The world's largest mushroom. The largest mushrooms The largest white mushroom

Its weight is more than 20 kilograms, and its height is about 75 centimeters ...

Scientists say that this is a macrocybe titans and this specimen is one of the largest edible mushrooms that have ever been found on our planet ...

However, he falls short of the record: in 1985, in US state Wisconsin found the fungus galvatia gigantea weighing 140 kilograms and spanning almost two meters. This giant got into the Guinness Book of Records.

The unusual find has already been delivered to a special laboratory. Usually in such cases, giant mushrooms are dried and researched on the subject of their chemical composition ...

But this is the largest of the edible mushrooms, but here is an example of really giants!

So, the top 10 giant mushrooms.

10. Calvatia gigantea from England. Weight 2 kg

Opens ten large mushrooms Calvatia gigantea from England. The record holder was discovered by a young gardener, Terry Hodson-Walker, after the rainy season. The width of the giant's hat was approximately 46 centimeters, and it weighed 2 kilograms. After the discovery, the girl decided to apply to the Guinness Book of Records in order for the macromycete to be officially recognized as the largest mushroom in the world. The scientific name of the discovered fungus is Calvatia gigantea. This is an ordinary raincoat, which can be found almost all over the world. This species can reach colossal proportions, but often becomes a victim of forest animals that are not averse to feasting on a raincoat.

9. Boletus from Russia. Weight 2.4 kg

Another contender for the title of the largest mushroom in the world is a boletus from Russia, discovered in the Tomsk region. Local mushroom picker Alexei Korol found a giant boletus in the forest near his village. The diameter of the cap of the giant mushroom was 36 centimeters, and the height of the stem was 28 cm. The weight of the record holder was 2 kilograms 400 grams! As the TV channel "Russia" noted, this is not some kind of alien - a mutant from outer space, but common boletus, not even wormy.

8. Lingzhi from China. Weight 7.5 kg

Found a huge varnished tinder fungus, or, as it is called in China - lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum) - weighs 7.5 kg, and its diameter is 107 cm. They found a find in one of the provincial Chinese cities of Hezhou. This mushroom belongs to the genus Ganoderma, which has been used in Chinese medicine for over 2000 years. It is also called the "mushroom of immortality". Lingzhi is believed to boost immunity due to active compounds called polysaccharides, which can increase the activity of white blood cells. The impressive size and weight of the tinder fungus allow it to take one of the lines in the ranking of the largest mushrooms in the world.

7. Raincoat from Russia. Weight 12 kg

The largest mushroom in Russia is a puffball, found by mushroom picker Vladislav Grabosinsky in the fall of 2011 in Perm region. The diameter of the giant's hat was 1 meter and 72 centimeters, and the height was about half a meter. The weight of the find exceeded 12 kilograms. Biologists do not consider this find rare. Raincoats grew and large sizes reaching 20 kg in weight. Raincoats are eaten when they are still young. Since it was already too late to eat the giant, Vladislav took him to study at the Botany Department of Perm University. This edible miracle was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

6. Mushroom from Italy. Weight 14 kg

In Italy, a kind of record was also recorded. A huge champignon, weighing about 14 kilograms, was found by Francesco Quito, a resident of the province of Baria. Despite the fact that the mushroom was found near the village, Francesco could hardly carry it on his shoulder, so he had to use a car. The mushroom was unspoiled and edible. I had to call the neighbors to eat such a giant.

5. Macromycete from China. Weight 15 kg

In the Chinese province of Yunnan, a giant macromycete weighing 15 kilograms was discovered. The mushroom not only turned out to be huge, but also had unusual shape. Outwardly, it looked like a hundred small mushroom caps growing on one leg! In the diameter of the hat, it reached almost 1 meter. Scientists have not yet determined what kind of eccentric mushroom organism belongs to.

4. Macrocybe Titans from the USA. Weight 20 kg

If we talk about traditional macromycetes in the usual sense, then the leader in size can be called Macrocybe Titans, which grows in the Caribbean countries and the USA. In one of the southern Mexican states in 2007, a specimen was found with a mass of 20 kg and a height of about 70 cm. However, this find is not the only one. In 2005 in the United States, Mexican biologist and mushroom specialist Rene Andrade stumbled upon the same mushroom, which also grew on a coffee plantation, and its weight was as much as 28 kilograms. Such big sizes make this macromycete the object of close attention of the scientific community.

3. Macromycete from Canada. Weight 26 kg

Canadian macromycetes can also compete in size. A raincoat weighing 26 kilograms was discovered by a resident of Canada, Christian Terrien. A man discovered a mushroom while walking with his son through the forest. Canadians were amazed by their find and they admitted that they had never seen such large raincoats in their lives. The mushroom was taken home and had a photo shoot with him.

2. Fomitiporia ellipsoidea from China. Weight 500 kg

Another mushroom found and studied by Chinese mycologists grew 10.85 meters in height with a hat width of 82-88 cm. Scientists believe that this outstanding representative of the mushroom kingdom grew for at least 20 years. A giant tinder fungus with the world's largest fruiting body was found on Hainan Island in 2010, and has now been studied and classified. The brown monster turned out to be a perennial tree fungus - a representative of the species Fomitiporia ellipsoidea. One of the authors of the discovery, Yu Cheng Dai, from the Institute of Applied Ecology (IAE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, says that he and his colleagues first found solid specimens of the same fungus in Fujian province back in 2008. But still, those macromycetes were not as large as the giant from Hainan. Interestingly, the authors of the study did not deliberately look for a record holder, but simply studied the diversity of tree mushrooms in the forests of the island. “None of us even imagined that a mushroom could grow so huge,” says Professor Dai. “We didn’t recognize him right away in the forest because he was too big.” Biologists estimated the volume of this fungus at 409-525 thousand cm3, and its weight at about 500 kilograms. Discovered by scientists F. ellipsoidea grows underground, so it for a long time remained unnoticed and was able to grow to such an impressive size.

1. Armillaria ostoyae from the USA. Weight over 600 kg

The first line of the ranking is occupied by the largest mushroom in the world, which mycologists ( Mycology(from other Greek μύκης - mushroom) - a section of biology, the science of mushrooms.) found in the relict forests of the United States. It is considered the largest living being on the planet. This giant belongs to the Armillaria family, whose representatives have long been known for their size. Most of of this living organism was underground, only small mushrooms could be clearly seen on the surface. The name of these macromycetes is Armillaria ostoyae, or otherwise they are called honey mushrooms. One such honey agaric fits easily in the hand and is not too remarkable. But his mycelium, which is a single organism, occupied in national park Oregon 880 Hectares! Its tentacles are located underground and entangle an area equal in size to 1665 football fields. The mycelium grew in the Oregon forests for about 2500 years, destroying root systems trees on your way. That is why this macromycete is considered the largest on the planet.

What mushroom picker is not happy with a successful “hunt”? Especially if all the mushrooms found are not only strong and clean, but also large. However, experts constantly warn about the dangers of eating such specimens.

It turns out that mushrooms are able to unusually quickly accumulate toxic products, which the nature of the planet is rich in today thanks to human activity. In addition, it is impossible to say exactly what influenced the growth of the familiar fungus. Most likely it was a mutation. It is not known what reaction of the body will lead to dinner with such beauties.

Of course the most big mushrooms are not always classified as edible. Sometimes, they become a real decoration. national reserves, and many people specially come to look at the forest miracle. For example, in Oregon, the USA is located national park Mahler, in which anyone can see the mushroom Armilaria ostoyae, the size of which is comparable to 1220 football fields. Scientists believe that the fungus has existed in this world for about 2,400 years.

A really huge edible mushroom was discovered in Canada by Jean Guy Richard. The circumference of Calvatia gigantean, an ordinary raincoat, was 2.4 meters, and the weight was 22 kilograms. This is not the only case in the world of finding mushrooms with extraordinary sizes.

Often, Mexicans are lucky for such surprises. Back in 2007, in the state of Chiaps, a mushroom was found on the territory of coffee plantations, whose length was 60 cm, and its weight reached 20 kilograms. Also, a no less curious specimen with approximately the same weight was soon discovered on a coffee plantation. The Mexican biologist himself was surprised by his find. I wonder what kind of fertilizers planters in Mexico pour into the soil, if real giants often grow on their lands.

In Italy, a kind of record was also recorded. A huge champignon, weighing about 14 kilograms, was found in the province of Baria by a certain Francesco Quito. To transport the handsome man home, the mushroom picker needed to use a car. The size of the forest gift turned out to be so impressive. By the way, in Italy, mushrooms are quite expensive, so you can earn great money on such a find. However, many mushroom pickers prefer to eat their “prey” themselves, despite the opportunity to strengthen their financial position. This happened to the "mushroom hunter" - an Italian who brought home a truffle weighing 7 kilograms. The family could not eat the handsome man on their own and arranged a real feast for the neighbors, frying an appetizing mushroom.

Large mushrooms are periodically found in all parts of the world. These findings are the subject of discussion long years and an example for subsequent mushroom pickers. Everyone wants to prove that luck is on their side. Probably, the mushroom, whose weight was 2 kilograms, will not be constantly mentioned in the world press. However, for the inhabitants of the English county of Staffordshire, such a large mushroom came as a surprise. It was discovered by a young girl in 2011. The size of the mushroom in diameter was 47 cm.

Terri Hodson Walker, 25 years old, became a local celebrity after this incident. She owns land and often sees large mushrooms. However, so far she has not come across anything that could be compared with her giant find, although she often finds large mushrooms on her lands. Terry believes that in fact, many mushrooms could grow to such a size. Apparently, they simply do not have time to do this, since wild animals love to feast on young mushrooms. In addition, the delicate structure of mushrooms is very susceptible to the influence of adverse factors.

Be that as it may, the discovery of truly impressive mushrooms is relatively rare. It is not surprising that the "hunter" who is lucky seeks to announce his luck to the whole world.

You can relax in different ways. For some, this is reading a book or watching a long-awaited movie, for someone, a picnic with noise, barbecue. Somewhat apart are people who prefer interesting, if you're lucky, and profitable to spend time in nature. Hunting for animals and / or birds, fishing, picking mushrooms. The last type of active pastime in the forest always has its fans. It's enough for someone to love autumn forest, breathing fresh air, someone definitely needs to find the largest mushroom in the world to surprise everyone, hang their photo with a miracle of nature in their hands. , which both neophytes and experienced mushroom pickers can count on when going for a quiet hunt.

Giants of Russia

Speaking of picking mushrooms, of course, most people mean unconditionally edible mushrooms that have a familiar shape, color and delicious smell, and not those varieties that frighten them with their very appearance, and they must be cooked with the care of a chef from Japan who conjures over puffer fish.

First of all, these are mushrooms, whose names are familiar from childhood, and the experience of collecting goes back centuries:

  • Boletus. The most recent described case of finding a giant specimen, about which there was a short TV report on the Rossiya TV channel, occurred in 2011 in the Omsk region. A mushroom picker with considerable experience, Alexei Korol, found a mushroom with a cap diameter of 36 cm. The height of the giant's legs is 28 cm, and the weight is 2.4 kg. I was especially surprised and pleased in the find that it turned out to be not wormy.

  • A milk mushroom, which many mushroom pickers consider the only one worthy for pickling. Mentions about the methods of harvesting can be found even in the monastic chronicles. By the way, in the West it is considered inedible. The mushroom is very dense, so even with small sizes it is quite weighty. Unfortunately, there were no reliable facts about the record load. It is only known that the hat is 25 cm in diameter, almost a kilogram weight is not the limit for it.

  • Ginger. The second most important mushroom for pickling, but it also tastes great when fried. You can also salt it and bake it on a fire right in the forest. A hat of 20 cm, weight of about 0.5 kg is the limit for an edible specimen, which no one has ever treated to a mushroom picker.
  • Butter dish. Those who have ever tasted the taste of butter fried with onions, potatoes, are happy to collect them in clean coniferous forests. This mushroom is not striking in size. Unfortunately, it is highly valued not only by people, but also by forest dwellers, from worms to squirrels. Therefore, you should not wait for record sizes, but send the butterflies into a basket.
  • White mushroom or boletus - the dream of many, king Russian forests. The mushroom is very dense, with a rich (even dried) smell. There is information about the discovery in 1961 in forest near Moscow porcini mushroom with a 60-centimeter hat, weighing about 11 kg, which is impressive. Today it is the largest porcini in the world, but nothing lasts forever, and new record waiting for its lucky owner.

Few facts:

  • Mushrooms are living organisms, not lower plants, as previously thought. At the same time, they combine some features of animals and plants.
  • There are over 100 thousand various kinds, of which for lovers silent hunting are of interest to macromycetes.
  • These are mushrooms with massive fruiting bodies, which are so nice to put in a basket - cap mushrooms. They also include raincoats, polypore mushrooms, which, as they say, are not for everybody. A separate species, a variety of mushrooms "macromycete", as they like to thoughtlessly sign a find on many photographs, does not exist.
  • Of all the rest, for lovers of forest walks, only the medicinal birch mushroom is of interest - chaga, which is easy to find; yeast, on which dough for pies was started on the road; tea mushroom, which gives a sour drink that perfectly quenches thirst after a quiet hunt.
  • All hat mushrooms, which are of the greatest interest to the mushroom picker, scientists divide into two more groups: basidial and marsupials.
  • For example, white, boletus, mushroom, oiler, honey agaric, camelina are basidial, and the famous truffle and mushrooms with unpleasant names: morel, line - are marsupial mushrooms.

Miracles on a global scale

News of foreign achievements in the search for record mushrooms is also interesting, although often causes mixed feelings. But first things first, immediately discarding the “information” with the explicit use of Photoshop about “macromycetes” found all over the world with multi-meter legs, hats, weighing hundreds of kilograms:

  • Truffle. Very tasty, the most appreciated by gourmets, a mushroom weighing 7 kg was found in southern Italy. A real record.

  • Lingzhi or varnished tinder fungus. A 7.5 kg specimen was found in China. Grows in Russia - in a warm climate Black Sea coast Caucasus. Given that this medicine traditional medicine, on appearance little different from birch chaga, with nutritional value equal to zero, it is unlikely that he should be included in the number of contenders for victory.

  • Champignon. Found in Italy, a copy weighing 14 kg.
  • Raincoats of huge sizes - from 0.5 to 1.72 (!) m in diameter, found from Russia, Great Britain to Canada. Since the food taste value of this bag of spores is very conditional, and, according to the Russian "table of ranks", among edible mushrooms it is assigned to the 4th, last category (little-known, rarely collected), it is hardly worth considering these giants as successful finds that shocked the world.

If we agree with the Guinness Book of Records, then the first place was taken by the Americans, who accidentally discovered a giant mycelium that had lived quietly before that for 2500 years, slowly destroying a relict forest in Oregon on an area of ​​​​880 (!) Ha, having on the surface only small fruits a few centimeters in size.

Armed with the latest achievements of American propaganda, they awarded him the title of "the largest mushroom in the world" and now rest on their laurels, and the mass of sites trustingly copies the amazing, exciting story about this "macromycete". It seems that with the same success the largest mushroom can be considered what is located under Belovezhskaya Pushcha in Belarus, Siberian or Far Eastern taiga. Then the scale of the records will reach a new, unprecedented level in the United States.

In China, scientists have found the largest fungus, which belongs to the tinder fungus (F. Ellipsoidea). The weight of its fruiting body is approximately 500 kg, the macromycete reaches a length of about 10 meters, and a width of about 80 cm. preliminary estimates and is at least 20 years old. It contains 450 million spores.

Polypores are fungi that grow on wood and soil. Outwardly, they differ from the "classical" macromycetes. fruit bodies they are usually rigid and flat plates. Discovered in China, the largest one grew underground for a long time, so it remained hidden from view. This allowed the macromycete to grow to such a huge size. Scientists who found the mushroom say that there are a lot of tinder fungi in that area, but no one has ever found such giant specimens before. They claim they were just studying local macromycetes and accidentally stumbled upon a strange brown mound. Upon closer examination, it turned out to be a huge tinder fungus.

However, biologists discovered the largest mushroom in the world in the relict forests of the United States. It is considered the largest living being on the planet. However, if the reader imagines a mushroom the size of a cottage, then he will be disappointed. Macromycete honey or dark honey agaric (Armillaria ostoyae) fits easily in the hand and is not too remarkable. It's all about the area of ​​mycelium, which has grown through the Oregon forests for about 2500 years, destroying the root systems of trees in its path. Therefore, the mushroom is considered a monster. Its mycelium, which is a single organism, occupied 880 hectares of one of national parks in Oregon. Its tentacles are located underground and entangle a territory equal in size to 1665. Therefore, this macromycete is considered the largest on the planet.

Of course, many will be interested in the question, is it possible to eat the largest mushroom? Oregon biologist Tina Dreisbach claims that honey agaric is edible. However, she would not advise eating a "monster". Tina says that although the mushroom is called honey, it does not taste sweet at all, and you can only eat it with a lot of garlic and butter.

For American biologists now main task is to learn to control the growth of macromycete mycelium. Because the largest mushrooms in the world, like honey agaric, can wipe out entire forests. The problem also lies in the fact that macromycete has been developing for more than one thousand years. naturally. Therefore, interrupting its development can negatively affect the ecosystem of the Oregon forests. Scientists are still studying the body and trying to predict the consequences of any action. A photo of the largest mushroom can be seen in this article.

If we talk about traditional macromycetes in the usual sense, then the leader in size can be called Macrocybe Titans, which grows in the Caribbean countries and the USA. In one of the southern Mexican states, a specimen was found in 2007, weighing 20 kg and about 70 cm high. However, this find is not the only one. In 2005, a mushroom was found in the United States, the weight of which was as much as 28 kilograms. Such large sizes make this macromycete the object of close attention of the scientific community.

Mushrooms are the wealth that nature itself gives us. If a earlier mushrooms belonged only to plants, now they contain both signs of plants and animals. Every avid mushroom picker dreams of finding the largest white mushroom. There is different types white mushrooms. There are some of them that you can't eat.


So by what signs can you determine that you have found a white mushroom? Let's start with the hat. It is cushion-shaped, almost white. In diameter, it is up to approximately 20 cm. After rain, it will be slippery to the touch and slightly stick to your hands. The hymenophore will be tubular. The tubes are located very tightly, so when pressed, they can turn blue.

White mushroom is also called the king of all mushrooms. First of all, because of its taste and size. The porcini mushroom has another name - boletus, or it is also called a cow. So why is it called white? The answer is simple. If you cut it, dry it or cook it. It will not change its color. All other mushrooms may take on a brown color, or even turn black. It is valued for its unique nutrients.

Karelian miracle

In 2014, the Davydovs met a real giant. In the Karelian forest they found a porcini mushroom of incredible size. According to mushroom pickers, it was already slightly spoiled by insects, but even in this form it looked very impressive.

Dangerous porcini mushroom

Of the fairly large variety of porcini mushrooms, there is one that should never be consumed. It is called the "satanic" porcini mushroom. These are extremely dangerous mushrooms. The diameter of the cap sometimes reaches 30 cm. If you cut it, you will see that it may turn slightly blue. They have, especially old mushrooms, an extremely unpleasant smell.

It may resemble a rotten onion or smell like carrion. But in some countries, for example, in the Czech Republic and France, it is considered conditionally edible. You can cook it, but first it is soaked and boiled for a very long time (10 hours). After prolonged processing, it loses its taste and becomes inedible.

White mushroom from the Suzdal forest

Autumn is considered the most mushroom time. But you can collect them and not only in the fall. Mushrooms such as white mushrooms, and many others, begin to appear as early as the beginning of June. But this is all approximate, it all depends on what the weather will be like.

Most good time for a trip to the forest for mushrooms - this is 5 days after the rain. During this time, the mushroom should grow. If it is summer time and it will be very hot outside, then better mushrooms search under the trees. That is where they will hide. White mushrooms love a lot of moisture. In dry weather it is very difficult to find them.

A resident of Vladimir managed to find a specimen weighing 2 kg. According to the happy owner of this miracle, the white mushroom was up to his knee and the diameter of the cap was about 30 cm.

But not only do porcini mushrooms love rain, but also that the soil temperature be from 15-18 degrees. All mushrooms, as well as porcini, should be sought in the forest. If you see an anthill or a fern, then this is a clear sign that there are porcini mushrooms somewhere nearby. They also grow in spruce and pine forests. The largest mushrooms grow there. If you find such, then in no case do not pull it out. Take a knife and cut. In the future, new mushrooms will grow on the mycelium.

The gift of the Polish forest

A resident of the Polish town of Bydgoszcz was incredibly lucky, a man found a porcini mushroom weighing 3 kg. The diameter of the hat of this handsome man is about 40 cm. It happened in 2013. What is further fate the Polish record holder can only be guessed at. The mushroom picker himself claimed in an interview with a local newspaper that he plans to freeze his find and cook a special Christmas dish out of it.

record holders

Giant mushrooms can be quite edible. One of these was a porcini mushroom found in the Moscow region. Its size will surely cause the envy of seasoned mushroom pickers. Its weight reached 11 kg, and the diameter of its hat was 58 cm. The find became known in 1961. It was announced on the radio live. Unfortunately, exact location its discovery is not known, and it is almost impossible to find a photograph on the Internet.

Fans of "quiet hunting" who find such giant mushrooms do not understand how valuable they are. They just eat their find. If you find such a mushroom, then it is better to give it for research, it is clear that, most likely, no one will return it to you back, and you will not taste it anymore. But you can go down in history as the man who found the largest white mushroom in the world.

Today, on the Internet, many mushroom pickers post their videos and photos of large and small, beautiful and slightly ugly mushrooms found. This is a representative of the Carpathian forest, which was found in 2015. The exact weight of the giant is unknown, but it is assumed that he is in no way inferior to his Polish competitor.

There are many very interesting and entertaining things about mushrooms. For example, in Japan, biologists made an amazing statement that mushrooms can think and remember, and the mycelium, for its uniqueness, is called the underground “Internet”.

The most interesting thing is that the mycelium itself grows endlessly, sometimes reaching enormous sizes. 10 years ago, a mushroom net was found in one of the US states, it stretched underground for almost 900 hectares, which is equal to approximately 1800 football fields. Knowing that the mycelium is the vegetative body of the fungus, we can say that the discovered find is the largest mushroom in the world.