Svetlana Ustinova: biography, filmography and personal life of the actress (photo). Svetlana Ustinova and Ilya Stewart arranged a magnificent wedding in one of the pavilions of the Mosfilm Film Company and Festivals

Svetlana Vladimirovna Ustinova was born on May 1, 1982 in Severodvinsk, in the Arkhangelsk region. The girl's father was successfully engaged in business, her mother worked at a local industrial enterprise.

The artist in the Light woke up at school. The young lady participated in KVN, was the host at competitions and festive events. Ballroom dancing also bore fruit, the girl's body became flexible and plastic. However, Sveta did not even think about earning a living from creativity.

Listening to the advice of older family members, she leaned on mathematics, aiming at the capital's financial university. The girl really became a student at the Moscow Financial Academy, but she soon realized that this type of activity was too dry and boring for her multifaceted nature. Svetlana decides to take a responsible and fateful step; she enters VGIK, thus saying goodbye to the financial sector.

Carier start

Not far off were the first shootings. Svetlana got into the shooting pavilion of the later cult film "Boomer". The image of Dasha from the second film of the action-packed crime drama was remembered throughout the country. Svetlana says that she met the casting director of the film "Boomer" a little earlier in the company of friends, he then told her that she reminds him of Brad Pitt.

Vladimir Vdovichenkov and Svetlana Ustinova in the movie "Boomer"

They laughed and parted ways. And so, when they began to look for an actress for the role of Dasha, they remembered Svetlana and called for auditions. The casting, the star admits, was not easy, it lasted two months and, as a result, Svetlana was refused. The girl reconciled herself and began to live on. Suddenly a call and a message that Svetlana was still approved for the role.

Artur Smolyaninov and Svetlana Ustinova in the movie "I'm Standing on the Edge"

We can say that after the release of this tape, Mrs. Ustinova's film career was given the green light. Over the next three years, the talented girl starred in eleven films. Her images stand out in particular in the films “I’m Standing on the Edge”, “A Gust of Wind”, “A Good Reason for Murder”, “Unsuccessful. for love." In the four-episode action film "Smersh", the girl especially succeeded in the role of Pavlinka.

Svetlana Ustinova in the film "Dark Waters"

Svetlana is to the liking of the domestic audience. Numerous glossy magazines print interviews with the actress, conduct photo sessions with her. The actress quickly and harmoniously joined the film business, becoming an indispensable part of it.

Svetlana Ustinova in the movie Scouts

Film star and telenovelas are filmed. With her participation, the following TV projects appeared on the screens: "Golden Trap", "District", "Dark Waters", "Scout", "Odessa-Mama", "Azimuth of Love".

Svetlana Ustinova and Dmitry Dyuzhev on the set of the film "Odessa-Mama"

Svetlana treats herself quite strictly and stops star disease in the bud. Shooting a movie is, first of all, a job that requires constant self-improvement, says the wise actress. Therefore, there is no time to star, you need to develop all the time. Svetlana also has a negative attitude towards copying someone's successful image, trying to develop her own individual and unique style.

Personal life

Being a sought-after actress, Svetlana is involved not only in Russian projects, but often receives invitations from neighboring countries. So one day shooting in Ukraine turned into a marriage for a girl. Svetlana's husband was a successful Ukrainian director Mark Gorobets. The man moved to his beloved in Moscow, where he continued to build his career. By the way, the couple's wedding ceremony was closed, the press learned about what had happened after it was completed.

Mark Gorobets and Svetlana Ustinova

AT recent times more and more often they say that Svetlana is no longer the wife of Mark Gorobets. The girl is seen at parties in the company of producer Ilya Stewart. Probably, the exchange of cinema experience brought the couple closer, because Mr. Stewart lived abroad for a long time and specializes more in foreign cinema, while Svetlana is an expert in domestic cinema.

Ilya Stewart and Svetlana Ustinova

According to the sign of the zodiac, our heroine is Taurus, according to Chinese horoscope- Dog.

Read biographies of foreign actors

Svetlana Ustinova is a young talented actress whose star has lit up in Russian cinema relatively recently. Her ascent to the heights of popularity was fast and swift, but now we can confidently say that the career of this extraordinary actress will only gain momentum over time. Trying to keep up with the times, today we decided to bring to your attention a small biographical sketch about the creative and life path of this gifted girl.

Childhood and family of Svetlana Ustinova

The future star of Russian cinema was born in the provincial Severodvinsk (Arkhangelsk region). Her father was a well-known entrepreneur in the city, and her mother worked at the local Polar Star plant.

Svetlana Ustinova about the men she likes and not only

From an early age, the girl attended local school No. 28. It was here that our today's heroine began to show her artistic abilities for the first time. She participated in various competitions, holidays, games of the local semi-professional KVN team. In addition, during this period, the girl began to actively get involved in fashion. She was aware of all the latest innovations and tried to be like her favorite supermodel in everything - the German Claudia Schiffer. Remarkably, the only extracurricular activities, which the future actress diligently avoided, during this period there were classes in theatrical art.

Trying to always keep herself in shape, Svetlana Ustinova enrolled in the ballroom dancing section, where she achieved quite good success. As for favorite subjects and life aspirations, in this regard, Sveta was a very diverse child. AT early age she showed great interest in the humanities - she did well in Russian and literature, and was also very diligent in her English classes. However, over time, I began to pay more attention to mathematics and economic geography. Such changes were associated with the girl's great desire to enter one or another financial university.

In the end, it did. After successfully graduating from school, the girl went to Moscow with her father, where, after long trips to various higher educational institutions, she submitted documents to the Moscow Financial Academy.

Acting career of Svetlana Ustinova and other successes

Despite the fact that entering a financial university for a long time was the dream of our today's heroine, Svetlana Ustinova soon realized that accounts and finances are “not hers”. While still a student at the Moscow Academy, the girl began to try herself in other industries. For some time she worked as a model, and then began to appear in the videos of various Russian pop groups. So, in particular, the popular actress can be seen in episodes of the music video of the Dynamite and Legal Business bands.

Finally, in 2005, the girl decided to take the documents from the Moscow Financial Academy and try her hand at the VGIK entrance exams. The tests were successful, and soon the girl began to study acting skills at the studio of Vladimir Grammatikov.

It is worth noting that the knowledge gained soon found its own practical use. In 2006, Svetlana Ustinova came to the casting of the film “Boomer. The second film ", and this day was a turning point in her life ...

The game of the young actress made an excellent impression on the director and producers of the picture. Svetlana was approved for the role, and very soon the young beauty Dasha from the sequel to the legendary Boomer was known all over Russia.

Svetlana Ustinova

From that moment began the rapid ascent of Svetlana Ustinova to the heights of Russian cinema. Her popularity has grown every year. The girl often acted in films, attracting more and more attention to herself with her new works. So, in the next three years, the young actress was noted immediately in eleven (!) New films. The most famous of them were the roles in the films "SMERSH", "I'm standing on the edge", "A gust of wind", "A good reason for murder", "Unsuccessful. for love" and many others.

During this period, the girl was assigned the role of a bright actress - one of the most promising stars of Russian cinema. Each of her new role allowed with new side take a look at the multi-faceted talent of the young actress. She starred a lot and often, and therefore her photographs and interviews have become integral attributes of all glossy magazines in Russia.

Svetlana Ustinova now

In the period from 2010 to 2013, several new films were released with the participation of Svetlana Ustinova. At this time, the actress begins to appear more often in various series, where she plays both main and secondary roles. So, in particular, Svetlana Ustinova played roles in the films “Fog”, “Mologa. Russian Atlantis”, “City of Sin”, as well as series - “Golden Trap”, “District”, “Dark Waters”, “Scout”, “Odessa-mother” and many others.

During this period, the actress began to work fruitfully both in Russia and in Ukraine. It was cooperation with the creative groups of the last indicated country that became crucial for the young actress ...

Personal life of Svetlana Ustinova

In 2008, reports began to appear in the press about the romance of a young Russian actress with the famous Ukrainian director Mark Gorobets. Very soon, such reports were confirmed by the actress herself, who said in an interview with the newspaper “ TVNZ in Ukraine" that Mark is her lover.

In the summer of 2009, the actress and director were legally married. The closed ceremony was attended only by relatives and close friends, and therefore the press learned about it only after the fact.

Currently, a couple in love lives in Moscow. Reportedly, for the sake of his beloved, Mark Gorobets left Ukraine and moved to Russia.

A charming and talented blonde actress with very expressive eyes quickly broke into the national cinema. Experts are sure that Svetlana Ustinova is an actress who has a great future.

Childhood, family

The future star was born in the city of Severodvinsk, which is located in the Arkhangelsk region, in 1982. Svetlana grew up as an active child. While studying at school, she attended and took an active part in KVNs and various competitions. She sang well and danced beautifully. In a word, it was impossible not to notice her. And besides, her classmates and teachers recall that it was just a pleasure to communicate with this girl. She gave preference to the humanities.

In the tenth grade, she undertook to actively study science that was difficult for her - The fact is that Svetlana Ustinova planned to enter a financial university after school.

Academy of Finance

After graduating from school, Svetlana went to Moscow with her dad to continue her studies. Having bypassed many institutions, the girl opted for the financial academy. She passed the exams, and was enrolled in the first year. Not much time passed, and the girl realized that she had made the wrong choice. As the actress herself recalls, she began to feel that the soul requires creativity. She even tried her hand as a fashion model. Music lovers may remember her participation in the videos of the Dynamite and Legal Business groups.

Only in the fourth year of the academy did an event occur that completely changed the girl's life. Once in a cafe, Svetlana met a young and talented director Pyotr Buslov, who really liked the charming provincial girl, and he invited her to audition for the film “Boomer. The second film.

Film debut

The tests were long, difficult, nervous. Due to the fact that Svetlana Ustinova was not a professional actress, she was forced to act with almost every actor who played in the film. The director's assistants looked at her closely, doubting her abilities. As a result, not without the help and support of Buslov, she was approved for the role. The first star mentors of the beginning actress were Andrey Merzlikin and Vladimir Vdovichenkov. The girl did not experience any difficulties in communicating with eminent actors.

Choice of profession

After filming, Svetlana had no doubts that her path in life - acting profession. She left the Academy and quite easily entered the famous VGIK. I got on the Grammatikov course. Svetlana Ustinova is a versatile actress, and this quality is successfully used by directors. After 2007, she receives many offers for new films, but she is selective in choosing roles. Perhaps that is why the images she creates are always bright and memorable.

Svetlana Ustinova, whose filmography has just begun to be created, works a lot and very diligently. It is convenient for partners on the set with her, and the directors always note her responsibility in working on the role.

Svetlana Ustinova

Since 2008, ubiquitous journalists began to write about the romance of a young actress with director Mark Gorobets. After a while, this was confirmed by the girl herself. Since the summer of 2009, Mark Gorobets has been the husband of Svetlana Ustinova. For the sake of his beloved wife, Mark moved from his native Ukraine to Moscow.

Svetlana Ustinova: filmography

Despite the fact that the actress is still young, she already has 32 films behind her, in which she starred after the sensational "Boomer". We will present to you today last works actresses.

Scouts (2013), military drama

Zoya Velichko is a girl from a remote village, the daughter of a kulak, who, by the will of fate, was drawn into a criminal environment. Arina Prozorovskaya is a convinced Komsomol member from a family of intellectuals. Just before the war, both girls end up in a reconnaissance school. Arina is accused of treason, and Zoya is accused of killing Arina's mother. For both girls, service to the state is an opportunity to avoid severe punishment. "Colleagues" immediately hated each other. Despite this, they are placed in the same group to perform difficult task. They make the perfect tandem...

"Rare blood type" (2013), melodrama

Nurse Nadya Samsonova works at the regional hospital. She is 28 years old, she no longer believes in a happy personal life. She lives with her parents, considers herself ugly and absolutely uninteresting for the opposite sex. But she is very funny and kind girl, for which she is loved by neighbors, colleagues, parents, friends. One day, a young, handsome and very sociable doctor appears in the hospital, who flirts with all the girls in the hospital, but begins to take care of Nadia. The girl does not believe him, but falls in love, loses her head. Very soon she learns that nurse Natasha is pregnant by Igor. Nadia immediately breaks off the relationship. After the birth of the child, she takes care of Natasha and her baby. She is not interested in her personal life again. However, she is unaware that life will still surprise her ...

"Headhunters" (2014), serial film, detective

Rita and Timur hunt for "heads". It is important for Rita to find unique and talented specialists. Timur is looking for dangerous criminals. At some point, their paths cross. At the same time, they will contact a famous Russian chemist who has invented an effective cure for cancer. The dealers of the drug mafia seek to use it for their own purposes. Young people have to make a moral choice...

"Secret Choice" (2014), fiction

This is a picture about “secret Moscow”, where witches, werewolves and magicians, invisible to ordinary citizens, live…

"Hardcore" (2014) fantasy, action

Above the capital of Russia is an air laboratory that develops cyborg people. Estelle collects the cyborg Henry. Waking up in new form he remembers little of his past life. The only thing he remembered was their love with Estelle. Without fully recovering his memories, Henry loses his girlfriend. This is the work of the blind Akan, who kidnaps Estelle with the help of telekinesis. Henry rushes in search of his beloved and meets Jimmy on his way, who saves his life and passes on valuable information about the whereabouts of his beloved. Henry does not yet know that his road will be full of dangerous and unexpected adventures...

Marseille (2014), detective, in production

Sergei Lezhnev works in an ambulance. He is a nurse. A young man dreams of finding his mother, whom he has not been able to find for thirteen years. Accidentally being at the crime scene (on duty), Sergei helps the police in the investigation of the murder. His extraordinary alarms not only police officers ...

"A Man Without a Past" (2014), action movie, in production

Pavel Groshev and Igor Romanov were once very friendly, but today they ended up in different “camps”. Romanov ended up in the drug business - he works for a large merchant, and Groshev serves in the State Drug Control Service. chance meeting for former friends is fatal. Groshev professionally disrupts a drug deal worth three million rubles, but he fails to catch anyone red-handed. During the operation, Romanov is seriously wounded in the head and loses his memory. Meanwhile, money and drugs disappear, and his boss believes that he is the kidnapper. Groshev is removed from the investigation, accusing him of abuse of authority. Questions arise about where the money and cargo went, who benefits from Romanov's death. Former friends join forces to answer these questions...

Today the heroine of our article is Svetlana Ustinova. Films with her participation are always bright and memorable.

Ustinova Svetlana Vladimirovna is a popular and talented young Russian actress theater and cinema, model. Svetlana Ustinova was born on far north, in the city of Severodvinsk, which is located on the coast White Sea. The girl's parents Soviet time worked at the main shipbuilding plant in the country, where they produced the latest nuclear submarines "Polar Star".


Father, Vladimir Ivanovich, a submarine engineer by training, in the difficult 90s, when everything began to fall apart, left the factory and opened his own business, became a well-known entrepreneur in the city. Mother, Tatyana Vasilievna, remained to work at the factory.

Childhood future actress passed in a harsh climate. In the first class I went to the regular general education school No. 28 of the city of Severodvinsk. I studied well. Most of all, the girl was interested in humanitarian subjects, she was especially successful in the Russian language and literature, as well as in English.

She grew up as an active child, took part in many school holidays, in the local KVN team. She did not think about the career of a professional actress and did not attend any theater circles. She adored ballroom dancing, practiced it with pleasure and achieved significant success. For Sveta, these were moments of self-expression. She was fond of fashion, was interested in novelties of the fashion industry. I liked to watch different films.

After graduating from the seventh grade, Sveta, on the advice of her father, decided to enter gymnasium No. 14, which was with a humanitarian and linguistic bias. All summer, the girl studied additionally with private teachers in order to enter this educational institution. A gift from my father for the effort was a ticket to a children's camp.

New classmates accepted the girl immediately. Sveta had no admirers in the gymnasium, everyone was determined only to receive a prestigious education. She had to study deeper English language and learn German from scratch, also in highest level exact sciences were taught. At that time, the girl first heard from friends that she was very similar to the fashion model Claudia Schiffer, whom she really liked.

The first play on the theater stage that the girl saw was Eliza Doolittle on the stage of the Severodvinsk Drama Theater. In high school, Sveta began to think about the profession of a translator. But the progressive and well-read father, when the girl graduated from the gymnasium, advised her to become an economist. The girl began to diligently prepare with tutors, in the exact sciences.

After graduating from high school in 1999, Svetlana travels to Moscow with her father, where she hardly enters the University of Economics and Statistics. The girl really wanted to stay in the capital, despite her unloved specialty at the university.

In the second year, the girl is transferred to Financial Academy. Not having a mathematical mindset, it was difficult for her to study. AT At that time, an 18-year-old girl was noticed on the subway and invited to star in the video of the rap group "Bad Balance". Svetlana got a job in a modeling agency, on behalf of which she periodically starred in videos and commercials. She managed to get into the videos of Decl and the groups "Dynamite", "Legal Business" and others.

At that moment in life, everything was decided by chance. Svetlana was sitting with friends in a cafe, where she accidentally met the director. Having mutual acquaintances, Peter briefly sat down with the company, after which the girl received an offer to come to the audition main character to the director's film. The girl was interested in the offer, she was curious to act in films.

A girl, although she does not understand anything in acting, approved for a leading role in the continuation of the cult film "Boomer. Film II". Svetlana did not understand then what a grandiose luck fell on her. The girl liked acting in films, as well as the atmosphere on the set. She wanted to learn acting skills. In 2005, she left the Financial Academy, having studied there for almost four years.

Enters VGIK for acting department to the workshop of the Honored Art Worker Vladimir Alexandrovich Grammatikov (born in 1942).

In the first year, an excerpt from Arbuzov's play "My poor Marat" by Svetlana with her classmate was recognized as the best on the course. Students from all over the university came to see the composition. During her studies, the girl lived in a hostel, often with classmates stayed to rehearse until late at night, sometimes they spent the night there. Periodically, Svetlana managed to act in films, but basically she had to refuse many offers because of classes.

Interesting Notes:

Studying in theater university lasted four years. Among theses, in which a talented student took part, were: "Marriage" directed by I. Tsalon, "Three Sisters" directed by Yu. Ilyashevsky, "From the First Person" directed by Yu. Zhzhenov. Graduated from GITIS Svetlana with honors.

Professional activity

Svetlana's popularity was brought by her stellar film debut in 2005 with the action drama Boomer. The second film "directed by Pyotr Buslov, where she played the role of Dasha. The premiere of the film took place in March 2006, it was then that the girl became famous in an instant, her career rapidly went up. Among the actors with whom Svetlana starred in the film were: and others. After filming the film, the girl decided to become a professional actress.

Despite years of study at a theater university, from 2007 to 2009 she manages to act in 11 films. The filmography of the actress has about 50 projects in the cinema. Among the films in which Svetlana plays the main roles:

  • "Smersh" (2007, Pavlinka);
  • "Dark Waters" (2011, Ksyusha Budnikova);
  • "Odessa-mother" (Irina Volskaya);
  • Scouts (2013, Zoya Velichko);
  • « cold front"(2015, Masha Lozinskaya).

The actress is fruitfully removed both in Russia and in Ukraine. Svetlana likes to participate in historical films. She loves her profession for the fact that with her help you can live life. different people, in different eras.

In film projects, Svetlana skillfully transforms into a character set by the director, usually playing characteristic diverse roles. She also began to write successful scripts and produce films.

More recently, the actress began to play on the theater stage. She collaborated with the Center for Drama and Directing, where the most memorable work was the production of Olga Subbotina's Conspiracy of Feelings. In 2017, the actress made her debut on the stage of the Chekhov Art Theater in the play "Malva". In 2018, she was accepted into the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater troupe, she can be seen in the production of the director Konstantin Bogomolov "Three Sisters" in the role of Natalya Ivanovna.

The actress can often be seen on the covers of glossy magazines. With pleasure gives interviews to journalists. The last two and a half years brought Svetlana many bright roles in the cinema, which only strengthened her position among the popular and extraordinary actors in Russia:

  • "Pushkin" (Sophia Mercier);
  • "Hardcore" (Olga Dominatrix);
  • "Blockbuster" (Lisa);
  • "Buy me" (Galina);
  • "Myths" (Sveta).

The 16-episode detective story "The Presumption of Innocence" will soon be released, where the actress also plays a leading role. Today, a promising actress is in great demand. She continues to gain momentum in her professional activity and develop as a versatile person. Svetlana tries to combine cinema and theater, as well as a happy personal life.

Personal life

The actress is now married for the second time. Her first husband was Ukrainian film director Mark Borisovich Gorobets (born May 30, 1975). The wedding was attended only by close relatives. Mark for the sake of his wife moved to her in Moscow. They met on the joint Russian-Ukrainian filming of the film A Good Reason for Murder. In 2011, Mark released the film " Closed school', shortly after, they broke up.

Today Svetlana Ustinova is married for the second time to one of the most successful producers in Russia, Ilya Stewart, he younger actress for several years. He is an impeccable careerist, the owner of the Hype production company. Ilya graduated from a prestigious Swiss school and the University of London with a degree in cinematography.

Produced films: "Cold Front", "The Apprentice", "Blockbuster", "", "Blood on the Dance Floor". Ilya's mother, Ella Stewart, is the chairman of the board of directors of an international advertising network.

They got married on June 24, 2017, the wedding was rich. For a long time they met without advertising their relationship, they were first noticed at an event back in 2013. They were introduced at the premiere of the film by a mutual friend Katya Kamolova.

Then they talked for two hours. Svetlana then seemed to him a very interesting, educated young man. A year later, they saw each other again in a common company and no longer parted.

Svetlana admires her husband's fearlessness in all creative endeavors. With her husband, the actress has an ideal creative tandem. There are no children in the family yet. For several years life together spouses became each other's most dear people.

  • The actress admires women who are able to combine career and family. He considers himself cheerful, hardworking and vulnerable.
  • He likes to do yoga, snowboarding, reading books.
  • On the set of Boomer. The second film "learned to drive a car.
  • Svetlana is such a person who cannot do nothing. In such cases, he believes that he can miss or lose something in life.
  • In her free time, she dances, sings, reads or watches movies and TV shows, goes to yoga. By nature, a fatalist: she believes that everything that is done is for the best. Considers the main thing in any situation to remain human.
  • Ustinova is often compared with Brigitte Bardot, Claudia Schiffer, Oksana Akinshina.
  • The actress is friends with, and.

  • Her credo: continuous self-improvement, originality and diligence.
  • One of my favorite directors is Ingmar Bergman.
  • Svetlana Ustinova's height is 170cm, weight is 55kg.
  • Eye color is blue, hair is light brown.
  • She considers the happiest moments of her life: the moment when she realized that acting is her life path, as well as a wedding with Ilya.
  • To look good, the actress sticks to healthy lifestyle life, eat right, drink plenty of water, do facial exercises.
  • For a long time she was a vegetarian, but when she met her husband's grandmother (Emilia Sergeevna), she began to eat meat dishes again (she could not refuse cutlets prepared in a special way by her).
  • In Moscow, he loves the areas of Patriarch's Ponds and Kamergerka very much.
  • I would like to visit Scandinavia (Fore Island), in South America, New Zealand and the North Pole.
  • Svetlana actively uses social networks: Facebook and Instagram. She reads all the comments on her page, she is interested in the opinion of fans.
  • Always tries to plan and set goals for himself. Films that she really likes: The Shape of Water, the TV series Stranger Things and the director's film The Land of Oz.
  • Positive people inspire loving life who never give up.
  • He dreams of releasing his play, playing more on the theater stage, acting in historical drama, fairy tale and fantasy.

Films by Svetlana Ustinova

Year Name Role
2006 Boomer. Film two Dasha
2007 mousetrap law

Character name not specified

2007 Smersh Peacock
2007 Schoolgirls

As it became known, the day before and Ilya Stewart. Significant event in the life of the actress and producer was kept in the strictest confidence and was declassified only closer to the night. The wedding celebration took place in one of the Mosfilm pavilions.

Ustinova went down the aisle in a modest, but at the same time incredibly elegant wedding dress. Standing on stage, surrounded by bridesmaids and groomsmen, the actress and her husband exchanged vows of fidelity. A little later, Svetlana changed her puffy dress to a lighter version of the bride's outfit, in which it was much more convenient to "light up" on the dance floor.


Invited celebrity guests included: Maria Kravtsova, Rezo Gigineishvili , Tata Bondarchuk, Daria Charusha, Maria Andreeva and many others. By the way, everything organizational matters associated with the banquet, Ilya prudently took over. So Svetlana did not feel the "horrors" of planning a magnificent wedding.


Roman Ustinova and Stewart began three years ago. Ilya and Sveta met in 2013 at the Five Stars cinema at the premiere of Olympus Has Fallen.And already on the second day of dating, the actress met the parents of her future husband...