Sleep small white worms in the mouth. Why do you dream about Worms? What do grave worms mean?

In reality, worms evoke unpleasant associations. But how to perceive them if you dreamed about them in a dream? An analysis of your sleep and our interpretation recommendations will help answer this question.

Why do you dream about white worms?

IN ordinary life worms white Many people associate them with corpses. Therefore, most people perceive the dream in which these reptiles appeared with alarm. To make the meaning of such a dream clearer, remember the details of the dream. Perhaps not everything is as sad as you perceive it at first.

The classic interpretation of a dream involving white worms implies various disappointments and numerous losses. At the same time we're talking about about anything. This can be not only something material, but even health. The same can be said about money matters. It is especially unfavorable to see white worms on your shoes. This indicates that the problems in your life will drag on.

  • If you dreamed that worms were attacking the body of a stranger and did not touch you, then you would be unpleasantly surprised by some incident or event.
  • Be wary and on the alert, as worms that infect the body in a dream often warn of a pest.
  • If worms in your dream bite your body, then such a dream foreshadows major troubles in your family. Anything awaits you - unfair remarks, reproaches, scandals, and even divorce.
  • Typically, worms gnawing on a body in a dream identify the anxious state of a person’s soul. Most likely, something is bothering you. It could be anxiety or some doubts, unpleasant sad thoughts.

Why do you dream about earthworms?

The appearance of earthworms has an ambiguous interpretation and is interpreted differently by many experts. For example, according to Freud's dream book, earthworms symbolize a change in relationship with a loved one. You need to show more trust and stop suspecting.

Miller's dream book about such a dream says that in the near future there will be minor troubles from loved ones. The esoteric dream book, on the contrary, sees in earthworms a joyful omen of a pleasant trip that will turn out easily and favorably. If you see an earthworm making a passage in the ground, then you will reap a rich harvest if you put your efforts into it.

If you collect earthworms, then in reality you will experience prosperity in business and big profits. In another version, collecting earthworms indicates too much responsibility that you have taken upon yourself.

Why do you dream about little worms?

A favorable dream is in which you managed to destroy small worms by crushing them. It means that you can solve all your problems on your own. problematic issues. This dream is very favorable if it was dreamed by a person who dreams of career growth. In reality, such a person will be able to defeat his competitors and move up the career ladder.

Why do you dream about a lot of worms?

According to Miller's dream book, many worms that crawl over your body or clothes in a dream indicate that you have a morbid addiction to material assets. This desire makes one forget about the values ​​of moral and spiritual plan. In old age, you run the risk of remaining a lonely person.

According to Vanga’s dream book, the accumulation of a large number of worms portends the possibility of falling under the influence of a certain religious sect. You should be careful about your surroundings, because once you get into a sect, you will not be able to leave without outside help.

Hasse's dream book says that a large accumulation of worms portends your opposition to society. You will be forced to justify yourself and prove the righteousness of your actions.

ABOUT positive value such a dream says Slavic dream book. This indicates a rich harvest, career advancement or profit. If worms eat vegetation in a dream, then the dream foreshadows illness and loss of money. But if you kill worms in a dream, then all your problems will be solved.

Representatives of the order Protostomes raise few eyebrows positive emotions, so, having seen a dream with worms, it is better to prepare for some unpleasant surprises.

What to do if you have a nightmare? Leaving aside the physiological side of disturbing dreams, it is not always possible to understand whether this is a prophetic dream or a bizarre experience of past events. Our subconscious, regardless of our desire, reads information, which it then tries to convey to us through sleep or tries to erase an old traumatic situation. Therefore, even if you dreamed of such an unfavorable sign as a worm, there is no need to be discouraged. It is quite possible that the events of the past are being processed and you do not need to fear the future.

Doing oneiromanticism ( prophetic dream Greek), and this is what the interpretation of dreams is called, rely first of all on your feelings in a dream and upon awakening. Even the most unpleasant dream according to interpretation can portend well-being and success if the dream was not painful and frightening, and you woke up cheerful and cheerful. But if you have been tormented by nightmares, then even with the best signs, expect trouble.

Therefore, when deciding why worms are dreamed of, rely not only on dream books, especially since the meanings of dreams in them are very contradictory, but trust yourself and your subconscious.

What does dreaming with worms mean?

For almost all nations of the earth, the worm symbolizes decay, death and earth. The worm also includes such qualities as spinelessness, meanness and weakness. Seeing worms in a dream is a very bad sign. And only if the sleeper destroys or throws off these invertebrates, such a dream is considered positive. This may indicate deliverance from a serious illness, the machinations of enemies, or something else that interferes with life.

However, there are also favorable interpretations of dreams with worms. For example, for a young woman, a dream about an earthworm may suggest the possibility of conceiving a child in the near future. There are interpretations of dreams with worms as symbols of heredity and fertility.

Type and number of worms

The color, number and size of worms matters. For example, one small worm means that one of your enemies wants to harm you, and a whole ball of worms predicts an open attack on you. Open the dream book - worms in dreams often refer to innumerable and powerful enemies.

A large worm can symbolize a greedy and cunning relative who will try to take away your property. So hide your documents and try not to make hasty decisions.

Types of worms in a dream

Towards improvement financial situation I dream about earthworms. Long worm - to long financial well-being, and short to temporary improvement.

If you saw maggots in a dream, then you should be extremely careful in conversations. You talk too much and are too frank. This can serve you badly.

Worm colors

  • White worms seen in a dream mean health problems. But if you see them in a confined space, for example in a bank, then this can be interpreted as an opportunity and desire to harm someone.
  • Red worms can symbolize insidious and powerful enemies who will stealthily upset your plans.
  • Usually green is the color of financial income, but not in the case of green worms. Worms of this color warn you about a new acquaintance with interesting person, who may turn out to be a fraudster or swindler. Be careful.

Sizes and other features of worms seen in a dream

  • Long thin worms are associated with slander and slander. However, they won't do you much harm, so don't be discouraged.
  • Small black worms may indicate a serious illness in someone close to you.
  • Seen in dead in a dream worms talk about a lot of empty troubles.

Wormy food

  • If in a dream you buy food with worms, then you know that they are intriguing against you.
  • Small white worms most likely promise minor everyday troubles, while larger ones can portend a rift with a loved one and even a divorce.
  • For unmarried ladies, such a sign serves as a warning about possible outside aggression and violence.
  • Seeing a large number of worms in a plate, but not eating them, means a quick and large monetary profit.
  • On the contrary, eating food in which worms are swarming predicts quick and angry criticism from others.


Eating a wormy pear in a dream means possible illness or mental loneliness. A wormy apple can mean intrigue and deception from friends and relatives. Wormy raspberries mean quarrels with relatives. Vegetables with worms can mean unexpected news.


In itself, seeing raw meat in a dream is very unpleasant. good sign, it means serious illness. And if it is also worm-like, then this may indicate complications in the course of the disease. Some dream books interpret wormy meat as a disease of the legs.


Seeing a wormy fish in a dream means a vain accusation of a crime or misdemeanor that was not committed by you. Justice will be restored, but you will be very worried and nervous.

Other wormy products

Worms in bread promise poverty, and in cheese - deception. If a young girl dreams that she is eating a wormy bun, then this means a marriage of convenience. Whether this is a good or bad sign depends on the girl’s wishes.

  • Wormy gourmet dishes talk about the onset of severe financial problems.
  • Any drinks in which these invertebrates swim warn of trouble. If you dreamed of milk with worms, then this strong evil eye, and worms floating in the water portend deception.
  • One of the most alarming signs is a dream with wormy mushrooms. It means that they are plotting against you and trying to lure you into a trap.
  • If you dream that you are preparing worms - frying or boiling, then soon some mystical events will happen to you, and of a negative nature.
  • If in a dream you bit into a wormy nut, then beware of deception or theft.

From culinary delights, let's move on to the anatomical habitats of worms in a dream.

Why do you dream of worms on your body?

If you had a dream that worms appeared on your body, then you need to be prepared for health problems. The location of the worms may indicate inflammatory process or other problems in this area of ​​the body.

Seeing yourself covered in worms may mean that you are surrounded by vile and greedy people, as well as falling into bad company. For a sick person, such a dream can promise a worsening condition. For a young girl, worms in a dream can portend a large number of sexual contacts, however, if she throws them off, then, on the contrary, her aspirations will be based on spiritual values.

If in your dream you see worms on the body of animals, then soon you may be exposed to mortal danger. Be vigilant and attentive. However, worms found on a dog mean that you will be able to slip out of the trap set by an envious person.

Actions with worms

Almost any dream book about what worms dream about interprets this as an unpleasant sign, but an earthworm is a rare exception to this rule. Digging for worms is considered a very good omen - your long-standing work will be crowned with success and bring monetary profit. Worms crawling out of the ground mean financial support from friends. Squeezing worms in a dream means that you too often try to pin your problems on others. Beware of losing friends.

Worms are crawling towards you from all sides - beware, you are surrounded by enemies.

Finding worms in your house in a dream may be a warning that an unpleasant incident will happen in your absence. If there are large numbers of worms crawling across the floor, then this indicates that you have really neglected your affairs.

Don’t be alarmed, if you dreamed that you were pulling worms out of a dead body, then soon you will have to change your place of work, and the new place will be much better than the previous one.

If you vomit worms in a dream, this may mean getting rid of painful thoughts and thoughts. There is another interpretation of this dream, which predicts that you will spew curses at someone.

And finally, don’t be upset, even if you have a very bad dream. bad dream, carrying the most terrible interpretations. When you wake up from a nightmare, say three times: “Where night goes, sleep goes” or “ Good sleep rise again, and crack the bad one in half,” or read a prayer. You will feel calmer in your soul and may be able to ward off trouble.

Everyday dream book

Why do you dream about worms according to the dream book:

Worm - If you dreamed of earthworms, then this is a sign that there are easy chores ahead of you that you need, and an easy and pleasant road is also possible, from which you will get real pleasure.

Seeing worms or maggots in food - in real life one of your acquaintances is literally consumed by envy towards you, and therefore he tries in every possible way to denigrate both you and your work. Also, such a dream may mean that you will have health problems; you need to carefully monitor your well-being.

Why do you dream of maggots - If you dreamed of worms, white worms in the ground, then this portends good harvest, excellent health of livestock in your yard, and also portends a good catch, picking mushrooms and berries.

Seeing silkworms means that soon, in difficult times, friends will come to your aid, providing invaluable help and support in difficult life circumstances.

If you dream of card worms (suit), then success awaits you in love, or success will come to you through personal relationships.

If a young woman dreams that worms are crawling on her, this means that she will build her personal life, relying not on love, but on the wealth of her suitors. If a woman kills worms in a dream, she will not be alien to the spiritual.

Dream book for girls

Why do you dream about the Worm according to the dream book:

Worm - Digging for worms or maggots in a dream. This, firstly, characterizes you as a person who is used to preparing for everything in advance, which means that you are a very responsible person. You can be assigned any tasks and rest assured that their completion will not be delayed. Secondly, if you dreamed of worms, it means that in real life you are very afraid of something. Perhaps you are scared of an upcoming test or dictation. You are sure that you will never cope with the task and will definitely get a bad grade. Maybe you've been told this a hundred times, but if you prepare properly, it's unlikely to happen.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about the Worm, what does it mean:

Worm - A dream about worms predicts someone's sudden death or vile deeds short people, the anger of friends. Caution is necessary in everything. Often worms mean profit, but they warn that being carried away in life only by the material factor will not lead to good. Place worms on the hook during fishing- benefit from the mistakes of your enemies.

To see that you are crushing worms swarming around you in large numbers, then in reality you will be able to resist the harmful influence and remain faithful to high ideals.

Why do you dream about maggots - A dream in which you see white worms crawling on yourself suggests that you are striving with all your might to achieve a stable financial situation. You simply don't pay attention to everything else.

Universal dream book

What does it mean to see a Worm in a dream?

Worm - Brief interpretation: cyclicality; mistrust; scientist.

Popular expression: to open an abscess; clear your way; bookworm; whoever gets up early, God gives him.

What an unattractive creature the worm seems! And it’s unfair, because worms are such useful creatures. But, be that as it may, there are negative associations associated with them. Does the dream mean that you do not notice the merits of a person? Or does the dream mean that you should be on alert and prepare for action, because birds like to feed on worms?

Is someone trying to use you for their own purposes?

The dream may also reflect a situation that irritates you and does not allow you to work to your full potential.

Worm can mean computer program, which, penetrating your PC, destroys the system.

Dreaming of a Worm? See the following interpreter.

Lewis's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Worm in a dream:

Worm - The word "worm" is used metaphorically in some common expressions to denote weakness and meanness, for example: "to infiltrate society", "sneaky worm", etc. Worms also symbolize bait and rich fertile soil.

Lunar dream book

Why does a sleeping person dream about the Worm? It means:

Worm - annoyance, nuisance, sudden difficulties. Moon.

Interpretation of dreams online at Sonarium

A dream in which you become infected with worms also warns you of minor troubles. Dead worms dream of problems and disappointments.

What if you dream about a worm?

You dreamed of white worms in your body or mouth, Worms or worms crawling out of your mouth- gossip and gossip.

I dreamed that worms are on your body or worms are crawling out of your mouth, from your eyes, from your face, from your nose or from your hand, worms are under your skin, worms are crawling out of your body, worms are eating your body in a dream - a negative emotional mood; anger and aggression.

Dreams of this kind are a warning sign for you. Probably, at the moment in reality you are in a state of negativity, Hatred and anger. Worms from the Mouth are emotions and words addressed by you to someone. Worms also represent everything bad that given time you carry in the shower. Such unpleasant dreams will darken your night's peace until you understand yourself.

If in the arms of Morpheus we managed to cope with the helminths, and they come out, then this is a very good sign: all difficulties and troubles will soon end, a calm, blissful period will begin in life, in which all new ventures will be particularly successful.

The esoteric dream book interprets what it means to dream of seeing worms in a dream as an omen of a favorable period of life, where fun meetings with friends, parties and pleasant acquaintances await you.

Despite the fact that the interpretation of dream books differs slightly, they still have a common meaning. And so, if you dreamed of worms, then this indicates acquaintances or other people who may soon become your guests.

An unpleasant dream in which there are worms will be a dream where the dreamer eats food with worms. This version of the dream means a disease that may soon befall the dreamer. If worms appear in a dream along with feces, then such a dream indicates the receipt of money, although the source of profit is rather dubious. It is believed that the more worms you dream about, the more money the dreamer will have in reality.

High chance of food poisoning or illness digestive system- This life circumstances If you dream of worms in your mouth, the dream book advises in this case to pay more attention to the quality of products, and also to visit a doctor if there are even slight signs of stomach diseases. This will help identify the disease early stages and avoid complications. The same applies to the dream of eating worms in a dream.

Dreaming of worms in your hair symbolizes bad thoughts. It is worth considering whether all the attitudes that the dreamer accepts as dogma are correct. Perhaps some of these attitudes were imposed on the dreamer from the outside to make it easier to manipulate.

According to the instructions of the dream book, worms in food in a dream are a harbinger of a serious quarrel with a loved one. Moreover, the disagreements that arise may develop into global conflict, which can only be resolved by parting with each other.

Dream Interpretation "AstroMir"

Find out the true interpretation sleep With worm can be found either in a high-quality dream book or from an interpreter. Selected in our dream book best interpretations sleep O worm from world famous authors. Indream you're dreaming worms? What this means is difficult to determine at first glance.See wormindream on feces and pull out their. /

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

I saw my husband’s large white worm sticking halfway out of his anus. I saw how my husband vomited for no reason, like white foam, and jumped out fromnose these terrible worms are like maggots only 5 times larger. I dreamed dream what from my body pull outworms long ribs in the thigh area. And I I pull it out small as a finger itself.

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

I saw that fromnose to my little daughter I pulled out a roe which turned out to be a large incomprehensible worm worm but with meat... it’s creepy, I wasn’t scared, it was just unpleasant, I doused it with boiling water and then took it outside in a bag, and there it was winter and hit the corner of a 2-story building and killed me (I saw pink blood through the bag)... I dreamed that that there was a worm crawling on my dog, I called it indreamworm. I removed the worm and threw it away, but then I noticed several of the same ones on myself. they looked more like colorful maggots.

Why do you dream about live white worms?

You need to be very flowery, as my mother will be directed against the dreamer. So that you start the worm on the dam of litigation, then you would like to show the opening with empty ones.

Exaggerated, of course, but allow me if someone else needs it. They were sewn and lonely, there was a terrible fear that they would be taken away when pulled out of the tree, or crawl crazy back towards me.

Why do you dream of Worms in your mouth in a dream according to the dream book?

When you dream about your mouth, monitor your health especially carefully. There is a high risk of colds. Take preventive measures regularly, try not to get too cold.

According to another version, the worms that appear in the mouth symbolize a large one. However, to obtain it you will have to try hard, and perhaps sacrifice something significant.


Video: Why do you dream of Worms in your mouth?

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Did you dream about Worms in your mouth, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of Worms in your mouth in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I dreamed that it was as if I was drinking compote from a jar in which little white worms were swimming. I swallowed them and tried to spit them out. I went to the mirror, opened my mouth and saw three of these worms on my tongue. She started spitting them out and crushed them in her mouth.

    Hello! All night I dreamed that I was coughing and small white worms (similar to maggots) were pouring out of my mouth, and they were also moving, I felt them in my mouth and saw them moving! I felt indescribable fear!! This is not the first time I have had this dream

    Hello, I had a dream that I was vomiting worms (the kind they are white in a decomposing body) along with food, then I realized that I really wanted to eat after eating, I was vomiting again in the same way... the third time the vomiting was without worms. Then I saw a hungry dog who wanted to eat it all but then changed her mind... that’s the dream.

    Good afternoon, Tatyana, help me figure out my dream. I was talking to someone, I understand that something is bothering me. I looked in the mirror, opened my mouth, saw worms and began to pick them out - white and black worms, about 4-5 of them. Then I looked at my whole face, and it looked rotten, yellow, and pimply.

    I dreamed that I felt a hair in my mouth, I took it out, but the sensation did not go away, and so on several times. Then I got several small white worms that looked like wireworms, only smaller (3 or 4 pieces). I got scared and decided to take one and take it for analysis. Why is this dream?

    Hello! I dreamed that ulcers appeared on my tongue. I started squeezing them out with tweezers, and small red-pink worms began to stretch out from there. I began to remove handfuls of worms from my tongue and throw them on the floor. But they still didn’t end. A terrible dream! and the next day there was an unlucky day and a quarrel at work!

    the apartment was a mess, I had a friend visiting, she was getting ready to leave and was putting on her makeup, everything was in a fog. Then there was a gap and I began to feel sick with small servers, I clearly felt them moving in my mouth, that moment was in dark colors

    Hello, I dreamed that under my upper lip when I lifted it there were white worms, like larvae... why would that be...? and then I dreamed that I was cutting my own bangs and looking in the mirror...

    In a dream, I seemed to go up to the mirror and see two worms bursting through the vortex of the lower jaw, after a while they grew upward, I began to worry, I became scared, after a while the lower one, where the front teeth began to look out, small worms began to squeeze them out and get them out, it worked easily. They were short and long. by color when I squeezed out the brownish-pinkish ones, and when I already took out the white ones. then I woke up

    I look in a mirror in a dream, my mouth is open, and under my lower front teeth along the gum there is something sticking out, it turns out to be a worm, with both ends sticking out. I began to pull at one end and pulled out the worm completely, but a small light pink-gray worm began to crawl out of one hole, and I pulled that out too. The gums were bluish-burgundy. then she closed her mouth.

    Hello, Tatyana! I dreamed that gumboil appeared in my mouth, on my lower gum. it didn't hurt, but it created discomfort. I tried to squeeze it out, but not pus came out of it, but the tail of a worm appeared (very similar to saltpeter, white and flat), I began to pull it out, but it tore. A hole immediately appeared with another tail and, by pulling it, I pulled out the rest of the worm. I did this in the toilet, threw the remains into the toilet and flushed it. after I pulled out this worm, I felt relief, the emptiness of the channel where the worm was sitting, so in a dream I decided for myself that I pulled it out completely. however, my mouth began to fill with larvae and I kept spitting them out... there were a lot of larvae, a mouth full, I tried to spit them out for a very long time, but they kept filling my mouth again, I remember with water and then I tried to rinse my mouth out.... This is such an unpleasant dream.

    I dreamed that white worms were crawling out of my eyes, I was still cleaning them with my hands, they kept appearing. The worms fell on the floor, I didn’t crush them, they just crawled away. I don’t remember, someone was a man who gave me medicine, I smeared it on my eyes to make it go away, but they still crawled...

    Hello, I dreamed of my friends and family, I stood next to them and ate some kind of pie. I talked with them.
    And then suddenly, looking at the pie, I notice that instead of it I am eating a human rotten hand with worms. I spat out some of them and swallowed some of them.
    In life, not so long ago, a loved one betrayed me.

    I was in some kind of game center (bowling, roller skating rink, something similar) with 2 friends and the mother of 1 of the friends. We talked, ran and all that. And then I saw a huge worm and started screaming terribly that everyone came running. They told me to calm down, because there was nothing wrong with it, and they left, leaving me with 2 friends, and then somehow a worm ended up in my mouth, of course I started to feel sick and I ran to the toilet, that’s it the dream was interrupted.

    Hello! I have dreams every night. V lately,prevail disturbing dreams. Today I dreamed that I took something out of my mouth (a tooth, in my opinion) and there was a worm on it. not rainy, but light, the kind that eat fruit

    Hello! I dreamed that some watery spots appeared on my face, and worms were moving from there, then these worms crawled towards my mouth. I also thought, these worms appeared again, as if they had appeared before. She opened her mouth, and there were maggots, like flies, and worms. And I was so calm, balanced, I didn’t scream or yell, as if this was how it should be. The larvae very quickly turned into worms. I began to rinse my mouth with water so that I could spit them out along with the water. But they appeared again and again, there were so many of them. I almost suffocated. Mom was standing nearby. It seems to me that she spat out all the worms, then even pooped, and looked again to see if there were any worms there. Thank you.

    Hello, Tatyana!!! Please help me figure this out.
    Last night I dreamed that I was spitting out worms (various, furry, small and large), I crushed some (most of them), they tried to crawl away, but I tried to crush them all, in principle there were no very unpleasant sensations, it was a little disgusting.

    Hello, Tatyana! Today I had a strange dream - as if I was coughing, coughing up some kind of phlegm and drops of blood, kind of dark, and from each drop a tail sticks out, like a hair, moving, something alive, and very unpleasant. I remember that two or three times in my sleep I coughed up such bloody drops with such a creature in each drop.

    I started to feel sick, and I saw that worms were crawling out of my mouth... I turned away and started pulling them out so that no one would notice. But the woman sees and screams. And I look at my hands, and in my hands there is a handful of maggots.

    In a dream, I looked into my mouth and saw some holes. I began to look carefully, and a white worm was peeking out of one. I began to think about how to get it, it seemed larger and I pulled it with my fingers. I pulled it halfway and it broke. I looked in and there were a lot of them, but less than the first one. She started spitting, rinsing her mouth, and coughing. Each time the worms appeared smaller and smaller. I continued to spit them out. Later I saw my own grandmother, who brought me a very elderly grandfather who could barely walk. I woke up.

    I went to the mirror and looked at my gums and there was a hole and there were a lot of worms crawling around in it, like fleas, then I smiled and my gum burst and there were a billion small worms and a few huge ones, I threw them out of my mouth and they spilled out onto the floor, there were a lot of them and I collected them with a broom

    at first I took out one snake at a time and felt them in my throat, I took one out, then another appeared and I took them out very quickly, then many many worms appeared behind the snakes and they crawled out in large numbers at once, I pulled them out in heaps, they were torn, I felt them right in the esophagus as they stretched

    in a dream, my father forced me to carry worms from underground to the street in my mouth. when I opened the underground there were mattresses and there were a lot of worms in them. I picked them up and put them in my mouth, they were everywhere. on hands, clothes. I was not pleased and I cried.

    How I Paschel worked in the Mine, every day I go down underground, after that I have dreams every day, any but all happen in the mine, happened about the illnesses of friends, there was a chicken without a head, and I dreamed about a lot of things, hair in my mouth and worms in my mouth, I dreamed about what how I got stuck in a mine and a lot of devilry

    Hello Tatyana! My name is Oksana. I had a dream that I was driving a car and ended up on a piece of the road where the asphalt ended and there was a sandy road, such light brown sand filled with water, but not dirt! all the cars in this place got stuck and I was with them. Then they abandoned all their cars and began to make their way on foot from the lingering sand, above which there was flat water. People washed themselves with it and I began to wash my face and rinse my mouth, then I ran my finger under my lip and a tiny black worm remained on it, then I found a second light worm with my friend’s lip . then the dream ended and I started dreaming about different things! But this was the first time I dreamed of worms! Nasty feeling even in a dream!!! What does it mean? Thank you.

    Dear Tatyana! The dream was during the day, it turned out that I fell asleep after 2-3 hours of the day, and I slept until 8. I dreamed that I was in the company of friends or acquaintances, I was walking down the street, and then I started to feel sick. I used my HANDS to pull out a long white worm (such a prickly one, but with a dark head) from my mouth. I literally held it for a couple of seconds in her hands, and then threw it away in fear. Afterwards I felt nausea, and a mixture of unpleasant sensations... Fear, sore throat, disgust. It seems that hysterics even began in my sleep.

    I just looked at myself in the mirror and saw that my teeth had become sparse and green. And between them there are bugs. Then I put my hand in my mouth and felt the worm. I began to pull them out of my mouth one by one.

    I dreamed that I was standing in some incomprehensible place and I had something in my mouth and I understood that it was worms and I started spitting them out and dragging them out, etc., then I pulled out the worms, lit a cigarette and talked to someone else in my dream, but I don’t remember who.

    Hello, Tatyana. For the second time I dreamed that I was coughing and long, thin and hard worms were coming out of my throat. A very unpleasant dream, a little scary. Please help me understand what it means. Thank you.

    I had a dream that I was swimming in a pool, after I got out of the pool I saw that the bottom of the pool was completely covered with small, white worms. Then I washed them off myself. Why is this? I had a dream from Sunday to Monday.

    The dream is black and white. Feeling anxious. I lean over the sink and cough, at that moment I pull out a long, hard, thin white worm.. I feel disgusting and relieved.. After a while, everything repeats itself.

    Good afternoon, Tatyana! I dreamed that there was something in my mouth, a lot and it was in the way, I started spitting, and I saw worms and even worms, they were gray and blue, he was alive. I felt that there was still something in my mouth, and I began to seem to try to burp so that I could spit out the rest. Please write what does this all mean?

    Hello! I dreamed that I started coughing and worms fell out, then I started to feel sick and there were different worms, thick and thin like rain worms and others, then I pulled my hands out from behind my mouth and again vomited and the worms came out and came out to me badly. and I crush them as they run away. and mom sees this process and is shocked. and I cough and they come out endlessly.

    Hello, I dreamed that I was going to the bathroom to brush my teeth, I opened my mouth and there were worms, something like ants, and there was a lot of it all, and it all crawled inside me through my throat and then I woke up! thanks in advance!

    Hello! My name is Tatyana, from Monday to Tuesday I had a dream in the morning that something came out of my mouth, I reached out and took out a worm, like an earthworm, I seemed to feel them in my hand when I pulled them out to the last... a whole bunch of them came out... while I was pulling out others spread out, but I started collecting them, realizing in a dream that they needed to be destroyed... then I saw the shoes... I tried on the boots and took them off, saw other boots but put them on without measuring them and ordered them to bring me the ones I wanted... then I saw what looked like large bottles but in which alcohol seems empty......

    Hello, I dreamed that I was pregnant and I was going into labor, in the hospital a doctor comes up to me, ties my legs and gives injections in my legs, and covers my mouth with some kind of rag, I start screaming and spit it out and things fall out of my mouth. white worms very similar to maggots,

    Hello! I dreamed that I was spitting worms into my palm and felt that I still have it I’m coughing and trying to cough them up. I’ve been feeling a lot of nausea lately, so in a dream I thought, So that’s what made me sick! In addition to white maggots, I dreamed of some large centipedes

    Hello Tatyana. My name is Darina, last night (from Saturday to Sunday) I had a very strange dream, I was very scared when I saw it, the fact is that I dreamed about my old aunt, I haven’t seen her for a very long time, so that’s it. in a dream, she and I stood on the balcony and talked about something. Then some strange flies with elongated noses appeared (more like botflies), but only larger than them and they began to dig into my skin, I hit one and it began to pass through the skin, leaving a wound on my hand, I started crying in my sleep, trying to pick it out from there, but only worms came out, then my aunt told me, don’t be afraid, if they come out through your mouth, just spit them out, and immediately worms started coming out from everywhere. I I woke up, I’m very scared, please tell me what this is about

    I met a classmate and she took me to her work. There were 2 rooms with beds in the room. On which people were lying. I walked over to her bed and took the mirror on the nightstand. In it I saw white worms in my mouth on my tongue. I tried to pull them out with my hands, but they penetrated the skin of my hands and went into my body. I managed to throw a bunch of worms onto the floor.

    I dream that it’s hard to speak and swallow saliva, I start to remove some garbage from my mouth, I cough and worms fall out, worms 5 cm long. Somewhere thick and thin, it’s disgusting, then I cough again and more fly out, I spit them out into the washbasin, they move and are washed down the drain. I got scared and woke up.

    I suddenly found myself at the mirror in the bathroom, next to me was my father, my sister’s husband’s sister and some other relatives. I opened my mouth and through the mirror I saw something under my tongue. I began to use a needle to push apart a small hole in the area salivary gland and saw the wings of a fly. then an ordinary fly flew out of there. I began to press on the seal from the sides and small fruit flies began to fly out from there one by one. they all fell into the sink, in which there was some kind of garbage crawling around there. After that, I began to squeeze out black and dark gray worms from this compaction. small and the size of earthworm but only thin ones. I rinsed my mouth and spat them into the sink. they were crawling there. This went on for some time after which I once again pressed on the seal and it burst and small eggs similar to pollock or pike caviar were squeezed out. I spat it out and began to rinse my mouth with water. pressed again and squeezed out the remains of these eggs and spat them out. After rinsing my mouth, they tasted salty. then I once again rinsed my mouth and saw the empty cavity where all this was located and woke up

    Something like a chiryak was squeezed out on my head, and worms appeared in my mouth, small pinkish in color, they were dead and dry, and glued together, the shape did not seem to be a flower bud. Of course, I immediately spat them out, and after that I began to vomit white worms, more than 2-3 cm in size. In addition to the worms, I also vomited some kind of unpleasant clots pink color, similar to pieces of bread. This is where my dream ended.

    I fell into some pit, there were a lot of rainworms, they began to crawl over to me, some man gave me a hand, I don’t remember Litz, then I was on some concrete fence, sat and spit out worms, this one THE MAN GAVE ME WATER, BUT ONE WORM WAS STUCK IN THE GLASS, I DON’T REMEMBER I PULL IT OUT OR NOT, BUT IT TORE IN MY HANDS...

    I spat out clots from my mouth, the clots were dominated by small red worms, they did not move... when I tried to spit out, I felt like the worms were clinging to my throat and did not want to come out, I spat it out with difficulty onto the ground..

    Hello, I very often have dreams like this, like today. It was coming out of my mouth and nose worms are white large pinworms, I spat and spat them and I was very disgusted. What does it mean?

    there were a lot of guests at home, after the meal I went outside, it was snowing, I started to spit out something in my mouth, I didn’t understand right away, after I looked closer it turned out to be brown worms with black stripes. I vomited for a very long time after I finally woke up((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((

    I dreamed that my lip was very swollen, and like a pimple, I tried to squeeze it out, splash liquid and a big white worm fell, I started rinsing my mouth, and small white worms also fell from there

    a young man and my husband’s son is looking after me, buys a glass of wine, I drink it and see worms in the glass and feel that I have a mouth full of them, I spit them out and they seem to never end

    Good afternoon,
    The whole dream I've been running away from someone (from a man. I'm afraid of him in my dream, but he's not familiar to me). I run inside the house, go up and down the stairs. Once again I go down to the basement, there is a pond, I dive into it, splash in it. And I notice that something is bothering me in my mouth. I start spitting out of my mouth, and small white worms (maggots) are spitting out. I'm terrified! I spit, but there are a lot of them. But she spat it all out. I look around me, and I’m not swimming in a pond, but in some kind of puddle, small and dirty. I came out of the pond, and the man I was running from caught up with me - he went down the stairs that I had gone down. He didn’t do anything bad to me, we didn’t communicate as enemies. For some reason, I took off his T-shirt, and holes appeared on it. I hung the T-shirt on the mirror, straightened it and showed the holes to the man.

    Hello, I had a dream where small wounds, bloody wounds, opened in my mouth and small worms first began to appear from them, and then when I started digging, so to speak, sucking, as if trying to get them out of the skin of my mouth, a lot of them began to appear directly from the skin green beetles with elongated noses or something else. I tried to get them, but they touched and stuck to my hands. I shook them off and new ones appeared in my mouth like sprouts in the ground.

    Good afternoon! At first in my dream all I did was wash clothes in the machine, then I took them out and hung them up, wondering where there was so much of it and when this washing would be finished...then I went to the sink (while I was waiting for the next wash), sat down and saw someone breaking through the lime in the area of ​​​​the shell leg of a huge earthworm... I was very scared... and went to take out the last batch of washed clothes from the machine and felt a moving worm in my mouth... I became so scared... I even began to cramp my lower lip... I quickly ran to the bathroom for toilet paper, tore off a small piece with trembling hands, and began to try to grab the worm with this paper so as not to touch it with her hands... she began to pull with terrible force... he walked with difficulty... but still gradually managed to pull him out... very slowly... making great efforts... but still! it felt unrealistically long... while I was pulling, it hurt in my throat... and when it seemed that there was one last tug left and now I had to pull it out... I woke up..... this is such a terrible dream...... which seems to me definitely must mean something!

    There are a lot of very small (up to 3 mm long) worms in the mouth - white with black heads. Mouth full. I spit them out, but something remains and very quickly my mouth is full again. I spit it into the kitchen sink, single, on the nightstand. But it's not in the kitchen. Room, there are others. It seems like at my first job (government agency) - that’s how I feel, but outwardly it doesn’t look like it. People are walking, I spit it out, there is an employee, in a dream I knew who it was, I woke up and forgot. She sits calmly, indifferently and waits. People don't pay attention to us at all. There is also other furniture. Everything is scattered, as if cluttered, filled with things. Everything seems to be along one wall, and then there is a free passage room, like a hall, but the furniture is just this trash along one wall, with a sink and dishes. This wall is to the left of the entrance. The passage is straight. The room is quite spacious. They bring dishes - they need to be washed. But the sink is busy - I’m spitting out worms. A mountain of dirty dishes, the employee is waiting. Towards the end, the sink seems to begin to “clog” (with my worms, or something). The employee says that it’s time to wash, I answer that I won’t wash all this - I’m busy with other things, I start to get a little nervous and wake up.

    Hello!! I saw in a dream, I coughed, spat, a black lump fell out, then it began to move and became a big black worm on the street near work and I woke up, I didn’t feel pain or any other sensations

    Hello! I dreamed that I had halmites in me and I spat them out of my mouth and, I’m sorry, they are in the poop. Ugh, so disgusting, I was wondering what pills I should take to get rid of them


    sleep worms in my mouth, they multiplied and I choked on them. Then I drank water, light water, and induced myself to vomit. It was as if I had been infected. It didn’t go away for long and then they appeared again. And it was as if it was contagious. I infected my daughter. In fact, she is 6 years old and in a dream it’s the same. I see her sick in a dream and she’s dying in my arms, I try to take her to the hospital and she says that I won’t make it in time, that she’ll die, and she dies.

    I dreamed that a child was sick and had a sore throat. And in the hospital he opens his mouth and there are worms in his mouth. small, moving. I try to bend over and look at my throat, and the worms seem to rush at me. I woke up because it seemed to me that they were crawling on me.

    I feel in my throat in the nasal cavity something is bothering me... I start to pull something from my throat, I pull, I pull, I’m already pulling out with great effort the cover from the front seat of the car and with it a bunch of little white worms like little pasta, a lot there are a lot of them, they are all lively...they move..they crumble...and they remain in my mouth, I spit them out....I think...I need to go and burp to get rid of the rest...I’m not afraid..I’m not’s just amazing..I wake up...I remember everything..Dream in Wednesday night... April 29, 2015

    An ordinary dream. I felt that something was moving in my throat and immediately discovered that 2 small and one small worms were crawling across the sheet. I tried to catch them, but they turned out to be slippery. That's it, the whole dream.

    I dreamed... that I was spitting worms out of my mouth. They were of two types, small and large. Some I tried to crush, others grew and became bigger. Worms appeared in my mouth again and again.

    I was walking somewhere and suddenly I felt like there was a worm in my mouth. I pulled it out: long, thin, pink. For some reason I thought I pulled it straight out of my brain. Then they came out in heaps and I just tore them out and tore them out in bunches. Horror. I don’t remember further.

    hello! today I had a dream that my teeth were falling out and breaking off! but without blood and pain! and gray worms were crawling out of the gums where the teeth fell out! a very scary dream! I’m very afraid now! what could this mean? I sometimes dream prophetic dreams!

    Hello! Today I had a terrible dream! My teeth are falling out and breaking off. But without pain and blood! And gray worms are crawling out of the gums where the teeth fell out! Why could this be? I sometimes have prophetic dreams! Please help!

    I pull the worm out of my mouth with both hands, realizing that it is a long worm. I pull it, pull it, pull it out. But that's the feeling. that it broke off inside me, somewhere in the stomach area, where its head was.

    I was in someone else’s house and from time to time I pulled out some sticky insects with antennae and mouths, they looked like large worms, I pulled them out and threw them out
    I pulled with force, but they didn’t move in my hands

    I had a dream that I came to some house in the courtyard and I saw an actor from a movie there, I really liked him and I saw that my husband got drunk again and I started swearing and as if out of nervousness something started crawling across my face, I looked in the mirror and I My cheeks were all shaking and I was afraid not to swallow this disgusting thing, I started spitting it out and I looked and there worms came out of me in a ball and small white worms like those found in meat products. I shout to my husband, let’s call an ambulance, but where is he drunk? And this artist who I like quickly started the car and took me to the hospital, where they told me that don’t worry, it’s all to be treated and I woke up.

    Hello. Today I spat out small red worms, while choking a little. They were mixed with something, as if with sawdust. They also went into my mouth and it felt like I didn’t spit them all out. Thank you.

    Hello. I ate food and I felt something hard spit out and there was a tooth with a root, the root itself was rotten, then I went to the toilet and all the teeth on the right side, the molars and the canine on top fell out, then I went out and realized that I was feeling sick. I go to the toilet and am upset that the tooth is still falling out, I come out of the toilet, a friend stands and hugs me and opens her mouth and all the molars are gold and tells me not to be upset

    Hello. Last night I had a rather disgusting dream and it has been tormenting me all day, forcing myself to remember. I don’t remember the details, but I can say for sure that there were worms there. At first I was going somewhere outdoors with relatives. It was evening, almost night. And when I returned home (it was already light) the story with the worms began. First, a small worm appeared in my mouth (and, it seems, I myself took it from the place where we were resting, or they offered to pick it up for me), then a large one next to me, then several more appeared, also nearby. This is where the dream ended.

    Hello! This morning I had the following dream. I go to the mirror and see that something has gotten into my eye. I begin to remove the speck (as it seemed to me) from my eye and am horrified, because... instead of a speck there is a small black worm. I try to remove it when I notice that there are several of them and they keep appearing and appearing! Then I notice that there are worms in the left eye and in the mouth too. I brushed them away, but to no avail, they reappeared. I woke up horrified by this.

    I dreamed that I started brushing my teeth and during the process my teeth began to fall out and worms and beetles crawled out of them. The worms are small and white, the beetles are moth-like brown. Upper front teeth were falling out

    The dream takes place in someone's kitchen. Me, my boyfriend and some man, apparently a friend of my boyfriend, all in the same room. We talk, then I stand in front of the mirror and take the worms out of my mouth, on one side I squeeze a big one, and on the other, just a little bit. Then, I looked for a long time to make sure there was nothing left, when I was convinced that there were no more of them in my mouth, I began to continue doing some things

    I dreamed that I was spitting out a lot of white worms with a black head into the sink. I close my mouth, and they appear again and I spit them out again. I do this 3 or 4 times and they appear (((. Why is this? The background of the dream itself was pleasant before, my bosses praised me...

    During the conversation, I felt that my lips and tongue were swollen. I looked in the mirror at my lips and tongue, then I saw that between my lower lip and teeth I had small yellow worms and some dark spot nearby. I decided to take medicine for allergies - to relieve swelling, but I’ll think about how to get rid of the worms later. After the medicine, the tumor increased and there were more worms. And I was afraid to touch them in case it made them even bigger.

    Hello. I dreamed that when I coughed, small, white worms came out of my mouth. (I smoke) and in a dream I said that I need to quit smoking because these worms are coming out of my lungs.

    I had a dream, I see an old grandmother, she’s lying on the verge of death, but she can’t die with eyes closed. A lady a little younger than her, also a grandmother, comes up to her and looks at her. Then the one who is about to die suddenly opens her eyes and mouth. A large, fat worm crawls out from behind her mouth and enters the mouth of another grandmother, who is looking at her. I feel like I'm watching from the outside. I woke up. In real life, my friend’s mother died that night, and the other one was her grandmother, her nurse. I don't understand what this big worm was

    Hello, I had a dream about worms (I don’t understand whether they were worms or fleas).
    I took the fish and as if worms were coming out of the fish, later it was from the gums that I started spitting out either worms or fleas, can you explain why this is happening?

    In a dream, my throat hurt, I opened my mouth and there were small white worms there, I started to remove them with my finger, but I couldn’t, I brought in water and soda and began to rinse my mouth, then I spat in the bath and they came out.

    in a dream, a mass collected in my mouth, I pulled it out with my fingers and threw it on the ground. On the ground this mass turned into worms, in one place the worms grew large white and even transparent, blood vessels were visible, one looked back and they crawled away in a heap. And then I I showed it to my brother, pulled it out of my mouth, they were in a heap and pink in color, one seemed to rush at me, but I managed to kick him.

    The dream is more than strange. At some dinner, I felt that something was wrong in my mouth. I go out to the toilet and start spitting out small worms from my mouth, but I crush them a lot. Then I went to the pharmacy and bought medicine for them. I took medication, but for some reason they gave me the wrong medicine that I wanted. But I accepted it. Again she spat out fewer worms and crushed them. Woke up.

    I wanted to take vitamin tablets and, without looking, I put several tablets in my mouth, began to chew, and then looked into the jar, and there were all the tablets in small white worms, I began to spit them out whole and chewed in half, I must have swallowed something .

    At first I dreamed that there was just something in my mouth, like some kind of lump, but then I realized that they were worms and when I spat them out, I saw that they were small and brown and my soul seemed to feel lighter

    Hello. Tatiana. This afternoon I had a dream. It's like I'm coughing cherry out of my mouth. but they look like worms. only they are long. then I didn’t understand what it was. but I realized. that these are worms. and then I saw them and took them in my hands to show them to my husband. I don't remember exactly. then they came out of my hand and there were a lot of them on the floor. Tell. what is this dream for?

    Last night I dreamed of a white small worm in my mouth, I pulled it out with my hands and nails. Last night I dreamed of thin, long, green worms in my nose and I blew my nose and pulled them out

    Hello! I dreamed that I was spitting out worms, first small lumps, then large ones and green worms that looked like caterpillars. I was in a medical facility and wanted to figure out what was happening. I submitted the worms for analysis and then woke up (and I often have dreams about worms either sitting in my legs or crawling out). they're crawling on me

    I began to choke, something was bothering me in my throat. He knelt down and began to take out huge bundles of worms from his mouth. Among them there were 3 specimens of a special shape, they looked like small dolls with short legs and arms that looked more like appendages. The face had barely noticeable shapes of eyes and nose, and a small suction cup instead of a mouth. They were breathing and it was clear that they were dying. Everyone was different colors, one is blue, the other is pinkish, the third is almost black with a lilac tint. Having finished removing them, I realized that I was in a completely unfamiliar apartment, with many rooms, shadowy flowers and secret niches. I looked into one of them. He opened the small round door and stuck his head in. The niche was spacious and had a lot of house communications. This surprised me, in my opinion it was not a reasonably empty space. I decided that it was necessary to make a proposal for redevelopment. Only a riddle remained in my head: who should I make this offer to? That's all. I woke up with the feeling that I didn’t finish something, and what was not clear….

    I was at home, my older brother bought sausage, and my younger brother made a sandwich, and sarcastically asked: will you? I answered: “no, thank you, I’ll do it myself.” I went into the kitchen and poured myself some blue jelly or compote, returned to the house, sat down on a chair, drank a little, then again, they said something to me (I don’t remember what, but I think they made me laugh ) and I spat it back into the cup and there was a small worm there, I felt some kind of unpleasant sensation in my mouth, and they began to fall out, I ran to the bathroom and started spitting them out, then I thought and decided that I needed to wash them, first I washed them around the edges and then There was little left and I got rid of them. After that I immediately woke up.

    Good afternoon. I dreamed of a red skin pouch in my mouth, I pressed on it and my mouth turned out to be full of white, small worms, I really felt that they were moving. I started spitting them out and woke up at 01:08 from the fact that I was actually spitting. Why do you have such a dream?

    I dreamed that I went to the mirror to look at my tongue, it hurt, and when I opened my mouth, I saw that the tips of worms were sticking out there, I started to pull them out, there was even ichor, but I could easily pull them out, they were very large and thick, see 7. Why did you have this Dream?

    I DON’T REMEMBER AT THE first I felt something in my mouth and took out some kind of nasty thing, took it out and threw it on the floor, and it seemed that something had broken off from this nasty thing. And then they began to climb, i.e. I began to take white, thin whole balls out of my mouth, like worms, and I kept pulling them and pulling them a lot. I pulled out a lot and felt more in my mouth... I took out a few more and that’s it... I don’t remember anymore.

    I squeezed out a pimple on my chin, and then a whole bunch of worms crawled out from there, then I opened my mouth and saw them there under my tongue, but I had difficulty pulling them out, I pulled them and they seemed to be sucked into me again like leeches. Very scary and disgusting.

    There were worms in the mouth, white in the teeth different sizes and I pulled them out, but the more I pulled them out, the more they then crawled out of the voids in my teeth. When I pulled them all out, there was a huge pile of these worms lying on the floor near the wardrobe with a mirror and I crushed them all with my feet, after which I woke up.

    Hello! The dream was like this, those parts of it that I remembered:
    I opened my mouth and felt something on my tongue, I touched it with my fingers and pulled out a worm from under my tongue, and then looking in the mirror I found sagging skin on my tongue, as if this place had been emptied. It was scary and unpleasant, but at the same time joyful that I discovered the worm and finally pulled it out.

    I dreamed of white long thick worms in my right eye and lower eyelid, I began to pull them, but they tore, some remained in the eye and eyelid, I felt them, and then I saw the same worms in my mouth

    Hello! I dreamed that my husband and his ex-lover flirted with each other at our house. At the same time, I felt hopelessness, realizing that my presence did little to stop them. And my husband almost openly tells me that he can’t help himself. And in the same dream, my new friend pulled out swarming long, white worms from my throat. She tried to wash and blow them out for me. And still I saw a few that remained.

    I had a dream that I was spitting out worms (small like worms), they were yellowish in color, and I showed them to my husband. Then again I pulled the worms out of my mouth with my hands and each time more and more, and they were larger in size, yellowish and red in color. I woke up from such a nightmare. Before this, I saw a doctor, he prescribed medications, maybe that’s why everything turned upside down in my head.

    Hello, I dreamed that my two front teeth fell out, but without blood, and from the second a black worm supposedly came out, like a maggot, not long, and then looking further into my mouth I saw several white ones in the throat and, in my opinion, one black worm ( maggot, worm, I don’t even know what to call it)

    Good morning! I dreamed that I was pulling out very long white worms in pairs from my mouth, I pulled out two pairs completely, but I couldn’t pull out the third pair completely, they broke off…. When I pulled it out, I felt them running down my throat.

    I don’t remember the exact beginning of the dream, but we were at an event at the School where I used to study, I don’t know what kind of event it was, many were sitting at the table, after that my friends from the university, as always, were toiling around with I don’t understand what, they came up with soap bubbles, put on them on their heads, a woman came up to them and yelled at them, then we all started going out into the corridor, all our friends from the university were gone, only schoolchildren were left, I went to the lesson schedule, looked at the schedule for Friday, a guy who had never smoked suggested to the smoking room go have a smoke, as soon as we started going out I lost sight of him, thinking that he was already on the street, plus I was distracted by the fact that my ex-classmate was with her twin, although she doesn’t have any, I went outside and suddenly my tooth ached, I pulled it out half and wanted to spit out the blood and the remains of the tooth, and from my mouth I spat out the dirt, blood and the worm that was in the tooth, once again I spat out the blood with a centipede and once again a potato pocket that looked like a worm, I went to the smoking room but didn’t find that guy , walking through the places where he could be, my tooth hurt again, some children ran nearby and I woke up

    I told some woman how my children and I live, how we dress. When I began to tell how I dress, how I live, that I am rich, I began to cough up and spit out spiny black worms. They fell on the snow and turned yellow. There were five of them. But there was one thing I couldn’t cough up; it remained in me.

    I dreamed that I felt a movement on my tongue, stuck it out and saw a worm moving, I began to take it out, it turned out to be long and tight. I noticed that there are still some when they come out completely like cobwebs. I tried to crush them, but they were dense and I rolled them into balls. And on the tongue there were traces with droplets of blood, one of which was painful when taken out. The dream is not pleasant, but it feels as if something has been kicked out of me.

    A maggot was crawling under the skin of the lower lip and I’m trying to catch it while standing in front of the mirror, the next fragment is a lot of maggots crawling along the tongue and lower lip, and you can see how they eat away the rot, like a corpse, I see this and begin to shake them out of the tongue and lip sleep from 15.02 to 16.02
    Date of birth 12/30/1987

    Sometimes I dream that I find a worm in the dust and start to pull it out, I pull it out long but it doesn’t come out all the way, I can’t take a bite, it doesn’t turn out so hard, and there’s nothing to cut it off with, I often dream about once twice a month, sometimes I dream that I pull it out or cut it off and wake up to why would that be?

    The child is sick (teething and diarrhea)
    I dreamed that I saw a black and red worm in my 4 month old child’s mouth and started picking it out, telling my husband that now it’s clear why nothing is going away for us.

    I very rarely dream; and memorable ones once every five years. Today I had a dream of just such power.
    It so happened that I slept enough during the day, and by the evening I didn’t feel like sleeping at all, but still, at about eleven, I went to bed and tossed and turned for a long time before falling asleep. At 3 o'clock I woke up with the thought: thank God, it was a dream.
    I dreamed of a tea saucer filled with live worms clean water room temperature. (There was no debris, pieces of earth or anything else in the saucer.) The worms were very similar to earthworms in size, 2 centimeters or less. With all this, I had two aluminum teaspoons in my hands. I placed one of them on the bottom of the dish, and with the help of the other I slowly put worms into it. Although the worms wriggled, they were not so active and it was quite easy to put a spoonful. There weren't that many of them in total - after I filled one spoon, there was still about half a spoon left.
    The dream was divided into fragments. That is, there was no gap in it (or I didn’t remember due to the emotions I was experiencing) in which I brought the spoon to my mouth, but in the next fragment I was already chewing worms with my teeth. In the first moments, I treated this without the slightest criticism - as if it was necessary. True, it is completely unclear why. The water and the obvious selection of worms in size are a little alarming. Because this is a kind of movement towards the “edibility of the dish”. Initially I did not experience any unpleasant sensations. I even remember the thought that the worms were dying while I was chewing them (and a shadow of satisfaction seemed to flash before me, as sometimes happens to small children when they crush the same worms or destroy anthills, independently exploring the world).
    Before I begin to describe the immediate outcome, I also want to draw attention to the thought regarding the spoons that arose in the process of applying - the thought that after they should be put aside separately - even after washing, put away as “filthy”. And then I thought that it doesn’t matter – I don’t have to clean it up (most likely, that’s what will happen), although it would be better to clean it up anyway. That is, there was still some understanding (but not awareness) of the nastiness of what was happening.
    Almost as soon as I started chewing the worms, my entire body was overwhelmed by intense emotions, and I began to quickly wake up. Somewhere on the edge of the dream, the realization of the disgusting nature of what was happening came to me, which is why I began to spit worms out of my mouth. (But I didn’t feel a real taste even then. I can’t somehow characterize the taste sensations - only emotions.) Now it seems to me that I spat once, but for some reason in a dream the situation that happened in real life the day before was repeated When I was visiting, in order to put out a cigarette, I spat in the ashtray and the ashes scattered in a small cloud in my face and across the balcony. Then in a dream I spat out worms and in response, cigarette ash came from out of nowhere. In the end, I didn't swallow anything. Due to the growing confusion, I don’t remember if I took one spoon into my mouth. If you follow the logic of the dream, then one, but I can’t be completely sure.
    It must be said that the dream had some kind of beginning, also somehow connected with worms. I'm pretty sure of this. Perhaps it carried some answers or clues to explain everything else, but I can’t remember any of it.
    Apart from the things described, there was nothing in the dream: no surroundings, no people. It felt like it was night and there was darkness all around. It was as if the time and place were real.
    Thinking about where the worms could have come from in a dream, I remembered that in the evening of that day I was steaming in a bathhouse and when, after draining hot water, between the boards I saw the earth, I thought that there were a lot of worms in it. Maybe from this second thought?