Congratulations on your wedding from the mother of the bride. Congratulations on the wedding to the newlyweds from the groom's mother

Beloved children! I wish you such strong love that the world has never seen before. May your every day be filled with passion, heat, fire of your feelings and the thrill of relationships. Notice each other's successes, support each other difficult situations and like two swans, carry love throughout your long and happy life! rating: 40 ↓

Let flowers bloom in your house,
There will be no room for disagreement
The family will soon be replenished with children,
And there will be only happiness in life,
And peace and joy await in the house,
And the family will be friendly,
May all bad weather pass you by,
And they will be nearby best friends! 38 ↓

Our dear children, how time flies! Now you are leaving your parents’ nest and entering into a joint family life. We wish you to live in love and harmony, to live not for yourself, but for each other. They say that love is not when you look at each other, but when you look in the same direction, and we wish that you always look in the same direction - forward, towards new joys. Well, we will support you and help you in difficult times! 33 ↓ - Congratulations on the wedding from mom

Dear children, I want to wish you that there will always be peace in your family. Peace in the soul, and understanding, and agreement between you. So that your family is friendly and that you solve all problems together. It’s not for nothing that people say - if the whole family is together, then the soul is in the same place! 39 ↓

Our dear son, today we want to congratulate dad and you on becoming a real man, husband and the foundation of the family. Value your marriage, love and protect your wife, raise your children and take care of your prosperity. We will always help and support you, be yourself, be loved, may happiness and good luck always be there! 37 ↓

Daughter, congratulations on this day,
Live happily, together, together.
Make your friend happy every day,
So that the shadow of sadness does not fall.
Warm souls and hearts with love,
So that the smiles do not leave your face,
Never forget about feelings
And invite us to visit more often! 37 ↓

Congratulations to my daughter on her wedding! I wish you to continue to be as kind, cheerful and not afraid of difficulties in life. Love your husband and live happily, take care of family comfort and warmth. Let your soul always be light, bright and joyful! Happiness to you, young people, in your future family life! 37 ↓

The years run and fly by quickly,
Children leave, leaving their father's house.
But we only congratulate you on this
To the joyful clink of glasses!
We want you to be happy so much
So that they always please the eye!
You are young and dazzlingly beautiful -
And we are very happy for you! 37 ↓

The daughter looks like she’s from a picture
She came here to us in a dress,
Now she and her husband -
A wonderful family!
You are suitable for each other
There is even some similarity
Hold hands together -
It does you credit!
You will save it for years
Respect and dreams.
Let adversity pass you by
Arguments for the sake of being right.
Let there be peace in your home,
Let joy always live.
Luck in life will not decrease,
Feelings and love are blooming! 42 ↓

Happy smile, white veil,
Dear girl - you are now a wife!
Your beloved will be nearby now,
Life will be wonderful - believe in the future!
I would like to wish you a lot today -
Kindness and patience, live, don’t lose heart!
Walk through life boldly, love your dear one,
Keep your love for him and feelings forever! 37 ↓

My dears! Be happy, perceive life's problems as trifles, solve them together and try to understand each other in any situation. Smile at life’s adversities, look with joy at a happy future, not paying attention to the little things and circumstances. Bitterly! 42 ↓

My daughter is already a bride,
Wonderfully good today!
And in new house, instead of native,
Now he will come in slowly.
Let this house reign
Peace and quiet and children's laughter.
My daughter will be happy in it
He will live the most beautiful life of all!
Please take care of each other, children,
So that I carefully preserve my feelings,
Did you understand that in the world
Now you a strong family.
Well, don’t forget about us,
For us, you are like light in a window.
Reach all the heights in life,
Love - that's my advice! 37 ↓

Daughter's wedding is no joke
There is joy and sadness in the heart -
My little one has grown up
There is all the breadth and distance before her!
Take care of yourself and your husband,
Keep your family comfortable,
The main thing that a husband needs is -
To know that they are waiting for him at home! 35 ↓

Dear children, let them be happy
There will be your nights and days,
Let it bloom beautifully in your soul
A fairy tale romance of your love.
May the sun always smile on you
Life and home will be in order,
Cherished dreams come true -
With tenderness, smile and kindness.
May everyone treat you with all their hearts,
Children's laughter rings a bell.
Let everything in your plans come true,
May you be the happiest! 41 ↓

My congratulations to you,
Son, remember this moment!
Your bride is a gift
Keep your hearts burning with love for her!
I, children, bless you,
I wish you happiness and love,
To make your home cozy,
And happiness settled in him,
So that life is wonderful,
And it always led to joy! 37 ↓

Brides congratulating their mother,
I see a trembling lady
What am I ready for my daughter?
To rush into exploits again.

You raised a miracle - a daughter,
She looks exactly like you:
The character is soft golden,
That you will be forever young.

Happy daughter’s wedding to you, dear,
You are now a second mother to your son-in-law.
I wish you grandchildren, good luck
And happiness in the heart forever.

Congratulations on your daughter's wedding
I hasten, joyful mother,
I wish you double warmth
From the heart of a young son-in-law.

I wish my grandchildren faster
To make your life more fun,
More love, a lot of health,
And be God's favorite.

May joy never let you go,
And let your heart know every day
That my daughter is immensely happy.
This is probably the main thing.

The happy bride is blooming,
But still congratulations on the occasion
(And that's right, appropriate)
I will be her mother.

Let your daughter give you grandchildren
I wish you a wonderful day,
Let these fiery words
Our heavenly intercessor will give way.

I wish happiness to the whole family,
So that fate works out for everyone,
And so that in this celebration
Mercy appeared to all mothers.

Let me raise a glass
For our very sweet mothers,
Raises brides, some for men,
Tender housewives, ballerinas.

I want the bride to praise her mother -
Charming lady
That he gives his daughter away in marriage,
Let happiness enter your heart.

I wish you wonderful days in your destiny,
Rich in light, clear sun.
Be open, be healthy,
Children are surrounded by love.

Congratulations to the bride's mother
On her daughter's wedding,
I wish you happiness in life,
So that everything is fine in her.

I wish you peace of mind,
To have a son-in-law is a pure ideal,
So that regrets don’t find you,
I was only looking for a holiday in life.

I wish you and your daughter,
Father, all relatives, groom,
So that there is nothing more beautiful in the world
The couple I'm looking at.

I would like to congratulate the mother of the bride,
Your daughter is getting married.
You both are truly lovely
Like a spring day and like night.

I wish you dear grandchildren,
Health for 100 years ahead,
And see those loved ones more often
Who calls you mommy?

May your life be rich
For happiness, joy and leisure.
You once gave birth to a miracle,
Thank you, my gentle friend.

I wish you, mother of the bride,
Taste earthly grace
For what you are, sticking to the plan
We managed to raise our daughter.

Let life spoil you from now on,
And the days will be filled with goodness.
Live like a bear in raspberries
Without regretting anything.

Congratulations on your daughter’s wedding,
Let her give you grandchildren.
I wish you well,
And may the angel protect you!

With the wedding of the daughter-bride
I congratulate her mother.
Joint efforts with father
We gave birth to a daughter - grace.

I wish you well in your destiny,
Let your heart fill with joy.
You are already like heaven,
That your daughter lives among us.

I wish you tender feelings of prosperity
And there are many mischievous grandchildren,
To live solemnly and sweetly
You wanted to be among them.

A wedding is a wonderful day in the life of not only the newlyweds, but also their families. This day is filled with pleasant and positive emotions that linger in the souls of the newlyweds for a long time. The newlyweds especially appreciate and expect congratulations from the mother of the bride, who is giving her own blood in marriage. These words should be imbued with love, sincerity, and pleasant emotions.

After all, for each of us, especially for girls, mother is the most dear and main man in a life that loves us for who we are and truly wants the best.

And no matter how much the parents regret it, their child will still sooner or later fly out of the parental nest in order to build his own own family. Such is life, and parents sometimes have to let go adult life their children.

Congratulations from mom

The role of parents at a wedding is very important, because they have done a lot to make this day wonderful for their children. And therefore, they, like newlyweds, must be treated with honor and respect. The bride's mother's speech is a parting word and blessing on the path to an adult and happy life.

You need to let your son or daughter go with a pure heart, saying a few kind words. But, despite the fact that it is difficult for parents to part with their child, they are glad and happy for him, especially if their daughter got truly good man, able to protect her from all harm.

On such an exciting day for her daughter, who, if not dear mother, can select the brightest and beautiful words, which will take anyone by the soul! In her congratulations you can find notes of sadness, words of joy and a feeling of love that cannot be compared with anything.

It is the mother, like no one else, who knows her child, understands what qualities and traits he stands out from the rest. Saying wishes and congratulations, mothers often remember their weddings, their youth and the birth of the most beloved person on earth.

You need to listen to the advice that the mother of the bride gives, as this wise woman, and she wishes only happiness for the young family. It is important for the bride and her husband to realize that the mother of the bride's congratulations were sincere. But it is worth noting that the words should not be teaching. If there's one thing you want to teach your children, a wedding is not the right time to do it.

How to congratulate the newlyweds?

You can congratulate the young different ways: in poetry, in prose, sing a song, say a speech in simple, unpretentious words. Of course, the most touching congratulations you can come up with it yourself by talking about your daughter and your feelings for her.

It is worth noting that congratulations on your wedding day should not be sad, you need to charge them with positivity, since a wedding is a cheerful celebration.

If desired, congratulations on your wedding day can be acted out as a small scene. But still, don’t forget about touching moments and memories from childhood that can touch anyone’s soul. But don't mention things that might offend or upset your child. This way you will not only ruin the holiday, but you will also probably offend your own daughter.

The mother of the bride should be ready to say parting words at any time. Since weddings often don’t stick to the script, the host does everything as he sees fit. But parents are the first to be given the chance to congratulate the newlyweds with calm music, so that the performance looks even more beautiful.

It is also worth considering the fact that you need to congratulate not only the bride on this joyful event, but also the groom, because this is a joint holiday of the newlyweds, and therefore the future head of the family is also worthy of pleasant words.

Many people can improvise, but you still need to rehearse your speech in advance and understand what is worth saying and what is better to remain silent about. The most important thing is that the words of wishes and congratulations should be spoken from the heart, so there is no need to look at the piece of paper and read what is written there.

If you are worried that you will forget your speech, then you need to memorize it and please the newlyweds. A wedding congratulation should not be long; all sentences should be short and not difficult to understand, so that your guests will appreciate your speech. When delivering a speech, the mother of the bride should look only at the young people.

Congratulations to the newlyweds with song - video

Examples of wedding congratulations in prose

What should be in a congratulation from mom?

A wedding congratulation from your mother should contain only kind and pleasant words, which will delight the young. The congratulatory speech should include the following points:

  • Feelings of joy that the children met and started a family.
  • Words in which newlyweds can see support and support from their parents.
  • Forecasts for the future: You should mention that you are expecting grandchildren.
  • Wishes for the future.

Many newlyweds already know in advance what their parents will wish for them and how they will react to their words. Therefore, a congratulation from the mother of the bride is something expected and predictable at a wedding celebration.

Preparing for a speech

In order to look decent not only in front of her children, but also in front of all the guests, the mother must prepare in advance. After all, on this exciting day she has a lot to worry about. Including:

  • We need to help our daughter get ready before going to the groom.
  • Greet guests.
  • Check that everything is fine.
  • Monitor the work of all people responsible for organizing the holiday.
  • Keep an eye on your daughter's appearance.

That is why it is necessary to select the words that will be spoken by her on the wedding day several months before the celebration itself. In addition, finding pleasant words on such an important day is not an easy task.

It is worth noting that they are not suitable for such a holiday funny congratulations, since the heroes of the occasion are unlikely to appreciate them. You also need to take into account that your congratulations should not be long, a maximum of five minutes. After all, there are many guests at the celebration who also need to express kind words to the newlyweds. You need to speak briefly, touching on the most important points.

Is it better to choose a congratulation in prose or poetry?

It is worth noting that not every person will be able to talk about their feelings in front of many guests; some people are very shy. Then wedding congratulations in poetry or prose come to the rescue, which can also pleasantly surprise the newlyweds.

You can find such congratulations anywhere: in magazines, books, postcards, the Internet. But it is worth noting that many of them are written according to a template, and therefore they are unlikely to surprise you.

Therefore, you need to thoroughly prepare for this and find really beautiful and original words for your child. Moreover, the newlyweds are looking forward to wedding congratulations from their mother.

If you have the gift of writing poetry, then you can create a congratulation for the bride and her husband yourself. But only if you really know how to do it. Otherwise, it is better to contact an agency where they will write everything for you. The newlyweds will be very pleased to hear a quatrain addressed to them.

Mother's farewell in verse - video

Examples of congratulations from the mother of the bride in verse

Guys, I congratulate you on the holiday,

May the sun always laugh at you!

I wish you health, love and recognition,

May the years have no power over you!

Let life play like a full cup,

And the heart glows with love in response!

Let everyone sincerely congratulate you today

And they wish you happiness for a thousand years!

glasses are distributed,

Filling the hall with happiness!

May you live a happy life,

A thunderstorm will pass your house!

Let the babies be born soon,

May there always be spring in your soul!

Nightingales sing on the branches,

And the songs keep you awake!

In conclusion, I would like to say that congratulations from the mother of the bride are one of the main things at a wedding celebration. Therefore, if you are a mother and your daughter is getting married, you need to prepare in advance and compose your speech.

Congratulations from moms always sound tender and touching. Like a caretaker family hearth, mother, knows what words will warm the hearts of a young couple. With such words, a mother can meet young people everywhere at home or with bread and salt.

Our dear birds, you have become a young husband and wife. Now a peaceful and happy road of family life lies before you. I want to congratulate you on completing the first step in your new life. How many more such first steps will you take! The birth of your first child, his first word, his first step - you have to experience all this. In the meantime, you are the happiest couple on this planet. I only want to wish you happy days so that you, like two swans, float through life side by side, warming each other with your warmth. Be happy!

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
To be honest, I lived a long and happy life with my wife. I want to wish you the same happy life. But first of all, please accept my sincere congratulations on your wedding, which took place only a few hours ago. This is a very short period of time, but I see that during this period you were proudly able to support very high level happiness in your young family. Keep it up!

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people

I want to congratulate you on your marriage.
Keep the warmth you have acquired.
And do your best,
So as not to waste everything you found.
Live peacefully, amicably, fairly,
So that trouble can’t sneak up on you,
May life be fun and beautiful.
Never part, children.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people

I want to wish you happiness
And congratulations on your responsible step.
So that you don’t see bad weather in your life,
So that you are close to each other.
My heartfelt congratulations
I can’t put it into words.
I will hug you, my hearts,
I will wrap my arms around you.
Yes, and what to express in words.
You are so beautiful today.
You are warmed by the rays of love.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
I would like to briefly congratulate you,
wish for long years without separation.
And on true path direct
And fasten your hands between you.
Let happiness be endless,
I wish you without any doubts,
So that your love and cordiality
Preserved until the last days.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
You are our golden children!
Please accept congratulations from us,
We don't need gratitude.
Just always live in peace.
Combining in a worldly union,
You took the oath of allegiance.
And don't be a burden to each other,
As you promised today.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
In a solemn and bright hour,
When fanfare and poetry sound,
Let us congratulate you
Happy birth of a young family!
What can I wish you at this hour?
Of course, joy and happiness,
May luck not leave you
Let all bad weather pass by!
So that you never know
About grief and sadness,
So that they don’t forget about love,
Let there be holidays!

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
I want to throw flowers at your feet,
So that the road is paved with them.
So that your secret dreams come true,
You ask God for blessings.
I'll shower the family with congratulations,
Which is a little over an hour old.
I'll sprinkle you with holy water,
I will bless you, so that with a reserve.
I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart,
After all, the marriage took place.
All congratulations in the world are good,
I give them to you with all my efforts.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
My dear children, you have tried a piece of the loaf. I want your hearts to retain the warmth that this loaf has preserved for you. Let your house always be full of guests and let everyone get at least a small piece of food. Let the distribution of your first loaf be the beginning of your hospitality.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
Our dears (the mother calls the children by name), I also want to congratulate you on your marriage. Be happy in your union that you have created today. Cherish the warmth of this day for the rest of your life. Save your happiness and increase it many, many times.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
Oh, my lovelies. What happiness. They arrived beautiful, elegant, happy. Let me kiss you on both cheeks. Eat some bread and salt and refresh yourself. Oh, joy, well, now I'm happier than ever. Now my lovebirds will always be together. We suggest saying this congratulation if you appreciate Old Russian expressions.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
Congratulations, congratulations. Yes, how beautiful, and how elegant. You can immediately see the bride and groom. Don’t be shy, break some bread and put it in your mouth. Let not only your ears enjoy it. After all, you won’t be satisfied with congratulations alone. Help yourself and treat others.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
Try it, take a bite
You are a piece of baked bread.
Yes, listen to mommy
With memorized speeches.
As it is prophesied in a fairy tale,
Advice and love to you.
Yes, I would like to wish you
Merry festivities.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people

Dear children, I want to wish you that there will always be peace in your family. Peace of mind, peace and harmony between you. So that your family is friendly and that you solve all problems together. People say: “If the whole family is together, the soul is in the same place.”

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people

We wish you happiness and goodness, After all, the years have no power over the happy, So let it always be like this from now on: Than more years, the more happiness. Our dear children! We raise a glass to your family union, for your happiness, for your friends who shared your joy with you on this solemn day. Bitterly!

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people

We wish for the young: If there is more land, If there is a rich garden, If there is a good hut, If there is a good cow, If there is a beautiful daughter, If there is a strong son, If there is small grief, If happiness is eternal!

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people

Today we wish you happiness, May the Lord protect you from storms and bad weather, from human language, from pain and depression, from difficult years, from a vicious circle. And may the Lord give you a lot of passion, enthusiasm, ardor and love! And a lot of happiness!

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people

Congratulating you on this bright day, We wish you a long and happy life, Passionate and beautiful love to you, So that the shadows do not cover the misfortunes. We wish you only success in your worries, So that the house rings with songs, joyful laughter, So that a child’s smile warms your heart, So that nothing gets sick of you And so that adversity does not touch you, It seems like minutes for many years!

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people

Let love enter your home, not just in words and sounds; let it live among you, like salt, like your daily bread. Let neither storms nor bad weather cool your feelings, and let health, peace and happiness reign upon entering the family. Let children be a mutual sign of Love for you. Let your marriage be of the highest class! Even though it's called marriage.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people

Dear (name) and (name)! With all my heart I would like to wish you a happy married life! Make your family nest cozy and warm. Let storks visit this nest more often, let your family grow by leaps and bounds! Live like two swans: swan love, swan fidelity, swan song to you in a hundred thousand years.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
Our dear children, allow us on a happy day, in happy hour say a parent's parting word. Live so that there is joy in your home, so that laughter and songs, happy children's voices sound in it. Build your best, kindest, most Magic world. Let your family become a model of family happiness and prosperity.

(Thanks to our dear readers, MINE has been corrected)

Wedding of loved ones - an important event, especially if your children are getting married. This celebration is not complete without congratulatory speeches, which are often remembered by young people for the rest of their lives.

That’s why it’s so important to write wedding congratulations from the mother of the bride, preferably in your own words and having thought through everything down to the smallest detail. In such a wedding congratulatory speech, words of wishes for happiness and prosperity must certainly be heard from the mother’s lips.

Our dear children! For every parent, such an event as the consolidation of your relationship with the sacred bonds of marriage is a big joy. I want to wish you happiness and mutual understanding. May love never leave your home, and may all your endeavors end in success. Let only kind and reliable people surround you in life! Bitterly!

Favorite daughter! In all fairy tales, everything ends with a wedding. But know that this is just the beginning - the beginning of a long and happy family life. And this is the beginning of love, and not just passionate love. And for the life of your family to last long and make you both happy, you, daughter, must be wise, patient and loving, because it is not without reason that they say that a woman is the foundation of a family. And I want to wish your family to be strong and happy!

Dear daughter, dear son-in-law! Today is an important day in your life, a wonderful holiday. I congratulate you on your marriage and wish that there are no contradictions, disputes and quarrels in your family, that in all difficult situations you always find a compromise and make the right joint decision. I wish you to carefully preserve the hearth of your love and raise wonderful children, which I hope you will have soon. Advice and love to you!

Wedding congratulations from the mother of the bride in her own words

On this page you will find suitable texts on the basis of which you can compose a warm and sincere wedding congratulations for a daughter from her mother, which, expressed in her own words, will touch the newlyweds and guests at the celebration more than standard memorized phrases.

Dear newlyweds! On this festive day, let me wish you more happy moments in your long family life and children's laughter, which we hope will soon be heard in your home! Let living together will become a real fairy tale for you, may all your dreams come true! We also want to wish you home comfort, sincerity in relationships, fidelity, support and mutual understanding.

My dear children! The long road of life stretches out before you. It will have different terrain: plains, mountains, rocks, waterfalls, and maybe cliffs... If you always hold on to each other, you will be able to overcome all obstacles. Don't forget this. Fate has brought you together, which means you need to be one team! I wish you great and friendly family, beauty in your relationship, loyalty and devotion to each other. Be happy!

Dear (names of spouses)! Today is a special, special day for you! Today you have become husband and wife. You have taken a serious, important step, and I would like to wish you well and warmth, a lot happy years. Build your house so that you can live happily in it, plant your garden - the best of all gardens, raise your children so that they become your pride. Remember: a strong family is the key to your success in life. Take care and appreciate each other, be each other’s hope and support.

You can prepare an interesting wedding presentation in advance, including photographs of the newlyweds with words of congratulations on the wedding day from the mother of the bride. However, remember that such a speech should not be too long.

It would be better if the duration of wedding congratulations from a mother to her daughter is no more than a few minutes, so that the listeners do not get tired and lose the thread of your story. And don’t be afraid that you’ll forget the text in your excitement. Say what you feel at this moment, and don’t be shy about tears of happiness!

Our dear children! On this significant day for you, we want to bless you for building a friendly family, creating happy marriage. I wish peace and prosperity to your union, harmony and sincere love to your young family, warmth to your home. Rejoice yourself and make people happy!

On this day, I am filled with joy for you, dear daughter and son-in-law! Now you too are filled with love and happiness. But do not forget that life is not only joy and fun. Like everyone else, you will have to face problems and difficulties in life. life path. I would like to wish that difficult moments you always remembered that you had to be together and overcome obstacles together. Thanks to this, you will become even closer and closer and will be able to save your marriage for many years.

Congratulations in your own words from your mother on your daughter’s wedding

Such wedding congratulations may include parting words for the young spouses. You can tell the groom how carefully he should treat his young wife, how to take care of his love and family happiness.

Wish your daughter to become a good housewife and a caring wife. Don't forget to mark best qualities newlyweds - both yours and the words of congratulations from your mother addressed to the newlyweds on their wedding day will cause a lot of positive emotions among those present.

Beloved daughter and beloved son-in-law! Congratulations on your first family holiday! I would like to wish that today’s date is celebrated by you every year, and that every year your love grows stronger, your admiration for each other grows, and your eyes also glow with happiness! Take care and appreciate each other and be happy!

Recently I had a son who became my daughter’s husband. Now you are one whole, and build later life You will be constantly looking out for each other. Remember that you must respect and understand loved one, to trust each other. Without this, many people have a hard time, but we believe that you will appreciate your love and carry it throughout your life. And we are always ready to help you and support you.

My dear, beloved children! I am glad that you have united your destinies and will now go through life together! I wish you cordial kindness towards each other, warmth of the family hearth, compliance in relationships and great, Great love! May God always be with you and guide and accompany you through life! Be friendly, help each other and always be happy!