The most beautiful butterflies on the planet and interesting facts and signs about them. The most beautiful butterfly. The name of the most beautiful butterfly in the world

Butterflies are like flying flowers, which in their beauty cannot be compared with any insect on the planet. It is incredibly difficult to imagine how such a complex and unique beauty can be created from a vile caterpillar.

Many people collected butterflies famous people, such as Vladimir Nabokov, Ivan Pavlov, Mikhail Bulgakov, Nikolai Bukharin, Walter Rothschild. Vladimir Nabokov gave names to 20 newly identified species of butterflies. His collection consisted of 4324 thousand. He subsequently gave it to the zoological museum of the University of Lausanne.

Let's see together the most beautiful butterflies on our planet. This butterfly is a representative of the family Saturniidae (Peacock-eyes, or Saturnia):

The largest wingspan belongs to the Brazilian butterfly Agrippina - 30 cm.

The smallest wingspan encountered by researchers is that of Acetozea from England and Rediculosa from Canary Islands- 2 mm. Ornithoptella queen Alexandra is a rare butterfly species that is facing extinction in the near future. The female of this butterfly is slightly larger than the male. (The life of these insects lasts no more than 3 months).

Sailboat Maak - the largest day butterfly, living in Russia. It is also called poppytail and blue swallowtail. The name of this species is associated with naturalist Richard Karlovich, Maak, who for a long time studied Siberia and the Far East.

The largest moth Europe and Russia – Peacock-eye pear. Its wingspan reaches 15 cm.

This is the Madagascar comet, or, as it is also called, the Moon Moth. The largest butterfly on the planet, measured in length.

Peacock-eye Atlas, also called the prince of darkness. One of the largest butterflies in the world. The wingspan reaches 26 cm.

Urania Madagascarica. The habitat of this butterfly, with a wingspan of 10 cm, is Madagascar.

Checkers player atalia.

Some butterflies live only a few days, but the monk butterfly can live 6 months. It can cover 1000 km without stopping.

Royal tail.

Butterflies are one of the most diverse and beautiful views insects in the world. There are more than 250,000 species of butterflies on Earth. From the smallest such as the Western pygmy blue to the largest such as the Queen Alexandra birdwing, they come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. The presence of these delightful butterflies also indicates a healthy ecosystem around us. Below is a rating of the 10 most unusual and beautiful butterflies in the world.

Morpho menelaus is one of the largest butterflies in the world with a wingspan of 5 to 6 inches. They are mainly found in tropical forests South and Central America. The menelaus morpho is easily recognized by its bright blue wings with black edges.

The wings of male morpho butterflies are often brighter and more beautiful than those of females. The inner side of the wings of Morpho menelaus is brown with a number of eyespots, which helps this species of butterfly camouflage itself from potential predators such as lizards, frogs and birds.

Morpho menelaus butterflies spend most of time in the bushes of the lower tiers tropical forests, but appear in all parts of the forest during the mating season. These beautiful butterflies also release a strong odor from their glands if they are threatened by others. They mainly feed on leaves of various plants, mushrooms and rotting fruits.

The zebra heliconid is a state butterfly of Florida, USA, officially declared in 1996. These butterflies have low-set, narrow wings with a zebra-like pattern, black with yellow stripes. The upper and inner parts of the zebra heliconid wings have the same pattern, but the color of the inner parts of the wings is much lighter.

These stunning butterflies are found throughout South and Central America. The wingspan of the zebra heliconid ranges from 72 to 100 mm.

The zebra heliconid is the only butterfly species that feeds on pollen. Scientists believe that nutrients from pollen help butterflies live longer (about six months) than other butterfly species. They also feed on leaves and nectar. Butterflies of this species make a hissing sound when they are threatened. At night they stay in groups and are found on tree branches.

Peacock Pansy butterflies are easily identified by their adorable eye patterns. The countries of South Asia are the homeland of these amazing butterflies. The upper parts of the Peacock Pansy's wings are yellowish-brown with brown edges. The wings also have wavy stripes and beautiful "peacock eye spots" that appear more prominent and attractive on the undersides of the wings.

The patterns on the inside of the Peacock Pansy wings change with the seasons. During the rainy season, in contrast to the dry season, brighter patterns and eye spots form on the wings. The wavy lines along the edges of the inside of these butterflies' wings appear dull and less attractive compared to the pattern on the top of the wings.

Peacock Pansy butterfly eggs take 3 to 5 days to hatch. The leaves of the plant on which the eggs were laid become the main food of the caterpillars. The transition from pupa to butterfly takes another 5-6 days. An adult Peacock Pansy butterfly has a wingspan of 54 to 62 mm. They mainly live in gardens and open areas.

7. Eighty-eight butterfly

The unusual "88" butterflies, or diatric clymenias, are found in South and Central America. They are named after the black and white stripes on the inside of the wings, which have the outline of the number 88. The same numbering is found on 12 various types Diatherian butterflies, but their coloring and pattern are slightly different.

The upper part of the wings of the "88" butterfly is black, and the front wings also have a stripe of blue and green. On the inside of the wings of these butterflies there are beautiful black stripes on a white and red background. The thickness and brightness of the black bars vary depending on different types butterflies "88".

Butterflies live in small or large groups depending on the circumstances. These active butterflies are sometimes found in places where people live. They love to relax on the rocks and fertile soil. These butterflies lay their eggs on the leaves of the trema, and their larvae feed on the leaves of this plant. The adult butterfly "88" has a wingspan of 35-40 mm. This species mainly feeds on rotten fruits.

6. Forest butterfly "Giant Owl"

The fascinating "giant owls" are known for the huge owl-like spots located on the inside of their wings. They are members of the owl butterfly family and are native to South and Central America. Large butterflies have a wingspan of 13 to 16 cm. The pattern of huge eyes located on the wings is actually similar to the eyes of many predators.

This helps "giant owls" escape potential predators such as lizards or frogs and threaten other small animals. The upper wings of butterfly owls are yellowish-brown with purple edges.

Butterfly owls can fly several meters in a short time. They usually fly through forests or agricultural fields in the evening. Owl butterflies primarily feed on fruits and live between 125 and 150 days.

Pretty clear-winged butterflies live in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. The transparent inner part of the Sylphina Angel wings is framed by a black outer part. The beautiful tail reflects a fusion of green, blue and pink hues. They spend most of their time under plant leaves and fly only in intense sunlight. Previously, this species lived in mountain forests at high altitudes.

Butterflies prefer to fly and look for food alone. But on clear days they can also be observed in a group of tens to hundreds of butterflies under the leaves of plants. They migrate up to 320 km during the spring season to search for nectar-rich flowers.

The butterfly is easy to recognize due to its interesting white body and eye spots on the wings. There are several black spots on the front wings of butterflies, and the hind wings are decorated with four bright red spots. They are found in some specific areas of Italy, Spain and France and are one of the most endangered butterfly species in Europe. The size and brightness of the red eye spots on the wings of butterflies vary depending on their habitat.

Besides their beauty, Apollo butterflies are known for their defensive strategy. Their larvae are camouflaged with a dark color. Adult butterflies can no longer use camouflage due to the bright red spots, but they emit an unpleasant odor, threatening predators.

Based on the name, it is obvious that these butterflies have transparent wings. Another name for the glass butterfly is greta-oto. They live in Mexico and Colombia. The transparent wings of this species make it difficult for predators such as birds and reptiles to hunt. In fact, the red-brown border on the wings itself makes them visible but difficult to spot. Greta oto butterflies also migrate long distances to Florida.

The sailboat palinur is a member large family swallowtail butterflies. There are 550 different species in the world. The swallowtail palinur is also considered one of the most colorful and largest butterflies in the world. As a rule, they are found in Southeast Asia. The palinura swallowtail has shiny green stripes on its wings, and its structural coloration reflects blue and yellow. The inside of butterflies' wings is black and orange with a row of blue spots along the edges.

The leaf butterfly is an outstanding example of amazing animal camouflage. The inside of the wings is dark brown, and the asymmetrical patterns and veins on it resemble dead leaves. Unlike the inside, the upper parts of the leaf butterfly's wings come in a variety of bright colors, including blue, brown, white and orange. They live in tropical forests of Asia.

The resemblance of their wings to dead or fallen leaves helps them easily hide from potential predators. They never fly long distances or with high speed. Leaf butterflies typically rest in the area where they find food and only move when threatened. Camouflage tactics help these butterflies stay in one place for a long time. Nectar from flowers and fallen fruits are the main elements in the diet of leaf butterflies.

In the video you will be able to take a closer look at the most beautiful butterflies in the world. High-quality macro photography and only the best shots.

Butterflies are one of the most amazing and beautiful creatures on the planet.
Many people can confidently say that they are the most beautiful insects, despite the fact that beauty is a very subjective concept, and it is different for everyone.
However, you are unlikely to find anyone who does not like these little fluttering beauties. And so that in once again To make sure of the elegance of these heavenly messengers, we have compiled the top 10 most beautiful butterflies in the whole world. Enjoy!

Translated into Russian, the name of the butterfly sounds like “dead head”. It would seem that such a gloomy name could not allow the bearer to get into the top 10 most beautiful insects. However, one has only to look at this little winged beauty and all doubts will disappear. Acherontia atropos is distinguished by its unusual color, due to which this nocturnal butterfly got its name. The upper part of her body is strikingly different from the lower, moreover, in it one can discern the contours of a human skull, which in itself is already unusual.

Parnassius (Parnassius bannyngtoni)

And this little one is the highest mountain butterfly in the world. Her entire genus is Parnasius, living mainly in the Himalayas. You can meet it even more than six thousand meters above sea level!
The beauty's color matches its habitat - snow-white wings, with occasional coloration in the form of bright orange or red spots.

Cyproeta stelena (Malachite butterfly)

This emerald beauty is named after the well-known stone - malachite. You can meet the butterfly in South and Central America, much less often in North America. Siproeta Stelena has an unusual coloring, which is strikingly different from other insects of its species. The reason for this was that, unlike other butterflies, the “malachite” butterfly feeds not only on nectar, its diet is much more varied. The size of the tropical guest is usually from eight to ten centimeters. The wings of the cyproete are velvety black, often highlighted with bright green spots that form a bizarre and beautiful pattern.

Admiral (Vanessa atalanta)

This unusually beautiful creation of nature got its name thanks to the red stripes on its wings, reminiscent of the stripes on the trousers of the Tsar's admirals. Russian fleet. The forewings at the apex have the shape of teeth. They are painted velvety black or dark brown, edged with a bright scarlet edge, just above which there is a scattering of small white spots. The hind wings are brownish and marble-shaped, allowing them to be successfully camouflaged while resting and feeding on flowers.
Is a traveler butterfly. So, migration to Africa from any corner of Russia is a completely feasible task for such a fragile insect. It’s interesting that all Admirals’ flights are made not in a flock, but alone.
These lovely creatures hibernate under the bark of trees. But as soon as the sun's rays begin to warm up, the admiral butterfly leaves its roost and hurries to bring its rich color to the monotonous grayness of early spring.

Morpho peleides

This beauty lives in Colombia, Central America and Mexico. “Morpho” means “beautiful” in Greek. But these butterflies are simply magnificent, because they have absorbed all the blue of the sky. They soar high above the ground, and some do not fall below six meters. The wings are covered with tiny scales that refract light and reflect blue and blue colors, which is why Morpha's wings seem shiny and so beautiful to us. With their beauty, Morpho attracts the opposite sex and scares away predators, because not every bird will decide to attack “flashing food.” This color serves as a unique way of protection for its owners. They live around four months. They love rotting bananas and the juice of overripe fruits. And after tasting the fermented juice, they can get drunk, and during takeoff they are thrown from side to side, so they tend to the shade or damp ground.

Madagascar comet (Argema mittrei)

Only in tropical rainforests can this representative of the peacock-eye family be seen. It is also called the Moon Moth. The features of this butterfly include a small and retracted head, a thick, fluffy body and unusual antennae on the male. This resident of Madagascar has very bright colors; there are spots on the wings that resemble eyes. The wings are very large (span up to 18 cm) and decorated with unusual long spurs. This butterfly does not eat, since it does not have a mouth or a digestive system; it only has enough nutrients that it accumulated while it was a caterpillar. Unfortunately, they only live for 2-3 days.

Swallowtail (Papilio machaon)

This amazingly beautiful insect can be seen in different corners of our planet, although there is an opinion that such a bright and unusual color can only be found among the inhabitants exotic countries. The diversity of habitats provides the opportunity for the emergence of new subspecies. Today there are about forty subspecies of swallowtail. The name was given to it in honor of the ancient doctor who skillfully healed the wounds of warriors. The length of the swallowtail body is up to 10 cm. The wings have a very beautiful coloring. The background of the wings is usually bright yellow, but the variety of stripes, spots and lines is simply incredible! Patterns can be red, blue, black, white. These are very energetic creatures; they do not stay in one place. They prefer umbrella plants. Only flower nectar is eaten. If you see a couple spinning in the air, know that this is mating games. During a season, a female swallowtail can lay up to 120 eggs. The swallowtail lives about three weeks.

Greta Oto

The glass butterfly is an amazing and unique insect. Looking at them you admire their fragility, airiness, weightlessness. Some people may not see the beauty, but there is no doubt that it is very unusual. Nature has endowed it with wings that are transparent through and through, and the edging of the wings has a color, often red and black. And there are streaks on the wings, which further adorns Greta Oto. It lives in South America, in humid forests. This is a very numerous species. After all, they do not attract predators, because in this small organism a lot of toxins accumulate, even at the caterpillar stage they feed only on poisonous plants. Growing up, Greta begins to prefer only plant nectar. These transparent beauties are very hardy; during the migration period they can cover about twelve kilometers in a day.

Maack's swallowtail (Papilio maackii)

This is the largest and most spectacular butterfly in our country. Males have a very beautiful coloring, wings with a dark green tint with black margins; females can be brown or black with bright red spots along the edges. Looking at such a stunning color, it’s hard to believe that this is not an inhabitant tropical countries, and it can be found even in areas northern latitude. It can be found in mixed and deciduous forests. Feeds on nectar. Sometimes on wet sections of the road or along rivers you can see a stunning spectacle of several dozen (and sometimes hundreds) of males. And if they are disturbed, they fly up into a dark cloud, and from it, shimmering under the sun, a rainbow rain of drops of water, shaken off by these fabulous creatures, will fall.

Peacock-eye Atlas (Attacus atlas)

It is one of the largest butterflies on Earth. The wingspan reaches up to 260 mm. Quite a huge size for such a sophisticated creature! Atlas loves the night, which is why her other name is Prince of Darkness. The corners of the wings of this amazing butterfly are curved, resembling a snake's head, and are colored in shades of brownish, reddish, yellowish and pinkish. The edges of the wings are framed with a black border and beige stripes. On each of the wings there is a spot similar to the pattern on the feathers of a peacock, hence the name.
Another curious fact about the short life (1-2 weeks) of the Peacock Eye is that it does not eat anything, existing only on the reserves that it accumulated while it was a caterpillar. Atlas is also a butterfly with a very phenomenal sense of smell. Males can find their females by smelling pheromones from 12 km away.

Butterflies have not yet been fully studied. And it is quite possible that you will meet a species unknown to anyone. These flying flowers cannot be compared with any other insect on the planet in their beauty. Fragile and beautiful, they personify the boundless imagination of nature. It’s a pity that they don’t live very long – from two days to several months. Let's take care and enjoy the beauty of these beautiful creatures!

Ornithoptera cresus ranks seventh among the largest butterflies in the world with a wingspan of 16 centimeters. The winged insect received its name in honor of the ancient king of Lydia Croesus. Lepidoptera representatives have a bright orange and yellow coloration, against which a black pattern appears. Naturalist Alfred Wallace is considered the discoverer of the species. The ornithopter Croesus lives in Indonesia on the island of Bachan. The butterfly is currently endangered.

6. Trogonoptera Trojan (lat. Trogonoptera trojana). Wingspan 19 cm.

Trogonoptera Trojana or the Trojan ranks sixth in the ranking of the largest butterflies in the world. Maximum wingspan largest representatives is 19 centimeters. Females and males are approximately the same size. The velvety black background of the wings is dominated by a pattern in the form of bright green triangles. The species lives exclusively on the island of Palawan and is endangered. These lepidopterans are also bred on special farms for collection needs.

5. Sailboat antimah (lat. Papilio antimachus). Wingspan 25 cm.


Sailboat antimah is the largest butterfly found in Africa. The wingspan of the largest representatives is 25 centimeters. Females are much smaller than males. The insect got its name in honor of the mythological hero Antimachus. The species was first discovered in the mid-18th century by the British biologist Smithman. Then the male was caught. The female Antimachus was caught only at the end of the 19th century. have wing colors ranging from yellow to red. The population of this species is small and is protected.

4. Peacock-eye atlas (lat. Attacus atlas). Wingspan 24 cm.


Peacock eye atlas ranks fourth among the largest butterflies with a wingspan of 24 centimeters. The largest specimen was caught in 1992 and is now kept in the Australian Museum. Another name for the insect is the Prince of Darkness due to its nocturnal lifestyle and bright coloring. The variegated wings are replete with brown, cream, yellow and red patterns. Atlas not only brings aesthetic pleasure, but also material benefits to humans: it produces silk that is superior in quality to the silk of the silkworm. Lepidoptera live in China, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, and Vietnam. You can admire the bright and large specimens in Russia at the Moscow Zoo. The Prince of Darkness has a short life, which is about two weeks. During this period, adult individuals do not feed, but exist due to substances accumulated in the caterpillar stage.

3. Queen Alexandra's birdwing (Ornithoptera alexandrae). Wingspan 27 cm.

Queen Alexandra's Birdwing reveals the three largest butterflies in the world. Females dominate in size over males. The largest individuals reach a wingspan of 27 centimeters. The caterpillars are also quite large and can reach 12 cm. The largest captured specimen of a female, whose wingspan is 273 mm, is now kept in a museum in London. Males, unlike females, have a very bright, rich color and are considered the most beautiful of the Lepidoptera order. This is one of the most rare species, which is highly prized by collectors. But due to the small number of birds, catching birdwings is prohibited. The habitat of the winged insect is Papua New Guinea.

2. Peacock-eye hercules (lat. Coscinocera hercules). Wingspan 27 cm.

Peacock-eye hercules ranks second among the largest butterflies in the world. Females larger than males and have a wingspan of up to 27 centimeters, and an area of ​​up to 263.2 square meters. cm. The male is distinguished from the female by spurs, which can reach a length of 12 cm. Their caterpillars are also impressive in size, growing up to 16 centimeters in length. The peacock eye is not only very large, but also one of the most beautiful butterflies in the world with a bright color, like a peacock. You can find such beauty in Australia and New Guinea. The winged insect feeds at night. The source of its food is the leaves of many plants. This species can also be bred and live in captivity.

1. South American tropical armyworm (lat. Thysania agrippina). Wingspan 31 cm.

South American tropical owl- the largest butterfly in the world, which from a distance can easily be confused with a small bird. The span of its huge wings can reach 31 centimeters. It was this size that specimens were caught in 1934 and then in 1997. Butterfly caterpillars are also quite large and measure up to 16 cm in length. The winged insect has a pale coloring: a brown pattern appears on a white background. As a rule, a tropical hill leads night look life. Its habitat is Mexico, South and Central America. She eats the leaves of the cassia bush. This is a rather rare and small species that is still poorly studied.

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It is unlikely that anywhere in the world you can find as many beautiful creatures as butterflies. Since ancient times, these incredible insects have been considered symbols of beauty, eternity, youth and spiritual rebirth. These are real fresh flowers that regularly appear in various fairy tales, legends and epics.

What animal or bird can compare in beauty with butterflies?

Their beauty was considered so unreal that the ancient Slavs had a belief that only the most evil and powerful witches turned into butterflies, who sold their souls in order to have such beauty after death.

In many countries today there is a more practical attitude towards butterflies. For example, in the vast expanses of Asia, these insects are considered a special delicacy.

Where do butterflies have such patterns on their wings?

Fantastic patterns on the wings of butterflies are formed by a unique combination of multi-colored microscopic scales of each individual. Thanks to the special ribbed walls of these scales, sunlight refracted to appear on the wings different colors and patterns.

The attractive patterns on the wings of butterflies make them objects of close attention to collectors and entomologists.

Due to these characteristics of these wonderful insects, they have become a popular collecting item.

Today, more than two hundred thousand different species of butterflies are known.

It is only necessary to add that the concepts of beauty are always subjective, and therefore the places here are distributed randomly - this is more of a list than a rating. Be that as it may, we bring to your attention a description and photo of beautiful rare butterflies that you are unlikely to see in everyday life.

10 most amazing butterflies in the world

  1. Our list opens today with Madagascar Urania.
    Ponytails, relatively large sizes and variegated coloring are a calling card

    This amazing insect has a relatively large size: its wingspan often exceeds nine to ten centimeters. If you examine the wings of this unique butterfly under a microscope, you will see that each horny scale is unique: you will not find a single pair whose color will be absolutely identical. A distinctive feature of the coloring of the wings of this creature is a special white edging - it is by this that Urania is most often identified. The butterfly's fantastically bright colors serve as a threatening warning signal to animals higher up the food chain. The Madagascar Urania's body contains enough potent poison to kill a small birdie.

    Uranias are diurnal butterflies. At night, they gather in large numbers in one place and settle down in a flock for the night.

  2. On the second line of our hit parade we placed a beauty well-known and familiar to all residents of the CIS countries, which is the Admiral butterfly. Admiral is a butterfly, the beauty of which is often underestimated by residents of countries Russian Federation due to the widespread distribution of the butterfly in the CIS countries

    Every summer, hosts of admiral butterflies sweep through the airspace of the CIS countries. Probably each of us has seen it; for many it has become a familiar symbol of summer. Because of this, it is difficult for many people to recognize her as one of the most beautiful butterflies in the world, but foreign connoisseurs of beauty clearly speak out in her favor. The unique black, white and orange coloring and annual wintering migrations to warm African countries have made this butterfly widely known throughout the world.

  3. Let's continue our list of the most beautiful butterflies in the world. And the next item in it will feature the stunning Morpho Peleida. The Peleid morph lives in almost all countries of Central and South America: in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Trinidad, Paraguay and Mexico

    Translated from ancient Greek, the words “Morpho Peleida” mean “magnificent beauty.” It seems that once one of the entomologists was so impressed by the bright blue color of its wings, framed by a black and white frame interspersed with shades of red and orange, that he could not find a more suitable name for this butterfly. Unfortunately, this magnificent beauty does not live very long: only two to three weeks. The bright color serves as a signaling tool during the mating period, and also scares away birds and insects that eat it.

    A distinctive feature of this species is that the males of Morpho Peleid live separately from the females, in groups.

  4. The Peacock's eye is also recognized as one of the most beautiful representatives of the Lepidoptera order in the world. The Latin name of the butterfly comes from the name Īnachis - king Inachus and his daughter Io in ancient Greek mythology

    The color scheme of the wings of this butterfly is somewhat reminiscent of Admirals. Also similar is their lifespan, which often exceeds nine to ten months, and their relatively small wingspan of about five and a half centimeters. Home distinctive feature The peacock's eye is made up of four spots of color on the wings that, with enough imagination, can pass for eyes. An amazing protective mechanism that visually increases the size of this butterfly in the eyes of its natural enemies.

    In winter, the Peacock's eye hides in cracks under the bark of trees, where it waits for the onset of thaws.

  5. Among the inhabitants of our fatherland unusual shape and the Blue Swallowtail - or, as it is also called, the Maak's Swallowtail - stands out with the colors of its unique wings. Maak's sailboat was named in honor of Richard Karlovich Maak, a Russian naturalist, explorer of Siberia and the Far East.

    This is an amazing insect with indescribably fantastic colors and large wings - their span reaches one hundred and twenty-five centimeters in males, and about ten centimeters more in females. In the CIS countries, this butterfly is considered the largest, and its main habitat is the Sakhalin Peninsula. The wings of males are painted a deep emerald green; the colors of females vary greatly. Often these butterflies settle in flocks on the banks of small bodies of water or in open areas immediately after dew or rain falls. The frightened flock soars into the sky with stunning emerald fireworks.

  6. In sixth place on our list of the most amazing and beautiful representatives of the Lepidoptera order, we placed an unusually long butterfly - the Madagascar Comet. Thanks to two amazingly large processes on its wings, the Madagascar Comet is often called the longest butterfly in the world - despite the fact that its tails literally fall off in the first days of its life

    Connoisseurs of beauty are struck not so much by the bright color of this butterfly as by the shape of its body and wings. The beauty's wings are continued with two tails almost twenty centimeters long, which serve as an auxiliary balancing tool when flying in the air. Unfortunately, after a fairly short time after the butterfly is born, these tails disappear as unnecessary. Due to the unusual structure of its body, the Madagascar Comet received its second name - the African moon moth. In addition to the shape of the wings, entomologists are also amazed by their wingspan, reaching eighteen centimeters.

  7. Approaching the end of the list, we tried to include more and more amazing representatives of the order Lepidoptera. Meet the real mountain butterfly - the Glory of Bhutan. The sailboat "Glory of Bhutan" lives mainly in high-mountain forests at altitudes up to 2800 meters above sea level and is currently endangered

    Even the most experienced butterfly connoisseur will be amazed by the unique shape of its wings, which vaguely resemble those of a dragonfly. Their span sometimes reaches ten centimeters. Each of the wings continues with three small tails, giving them a truly charming appearance. Fortunately, these butterflies are poisonous and therefore inedible. Potential eaters are warned off by the bright red-orange coloring and round bright scarlet spots on the tips of the wings.

    In India, these insects are so revered that they are under strict state protection.

  8. We open the three finalists with a truly unusual creature, which at first glance can hardly even be called a butterfly. Meet Greta Oto, or the Glass Butterfly. This unusual insect widespread in Mexico and Argentina. To the untrained eye of CIS residents, this butterfly looks more like a mosquito

    Fortunately for residents of South and Central America, this is not the case: after all, the wingspan of this “mosquito” can exceed five centimeters - far from the smallest representative of the Lepidoptera order. In the local ecosystem it plays an extremely important role important role, since it pollinates most of the poisonous plants growing in this region. Transparent wings with a bright orange rim signal a huge amount of toxins accumulated in the butterfly’s body. A bird that has dined on it is unlikely to live long.

    This butterfly is a storehouse of natural toxins that are deadly to the lives of those who decide to dine on it.

  9. One of the most valuable specimens of the world's leading entomological museums is, of course, Queen Alexandra's Birdwing. Queen Alexandra's Birdwing is the largest daytime butterfly in the world.

    The main habitat of this amazing butterfly is the territory of Papua New Guinea. Male Birdwings have brighter colors, which help them attract females during mating season. Often it is because of this that they become the object of close attention of entomologists and collectors. In turn, females are larger in size: their wingspan can reach thirty centimeters.

  10. To complete our short review of the most beautiful and amazing butterflies world, we decided to create a truly unusual specimen. Many have heard about it, but few have seen it with their own eyes. This is the Prince of Darkness, or simply Atlas. Some individuals of this amazing view butterflies reach truly gigantic sizes

    In the Lepidoptera family, this butterfly is rightfully recognized as the largest. The largest officially recorded representative of this species had a wingspan of two hundred and sixty-two centimeters. Even by human standards, this is a real giant. The patterns on its wings somewhat resemble the head of a snake, which is why in China it was nicknamed by the same name. At the same time, the lifespan of Atlas is only ten to eleven days.

    It is not known how many days the Atlas butterfly would live at home, since due to its enormous size, only specialized entomological centers are involved in their breeding, but it is unlikely that the life of the Atlas would be extended for a long time

    The short life span is due to the fact that the Atlas caterpillar's mouth atrophies during the transformation process: the butterfly exists only due to the nutrients that it managed to accumulate before pupation.

Buy live tropical butterflies in our online store

Our online store offers you to buy real tropical butterflies at competitive prices. Live butterflies for breeding and simply lifting your spirits are the best gift for any occasion.

Surprise your loved one by giving him a whole fireworks display of live butterflies

We also haven’t forgotten about true connoisseurs and collectors of this beauty: our decorative butterflies, spectacularly framed in a beautiful frame, will not leave indifferent even the most experienced entomologists who have visited all corners globe. By purchasing butterflies from us, you guarantee a good mood to any gift recipient.

A live butterfly is the best reason for joy


Alive tropical butterflies- an unforgettable magical gift 10 most beautiful butterflies in the world and how long butterflies live Buy live butterflies: 4 gift design options Several recommendations for catching butterflies and keeping them at home