The smallest tanks in the world top 10. The most powerful tank in the world (photo)

As they say: “Tanks are not afraid of dirt.” This expression perfectly characterizes such a powerful machine as a tank. The tank is not afraid of any obstacles; in it you can not only feel completely safe, but also in case of danger or attack by enemies, you can defend yourself by using military artillery. It is a kind of multifunctional machine.

Since ancient times, people have preferred stronger and more effective weapons. As soon as something better appears, they begin to invent many analogues. Then these analogues are used until something more perfect and powerful appears. People, one might say, have this principle. Times go by, more and more new weapons appear, but the tanks do not give up their positions. This is a reliable front and rear of the army.

In our time high technology Combat vehicles constantly improving, becoming “smarter”. Today we will share with you our Top 10 ranking The most powerful tanks in the world. They are a kind of “monsters” among their own kind; you will surely admire their stateliness and grandeur. And what power lies in them! A power capable of protecting and destroying at the same time. In our rating you will get acquainted with steel “monsters”, which are the best tanks in the world ever created.

10. Leclerc

This tank forms the basis of the army of modern France, and 388 units are in service with the UAE, which is explained by its high cost - $8 million. However, all this pales in comparison to the 120-mm muzzle, with 40 rounds of ammunition, as well as two additional machine guns, with a total of 4,000 rounds of magazines, which, together with the ability to accelerate to 71 km/h, makes it excellent in the fight against enemy dismounted forces .


We could not help but include Merkava, the pride of the Israeli defense industry, in the ranking of the best and most powerful tanks in the world. In addition to the intimidating 120 mm barrel, the tank is capable of firing guided anti-tank missiles, which allows you to accurately disable enemy military equipment. At the same time, protection is provided by the latest generation steel modular armor, which, although it adds weight, allows it to remain invulnerable to shots from some types of hand grenade launchers.


Manufactured in Pakistan, this tank has absorbed the latest developments of leading engineers in its region, which allows it to remain equally effective regardless of the time of day. The 125 mm smoothbore gun is capable of hitting almost any enemy equipment, but for the sake of its expanded ammunition, one of the machine guns had to be sacrificed, which does not at all reduce the effectiveness of the combat vehicle.

7. K1A1

Also among the most powerful tanks in the world is the crown of the modern military industry of South Korea. The heavy-duty 120 mm smoothbore gun requires simultaneous maintenance by two crew members, but is extremely effective against enemy reconnaissance drones that come into its field of view. Effectiveness against infantry is ensured by one coaxial or two standard machine guns, depending on the modification.


The pride of British tank building, it is recognized as one of the best in the world due to its reliability. It is in service with the United Kingdom and Oman. It is extremely effective against foot soldiers and weakly armored vehicles, because in addition to a 120 mm rifled barrel, it has two coaxial and one movable machine gun at its disposal. However, such firepower negatively affects the mobility of the tank - it is capable of reaching a speed of only 56 km/h.

5. PT-91

The main combat vehicle of the Polish army is ranked fifth in the list of the 10 most powerful tanks in the world. In addition to the terrifying 125 mm smoothbore gun, the tank is equipped with active armor, which ensures that there will be no major damage after the enemy's first shot. Moreover, the presence of three machine guns allows you to destroy enemy anti-aircraft guns and their crew at medium and close distances.

4. T-90

Oddly enough, the representative of Russian tank construction is distinguished by its compactness and lightness, guaranteeing the maneuverability characteristic of Soviet-made tanks. In addition to enemy equipment, thanks to two powerful machine guns, the tank does not experience difficulties with artillery, which, due to its low weight, and, accordingly, high speed movement, he is able to get there almost at lightning speed. T-90 is rightfully considered one of the most best tanks in a world with great firepower and high speed characteristics. The hull armor is made using composite steel, which prevents the T-90 from becoming an easy target for enemy infantry armed anti-tank gun, even at close range.


This Chinese-made vehicle, which opens the top three in the top 10 most powerful tanks in the world, is by no means cheap: for one unit you will have to pay about 22 million dollars, which significantly reduces its competitiveness. Relatively light tank equipped with a 125 mm smoothbore gun, in addition to which three machine guns are attached: for dealing with anti-aircraft guns and two paired, effective against infantry.


This tank is characterized by high production costs, typical of most South Korean combat vehicles. The developers explain this by the fact that they used combined armor, which gives a lot of advantages in close combat, and thanks to the low weight of only 62 tons, they were able to gain additional speed and maneuverability. Despite all this, " Black Panther", armed with a 55 caliber cannon, was able to win only half of the training battles.

1. M1A2 Abrams

The crowning glory of our ranking is the brainchild of the American defense industry, which has occupied a leading position since the end of the last century, thanks to the constant improvement of its technology in response to changing styles of warfare. modern warfare. M1A2 Abrams – the best tank in the world. Its “highlight” is not its weapons potential, although it is worth saying that its firepower is by no means inferior to its competitors, but its technical component. The vehicle is literally crammed with various electronics, allowing it to coordinate actions with allied forces and aviation, which allows it to be as effective as possible on the battlefield. And, unlike most of the tanks presented, the M1A2 has proven its effectiveness in real military operations.

+ T-14 Armata

The Armata tank has become the embodiment of the unique developments of past years and the achievements of the modern Russian military-industrial complex. T-14 is a unique 3rd generation combat vehicle. Perhaps, after all the tests, Armata will receive the title the best and most powerful tank in the world. Its peculiarity is that the crew is not located in the turret, but in an armored capsule, which ensures survival even if the ammunition is detonated. This newest tank Russia was first demonstrated in 2015 at the Victory Parade.

From unique technical characteristics It is worth noting: the design features that make the tank poorly visible on enemy radars, in the infrared and magnetic range, and even difficult to distinguish on the ground with visual contact, essentially use stealth technology. The vehicle also uses the latest active protection “Afganit”, which can prevent anti-tank shell, and the 4th generation Malachite armor protects against almost 100% of shots from hand grenade launchers. Firepower is provided by a 125 mm smoothbore gun with 45 rounds of ammunition and two machine guns: Kord (12.7 mm) and PKTM (7.62 mm). On highways, the T-14 reaches speeds of up to 90 km/h.

The best tank in Russia and the world | Video

Any army in the world is armed with powerful tanks. This technique is basic for ground forces. Some tanks are used to break through the enemy's defense line, others - for support. But in any case, this is a very powerful technique, causing great damage to both armored targets and enemy infantry. Let's look at the most To do this, we'll put together our own small top.

General information

The effectiveness of a tank is determined by only two parameters - protection and firepower. Strange, but this does not include such a characteristic as mobility. Most likely because for heavy tanks modernity, which serve to break through key defensive positions, speed is not so important.

At the same time, to obtain an objective assessment of each individual specimen, it is necessary to simulate the battle. But since one unit of equipment is practically useless on the battlefield, research is carried out taking into account a tank battle. In this case, such a parameter as the type of projectile is taken into account. Mainly used armor-piercing shells penetration from 650 to 800 mm. Let's look at what they are, the best tanks in the world.

T-84 BM "Oplot"

The Ukrainian-made BM Oplot tank took first place. This vehicle won 12 out of 12 victories in simulated battles. The tank has no equal in both firepower and protection, which, in fact, made it a leader. We can say that one “Oplot” is equal in effectiveness to a company of soldiers.

The firepower of the tank is truly impressive. The systems are designed in such a way that the crew can conduct targeted fire around the clock. Thus, the gunner uses the Promin day sight with stabilization along two planes. At the same time, it is equipped with a laser rangefinder with a range of up to 9,900 m (error - 10 m). There is also a thermal imaging system that is capable of detecting a target at a distance of up to 8 km, recognizing it at 4.5 km, and identifying it at a distance of 2.5 km.

The main armament is a 125 mm cannon (smoothbore). The barrel length is 48 calibers. The tank is also equipped with an automatic loader for 28 rounds. In this case, the full ammunition load is 48 shells. The gun is capable of firing armor-piercing sub-caliber and cumulative projectiles. The average penetration is 600-800 mm.

"Oplot": protection and survivability

T-84 has a large number of various systems protection, including passive, active (dynamic) and others. All this significantly increases the survivability of the tank on the battlefield. The armor of the Oplot BM is multi-layered, consisting not only of armored metal sheets, but also of ceramic materials. The roof of the tower is entirely stamped. This increases rigidity and manufacturability and also provides high quality in mass production.

The front of the tank, turret and sides are equipped with “Duplet” dynamic protection. It protects the tank from cumulative, armor-piercing and sub-caliber projectiles. An interesting thing is that dynamic protection does not detonate when hit by small-caliber projectiles, as well as bullets from small arms. At the same time, the DZ protects against anti-tank missiles, armor-piercing, sub-caliber and cumulative shells. Of course, the T-84 BM "Oplot" is the best tank in the world, and it confirms this in practice.

"Leopard 2A7"

This vehicle is the seventh modification of the Leopard 2 series tank. It was first demonstrated in 2010 at an exhibition in Europe. In simulated battles, the giant received 10 victories out of 12. There was one draw and a defeat from Oplot. It was also not possible to determine the winner between the Leopard and the American Abrams. Nevertheless, first of all I would like to consider the remarkable aspects of the German tank.

The seventh modification differs from the previous ones in improved mine protection and the presence of overhead elements on the turret, which protect against cumulative melee projectiles. At the same time, the Leopard 2A7 is equipped with stabilization means, more modern projectiles and digital tower technology. The tank weighs about seventy tons and has a fairly powerful power plant, which ensures good maneuverability.

Armament and protection of the Leopard

Of course, after the Oplot BM, this is the best tank in the world. This is partly due to the powerful armor. Thus, the frontal part of the turret boasts an armor thickness of 130 cm. The hull and turret are welded. At the same time, the upper armor plate of the hull has a large angle of inclination, which ensures a high probability of ricochet. The design also includes third generation armor. The fighting compartment is equipped with a lining, which is designed to reduce the radius of scattering of fragments when breaking through the armor.

The Leopard is equipped with a 120 mm cannon. You will notice that the gun has a short barrel, which is designed to improve stabilization during movement. At the same time, shooting accuracy on the move increases significantly, and stabilization is simplified.

The Germans use a very promising guidance system. The gunner needs to select a target and place a marker on it, and the automation will do the rest. At the same time, the Leopard 2A7 can fire at moving targets while moving over uneven terrain. Well, now let's continue to look at the best tanks in the world.

M1 Abrams

This tank takes third place in our ranking. The machine is manufactured according to a standard layout. The tank's crew consists of four people: a gunner, a driver, a commander and a loader.

The hull and turret are welded. In this case, you can notice that the angle of inclination of the upper armor plate relative to the vertical is about 82 degrees, which is quite a lot. The armor is multilayer, passive, in the form of combined plates. However, 8% of the frontal armor can be considered weak points. These are various hatches, surveillance devices, etc. All this is penetrated by KS shells of 700 mm and BPS of 550 mm.

The frontal part of the hull has armor of only 50-80 mm, which can be compared to the level of tanks of the Second World War. Such protection can be penetrated by any projectiles. The gun mantlet is quite thick, but its fastening method led to the fact that after a hit, not only it itself, but also other parts were destroyed.

About the Abrams' weapons

So we briefly reviewed the best modern tanks in the world. The rating presented in the article is based on an objective assessment of simulated battles. For example, Abrams took an honorable third place for a reason. The fact is that this tank has a fairly powerful 122-mm gun, which allows it to fire armor-piercing finned sub-caliber, cumulative and armor-piercing high-explosive shells. The filling of the latter requires the presence of white phosphorus. If such a shell penetrates the armor and lining, it burns the tank crew alive.

After modifying the rifled 105 mm cannon to 120 mm, stabilized in two planes, it was decided to reduce the ammunition load from 55 rounds to 40, which was due to large sizes sleeves The Americans, in an effort to cancel the placement of ammunition on the deck, placed 36 shells in the turret niche and 6 in the tank hull. Of course, this option cannot be called good. However, the insulation of the projectiles helps protect the crew when they hit the ammunition. There are knockout plates for this purpose.

The best tanks in the world: rating and something else

Among Japan's main battle tanks, the Type 10 is particularly surprising. It is intended to replace the outdated Type 74 and stand next to the Type 90. It takes about six and a half million dollars to make one tank. The vehicle is equipped with a 120-mm cannon, exactly the same as on the Abrams and Leopards. A conveyor-type automatic loader is installed, the barrel length is 44 calibers. At the same time, Japanese designers paid the greatest attention to combat information, control and information systems.

The tank is equipped with modular armor, which allows the crew to replace damaged elements and modules. This solution helps to install additional attachments, which increases the security of the machine and reduces its weight to 48 tons. This is a very mobile tank, it has a 1,200 hp diesel engine. s, which is about 27 liters. With. per ton. The continuously variable transmission allows you to reach speeds of up to 70 km/h forward and reverse.

Top best tanks in the world: T-90MS

The T-90MS Tagil tank was created on the basis of the T-90A. The total weight of the vehicle is 48 tons. Along with diesel engine at 1 130 Horse power this provides good mobility. On the highway, the tank is capable of reaching up to 65 km/h forward and up to 30 km/h back. At the same time, the gearbox is automatic, it is possible to operate in manual mode.

It is armed with a 125 mm cannon, as well as a coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun. In addition, there is a 7.62 mm remote-controlled machine gun. "Tagil" is equipped with a highly automated "Kalina" system, which is necessary for fire control. BIUS is integrated into the system. Thermal imaging and television devices allow targeted fire at long distance and carry out surveillance.

Many people say that the T-90MS Tagil is the best tank in the world. Photos of Russian combat vehicles can be found in this article. We can’t help but mention the new generation “Relict” dynamic armor, which protects the sides and forehead of the tank. At the same time, the T-90MS differs from its predecessor in having a modified turret and an improved niche.

"Black Panther"

One of the most promising South Korean tanks is the K2 Black Panther. In 2012, 12 tanks were manufactured for pilot tests. In total, it is planned to produce about 300 “black panthers” by 2015. It is currently the most expensive tank in the world, priced at $8.5 million per unit.

Notable is the firepower. The tank is equipped with a 120-mm cannon with a magazine-loading automatic loader. The Black Panther can fire up to twenty projectiles per minute, or one projectile every three seconds. The AZ can hold up to forty shells. The K2 is equipped with an active protection system that can detect incoming missiles at a distance of up to 150 meters.

In any case, when considering the best modern tanks in the world, one cannot fail to mention the “black panther”.

Arjun Mk.1 and Challenger-2

The Indian Arjun Mk.1 has high firepower and is on par with the British Challenger. These two giants have quite powerful, but at the same time not very accurate weapons. For example, Challenger 2 hit 8 targets out of 20 during tests. The Indian heavyweight also produced approximately the same results. However, if we consider the 10 best tanks in the world, then both of them make the list, even if they occupy the lower steps.

For example, Challenger 2 is one of the most armored tanks, especially when compared with Western counterparts. There is even a complex of chemical and biological protection, located in the tower.

AMX-56 Leclerk and ZTZ-99A2

The French Leclerc appeared back in 1994. At that time it was the most expensive and high-tech. However, at present, Leclerc has lost its original position. This is due to several factors. First, in France the decision was made to suspend the assembly line. Secondly, since its release, which is 1994, not a single significant modification of the AMX-56 has been carried out. However, in a simulated battle this vehicle won 3 out of 12 battles, so if we are looking at the best tanks in the world, the AMX-56 is definitely worth including on the list.

The last place in the ranking is occupied by the Chinese Type-99A2, or ZTZ-99A2. He won only 2 battles out of 10. This is not to say that this is a bad tank. The unit is good in its own way, equipped with combined armor protection and a laser active countermeasures system.

So we looked at the best tanks in the world. The top 10 presented in this article is current. As you can imagine, all these tanks are very good. They show excellent results on the battlefield.

More than a hundred years ago, tanks first appeared on the battlefield. And the entire twentieth century these combat vehicles determined the outcome of major military conflicts. The strongest was considered the one whose tanks had the best armor protection, a more powerful weapon and who had more of them. Despite the large number of anti-tank weapons that exist today, tanks are still the main impact force ground forces. Most military experts believe that this situation will continue in the next decade.

One of the most discussed topics related to military equipment and weapons is the question of what is the best tank in the world. States annually invest tens of millions of dollars on the development of new combat vehicles and the modernization of old models. The most “advanced” tank-building countries are the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Russia, China, Israel and Ukraine. They can mass-produce tanks and have serious tank-building schools with long-standing traditions. In recent decades, India, Pakistan, Turkey, Poland, both Koreas and Japan have sought to join this “club of the elite”.

The question of which is the best tank is not very correct: it is very difficult to compare vehicles that have never met each other in real combat. And one fight will not be able to dot all the i's in this matter. The outcome of the fight depends not only on tactical and technical characteristics combat vehicles, but also on the training of the crew, the specific theater of operations and on countless other factors (from luck, in the end). We should not forget that tanks do not fight alone - they are part of a complex army mechanism, working in close cooperation with infantry, artillery, and aviation. So a simple comparison of the performance characteristics of vehicles does not make it possible to seriously talk about the advantages of this or that tank.

We will try to carry out comparative analysis the most famous and modern tanks, and present to you the top 10 strongest armored vehicles in the world.

Some of the tanks in service with the world's strongest armies were developed several decades ago (American Abrams, Israeli Merkava, German Leopard), after which they went through several stages of modernization. In our rating we will consider only the latest (most advanced) modifications of cars. The main criteria for awarding a particular place will be three indicators: the protection of the combat vehicle, its firepower and the mobility of the tank. So, our top: 10 best tanks of our time.

10. "Arjun" Mk.I (India)

Our top 10 opens with an Indian combat vehicle, which was put into service in 2011. This tank can be called the first independent development of Indian tank builders, although it took Indian technologists and engineers more than thirty-five years to create it. "Arjun" has a mass of 58.5 tons, its crew consists of four people, the tank is equipped with a 120-mm rifled gun, from which it is possible to launch guided missiles. The gun's rate of fire is 6-8 rounds per minute.

The tank is equipped with an engine with a power of 1400 hp. With. (specific power - 23.9), which allows the car to reach a speed of 75 km/h on the highway.

"Arjun" Mk.I made it into our top, but it is on the very bottom line. The development of this combat vehicle began more than 35 years ago. Perhaps the technical solutions used in its design were once modern, but now they are somewhat outdated.

Type 99A2 is the latest modification of the Chinese combat vehicle, but calling this tank a completely independent development would be a stretch. The vehicle was created on the basis of the Soviet T-72 tank, although it has a large number of differences from it. This combat vehicle was put into service in 2011, it has a mass of 58 tons, a crew of three people, the tank is armed with a 125-mm smoothbore cannon with a rate of fire of 7 rounds per minute. A 1,500-horsepower engine (specific power 25.9) allows this combat vehicle to accelerate on the highway to a speed of 70 km/h.
Unlike the T-72, the Type 99A2 received a new welded turret and more advanced protection, which consists of both more “advanced” armor and the latest generation of dynamic protection. In addition, the Type 99A2 has a laser system that can literally blind the enemy.

8. AMX-56 Leclerk

In eighth place in the top 10 french tank, adopted for service in 1992. At the time of its creation, this combat vehicle was considered the most modern and high-tech, but more than twenty years have passed since that moment. The AMX-56 Leclerk has been discontinued from serial production. You can also add that this French tank is one of the most expensive in the world (about 6 million euros).

The latest series of this combat vehicle weighed 57.4 tons, the tank was armed with a 120-mm smoothbore cannon, and its engine had a power of 1,500 hp. With. The Leclerk has an automatic loader, which is not typical for the Western school of tank building. This element made it possible to reduce the crew to three people and strengthen the armor without increasing the weight of the vehicle. The design of the automatic loader differs from analogues used in Soviet (Russian and Ukrainian) tanks. It is located in the aft isolated part of the tower, which is equipped with knockout panels. This engineering solution can easily be considered one of the main advantages of the tank.

7. Challenger 2 (UK)

Production of this tank began in 1994; it belongs to the second generation of British Challengers. The combat weight of the vehicle is 62.5 tons, it is armed with a rifled 120-mm cannon, and the tank has a crew of four people.

Experts consider the main advantage of the Challenger 2 to be its armor protection, which ensures high safety for the crew. The machine is also equipped with dynamic protection. The engine (power 1200 hp) provides maximum speed 56 km/h.

"Challenger 2" has real combat experience; it was quite successfully used by the British in the Balkans and during the second Iraqi campaign. True, in these conflicts this tank was opposed by outdated models of Soviet combat vehicles. In 2008, taking into account the obtained real combat experience a deep modernization of the tank was carried out: the vehicles received new gun, engine and transmission. The fire control system was also replaced.

6. K2 "Black Panther"

This is a South Korean tank that was put into service in 2018. It is considered the first tank that South Korean engineers independently developed. The car turned out to be very advanced, but very expensive: the cost of one Black Panther is estimated at $8.5 million.

The tank weighs 55 tons and has a crew of three people. The K2 is armed with a 120 mm smoothbore gun, developed on the basis of the German Rh-120 tank gun, one of the best in the world today. But that’s not all: the tank is equipped with an automatic loader, similar in design to that found on the French Leclerc. The automatic loader allows the tank to fire at a rate of 15 rounds per minute. In addition, the K2 MBT is equipped with an active protection system capable of shooting down enemy shells and guided missiles.

The electronic content of the K2 is also very advanced: all the electronic systems of the tank are assembled into one network (TIUS), and the combat information and control system allows you to control a tactical tank formation in an automated mode, exchange information in real time between tanks and other types of military equipment, and also control points.

5. BM "Oplot"

4. T-90AM (Russia)

3. Abrams M1A2 SEP

1. T-14 “Armata” (Russia)

T-14 "Armata". This combat vehicle topped our top 10, one might say, in advance. The vehicle is still experimental, that is, it is not yet in service Russian army. Information about it is incomplete and quite contradictory. It was first demonstrated to the general public in 2018.
The creators position it as a new generation tank. The tank weighs 55 tons, has a crew of three people, and will be equipped with a 125 mm cannon.

This combat vehicle has several differences in its layout: the tank's turret is uninhabited, and the crew is located in its front part, in a special armored capsule. The tank will be equipped with a phased array radar (like the latest fighters) and a large number of video cameras that will provide all-round visibility to the crew.

From the defense of the "Armata" we should mention the KAZ "Afganit", which, according to the developers, will be able to shoot down even modern BOPS. It is also worth adding to it the newest complex dynamic protection "Malachite" and a mine protection system.

Among the disadvantages of the vehicle, experts already name the automatic loader with part of the ammunition, which is located in the fighting compartment. This is a typical Soviet layout, which leads to detonation of the ammunition when a cumulative or sub-caliber projectile hits the fighting compartment.

The developers call the Armata the world's first tank for “network-centric warfare.” The problem is that today in the Russian army this tank is the only element for conducting such combat operations.

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below the article. We or our visitors will be happy to answer them

Only a few countries in the world produce their own tanks. Among them are Russia, USA, Germany, Israel, France, Great Britain, Japan, South Korea and China. The defense industry of some countries is trying to improve the design of their own armored vehicles based on samples purchased abroad, without making significant changes.

Weapons are manufactured not only for defense needs, but also for export, and, according to all the laws of the market, there is competition. The best tanks in the world compete in demonstration runs and firing during international exhibitions, their advantages and disadvantages are assessed by experts. The most complete is possible during military conflicts, but such an assessment is subjective, since the success of combat operations significantly depends on the training of the crews, the tactical advantages of the terrain and many other factors that level out the quality indicators of armored vehicles.

All the best tanks in the world have a number of common features, defining the general line of modern design solutions. The most important parameters are the characteristics of the weapon, the degree of survivability, speed, maneuverability and ergonomics.

The main weapon at the moment is the turret gun; its caliber has grown from 120 to 140 mm in the last two decades. In addition, the best tanks in the world can use their barrels to fire not only shells, but also guided missiles.

Survivability, that is, the ability to withstand modern weapons, is determined by the properties of the armor. To create modern protection, it is not enough to simply increase its thickness; its structure is important, as well as the presence of reactive layers capable of dissipating cumulative impacts. Important indicators include the created conditions that allow the crew to quickly leave the vehicle in the event of its defeat.

Speed ​​and maneuverability are determined by performance and power power plant. The best tanks in the world are currently equipped with diesel engines. A promising direction of engine development is gas turbines.

Rationalization of all crew movements and maximum automation give the combat unit an advantage in time, which can be a decisive factor in victory. Great attention is paid to the ergonomics of military equipment.

Based on all the criteria, most foreign experts believe that the German Leopard-2A5 is the best tank in the world in 2013. Its main advantage is the ability to modify previously produced machines to the level latest model, installing new guidance devices and an engine.

The American one is equipped with a turbine, which, despite its obvious advantages, has shown its vulnerability in conditions of sand and dust storms. Engines too often have to be shipped from conflict zones to the United States for repairs. In all other respects, the tank is not inferior to the Leopard.

Third, fourth and fifth places, according to foreign military observers, went to the Japanese Type-90, the French Leclerc and the English Challenger 2. All three cars differ little from each other and from the Leopard; they were built in the “mainstream” design thought of the 1990s, abundantly equipped with electronics and electric drives.

A very cautious approach was taken in assessing the combat qualities of the Russian “Black Eagle”. Data about it is published sparingly, but just in case, it was given sixth place in the world tank rating. Its predecessor (T-80) was often criticized, but significant changes were made, and, apparently, they concerned precisely the identified shortcomings.

The same considerations dictated the assignment of seventh place to the Russian T-90. Dynametic armor system "Kontakt-5", electronic protection "Shtora-1", a cannon capable of firing laser-guided projectiles - everything could suggest that this is the best modern tank in the world, but was let down by a level of comfort that was insufficient by Western standards. The same claims apply to the Ukrainian T-84.

The South Korean Type-88 is similar to the Japanese Type-90. Why he is in eighth place is unclear. Apparently, the lack of experience of the tank builders of the “Land of Morning Freshness” is taking its toll.

The Russian T-72 is in honorable ninth place. Many countries are willing to buy its export modifications; it is good, reliable, and inexpensive. Perhaps, in some characteristics it is inferior to the Leopards and Abrams, but it is quite suitable for performing the usual tasks assigned to tanks.

The Israeli Merkava III tank should not have been included in this rating at all. This machine is very specific; it was created for the conditions of the Middle East. The tank has powerful weapons, reliable protection, and is adapted for evacuating the wounded from the battlefield, but it is slow-moving. That's right, Israel is a small country, and long-range offensives are not expected, the main thing is to defend its own.

Chinese cars were not included in the top ten.

The Russians and Ukrainians did not get any prizes. Little is known about our tanks, but we are still respected and considered one of the best.

Despite the fact that tank building is already about 100 years old, only a few have achieved success in this industry. You can count the leading tank manufacturers on your fingers. And if you look at the list of vehicles that are in service different countries world, you will see: the lion’s share of “trucks” are produced by 10-15 manufacturers.

So, in fact, choosing the 10 best tanks in the world was not very difficult. Nevertheless, I approached this task responsibly. How did we select the TOP 10?

First of all, we analyzed tank ratings published in foreign military publications and blogs, such as Army Technology, Global Security, and so on. Then we took 10 tanks that received the highest ratings from Western military experts. This is how the TOP 10 best tanks in the world turned out.

The best tanks in the world: TOP 10

10. VT-4/MBT3000 (China)

For the most part, over the past 50 years, Chinese tanks have not been considered particularly sophisticated, especially by American standards. This was due to the fact that for a long time the fighting vehicles of the Celestial Empire were developed, or more correctly, copied from captured or secretly obtained samples. This type of engineering often resulted in a tank that was similar in design to its Soviet counterpart, but much inferior in all other respects.

IN Lately this trend began to change. And while there is no doubt that modern Chinese military equipment is still largely based on foreign technologies and designs, the design of the new tanks definitely shows more high level difficulties.

The VT-4 tank, which is also known as the MBT3000, is considered to be an improved model of the VT-1. It was built by the Chinese state corporation NORINCO. The concept debuted in 2012.

The VT-4 has a digitized interface and battle management system that increase the tank's effectiveness. Like many of the combat vehicles on this list, Chinese tank It is also equipped with active protection that can detect and destroy attacking missiles.

9. BM “Oplot” (Ukraine)

After the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine was left with a tank factory in Kharkov, which produced the T-80 UD main battle tank. Ukrainian engineers wanted to develop their own car. Therefore, it was decided to take the T-80 project as a basis and change its design. The result of this work was the T-84, which over time turned into the Oplot BM. The tank has been so modernized that it is considered one of the most complex vehicles on the market today.

Like most Soviet tanks, the Oplot is armed with a 125mm smoothbore cannon, capable of firing a variety of explosive and armor-piercing ammunition and laser-guided anti-tank missiles.

Ammunition is loaded using the autoloader in just 8 seconds. In order to find and accurately hit the target, the crew is assisted by panoramic and thermal imaging sights, while the gun uses a ballistic computer - part of the fire control system that allows the tank to fire accurately while moving.

8. T-90AM (Russia)

Soviet tanks T-72s are still in service in many countries around the world. The car was so popular that it was constantly modernized. In the mid-1990s, a new model was created on the basis of the T-72 - the T-90. Externally, the tanks are very similar, but have significant technical differences.

In terms of protection, the T-90 is superior to its predecessor thanks to a new turret that was built to withstand American armor-piercing rounds. Additional protection is provided by laser missile detection and jamming systems.

The main weapon is a 125 mm cannon.

7. AMX-56 Leclerc (France)

The Leclerc tank was adopted by the French army back in 1992. Today there are more than 400 combat vehicles operated by the French military, and more than 350 by the army of the United Arab Emirates.

For a long time, the Leclerc was considered the most expensive tank in the world, thanks in large part to the complex systems that are installed on board.

The AMX-56 Leclerc autoloader is very fast and can load up to 12 rounds per minute for a 120mm smoothbore gun. The digital fire control system allows the gunner to select six targets and engage them in just over 30 seconds.

Thermal imaging sights and laser rangefinders help to recognize the enemy and take aim at a distance of up to four kilometers.

Armor on the latest models This tank consists of tungsten and titanium modules, as well as active-reactive armor. All of these advanced technologies are further protected by laser and missile warning systems, as well as decoys and anti-personnel grenades.

6. Challenger 2 (UK)

The British Challenger 2 entered service in 1998. It has often been called the most protected tank in the world. This was made possible thanks to his high-end Dorchester armor. Its composition is unknown for certain, but there are suggestions that it may be an alloy of metal-ceramics and other various metals. The Challenger 2's armor is so strong that it repeatedly withstood barrages of enemy grenade launchers during the Iraq War.

In the entire history of Challenger 2, its armor was hit only once, when the tank was mistakenly hit by another Challenger.

The British tank is also equipped with dynamic anti-cumulative armor protection modules. Unlike most main battle tanks, the Challenger is armed with a 120 mm rifled gun, which gives it high degree accuracy.

The crew is assisted by a Canadian-made fire control computer and Information system British-made combat system, which brings together all the systems and displays of the tank.

5. Leopard 2A7+ (Germany)

Leopard 2 is a fairly old tank. It was put into service back in 1979. However, the car is still one of the best thanks to modernization.

The current version of the Leopard model - 2A7+ - has absorbed not only all the best from its predecessors, but also improvements that were made based on the experience of using the tank during street fighting, for example, in Iraq.

Leopard 2 is armed with a 120 mm smoothbore cannon, which is capable of firing ammunition different types, including the LAHAT guided missile. The gun is fully stabilized and linked to a laser rangefinder system, which allows it to hit a target while moving at a distance of up to five kilometers.

An integrated command and information system, along with improved daytime and thermal imaging sights, give the new Leopard-2 models an advantage on the battlefield when it comes to “hunting” enemy tanks.

Leopard 2 is not equipped with dynamic protection, but instead uses a multi-layer base composite armor, above which modular profiled armor is placed to enhance protection.

4. Type 10 (Japan)

When they talk about modern military equipment, Japan is often forgotten. But in vain. Japanese tank builders have developed an amazing tank, the Type 10. It entered service in 2012. The car was a huge step forward for the military specialists of the Land of the Rising Sun.

The Type 10 is armed with a 120mm smoothbore cannon. The charging system is automatic. Crew: three people. All of them are located in a compartment that is protected by nanocrystalline steel. Its peculiarity is that it is three times stronger than ordinary steel.

The tank has complex system, which monitors the situation on the battlefield, which gives the Type 10 an advantage over many other modern tanks.

3. Merkava IVm (Israel)

For a very long time, Israel was forced to fight with imported tanks. But the constant difficult military situation in the country forced us to develop our own tank - the Merkava.

The IVm model accommodates a crew of four. The tank can also accommodate several more soldiers.

The Merkava IVm's main priority is protection. Israeli experts have relied on modular armor that can be quickly replaced. Also, great attention was paid to camouflage. Tank builders even worked on the color of the exhaust gases so that the tank would not be noticeable on the battlefield.

For protection, the Trophy system is used, which can warn the crew of a threat and neutralize anti-tank missiles.

The main weapon is a 120 mm smoothbore gun.

2. M1A2 SEPv2 (USA)

Of all the tanks in the TOP 10, the M1 Abrams is the vehicle with the most combat experience. It has been “in service” since 1980. But don’t think that the tank has become outdated after 35 years. Abrams is constantly updated and improved.

Like many others western tanks The M1A2 SEPv2 has a 120mm smoothbore gun. The shells that Abrams is armed with are capable of hitting the most modern armor.

The M1A2 SEPv2 protection consists of laminated steel. In production American tanks depleted uranium is also used. This element has a high density, so it is difficult to penetrate.

The latest M1 Abrams have been significantly improved with modern electronics. The tanks are equipped with advanced thermal imagers and GPS systems.

And the main advantage of the tank is that the weapons can be controlled remotely.

1. K2 Black Panther (South Korea)

In the mid-1990s, South Korea decided to develop its own tank. The result was the K2 Black Panther, built by Hyundai.

Externally, the K2 is somewhat reminiscent of the German Leopard2. Technically, these tanks are also similar. The Korean vehicle is equipped with a German smoothbore gun and a diesel engine with a capacity of 1,500 horsepower.

The shell autoloader is very similar in principle to the system used on the French AMX-56 Leclerc.

The K2 Black Panther can fire about 10 rounds per minute. A modern systems battlefield tracking makes the Korean tank one of the most effective in the world.

The Korean vehicle is protected by composite and explosive reactive armor. To protect against missiles, the tank uses passive and active protection. Passive warns of a threat and can cause interference. Active, just like on the Israeli Merkava, destroys missiles.