Tatarstan: gatherings against waste incineration. Sky-high prices for green energy

“It is impossible to accurately determine the location of factories without consulting with people who live in the surrounding areas. There are 1,500 successful waste incineration plants in the world, some of which are located in the centers of world capitals - London, Paris, Berlin,” noted Vladimir Vladimirovich.

In addition, the president made a reservation about the importance of considering other modern methods waste management. “If there is another method, besides burning, that is more environmentally friendly and promising, we should use it,” added Vladimir Putin.

One of the meeting participants stated the need to postpone the construction of waste incineration plants until the population begins to sort garbage. Putin responded that the issue needed “efforts with federal level” and said that after the “Direct Line”, at the suggestion of the population, he took up this important issue.

As the BIZBI portal reported earlier, from 2019 the authorities of the Moscow region will begin to commission four waste incineration plants as part of the federal project “ Clean country» in Naro-Fominsk, Solnechnogorsk, Noginsk and Voskresensk.

Most residents are categorically against the plant. All concerned people meet repeatedly at pickets, rallies and meetings. And last week, activists from the Naro-Fominsk District visited. Until today, all comments and suggestions from residents regarding the construction of an MSZ in the village of Mogutovo were accepted by the Urban Planning Committee.

“As world experience suggests, the service life of waste incineration plants is 15 years. Officials do not and cannot provide a justification for the construction of waste-incinerating, short-lived plants. On the face of INEFFECTIVE SPENDING budget funds. The construction of waste incineration plants for direct combustion of the entire generated mass of solid waste is unacceptable from any point of view. In addition, the acquisition of land for a waste incineration plant and the construction of a high-capacity plant will entail, during the operation of the plant, a huge load on the atmosphere of the areas adjacent to the plant: due to a decrease in the oxygen content in the air from 21% to 8% in the exhaust flue gases due to the entry into environment CO2. New perinatal center in Naro-Fominsk is located 10 kilometers from the planned waste incineration plant. The child's body is initial stage development is most sensitive to the influence of toxins. Their effects on the fetus and infant in the first months of life can subsequently lead to serious disorders, including the development of cancer. Studies have shown that cancer incidence in to a greater extent depends on the child's proximity to the MSZ in the first months of his life than at a later age. In children born within 10 km of the MSZ, the likelihood of dying from cancer increased by 2 times relative to the average level. And lastly: it was from this place near the villages of Afanasovka, Savelovka and Mogutovo that the turning point in the Great Patriotic War began. Patriotic War 1941-1945, will they really make a trash bin among the trenches overgrown with grass and bushes in this historically valuable territory?” - the authors of one of the comments ask.

We can only hope that the head of state will not leave the problem of waste incineration plants unattended and will not allow their construction without taking into account the opinions of citizens Russian Federation.

Anna Nikiforova

Residents of six Moscow region districts: Voskresensky, Kolomensky, Stupinsky, Ramensky, Serpukhovsky and Chekhovsky took part in a rally on May 13 against plans to build a waste incineration plant in the village of Stepanshino rural settlement Fedenskoye, Voskresensky district.

We are talking about one of four factories planned to be built in the Moscow region under the federal project “Clean Country”.

Initially, they wanted to build the plant in Voskresensk itself, arguing that the MSZ (waste incineration plant) was environmentally friendly and people had nothing to fear. And Vienna, Paris, Tokyo were cited as examples, where waste incineration plants are located in cities and do not bother anyone.

However, officials did not take into account that the Russian reality, where any project is half stolen and the rest is used to make everything somehow, is not satisfactory for residents.

And waste incineration has long been considered an outdated method all over the world, where they prefer to sort and process solid waste.

Activist Alexey Kholkin from Voskresensk repeatedly held mass rallies in his village, and these actions bore fruit, but in a very strange way.

The construction of an incineration plant in Voskresensk was banned, the project from original plan moved 30 kilometers to the village of Svistyagino, Voskresensky district.

True, the hope that such a Solomon decision would suit Voskresensk activists was not justified, since civil ecologists, including Alexei Kholkin, are confident that the construction of the MSZ will lead to a significant deterioration of the environmental situation in the region and will directly affect four districts: Voskresensky, Kolomensky, Stupinsky, Ramensky.

Therefore, on a sunny day, a rally and picketing took place in front of the Fedenskoye village administration building in the village of Stepanshino.

Since there is no square in front of the administration building as such, the three hundred people who gathered for the rally could hardly fit on a small patch of land, which made the rally even more heated.

It so happened that it was I who became the organizer of the rallies in Voskresensk,” said Alexey Kholkin. – Yes, plans really changed, and the plant was removed from Voskresensk and moved to you, the residents of Stepanshchino and Svistyagino. However, I do not consider this a victory for the residents of Voskresensk, but rather a delayed death of the entire region.

The residents who spoke echoed him.

My children are growing up here, why, because of the illiteracy of officials who brought the region to the brink environmental disaster, should we put the lives of our children at risk? – one of the residents said emotionally.

Almost every one of the speakers said that, in principle, they do not want to see a waste incineration plant near their home and generally do not believe the assurances of officials about safety of this enterprise. And everyone has a reason to say so - they have formal replies from officials.

And one more important point- rural deputies have already contacted the prosecutor’s office in order to investigate how the governor of the Moscow region, Andrei Vorobyov, illegally, according to rural people’s deputies, transferred the 40-hectare land plot where the construction of the MSZ is planned, into industrial use?

It seems that the transfer of agricultural lands and forest lands to industrial use is becoming a trend.

And all this happens in the year of ecology...

The transfer of lands and the appeal of rural deputies directly returns us to the reform of local self-government, forcibly imposed by the governor.

It was this that made it possible to transfer to the region the development of general plans and environmental protection zones, the transfer of agricultural lands, as well as the abolition of direct elections and the creation of urban districts.

When the reform was just being introduced, regional deputies rushed to each district to talk about the advantages of urban districts. But people didn’t see them at protest rallies. But the village deputies were there, all as one.

This is the accessibility of the municipal level of government. This is what the residents are being deprived of. Which raises a logical question: won’t the prevailing ecocide turn into outright genocide of the population? With indifferently looking on district deputies and heads appointed from Krasnogorsk?

At the end of the rally, residents dressed in chemical protective suits and lined up with posters along the highway, and passing cars honked their horns, expressing support!

Modern waste incineration enterprises effectively solve the problem of accumulated solid waste at landfills, the area of ​​which is comparable to the size of million-plus cities. At the same time, it is not uncommon to meet those who are against the construction of waste incineration plants, explaining their position with fears for the deterioration of the environmental situation in the country.

The need to build waste incineration plants in the Russian Federation

There is a lot of waste in Russia that should be subjected to thermal treatment. In addition, currently used innovative technologies They allow not only to burn garbage, but to produce thermal energy from it.

Considering waste incineration plants from the point of view of their demand, we can distinguish 3 main tasks that are solved with their help.

Reducing the volume of waste stored in landfills

The environmental situation in the country is close to a catastrophe, and it is not caused by waste incineration plants, which environmentalists are against, but by tons of garbage accumulated at landfills. During the process of biochemical decomposition, waste produces so-called landfill gas and vapors containing methane and carbon dioxide. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that such landfills are often located near residential areas. And I don’t even want to talk about the work of shady landfills, where garbage is stored in violation of all norms.

At waste incineration plants, solid waste is completely disposed of without residual waste. During the combustion process, the ash is retained on the filters without entering the atmosphere, and the slag, after being cleaned from heavy metals used as secondary raw materials for manufacturing building materials. This suggests that petitions against the construction of waste incineration plants are not fully substantiated.

Clearing sites occupied by waste waste

Landfills around Moscow and the Moscow region reach the size of the capital itself. An area that could be effectively used is simply a graveyard for garbage.

In addition, reducing the number of landfills saves public funds by eliminating the need to reclaim landfills after they are closed.

Green Energy Generation

Thermal cleaning technologies municipal waste from the Japanese-Swiss company Hitachi Zosen Inova make it possible to generate thermal energy during the combustion process, which is then processed into electricity. True, the cost of such electricity can reach sky-high amounts compared to “ordinary” ones.

Concerns regarding the implementation of waste incineration plant projects

The implementation of new projects for thermal waste treatment in such villages of the Moscow region and Kazan as: Svityagino, Voskresensky district, Mogutovo, Fominsk region, Timokhovo, Noginsk region, Khmetyevo, Solnechnogorsk region, and Osinovo, Zelenodolsk region, caused protests against the construction of waste incineration plants. Why?

Impact on the environment

The opinion of environmentalists that as a result of burning garbage, dioxins and furans enter the atmosphere has spread at the speed of light. The situation is also fueled by the fact that it is permissible to build such enterprises near residential areas, which also caused indignation among the population.

Despite the fact that researchers from all over the world insist that such incinerators are safe provided that combustion technologies are strictly followed, the public is extremely concerned that local authorities will not be held accountable for the safe operation of incinerators under construction.

Harm to health

IN Western Europe waste incineration plants are built almost in the city center, living and working across the road, while being absolutely confident in their safety. In Russia, things are different: according to some press sources, due to the release of ash and slag waste into the atmosphere, the construction of enterprises for thermal waste processing will lead to serious illnesses and an increase in the death rate in the country.

Sky-high prices for green energy

This aspect concerns the innovative developments of the HZI company, which offers the whole world new technologies for the production of valuable resources, such as energy through the combustion of solid waste. Investments in such know-how are significant, and they will have to be repaid by selling electricity at exorbitant prices, compared to the usual tariffs for everyone. This decision also causes protests among Russians against the construction of modern waste incineration plants in Moscow and Kazan.

Methods for overcoming “conflicts” in the construction of incineration plants

These enterprises are one of the few solutions that allow recycling up to 100% of solids. household waste without the need for sorting. An alternative to incineration plants—waste processing plants—is not designed to handle unsorted waste, and also does not have solutions for the disposal of waste that is unsuitable for recycling. In fact, waste treatment plants are an intermediate link, after which residual solid waste must either be buried in a landfill or incinerated.

Construction of waste incineration plants requires integrated approach and direct work with the population. Only in this case will it justify the investment in the project and make the business of thermal treatment of municipal waste profitable.

This is a complex and multi-stage process through which most economically developed countries. About the system separate collection The authorities of the Russian Federation have thought about garbage disposal more than once, although the idea has not yet been effectively reflected in practice. Many of us continue to take out bags of “mixed” garbage, significantly complicating the job of recycling it.

The widespread installation of containers for sorted waste, the purchase of special equipment with separated compartments for collecting such waste, conducting campaigns and introducing into the consciousness of the population a new attitude towards waste disposal will significantly improve the situation and make waste incineration plants truly safe.

Replacing filters for gas purification and proper disposal of ash

Filters that retain ash from solid waste combustion do not last forever and require careful monitoring and timely replacement for the safe operation of the entire heat treatment system. They perform one of the most important functions– do not allow the release of dioxins and furans into the atmosphere.

Fly ash, which is formed during the combustion process, in the form of concrete blocks must be buried in a landfill with strict adherence to technology.

Ignoring and negligent attitude of municipalities, which is what environmentalists fear, in managing waste incineration plants can really lead to global problems.

Construction outside the residential area

“...We are building them next to schools and kindergartens”: this is what Andres Kronenberg, vice president of Hitachi Zosen Inova, said in a topic about the location of the incinerator plant. However, few people will be delighted by the prospect of living next door to this enterprise and observing the volume of gases released every day.

Still, it makes sense to build such factories outside the bustle of the city. Not with a purpose environmental safety(since with proper adherence to technology, these enterprises do not pose a threat), but rather based on architectural and landscape solutions.

Construction of MSZ from Euryal

We believe that the construction of environmentally friendly waste incineration plants that adhere to all legal standards is an appropriate solution in the fight against waste, which has already caused a significant blow to the economy and standard of living in the country. Euryal specialists offer modern construction technologies industrial buildings based on metal structures that have proven their effectiveness in various fields activities. Waste incineration plants, which are based on lightweight metal structures and sandwich panels, are energy efficient, quick to construct, and cost-effective. Find out more and get commercial offer You can contact the Euryal company by phone. 7 (495) 374-59-10.

One of them, assistant to the chairman of the environmental commission of the Public Chamber of Russia, Alexey Peshkov, said that the EIA does not comply with environmental legislation and the document should be sent for revision. And energy expert Denis Monakhov expressed confidence that the capacity of the designed plant will not be fully loaded with waste, which will lead to losses and the subsequent closure of the enterprise.

After which, at the request of the residents, a vote was held, during which almost all participants public hearings opposed the construction of the MSZ in the Voskresensky district. However, their opinion on the legislation is only advisory in nature, adviser to the Minister of Ecology of the Moscow Region Maria Komkova told RBC, but can be taken into account by supervisory authorities when passing the EIA of the state environmental assessment.

“We will stand until the end, because for us the construction of the plant is a matter of life,” one of the residents of the village of Svistyagino told RBC. “Already now the price of houses and land in the district has fallen by half, and if the plant is built, the property will simply not be sold, except perhaps to its employees. As a result, some residents will simply leave here, abandoning their property, while others will slowly die out from toxic fumes.”

From the factory to residential buildings 800 meters

Four waste incineration plants in the Moscow region, with a processing capacity of 700 thousand tons of waste per year, and one in Tatarstan (550 thousand tons) will be part of the pilot federal project “Clean Country” and put into operation by the end of 2022.

In the Moscow region, according to the territorial waste management scheme, plants will appear in the Voskresensky, Naro-Fominsk, Solnechnogorsk and Noginsk districts.
“The approval of these particular land plots was due, firstly, to the need for an even distribution of waste flows, because if you look at the map, then this, respectively, turns out to be the north, east, south and west of the Moscow region. And, secondly, the presence of engineering infrastructure - the ability to connect electricity and gas without a significant increase in the cost of the project,” Andrei Shipelov, general director of the RT-Invest company (a subsidiary of the Rostec state corporation), told RBC.

It was the structures of this company that became the winners of the competition for the construction of plants held in June 2017 - AGK-1 LLC in the Moscow region and AGK-2 LLC in Tatarstan. They will act as customers for the entire cycle - from design to construction and commissioning of facilities, as well as their operation.

Construction of the first of four plants will begin in early 2018 in the Voskresensky district. Around the area allocated for the MSZ land plot located 19 settlements, the nearest of them - the village of Svistyagino - is 800 meters from the plant.

Local residents have repeatedly expressed their protest against the construction of the incineration plant. They went to rallies, held pickets, and on November 4, Novoryazanskoye Highway near the village of Stepanshino. According to the adviser to the Minister of Ecology of the Moscow Region, Maria Komkova, this is due to poor awareness of people.

“Our main function is to convey the most reliable information, for this we took residents of the Moscow region to similar factories in Europe, with our participation newspapers and films are made that talk about modern technology on waste management,” Maria Komkova told RBC. “But at the same time, we understand that until we build the first plant and show it to people, they will have questions, worries and fears.”

At a meeting with Vladimir Putin on October 30, members of the Presidential Council for Human Rights also raised the issue of building an incineration plant. The head of state referred to the positive experience of operating 1,500 waste incineration plants around the world, but noted that their locations cannot be determined without consultation with people who live in nearby areas.

Photo: Alexander Drozdov / Interpress / TASS

Garbage will be transported across the Black Sea

In the summer of 2017, the RT-Invest company took the initiative to expand the pilot project and build four more similar plants in the Moscow region, as well as create three clusters in the resort area in the south of the country - in Sochi, on the Taman Peninsula and in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region.

As stated in the presentation addressed to Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin (available to RBC), the expansion of the project will reduce the critical volume of landfill disposal in the Moscow region, and Black Sea coast Russia and the Caucasus Mineral Waters should be made territories completely free from burial sites for solid municipal waste.

A representative of the press service of the Sochi administration told RBC that the existing waste sorting complex cannot cope with incoming waste flows, and therefore piles are formed there, which catch fire in hot weather. Therefore, the resort authorities support the MSZ construction project, considering it the only way out of the current situation.

It is expected that waste sorting complexes will be installed in all cities that will be included in resort clusters. Waste not suitable for reuse, will be pressed into bales (briquetted), wrapped in film and sent to waste incineration plants. Including by sea, a similar experience in transporting waste from England was studied at RT-Invest and found to be effective.

According to the general director of Rt-Invest, Andrei Shipelov, capital costs will be comparable to the cost of building five first-stage plants in the Moscow region and Kazan, and taking into account the localization of equipment, they can be reduced by 5%.