Exam preparation in literature. The main stages of preparation for the Unified State Exam in literature. The new Unified State Exam in literature has already been launched

The first thing you need when preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature from scratch is knowledge of texts. You need to read a lot.

Literature is a cumulative subject, one might say archaeological. For example, the program for students of the Russian department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University is designed so that they read for 6-7 hours every day for five years. And if you have not accumulated this resource in large quantities, then you simply won’t know what to rely on.

On the Unified State Examination in literature, unlike mathematics, there are no single correct answers to questions. You may think that your answer is wonderful, but it will turn out to be meaningless. This means you need to do more than just read. You need to know where to focus your attention. Gotta get it feedback in any way.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in literature from scratch?

Literature is based on knowledge of texts. If you are preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature, you need at least two years. If you want to get done in a year, you must “read” all the main texts.

And at the same time, it is important not just to “familiarize yourself with the plot,” but also to remember all the details and structure of the work.

For example, you need to know the answers to questions of this nature:

Is there an epigraph to “Eugene Onegin”?
Answer: Yes, and for every chapter. There is also an epigraph to the entire work (and it must be remembered). We must also remember in what languages ​​the epigraphs to the chapters of “Eugene Onegin” are given, how many chapters there are in “Eugene Onegin” (answer: 8).

How many parts are there in Oblomov?
Answer: Four! Like the seasons.

What parts does “A Hero of Our Time” consist of?

Answering this question, the high school student recalls chronological order actions and lists: “Taman”, “Bela”, “Princess Mary”, “Fatalist”... People usually forget about “Maxim Maksimovich”.

But in fact, the order of the chapters is completely different! First, a preface to the novel. Then - the first part, this is “Bela” and “Maxim Maksimovich”, then the preface to Pechorin’s journal, where it is reported that Pechorin died and his notes can be published, and finally, “Taman”. The second part consists of “Princess Mary” and “Fatalist”.

Yes, Lermontov rearranged parts of his narrative, and this is world-class innovation, this is pre-modernism - although we do not speak such terms to schoolchildren. “Hero of Our Time” is a brilliant text and a brilliant ending. “A Hero of Our Time” ends not with the death of Pechorin, but with a description of the conversation between Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych about predestination.

But usually the schoolchild does not see this, does not understand the logic of the novel, because he pays attention only to the plot, to the development of the action. And when preparing for the Unified State Exam in Literature with high scores, you need to know the structure of the work, and not just the plot. We need to remember all the details, not just the main events. You need to be able to retell the text in detail, surprise with “tricks,” and answer all the difficult questions.

Next, we must remember and not confuse the names of the characters, the location of the action, and the details of the biographies of the heroes. Let's test ourselves:

What was Bazarov's name?
Answer: Evgeny Vasilievich.
What was Pechorin's name?
Answer: Grigory Alexandrovich.
What was Tatyana Larina's patronymic name?
Answer: Tatyana Dmitrievna.
What was the name of the fortress where the main events in The Captain's Daughter took place?
Answer: The fortress was called Belogorskaya. Graduates write either “Belgorodskaya” or “Belozerskaya” and lose points. This typical mistakes on the Unified State Exam.
Where do Petrusha’s parents live in the same “Captain’s Daughter”?
Answer: In a village in Simbirsk province.
Which city is under siege?
Answer: Orenburg.

And this is only the first step in preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature from scratch.

The second thing you need is an analytical mind. The Unified State Exam in Literature has its own specifics. You need to understand that there is a certain algorithm or technology.

Is it possible to prepare for the Unified State Exam in literature from scratch in a year?

Yes, you can do it in a year if you have very good time management. This really means that you need to devote at least an hour to this work every day. Literally set a timer. Honestly check what you wrote against the criteria. Show to an outside observer - for example, a school teacher or tutor.

At the first stage we study texts. On the second - we write Unified State Exam options and check according to all criteria.

This year, the publishing house “Phoenix” published my book “Literature. The author’s preparation course for the Unified State Exam.” In it I talk in detail about preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature from scratch.

The Unified State Exam in Literature is one of the most difficult. According to statistics, no more than 5% of students choose it. The thing is that the assignments are designed with the curriculum of specialized humanities classes and schools in mind. Previously, before the introduction of the Unified State Exam, an essay exam was mandatory and 2 grades were given at once - in literature and the Russian language. Now it’s enough to pass the Unified State Exam in Literature difficult task for a graduate of a regular school, since the questions cover topics studied in specialized classes, and the structure of the ticket itself changes annually.

Most teachers are unanimous in their opinion that for successful completion Unified State Examination in Literature in 2017-2018 academic year It’s not enough to just read all the works on the list school curriculum and be able to correctly express your thoughts. Professional training is required that takes into account the specifics of current at the moment KIMov.

In this material we will tell you:

Having successfully passed the unified state exam in the Russian language, basic mathematics or profile level(depending on the requirements of the university) and literature, a graduate can choose various directions for himself.

In 2018, such a set of subjects will provide the opportunity to enter the vast majority of creative fields:

  • Faculty of Journalism or Military Journalism. Journalism is the most popular humanitarian direction With great prospects employment. In most universities there is a huge competition for this specialty. In addition to literature, in most cases, a certificate in a foreign language will be required;
  • consistently high competition for places and universities that produce translators (accordingly, it is necessary passing the Unified State Exam in a foreign language);
  • linguistic and philological faculties;
  • to universities that graduate translators (accordingly, it is necessary to pass the Unified State Exam in a foreign language);
  • Faculty of Journalism or Military Journalism (some universities also required a certificate in a foreign language);
  • faculties teaching creative specialties: graphics, painting, sculpture, restoration, design, vocals, choreography, theatrical art, etc. (in many universities an additional creative competition is mandatory);
  • faculties that provide education as a producer, sound engineer, cinematographer (a profile-level certificate in mathematics is required).

Decide on the list necessary items Before the start of the 2017-2018 academic year, you should familiarize yourself with the requirements for applicants of a particular faculty, which can be found on the official website of the relevant higher education institution.

All changes that will be made in 2018, as well as the most up-to-date information about the Unified State Examination in literature can also always be found on our portal.

Changes in the Unified State Examination in Literature in 2018

As part of the improvement of KIMs, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has developed a radically new promising model of Unified State Exam tickets in literature and, most likely, already in 2018 graduates will have to deal with a number of innovations:

  1. Short answer questions are completely excluded from the tickets.
  2. The number of tasks of the participant's choice has increased.
  3. In comparison tasks, it will be necessary to compare the text with only 1 work (previously there were 2).
  4. Essays will be checked more thoroughly, and the verification criteria will be tightened.
  5. The minimum volume of a detailed answer is 50 words, and essays are 250 words (essays less than 200 words in length are scored 0 points).

You can also learn about innovations in the Unified State Examination in Literature by watching a video interview with Dmitry Bak, professor at the Russian State University for the Humanities:

235 minutes are allotted to complete all tasks.

The minimum passing score is 32 points.

To receive an “excellent” grade, you must score more than 67 points.

When evaluating an essay, committee members will rely on the following criteria:

  1. Depth of understanding of the problem and presence of your own thoughts. The content of the answers is the main thing. Correct spelling and punctuation do not affect the answer, but speech errors, violation lexical norms, will deduct points.
  2. Level of theoretical and literary knowledge of the examinee.
  3. The validity of the given excerpts from the works.
  4. Logic and consistency of presentation.
  5. Compliance with the norms and rules of the Russian language.

List of works for passing the Unified State Exam in literature

One of the most pressing issues worrying 11th graders is the list of works that need to be thoroughly studied in order to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in Literature in the coming 2018.

Indeed, the main difficulty of the exam is the need to possess a sufficiently large amount of information, because the Unified State Examination codifier for literature lists:

  • more than 150 poems;
  • 11 novels;
  • 9 poems;
  • 6 plays;
  • 4 stories;
  • about 20 stories.

A complete list of works can be found in the “codifiers” section of the official Unified State Exam website.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Literature

It is important to understand that high-quality preparation for the Unified State Exam is not only about familiarizing yourself with the meaning of various works, because to successfully pass the literature exam in 2018 you will need:

  • deep understanding of the essence of the problems raised by different authors;
  • possession of information about the portraits and characters of heroes;
  • the ability to draw parallels between the plot of the work and the spiritual experiences of the author;
  • having your own opinion and the ability to defend and justify it;
  • knowledge from the field of literary history.

That is why, read novels, stories, poems, plays, stories and others literary works it is necessary in the original, and not by criticism, but in the process of reading, to pay attention to the little things and lead reader's diary, in which to write down the basic information that will be necessary when preparing for the Unified State Exam and writing essays.

  1. Write as many practice essays as possible, building for yourself certain templates for various topics.
  2. Create a card for each writer with key dates and important information.
  3. Think about the problems of the works.
  4. Don’t be lazy to write down phrases that can be used in your essays.
  5. If something is very difficult to remember, use diagrams and sketches.

The main stages of preparation for the Unified State Exam in literature

Preparing for the Unified State Exam in Literature is more than a simple task for some, but for others it is a real torment. Some people study literature properly at school, some have a less than demanding teacher, and some are just lazy - preparation for the Unified State Exam will be different for everyone. And if you don’t love literature, then it’s almost impossible to prepare well for it and pass it. This article will tell you how to make the preparation process as high-quality and convenient as possible. In addition, many people have questions: “Where to start?” or “Will I be able to prepare for literature in the remaining time?” After all, the volume of material to study is quite large. Let's decide on some important points in preparation for the literature exam.

Stages of preparation for the Unified State Exam in literature:

1. Stage one (the most important). We look at the list of works that need to be read, the tasks are made up of these works, you won’t come across anything from others in the real exam, rest assured. The lion's share of the texts should be read in the last five years, which means that you will only need to re-read only what was half-forgotten. Oh yes, be sure to check out the most frequently asked questions section.

2. Stage two. We carefully study the requirements for the exam; they are given to us in the codifier. We study the structure of the exam, the criteria by which you will be assessed, it may seem to us that there is a lot of theory that you need to know, but this is not so.

3. The third stage follows from the second. Let's approach the theory of literature. It is presented almost completely on our website. There is nothing complicated there; we don’t need to memorize complex formulas that exist in mathematics or physics. Sometimes it is enough to learn to distinguish one from the other in order to decide most of tasks from part B.

4. Stage four (main). We come to part C. We return again to the criteria (C1-C3, C2-C4, C5). We begin to “warm up the frozen ink of our pen.” We are writing. We are writing. Criteria are not a conditional concept, but a very necessary one, this is what you need to obey throughout the entire work on the essay and your short answer to tasks C1-C4. During this stage, you will repeat all the works you have read, the theory of literature (a separate paragraph in the criteria specifies the use of theory in work), learn to compare works, and analyze them.

Part B must be worked out independently. With part C, things are somewhat different; a subjective factor also intervenes here, because when reading ourselves, we can involuntarily think that what we have written is good. And we need a teacher who would soberly evaluate all your writings, give advice, sort out your mistakes, tell you what you need to work on, etc. I highly recommend reading it methodological recommendations .

And again I would like to repeat - the more we write, the better our result should become. You should establish a connection with your teacher if it is not possible to turn to the services of a tutor (your author does not recommend using their services). But here again everything depends on who will work with you. Deciding who to contact is a purely personal matter for each of you. And if you have a friend or girlfriend who understands literature, then why not turn to them for help?

We have identified 4 stages of preparation for the literature exam. It is quite possible that your strategy is different; whoever is more comfortable does so. By managing your time wisely, you can approach the exam with all weapons. It's up to you, friends.

Scored 100 points for the literature exam in 2013:

Of course, I can say that I owe my high result, first of all, to my teacher: not a single written essay and not a single detailed retelling was in vain. But no matter how wonderful the teacher is, we must not forget about self-preparation.

Firstly, all works contained in the codifier are required reading. And even if such large-scale epics as “War and Peace” or “ Quiet Don”, you will not come across in the test part, knowledge of their content and issues will be very useful when completing tasks C2 and C4, because in them you can find examples on almost any topic. But, to be honest, I didn’t re-read anything specifically for the exam, but only refreshed my memory with the help of the analyzes provided on this site. I took notes strictly according to the same list, starting with “The Word...” and ending with prose, poetry and drama of the second half of the twentieth century. For analysis, I chose such key points as the year of writing, the history of creation (if any), the plot (for fairly large prose works), composition, issues, genre, etc. The same procedure with poems. I also didn’t memorize poems for the exam; I relied on the baggage acquired over the years of study. In addition, there was a lack of time, because I started preparing only two months before the Unified State Exam, so I advise everyone who is going to take literature not to delay, but to start preparing at least from the second half of the year, because the amount of information that you need to know is very large, especially if you feel there are gaps.
Secondly, theory is very important. You need to know all the terms and concepts and be able to distinguish them. This site also helped in repeating the theory. Even subtleties such as the difference between rhyme and rhyme or systems of versification were explained in accessible language.
And thirdly, training with tests and essays. Here you can also find an extensive bank of test tasks and level C tasks. I also recommend the book “100 days before the exam” for preparation. Express preparation."
I didn’t go to the tutor and last days Before the exam, I went for consultations with my teacher. We analyzed prose and poetry of the second half of the twentieth century, since it is almost not taught in the school course.

The main thing is not to panic and believe in yourself, because if you really strive for the best result and are ready to work hard, your love of reading, and as a result of literature in general, together with high-quality systematic preparation will definitely bring you the desired 100 points.

Scored 100 points for the literature exam in 2012:

I read all the necessary literature, I read large works like “War and Peace” about a year or six months before the exam, taking my time so that everything fits well in my head, and I began to repeat small works shortly before the exam, otherwise they are quickly forgotten. By the way, you should not neglect poems and leave them for the last days, otherwise it will be easy to mix something up, for example, forget the author of the poem. For tasks of part C (C4 especially) I classified poems according to various topics(patriotism, love, etc.), it is better to know many of them by heart, if not completely, then at least a few lines, in order to include quotes from them in your essays. And the prose should be read carefully, paying attention to even the most insignificant characters, because they are the ones who can be useful when comparing the prose. Well, I solved the tests. I didn’t buy any special problem books; the tasks on the website were enough for me. In general, a lot in the exam depends on luck, but you shouldn’t rely on it too much, but it’s better to prepare and read a lot, then any option will seem easy.

I prepared for the Unified State Exam in Literature myself, without a tutor. I didn’t do anything supernatural: I reread all the program works that I had forgotten, and I reread them very carefully, I learned quotes, literary terms. In general, I prepared for part B mainly at the end of the 10th grade; in the 11th grade I only studied part C, since it is much more difficult. I trained in writing C1-C5, but not too often, once a week, or even two. The main thing is not how much to prepare, but how:) I also learned all the criteria for evaluating essays and during the exam I tried to follow each of them in order to lose as few points as possible. I admit, I didn’t expect my work to be appreciated so highly. My essay wasn’t anything unusual or super-smart, I just wrote to the point, didn’t waste time, followed the composition and logic. But the main thing is that I was interested in writing, reading, teaching, I love literature. I think this is the main reason for my success.

You and I, who have passed and are passing literature, are very lucky. Because literature is a subject that cannot be memorized. I'll say even more. This is a subject that under no circumstances should you cram. Literature is designed to develop our thought, and what is most valued in it is novelty and individuality of thought. You can find on the Internet, in textbooks, and in cheat sheets answers to all common questions about the content of classical Russian works. But it is not a fact that you will receive 100 points for these answers.

I was getting ready all the time last year at school by myself. I didn’t hire any tutors; I started solving tests a month before the exam. In fact, I didn’t really prepare at all this year.

But if you look deeper, I was preparing. True, in slightly different ways.

Literature, first of all, must be loved. Love with all your soul.

This is one of the few items that really has something to love with all your heart.

The love of books was instilled in me since childhood. I've never read a book without thinking about it. Even scenes of nature that I hate so much.

First tip: learn to read correctly

This means not just skimming and not losing the thread of the plot. This means digesting every sentence, extracting something new from it. Compare with your life, find analogues. Thinking with the thoughts of the characters, living inside the book.

I didn’t hysterically read the entire 10-11th grade all the necessary curriculum.

I went through the entire program at school. And many thanks to my literature teachers, who undoubtedly helped me. They opened up topics that I would not have come to on my own. For example, at the end of 11th grade we were running through “Quiet Flows the Don”, and during one of the lessons the teacher gave us a topic for an essay 10 minutes before the end of the lesson on half a page. The topic was “The role of the mother’s image in the epic novel “Quiet Don”. I developed this topic quite well and received praise.

On June 16, one of the three topics in the unit was: “Role female images in the novel "Quiet Don". It’s clear what was the support for me when writing Part C...

So, since the entire program was chewed over to us, not even like that, not chewed, but taught to chew at school, then at home I read the literature at my own discretion. In winter, I had an extraordinary hunger for foreign classics, and I mastered them. I repeat, no modern masters, only recognized classics.

I tried modern literature in the 10th grade, after which I wrote an article about the influence of modern literature on youth and received second place in the regional congress of young journalists “Silver Pen of the Province.”

By the way, studying foreign classics also helped me when writing Part C - I compared Natalya and Aksinya with Scarlett O’Hara from Gone with the Wind.

So, tip two: no need to stuff yourself with all the classics in a row. Read what interests you. The school will provide you with works based on the codifier in full.

As I already said, literature teaches us to analyze and values ​​the individuality of our thoughts.

But in addition to analysis when reading, it is necessary to analyze on paper. This is why we write essays in class. However, we must constantly train so that this ability does not atrophy in us. I was very lazy to write essays. I have always had the so-called "disease clean slate" And I found a new way for myself. Maybe not entirely new, but effective.

Tip three: Start a blog or diary.

I didn't do this on purpose. I needed to pour out my thoughts and reasoning somewhere. And this became a kind of training. I reasoned, analyzed and came to new conclusions. One of my friends actually analyzes works, and, believe me, she comes to very interesting conclusions. You feel freer on the Internet.

Tip four: Don’t be afraid to speak out and experiment in the classroom.

Lessons are preparation for the battle itself. But this is not a fight yet. A bad mark in class is not a bad mark on the exam. Try to think in class and be sure to listen. I learned so many interesting things from my classmates and teacher. So many points of view!

Don't be afraid to enter into discussions yourself. After all, as they say, truth is born only in disputes. And don't be afraid to develop your thoughts on paper. You will always have time to use template thoughts, and you can write your own, hard-won, so to speak, in an essay. The teacher will check, and if the idea is sensible, then we can safely use it in the exam, as in my case. If not, then you won’t write it on the exam.

I can list for you those works that you should know in almost every detail: “War and Peace”, “ Dead Souls", "Woe from Wit", "Fathers and Sons", "Eugene Onegin", "At the Bottom", "Crime and Punishment".

In less detail: “Quiet Don”, “Oblomov”, “The Master and Margarita”.

As for the lyrics, in the 11th grade we rethought it all: we no longer taught what was shorter, but what was more to our liking.

So, tip number five: learn only those poems that appeal to you the most.

They will not need to be specially memorized before exams; they will be imprinted in your memory.

Also at the Olympiad, I came across a task: to compare three poems “Monument”: by Pushkin, Derzhavin and Vysotsky. This helped me a lot. Comparing poems by theme from different poets helps. Again. Analyze everything. Look through the lines and letters.

Tip six: Read various journalistic articles about authors or essays of your classmates. Also, in all collections of preparation for exams there are examples of essays different years on different topics. You will discover a lot for yourself, believe me.

And by reading various journalistic articles, you know, the editor's or publisher's prefaces, usually published before the work itself, you will already learn the approved point of view on this or that work. The opinion of an adult literary critic will never spoil your opinion.

It is precisely in these same articles that important parts of works, phrases from poems are usually quoted, which you can also quote in your essay. So to speak, you are given material on a silver platter that you can use, and if you also mention in your essay “as Pisarev said,” for example, then this is already a plus for you.

In January, my teacher gave me the book “The Resurrection of Mayakovsky” to read before studying Mayakovsky. And that immediately made my opinion of him. After this book, I could freely tell the facts of his biography and already had my own formed opinion about him, which, as I was convinced, was very valuable.

By the way, phrases from Mayakovsky are easy to remember and therefore can always be used in an essay.

A certain amount of arrogance plays an important role. As my friend said: “pretend that you know everything about creativity and about the writer himself, even if you don’t.”

And finally, just love literature, work on it carefully. And she will undoubtedly reciprocate your feelings.

You will definitely succeed, since you have visited this site and are reading this article.

You will succeed! Let your muse never leave you!

On changes in the system of conducting the Unified state exam in 2018 it had been known for a long time. For the first time, the former head of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Litvinov, announced big changes. In particular, innovations will affect Unified State Examination in Literature 2018.

The new exam, which all graduates of the 2017-2018 academic year will take, will consist entirely of creative tasks. As the current Minister of Education of Russia Olga Vasilyeva states, in next year A new promising model of the unified state examination, specially developed by leading specialists of the FIPI Institute, will come into force.

FIPI has finished testing the new model of the unified state exam in literature and graduates of 2018 will already take the exam in a completely new way.

Employees of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements took drastic measures, completely eliminating test tasks from CMM. What other innovations await already anxious eleventh graders?

There will be no more short answer questions.

First, let's figure out which ones are the most important in literature. So, as mentioned above, the tests were extracted from the exam.

There were reasons for this step - according to the developers of the new method, the tests do not pose any difficulty for the graduate, being an unnecessary element of assessment. IN test tasks there is a high probability of “guessing” the correct answer, which FIPI experts in no way agree with.

There will no longer be literature in the Unified State Exam test questions open-ended, where the student is required to answer in one word or in the form of digital sequences.

Today's Unified State Exam has twelve such questions from total number. Most of these questions test the graduate's knowledge of the basic terms of literary studies.

However, schoolchildren these days are well versed on these points. In addition, tasks that require detailed written answers are already designed to operate with terms, so additional testing of this knowledge is not required.

Much to the sadness of graduates, they lose the guaranteed opportunity to score points based only on a thorough knowledge of terminology. In addition, the strategy of C grade students to get away with “little loss”, that is, to do only one part with tasks that require short answers, completely collapses. Beginning in 2018, every test taker will be expected to demonstrate the ability to express themselves clearly and effectively.

Increasing the number of optional tasks

From now on, graduates will have a wider choice of options: instead of three tasks for an extended essay, there will be four. That is, you will need to take one topic from the growing list. Having received this or that work for a “big” essay, the student can choose which question will be more interesting for him to answer.

The volume of the essay will increase

In the “main” essay, the minimum amount of required text will be increased. In the current Unified State Examination in literature, the minimum volume is 200 words, but in a year you will need to “put” at least 250 words on paper.

Also, the developers of the new method came to the decision to specify the requirements for mini-essays. If now there are no strict conditions regarding the number of words in such essays (when writing mini-essays, a recommendation of 5-10 sentences appears), then by 2018 FIPI plans to set a minimum volume of 50 words. This requirement will apply to both comparative tasks and text analysis tasks.

Simplify matching tasks

The changes also affected tasks for the so-called “immersion in the literary context.” If today the Unified State Examination in Literature suggests comparing a text with two texts, thereby showing your horizons as a reader, then in 2018 it is proposed to abolish the task, mentioning only one text for comparison.

Evaluation criteria are being clarified

Now that the Unified State Examination in Literature has no tasks with short answers at all, automatic checking has become impossible. In light of this, the developers of the promising method face unified exam in literature, an important task arose - how to achieve the most objective assessment of a student’s knowledge?

Now the Unified State Examination in literature consists of five essays, which brings it closer to the “traditional” school final exam. The experts took the matter seriously; various meetings are held where wishes and suggestions for the approach to evaluating work are expressed. We must assume that by the time of delivery we will know the final decision of the FIPI specialists.

The new Unified State Exam in literature has already been launched

In the academic year 2015-2016 it was held trial Unified State Exam according to the literature with some modifications. More than 1,000 schoolchildren from 60 took part in the “experiment.” educational institutions in 13 subjects of the Federation.

During testing of a new approach to passing the Unified State Exam in literature, it was revealed that 94% of teachers were in favor of introducing the updated exam. In addition, experts emphasize the fact that new model not too different from the previous one in its complexity. In other words, schoolchildren should not worry - passing the Unified State Exam in Literature in 2018 will not become fundamentally more difficult.