Find out your talisman stone by date of birth. How to select a stone-talisman. How to check the stone for authenticity at home emerald, rose quartz, onyx, ruby, carnelian

Since time immemorial, talisman stones have been used by people as a means of protecting them from troubles and other life misfortunes. Currently, the choice of such amulets is presented quite widely. However, many individuals approach the choice of a mineral lightly, without first studying the relevant literature and neglecting the advice of an astrologer. The seemingly trifling matter of choosing a stone has great value, subsequently influencing the energy of a person.

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As a rule, among the stones there is also a certain classification. So they are selected, taking into account the date of birth, zodiacal sign or eye color.

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The choice of a talisman according to the sign of the Zodiac


The main parameter when choosing a talisman is the sign of the Zodiac. In this particular case, it is important to know the decade of birth.

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Usually, rams can use as a talisman minerals that have a powerful energy field. In their effect, they are catalysts accelerating and enhancing positive moral qualities and at the same time helping to cope with negative impact bad karma. These stones include garnet, rock crystal, eye of the Tiger and sapphire.

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Concerning calves, then the stones suitable for them are emerald, aventurine, turquoise and rose quartz. These jewelry push the representative of this sign to change for the better and contribute to the development of moderation, romance and sociability.

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Twins- this is a sign that needs a stone that will serve as a support for vitality and energy. For this purpose, alexandrite is most suitable. While coping with aggressiveness and rigidity, often inherent in twins, jade, malachite and obsidian are suitable.

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Cancers according to the zodiac type, you should opt for carnelian, moonstone or ruby. People who are faced with manifestations of the character of Cancers know how touchy their representatives are by nature. Therefore, charms made of jasper and pearls, which heal heart wounds, can be a wonderful gift.



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Color range of suitable stones lion varies from yellow to orange color. Suitable options are amber, cat's eye, topaz and sardonyx. Leo, like no other sign, needs the energy of character softening. Aquamarine, diamond, and alexandrite are able to cope with such a task.

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Virgin for whom the need for love and a family hearth is fundamental direct impact such stones as chrysolite, carnelian, topaz and lapis lazuli. Also, virgins can also opt for jasper, jade or pearls, using them as the main amulet.

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The spirit of contradiction inherent Libra and causing a lot of problems, both to the representatives of the sign themselves and to the immediate environment, opal or lapis lazuli can help as a talisman. The impact of these minerals can help Libra become more self-sufficient. Aquamarine or topaz can also be used as a talisman, restoring energy balance and attracting success in life.

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Representatives scorpions like no one else it is difficult to decide on the choice of a mineral. Owners of powerful energy often become hostages of their own strength, which is often destructive. A good helper in the fight against manifestations of aggression and incontinence can be amulets made of coral, serpentine, hematite and carnelian. Minerals such as garnet, sapphire or ruby ​​also have a positive effect on the moral component of the scorpion.



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Sagittarius those inclined to trust people need protection in the form of a filter of negative and positive energy. Protect these representatives from the influence of unworthy people and various troubles maybe turquoise, chrysolite and sapphire. Note that the presence of obsidan and amethyst in jewelry contributes to good luck in all career endeavors.

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Capricorn Suitable stones allow you to create a warm energy balance. The most relevant for the performance of this function is opal attracting, good luck and success in the life of a representative of this sign.



Aquarius prone to despondency and depressive states helps to restore vitality and the creativity of sapphire and garnet. While coping with selfish manifestations of nature and emotional instability, talismans with amethyst and aquamarine can.

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Lack of strength and energy for representatives Pisces, can help replenish opal or moonstone. A positive effect on Pisces also produces aquamarine, pearls and amethyst do adding confidence in own forces missing this sign.

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Profession when choosing a talisman stone


When choosing a talisman, it is necessary to take into account the date of birth, by which the main options are determined. suitable stones to one occasion or another. Often the choice of stone is made in favor of the field of activity. So long-distance sailors or constantly traveling people are suitable for such talismans as aventurine or chalcedony. Their impact allows you to protect the wanderer from troubles and the severity of the falling tests.

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Yahont, onyx and spinel are suitable for people who have chosen the field of real estate as their profession. At the same time, for businessmen it is most harmonious, there will be topaz in any color scheme.

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Topaz or fluorite is suitable for scientists and figures whose life is connected with the constant knowledge of any truths.

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A person closely associated with politics or social activities amulets are suitable for developing leadership charismatic qualities. These minerals are topaz and tourmaline. Along with this, agate and chalcedony can focus on the development of business abilities.

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Protection from magical influence


The range of stones that perform a protective function is quite wide. Such properties were often attributed to onyx, rauchtopaz and moonstone. These talismans gained such a reputation due to the fact that they are able to save the family from the negative influence of ill-wishers, as well as protect them from all sorts of dangers. In order to determine whether any stone from the above list is suitable, it is enough to listen to your own feelings. If when wearing a talisman, anxiety goes away, and peace settles in the soul, then the stone definitely suits the owner. At the same time, if anxiety does not recede, then this is definitely not your amulet.

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Note that people involved in spiritual practices also need the intercession of patron stones. All white minerals have a beneficial effect on the aura. For monks, pearls, jade or zircon are well suited.



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Guardian stones for women and children


As practice shows, women's ability to perceive the connection of the world and subtle matters is many times higher than men's. For them, there is no problem to choose the right jewelry, because. on an intuitive level, there is an understanding of which stone will contribute to success, protection and prosperity.

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A young and unmarried woman is suitable for amulets that help create a happy life. family life. Note that jewelry with lapis lazuli and rose quartz is often aimed at attracting love and success. However, in the event that family values do not stand in the forefront of the girl, yielding to the desire to achieve career heights, then the choice should be stopped on stones with a strong energy field, such as diamond, sapphire and ruby.



For a married lady, an amethyst or tourmaline is suitable as a talisman, helping to strengthen marriage and bring new feelings into the relationship. The choice of a stone during pregnancy should be made exclusively by a woman, but buying a charm for a child before his birth is contraindicated.

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It has been proven that a talisman with agate or jade can prevent the evil eye and damage. However, it is better to choose a nominal stone for a child. Teenagers also need self-confidence, and often thanks to the stones they gain it. This function is performed by stones of amethyst, beryl and agate.

Since the beginning of time, people have believed in fate and in the fact that a person can force supernatural forces to serve him. Since ancient times, it has been believed that talismans bring good luck, they can even change the fate of a person. Each of the signs of the Zodiac has its own talismans that bring good luck to representatives of this or that sign and protect them from negative influences. Wearing a talisman in accordance with the date of birth and the sign of the Zodiac helps to attract positive cosmic energies to your side and live life to the fullest.

Talismans for the signs of the zodiac

The talisman of Aries must have a connection with fire and gold. Suitable colors are red, yellow and orange. The symbols of this zodiac sign can be in the form of a square, it is this figure that corresponds to power, strength and victory.

People of this sign are great metal jewelry with natural stones. The stones contain the energy of the Earth, so they are good as a Taurus talisman, they attract good luck, love, wealth and good health.

Gemini needs talismans that are associated with the mobile and changeable nature of this zodiac sign. For example, a key, a mask, a book, a feather would be a good symbol for them. Preferred colors: yellow, orange, green.

Cancer will bring good luck in love and good health figurines and images of fish, dolphins, sea ​​turtles, shells. A silver pendant in the form of a moon or crescent activates the energy and strengthens their connection with their higher self.

This sign of the Zodiac is ruled by the Sun, images and symbols of the flaming Sun attract luck and love to Leo, help maintain good health. Pendants in the form of stars and sunflowers will be an excellent amulet that will help protect your destiny.

Virgo brings prosperity to natural stones, especially with round holes in them, they bring good luck and love to people of this sign. They enhance energy and are considered auspicious symbols.

The talisman of Libra should symbolize balance and harmony, for example, a silver pendant in the form of scales. The metal of Venus, which rules this sign of the planet, is copper, so copper objects and jewelry are good for attracting love.

Scorpios are lucky on their own, though talismans will boost the energy, so use them if you want something more. Coins will bring luck in love and business. The symbol in the form of a frog suits them, because this sign is associated with the element of Water and transformation.

A figurine in the form of a scarab or a Phoenix bird will help increase your potential and attract positive energies to Sagittarius. Everything that has to do with horses - a horseshoe, a figurine of a rider, will bring them well-being.

Talismans and amulets are probably as old as humanity. The triumph of technology and science has not forced them out of everyday life. People believe that a magical gem will help and protect. This is true if you choose stones, talismans or amulets correctly.

Today, magical allies are also in demand, but not everyone understands the difference between them.

The amulet (or amulet) protects the owner from negativity, external or own. This is a passive character.

The talisman is more active - it attracts good luck, activates the necessary qualities, dulls those that interfere with the owner.

How to recognize your talisman? It is determined by the sign of the Zodiac, name, profession. An amulet or amulet is chosen according to a different principle. The main thing here is to feel compatibility with a particular stone.

The best amulets are recognized as "eyes" - tiger, cat, falcon. Another option is obsidian. This volcanic glass contains the energies of Mother Earth and reliably protects the wearer. You can take onyx, topaz, jade, for children - bright malachite. These are semi-precious or ornamental inexpensive gems (except for topaz), but amulets strong as stones.

Precious minerals for the role of a protector require a careful approach, it remains to be seen whether the noble gem will “get used” to the new owner. Yes, but that is not their purpose. An exception is family or inherited stones or jewelry that serve as a talisman for several generations of a clan or family.

Classification system of talismans and amulets

Properly selected amulets and talismans are the most powerful. A system for distributing stones according to various criteria has been tested, from which it is easy to find out your version:

  • goal;
  • "prompt".

How to determine the talisman by the last criterion? It is based on chance, when, unexpectedly for the owner, an ordinary stone helped in a given situation and became a talisman or amulet.

How to choose a stone talisman

When choosing from precious minerals, it is worth remembering that they are very powerful and you need to know how to correctly identify your stone and apply it.

  1. The best talisman is considered to be a gift from pure heart. Therefore, amulets stones are accepted as a gift only from a person in whose sincerity and good disposition there is no doubt. Gems will become, as it were, a link with the donor, a channel for the transfer of energy. And if it is dark, trouble cannot be avoided.
  2. Any stone, especially a precious one, needs time to get used to the owner. The diamond “thinks” the longest; it does not forgive separation from its owner.
  3. Purchased talismans and amulets are immediately cleaned at home, because on the counter they absorbed different energies, many people touched them. After cleaning, the stones are recharged in the sun.
  4. Each mineral has its own temper, as well as compatibility with the owner and neighbors in jewelry.
  5. So that the power of the amulet does not decrease, they communicate with the stone, praise it, and regularly clean it from adhering negative energy and physical dirt.
  6. When looking for a stone amulet, they exclude damaged, cracked, with extraneous inclusions specimens.
  7. If the minerals determined by the horoscope are categorically disliked, the choice of the talisman is made intuitively.

This article contains up-to-date information that fully corresponds to the real state of affairs and helps zodiac signs quickly find their stone and take advantage of its benefits.

Stones talismans according to the signs of the zodiac and date of birth to attract love how to choose

For each sign of the zodiac, in accordance with the date of birth, certain stones are intended, which act as talismans for them and favor their owners.

You need to choose a talisman to attract love based on the list of stones that directly fit the very date of birth of a person. Otherwise, an incorrectly selected stone will play a cruel joke on its owner. Stones that attract love, according to the signs of the zodiac:

- Aries - rose quartz and coral;
- Taurus - sapphire, coral, rose quartz, emerald;
- Gemini - emerald;
- Cancer - emerald, coral;
- Leo - ruby;
- Virgo - jade, ruby;
- Libra - emerald, jade, rose quartz, coral and turquoise;
- Scorpio - coral, ruby;
- Sagittarius - turquoise;
- Capricorn - turquoise;
- Aquarius - sapphire, turquoise;
- Fish - coral.

Rose quartz is a stone with the strongest energy. It attracts love, relieves the owner of nightmares and depressing memories.

Ruby is a powerful stone, the power of which is focused both on attracting love and developing vital energy, which makes the relationship passionate and the owner desirable.

Emerald is the stone of the goddess of beauty and love Venus. Attracts love, retains strong feelings and protects against betrayal.

Jade - according to ancient legend considered one of the most strong talismans to attract love feelings.

Turquoise - attracts love, keeps fidelity, strengthens friendships, and also lures money.

Sapphire - attracts love, and also allows the owner to feel and see deceit, betrayal, with its power restores difficult relationships and establishes stability.

Coral - a red color stone attracts love, restores energy within the person wearing it, and helps get rid of depression.

Stones mascots for the signs of the zodiac Gemini, Capricorn, Leo, Aries, Cancer

Stones - talismans for Aries:

- Diamond - a stone that gives Aries strength, good luck in victories, helps to strengthen perseverance and determination in moments of doubt and weakness. Also, this stone helps the ram to keep his anger inside and saves him from sharp outbursts of anger.

- Ruby - a stone that enhances the generosity of the Aries, his ability to empathize with others, also helps to eliminate emotional distress and return lost interest to life.

- Amethyst - has a calming effect on Aries, relieves aggression and negative tension. Helps its owner to make informed decisions, slowly, carefully considering everything, as well as monitor the constant control of emotions.
Stones - talismans for twins:

- Agate - gives the twins prudence and overall stability internal state, smoothes and reduces imperfections.
- Alexandrite - helps to preserve the nervous system of the twins, create spiritual harmony for them, smooth out constant contradictions and their inherent inconstancy.

- Beryl - contributes to the achievement of the goal, helps to complete the work begun and successfully solve all the problems that have arisen. Stone keeps you warm family hearth and makes relationships harmonious.

- Topaz is a stone that helps to calm and balance emotions, enriches the wearer's nervous system, relieves stress. Provides protection from sleepless nights and strengthens the immune system.

Stones - talismans for a lion:

- Chrysolite - improves mutual understanding and relations in general with people around, reveals the talents of lions, helps to win people's hearts. Strengthens spiritual and energy forces, endowing the owner with the gift of divination.

- Topaz - helps in the career field, attracts material well-being. Gives the owner the opportunity to discern the intentions of enemies, suggests the right way to fight ill-wishers.

Stones - talismans for Capricorn:

- Ruby - attracts love, helps to reveal the inner potential of Capricorns. It can be used in medical purposes because it can stop bleeding. This stone protects its owner, driving away all evil spirits from him.

- Onyx - gives power over others, helps to clarify the mind and memory, protects the owner from a sudden lethal outcome. The stone eliminates heart disease and stimulates a person to full life.

- Malachite - eliminate insomnia, improves condition nervous system capricorns. It is considered a lucky stone for its owner, has healing abilities.
Stones - talismans for cancer:

- Pearls - develops the hidden potential of cancer, serves as a kind of shield from negativity and danger, saves the owner from unrequited feelings.
- Emerald - helps cancer control negative emotions, encourages the owner to an active lifestyle, fights against isolation and their excessive stiffness. Such a stone attracts financial well-being, eliminates the temptation to voluptuousness and gives the owner peace of mind.

- Cat's eye - protects from evil forces, betrayal and betrayal. attract public attention surrounding people to the owner of such a stone. Helps to find mutual understanding and establish contact with people.

Moonstone- helps to remove obstacles to the owner on the way to achieving the goal and happy resolution question. Gives cancer the gift of eloquence, suggests the right decision in difficult situations.

Protective stones according to the zodiac signs Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Taurus

Stones - talismans for fish:

- Aquamarine - helps the owner to restore justice, gives confidence and courage. Controls the energy waste of fish in order to help other people.
- Pearls - aimed at extending the years of its owner, puts protection from the evil eye and intruders. By changing color, it warns the owner that he has a deterioration either in energy or in general health.

- Amethyst is a stone that disposes people to the owner, endows him with universal love. It also brings incredible success, prosperity and peace, while the stone acts as a sedative to the person who wears it.

Stones - talismans for the archer:

- Turquoise is a stone of happiness for archers, which attracts wealth, helps to complete successfully started business and realize the successful ideas of the owner. Endows the archer with determination, confidence and raises his status among influential people.

- Topaz is a stone that brings wealth and success in business transactions. Helps its owner to unravel the plans of enemies and prevent unpleasant situations. Favorably affects the internal state of the archer, calms their anger and rage, endows him with wisdom.

- Chrysolite is a stone that can restore the health of its owner, in particular, this applies to eye diseases and blood diseases.
Stones - talismans for the scorpion:

- Aquamarine is a stone that helps strengthen the nervous system and cools the aggression of scorpions. It strengthens the marital union, mutual love and respect.
- Pomegranate - allows the owner to have power over other people, helps to find true love and save it to long years. Also, this talisman treats the owner from various kinds of inflammation, lowers the temperature and relieves headaches.

- Opal - helps to stabilize energy flows, restores emotional balance, endows the owner with strong insight, eliminates conflicting feelings.

Stones - talismans for the calf:

- Emerald - endows the calf with wisdom and insight, leads him to achieve his goal and successfully complete his affairs. Gives the owner joy, fun, optimism and spiritual harmony. It endows him with eloquence, develops hidden talent, and also saves the calf from falsehood and hypocritical surroundings.

- Chrysoprase - a stone endows the calf with determination, confidence and protects him from failures and enemies who want to put spokes in his wheels. Promotes inner determination and clarity in Taurus business relations. The stone evens out the sexual imbalance of the body, helps stimulate the brain, hormonal activity of the glands, restores metabolism and treats diseases of the nervous system.

- Chalcedony is a stone that gives the calf joy and restores his state of mind after emotional upheavals. It motivates the owner to be generous, both in material terms and in terms of emotions and feelings.

Talismans are things, objects that protect us or give us strength to achieve our goals. For each person they are unique. Numerology will give you the opportunity to recognize your talisman.

Talismans work according to the energy scheme. They strengthen the aura and protect the female biofield from energy vampires and various kinds of problems. To find out your talisman, you will need to make simple numerological calculations.

To do this, you only need your date of birth and the time of year you were born. So, first add up all the numbers of the date of birth. Let's say you were born on 03/27/1983, then your energy number will be 2+7+3+1+9+8+3=33. After that, you need to add 2 more to 33, because you were born in the spring. For winter, the additional correction number is 1, for spring - 2, for summer - 3, for autumn - 4.

If the result is a number greater than 9, then you will have to add up its two components again. In our case 33+2=35. 3+5=8. The final number is eight.

Deciphering energy numbers

Unit. For those whose number is 1, any round objects are talismans, but not everything is so simple, because it must be an object associated with some important event. It can be an ornament in the form of a pendant or a ring. It might even be a ball. The main thing is that you should feel your connection with the subject. It must have special meaning to you.

Deuce. For those whose number is 2, a double object can be an excellent talisman. You need to work on building the right connections with people. You often experience problems on this front, so jewelry should be paired like any other talismans. It can be a double flower, a pair of shoes.

Troika. If you get the number 3, then your talisman is a person. Think carefully about who from your environment is always there when you are lucky. This is the same talisman. It's him and his aura the best way interact with your biofield. With such a person it is worth supporting a good relationship and the closer they are, the better.

Four. The number four means that your talisman is the right color. Colors always affect women's worldview in different ways, and sometimes they are completely decisive. Try to notice how each color sets you and the people around you on a certain wave. Learn the energy of each color to know how to choose clothes and interiors in your home or work.

Five. For those whose energy number is five, a sharp, hard object will be the best talisman. It can be some kind of blade or a decorative knife hanging on the wall, or an angular decoration that will suit a woman more than a weapon. Metal products will come in handy, but stones can also be preferred.

Six. best mascot for your feminine aura - this is some place. The binding of your energy goes precisely to a specific place, to some corner of the house or office. There you will most often be visited by inspiration, the muse will come more often. It can be an office, bedroom or kitchen. Everyone is different.

Seven. The number seven means that your talisman is a certain state of mind combined with a special mood. Your life is controlled by the spiritual component of your personality, because emotions for a woman are above all. Keep track of what emotions allow you to be the most productive in any area of ​​your life.

Eight. The number 8 says that your talisman can be almost anything. You are absolutely universal in this regard, so it is both more difficult and easier for you than for other people. You will most likely find your lucky thing by accident.

Nine. If your energy number is 9, then your talismans can lose their power and gain it again. Great helpers for you will be pets or plants. The more you put into them, the more they give back to you. You live very well among nature, so you can get the best emotional recharge outside the city, where you will be surrounded only by nature, and not by the world created by other people.