Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla: description, specialties and reviews. Bgpu im. m. tanka, faculty of preschool education: exams, passing scores, dean

Residents of Ufa services in the field higher education annually offer various higher educational establishments. One of them is M. Akmulla. The educational organization is in high demand among applicants, because it offers a very wide range of services. There are bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs. Secondary specialties are also offered vocational education(abbreviated designation - SPO).

History of the institution

According to official data, the Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla was founded in 1967. However, in fact, the roots of the history of this university lie at the beginning of the last century. The first institution for the training of teachers was established in 1909. After graduating from its walls, specialists came out who could teach at schools and technical schools.

After about 15 years, the educational institution expanded the scope of its activities. It began to train specialists needed in the agricultural sector. In 1929, on the basis of a functioning institute, the Bashkir pedagogical institute named after Timiryazev. The university was founded in 1967. It was from this moment that the history of the currently existing in

M. Akmulla: about the name given to the university

Since 2006, the Pedagogical University in Ufa has been named after M. Akmulla. This man was a famous Bashkir, Tatar and poet-educator. The period of his life falls on the XIX century. The poet was born in 1831, and in 1895 his life was cut short.

After analyzing the work of M. Akmulla, we can conclude that he contributed huge contribution into national literature strong influence on her with his works. At that time he was the largest representative Bashkir poetry. All his poems are permeated with educational ideas. The poet called on everyone to master knowledge, affirmed the human desire for progress and light.

Modern people have not forgotten M. Akmulla. In Ufa, not only a higher educational institution is named after him. There is also a monument to this great poet in the city. It is installed in front of the Pedagogical University on the site in the square of the same name.

Bashkir State Pedagogical University: SPO specialties

This educational institution is quite large. It manages the activities of its constituent faculties and institutes. On the basis of the university, there is also a college that trains mid-level specialists. Applicants come here after 9-year and 11-year education in a comprehensive school.

The college of the Bashkir State Pedagogical University offers 10 different specialties. By joining here, you can become:

  • a lawyer;
  • music director (music teacher);
  • teacher of drawing and fine arts;
  • specialist in property and land relations;
  • educator of children at preschool age;
  • hotel service manager
  • a librarian;
  • physical education teacher;
  • tourism specialist;
  • environmental technician.

Directions of preparation for undergraduate and specialist studies

Bachelor's and specialist's degrees are the first stage in higher education. You can get it by entering the BSPU them. M. Akmulla (Bashkir State Pedagogical University) for one of the proposed choices, applicants are given a huge choice. For creative people there is a direction "Design" at the art and graphic faculty. After studying full-time for 4 years, students become graphic designers as well as designers environment. They are engaged in the creation and implementation of various projects.

For those who see their vocation in teaching or educational activities, the university has a direction " Teacher Education» with a huge list of various profiles:

  • physical education;
  • choreography;
  • primary education;
  • chemistry and ecology;
  • art;
  • preschool education;
  • history;
  • Russian language and literature, etc.

An interesting and popular direction in the undergraduate program is "Tourism" in a profile related to technology and the organization of excursion services. On it, students learn to develop and implement tourism products, organize tourism services, conduct observations and environmental measures to reduce the anthropogenic impact on nature.

Master's Degrees

Getting a good education is very important. Thanks to him, you can arrange your life, achieve those heights in your career that you had only dreamed of before. One of the components good education is a master's degree. You can enter it at the Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla. In all available areas, students receive deep professional knowledge and practical skills. Students develop the best competencies.

The university offers 9 integrated areas of training for the master's degree:

  • biology;
  • linguistics;
  • Teacher Education;
  • applied informatics;
  • defectological education;
  • ecology and nature management.

Programs included in the master's directions

Each of the above directions in the magistracy combines several training programs. Each entrant entering the Bashkir State Pedagogical University. M. Akmulla, chooses the program that is closer to him. For example, in the direction of "Psychology" you can become a master in clinical or family psychology, psychology of management and personnel management. Biology offers programs such as genetic expertise, general biology, biotechnology of microorganisms, etc.

Since the university is pedagogical, it has many master's programs in the direction of "Pedagogical education". Here are just a few of them:

  • physical and astronomical education;
  • psychology and pedagogy of higher education;
  • prevention of social deviations (preventology);
  • innovations in the field of physics and mathematics education;
  • biological education;
  • ethnofolklore education.

Passing scores: the importance of the indicator, the principle of calculation

Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla is state university, so there are budget places. Each year, the selection committee determines the passing scores for them. These are important indicators. By evaluating them, applicants can understand how strong the competition is in certain specialties.

The passing score is calculated very simply:

  • first, a list of applicants for a specific area of ​​training is compiled, depending on the results of entrance examinations;
  • applicants who are in the highest positions of such a rating are credited to budget places;
  • then the passing score is determined - the sum of the results of all entrance examinations for the applicant who was enrolled last in the free department.

Passing scores upon admission should be specified in admission committee. You can also find them on the official website (bspu). Bashkir Pedagogical University publishes them on its resource.

Information on passing scores for 2016

Passing points change annually, because they depend on the level of preparation of applicants. In 2016, the passing score at the Bashkir State Pedagogical University exceeded 200 points in the following areas of study:

  • "Pedagogical education" in a foreign language and the chosen profile (249 points);
  • "Pedagogical education" in Russian language and literature (219 points);
  • "Pedagogical education" in history and the chosen profile (200 points);
  • "Professional training" in economics and management (203 points);
  • "Design" (219 points);
  • "Defectological education" (213 points).

Bashkir State Pedagogical University Reviews

The higher educational institution operating in Ufa receives positive feedback from students and graduates. People distinguish various advantages of the university:

  • the possibility of obtaining free education in a variety of available areas of training;
  • good teaching staff;
  • the presence of all the necessary conditions for obtaining a quality education (good material and technical base, a large library).

AT positive feedback students tend to mention a few shortcomings. First, according to students, not all teachers are good. Some treat students badly, underestimate grades or give them according to an incomprehensible system. Secondly, educational process at the Bashkir Pedagogical University takes place in the old buildings. Some of them require quality repairs.

Bashkir State Pedagogical University Akmulla is a good institution of higher education. These words are confirmed by the recognition of an educational organization in the region and the country. The University in Ufa is considered one of the leading universities in Bashkortostan. It is also included in the TOP-20 of the best pedagogical higher educational institutions in our country.

Applicants who decide to get an education annually consider higher educational institutions in Minsk. One of them is the Belarusian State Educational Organization, which bears the name, includes 10 faculties, 3 institutes. Of these, some of the applicants choose when entering the BSPU. M. Tanka faculty preschool education.

Historical information about the structural unit

As history testifies, a higher educational institution in Minsk began to function in 1914. It was a teaching institute. After few years educational organization changed its name and was transformed into the faculty of the Belarusian state university. In 1932, a preschool department was opened in this structural unit. This moment is the beginning of the history of the faculty

The created branch did not always work. It closed periodically. The situation changed towards the end of the 1950s, when interest in specialists involved in the upbringing of children increased (at that time, a pedagogical university was no longer a faculty, but an independent educational institution). The department was reopened. It was part of a structural unit specializing in pedagogy and methodology primary education. In 1978 the department became an independent faculty preschool education.

Structural unit at present

The Faculty of Preschool Education was transformed into the Faculty of Preschool Education in 2003. Today this structural unit is:

  • 3 departments;
  • 2 forms of education;
  • more than 30 highly qualified teachers, among whom there are doctors of sciences, professors, associate professors.

In BSPU them. M. Tanka Faculty of Preschool Education is actively engaged in scientific work. Employees carry out research hot topics and problems, are developing manuals for students and professionals. In addition, the faculty regularly holds scientific and practical conferences. Except scientific work, he is engaged international activities. The faculty has established links with research institutes and educational institutions several countries.

About the deans of the structural unit

The Faculty of Preschool Education has rapidly developed and grown over the years of its existence. This happened due to the fact that it was headed by specialists who sought to achieve good results in their work:

  • Opimakh Nikolai (was the dean of the faculty from 1978 to 2003);
  • Zhitko Irina (she held the position until 2008);
  • Voronetskaya Lyudmila (was the next dean and worked until 2013);
  • Kasperovich Alexander (held the position until 2016);
  • Antsypirovich Olga (currently dean).

Departments of the Faculty of Preschool Education

The Faculty of Preschool Education has several main structural units (departments). Here is their list and brief information about them:

  1. Department of preschool and general pedagogy. This is the oldest structural unit of the faculty. According to historical information It was established in 1966. Its operation is currently ongoing. The department is working on improving the scientific, theoretical and professional training of future specialists in preschool education.
  2. Department of General and Child Psychology. This structural unit was created in 1978. Currently, she is engaged in research in the field of child psychology, studying the problems of modern preschool education.
  3. Department of methods of preschool education. It was opened at the Faculty of Preschool Education in 1986. She conducts her work in several directions. Firstly, the department develops and implements new innovative technologies training of qualified specialists. Secondly, she develops educational plans, standard programs on methods of preschool education. Thirdly, the department is engaged in conducting scientific and practical conferences on topics related to early childhood education.

Suggested majors

In BSPU them. M. Tanka Faculty of Early Childhood Education offers several specialties. However, it is worth noting here that people are accepted for undergraduate studies only in one direction of preparation - "Preschool education". Those students who enter it, in the future choose one of the existing specializations:

  • practical psychology;
  • physical education;
  • art.

In preschool education, persons with a diploma, indicating the presence of higher education, are offered one direction of preparation for a master's degree. Its name is "Methods and theory of preschool education".

Required Exams

Successful passing of centralized testing (CT) in several subjects is a necessary condition for admission to the BSPU. M. Tanka. The Faculty of Preschool Education requires applicants to have results in 3 subjects:

  • Belarusian or Russian language (at the choice of the applicant);
  • biology;
  • history of Belarus.

For those people who enter the university with a diploma of secondary special education, slightly different conditions are set:

  • the Belarusian or Russian language is handed over in the form of a CT;
  • the first profile test is pedagogy, the second is psychology (at BSPU, exams in these disciplines are taken orally).

Minimum scores and calculation of the passing score

To submit documents to a university, it is necessary to reach the minimum threshold based on the results of centralized testing. These are the rules for admission to existing faculties and specialties at BSPU. The first core subject, i.e. biology, must be passed with 15 points or more. For the second profile subject, the minimum allowable number of points is reduced by 5. This means that the history of Belarus must be passed at least 10 points. These rules are established by the Ministry of Education of Belarus.

Persons entering the faculty of preschool education often ask questions about passing score. This indicator is not set specifically by the university. It is formed after the end of the period for receiving documents. The passing score is determined by the number of allocated places and the scores of applicants.

How are passing scores formed at BSPU? Here is an example. 30 were installed on the direction budget places. Documents were received from 31 applicants. For 30 people, the sum of points for all entrance examinations was in the range from 190 to 220 points, and one person had only 170 points. 30 applicants were enrolled in the allocated places with maximum points. The passing score turned out to be 190. A person with 170 points did not reach this value, so he could not enter a state-funded place.

Passing scores 2016 and number of places in 2017

Applicants entering the faculty of preschool education are offered for review the passing scores of past years. An example is 2016.

Table: Faculty of preschool education of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University, passing scores for 2016

There are quite a few budget places. In 2017, the Faculty of Preschool Education is ready to accept face-to-face training for free education 150 people. Only 5 people can enter on payment terms. 70 budget places were allocated for part-time and part-time abbreviated forms of education. On terms of payment for distance learning 45 people are scheduled to be admitted, and 15 people for part-time reduced training.

Applicants who have studied higher educational institutions in Minsk and entered the Belarusian Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Preschool Education will have a difficult, but at the same time interesting study. His graduates confirm this. The structural unit, which was previously led by Alexander Kasperovich, and now Olga Antsypirovich is in charge, trains qualified specialists in preschool education, taking into account the uniqueness age period children.