The second husband of Eugenia of Warsaw. Kryukova Evgenia: filmography, biography and personal life (photo). Kryukov Konstantin - personal life

Name: Konstantin Kruykov Birthday: February 7, 1985 (age 32) Place of birth: Moscow Height: 184 cm Weight: 80 kg Zodiac sign: Aquarius Eastern horoscope: Bull Occupation: actor, artist Next:

Top Movies:"9th company", "Generation P" (actor). Best series: Swallow's Nest, 9 months old, actor.

Konstantin Kryukov: biography

Konstantin Kryukov is a representative of the famous acting dynasty. The artist was born in Moscow, his mother was the famous Russian actress Alena Bondarchuk, his father Vitaly Kryukov is a doctor philosophical sciences, uncle - the famous Russian director Fyodor Bondarchuk, grandparents - the legendary master of the domestic film industry Sergei Bondarchuk and people's artist Irina Skobtseva.
Konstantin Kryukov photo look (Yandex pictures)

At first, the Kryukov family lived in a dacha in Barvikha. When Kostya was five years old, she and her parents moved to Switzerland, where the first school years boy. As a child, he constantly listened to the advice of the famous grandfather. Konstantin entered the art school in Zurich, which he later graduated with honors. Sergei Bondarchuk considered it his duty to protect his grandson from a cinematic career and tried with all his might to instill in Kostya a love for the fine arts.

Actor with mom and grandmother photo look

Did you know that Konstantin is the grandson of director and actor Sergei Fedorovich Bondarchuk and actress Irina Konstantinovna Skobtseva. Mom - actress Elena Bondarchuk, father - Vitaly Kryukov, Doctor of Philosophy.

In 2001, he graduated from the most famous American Gemological Institute in the jewelry world and received a diploma of the highest qualification gemologist. Then he decided to get another higher education - law (Moscow State Law Academy).

Professionally engaged in painting. He was awarded in Prague the Gold Medal of the European Society of Franz Kafka "For outstanding contribution to the development of contemporary painting." They awarded a medal for a series of paintings under the general motto “Thought Forms”, which, according to authoritative experts, have no analogues in the world of painting, neither in form, nor in content, nor in technique.

When the family returned to Moscow, the future artist went to the capital's school at the German embassy. Kryukov graduated from the last two classes as an external student and immediately entered the Moscow branch of the famous American Institute of Gemmology, becoming the youngest certified specialist in gemstones at the age of 16. Then the young man decided to continue his education in a slightly different way and entered the Moscow State law academy from which he graduated in 2006.

Kryukov considers painting to be his main occupation. The actor owns a private art studio in Prague and likes to make art there alone, turning off his mobile connection.

Pictures of the actor "Thought Forms"

At one time, the work of the young artist was awarded the Order of Franz Kafka. This award in different years such world famous directors as Milos Forman and Steven Spielberg were honored. Kryukov received an order for a series of paintings "Thought Forms". This series is unique both in the very idea of ​​the works and in the technique of their execution.

Konstantin is an avid book lover, enjoying swimming and photography in his spare time.

Films with his participation

Initially, Kryukov does not see himself in the cinema at all. But one day at a family dinner, the theme of cinema surfaced, and Kryukov was offered to try himself as a film actor. Konstantin decided to take part in the casting of the film "9th Company" of his uncle Fyodor Bondarchuk, and to do this on a common basis. But still, many critics stated that it was precisely such a relationship that helped Konstantin to take part in the filming of the famous painting.

Surprisingly, despite complete absence acting education, the charismatic young man was accepted for one of the significant roles of the film. Kryukov played a fighter with the call sign "La Gioconda", who did not look like his colleagues, distinguished by his erudition, charm and excellent sense of humor.

With Fyodor Bondarchuk in the movie "9th Company"

Shooting the picture greatly influenced the character young man. In order to get deeper into the role, the actors constantly communicated with combat veterans - "Afghans". The real, live experience of the war, which the soldiers shared with the actors, struck Kryukov, who was always distinguished by the susceptibility of his creative nature. As the father of the actor noted, after the end of filming, Konstantin's eyes changed, something adult appeared in them.

However, there were those who criticized New film. Some Soviet servicemen who took part in the fighting in Afghanistan said that the film does not demonstrate traditions and does not betray the spirit of the Airborne Forces. Many veterans claimed that each unit clearly carried out the assigned task, and they did not have the feeling of "abandonment", which is shown in a certain sense in this film. Nevertheless, the majority of viewers fell in love with the picture.

With the actors of the film "9th Company"

"9th Company" made a lot of noise at the box office. After the release of the film, Kryukov for the first time seriously thought about translating acting from the category of experiment to a career plane.

Kryukov's next film work was the role of novice writer Pavel Gushchin in Three Semi-Graces. His character, positive and charming, was warmly received by the audience. However, the role of a playboy, which Konstantin played in the youth film "Heat", was not so successful. In the television series "Love is like love" Kryukov was offered to play the character of an unconventional sexual orientation but the artist refused. As a result, Konstantin played the role of Mikhail Prorva, an emigrant who returned from Canada, who finds it difficult to get used to Russian realities.

Early photos

The roles of Kryukov are very diverse: he equally easily copes with the role of a hardened cynic (in the comedy "Pickup: Eat Without Rules"), and an ingenuous romantic ("Swallow's Nest"). In the historical series Star of the Empire, the actor played the noble Prince Andrei Vladimirovich, and in the sensational adaptation of Pelevin's novel Generation P, Kryukov appeared before the audience in the image of a modern self-confident creative. In addition, Kryukov takes part in the filming of the cult television series "Soldiers".

In 2013, the comedy What Men Do! was released. Konstantin Kryukov and Ravshana Kurkova became the main characters in the picture, and famous actor Dmitry Nagiyev acted as a millionaire who organizes a competition for young people. In addition, based on the plot of this film, the video "Cold Moon" was shot, which became one of the most popular clips on the Web.

With Tatyana Arntgolts in the series "Cult"

In 2014, the shooting of the series "Cult" began. Actress Tatyana Arntgolts and Konstantin Kryukov become the main characters of the serial television series. The film tells about young people who fell into a sect under the influence of Eduard Lewinsky (Konstantin Kryukov). Eduard recruits future sectarians in Moscow, choosing children who are most susceptible to his influence.

One of recent roles Kryukov became the series " Eternal vacation". The film tells about the golden youth, which is not engaged in the most prestigious professional activity. Actress Valeria Fedorovich, who took part in the filming, more than once positively characterized her partner in the film.

jewelry business

Jewelery has been Kryukov's passion since childhood. The artist made his first decoration at the age of seventeen. Konstantin gave his mother a ring with a unique diamond setting. Since then, the artist often designs jewelry for his loved ones, including himself wedding rings for your own wedding.

In 2007, Kryukov decided to create his own jewelry brand. Already in 2009, the first collection "Choice" was released with the British company The Saplings.

Jewelry business of the artist

In 2012, Kryukov, together with the Estet jewelry house, presented several collections of jewelry, united by the general concept of "Hearts by Konstantin Krukov". The exquisite heart-shaped pendants are divided into five collections: "Cold Heart" with snowflake decor, "Hot Heart" decorated with flames, "Free Heart" with birds, "Calculating Heart" with "money" concept, and " pure heart”, encrusted with diamonds.

Actor's personal life

The first wife of the artist was Evgenia Varshavskaya, the daughter of a deputy and co-owner of the Russian Coal holding. Young people met in a cafe when Konstantin was only eighteen years old. Zhenya first mistook the curly young man for the popular pop singer Justin Timberlake.

With his first wife Evgenia

Five years later, Kryukov and Varshavskaya got married, their daughter Julia was born, but this marriage did not last long. Soon the couple divorced due to adultery.

With his second wife Alina

The second time Kryukov married Alina Alekseeva. Alina is a certified lawyer, the girl worked as a PR manager. Kryukov and Alekseeva played luxury wedding in 2013. The couple has no children.


Konstantin Kryukov Films with his participation Actor's work list - Wikipedia

2005 - 9th company - Private Petrovsky "La Gioconda"

2006 - Heat - Kostya

2006 - Love is like love - Mikhail Prorva

2006 - Three semi-grace - Pavel Arsenievich Gushchin, aspiring writer

2006 - Nine months

2007 - Daughters-mothers - Konstantin Skvortsov

2007 - Kilometer zero - Arthur

2007 - Treasure: A Scary New Year's Tale - Santa Claus / Lyosha Gorodkov

2009 - Pickup: eat without rules - Andrey

2009 - Soldiers - Andryusha Landyshev

2009 - Odnoklassniki - Fedya "Baton"

2011 - On the hook! — Kostya / Alexander Vlasov

2011 - Without a trace - Philip Rybakov

Alina Alekseeva is primarily known as the second wife of the popular Russian film actor, producer and jeweler K. Kryukov (pictures "New Year's Trouble", "9th Company", "Eternal Vacation", etc.). Today, a girl can sometimes be seen on the pages of various magazines in the company of her husband.


Alekseeva Alina was born in 1985, January 1, in Saratov. She has a sister. Alekseeva has higher education in the field of jurisprudence. Galina, Alina's mother, has for many years led the Family of Russia short film festival, which is supported by the government and Orthodox Church. The girl, in turn, was periodically the host of this event.


In addition to law, Alina also works in the field of PR. It was through this occupation that she met her future husband. In 2009, Kryukov Konstantin was recommended Alina as a new PR manager. In the end, Alekseeva managed to get a position in Kryukov's team. Currently, in the company of her friend, actress Alina plans to create an enterprise that will supply the country's film studios with healthy food. In addition, for a year and a half, the girl has been broadcasting a morning program on the air of the 360 ​​Moscow Region channel.

Personal life

Business relationship Alina and Konstantin were quickly replaced by romantic ones. The actor began attending premieres and other official events exclusively with new sweetheart. There was no doubt about their romance, because the couple posed for photographers holding hands. They dated for about five years, and in May 2013 Alina Alekseeva became Kryukov's wife. Famous and well-known in the film industry, relatives of Konstantin treated him rather coldly. new darling, probably because Alina is not the daughter of a deputy and co-owner of Russian Coal, who was the actor's first wife. Apparently, Konstantin is not interested in anyone's status in society.

The newlyweds not only went through the standard process of registering a marriage, but also got married in the Sretensky Monastery. When choosing an outfit, the bride complied with all the rules of the sacred event (the dress was devoid of a deep neckline on the chest, and her hands were covered up to the wrist). A delicate image completed a bouquet of lilies of the valley.

At the end of the ceremony, Alina and Konstantin Kryukov left their guests for a while in order to travel by car around the capital and visit Novodevichy cemetery, where in 2009 the groom's mother, actress Alena Bondarchuk, was buried. Then the couple and invited persons arrived at Vasilyevsky Spusk, after which a celebration in the restaurant followed. The wedding ended with spectacular fireworks and fire show. Honeymoon the newlyweds postponed, because after a couple of days Konstantin was forced to return to filming. Alina herself often travels with her husband on business trips.

After the girl attended the premiere of the film "Spiral" at the "October" cinema in Moscow, the public actively discussed her plump figure and, as a result, the alleged pregnancy. Of course, a lot of assumptions appeared in Russian publications that it was the expectation of a child that served as the reason for the wedding. However, later it turned out that the girl was not pregnant.

Konstantin's wife is the full namesake of actress and fetish model Alina Alekseeva. As a result, many journalists and moviegoers confuse them for years in a row, attributing to Kryukov an affair with another woman.

present tense

In one of joint interviews the couple shared that they are both obsessed with their professions. It is on the basis of employment in their family that conflicts most often occur. During married life the pair flew over more than two dozen countries. says that Jerusalem is the only place where she travels without her husband. A similar place for Konstantin is Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic.

In the spring of 2016, the idyll was shaken due to the alleged betrayal of Kryukov. The paparazzi published materials made in one of the capital's restaurants. The photo and video show that the actor was on a full date with a mysterious long-haired brunette. A few weeks before this event, Konstantin's fans discussed rumors about the tense relationship between the idol and his wife. Moreover, there was information about the actor's intention to divorce Alina Alekseeva. At the moment, the couple has no common children. It should also be said that Alina has an extremely warm relationship with Kryukov's daughter from her first marriage.

Konstantin Vitalievich Kryukov. Born February 7, 1985 in Moscow. Russian actor, producer, jeweler.

Konstantin Kryukov was born on February 7, 1985 in Moscow in the family of an actress (1962-2009) and a doctor of philosophy, gemologist Vitaly Dmitrievich Kryukov.

He is the grandson of a famous Soviet director and actor (1920-1994) and an actress. Accordingly, famous film directors and - his uncle and aunt.

He spent the first years of his life at a dacha in Barvikha. He was trained very early. Say, from the age of 4 he was already studying mathematics.

At the age of 5 he went to Switzerland - his father worked there. Went to kindergarten, then entered private school where teaching was English language. However, he studied there for only a year and his parents transferred him to a public Swiss school. In it, he studied until the 6th grade. He graduated with honors from the art school in Zurich.

Then he studied in Moscow at a branch of the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). In 2001, at the age of 16, he became one of the youngest graduates of the institute and a certified gemologist - a specialist in precious stones.

"I love jewelry very much. I also took a course in jewelry design, pearl appraisal. I really like it. This is my hobby, which sometimes in life is still useful in my father's work, in my work," the actor said.

Konstantin Kryukov (left) with his uncle Fyodor Bondarchuk

Konstantin Kryukov with his mother Alena Bondarchuk and grandmother Irina Skobtseva

He made his film debut in 2005, starring as Private Petrovsky (Mona Lisa) in the film "9 Rota".

Although many are sure that Uncle Fyodor Bondarchuk helped Konstantin to get into the picture, however, the actor himself denies this: “There was a very long casting at the 9th Company. I entered the project on the very last step. I was offered the role of Gioconda, and I auditioned on general terms.

Konstantin Kryukov in the movie "9th Company"

After the "9th company", the actor began to be invited to film in other projects. He played the role of novice writer Pavel Gushchin in the film "Three Half Graces", a playboy in the film "Heat".

In the television series "Love is like love" he was offered to play a character of non-traditional sexual orientation, but he categorically refused and eventually played the role of Mikhail Prorva, an emigrant who returned from Canada, who cannot fit into Russian realities.

As the actor said, popularity and recognition came to him precisely after the picture "Love is like love." "It got to the point that they began to confuse me with my character. Well, let's say, I go up to my car in the country, I'm going to leave. My neighbor Baba Manya comes to me and asks in surprise:" Misha, what are you doing here, you're in America flew away in the last episode! I don't know what to say," he recalled.

After the role of Andrei in the film "Pickup: eat without rules" many viewers had the impression that Konstantin himself was the same cynical womanizer. However, he himself has repeatedly refuted this image invented by the public.

"While preparing for the filming of the film "Pickup: Eat Without Rules", I was surprised to learn that in Russia, it turns out, there is a whole movement of "pickup artists" who give master classes, they even have their own gurus. These people turned the pickup into a whole science, and what is funny and sad at the same time, they continue to lead the lifestyle of student ladies' man, even having long gone out of this age, they hunt for girls, being already 40 years old.I can definitely say: this is not about me.It seems to me , the image of a womanizer attached to me largely thanks to appearance" - said the actor.

Konstantin Kryukov in the movie "Pickup: Rent without rules"

In the TV series "The swallow nest" he played the ingenuous romantic Roman - his shooting partner was Tatyana Arntgolts. In a historical series "Star of the Empire" he had the role of the noble prince Andrei Vladimirovich. The actor was also remembered for the sensational adaptation of Pelevin's novel "Generation P", appearing before the audience in the image of a modern self-confident creative.

Konstantin Kryukov and Tatyana Arntgolts in the series "Swallow's Nest"

Successful were the main roles in such series as "Without a trace"(played senior lieutenant Philip Rybakov), "The Second Revolt of Spartacus"(Spartak Kotlyarevsky), "Sex, coffee, cigarettes"(restaurant manager), "Spiral"(Stas Linevsky), "Champions"(embodied on the screen the image Olympic champion on figure skating Anton Sikharulidze) "Run away, catch up, fall in love"(Shurik) and others.

Konstantin Kryukov in the movie "Spartacus"

Konstantin Kryukov in the film "This is love!"

In 2016, a comedy sitcom about the life and adventures of the staff on a cruise ship was released. The actor played one of the main roles - assistant cruise director Andrei Sokolov, who has feelings for the oligarch's daughter (she was played), exiled by her father to the liner as a maid.

Konstantin Kryukov in the movie "Eternal Vacation"

As mentioned above, in addition to acting in films, he is passionate about jewelry.

He created his first jewelry at the age of 17, it was a gift from his mother - a ring with a unique diamond setting. Since then, every year he independently designs jewelry for gifts to loved ones.

Another important hobby in his life is painting. His paintings were exhibited and even received international awards. According to the actor, he considers himself a professional artist: "I have a very good technique. I have no official education, but I can adequately, with full responsibility, say that I am a professional artist."

Finally, Konstantin Kryukov is a poet and writer. True, he has not yet published his works. But he does not exclude this in the future: "I think that later it will be possible when I make an agreement with some publishing house."

Konstantin Kryukov - interview

The growth of Konstantin Kryukov: 184 centimeters.

Personal life of Konstantin Kryukov:

The actor's personal life has always been in the spotlight of the media and he constantly gave informational occasions to journalists with his numerous novels, incl. with famous people.

For example, he had a relationship with future wife Roman Abramovich model Daria Zhukova - immediately after she broke up with tennis player Marat Safin.

The first wife was Evgenia Varshavskaya, the daughter of a well-known deputy, co-owner of the Russian Coal holding. Evgenia is two years older than Konstantin. They got married on February 24, 2007. Married on September 7, 2007, daughter Julia was born.

After some time, the actor began to be noticed in companies with different girls. On November 6, 2008, the couple officially filed for divorce.

The second wife was Alina Alekseeva.

They met in 2009 quite by accident. Wanting to get a job, Alina came to the actor for an interview as a candidate for the position of PR manager. Mutual feelings quickly flared up between them, and since then the couple has not parted.

They always appeared together at social events, Alina also went with the actor to the shooting.

Filmography of Konstantin Kryukov:

2005 - 9th company - Private Petrovsky "Gioconda"
2006 - Heat - Kostya
2006 - Love is like love - Mikhail Prorva
2006 - Three semi-grace - Pavel Arsenievich Gushchin, aspiring writer
2006 - Nine months
2007 - Daughters-mothers - Konstantin Skvortsov
2007 - Zero kilometer - Arthur
2007 - Treasure: Scary New Year's Tale - Santa Claus / Lyosha Gorodkov
2009 - Pickup truck: rent without rules - Andrey
2009 - Soldiers - Andryusha Landyshev
2009 - Classmates - Fedya "Baton"
2011 - On the hook! - Kostya / Alexander Vlasov
2011 - Without a trace - Philip Rybakov
2011 - Medicine for grandmother - Zhenya Pisarev
2011 - Swallow's Nest - Roman
2012 - Cucumber love - Ilya Voronin
2012 - Saxophone solo - Eduard Novikov
2012 - Happy New Year, moms! (short story "War of Moms") - Yaroslav
2012 - Everything is simple! - Zhenya
2012 - The second uprising of Spartacus - Spartacus
2013 - What do men do! - Yarik
2013 - Best Girl Caucasus - Shurik
2013 - Studio 17 - Maxim (1 episode)
2013 - This is love! - Kostya
2013 - Not a woman's business - Victor
2013 - Still alive - Roma
2014 - Champions - Anton Sikharulidze
2014 - Spiral - Stas / Tamerlane
2014 - Runaways - Alex
2014 - It's always sunny in Moscow - Seryoga
2014 - Mystery of the dark room
2015 - State of Pennsylvania
2015 - One left - Denis, fiance Sophie
2015 - I remember - I don't remember!
2015 - Moon-moon - Vlad Sokolov
2015 - Book of Witches
2015 - Bartender - Arthur
2015 - Cult - Edward Lewinsky
2016 - Eternal vacation - Andrey
2016 - Pennsylvania - Boris Morozov
2016 - Real Screenplay (The)
2016 - Crimea
2016 - How to get a neighbor
2016 - Take a hit, baby!
2016 - Ghouls

Duplication of Konstantin Kryukov:

2013 - Planes - Dusty Crophopper (Dane Cook)
2014 - Planes: Fireboy and Watergirl - Dusty Crophopper (Dane Cook)
2016 - Angry Birds in the movies - Leonard (Bill Hader)

Konstantin Kryukov (born Konstantin Kryukov) is a minion of fate. These are the two words that come to mind when you look at life path this man. What others achieve with talent or hard work, little Kostya got by birthright. Often such people turn into arrogant snobs who love only themselves and are confident in their superiority over others. Often, but not always.

  • Real name: Konstantin Vitalievich Kryukov
  • Date of birth: 02/07/1985
  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius
  • Height: 184 centimeters
  • Weight: 83 kilograms
  • Shoe size: 45 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Brown, brunette.

A serene May day, singer Kristina Orbakaite celebrates her next birthday. Among those invited is her mother, prima donna Russian stage Alla Pugacheva. Quite naturally, an impressive crowd of photojournalists gathered near the entrance to the cafe where the solemn event took place, wishing to get pictures star family. And suddenly our hero, actor Konstantin Kryukov, swoops down on them with swearing and fists. It turns out that he and his future wife were resting in the neighborhood and decided that all this landing of paparazzi was waiting for his beloved, and he, apparently under the influence of alcohol, wanted to teach a lesson to smerds how to film such an outstanding personality, which, undoubtedly, Konstantin Vitalyevich Kryukov himself considers.

It was possible to calm the raging Konstantin only by explaining that his person was not particularly interested in the audience. Hardly believing it to the end, he left. Of course, Konstantin Kryukov did not even talk about any apologies. Still, where are they miserable hacks, and where is he a deity descended from heaven, to the delight of all lovers of masterpiece cinema, the presence in which the genius actor Konstantin Kryukov, only increases at times the already incredible greatness of films that have become the pride of all world cinema.

Konstantin was born under a lucky star. Many would like to be in the place of Kryukov Konstantin Vitalievich, the grandson of the legendary and truly talented people, actor and director Sergei Fedorovich Bondarchuk and actress of Soviet cinema Irina Konstantinovna Skobtseva. It is worth noting that if it were not for their greatness, we would not be talking about our Konstantin Kryukov here and now. So maybe it's better to talk about them? The question is rhetorical.

Let's go back to Konstantin. “And Konstantin takes the guitar and sings in a low voice ...”, but no, sorry, this is from another song. Our future youth idol, meanwhile, enjoys the usual childhood of a major. In order - a cottage in Barvikha, a school in Switzerland, art school in the same place, the school at the German Embassy in Moscow, the Moscow branch of the American Gemological Institute (gemmology is a science that studies the properties precious stones), Moscow State Law University.

As you can see, Konstantin Kryukov received a brilliant education, I would still like to get the same quality education, but alas, something did not work out.

Konstantin Kryukov actor

As Konstantin himself states, it was not him at all who helped to get one of the main roles in the movie "9th Company" (another one) famous relative, the director of this film is Fyodor Bondarchuk, who is the uncle of Kryukov Konstantin, and the incredible talent and charisma of our jack-of-all-trades, who, through great efforts, without even having an acting education, in an honest and uncompromising struggle, bypassed many "talentless" competitors at the casting and eminent the uncle had no choice but, reluctantly, to approve the role of a talented nephew.

In general, everyone who is going to read about the filmography of Konstantin Kryukov may disagree, you will not find anything like that here. We only note that when the actor was offered to play the role of a gay man, Konstantin Kryukov flatly refused. What caused this, we can only guess, since the words of Konstantin, as the attentive reader remembers, cannot be particularly trusted. Either this is a reluctance to spoil one's image as a hero-lover, or it is not tolerance and intolerance, as a result of upbringing.

Personal life of Konstantin Kryukov

Such a character, of course, cannot but be a woman's favorite: a languid look, a courageous three-day unshaven and cute curls turned the head of any beauty. Speaking of the look. There are persistent rumors that it is he who looks rather strange at Konstantin Kryukov, for which he is often in Lately traffic cops stop on the roads and everyone strives to find something in the car. Konstantin is perplexed and indignant, because, as he himself declares, his only pernicious habit is smoking, with which he is fighting an unequal and so far unsuccessful battle. But evil tongues see the reason in the use of not only nicotine, but also something more serious.

The first wife is Evgenia Varshavskaya, the daughter of a coal magnate. The marriage was concluded on February 24, 2007 and terminated on November 6, 2008, due to her husband's infidelity, which, it seems, surprised only Evgenia. But this is easily explained, because she did not read our article, and could not do this, due to the absence of the latter at that time. The result of the marriage is a daughter, Julia.

The second wife is Alina Alekseeva, the actor's PR manager. They met in 2009, officially signed on May 26, 2013.

In addition to legal marriages, the life of a famous womanizer and heartthrob is constantly in the spotlight of the yellow press because of the constant romances with famous and not so famous people. Can you remember love story with Daria Zhukova, model and future wife of the oligarch Abramovich.

Kryukov Konstantin, jeweler and painter

Remember the unfamiliar word "gemmology" at the beginning of the article? So, the education received by young Konstantin at the Gemological Institute, unexpectedly for many, began to bear fruit. He really became interested in this occupation, creating sketches of future jewelry, at first as a hobby, but over time, Kryukov even begins to create author's jewelry collections.

I just want to wish Konstantin a further career as a jeweler, sitting somewhere in a secluded and remote place from civilization, with a magnifying glass to his eye and creating masterpieces of the world jewelry art leaving the cinema to the professionals. What if we lose the new Faberge?

Well, Konstantin himself considers painting his calling. “I have a very good technique,” ​​Konstantin modestly declares, and it’s hard to disagree with this. It turns out that Kryukov is the owner of an art workshop in Prague, Czech Republic, and it is there that he works on painting.

Kryukov also names photography, swimming and reading books among his hobbies.

Summing up all of the above, it should be recognized that if a person is talented, then he is talented in everything. And if not, then any obstacles facing him can and should be overcome with diligence and perseverance, since not everyone has famous and rich relatives. Well, who still has, like our today's hero, should always remember that public people serve as a role model for many young and fragile minds.

Konstantin Kryukov and Alina Alekseeva met with HELLO! while relaxing in the town of Evian-les-Bains on the French coast Lake Geneva. The actor and his lover, who became husband and wife in September 2013, spoke about their joint vacation and their attitude towards marriage.

Alina Alekseeva and Konstantin Kryukov

About recreation and extreme sports

Konstantin. I don't like extreme. I'm more inclined towards relaxing holiday pensioners in Evian-les-Bains. I like to sit, drink coffee, look at something like golf.

About harmony

Konstantin. I think Alina and I complement each other perfectly. I somehow reassure Alina, and Alina offers me exciting adventures. Among other things, in my personal list There are already conquered peaks: the Eiffel Tower, Singapore Flyer (seemingly the largest Ferris wheel in the world), London Eye, a restaurant on the roof of a tall hotel in Bangkok, something even higher in Hong Kong ... But the worst is ahead - Mont Blanc, I will talk about this another time.

Konstantin and Alina

About honeymoon

Konstantin . The thing is, we still haven't gone to Honeymoon. I started filming right away. And since then, we've been carrying everything, moving ...

Alina. I would give advice to anyone who is getting married: fly away after the wedding immediately. Well, maybe in a day.

Konstantin. Because the next one you definitely won’t fly away ... It’s only in films after the cake that the bride and groom go off into the distance under the credits. In life, the next day you have to do a lot of ritual movements.

Alina. For example, call and thank everyone, send gifts in return and, of course, open countless boxes with bows. And also make sure that the top of the cake, which was specially baked so that it would be eaten in a year, was not eaten by the remaining guests. And then something else ... Two weeks after the wedding, Kostya and I were on some absolutely incredible upsurge. We couldn't help feeling that the world had to change.

Konstantin. There was an absolute feeling of an endless holiday.

About marriage

Konstantin. First of all, we decided to get married, because we are Orthodox, and for us this has a special meaning. Compared to a wedding, civil and legal procedures seem easier. I'm talking about the emotional side and the degree of responsibility that you have to bear.

Alina. Marriage is important and necessary. He brings the couple into the coordinate system of Truth. He changes the man. He changes a woman. Especially a woman. Subordination is changing. If before we are equal partners: "I don't owe you anything, you don't owe me anything," now: "You are my husband, I am your wife, I am behind my husband." He restores ranks. Now we both have to work on ourselves with redoubled zeal - because living for someone else besides ourselves is, firstly, difficult, and secondly, they are not taught anywhere. And this option can only be consciously chosen.

Konstantin Kryukov and Alina Alekseeva

About creative plans

Konstantin. I will be filming for the first time with my grandmother Irina Konstantinovna Skobtseva. She is very responsible and therefore carefully filters everything in which she is offered to participate. And this proposal seemed interesting to both of us, and I am sure that this movie will find many grateful viewers in the future. This is a children's film: heroes from our time travel to the past to help a sick girl. I play the father of this girl, and Irisha (as Konstantin calls Irina Konstantinovna Skobtseva. - Ed.) - her grandmother. I have always dreamed of working with her, and now it has become possible.

Konstantin Kryukov and Alina Alekseeva