automatically and is not available for editing;
  • "District" - the area where the enterprise is located.

When adding to the “register of enterprises of the Customs Union” you must also indicate:

  • “Type of certified activity” - the activity for which the enterprise is certified;
  • “Importing countries” are countries to which the enterprise has the opportunity to export products.

Rice. 3. Form for adding an enterprise to the register of supervised objects in the Argus.VU subsystem

To add an enterprise identification number or veterinary number. stamps, click the “Add” link. After this, the “Add enterprise number/vet number” form will open. stamps" (Fig. 3). If the company does not have a number assigned during registration, then check the “No number” checkbox.

Enterprise number or vet. Enter the stamp in the appropriate text field; the number can be entered only for one stamp. If you need to add information about several brands, then after filling out and saving this form, on the “Adding an enterprise” page (“Changing information about an enterprise”), click the “Add” link again.

For vet. stamps, you must select the type from the drop-down list. For SBBZh the type of mark can be oval and rectangular, for other enterprises only oval.

If the brand is no longer in use, check the “Stamp is no longer in use” and indicate the reason and date of its obsolescence.

To save the entered data, click the “Add” button. After determining the enterprise number/vet number. stamps we return to the form of adding an enterprise.

Rice. 4. Form for adding enterprise number/vet number. stamps in the Argus.VU subsystem

After filling out the “Add a business” form, click the “Save” button to save it. If you need to add several records in a row, click the “Save and add more” button.

After saving the entered data, the “View information about the enterprise” page will open, which displays all the information about the created enterprise. This entry is available for editing and deletion.

After saving, the message “It is necessary to attach an economic entity to this enterprise” will be displayed. For enterprises of the Customs Union, the attachment of an economic entity is mandatory, for other supervised objects it is not necessary. The process of attaching business entities is described in the article “Maintaining a register of Russian enterprises”.

If the required enterprise is already in the register, then to add the enterprise identification number or veterinary number. stamps, click the “Edit” button (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Register of supervised objects (enterprise, markets, etc.) in the Argus.VU subsystem

After this, the “Changing information about the enterprise” page will open, where when you click on the “Add” link, you can add information about the enterprise number or veterinary number. stamps (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Form for changing information about the enterprise in the Argus.VU subsystem


  • Only a user with the Administrator role can make changes to the registries.
  • Before starting work, you must enter all information about the user (position, phone, email), the data is determined in the “Settings” section on the “User Information” page.
  • After saving the entered data, the message “It is necessary to attach an economic entity to this enterprise” will be displayed on the “View information about the enterprise” page. For enterprises of the Customs Union, the attachment of an economic entity is mandatory, for other supervised objects it is not necessary. The process of attaching business entities is described in the article “

Instructions for veterinary marking of meat
(approved by the Intergovernmental Council for Cooperation in the Field of Veterinary Medicine
CIS member states October 22, 1998, Tashkent)

1. General provisions

Application. Samples of veterinary brands and stamps for marking meat

and meat products

1. General provisions

1.1. Meat and meat products (by-products) of all types of agricultural and wild animals, including poultry, are subject to mandatory branding with veterinary brands and stamps in accordance with the requirements of these instructions.

1.2. Branding of meat and meat products with a disgraced mark is carried out by veterinarians and veterinary paramedics located on the staff of organizations and institutions of the state veterinary network, in mandatory passed the commission, with the participation of a representative of the state veterinary service of the region, the city of republican subordination, certification on practical and theoretical issues of veterinary sanitary examination who received official permission chief state veterinary inspector of the district (city). Veterinarians and veterinary paramedics of other organizations and institutions, when conducting a veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and meat products obtained at home slaughter and at slaughter stations and sent for processing to meat processing plants (workshops, factories) or sale in markets under the control of the state veterinary service, are branded with the mark “Preliminary inspection".

1.3. Veterinary brands and stamps are made in the prescribed manner with the written permission of the state veterinary inspector of the district (city) from bronze or other stainless metal, established shapes and sizes with a deeply cut rim, numbers and letters in order to obtain a clear imprint on the surface of the meat. Veterinary stamps can be made from rubber.

1.4. Lists of veterinarians and veterinary paramedics who have been granted the right to brand meat and have been issued permission to produce veterinary brands and stamps are approved by the chief state veterinary inspectors of regions and cities of republican subordination.

1.5. Meat branding is carried out only after a veterinary and sanitary examination.

1.6. Brands are stored by a veterinarian (paramedic), who has received the right to brand meat, under conditions that completely exclude their unauthorized use.

1.7. For marking meat, paints approved by the Ministry of Health are used.

2. Veterinary brands and veterinary stamps

2.1. To brand meat, veterinary brands and stamps on the suitability of meat for food are installed in accordance with their description in Appendix 1 of these instructions.

2.2. The oval-shaped veterinary mark has three pairs of numbers in the center, the first of which indicates the serial number of the region, city of republican subordination; the second is the serial number of the district (city) and the third is the serial number of the institution, organization, enterprise. At the top of the stamp is the name of the country, and at the bottom is “Gosvetnadzor”. The oval veterinary mark confirms that the veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and meat products has been carried out in full and the product is released for food purposes without restrictions.

Meat subject to neutralization is only affixed with a veterinary stamp indicating the procedure for using the meat in accordance with current veterinary and sanitary or sanitary standards and rules.

2.3. The rectangular veterinary mark has the inscription “Veterinary Service” at the top, “Preliminary examination” in the center, and three pairs of numbers at the bottom: the first indicates the serial number of the region, the city of republican subordination; the second is the serial number of the district (city) and the third is the serial number of the institution, organization, enterprise. The rectangular stamp “Preliminary inspection” confirms that the meat was obtained from slaughter animals that have undergone pre-slaughter and post-mortem inspection (horses were examined for glanders during life) and killed in farms free from quarantine diseases, but this branding does not give the right to sell meat without a veterinary examination in full.

2.4. Rectangular veterinary stamps have the inscription “Veterinary Service” at the top, and in the center the designation of the type of disinfection: “Cooked”, “For boiled sausage”, “For meat loaves”, “For canned food”, “For melting” (fat, lard), “Foot and mouth disease” ", "Finnosis", "Tuberculosis", "Scrap"; below are three pairs of numbers: the first indicates the serial number of the region, the city of republican subordination; the second is the serial number of the district (city) and the third is the serial number of the institution, organization, enterprise.

2.5. Additional rectangular stamps have in the center the designation of meat of animal species: “Horse meat”, “Camel meat”, “Venin meat”, “Bear meat”, etc.

2.6. For branding offal, rabbit meat and poultry, an oval-shaped veterinary brand is used, as indicated in paragraph 2.2 of these instructions, but of a smaller size.

At meat and poultry plants and poultry factories, you can use an electric brand without a rim with the numbers 1 or 2 (depending on the category), which is placed on the outer side of the bird’s shin.

When packing carcasses in bags made of polymer film Marking of the type and category of poultry meat is applied directly to the packages using a printing method.

2.7. In veterinary brands and stamps, the first pair of numbers is assigned by the country's chief state veterinary inspector; the second pair of numbers is assigned by the chief state inspector of the region, city of republican subordination; the third pair of numbers is assigned by the chief state veterinarian of the district (city).

The chief state veterinary inspectors of the CIS countries provide each other with a list of veterinary brands (oval) in accordance with clause 2.2 of this instruction.

2.8. The sale of meat and meat products to the CIS countries is permitted only if there is an oval veterinary stamp. The export of meat and meat products with the “Preliminary Inspection” stamp outside the CIS countries is prohibited.

3. The procedure for branding meat and offal

3.1. The veterinary mark or stamp is placed on the meat of all types of animals in the following order:

For meat carcasses and half-carcasses;

One in each shoulder blade and hip area;

For each quarter, pieces of lard - one brand;

On the head, heart, tongue, lungs, liver, kidneys - one mark each (required for laboratory veterinary examination);

Two marks are placed on the carcasses of rabbits and nutria; one each in the area of ​​the shoulder blade and on the outer side of the thigh;

In veterinary examination laboratories, poultry carcasses are marked with one mark on the neck or outer surface of the thigh (game is marked in a similar way);

At meat and poultry plants, poultry plants and poultry farms, an electric mark is placed on the outer surface of the lower leg: for carcasses of chickens, chickens, ducklings, guinea fowl - on one leg; for carcasses of ducks, goslings, geese, poults and turkeys - on both legs;

On the carcass of birds subject to industrial processing, put an electric mark “p” in the back area.

Meat of horses, camels, deer, bears, donkeys, mules, which has passed the veterinary examination, is branded with a petmark and an additional stamp is placed next to it in accordance with clause 2.5 of these instructions. They do not put a stamp on the raw fat, but stick several labels with an imprint of the veterinary brand.

3.2. Meat and animal by-products obtained under conditions precluding full list veterinary and sanitary examinations, are branded with a rectangular stamp “Preliminary inspection” and sent to one of the state veterinary institutions or enterprises for veterinary sanitary examination in full.

3.3. Meat and offal that are to be released only after neutralization and sent for processing into sausages and other products must only be affixed with a veterinary stamp indicating the method of neutralization or diagnosis, and an oval stamp should not be placed.

3.4. In addition to the veterinary mark, boar meat is stamped with the stamp “Boar PP” (the letters “PP” indicate industrial processing).

3.5. Several labels with imprints of veterinary stamps are glued onto the container with the carcasses of poultry to be neutralized, indicating, according to the rules of veterinary examination of meat and meat products, the method of neutralization: “Cooking”, “For canning”, etc.

3.6. On carcasses (carcasses) of all types of animals (including birds and rabbits), recognized by the results of a veterinary and sanitary examination as unsuitable for food purposes, at least 3-4 imprints of a veterinary stamp with the inscription “Scrap” are placed.

3.7. Meat that has changed its veterinary and sanitary characteristics as a result of violation of storage or transportation conditions is subject to repeated veterinary examination and re-labeling with stamps in accordance with paragraphs. 2.4 and 3.1 of this instruction with preliminary removal of oval stamp imprints.

4. Control and responsibility for the implementation of these instructions

4.1. Veterinary specialists who have received the right to brand are responsible for the veterinary and sanitary assessment of meat in the prescribed manner.

4.2. Responsibility for implementing the instructions rests with the heads of farms, enterprises and organizations involved in the slaughter of animals and the processing of their slaughter products, refrigerators, cold storage plants and transport services, as well as with citizens who own livestock.

4.3. This instruction is mandatory for all veterinary specialists, heads of farms, enterprises and organizations for processing livestock and poultry, markets and refrigerators, regardless of ownership, all ministries and departments without exception, as well as citizens.

4.4. Trade enterprise and catering, regardless of their departmental subordination and forms of ownership, it is permitted to accept, process and sell meat in carcasses, half-carcasses, quarters, only if it has an oval veterinary mark and is accompanied by a veterinary certificate (certificate).

4.5. Control over the implementation of the instructions is entrusted to the state veterinary supervision authorities.


to the Veterinary Instructions

meat branding

Samples of veterinary brands and stamps for branding meat and meat products

1. Oval stamp

Size: 40 x 60

Bezel width - 1.5 mm

Letter height - 6 mm

Number height - 12 mm

"Oval shaped stamp"

2. An oval-shaped stamp (smaller) for branding the meat of rabbits, poultry, nutria, etc.

Size: 25 x 10

Bezel width - 1 mm

Letter height - 3 mm

Number height - 6 mm

"Oval-shaped stamp (smaller) for branding meat of rabbits, poultry, nutria, etc."

3. Rectangular stamp ┌───────────────┐

│ veterinary service │

Size: 40 x 60 ├───────────────┤

Bezel width - 1.5 mm │preliminary│

Height of letters and numbers - 7 mm │ inspection │


│ 17 - 09 - 37 │


4. Veterinary stamps

│ Finnosis │ │ provarka │ │ tuberculosis │

├───────────────┤ ├───────────────┤ ├───────────────┤

│ 15 - 06 - 42 │ │ 09 - 06 - 41 │ │ 01 - 02 - 03 │

┌───────────────┐ ┌───────────────┐ ┌───────────────┐

│ veterinary service │ │ veterinary service │ │ veterinary service │

├───────────────┤ ├───────────────┤ ├───────────────┤

│ for canned food │ │for meat loaves│ │ scrap │

├───────────────┤ ├───────────────┤ ├───────────────┤

│ 02 - 03 - 04 │ │ 03 - 04 - 05 │ │ 04 - 05 - 06 │

└───────────────┘ └───────────────┘ └───────────────┘

Size 40 x 70 mm; rim width - 1.5 mm; height of letters and numbers - 7 mm.

5. Additional stamps


│horse meat││bear meat││boar - pp││venison│


Size: 20 x 50 mm. Bezel width - 1.5 mm. The height of the letters is 7 mm.

6. Electric brands for poultry carcasses at meat and poultry plants, poultry plants, poultry farms

"Electromarking for poultry carcasses at meat and poultry plants, poultry plants, poultry farms"

Rosselkhoznadzor / Regulatory documents

Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance

Territorial departments... TU for Altai region and the Altai Republic TU for Amur region TU for the Belgorod region TU for the Bryansk and Smolensk regions TU for the Vladimir region TU for the Voronezh and Lipetsk regions TU for Moscow, Moscow and Tula regions TU according to Transbaikal region TU according to Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia TU for the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and the Republic North Ossetia- Alanya TU Kaliningrad region TU according to Kaluga region TU for the Kamchatka Territory and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug TU for the Kirov Region and the Udmurt Republic TU for the Kostroma and Ivanovo Regions TU for Krasnodar region and the Republic of Adygea TU for Krasnoyarsk region TU for the Kurgan region TU for the Magadan region TU for Murmansk region TU for the Nizhny Novgorod region and the Republic of Mari El TU for the Novgorod and Vologda regions TU for Novosibirsk region TU for the Omsk region TU for the Orenburg region TU for the Oryol and Kursk regions TU for Perm region TU in Primorsky Krai and Sakhalin region TU for the Republics of Khakassia and Tyva and Kemerovo region TU for the Republic of Bashkortostan TU for the Republic of Dagestan TU for the Republic of Ingushetia TU for the Republic of Karelia, Arkhangelsk region. and Nenets a.o. TU for the Komi Republic TU for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol TU for the Republic of Mordovia and the Penza region TU for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) TU for the Republic of Tatarstan TU for the Rostov, Volgograd and Astrakhan regions and the Republic of Kalmykia TU for the Ryazan and Tambov regions TU for Samara region TU for St. Petersburg, Leningrad and Pskov regions TU for the Saratov region TU for the Sverdlovsk region TU for the Stavropol Territory and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic TU for the Tver region TU for the Tomsk region TU for the Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansiysk a. O. TU for the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region TU for Chelyabinsk region TU for the Chechen Republic TU for the Chuvash Republic and Ulyanovsk region TU according to Yaroslavl region

Regulatory documents

This section contains current versions of regulatory legal acts (laws, orders, decrees, decisions Supreme Court RF, etc.), of interest to specialists in the field of veterinary medicine and phytosanitary.

Additional information You can get it by asking a question in the "Electronic Reception" section.

Instructions for veterinary marking of meat

(approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation on April 28, 1994) (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 23, 1994 N 575)

I approve
Deputy Minister
agriculture and food
Russian Federation
April 28, 1994

Chairman of the State
Committee of the Russian Federation
sanitary and epidemiological surveillance -
Chief State
sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation
April 26, 1994

By letter
State Committee
Russian Federation
on standardization,
metrology and certification
dated August 31, 1992 N 320-DG/153

Head of the Main Department
State Inspectorate
on trade, quality of goods and
protection of consumer rights of the Committee of the Russian Federation
on trade
April 25, 1994

for veterinary meat marking

1. General provisions

1.1. Meat and meat products (offal) of all types of agricultural and wild animals, including poultry, are subject to mandatory branding with veterinary brands and stamps in accordance with the requirements of this Instruction.

1.2. Branding of meat and meat products with an oval brand is carried out by veterinarians and veterinary paramedics who are on staff of organizations and institutions of the state veterinary network, who have necessarily passed a commission, with the participation of a representative of the state veterinary inspection of the republic within Russia, the territory, the region, certification on practical and theoretical issues of veterinary and sanitary examinations that have received official permission from the state veterinary inspector of the district (city). Veterinarians and veterinary paramedics of other organizations and institutions, when conducting a veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and meat products obtained during door-to-door slaughter and at slaughter stations and sent for processing to meat processing plants (workshops, factories) or sale in markets under the control of the state veterinary service, are branded with the mark "Preliminary inspection".

1.3. Veterinary brands and stamps are made in the prescribed manner with the written permission of the state veterinary inspector of the district (city) from bronze or other stainless metal, established shapes and sizes with a deeply cut rim, numbers and letters in order to obtain a clear imprint on the surface of the meat. Veterinary stamps can be made from rubber.

1.4. Lists of veterinary doctors and veterinary paramedics who have been granted the right to brand meat and have been issued permission to produce veterinary brands and stamps are approved by the chief state veterinary inspectors of the republics of the Russian Federation, autonomous entities, territories, regions, and the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

1.5. Meat branding is carried out only after a veterinary and sanitary examination.

1.6. Brands are stored by a veterinarian (veterinarian), who has received the right to brand meat, under conditions that completely exclude their unauthorized use.

1.7. For marking meat, paints approved by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision are used.

2. Veterinary brands and veterinary stamps

2.1. For branding meat, veterinary brands and stamps on the suitability of meat for food are installed in accordance with their description in Appendix 1 of these Instructions.

2.2. The oval-shaped veterinary mark has three pairs of numbers in the center, the first of which indicates the serial number of the republic within the Russian Federation, autonomous entity, territory, region, cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg; the second is the serial number of the district (city) and the third is the serial number of the institution, organization, enterprise. At the top of the stamp there is the inscription “Russian Federation”, and at the bottom - “Gosvetnadzor”. The oval veterinary mark confirms that the veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and meat products has been carried out in full and the product is released for food purposes without restrictions.
Meat subject to neutralization is only affixed with a veterinary stamp indicating the procedure for using the meat in accordance with current veterinary and sanitary or sanitary and hygienic norms and rules.

2.3. The rectangular veterinary stamp has the inscription “Veterinary Service” at the top, “Preliminary examination” in the center, and three pairs of numbers at the bottom: the first indicates the serial number of the republic within the Russian Federation, an autonomous entity, region, region, the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg; the second is the serial number of the district (city) and the third is the serial number of the institution, organization, enterprise. The rectangular stamp “Preliminary inspection” confirms that the meat was obtained from slaughter animals that have undergone pre-slaughter and post-mortem inspection (horses were examined for glanders during life) and killed in farms free from quarantine diseases, but this branding does not give the right to sell meat without a veterinary examination in full.

2.4. Rectangular veterinary stamps have the inscription “Veterinary Service” at the top, and in the center the designation of the type of disinfection: “Cooked”, “For boiled sausage”, “For meat loaves”, “For canned food”, “For melting” (fat, lard), “Foot and mouth disease” ", "Finnosis", "Tuberculosis", "Scrap"; below are three pairs of numbers: the first indicates the serial number of the republic within the Russian Federation, autonomous entity, territory, region, cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg; the second is the serial number of the district (city) and the third is the serial number of the institution, organization, enterprise.

2.5. Additional rectangular stamps have in the center the designation of meat of animal species: “Horse meat”, “Camel meat”, “Venin meat”, “Bear meat”, etc.

2.6. For branding offal, rabbit meat and poultry, an oval-shaped veterinary brand is used, as indicated in paragraph 2.2 of these Instructions, but of a smaller size.

At meat and poultry plants and poultry factories, you can use an electric brand without a rim with the numbers 1 or 2 (depending on the category), which is placed on the outer side of the bird’s shin.

When packing carcasses in plastic film bags, the type and category of poultry meat is marked directly on the bags using a printing method.

2.7 In veterinary brands and stamps, the first pair of numbers is assigned by the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation (the numbers are indicated in Appendix 2);

the second pair of numbers is assigned by the chief state inspectors of the republics within the Russian Federation, autonomous entities, territories, regions;

the third pair of numbers is assigned by the state veterinary inspector of the district (city).

The chief state veterinary inspectors of the republics of the Russian Federation, autonomous entities, territories, regions submit to the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation a list of new veterinary brands and stamps in accordance with paragraphs. 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 of these Instructions.

3. The procedure for branding meat and offal

3.1. The veterinary mark or stamp is placed on the meat of all types of animals in the following order:

  1. for meat carcasses and half-carcasses - one in the area of ​​each shoulder blade and thigh;
  2. for each quarter, pieces of lard - one brand;
  3. on the heart, tongue, lungs, liver, kidneys, head - one mark each (required for laboratory veterinary examination);
  4. two marks are placed on the carcasses of rabbits and nutria; one each in the area of ​​the shoulder blade and on the outer side of the thigh;
  5. in veterinary examination laboratories, poultry carcasses are marked with one mark on the neck or outer surface of the thigh (game is marked in a similar way);
  6. at meat and poultry plants, poultry plants and poultry farms, an electric mark is placed on the outer surface of the lower leg: for carcasses of chickens, chickens, ducklings, guinea fowl - on one leg; for carcasses of ducks, goslings, geese, poults and turkeys - on both legs;
  7. On poultry carcasses subject to industrial processing, an electric stamp “p” is placed in the back area.

Meat of horses, camels, deer, bears, donkeys, mules, which has passed the veterinary examination, is branded with a veterinary brand and an additional stamp is placed next to it in accordance with clause 2.5 of these Instructions.

They do not put a mark on raw fat, but stick several labels with an imprint of a veterinary mark.

3.2. Meat and animal by-products obtained under conditions that preclude a full list of veterinary and sanitary examinations are branded with a rectangular stamp “Preliminary inspection” and sent to one of the state veterinary institutions or enterprises for a full veterinary examination.

3.3. Meat and offal that are to be released only after neutralization and sent for processing into sausages and other products must only be affixed with a veterinary stamp indicating the method of neutralization or diagnosis, and an oval stamp should not be placed.

3.4. In addition to the veterinary mark, boar meat is stamped with the stamp “Boar PP” (the letters “PP” indicate industrial processing).

3.5. Several labels with imprints of veterinary stamps are glued onto the container with the carcasses of poultry to be neutralized, indicating, according to the rules of veterinary examination of meat and meat products, the method of neutralization: “Cooking”, “For canning”, etc.

3.6. On carcasses (carcasses) of all types of animals (including birds and rabbits), recognized by the results of a veterinary and sanitary examination as unsuitable for food purposes, at least 3 - 4 imprints of a veterinary stamp with the inscription “Scrap” are placed.

3.7. Meat that has changed its veterinary and sanitary characteristics as a result of violation of storage or transportation conditions is subject to repeated veterinary examination and re-labeling with stamps in accordance with paragraphs. 2.4 and 3.1 of these Instructions with preliminary removal of oval stamp imprints.

4. Control and responsibility for the implementation of this Instruction

4.1. Veterinary specialists who have received the right to brand are responsible for the veterinary and sanitary assessment of meat in the prescribed manner.

4.2. Responsibility for the implementation of the Instructions rests with the heads of farms, enterprises and organizations involved in the slaughter of animals and the processing of their slaughter products, refrigerators, cold storage plants and transport services, as well as with citizens who own livestock.

4.3. This Instruction is mandatory for all veterinary specialists, heads of farms, enterprises and organizations for processing livestock and poultry, markets and refrigerators, regardless of ownership, all ministries and departments without exception, as well as citizens.

4.4. Trade and catering enterprises, regardless of their departmental subordination and forms of ownership, are allowed to accept, process and sell meat in carcasses, half-carcasses, quarters, only if they have an oval veterinary mark and are accompanied by a veterinary certificate (certificate).

4.5. Control over the implementation of the Instructions is entrusted to the state veterinary supervision authorities.

* * *

Instructions for branding meat, approved by the Ministry of Meat and Milk Industry of the USSR and Glavvetuprom of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR on 04/08/71 (with Amendments and Additions from 1977), since the entry into force of this Instruction in the part defining the procedure for veterinary assessment and veterinary branding of meat on the territory of the Russian Federation .

Appendix 1
to the Instructions

See this graphic (page 1, page 2).

Samples of veterinary brands and stamps for branding meat and meat products (offal)

  1. Oval stamp

    Size: 40 x 60 mm
    Bezel width - 1.5 mm
    Letter height - 6 mm
    Number height - 12 mm

  2. An oval-shaped stamp (smaller) for branding the meat of rabbits, poultry, nutria, etc.

    Size: 25 x 40 mm
    Bezel width - 1 mm
    Letter height - 3 mm
    Number height - 6 mm

  3. Rectangular stamp

    Size: 40 x 60 mm
    Bezel width - 1.5 mm
    Height of letters and numbers - 7 mm
  4. Veterinary stamps
    HRYAK - PP

    Size: 20 x 50 mm
    Bezel width - 1.5 mm
    Letter height - 7 mm
  5. Electric stamps for poultry carcasses at meat and poultry plants, poultry plants, poultry farms 1 2 P Height of numbers, stamps - 20 mm

Appendix 2
to the Instructions
for veterinary meat marking

List of numbers for veterinary brands, stamps in the republics of the Russian Federation, territories and regions, assigned by the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia

  1. Altai Territory - 01
  2. Krasnodar region - 02
  3. Krasnoyarsk Territory - 03
  4. Primorsky Krai - 04
  5. Stavropol Territory - 05
  6. Khabarovsk Territory - 06
  7. Amur region - 07
  8. Arkhangelsk region - 08
  9. Astrakhan region - 09
  10. Belgorod region - 10
  11. Bryansk region - 11
  12. Vladimir region - 12
  13. Volgograd region - 13
  14. Vologda region - 14
  15. Voronezh region - 15
  16. Nizhny Novgorod region - 16
  17. Ivanovo region - 17
  18. Irkutsk region - 18
  19. Kaliningrad region - 19
  20. Tver region - 20
  21. Kaluga region - 21
  22. Kamchatka region - 22
  23. Kemerovo region - 23
  24. Kirov region - 24
  25. Kostroma region - 25
  26. Samara region - 26
  27. Kurgan region - 27
  28. Kursk region - 28
  29. Leningrad region - 29
  30. Lipetsk region - 30
  31. Magadan region - 31
  32. Moscow region - 32
  33. Murmansk region - 33
  34. Novgorod region - 34
  35. Novosibirsk region - 35
  36. Omsk region - 36
  37. Orenburg region - 37
  38. Oryol region - 38
  39. Penza region - 39
  40. Perm region - 40
  41. Pskov region - 41
  42. Rostov region - 42
  43. Ryazan region - 43
  44. Saratov region - 44
  45. Sakhalin region - 45
  46. Sverdlovsk region - 46
  47. Smolensk region - 47
  48. Tambov region - 48
  49. Tomsk region - 49
  50. Tula region - 50
  51. Tyumen region - 51
  52. Chelyabinsk region - 52
  53. Chita region - 53
  54. Ulyanovsk region - 54
  55. Yaroslavl region - 55
  56. Republic of Bashkortostan - 56
  57. Republic of Buryatia - 57
  58. Republic of Dagestan - 58
  59. Kabardino - Balkar Republic - 59
  60. Republic of Kalmykia Khalmg Tangch - 60
  61. Republic of Karelia - 61
  62. Komi Republic - 62
  63. Republic of Mari El - 63
  64. Republic of Mordovia - 64
  65. Republic of North Ossetia - 65
  66. Republic of Tatarstan - 66
  67. Republic of Tyva - 67
  68. Udmurt Republic - 68
  69. Ingush Republic - 69
  70. Chuvash Republic Chavash Republic - 70
  71. Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - 71
  72. Altai Republic - 72
  73. Republic of Adygea - 73
  74. Republic of Khakassia - 74
  75. Karachaevo - Circassian Republic - 75
  76. Jewish Autonomous Region - 76
  77. Moscow - 77
  78. St. Petersburg - 78
  79. Chukotka autonomous region - 79
  80. Yamalo - Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 80
  81. Chechen Republic - 81
  82. Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug - 82
  83. Komi - Permyak Autonomous Okrug - 83
  84. Koryak Autonomous Okrug - 84
  85. Taimyr Dolgano - Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 85
  86. Ust-Ordynsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug - 86
  87. Khanty - Mansi Autonomous Okrug - 87
  88. Evenki Autonomous Okrug - 88
  89. Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 89