PP cypress TTX main parts. Weapon "Cypress": main characteristics, dimensions, rate of fire, reviews, photos. Getting to know the rifle unit

Submachine gun OTs-02 "Cypress" with folded butt

The OTs-02 (TKB-0217) "Kiparis" submachine gun was developed in 1972 by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense (R&D "Kustarnik") for a standard pistol cartridge 9x18 PM, by designers TsKIB SOO in Tula, N. M. Afanasyev with the participation V.K. Panfilova and D.M. Pleshkova.

Automatic - based on the recoil of the free shutter. The barrel with the bolt box is hingedly connected to the body of the trigger mechanism and, when disassembled, folds down. The impact mechanism is a trigger mechanism, assembled separately and removed entirely during disassembly; the shot is fired from the front sear. A mechanical fire rate retarder is mounted in the rear part of the firing mechanism housing, increasing the stability and controllability of the weapon by reducing the rate.

The safety switch is located on the left and sets the modes of single and continuous (automatic) fire.
The lightweight metal stock folds up and forward. Once the cartridges in the magazine are used up, the protrusion of its feeder engages the bolt base.

Sector sight - with a drum (cam) like an APS pistol. The front sight is adjusted when zeroing. Provision is made for mounting a laser target designator (LTC) and a silencer (PBS) without elastic elements.

A relatively long barrel for this class of submachine guns and a number of measures that increase stability when firing will allow one to achieve good accuracy indicators: when firing from a rest without a stock at a distance of 25 m, bullets of one burst fit into a circle with a radius of 67 mm, and better half hits - 28 mm. With the butt, respectively - 64 and 22 mm. When firing in bursts, all bullets fall into a circle with a radius of about 100 mm.

Submachine gun OTs-02 "Cypress" with folded butt

Tactical and technical characteristics of the OTs-02 “Cypress” submachine gun

Caliber: 9 mm
Cartridge: 9x18 PM
Weapon weight without ammunition: 1.6 kg
Weight of weapon with 20 local magazine, PBS and laser target: 2.1 kg
Weapon length:
with the butt folded down and with PBS: 730 mm
with folded butt without PBS: 595 mm
with folded stock with PBS: 452 mm
with stock folded: 317 mm
Barrel length: 156 mm
Initial speed bullets: 320 m/s
Rate of fire: 750-1050 rds/min
Sighting range: 75 m
Magazine capacity: 20 or 30 rounds

This model of a submachine gun is of particular interest, since this weapon is at least remotely close to those types of submachine guns that can be carried hidden. It was naturally developed without taking this possibility into account, but if you look at other domestic models, Cypress or OTs-02 is the closest among others to being able to use it exactly like this. However, one can argue with this, especially since there are plenty of arguments to prove that it is not the most convenient to carry even without hiding the weapon, but it is not the largest mass and dimensions of the Cypress that distinguish it favorably from many other models of submachine guns, although there are much more more compact weapons, even the unusual PP-90 submachine gun.

The Cypress submachine gun was developed back in the 70s of the last century, but for a number of reasons it was finally finalized this model weapons only in the early 90s. The development of the Cypress submachine gun was led by the famous designer Afanasyev. The main model for creating a new submachine gun was the Czech Scorpion PP, but naturally, it was impossible to simply copy the weapon; careful processing of this model made both submachine guns almost completely different in appearance, and if you don’t know, then find between them family connection will be very problematic. First of all, the handles of submachine guns are thrown, which are both different and have some similarities with each other. However, this is only a handle and it is very problematic to come up with something beyond the norm with it. They are similar in their outline and seemingly excessive thickness, but the differences lie in the angle of inclination, so if the Scorpio submachine gun has a handle that is actually perpendicular to the receiver, then the domestic Cypress has a handle located at an angle to the weapon. There are several opinions on this matter; adherents of a perpendicular handle argue that it is most convenient to use with a folded butt, while an angled handle is more practical when using a butt. Honestly, it has long been measured and proven that the handle of a weapon should be tilted; this has a positive effect both on the distribution of recoil when shooting and on a more comfortable hold of the weapon, either with or without a butt. Accordingly, we can conclude that a straight handle is more a matter of habit, or some other physiological characteristics a person who uses weapons, although it’s hard to imagine which ones. In general, if we talk about the convenience of the weapon, the scorpion submachine gun still seems more convenient, despite the handle, mainly due to the fact that it has smaller dimensions, and is devoid of some of the disadvantages that are characteristic of the Cypress.

The Cypress submachine gun was designed at the end of development for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, since there was an acute shortage of relatively compact weapons suitable for use in confined spaces and in urban areas. The fact that this should be a submachine gun is immediately clear, since the weapon’s bullets should give minimum quantity ricochets, have a relatively short flight distance and at the same time have a sufficient stopping effect, that is, these could only be pistol cartridges. Naturally, the cartridges chosen were 9x18 PM and 9x18 PMM; there was no talk of using the old 7.62 TT pistols. In addition, a separate requirement was that the weapon must be able to easily and quickly install a silent firing device. It is noteworthy that with regard to this submachine gun, no decisions were made to replace shortened Kalashnikov assault rifles with it, that is, this model of weapon was considered as independent unit, used along with the main weapon, and not as a replacement for something or as a universal weapon suitable for all tasks.

The simplicity of the design and ease of maintenance of this model of submachine gun made it a fairly competitive model, which in turn led to the fact that the weapon was adopted by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. The design of the Cypress submachine gun is quite durable, and it is not as expensive to manufacture as some other weapons, although it is not unified with any other weapon. The submachine gun is comfortable to hold, both when shooting and when aiming, although it does not have a forearm as such. But when carrying the weapon, it can cause some discomfort, since the small bolt handle with a sharp end constantly strives to dig into the body, however, this drawback can be easily eliminated, but the fact of the presence of such an annoying little thing is still there. It is difficult to say how well this submachine gun is designed in terms of its concealed carry; on the one hand, the weapon is relatively compact, but only relative to other domestic submachine guns and small-sized assault rifles, with Western models, and even with individual models domestic weapons A submachine gun may lose in this regard, but it can really be easily hidden under clothing, the question is what kind of clothing it will be.

Of the domestic models, the Cypress submachine gun is similar to the Klin, but it also has a number of differences, such as a longer barrel and larger dimensions, which make it possible to comfortably hold the weapon when firing, placed at left side, shutter handle and fire mode translator, etc. The automatic operation of the Cypress submachine gun is based on the free shutter stroke; the trigger mechanism is designed in such a way that it provides both automatic fire and single-shot firing. Partial assembly and disassembly of the weapon for cleaning is as convenient and implemented as possible, so that it can be carried out in virtually any conditions, and it is noteworthy that the weapon does not have any small parts that may get lost. The receiver is made not by stamping, but by milling, which significantly increases the cost of weapon production, but its reliability also becomes higher. But the barrel of the weapon, unfortunately, cannot be called durable, since its resource is only 6 thousand shots, however, given that the weapon is used quite rarely, and the barrel can be replaced, this cannot be attributed to the big drawback of the submachine gun. To slow down the rate of fire when firing in bursts, a bolt retarder was introduced into the design of the Cypress submachine gun. The retarder rotates on the bushing, has a working surface with which the bolt contacts (hits) in its rearmost position, and a ridge in contact with the bolt. The design of the retarder is quite original and, importantly, effective with such an automation scheme. In addition to the fact that the firing rate is regulated by retarders, it is also positive feature is that its presence helps to significantly mitigate recoil when firing in bursts, which in turn affects both the ease of handling the weapon and the accuracy of firing. The Cypress submachine gun is equipped with a folding buttstock, which, when unfolded, is located at an angle to the submachine gun itself. On the one hand, this greatly facilitates aiming; on the other hand, since the buttstock is not placed in the line of fire, it affects the accuracy of fire. However, considering that this is still a submachine gun, which also does not use the most powerful ammunition, this feature cannot be considered a disadvantage of the weapon, and the ability to quickly and conveniently aim is more in demand in relation to this submachine gun due to its scope of use. Interesting feature of this submachine gun is that it can easily provide relatively accurate fire at distances up to 100-120 meters (depending on the ammunition used in the weapon), however, its sights are designed for distances up to 75 meters, that is, this is one of the few examples , When sighting range below effective. If we already touch on the topic of accuracy at different distances to the target, then we cannot remain silent about the fact that when firing at a distance of 25 meters in a burst, all bullets fit into a circle with a diameter of 67 millimeters, and most of them fit into a circle with a radius of 28 millimeters, well, at least That's what the manufacturer says. In reality, everything is somewhat worse, but the accuracy of the weapon is quite high and is close to the declared one, even despite the fact that the weapon has a fairly high rate of fire. In general, the Cypress submachine gun is a fairly accurate weapon for its class, although it is inferior to individual models, with more complex design, but if we compare the weapon in terms of price and quality, then the Cypress looks more attractive, although not at all a cheap example of a submachine gun. The ease of holding the weapon, the short bolt stroke and the presence of a retarder are the main points that make this submachine gun more attractive in comparison with other weapon models. At the same time, the milled receiver of the weapon significantly increases its price, although at the same time it also increases the reliability of the weapon, so it is difficult to say whether it is a disadvantage or advantage of this submachine gun, it all depends on which side you look at this issue from. Although it is obvious that for a single copy it will not raise the cost to the skies, but for a more or less large batch it can have a significant impact on the price, to the point that more will be preferred cheap option weapons, albeit with a reduced resource and characteristics, but different low price and ease of production. But in in this case, as we know, preference was given to reliability and durability rather than the lower cost of weapons, however, since Cypress weapons are by no means mass-produced, it is clear that such a decision is not only correct, but also profitable. And in general, choosing a more durable weapon is always more profitable, since in the future less money will be spent on repairs and maintenance, but you just have to pay more right away.

Since the weapon was initially planned as an example of compactness and low weight, its dimensions had to be small, especially since the prototype for this submachine gun was the Czech Scorpion, which stands out for its really small size. However, in reality, realizing the compactness of the weapon, as planned, turned out to be difficult for a number of reasons. Thus, the Scorpio, taken as a basis, had the location of the magazine in front of the trigger guard, which was transferred to Cypress, in addition, the Scorpion has a shorter barrel, as well as a correspondingly shorter receiver, while in Cypress, in order to provide the weapon with sufficient accuracy of fire, a more the barrel is long, and the receiver is enlarged for comfortable holding of the weapon. Thus, the length of the weapon with the butt folded is 317 millimeters, and with the butt unfolded - 590 millimeters. Naturally, such a weapon cannot be called ultra-compact, but one should not say that it is huge either. Of course, more compact sizes could be achieved by placing the magazine inside the handle, by rolling the bolt onto the barrel, and so on, but all this would completely change the design of the submachine gun and Cypress would cease to be Cypress. The weapon is fed from double-row box magazines with a capacity of 10, 20 and 30 rounds, while magazines with 20 and 30 rounds significantly increase the height of the weapon, so if concealed carry is necessary, magazines with a capacity of 10 rounds are used. The height of a weapon with a magazine of 20 rounds will be equal to 172 millimeters, with a magazine of 30 rounds - 226 millimeters. The rate of automatic fire can be varied by simple manipulations from 600 to 900 (default) rounds per minute.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say with confidence that the Cypress submachine gun is a fairly successful weapon. Despite the fact that the main goal, the creation of a compact submachine gun, was not entirely achieved, this model of weapon is inherently one of the best among domestic submachine guns for combat in confined spaces and in urban areas. Of course, there are also disadvantages and shortcomings in weapons, which, it would seem, are easy to eliminate, but for some reason manufacturers do not pay attention to them, although they are obvious. In addition, it should be noted that this weapon model has the ability to install a silent or low-noise firing device. Supplementing weapons with various sighting devices and the ability to install a laser designator is also a plus, although for modern weapons This has long been the norm. The only negative point that needs to be taken into account is the price of this submachine gun, but the high price of a weapon is an inevitable price to pay for its reliability and durability, which cannot be avoided.

The 01D-02 “Cypress” submachine gun was developed in the 1970s. under the guidance of a famous designer aviation weapons N. M. Afanasyevn. It was intended to arm airborne units and army special forces. The effective firing range of this submachine gun (50 - 75 m) did not satisfy the military, but in the late 1980s the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs showed attention to it. The leaflet-machine gun was modified in accordance with the requirements of this ministry and in 1992 it was put into mass production by order of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
OTs-02 "Cypress" is a personal weapon of attack and defense. Its design is based on a classic layout with the magazine receiving neck located in front of the trigger guard. Automatic reloading mechanisms operate by using the recoil energy of the blowback action.
The hammer-type trigger mechanism is made in the form of a separate block; during disassembly, it is removed entirely. A mechanical retarder of the rate of fire is mounted in the rear part of the housing of this mechanism. He acts as follows: after the shot, the free shutter moves back and, not reaching 3.5 -4.0 mm to its rearmost position, hits the retarder buffer and is placed on a special latch until the spring-loaded retarder of the buffer device completes its cycle movement and will not release the bolt from the latch. Only after such a delay is the bolt released and, under the action of the return spring, moves forward at a stable speed. When 2 - 3 mm remains to the front extreme position, the shutter releases the self-timer, the trigger strikes the primer and a shot occurs. To reduce the rebound of the bolt after an impact in the front extreme position, an inertial liner is placed in it, which after the impact still continues to move forward and thereby reduces the rebound. The presence of such a rate of fire retarder somewhat complicated the design of the submachine gun, but ensured its stability when firing in bursts. At the same time, the rate of fire is reduced to 750 - 900 rounds/min. When firing single shots, the combat rate of fire is 40 rds/min, and when firing automatically - up to 100 rds/min.
The reloading lever is located on the right side of the receiver. The barrel length is relatively large - 156 mm. There are four grooves in the bore. Near the muzzle, a short metal casing is attached to the barrel, on which the front sight is mounted. For disassembly, the barrel and receiver cover are rotated forward and down on an axis, after which the moving parts of the automation are separated. The submachine gun is equipped with a metal butt, which stowed position rotates forward and upward and is placed on the receiver. The design of the submachine gun is generally adapted for mass production. Many parts are made using sheet steel stamping and welding. The fire control handle and forend are made of impact-resistant plastic.
The muffler consists of a housing, inside of which a separator is placed in the form of a cylinder of two diameters. A stainless steel mesh roll is placed on the rear part of the separator of smaller diameter with through holes in the walls. Front separator pain
The neck diameter has inclined diaphragm partitions. The silencer assembly fits onto the muzzle of the barrel and is held in place by a latch.
The submachine gun fires with 9×18 mm PM cartridges. The initial speed of the bullet is 320 m/s. It should be noted that this cartridge does not meet modern requirements; it is ineffective at hitting targets wearing personal armor protection. The cartridges are fed from straight box magazines with a capacity of 20 or 30 rounds. There is information about the release of 10-round magazines, which are more convenient for concealed carrying of a submachine gun.
Open mechanical sights include a front sight and a two-position rear sight for shooting at 25 and 75 m. According to the accuracy of fire OTs-02 “ Cypress"Slightly superior to other submachine guns. When firing single shots from a rest at a distance of 25 m, the dispersion diameter does not exceed 130 mm, and when firing in bursts - 280 mm.

Submachine gun OTs-02 Kiparis (Russia)

Submachine gun OTs-02 Cypress with folded butt

The OTs-02 (TKB-0217) Cypress submachine gun was designed in 1972 by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense by designers from the Tula Central Design Bureau Sports and Hunting Weapon(TsKIB SOO) N.M. Afanasyev, N.V. Trukhachev and D.P. Pleshkov. The design of the famous Czech submachine gun Skorpion Vz.61 was taken as a basis. Nevertheless, the Tula submachine gun remained unclaimed at that time until the early 1990s. and an order for a compact submachine gun already from the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation. The OTs-02 Cypress was adopted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1995 and is in service with Russian law enforcement agencies, including the FSO and the Federal Customs Service, to the present day.

The automatic operation of the OTs-02 Cypress submachine gun operates according to a blowback mechanism. The trigger mechanism allows firing in bursts and single shots from an open bolt. Shooting is carried out from a closed bolt. Trigger mechanism of hammer type. Use in the design of the USM submachine gun of this type instead of pinching the primer with a stationary bolt striker, when shooting from the rear sear, it allows you to achieve more high precision shooting. The safety switch is located above the trigger guard, on the left side of the receiver. When turned on, the safety locks the trigger mechanism and bolt.

The receiver is made from stamped sheet steel. The OTs-02 Cypress submachine gun has a metal shoulder rest that folds upward for more accurate shooting. The kit for the Cypress submachine gun may include a silencer and a laser designator. Sights consist of a front sight with a muzzle and an adjustable rear sight. The Cypress submachine gun is fed with cartridges from box magazines with a staggered arrangement of 10, 20 or 30 rounds and their output in two rows. Spent cartridges are thrown up and back.

The production of the OTs-02 Cypress submachine gun turned out to be very expensive due to large quantity parts manufactured by milling, unlike most modern examples of this type of weapon, including both foreign-made submachine guns and domestic ones, for example the Kedr submachine gun. However, the OTs-02 is a high-quality, durable weapon, simple in design and handling, very reliable in operation, and its small dimensions make it possible to carry it concealed under outer clothing.

Submachine guns

  • Austria

The history of this type of small arms goes back a little more than one century, but its development does not stand still to this day. Even after the appearance automatic rifles it has not lost its meaning. IN modern armies And special forces firearms of this type are especially in demand. Russia is one of the first pioneer countries in the development of submachine guns, and successful project In the field of creating new weapons of this kind, one can consider a model called “Cypress”.


"Cypress" was designed in the era developed socialism. The creation and development of weapons took place throughout the 70s and 80s. XX century under the leadership of Tula gunsmiths headed by N.M. Afanasyev. They took as a basis the Czech submachine gun that had already been developed at that time, but the craftsmen did not simply copy the model, but carried out a deep redesign of the design, which led to the appearance of more advanced small arms. The completion of work on the creation of this prototype occurred in the early 90s of the last century, however, after that it underwent many more modernizations.

with the butt folded down

Purpose of the weapon

The submachine gun is intended for use by employees internal troops. Since it was more relevant for them due to its simplicity, compactness and the ability to fire at moving objects at a short distance in different modes. For example, in populated areas during special operations. Weapons of this plan were not created to replace the main systems of automatic or individual weapons from employees law enforcement agencies, but as a new universal addition to their equipment.

Features of application

The Cypress comes with special ammunition; bullets fired from it have a lower chance of ricochet, which has great value when firing in confined spaces. Also, the ability to use both was transferred from Scorpio different types and containers. One of its main disadvantages is the inconvenience of concealed carrying under clothing. The handle has a sharp protrusion and every now and then tries to dig into the body. Therefore, in terms of camouflage, it seriously loses to both Western and other domestic developments. Although, if you choose the right wardrobe, this problem can be solved.

Equipment and additions

Cypress is a Russian weapon that was created for employees special units and units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the composition and additional blocks are presented in it in accordance with the requirements of these law enforcement agencies. Among the main indicators, the first place is silent shooting, which is perfectly accomplished by the silencer for which its barrel was designed at the development stage. It is also important to use modern additional means of aimed shooting; the Cypress is equipped with laser sight, which provides undeniable advantages when used in shaded and smoky rooms.

Note to the table: the firing pin is conical, there are two reflectors; the numerator indicates the length of the weapon with the butt folded, the denominator indicates the length of the weapon with the butt unfolded; the numerator indicates the height of the weapon with a 20-round magazine, the denominator indicates the 30-round magazine; USM provides single and continuous types of fire; The fuse box is located on the left of the receiver.


The body of the submachine gun, its parts and mechanisms are marked with the following markings:

Track: 1 – ejector hook, 2 – striker, 3 – reflectors
(possible swelling on the case body - 4)


To summarize, we can conclude that PP "Kiparis" is a good small arms for combat in confined spaces of the urban environment and conducting special operations in populated areas. Possessing opportunities effective use in terms of compactness, reliability, range and accuracy of fire, compatibility with modern systems aiming and using a silencer for silent shooting. As for the shortcomings, these are just minor omissions of the designers. One way or another, experts still consider it the best among the created submachine guns in the entire history of this type firearms V modern history Russia, and worthy representative of its family among Western developments.