Does the Unified State Exam affect the medal? The capital already has such experience. What are the benefits of the medal “For Special Achievement in Education”?

A gold medal at the end of school is a worthy reward for a student’s hard work. To receive a medal, it is not enough to get straight A's; it is also important to take an active part in school life. What needs to be done to receive a medal, what prospects it opens up in the future, we will tell you in our review article.

The gold medal began its history in Russia in 1828. However, after October Revolution the presentation of gold and silver medals was cancelled. She returned in May 1945 thanks to Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 1247. Until 2012, changes occurred with the gold medal, but they concerned more the external image than the reward of students.

In 2013, the department of the Ministry of Education and Science decided not to award gold medals for federal level, instead, a certificate with honors was issued, similar in appearance to a gold medal certificate. The right to award medals was left to the regional authorities.

But in 2014, the President of the Russian Federation signed a law that provides for the return of the gold medal to the federal level.

Some students are interested in the question: is it true that it is gold? Interesting fact in the history of the medal: in the period from 1946 to 1954, it was actually cast from 583-carat gold, weighing approximately 10.5 grams.

But what is a modern gold medal made of? The academic honors symbol now consists of an alloy of copper, zinc and nickel. But the coating is made of pure gold weighing 0.3 grams. It is noteworthy that the embossing on the certificate, which is attached to the gold medal, is also made with gold plating.

The design of the medal has also undergone some changes. Now the medal on one side has the inscription “For special achievements in teaching,” and on the other side a double-headed eagle appeared. In 2007, an image of the Russian tricolor appeared under the eagle.

Please note: To make a medal shine, do not rub it with an eraser. This will damage the special varnish layer and the medal will quickly darken.

Conditions under which the award of a medal is guaranteed

  1. According to the law, the main and main condition for receiving a medal is the final grade “excellent” received in all subjects, within school curriculum in 10th and 11th grades. In addition, an A must be achieved in all subjects on the final assessment.
  2. The decision to award the medal is made by a meeting of the teaching staff and confirmed by the director of the educational institution. Documents for approval are submitted to the local department of the Ministry of Education.
  3. If the student was educated at full-time training, with the possibility of exemption from physical education for health reasons. Students studying externally and at home, unfortunately, cannot count on a medal.

These are the basic requirements for a student. But just being an excellent student is not enough. It is at the teachers' council that the decision on awards is made. What can influence a positive decision by teachers?

  • As a rule, a teacher loves his job and his subject. Therefore, by showing interest in science, you can gain the teacher’s loyal attitude, attracting certain attention to your person;
  • a special “tick” in favor of the medal will be participation in Olympiads, both district and city or regional scale;
  • taking an active part in the life of the school, it doesn’t matter what it will be: creative competitions or work as a designer. The attention of not only teachers is attracted, but also of more “senior” staff: the director and head teachers. Participation in sports competitions, speaking for the honor of the school, can serve this purpose;
  • It is desirable that there is no re-certification to increase scores during the course of study.

It is naive to believe that by studying “somehow” for 9 years, you can get gold medal, if you tighten up your studies a little. Whatever one may say, the teacher’s opinion about the student has been formed over the years, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to radically change the attitude. The maximum you can achieve is the status of a “promising” student. Therefore, it is necessary to study starting from the 5th grade.

Just recently, a gold medal opened doors to literally all universities in the country. It was enough to pass an interview with admissions committee. But starting from 2009, medalists are equal to all graduates, and admission to the university is based on the average score of the certificate and the results of the Unified State Examination. The only thing that the medal contributes to is that it will only add priority in choosing between two students with the same average score, and sometimes this is a significant help in the framework of high competitions for admission to a budget place.

A gold medal is not just a reward, it is an incentive to be first, a reality to strengthen your character and demonstrate the qualities of a leader. And also the opportunity to get into a fairy tale by taking part in a real ball for graduates with medals.

Information, addresses, documents, reviews.

New rules for issuing school gold medals.

From 2018, medals will be issued in schools only if successful completion Unified State Exam. This rule will spread throughout the country and is intended to eliminate cases of biased awarding of gold and silver medals.

◑ School medals? - only according to merit!

The scandal in the Adyghe school with the undeserved issuance of a gold medal served as an impetus for measures taken by Rosobrnadzor.

The Public Council under Rosobrnadzor suggested that the department take into account Unified State Exam results when issuing gold medals to school graduates.

Gold medal at school– this is probably the first treasured trophy that students dream of.

School gold or silver medal(officially - medal " For special achievements in learning") - a badge of honor issued upon completion of secondary general education in schools in Russia and other countries former USSR. The medal is one of the main types of reward for high school graduates for academic success.

Medal " For special achievements in learning", is also a badge of honor for graduates of 11th grade, received a final “5” in all subjects of the school curriculum for the last two years of study.

Most recently, the gold medal " For special achievements in learning» opened the doors of all universities, however recent years its prestige has significantly lost ground.

Numerous cases where schoolchildren who passed the Unified State Exam were awarded medals attracted public attention.

According to one of the initiators of the project, the rector of the Moscow pedagogical university, today the Unified State Exam is the most in an efficient way assess the student's knowledge. Moreover, this method has already been proven, transparent, and the objectivity of the assessment is quite high.

The head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov, believes that the conditions for awarding medals should be transparent and understandable to both children and parents.

“It is important that they are not used for personal gain. An honest Unified State Exam has led to students immediately noticing and reacting to any form of incorrect assessment based on additional criteria. Especially in the situation with medals that are included in the portfolio and taken into account when entering a university"- said Sergei Kravtsov.

As noted in the press service of Rosobrnadzor, members Public Council, for their part, declared their readiness to analyze existing practice and present reasoned proposals for including USE results among the criteria for issuing medals.

The capital already has such experience.

In order to receive a medal, a Moscow school student, in addition to all the requirements, must achieve more than 220 points three Unified State Exam subjects.

Sergei Kravtsov assured that Rosobrnadzor is open to dialogue and is ready to accumulate expert proposals.

Already from 2017-2018 academic year, gold medals " For special achievements in learning"will be issued only taking into account the results of the Unified State Examination.

◑ Who can receive a school medal? Let's summarize.

What medal can a graduate receive?

Now schoolchildren can be nominated for a medal "For special achievements in learning". This is an analogue of the gold and silver medals for schoolchildren, which replaced them in 2014.

A graduate of the 11th grade can receive a medal “For special achievements in learning” if he has one of the achievements:

  • he will become the winner or prize-winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren;
  • he will dial maximum quantity points on the Unified State Exam (USE) in one academic subject (Russian language or mathematics);
  • excellent" and passing the Unified State Exam he will score a total of at least 220 points in three academic subjects.

Disabled child completing 11th grade can receive a medal not only for the above achievements, but also in the following cases:

  • he will have final grades in all academic subjects " Great“and when passing the Unified State Exam, he will score a total of at least 146 points in two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics (profile level);
  • he will have final grades in all academic subjects " Great“and when passing the Unified State Exam, he will score at least 73 points in the Russian language and at least 5 points in mathematics (basic level).

* Important condition: students who during conducting the Unified State Exam violations were recorded and are not eligible for a reward.

What benefits does the medal “For Exceptional Achievement in Education” provide?

  • Each university has the right to award applicants additional points to their Unified State Exam scores for certain individual achievements.
  • In total - no more than 10. The medal “For Special Achievement in Education” is one of such achievements. Usually 2-3 points are added for it (each university has its own way).
  • In addition, if several people vying for the same place score the same number of points, the medalist will have an advantage.

What are the conditions for receiving a gold medal in the 2017/2018 academic year?

If possible, then in detail (how many B's can you have in six months, and is it possible at all, etc.).

If you want to graduate from school with a gold medal, then in all subjects you must have an excellent grade, that is, 5, there should be no Bs. Also in 2018, in order to receive a gold medal, you must pass the Unified State Exam with honors.

that is, must be A's in all subjects in all four semesters?

or that the final grades would be A's in all subjects? (for example, in the tenth grade for the first half of the year it was 5, for the second 4, and in the eleventh grade for the first half of the year 5 and for the second half of the year 5, (5+4+5+5) \4=4.75 round up, it turns out 5) — 4 months ago

In order to get a gold medal A graduating class student must have final grades of “excellent”9 in each subject. What is important is not only for grade 11, but also for grade 10. In addition, it is necessary to successfully pass the Unified State Exam, i.e., gain the required number of points. Only in this In this case, the graduate can count on receiving a gold medal. More information about the order and procedure for issuing the medal can be found here.

Previously, you just had to get excellent grades for the tenth and eleventh grade, but this turned out to be not enough. Now, in order to receive a gold medal, a school student needs not only to work on his lessons at school, but also to pass the Unified State Exam in all subjects, which he passes not well, but excellently. And pass it so that the score is the same, in accordance with the new requirements. Medal to the Unified State Exam will not be issued. It will be issued only when the results are available, and also only if they are excellent.

They plan to take into account the number of Unified State Exam points scored when awarding medals to schoolchildren, said Igor Kruglinsky, head of the department for assessing the quality of general education during his visit to Novosibirsk. The innovations may come into force in 2018, the official noted. “Such changes have been prepared; we plan that in the near future, perhaps before the start of the new academic year, they will be considered and supported in order to establish a Unified State Exam threshold, which would be the basis for issuing a medal for special achievements,” Kruglinsky explained.

Today, a student can receive a medal “For special achievements in learning” (since 2014, the medal is not divided into silver and gold) only on the basis of grades in the certificate. But at the same time, the results of the Unified State Exam do not affect the issuance of a medal, which gives an advantage when entering a university in the form of 10 additional points.

According to Kruglinsky, a number of regions of the country already practice awarding their medals based on the points scored unified exam. However, now such medals do not provide benefits for entering a university. Therefore, he plans to make the medals federal, and their issuance will be regulated by a special regulation. This approach should raise their prestige, the rector believes. “We have come to the conclusion that the medal has ceased to be prestigious,” he explained to reporters at a briefing. - I think this is wrong. It is our fault that we have reached the point where society begins to think that we are issuing medals biasedly. I am for there to be medals and their importance to increase.” He also mentioned the times when he himself was finishing school. Then

the gold medal was a rare and objectively deserved award, which gave the right to enter universities without exams, Sadovnichy noted.

The news was also commented on by Olga Vasilyeva, head of Russia 1 TV channel. believes that this is a timely streamlining of the process, which has big story. Over the past few years, for last decade There has been a terrible devaluation of the very concept of “gold medal,” the head of the ministry emphasized. In her opinion, main goal The ongoing changes are the abolition of this devaluation, because a medal is really a great internal incentive for studying well. Vasilyeva also said that the innovation will not affect students graduating from school in 2018.

In addition, the initiative will not affect Moscow schoolchildren. In the capital, there is already a city medal for students, the issuance of which also takes into account state exam scores. The head of the Moscow Department of Education spoke about this. The capital medal can be received by winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, graduates who received one hundred points for any Unified State Examination subject, as well as students who have only A’s in their certificate and scored at least 220 points in the state exam.

Isaac Kalina does not think that the threshold for receiving a medal will be set higher than 220. “With 220 points, the federal rules will coincide with the Moscow ones, so nothing new will happen for our schoolchildren,” Isaac Kalina is quoted as saying.

not all officials are convinced that the medal is even necessary.

The co-chairman of the “Teacher” trade union on the air of NSN, discussing the value of a school gold medal, said: “Now there is no medal practical significance don't have. In general, it is not clear who needs these medals - this is a purely symbolic thing. If someone wants to raise the prestige of the school in this way, which is not clear, then why mix it up? No, I don’t see any point in it, and I don’t think it’s a serious proposal.”

The head of Rosobrnadzor assured that while there is enough time to discuss the initiative, the agency is open to dialogue and is ready to accumulate suggestions from experts. “It is important that the conditions for awarding medals are transparent and understandable to both children and their parents,” the official concluded.

Nikolai Mikhailovich, perhaps such interest in school medals arose again after the scandal in Adygea, when one gold medalist publicly accused another of undeservedly receiving an award?

Yes, including. We want medals to be awarded to truly worthy students, and not to those whose medal grades have been stretched.

- What grades are needed to receive a medal?

To get a gold medal, you need to earn final A's in two graduating classes - 10th and 11th. In this case, it is enough to pass two mandatory exams, even without gaining high scores. That is, a medal applicant may have an A in the compulsory Unified State Examination subjects on his report card, but pass the exams minimum quantity points: in Russian language – 24 , By specialized mathematics27 . If this is basic mathematics, where the result is not measured in points, then a three is enough. Results on other exams do not count, even if they are unsatisfactory.

Previously, medalists could enter a university by passing only the first entrance exam with excellent marks. In Unified State Exam times There are no entrance exams, so what is the point of the medal now?

Yes, almost ten years have already passed since there were no official benefits for entering universities for medalists. Despite this, school medal for many it is a cherished dream, because it continues to remain special sign differences. The photo of the medalist hangs on the Honor Board, and his name is forever written in the golden chronicle of the school. Teachers will continue to cite him as an example for future generations of schoolchildren for many years to come. What a pride this is for parents and relatives!

A student who receives a medal commands the respect of others. Indeed, at all times, our people have revered people who know, show diligence, hard work, and diligence. One should not discount the fact that a special ball is held for medalists; in some areas of the region they are awarded prizes.

Photo by Vadim Zablotsky

But now, in the minds of the average person, a medalist is associated not only with A’s, but also with high scores on the Unified State Exam, with victories at Olympiads, intellectual competitions...

The Adyghe incident prompted both educational authorities and schools to look at what the Belgorod medalists were like. We analyzed their current performance over two years of study at the secondary general education level, including tests and other written work, and exam results. Grades were looked at in class magazines. We compared academic performance in the 10th and 11th grades with academic performance in the 7th–9th grades, and studied the protocols of teachers’ councils, whose powers include admitting schoolchildren to the State Academic Examination.

And here there is precisely a reason for a certain disappointment. Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science, it is guided by the fact that if a graduate is a medalist, then he simply does not have the right to demonstrate low results on the Unified State Exam. But last year in our region they received a medal 875 graduates and only 30 % scored on average for the exam 75 points(a result worthy of a medalist).

19 students did not score more than one exam in any exam 50 points(in Grayvoronsky, Novooskolsky, Rakityansky, Chernyansky, Borisovsky, Volokonovsky, Valuysky, Alekseevsky districts, Belgorod, Stary Oskolsky and Gubkinsky districts), which makes you seriously think about the price of an “A” in the certificate and the significance of the medal.

-Did last year’s medalists get two marks?

Yes, there were cases when a future medalist received a failure in an elective subject or in specialized mathematics, but the choice of a subject or level of mathematics to take - basic or specialized - is voluntary. Such facts were recorded in Belgorod, Borisovsky, Grayvoronsky, Ivnyansky, Yakovlevsky, Valuysky, Rakityansky, Novooskolsky, Veidelevsky, Shebekinsky districts, Belgorod, Starooskolsky and Gubkinsky urban districts.

Photo by Vadim Zablotsky

In this case, if you don’t feel strong in advanced mathematics, limit yourself to basic mathematics. Why choose a subject in which you have no knowledge? And the school could give advice in this regard. So it turned out that 16 graduates ended up with a medal, having failed some exam: specialized mathematics - ten people, chemistry - three people, history, social studies, physics - one person each.

- It turns out that this is also the fault of the teacher who gave good grades?

Of course, the question arises: on what basis did the teacher give A’s if the graduate does not know the subject deeply? How could the teachers' council allow graduates to take part in the State Academy if the program was not mastered at the proper level? After all, it is the members of the teachers’ council who vouch for the graduate and give a kind of guarantee for a sufficient level of knowledge. For now, in some schools these functions are performed formally. At the very short terms This state of affairs must be overcome through common efforts.

- And yet: what does a school medal give to a graduate?

Unified State Examination tasks allow you to differentiate graduates by level of training. Graduates who received, for example, 40, 50 or 80 points according to the results of the Unified State Examination, differ from each other not at all in the number of errors, but in the depth of knowledge and mastery of methods of activity. This applies doubly to medalists. Still, the medal gives its owners some advantages. For example, if two applicants have the same number of points, then preference will be given to the one who has a medal.

Many universities in lately additional points began to be established for medalists, and considerable ones at that - sometimes up to ten. And this already means something. The main thing is that the medal is awarded to those who deserve it, and not just given away. So that medalists withstand the tests of exams and study at universities with honor, and so that in such an important matter as the awarding of a medal, there is no patronage and play of giveaways.

Medalists should not have poor knowledge. And then honorary award will not lose its prestige and will not lose value. Let the words “I am a medalist” or “He is a medalist” be filled with true golden meaning.

Recorded by Elena Melnikova

The week in reserve is from July 8th to July 15th. Specialists from the regional Ministry of Education and the city department of education answered AiF to the most common questions from graduates and their parents.

1. What to do if you get sick on the day of the Unified State Exam?

You need to call the person who is accompanying you and tell him why you didn’t come, says the head of the department of state final certification of the Ministry of Education and Science Chelyabinsk region Veronica KOSTROMTSOVA. - In most cases, this person is class teacher. Call a doctor, he will give a certificate and you will be presented with the right in connection with good reason passes to take the exam on another day provided for by the unified schedule. This will not affect your scores in any way.

2. What to do if the Unified State Exam general subjects do they give up in one day?

The choice of subjects is made before March 1, - answers Veronica KOSTROMTSOVA. - The schedule is already known by this time and we find out in advance that the exams are taken on the same day. The student is given the right to choose which exam he will take on the main day and which on the reserve day. If a student has chosen many subjects, it takes up all the days of the same schedule, and the exam that is not included in the presented days can be taken in July.

3. If you get a “failure” in an elective subject, will it be possible to retake the exam this year?

This year it is impossible to retake any “elective” subjects at all, only compulsory ones, - o says Veronica KOSTROMTSOVA.- If a student does not achieve the minimum score in Russian or mathematics, then they can retake one D grade once. If you received a “D” twice in one of the required subjects, then you have the opportunity to retake it only the next year.

Do school grades affect the certificate?

And “elective” subjects do not affect the receipt of a certificate, they only affect the possibility of entering a university. And there, if you get a bad mark, then you do not enter the chosen specialty.

4. What can I use during the exam?

IN Federal law there is a ban on the use of communication devices during the exam and computer technology, - answers the deputy head of the Department of Education in Chelyabinsk Larisa Manekina. -And in the order that regulates the schedule, it is written for each item what can be carried. For example, on the Unified State Exam in mathematics you are allowed to use a ruler, in physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator, in chemistry - only a non-programmable calculator, in geography - a ruler, a protractor and a non-programmable calculator. Regarding mobile phones, then they either stay at home or are centrally submitted into a bag before the exam begins (usually in a file and sealed with tape). There was a situation when a child wrote an exam and his phone fell out on the way out of the classroom. As a result, the result was annulled.

5. How many times can you leave the classroom during the exam?

We do not limit children in this; situations are different. - answers the chief specialist of the department of state final certification of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk region Irina GAZHA. - As much as the child needs, that’s what he comes out with. No points will be deducted for this. The exit mark is still made, but only once, despite the number of exits. But every time the student leaves, he puts the work on the organizer’s table, rather than leaving it on his desk.

6. How many days are exam papers checked?

Four days are given to process results in the region and four days at the federal level. - answers Veronica KOSTROMTSOVA.- Therefore, mass exams: Russian, mathematics - this is eight days.

7. Where and when to find out the results?

There is a schedule for when the results will come after each exam, answers Larisa Manekina. It is posted on the website of the Ministry of Education (Ministry of Education74 website - “Activities” tab - “ General education» - GIA (state final certification) - 11th grade - Unified State Examination, there is information on specific subjects).

The fastest way to find out the exam results is on the Internet, and then at an educational institution. But according to tradition, the results will be known in educational institutions. Last year we already connected online information on the website - this is a regional resource. To see your results, you need to enter your passport information. This year we connected another website - a general portal, where the result is recognized by the pass number (about 16 characters).

6. If the Unified State Examination certificate is lost...

You need to come to where they gave it to you, i.e. to school and write an application - Irina GAZHA answers. - The school contacts the district administration, and they contact the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education and Science calls the federal testing center and orders a duplicate certificate. The certificate is restored within one to two weeks. In case of loss, there is no need to worry, you can order a duplicate and at the same time come to the university with documents and tell about the results of the Unified State Exam. The university still checks one by one electronic database results and confirms them himself.

7. Do the results of the Unified State Exam influence the grades in the certificate and the receipt of a medal?

If the results for the main exams: “Russian language” and “mathematics” are lower minimum score and the retake did not save him, then he will not be given a certificate, he warns Irina GAZHA.- The number of points received on the Unified State Exam is not translated into grades, and therefore does not affect the grades in the certificate. Only if it's not a "two". If a student goes for the gold medal and scores only one point above the minimum, he will still be given a medal.

8. How can I file an appeal?

Within 2 days after receiving the result, you can file an appeal, - answers Veronica KOSTROMTSOVA. - You need to come to the school where you study, write an application there in two copies: we give one to the school, the second we keep for ourselves. The appeal commission sets a date for consideration, prepares the work and informs when you can come for the result. The child can come alone, with a parent or legal representative (guardian). At the appeal commission, the child is provided with all the work, which is discussed with experts, and general solution. The conflict (certification) commission of the region is the final authority.