I dreamed purple. Why dream purple

This color is considered traditionally spiritual.

He is identified with purple skies and interactions with other worlds.

Represents religious and altruistic feelings.

Often in dreams, color goes by the wayside, not really attracting the dreamer's attention.

And only with additional questions does the dreamer, for example, recall: “Yes, it seems that I was wearing a purple blouse.”

The world affects us with color, not taking into account our personal preferences.

And in response we show some emotions or just feel mood changes.

On a conscious level, we can put into words our admiration or indignation at color combinations.

Most of our dreams are not colored.

We barely have time to notice the characters, their actions and, in better case, sleep environment.

But sometimes we have colorful dreams.

Color in our dreams appears to illuminate those aspects of our lives from which we especially stubbornly turn away.

We read color information unconsciously.

Even in reality, preferring or rejecting any color, we do not realize why we made our choice.

Therefore, the color test is objective psychological characteristic person.

At an unconscious level or in a dream, we are involved in a situation from the opposite position.

First, we experience a feeling, then we react by the appearance of a color spot in a dream.

Dream Interpretation from the Dream Interpretation Tutorial

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A person's dream is an amazing phenomenon that allows you not only to read the hint of fate and find out what you should prepare for in the future, but also to understand yourself. Most often people see color images, but special meaning acquires a night dream, in which any particular color predominates, creating fantastic pictures and visions. We offer you to find out why you are dreaming purple what events this vision portends.

General value

First of all, we note that the symbolism of color is a controversial concept and not fully understood. The interpretation of this or that shade directly depends on the personal perception of a particular person, therefore there is no single interpretation and cannot be. We invite you to meet the most common approaches presented in authoritative sources.

So, why dream purple? The meaning, as the interpreters suggest, is rather pessimistic: the shade personifies mental imbalance, the search for oneself, doubts, uncertainty. A person can be in such a state for some time, suffering and not understanding how to act. A dream in which the violet-lilac-lilac gamma predominates most often means depression, insecurity, negative changes that will only bring disappointment in oneself or oneself. close person. Married people may portend a betrayal of a partner.

However, for a more accurate understanding of the meaning of the dream, an analysis of its details and plot should be carried out.

Interpretation of subtleties

Most often, a dream in which the sleeper had to plunge into a real riot of purple does not bode well. If the whole the world, then we must prepare for the fact that a life crisis or the collapse of all undertakings is very likely. The business will burn out, the marriage will collapse, the long-awaited increase will not happen.

Only in some cases can a dream be interpreted in a positive way, for example:

  • A person feels comfort being in such strange world, he feels good, cheerful, he feels a surge of energy. This is rare, but it happens in people who have out of the box thinking. The dream suggests that in reality the dreamer will get a chance to prove himself.
  • If there is no particular pleasure from being in the violet reality, but one manages to leave it. Such a nightly dream should be interpreted as follows: problems cannot be avoided, but the dreamer will cope with them, gaining invaluable life experience.

Bright color most often portends well-being and the acquisition of significant material wealth. Dull faded tones can symbolize both mental problems and deterioration in health, resentment, bitterness, tears.

subject matter

Considering what purple is dreaming of, you should pay attention to what exactly is painted in it, what objects. There can be many options, so we will consider only the most popular:

  • House, apartment, any other dwelling. in personal or family life a difficult period comes, there is a high probability of betrayal or even a break.
  • Flowers. The loss of a friend, the cooling off of a lover. In general, lilac or purple bouquets are in the world of night dreams to sadness, sadness.
  • Hair. The vision warns the sleeper: he should not give anyone advice now. Everything that he offers to his friends or relatives will cause them trouble. So it's best to keep your opinion to yourself. Fate tells the dreamer: he is not as far-sighted as he would like to be, it is impossible to take into account all the circumstances and vicissitudes.
  • The dream is negative, it signals that soon there will be major changes: he will lose his job, lose all his money in gambling. Friends and acquaintances will turn away from him, creditors will annoy, threatening the court. The black streak that will come soon can break the will. However, it must be endured, sooner or later this test will end.

A dream in which one happened to observe purple eyes in oneself, if in reality the sleeping person is not their owner, suggests that he has a creative gift that must be developed. Otherwise, there will be a feeling of dissatisfaction with life.

Interpretation from various sources

Consider what the purple color dreams of according to the most authoritative dream books.

According to the Wanderer's Dream Interpretation, to see such a dream means to face danger in reality. However, if the shade is light, even, then such a night dream means the spirituality and religiosity of the dreamer.

The Assyrian interpreter of dreams says that such monochrome night visions help to understand oneself, suggest that the person who sees them needs faith. By Gypsy dream book after such a dream, sudden wealth and luxury should be expected.


We will find out why a purple dress is dreaming. Dream Interpretations suggest that in this case the dreamer should be more critical of his surroundings. Next to him there are a lot of deceitful people who only pretend to be friends, but in reality they spread dirty rumors behind their backs.

Such "buddies" can become a significant obstacle to achieving the goal, while the more saturated colors are presented in night dream the more dangerous rumors and gossip can become. Having seen such a dream, a person should stop trusting his secrets to everyone.

However, if in a dream only a bag was painted in purple or lilac, then there is no reason to worry, this means that the sleeping person himself wants to stand out from the crowd with all his might.

We got acquainted with what the purple color of clothes and other objects dreams of. Most often, such dreams have a negative interpretation, but you should not be upset. Knowing what difficulties await you, you can easily get rid of them.

Why dream purple

Dream Interpretation of Azar

To see purple flowers in a dream - to unrequited feelings.

Why dream purple

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Violet - Without dark tones - religiosity, intuition; with dark tones - danger.

Many people dressed in purple clothes - indicates abuse. Saturated purple is the color of spiritual suffering, renunciation of the worldly. Since ancient times, it has been considered a symbol of eternity, connecting the present with the past and the future. Why does Purple dream without dark tones - religiosity, intuition; with dark tones - danger.

Why dream purple

Assyrian dream book

Violet - A light shade of purple and pink, purple is considered a symbol of the spiritual in many religions. It symbolizes purification and enlightenment.

Why dream purple

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Inspires inspiration, vision, foresight, faith in the future, the ability to penetrate into the inner world of other people, hypersensitivity.

Eliminates the impossibility of living here and now, isolation from reality, forgetfulness, indiscipline, resentment, feelings of loneliness, arrogance, pride, contempt for people.

Why dream purple

Gypsy dream book

Purple is the color of wealth and luxury.

Realization and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Friday to Saturday

In a dream, advice is encrypted, a hint on how to act in the future for the sleeping person or his loved ones. A bright and pleasant dream portends good luck in current affairs and undertakings. Pictures in which there are barriers or restrictions have the opposite meaning. Dreams for this day of the week are prophetic.

19 lunar day

Pictures of sleep reveal the secret facets of the sleeping person's personality, which he had not previously guessed. Most of these dreams cause a feeling of fear, which remains after waking up. Their interpretation is the work of professionals, not amateurs.

Waning moon

Sleep on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose its value in real life. Only dreams with negative content are embodied: they carry a good meaning.

Although purple rarely appears in dreams, the dream book explains in detail what this color portends. Most often, the interpretation is associated with objects: amethyst, violet, etc.

Miller version

The psychologist interprets purple as a symbol of wealth or even luxury. It helps to pacify passions, bad desires, bad habits.

But in some cases it portends misfortune. Why dream married woman, if she is dressed entirely in dark purple, including jewelry and shoes. Miller points out that in reality something will happen to her husband, and she will become a widow.

Other interpretations

American dream book purple personifies with a surge of inspiration, faith in a happy future, hypersensitivity.

Shereminskaya associates inky purple with withdrawal from worldly life and spiritual suffering.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena foresees: this color means that now you are working for the future. If you continue in the same spirit, the fulfillment of the plan awaits.

Spiritual qualities

Got a light purple crocus? Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov indicates that the human soul craves new experiences, emotions.

The ink violet that appeared to the girl testifies to her sincere feelings for the guy.

A branch of lilac in a dream, standing in a vase - to joy and peace in the soul. You will finally find harmony.

Purple iris portends longing for departed people, ended relationships, old work.

Why dream of flowers in which a purple hue is rare? A calm harmonious life awaits you without sharp turns.

From friendship to hate

The Muslim dream book interprets a dark purple piece of clothing as a test of money. You may end up with a significant amount of money. Be able to remain yourself, do not lose the truly close people.

Shoes or other amethyst-colored shoes in a dream portend a pleasant pastime with friends in nature or in another city.

For a woman, a vision where she tries on violet-colored underwear predicts an affair with an old acquaintance.

Found a purple hat and wondering if it matches the suit? This dream indicates excessive arrogance, and some of your friends really don't like it.

The Chinese dream book says that a crowd dressed in purple clothes shows that in reality you are abusing something.

stone promises

The girl got in a dream Golden ring with soft purple tourmaline? She will be popular with the opposite sex. And if in reality preparations are underway for the wedding, then this vision is a harbinger happy life, predicts the Lunar Dream Book.

Acquire amethyst - a sign, get rid of it as soon as possible bad habits or get into trouble.

A ball of light charoite on the table at the fortuneteller in a dream shows: you are in too much of a hurry. Slow down and rethink your actions. Think about what your true purpose is. Otherwise, in the endless pursuit of happiness, you risk missing out on something valuable.

Purple room

Why dream of a room with lilac wallpaper? Soon financial position will improve significantly.

Dream interpretation purple color

The palette of colors and shadows is quite diverse. Nature paints with lilac, lilac, violet, amethyst shades. All of the listed names are variations of the cold purple color, which the ancient Greeks attached special importance to. In antiquity, spiritual spheres, the inner world of man, unknown phenomena, everything secret were denoted in a similar tone. What does a bright dream with a lilac background predict?

The esoteric dream book identifies purple color with energy, sobriety of mind, strong-willed qualities inherent in a sleeping person, her creativity, ideological.

Not always the shades of such colors will tell about the personality itself.

If dark purple visually approaches black, then in reality danger looms over the dreamer, there is a threat to the life of relatives.

I dreamed of an unusual color flame

Symbolic meaning

Pink-purple flame in dreams is associated with magical rites. Because the modern man does not resort to rituals and fortune-telling, he can be surprised and even frightened by such an amazing story. Fortunately, interpreters consider such a sign as an awakening of the mind, that is, in reality, a person, having finally learned the truth, will be guided by logical thinking when making a decision.

Vivacity of the body and spirit will help to slowly but surely walk towards the fulfillment of a dream when a ball is seen in the sky of a fabulous light purple tone.

For people of creative professions seen color palette purple is equivalent to visiting the muse. Inspiration will wake up, the work will budge, and the result will be a unique work of art.

Interpretation of the Wanderer

A lighter gamma in a dream will hint at a developed intuition, the ability to foresee future events on a subconscious level, the dream book assures.

What other meanings does the interpreter of the Wanderer give?

  • The moderate lilac color of visions testifies to religiosity, strict upbringing, observance of morality.
  • Suffering portends dreams with rich hues.
  • At all dark colors- these are signs symbolizing any danger, from health problems to an attack or robbery.

Do not abuse anything, such as alcohol or good attitude bosses, after the crowd that dreamed the day before, dressed exclusively in purple outfits.

Miller's opinion

Dreaming of a fabulous purple glow

Almost all interpretations with shades of one of the colors of the rainbow provide positive values.

  • To see a shade of purple in a dream - it will turn out to pacify the animal nature, overcome addictions, and establish relationships with others.
  • This color is a symbol of wealth, spiritual world person, her material capabilities.
  • For girls, a dark color promises the loss of a betrothed. A woman does not necessarily become a widow, most often there is simply a period of cooling between partners.

Prosperity, profit, unexpected advancement career ladder awaits those from whom a fabulous glow emanated in dreams.

Modern meanings

A luxurious life, a carefree future awaits a person who happened to try on a suit or dress in a red-violet hue.

For men, a cold tone in dreams will tell you that all obstacles are surmountable, you just have to make an effort.

To dream of a dress of lilac shades

A beautiful lady after a vision will be paid attention to by a huge number of fans. But among them there is no worthy contender for further relations, marriage.

Change sedentary image life, to recover in search of truth should be a dreamer who constantly dreams of a blue-violet vault of heaven.

auspicious symbol

Lilac, and many other interpreters identify a different palette of shades with joyful events.

  • Did you see purple tones? Feel free to start embodying your plans, everything will turn out as well as possible, fortune is already accompanying you.
  • The person likes to dominate, to resolve issues on her own, if, according to the plot, she had a chance to dye her hair the color of eggplant.
  • All suffering will end, a white streak is coming, all paths are open - “purple” dreams are interpreted by the dream book.

Light shades are hope, spirituality, a departure from worldly worries, immersion in the inner world, the search for one's own destiny on earth.

Hint of possible problems

Regardless of the surrounding space, dreams of dark colors predict all sorts of troubles, deterioration in health.

A saturated color, unpleasant for the eyes, is a subconscious signal that hints at a certain disharmony of consciousness and reality.

Dream detail

When figuring out what purple is dreaming of, you need to take into account not only variations in shade, but also take into account what displays the palette of colors. Some dreams are full of images of purple vegetables and fruits. Other dreamers may see violets on the windowsill, and infantile people and children are often amused by dreams with purple magical amulets, monochromatic rainbow.

To experience new emotions, to feel love again, the consciousness of a person who, according to the plot, was presented with a light purple flower, craves.

The dark, almost inky color of the room hints at imprisonment, the inability to find a way out, the person is bound by circumstances.

Dream images

Popular images of night visions are interpreted by dream books. If they are purple...

  • Paints. To draw with such a shade in dreams is to absorb knowledge, develop intellectually.
  • Walls. Subordinates behind the back condemn the choice of the sleeper.
  • Roses - you should pay more attention to your soulmate.
  • Drinks - through such an exotic color of pop, the subconscious expresses a craving for everything new, unknown.
  • A kitchen in a violet tone will tell about prosperity, stability.

If in dreams the house was illuminated by a purple glow, then worries and sufferings are coming.

Plants and fruits

Purple flowers dreamed the day before - auspicious sign predicting a long-awaited romantic date.

Dreamed of saintpaulia traditional color

What food are dream books considering, what plant will reveal the secrets of the future?

  • Violet color is not typical for foodstuffs, but in the kingdom of Morpheus everything is possible, therefore tropical fruits predict discoveries for the sleeper of exquisite tastes.
  • If you see the image of a bluish banana or apple, then it is better to take care of your reputation in advance, without committing rash acts.
  • The image of violets is a symbol of home comfort. Growing inflorescences portend good health, purification of thoughts from dirty thoughts.
  • Stewed eggplant is a negative sign that will hint at the burdening of processes: workers, legal ones.

When you dream of purple berries that you haven’t seen before, then you shouldn’t trust the first person you meet, because the person, pursuing her own interests, is ready to betray, give out secrets, slander.

Natural phenomena

A bright polar glow may dream before important event which will drastically change your life.

Also, adventures await the sleeper, whose visions are saturated with images of lilac clouds.

See purple lightning in a dream

The symbol of purple lightning is considered unfavorable. Such dreams predict unpleasant news, sad events. It is necessary to fight the disease for the right to live if lightning was accompanied by thunder.

Boil a purple potion - plot insidious plans for revenge.

It happens that according to the plot, the person drank the poison of a dark purple hue. Dreams will tell that there is a caustic person in the environment who feeds on the energy of his victims.

purple robe

The meaning of lilac outfits in dreams for men and women varies dramatically.

  • Dark purple shoes for ladies hint at the betrayal of a lover.
  • A chic purple dress in a dream will confirm a high status in society.
  • A man who sees himself in a violet-colored suit should be ready to make a fateful decision.
  • If a young man dreams of shirts of an amazing shade, then in reality he will need to move away from love dreams and take time to study.

Purple curtains at home are a sign of financial difficulties, other decorations of a similar style promise an important event.

Amazing Interpretations

A dreaming magic wand exuding a purple glow will tell you that a person is tired of the heavy burden of responsibility, expresses a desire to relax, have fun from the heart.