Cribs on veterinary and sanitary examination - Veterinary marking of meat. Veterinary branding

Instructions of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 1994 on veterinary branding of meat

1. General provisions

the second pair of numbers is assigned by the chief state inspectors of the republics within the Russian Federation, autonomous entities, territories, regions;

the third pair of numbers is assigned by the state veterinary inspector of the district (city).

The main state veterinary inspectors of the republics within the Russian Federation, autonomous entities, territories, regions are represented by the Veterinary Department of the Ministry agriculture and food of the Russian Federation, a list of new veterinary brands and stamps in accordance with paragraphs. 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 of this instruction.

3. The procedure for branding meat and offal

3.1. The veterinary mark or stamp is placed on the meat of all types of animals in the following order:

For meat carcasses and half-carcasses - one in the area of ​​each shoulder blade and thigh;

For each quarter, pieces of lard - one brand;

On the heart, tongue, lungs, liver, kidneys, head - one mark each (required for laboratory veterinary examination);

Two marks are placed on the carcasses of rabbits and nutria; one each in the area of ​​the shoulder blade and on the outer side of the thigh;

In veterinary examination laboratories, poultry carcasses are marked with one mark on the neck or outer surface of the thigh (game is marked in a similar way);

At meat and poultry plants, poultry plants and poultry farms, an electric mark is placed on the outer surface of the lower leg: for carcasses of chickens, chickens, ducklings, guinea fowl - on one leg; for carcasses of ducks, goslings, geese, poults and turkeys - on both legs;

Poultry carcasses subject to industrial processing are marked with a “p” electrical mark on the back.

Meat of horses, camels, deer, bears, donkeys, mules, which has passed veterinary examination, is branded with a veterinary brand and an additional stamp is placed next to it in accordance with clause 2.5 of these instructions.

They do not put a stamp on the raw fat, but stick several labels with an imprint of the veterinary brand.

3.2. Meat and animal by-products obtained under conditions precluding full list veterinary and sanitary examinations, are branded with a rectangular stamp “Preliminary inspection” and sent to one of the state veterinary institutions or enterprises for veterinary sanitary examination in full.

3.3. Meat and offal that are to be released only after neutralization and sent for processing into sausages and other products must only be affixed with a veterinary stamp indicating the method of neutralization or diagnosis, and an oval stamp should not be placed.

3.4. In addition to the veterinary mark, boar meat is stamped with the stamp “Boar PP” (the letters “PP” indicate industrial processing).

3.5. Several labels with imprints of veterinary stamps are glued onto the container with the carcasses of poultry to be neutralized, indicating, according to the rules of veterinary examination of meat and meat products, the method of neutralization: “Cooking”, “For canning”, etc.

3.6. On carcasses (carcasses) of all types of animals (including birds and rabbits), recognized by the results of a veterinary and sanitary examination as unsuitable for food purposes, at least 3 - 4 imprints of a veterinary stamp with the inscription “Scrap” are placed.

3.7. Meat that has changed its veterinary and sanitary characteristics as a result of violation of storage or transportation conditions is subject to repeated veterinary examination and re-labeling with stamps in accordance with paragraphs. 2.4. and 3.1. of these instructions with the preliminary removal of oval stamp imprints.


Meat and by-products of all types of slaughtered and wild animals, as well as poultry, are subject to mandatory branding with veterinary brands and stamps in accordance with the regulatory document “Instructions for veterinary branding of meat” (approved by the State Administration of Internal Affairs, 1992).

Meat and offal are branded with large and small oval brands. The presence of an oval mark on slaughter products indicates that they have passed the veterinary and sanitary examination in full. Only veterinarians and veterinary paramedics working in organizations and institutions of the state veterinary network have the right to carry out oval branding. First they must mandatory undergo commission certification on theoretical and practical issues of veterinary sanitary examination and obtain official permission from the state veterinary inspector of the district or city.

Veterinary specialists of other organizations and institutions, when conducting a veterinary examination of slaughter products obtained at slaughterhouses, at door-to-door slaughter or at slaughter points (sites), brand with the mark “Preliminary inspection”. When these slaughter products enter food markets or meat processing plants, sausage factories, or sausage shops, this mark does not give the right to sell the products without a full veterinary examination. The veterinarian (paramedic) of these enterprises is obliged to conduct a more thorough veterinary examination of the products in full and put an oval stamp.

Veterinary brands and stamps are made from bronze or other stainless metal with the written permission of the state veterinary inspector of the district (city). Veterinary stamps can be made from rubber.

Lists of veterinarians and veterinary paramedics who are given the right to brand meat and offal are approved by the chief state veterinary inspector of the republic, territory or region, as well as Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Veterinary branding carried out only after a veterinary and sanitary examination of slaughter products. For branding, paints approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities are used.

Recipe No. 1

Methyl violet - 8.0 g

Formalin - 80.0 ml

Ether - 120.0 ml

Ethyl alcohol (rectified technical alcohol is allowed according to GOST 18300-87) - 800.0 ml

Recipe No. 2

Beetroot paste with dry matter content 40-65% - 750 ml

2% aqueous solution tetramethylthione chloride (methylene blue) - 50.0 ml

Ethyl alcohol - 200.0 ml

Food coloring made according to recipe No. 2 is intended only for marking meat used for industrial processing (PP) inside the enterprise in a steamed and chilled state.

The oval-shaped veterinary mark has three pairs of numbers in the center: the first pair is the serial number of the republic, region or region, Moscow and St. Petersburg; the second pair is the serial number of the district or city; the third pair is the serial number of the organization or institution in which the branding takes place.

In veterinary brands and stamps, the first pair of numbers is assigned by the governing veterinary authority of the country; the second pair - the chief state veterinary inspector of the republic, territory or region; the third pair is the state veterinary inspector of the district or city.

An oval-shaped veterinary stamp confirms that the veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and offal has been carried out in full and that these products are released for food purposes without restrictions.

The oval mark can be large or small. Carcasses, half-carcasses, and quarters of large animals are branded with a large brand. Rabbit meat, poultry and offal are branded with a small oval brand.

Meat to be rendered harmless is only given a veterinary stamp indicating the order of its use (for example, “For boiled sausage,” “For canned food,” etc.).

The rectangular veterinary mark has similar three pairs of numbers. It only confirms that the meat was obtained from slaughtered animals that underwent pre-slaughter and post-slaughter inspection (horses were examined for glanders while alive) and were killed on farms free from quarantine diseases. This mark does not give the right to sell meat and offal without restrictions, since an additional veterinary examination in full is required. Only after this an oval-shaped stamp is placed. Electric branding is used in poultry plants and poultry farms. The electromark does not have a rim, it has numbers - 1 or 2 (depending on the fatness category. This mark is placed on the outer side of the bird's leg. When packing carcasses in bags made of polymer film Labeling of the type and category of poultry meat is carried out using printed labels. Labels are glued directly to the bags.

Rectangular veterinary stamps have the inscription “Veterinary Service” at the top, and in the center - a designation of the type of neutralization. At the bottom of these stamps there are three pairs of numbers that indicate the same thing as in veterinary stamps.

There are additional rectangular stamps that have the type of meat in the center: “Horse meat”, “Venison”, “Bear meat”, “Camel meat”, etc.

When branding, the veterinary specialist pays attention to the fact that veterinary brands and stamps are clearly visible, and that the text and numbers can be easily read.

    Appendix No. 1. Samples of veterinary brands and stamps for branding meat and meat products (offal) Appendix No. 2. List of numbers for veterinary brands, stamps in the republics of the Russian Federation, territories and regions, assigned by the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

With changes and additions from:

1. General provisions

1.1. Meat and meat products (by-products) of all types of agricultural and wild animals, including poultry, are subject to mandatory branding with veterinary brands and stamps in accordance with the requirements of these instructions.

1.2. Branding of meat and meat products with an oval brand is carried out by veterinarians and veterinary paramedics who are on staff of organizations and institutions of the state veterinary network, who have necessarily passed a commission, with the participation of a representative of the state veterinary inspection of the republic within Russia, the territory, the region, certification on practical and theoretical issues of veterinary and sanitary examinations received official permission state veterinarian of the district (city). Veterinarians and veterinary paramedics of other organizations and institutions, when conducting a veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and meat products obtained during door-to-door slaughter and at slaughter stations and sent for processing to meat processing plants (workshops, factories) or sale in markets under the control of the state veterinary service, are branded with the mark “Preliminary inspection".

1.3. Veterinary brands and stamps are made in the prescribed manner with the written permission of the state veterinary inspector of the district (city) from bronze or other stainless metal, established shapes and sizes with a deeply cut rim, numbers and letters in order to obtain a clear imprint on the surface of the meat. Veterinary stamps can be made from rubber.

1.4. Lists of veterinary doctors and veterinary paramedics who have been granted the right to brand meat and have been issued permission to produce veterinary brands and stamps are approved by the chief state veterinary inspectors of the republics of the Russian Federation, autonomous entities, territories, regions, and the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

1.5. Meat branding is carried out only after a veterinary and sanitary examination.

1.6. Brands are stored by a veterinarian (veterinarian), who has received the right to brand meat, under conditions that completely exclude their unauthorized use.

2. Veterinary brands and veterinary stamps

2.1. To brand meat, veterinary brands and stamps on the suitability of meat for food are installed in accordance with their description in Appendix 1 of these instructions.

2.2. The oval-shaped veterinary mark has three pairs of numbers in the center, the first of which indicates the serial number of the republic within the Russian Federation, autonomous entity, territory, region, cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg; the second is the serial number of the district (city) and the third is the serial number of the institution, organization, enterprise. At the top of the stamp there is the inscription " Russian Federation", and at the bottom - "Gosvetnadzor". The oval veterinary mark confirms that the veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and meat products has been carried out in full and the product is released for food purposes without restrictions.

Meat subject to neutralization is only affixed with a veterinary stamp indicating the procedure for using the meat in accordance with current veterinary and sanitary or sanitary standards and rules.

2.3. The rectangular veterinary stamp has the inscription “Veterinary Service” at the top, “Preliminary examination” in the center, and three pairs of numbers at the bottom: the first indicates the serial number of the republic within the Russian Federation, an autonomous entity, territory, region, the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg; the second is the serial number of the district (city) and the third is the serial number of the institution, organization, enterprise. The rectangular stamp “Preliminary inspection” confirms that the meat was obtained from slaughter animals that have undergone pre-slaughter and post-mortem inspection (horses were examined during life for glanders) and killed in farms that are free from quarantine diseases, but this branding does not give the right to sell meat without a veterinary examination in full.

2.4. Rectangular veterinary stamps have the inscription “Veterinary Service” at the top, and in the center the designation of the type of disinfection: “Cooked”, “For boiled sausage”, “For meat loaves”, “For canned food”, “For melting” (fat, lard), “Foot and mouth disease” ", "Finnosis", "Tuberculosis", "Scrap"; below are three pairs of numbers: the first indicates the serial number of the republic within the Russian Federation, autonomous entity, territory, region, cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg; the second is the serial number of the district (city) and the third is the serial number of the institution, organization, enterprise.

2.5. Additional rectangular stamps have in the center the designation of meat of the animal species: “Horse meat”. “Camel meat”, “Venison”, “Bear meat”, etc.

2.6. For branding offal, rabbit meat and poultry, an oval-shaped veterinary brand is used, as indicated in paragraph 2.2 of these instructions, but of a smaller size.

At meat and poultry plants and poultry factories, you can use an electric brand without a rim with the numbers 1 or 2 (depending on the category), which is placed on the outer side of the bird’s shin.

When packing carcasses in plastic film bags, the type and category of poultry meat is marked directly on the bags using a printing method.

2.7. In veterinary brands and stamps, the first pair of numbers is assigned by the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (the numbers are indicated in Appendix 2);

the second pair of numbers is assigned by the chief state inspectors of the republics within the Russian Federation, autonomous entities, territories, regions;

the third pair of numbers is assigned by the state veterinary inspector of the district (city).

The chief state veterinary inspectors of the republics of the Russian Federation, autonomous entities, territories, regions submit to the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation a list of new veterinary brands and stamps in accordance with paragraphs. 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 of this instruction.

3. The procedure for branding meat and offal

3.1. The veterinary mark or stamp is placed on the meat of all types of animals in the following order:

For meat carcasses and half-carcasses - one in the area of ​​each shoulder blade and thigh;

For each quarter, pieces of lard - one brand;

On the heart, tongue, lungs, liver, kidneys, head - one mark each (required for laboratory veterinary examination);

Two marks are placed on the carcasses of rabbits and nutria; one each in the area of ​​the shoulder blade and on the outer side of the thigh;

In veterinary examination laboratories, poultry carcasses are marked with one mark on the neck or outer surface of the thigh (game is marked in a similar way);

At meat and poultry plants, poultry plants and poultry farms, an electric mark is placed on the outer surface of the lower leg: for carcasses of chickens, chickens, ducklings, guinea fowl - on one leg; for carcasses of ducks, goslings, geese, poults and turkeys - on both legs;

Poultry carcasses subject to industrial processing are marked with an electric mark “p” in the back area.

Meat of horses, camels, deer, bears, donkeys, mules, which has passed veterinary examination, is branded with a veterinary brand and an additional stamp is placed next to it in accordance with clause 2.5 of these instructions.

They do not put a stamp on the raw fat, but stick several labels with an imprint of the veterinary brand.

3.2. Meat and animal by-products obtained under conditions that preclude a full list of veterinary and sanitary examinations are branded with a rectangular stamp “Preliminary inspection” and sent to one of the state veterinary institutions or enterprises for a full veterinary examination.

3.3. Meat and offal that are to be released only after neutralization and sent for processing into sausages and other products must only be affixed with a veterinary stamp indicating the method of neutralization or diagnosis, and an oval stamp should not be placed.

3.4. In addition to the veterinary mark, boar meat is stamped with the stamp “Boar PP” (the letters “PP” indicate industrial processing).

3.5. Several labels with imprints of veterinary stamps are glued onto the container with poultry carcasses to be neutralized, indicating, according to the rules of veterinary examination of meat and meat products, the method of neutralization: “Cooking”, “For canning”, etc. 4.1. Veterinary specialists who have received the right to brand are responsible for the veterinary and sanitary assessment of meat in the prescribed manner.

4.2. Responsibility for implementing the instructions rests with the heads of farms, enterprises and organizations involved in the slaughter of animals and the processing of their slaughter products, refrigerators, cold storage plants and transport services, as well as with citizens who own livestock.

4.3. This instruction is mandatory for all veterinary specialists, heads of farms, enterprises and organizations for processing livestock and poultry, markets and refrigerators, regardless of ownership, all ministries and departments without exception, as well as citizens.

4.4. Trade enterprises and catering, regardless of their departmental subordination and forms of ownership, it is permitted to accept, process and sell meat in carcasses, half-carcasses, quarters, only if it has an oval veterinary mark and is accompanied by a veterinary certificate (certificate).

4.5. Control over the implementation of the instructions is entrusted to the state veterinary supervision authorities.

Instructions for branding meat, approved by the Ministry of Meat and Milk Industry of the USSR and the Glavvetuprom of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR on 04/08/71 (with amendments and additions from 1977), from the date of entry into force of this instruction in the part defining the procedure for veterinary assessment and veterinary branding of meat on the territory of the Russian Federation does not apply.

Registration No. 575

Meat and offal of all types of slaughtered and wild animals, as well as poultry, are subject to mandatory branding with veterinary brands and stamps in accordance with the regulatory document “Instructions for veterinary branding of meat” (approved by the State Administration of Internal Affairs, 1992).

Meat and offal are branded with large and small oval brands. The presence of an oval mark on slaughter products indicates that they have passed the veterinary and sanitary examination in full. Only veterinarians and veterinary paramedics working in organizations and institutions of the state veterinary network have the right to carry out oval branding. Previously, they must necessarily undergo commission certification on theoretical and practical issues of veterinary sanitary examination and obtain official permission from the state veterinary inspector of the district or city.

Veterinary specialists of other organizations and institutions, when conducting a veterinary examination of slaughter products obtained at slaughterhouses, at door-to-door slaughter or at slaughter points (sites), brand with the mark “Preliminary inspection”. When these slaughter products enter food markets or meat processing plants, sausage factories, or sausage shops, this mark does not give the right to sell the products without a full veterinary examination. The veterinarian (paramedic) of these enterprises is obliged to conduct a more thorough veterinary examination of the products in full and put an oval stamp.

Veterinary brands and stamps are made from bronze or other stainless metal with the written permission of the state veterinary inspector of the district (city). Veterinary stamps can be made from rubber.

Lists of veterinarians and veterinary paramedics who are given the right to brand meat and offal are approved by the chief state veterinary inspector of the republic, territory or region, as well as Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Veterinary branding is carried out only after a veterinary and sanitary examination of slaughter products. For branding, paints approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities are used.

Recipes for dyes for marking meat.

Recipe No. 1.

Methyl violet -- 8.0 g.

Formalin -- 80.0 ml.

Ether -- 120.0 ml.

Ethyl alcohol (rectified technical alcohol is allowed according to GOST 18300-87) -- 800.0 ml

Recipe No. 2.

Beetroot paste with a dry matter content of 40-65% - 750 ml.

2% aqueous solution of tetramethylthione chloride (methylene blue) - 50.0 ml.

Ethyl alcohol - 200.0 ml.

Food coloring made according to recipe No. 2 is intended only for marking meat used for industrial processing (PP) inside the enterprise in a steamed and chilled state.

The oval-shaped veterinary mark has three pairs of numbers in the center: the first pair is the serial number of the republic, region or region, Moscow and St. Petersburg; the second pair is the serial number of the district or city; the third pair is the serial number of the organization or institution in which the branding takes place.

In veterinary brands and stamps, the first pair of numbers is assigned by the governing veterinary authority of the country; the second pair - the chief state veterinary inspector of the republic, territory or region; the third pair is the state veterinary inspector of the district or city.

An oval-shaped veterinary stamp confirms that the veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and offal has been carried out in full and that these products are released for food purposes without restrictions.

The oval mark can be large or small. Carcasses, half-carcasses, and quarters of large animals are branded with a large brand. Rabbit meat, poultry and offal are branded with a small oval brand.

Meat to be rendered harmless is only given a veterinary stamp indicating the order of its use (for example, “For boiled sausage,” “For canned food,” etc.).

The rectangular veterinary mark has similar three pairs of numbers. It only confirms that the meat was obtained from slaughtered animals that underwent pre-slaughter and post-slaughter inspection (horses were examined for glanders while alive) and were killed on farms free from quarantine diseases. This mark does not give the right to sell meat and offal without restrictions, since an additional veterinary examination in full is required. Only after this an oval-shaped stamp is placed.

Electric branding is used in poultry plants and poultry farms. The electromark does not have a rim, but only numbers - 1 or 2 (depending on the fatness category). This mark is placed on the outside of the bird's shin. When packing carcasses in plastic film bags, the type and category of poultry meat is marked using printed labels. Labels are glued directly to the bags.

Rectangular veterinary stamps have the inscription “Vet. service”, and in the center - a designation of the type of neutralization. At the bottom of these stamps there are three pairs of numbers that indicate the same thing as in veterinary stamps.

There are additional rectangular stamps that have the type of meat in the center: “Horse meat”, “Venison”, “Bear meat”, “Camel meat”, etc.

When branding, the veterinary specialist pays attention to the fact that veterinary brands and stamps are clearly visible, and that the text and numbers can be easily read.

Meat branding is the most important operation in the acceptance and slaughter of farm animals, wild animals and birds. Meat branding is carried out on the basis of the “Instructions for Veterinary Branding of Meat” approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation on April 28, 1994; meat branding is carried out by full-time veterinarians and paramedics of GOSVETNADZOR.

Oval veterinary mark

The veterinary mark has an oval shape in the center of which there are three pairs of numbers (11-22-33), where 11 indicates the serial number (edge, region) within the Russian Federation; 22 - serial number of the district or city; 33 - serial number of an institution, organization or enterprise. At the top of the stamp there is the inscription “Russian Federation”, at the bottom “Gosvetnadzor”.

This mark confirms that a complete veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and meat products has been carried out, and allows the processing of meat and meat products for food purposes.

Rectangular veterinary stamp

A rectangular veterinary stamp that has the inscription “VETSERVICE” at the top, the inscription “PRELIMINARY INSPECTION” in the center, and at the bottom of the stamp there are three pairs of numbers with exactly the same meaning as the oval veterinary stamp. Unlike the oval veterinary mark, this mark has a different meaning - the veterinarian confirms that the meat was obtained from slaughtered animals that have undergone pre-slaughter and post-slaughter inspection and were killed at a slaughter point in a quarantine disease-free zone. This mark does not give the right to sell and process meat without a full veterinary and sanitary examination.

Veterinary stamp

The veterinary stamp has rectangular shape. At the top there is the inscription “VETSERVICE”, at the bottom of the stamp there are three pairs of numbers, with the same meaning as the veterinary stamp, and in the center special conditions for processing or disposal are indicated (“For canned food”, “For meat loaves”, “Tuberculosis”, “Production”, “Scrap”, etc.).

Scheme for applying a veterinary mark or stamp on meat and meat products of slaughtered animals:

For meat carcasses or half-carcasses - one in the area of ​​each shoulder blade and thigh;

For each quarter, pieces of bacon - one brand;

Each offal is marked with one mark;

On rabbit carcasses, one mark is placed on the shoulder part and one on the outer surface of the thigh;

The bird is marked with an electric mark on the outer surface of the lower leg.

To apply a brand and stamp, two types of paint are used:

Purple - it is branded with all types of meat sent for storage and sale.

Red - intended for marking meat intended for industrial processing within the enterprise.

VSE eggs.

During examination at markets, eggs are examined and ovoscoped, and in doubtful cases, some of them are opened and the contents examined. Only fresh, benign eggs with a clean shell, without mechanical damage, with an air chamber (puga) height of no more than 13 mm, with a dense, translucent white and a strong, inconspicuous, central position or slightly movable yolk are allowed for sale.

The contents of the egg must not show signs of spoilage and meet the following requirements: white - clean, viscous, with a well-defined dense layer (a weakened layer is allowed), without turbidity, white or with a slightly greenish tint; yolk - clean, viscous, evenly colored yellow or orange, no foreign odors, embryo without signs of development. Eggs allowed for sale are marked with the designation “Veterinary Inspection”.

Food defective eggs with defects are marked with the mark “Defective” and returned to the owner. Eggs with the defects “cuff”, “big spot”, “krasyuk”, “blood ring” and “mirage” are not returned to the owner, but are disposed of on the spot, for which a report is drawn up.

Sanitary assessment of eggs

Eggs sent from farms to distribution networks or markets are subject to mandatory sanitary and commercial assessment on site. Purchase and removal of eggs from disadvantaged areas infectious diseases farms are allowed only in cases provided for by the relevant instructions. When infectious diseases of poultry are identified on farms, veterinary and sanitary measures are carried out in accordance with current instructions to combat these diseases.

The quality of eggs is determined by external examination and ovoscoping. During an external examination, pay attention to the color, cleanliness and integrity of the shell. It should be clean, solid, with a matte surface. Sometimes the surface of an egg may be contaminated and have defects such as a “notch” (small crack in the shell), “crumpled side” (the surface of the shell is damaged, but the shell membranes are intact). In these cases, the eggs must be sold immediately.

Egg candling is carried out using an ovoscope in a darkened room. A fresh egg appears yellowish (with a white shell) or pinkish-red (with a brown shell) color, with a reddish field in the center (yolk). Ovoscoping makes it possible to determine small cracks, the condition of the white and yolk, the size of the puga (air chamber) and the presence of defects:

Depending on the quality, eggs are divided into edible, incomplete edible and technical defective.

Food grade includes fresh, benign eggs with a clean shell, without mechanical damage, with an air chamber height (puga) of no more than 13 mm; with a dense, translucent, viscous protein (weakened is allowed); with a yolk that is clean, viscous, evenly colored yellow or orange, occupying a central position (displacement is allowed).

Eggs with the following defects are classified as food defects:

“broken” - eggs with a damaged shell without signs of leakage (“notch”, “crumpled side” and “crack”); the height of the air chamber is more than 1/3 of the height of the egg along the major axis;

“pouring” - eggs in which the yolk and white have partially mixed;

“small spot” - eggs with one or more fixed spots under the shell overall size no more than 1/8 of the shell surface;

“large spot” - eggs with one or more fixed spots under the shell with a total size of more than 1/8 of the surface of the shell;

“mirage” - eggs removed from incubators as unfertilized;

presence of foreign matter (blood, worms, solid particles).

Eggs with “cuff” contents are destroyed on site, and those with other defects are sent for processing in feed meal, about which an act is drawn up in the prescribed manner.

Eggs allowed for sale are marked with the designation “Veterinary Inspection” or are issued a veterinary certificate in the established form.

Requirements for egg quality.

According to GOST 27583-88 “Chicken eggs for food”, depending on shelf life and quality, eggs are divided into dietary and table. Dietary eggs include eggs whose shelf life does not exceed 7 days, not counting the day of laying. Table eggs include eggs whose shelf life does not exceed 25 days from the date of sorting, not counting the day of laying, and eggs stored in refrigerators for no more than 120 days. Sorting of eggs at poultry farms is carried out no later than one day after laying.

Eggs are divided into three categories depending on their weight. Based on the condition of the air chamber, yolk and white, eggs must meet the following requirements:

Good-quality eggs weighing less than 45 g cannot be sold in retail chains and markets. They are defined as small and sent for industrial processing.

101. Slaughterhouses and veterinary and sanitary requirements for them.

Processing of animals and their slaughter products is carried out at meat processing plants, meat processing plants, cold storage facilities, slaughterhouses and poultry plants. Regardless of their type, enterprises must produce high-quality and safe products and raw materials and prevent contamination environment, organize your production according to waste-free technology. Veterinary and sanitary requirements are aimed at protecting the health of the population and providing it with quality food products, preventing the spread of diseases among animals, protecting nature and increasing economic efficiency industry.

Meat processing plants are large (I category - with the production of 50 tons of meat or more per shift, II - up to 35 tons), medium (III - up to 20 tons) and small (IV - up to 10 tons and V category up to 5 tons) mechanized enterprises that produce wide range and purpose, processing almost all slaughter products (Fig. 1). Meat processing plants are mainly specialized sausage and canning plants. Slaughterhouses are designed for the slaughter and processing of animals. Meat products are preserved using low temperatures, leather and intestinal raw materials - by salting method.

Slaughterhouses of varying capacity are most common in rural areas. They process animals from 5 to 25 or more tons per shift, produce meat and meat products, and preserve leather and intestinal raw materials. The largest ones have sausage shops. According to the level of equipment technological equipment and veterinary and sanitary criteria, slaughter stations for 25 heads of large cattle to a certain extent meet the requirements for small meat processing plants (category V).

When constructing or reconstructing animal slaughter sites, they are guided by the requirements set out in the Sanitary Design Standards industrial enterprises, Veterinary and sanitary rules for the construction and maintenance of livestock facilities, Sanitary and veterinary requirements for meat industry enterprises.

When designing meat processing plants, the following are taken into account: terrain, groundwater level, wind direction, the possibility of providing a sufficient amount of water and wastewater disinfection, location in relation to other facilities. They determine the interior decoration of workshops, ventilation of premises, their lighting, anti-corrosion resistance of equipment, inventory, etc.

Enterprises are located on the border of buildings or outside the line settlement on the leeward side of residential and public buildings. They must have a sanitary protection zone: the distance from livestock farms must be at least 1000 m, to residential buildings - 500 m. For meat processing enterprises that do not have a pre-slaughter facility for livestock - at least 50 m to the residential area.

To prevent excess moisture in basements and rooms, the most high level The groundwater level should be 1 m below the floors of the basements of buildings. The terrain is designed to be somewhat sloping away from populated areas.

Roads, loading and unloading areas, passages, platforms, open pens, areas of the sanitary block and routes for moving animals are covered with asphalt concrete, which is easily accessible for washing and disinfection. Shrubs and trees whose seeds are not airborne are planted in vacant areas.

The territory of the enterprise is fenced with a continuous fence 2 m high with separate gates for the entry and exit of healthy animals vehicles, for the import of sick animals to the sanitary slaughterhouse, for the entry and exit of transport for finished products. Each gate is equipped with a disinfection barrier.

The entire territory of the enterprise is divided into three main zones: 1) economic, 2) pre-slaughter base with a sanitary block (quarantine, isolation ward and sanitary slaughterhouse) and 3) production, where the main production buildings are located (Fig. 2).

The location of buildings and structures on the territory of the enterprise must ensure the transportation of raw materials and finished products without crossing cargo flows: food products with animals, manure, cany, etc.; healthy animals that have undergone a veterinary and sanitary examination, with infectious diseases.

Sanitary protective gaps are provided between the points of issue and acceptance of food products up to the sanitary block of at least 100 m; from the livestock pens - 25-50 m.

Garbage receptacles are installed on asphalt areas, cleaned daily, followed by disinfection. Garbage receptacles and non-sewered yard latrines are installed no closer than 25 m from production and storage facilities.

The livestock pre-slaughter facility includes platforms for unloading livestock, pens and scales for weighing livestock, a sanitary block, a facility for disinfecting wastewater, a site for collecting manure, and a point for sanitizing vehicles on which livestock is delivered.

The capacity of the quarantine department should be no more than 10% of the daily amount of livestock processed, the isolation room - no more than 1%.

A sanitary slaughterhouse is provided for meat processing plants over 20 tons of meat per shift. At lower power the slaughter of sick animals may be carried out in the slaughterhouse on specially designated days or at the end of the shift after processing healthy animals. At the slaughterhouse, special equipment is installed to disinfect meat.

Production premises food products must be isolated from premises for technical products. They are placed along the way technological process without crossing the flow of finished products with raw materials. Industrial buildings provide premises for veterinary and sanitary services, service personnel, and workers' rest.

When designing a premises for the primary processing of livestock, it is recommended to divide it into “clean” and “dirty” zones. The area for stunning and bleeding of livestock is separated by a partition. Areas for collecting blood, emptying stomachs and forestomachs of contents, and removing cuts from muscle tissue and fat from skins are also separated from the rest of the room by a partition.

To test pork carcasses for trichinosis, a separate room for a trichinelloscopic laboratory is provided in the immediate vicinity of the sampling site.

When processing poultry, care should be taken separate rooms to perform the following operations: hanging, electrical stunning and bleeding of poultry, regeneration of wax mass, production of semi-finished products, sorting and packaging of poultry, primary processing of feather and down raw materials, refrigerator. To process sick poultry, it is necessary to provide a sanitary chamber with throughput 1.5% of daily poultry processing capacity. On livestock and poultry processing lines, workplaces (points) are provided for conducting veterinary and sanitary examinations. The number of veterinary specialists is determined according to the “Standard time standards and standards for the number of specialists in the processes of veterinary inspection of slaughter animals and veterinary and sanitary examination of meat at meat industry enterprises.”

In refrigerator storage rooms, all cargo is placed on pallets, racks, and shelves, the height of which must be at least 8 cm from the floor. To freeze conditionally suitable meat, a chamber with a capacity of more than 5 tons must be provided. Finnish meat can be frozen in a common chamber and stored in a specially designated area.

Meat processing plants must have a production laboratory with chemical, microbiological, histological and radiological departments.

In shops for slaughtering and cutting up carcasses, offal, fat, intestines, semi-finished products, sausages, food albumin and medical preparations, wall panels are covered with tiles or oil paint. The equipment uses stainless steel and polymer materials approved by health authorities at food enterprises. For flooring, cast slabs, acid-resistant bricks, and polymer materials are used. Boning boards are made from polymer materials or hard wood. The corners of reinforced concrete floors in areas where floor-mounted vehicles move are protected from damage by corner steel to a height of 1 m, and in areas where overhead vehicles move - to a height of 2 m.

The design of machines and equipment must provide a convenient approach to them and the possibility of effective sanitization.

In production and auxiliary buildings and premises for each type of work, natural lighting should be optimal - 5 times brighter than the environment. The window area should be at least 30% of the floor area. The lowest illumination for indoor and outdoor areas should be on the floor of the unloading platform, bases for receiving animals and their pre-slaughter housing: with incandescent lamps - 10 lux, gas-discharge lamps - 30 lux, natural light coefficient - 0.1. In the slaughterhouse, 150, 200 and 0.8, respectively. In places of veterinary and sanitary examination, these indicators must correspond to 200 lux, 300 lux and 1.6 KEO.

In order to prevent direct sun rays for meat products and overheating production premises Sun protection devices (blinds, visors) are installed in the windows. Meat and raw materials for sausages are cooled, frozen, and stored in chambers without natural light.

Gas discharge lamps are used indoors at air temperatures not lower than 100C. For general lighting of premises, light sources are placed from above to maximize illumination of work areas.

In workshops for processing raw materials, production and storage meat products lamps are enclosed in protective nets to prevent them from falling out, and incandescent lamps are enclosed in shades to protect them from fragments in the event of their destruction. Emergency lighting is installed in cooling and refrigeration chambers.

Water intended for drinking, sanitary and industrial needs must comply with GOST 2874-82 "Drinking water". In processes not related to food processing, for example, watering the territory, compressor installations, process water can be used.

Wastewater(industrial, household, rainwater) before descending into the reservoir must pass through treatment facilities for biological treatment and subsequent disinfection. Wastewater from a quarantine department, isolation ward, sanitary slaughterhouse, as well as after washing the territory, before being supplied to treatment facilities, is first disinfected in a sump-disinfector.

Air environment in production workshops(temperature, humidity, dust, bacterial contamination) affects the working conditions of people and the sanitary quality of products. It is regulated by a supply and exhaust filter ventilation system and is regulated by “Sanitary Standards”.

Temperature in the main workshops they are maintained at a level of 16-200C relative humidity 65-85%, in rooms for ripening minced meat and in the ham salting shop - from 0 to 40C, in technical production shops - up to 270C with a relative humidity of 60%.

All workers are provided with sanitary equipment (gown or overalls, cap, headscarf or cap, subjected to sanitization) and special (boots or boots, aprons) clothing.

Personnel entering work must undergo medical examination. It is mandatory to acquire knowledge of the sanitary minimum and study the rules of personal hygiene.