Lexical norms of shackles. Abstract: Lexical compatibility in Russian

Words in speech are not used in isolation, one at a time, but in combinations. Not all of them freely connect with each other. Lexical compatibility of words is their ability to connect with a certain circle of other words. Sometimes, due to the complexity of such a choice, speech is allowed

In a sentence, words are related to each other both in meaning and grammatically. In the latter case, such a connection provides a grammatical one. Semantic connections ensure the correctness of the statement in terms of content. The words used in speech should be consistent with others. This is expressed in two types of compatibility - lexical and semantic.

Lexical compatibility refers to the ability of words to enter into combinations with only a limited number (or units) of words.

Semantic is expressed in the ability of words to correlate with a whole class of other words that unites common sense. For example, a group of verbs that describe human states (think, laugh, etc.) can be combined with all words that designate people (doctor, passerby).

In a number of cases, when it is not about specific things, but about their relations (abstract, abstract vocabulary), then lexical compatibility is conditional. For example, you can "give advice", "inspect", "resist", etc. All these verbs play the same role, they can be easily replaced with synonyms (“advise”, “examine”, “resist”), but it is almost impossible to confuse them. A Russian-speaking person will never say, for example, "produce advice."

Some variants of incorrect compatibility are massive (very often different people they are used in speech with the same errors): “the meeting has been convened” (need: “the meeting took place”), “develop one’s horizons” (need: “broaden one’s horizons”). This is due to the fact that in one situation different set phrases, and often the replacement of components leads to a semantic inaccuracy. The traditional phrase "Let me raise a toast!" is also incorrect. You can either "raise a glass" or "make a toast."

Also typical mistake, in which lexical compatibility is violated, is the phrase “the level of service has improved”. The level can go up, but the quality can go up.

Lecture 4. Lexical norms

    Vocabulary. Types of lexical items

    The concept of lexical norm and typical lexical errors

    Violation of accuracy, clarity, consistency, brevity of speech as a result of lexical errors

1. Vocabulary. Types of lexical items

    Vocabulary- the vocabulary of the language, which covers individual words and stable combinations of words. All words can be divided into several groups depending on their lexical features.

Depending on the number of lexical meanings, single-valued and polysemantic words are distinguished. single word can have only one lexical meaning ( book, table, monologue, alert). polysemantic word has two or more values endure, green). In the explanatory dictionary, all meanings of a polysemantic word are given in one dictionary entry, each meaning is numbered, and before interpreting the word there may be a note, for example, trans.(figurative meaning). direct meaning is the basic meaning of the word. A figurative meaning is a secondary meaning that arose on the basis of a direct one.

Lexical units, depending on the semantic relationships between words, are divided into synonyms, homonyms, antonyms, paronyms. Synonyms- these are words of the same part of speech, different in sound, the same or close in meaning. Synonyms can differ from each other in shades of meaning, stylistic coloring, or both. Antonyms- Words that are opposite in meaning. Antonyms denote contrasting concepts that are correlated with each other. Antonyms can express opposite concepts of time (a long time ago - recently), place (up - down), space (north - south), etc. Homonyms- words that are identical in spelling and sound, related to one part of speech, but not related in meaning, for example: In dictionaries, homonyms, unlike polysemantic words, are given in different dictionary entries, since homonyms, unlike polysemantic words, are not have a common value component. Paronyms words are called that are similar in sound, but different in meaning, having, as a rule, the same root and belonging to the same part of speech, for example: spectacular - effective, addressee - addresser, tactical - tactful.

Lexical units are subdivided in terms of the scope of use. Common called vocabulary, understandable to all native speakers of the Russian language. Uncommon words are used only by one or another social group. These words are jargon(emotionally expressive words that are used by a particular social group and have a correspondence in the literary language), dialectisms(words that are used only by residents of a certain territory), argotisms ( words used in the speech of people of a certain social environment in order to hide the content of speech from representatives of others social groups), professionalism, terms.

Lexical units may be characteristic of only one style of speech, or they may be neutral i.e. to be used in any style.

Depending on the origin, the words are native Russian and borrowed. Native Russian Borrowings(foreign vocabulary) - words that came into the Russian language from other languages ​​​​and are used according to the laws of the Russian language.

Depending on the frequency of use, passive and active vocabulary is distinguished. Vocabulary of everyday use is active (table, house, work, contract, tax, etc.). Passive vocabulary is rarely used. Passive vocabulary includes obsolete words that have gone out of active use. They are divided into two groups: historicisms and archaisms. Historicisms - words denoting objects, phenomena that are not in modern life: corvee, quitrent, veche, arshin. Archaisms- words whose lexical meaning has changed. Archaisms have synonyms in the modern Russian language, because the objects and phenomena denoted by these words have not been lost. For example, forehead (forehead), fingers (fingers), shame (spectacle), shuytsa ( left hand), right hand (right hand). In addition to obsolete words, passive vocabulary includes neologisms(new vocabulary units). Neologisms can be individually-author's and general language. Individual author's neologisms belong to book speech, are created consciously, are not widely used, and are not recorded in dictionaries. Such neologisms are created in order to give expressiveness to speech. General language neologisms arise when there is a need to name the desired subject.

2. The concept of lexical norm and typical lexical errors

Lexical norms- word usage rules:

    the use of words in accordance with their meaning, stylistic coloring, evaluative properties;

    correct combination of words (semantic and lexical).

Typical lexical errors are associated with a violation of the norms of word usage.

      Using a word without regard to its lexical meaning

    ignorance of the lexical meaning of the word

    the influence of paronomasia, i.e. sound similarity of words with different roots: mirage - turn, injection - infection

    desire for euphemism -: This phenomenon is not given enough attention. Uncomfortable in the workshop: it is in disrepair.

b) Violation of lexical compatibility

Lexical compatibility is the ability of words to connect with each other. Some words have free compatibility, i.e. easily combined with other words: hard work, hard task, difficult character; others are limited to one or two uses: pitch darkness, pouring rain, tribute. The limited lexical compatibility of certain words is explained by their use in special meanings. Polysemantic words are selectively combined with other words: in each case, it is necessary to take into account the specific meaning of the word. For example, you can say deep night, but you can't deep evening; you can say the Velvet season, but you can't velvet autumn.

In many cases, the ban on word compatibility is imposed by linguistic tradition: play a role(norm - play the role), have features (perform functions). Intentional incompatibility is a vivid means of expression often used by humorous writers to give a comical tone to speech. For example: It is difficult to forgive other people's shortcomings, even more difficult to forgive other people's virtues..

Causes of violation of lexical compatibility:

    association with a phrase that is close in meaning, for example , In deep childhood, his favorite pastime was the game of war;

    the emotional-expressive coloring of words is not taken into account: the combination of words of different expressive coloring (negative and positive expression): All notorious specialists were invited to an international conference. There is a comic expression;

    bad choice of synonym: This event took place a few days ago(right - happened);

    mix of paronyms: At the first meeting, Dina did not perceiveUmov seriously.

    pleonasm (a speech error that occurs in a phrase in which one of the words is superfluous, because its meaning duplicates the meaning of another word);

    tautology (unjustified repetition of cognate words in a sentence);

c) Violation of semantic compatibility

Logical compatibility is determined by the connection of objects and phenomena of reality.

Causes of violation of semantic compatibility

    Mixing paronyms. Some paronyms differ in meaning (shades of meanings), some only in lexical compatibility. When mixing paronyms that have different semantic shades, semantic errors arise. For example, This is the critical moment of the game.(full of criticism - critical, turning point - critical).

    False associations arising under the influence of paronomasia (sound similarity of words with different roots). For example, Motorcycle show - always real holiday stuntmen and spectators, here you can see suchmirages (right - turns).

    The use of a polysemantic word without taking into account semantic compatibility ( low health in meaning poor health, low knowledge etc.).

    Convergence of words by adjacency (metonymic replacement of the desired word): prices are expensive.

    Careless use of antonyms. Because of their weakness the decision was postponed for a week.

3. Violation of accuracy, clarity, consistency, brevity of speech as a result of lexical errors

Lexical errors can lead to a violation of the brevity of speech. Verbosity is the use of words and phrases that carry optional, unnecessary information. For example: Still not doing well enough to meet commitments(instead of Commitments are still not being fulfilled well enough; Passion for computer games is one of the most important signs of the times, a modern phenomenon.(instead of Passion for computer games is one of the most important signs of the times(or modern phenomenon)).

Typical lexical errors that violate the brevity of speech are pleonasm and tautology.

Pleonasm is the use of words that are close in meaning and therefore superfluous. For example: The expression on her face is very expressive.(facial expressions- that's the facial expression ; Loud applause and ovations erupted(applause and ovation- synonyms).

Tautology is the repetition of the same or the same root words in one sentence. For example: heavy rain, ask a question. The tautology can be hidden, it is found in sentences in which a Russian and a foreign word with the same meaning is used. Their similarity is found when translating a foreign word into Russian. For example: memorial monument (memorial- serving to perpetuate the memory of someone) , souvenir(souvenir- a keepsake).

Intentional repetition of words and forms is a means of semantic and emotionally expressive expressiveness: bitter grief, vanity of vanities, live and live. In a number of cases, tautological expressions have become fixed in speech due to changes in the meaning of a particular word and the absence of the necessary equivalent in the language. Yes, the expression patriot of his country became permissible because the word patriot except for the meaning loving motherland"acquired an additional meaning -" loving something, devoted to something ": patriot of his land, patriot of his school. entrenched in speech and expression used book and reality.

Thus, knowledge of lexical norms is one of the conditions for good speech, since lexical norms contribute to the accurate expression of thoughts without verbosity, idle talk, provide clarity and consistency of the statement.

Lexical errors can be avoided by using dictionaries.

Explanatory dictionaries fix the lexical meaning of the word. In dictionaries foreign words the source language is indicated, the meaning of the word and examples of its use are given.

In phraseological dictionaries the meanings of phraseological units are presented, i.e. set expressions, the value of which is not derived from their constituent components.

You can also use dictionaries of synonyms, homonyms, dictionaries of lexical compatibility. In the dictionaries of synonyms, synonymous series are given, it is indicated general meaning each row, the difference of synonyms from each other is noted, examples of the use of synonyms are given, sometimes the origin of the word.

These dictionaries reflect the richness of the Russian language and are the most important means of raising the level of human speech culture: enriching speech, forming the accuracy and clarity of speech.


Reference books

    Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Kashaeva E.Yu. Russian language and culture of speech: Tutorial for universities. 14th ed. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2005. - 544 p.

    Ippolitova N.A., Knyazeva O.Yu., Savova M.R. Russian language and culture of speech: a course of lectures / Ed. ON THE. Ippolitova. - M .: TK Velby, Publishing House Prospekt, 2007. - 344 p.

    Culture of Russian speech: Textbook for universities / Ed. ed. d.ph.s., prof. OK. Graudina and Doctor of Philological Sciences, prof. E.N. Shiryaev. – M.: Norma, 2006. – 560 p.

    Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook for universities / A.I. Dunev, M.Ya. Dymarsky, A.Yu. Kozhevnikov and others; Ed. V.D. Chernyak. - M .: Higher school; S.-Pb.: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University im. A.I. Herzen, 2002.

      Belchikov Yu.A., Panyusheva M.S. Dictionary of paronyms of the Russian language. M., 1994.

      Krysin A.P. Explanatory dictionary of foreign words. M., 1998.

      Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language. M., 1984.

      Dictionary of new words of the Russian language. Ed. N.Z. Kotelova. St. Petersburg, 1995.

      Dictionary of homonyms of the Russian language. M., 1974.

      Dictionary of compatibility of words of the Russian language. M., 1983.

      Modern dictionary of foreign words. M., 2000.

      Thematic dictionary of the Russian language. Ed. V.V. Morkovkin. M., 2000.

      Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language of the late XX century. / Ch. ed. Sklyarevskaya G.N. - St. Petersburg, 2000.

      Phraseological dictionary of Russian literary language: In 2 volumes / Compiled by A.I. Fedorov. – M.: Citadel, 1997.

Lexical norms are norms that define right choice words from lexical units that are similar in meaning or form, as well as the use of a word in certain meanings and the appropriateness of using a lexical unit in a specific communicative situation in semantic generally accepted language phrases.

Vocabulary norms are best displayed in dictionaries foreign languages, explanatory dictionaries, reference books, which contains terms and concepts used in certain areas of life. The lexical norms of the Russian language are very closely connected with the rules of word usage, because the word is considered the most important unit of the language, expressing the concept of a process or an object. A word is a unit that combines phonetic, lexico-semantic, and grammatical features. It is the main component of the proposal.


If lexical norms are observed, speech is accurate and correct. Conversely, the accuracy of speech is determined by the choice of the word. What does it mean to follow the rules of vocabulary? The word should be used in accordance with its meaning (direct or figurative). When choosing a lexical unit, the speaker must take into account the features of the compatibility of a number of words in speech. When choosing synonyms, it is important to consider the subtle differences between them. It is also important to monitor the correct use of polysemantic words, to understand paronyms, homonyms, to avoid redundancy of speech and speech insufficiency. In the flow of speech, words should be used in accordance with the communicative situation and the style of the speaker's speech.


If the word is chosen incorrectly, it can lead to a distortion of the meaning of the message, misinterpretation and unwanted stylistic coloring. Lexical norms are considered violated in cases where such errors occur:

  • wrong choice of word (mixing of synonyms, paronyms);
  • violation of the rules of word compatibility;
  • the contradiction between the emotional coloring of the word and the intention of the speaker;
  • the use of so-called anachronisms;
  • mixing of various linguocultural realities;
  • misuse of phraseological units, etc.

Lexical norms and their originality directly depend on the lexical level of the language. main feature vocabulary - its appeal to the extralinguistic world. This is a language system that is most sensitive to changes in society, the emergence of new objects and realities, socio-political and cultural processes.

How are changes in society, culture, politics expressed at the lexical level?

When society changes, the lexical norms of the language also change. Unbeknownst to all of us, new words appear, thereby replenishing the active stock of vocabulary. Many words become obsolete and fall out of use. The meaning of a word can be transformed, the word can become multi-valued. Very often, a lexical item can change its normative status, acquire new stylistic qualities, and so on. Summing up, it should be noted that vocabulary is closely related to social life Therefore, the vocabulary of the language is constantly changing. Over time, lexical norms become more loyal and open, and the meanings of words expand.

Vocabulary (lexicology) is a branch of the science of language that studies the vocabulary of a language from various points of view: changes in the meaning of words, their origin, replenishment of the dictionary with borrowed words, etc.

Lexical norms are the norms of the use of words in accordance with their meanings, the appropriate use of words, the correct choice of a word depending on the situation of communication, etc.

In speech, it is quite common to encounter errors of this type.

Types of lexical errors and violations (examples)

  • Lexical incompatibility:

"A triangular pear hung in the gym." The combination triangular pear is incorrect, since the meaning of the word pear does not include the concept of a triangular shape.

  • Unjustified omission of a word:

"N. won first place (missing a word in the Olympiad) in English language". "The character of Arkady, like his father, (necessarily the character of his father) is characterized by softness." "The Belarusian people will live badly, but not for long."

  • Verbosity is an unjustified repetition of a word:

Sasha did good report. In his report, he cited many interesting facts. The report turned out to be very good, since Sasha took into account all the comments of the teacher, who had previously read the report. We all liked the report very much.

  • Tautology

this is an unjustified use of cognates: The beginning of the session will begin at the end of this month.

  • Pleonasm

this is the use of unnecessary qualifying words: "I want to meet you with this young prodigy."

  • Unjustified use of antonyms:

Due to the weakness of his position, it was difficult for him to defend himself.

  • Unjustified use of borrowed words in speech:

"He wears a policeman's badge." "Anakopia abyss is located at the resort epicenter, in New Athos."

  • Unjustified use of obsolete vocabulary, neologisms, professional and jargon vocabulary:

The list of claims is long: the suppression of protest activity, the collapse of the activities of non-governmental organizations

  • Unjustified use of stylistically colored words, in particular clericalisms- words with a pronounced coloring

For lack of a red rose, my life will be broken (use of nominal prepositions). The need to increase attention to study ... ((use of verbal nouns). I will definitely talk to him about this issue (use of universal words). A rooster died from an unknown virus.

  • Errors in the incorrect use of synonyms, polysemantic words, homonyms and paronyms
  • Confusion of concepts:

“In her conversation, Martin mainly liked important manner pronounce the letter r, as if it were not a letter, but a whole gallery, and even with a reflection in the water. There was a confusion of the concepts of "sound" and "letter". It's about about the sound "r" and its pronunciation. Doctors' fears were not justified

  • Wrong choice of synonym:

“This provincial club was reconstructed by a district architect” - In this context of the sentence, the word “architect” should be used.

  • Incorrect use of an ambiguous word or homonym:

Pulled out socks

  • Confusion of paronyms - words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning:

We apologize for the inconvenience caused

Did you like it? Do not hide your joy from the world - share

The rules for using words and phrases in exact accordance with their meanings are called lexical norms Russian literary language.

Violation lexical norms leads to ambiguity and serious speech errors.

Compliance lexical norms The Russian language implies the ability of the speaker to choose the right word from a number of close or even identical in content, i.e., synonymous words, as well as the ability to distinguish between paronymic words.

Paronyms- these are words that are similar in sound, in lexical and grammatical affiliation, as well as in the unity of the root morpheme, but different in meaning: ignorant - ignorant, hateful - hateful, draw - draw.

Paronyms form binary (pair) combinations, among which stand out:

full (absolute) paronyms - words of the same logical-grammatical series denoting different concepts: earthy - earthly, contentment - contentment;

incomplete paronyms - single-root words with incomplete delimitation of meanings: dramatic - dramatic, tragic - tragic, fantastic - fantastic;

partial paronyms
(quasi-paronyms - "imaginary" paronyms) - single-root words belonging to the same part of speech, but characterized by sharp differences in the meanings of suffixes: frontal - frontal, granular - grain.

One-root paronyms- the phenomenon in the language is not accidental. They arise as a result of word-formation processes. Because of this, they have a similarity not only in sound, but also in meaning.

One-root paronyms may differ:

1) meaning or shade of meaning: subscription(right use of something. during certain period) - subscriber(subscriber) weekday(not holiday, working) - everyday(not festive, working, intended for everyday life, everyday, ordinary);

2) lexical compatibility: pay(pension, salary, fee, debt) - pay(expenses, losses, travel);

3) syntactic compatibility: pay(travel, telephone conversations) - pay(for travel, for telephone calls);

4) lexical-syntactic compatibility: put on(coat) - dress(child);

5) stylistic coloring: boyish(special) - boyish(colloquial).

During historical development paronyms can come closer, more often in separate meanings of the word; For example, business and businesslike synonymized in meaning (expressing busyness, preoccupation with affairs).

Relationship of paronyms to homonyms, synonyms, antonyms

When studying paronyms, the question naturally arises about their relationship to other lexical categories - homonyms, synonyms and antonyms. So, some scientists consider paronymy as a kind of homonymy, and paronyms, therefore, as "pseudo-homonyms", indicating their formal proximity.

Paronyms differ from homonyms in the following ways.

First of all, paronyms have different spellings ; For example: dictation - dictation(paronyms), dacha1- a portion given in one dose, dacha2 - Vacation home, usually for summer holiday, dacha3- a piece of land under a forest (homonyms).

Secondly, paronymous words never have a complete match in pronunciation ; for example: paronymous spitz - spire and homonymous hairpin1- a device for pinning hair, hairpin2- thin heel.

In addition, the semantic proximity of paronyms is explained etymologically: initially they had a common root. And the similarity of homonymous words is purely external, random (with the exception of those cases when homonymy develops as a result of the disintegration of the meanings of a polysemantic word).

Mixing different words, close in pronunciation, is observed, as a rule, in speech, since in the language system most of similar words are quite clearly demarcated from each other, although in some cases similarly sonorous words with the same root turn out to be very close to each other and the difficulties of their differentiation are not always easily overcome.

For example: lyrical - lyrical, comical - comical, raspberry - raspberry modern researchers called incomplete paronyms.

The words of this type approach similar-root synonyms, although they also have obvious distinctive features:

BUT) paronymous refer either only to native Russian words ( vagrant - vagrant, remains - remains, pay - pay, litters - marks), or only to borrowed ones ( subscriber-subscription, being - entity, fact - factor). And in a synonymous series, both can be combined; For example: yoke - yoke, slavery, bondage, where the first two are primordial Russians, the third is Old Slavonic borrowing, the fourth is Turkic.

B) synonyms, denoting the same or a close concept, are often semantically extremely close, while paronyms always denote completely different concepts and differ from each other by a clear semantic differentiation.

When distinguishing between paronyms and synonyms, it should be borne in mind that the difference in the meanings of paronyms is usually so significant that it is impossible to replace one of them with another. Mixing paronyms leads to gross lexical errors: "Mother put on (should put on) a coat on the child"; "Travelers were sitting in the lobby of the hotel" (need to be seconded).

Synonyms are often used interchangeably. With all the originality of semantic structures, they provide the author with the right to a wide choice of the most suitable word in terms of meaning, not excluding options for synonymous replacement. At the same time, cases of the transition of paronyms into synonyms are known.

So, relatively recently the word put up with mattered "to become humble, submissive, humble", its use in the meaning "to reconcile" was considered unacceptable. However, in colloquial speech This word has come to mean more and more "accustomed to, reconcile with something": to put up with poverty, put up with disadvantages. Modern explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language mark this meaning as the main one.

Thus, former paronyms, as a result of their confusion in speech, can get closer and eventually turn into synonyms. However, it should be borne in mind that the interchangeability of recent paronyms is permissible only if the new meaning that has developed in them is fixed in the language.

The semantic difference of paronyms does not, as a rule, extend to the extreme opposite, i.e. paronyms do not enter into antonymic relations. They can only be contrasted in context: "Duty, not position"; "Service, Not Service"(newspaper headlines). However, such opposition of paronyms is not reflected in their systemic connections in the vocabulary and is of an occasional nature.

The use of paronyms in speech

Paronyms require special attention, since their mixing is unacceptable in speech.

The inaccuracy of the use of paronyms is the result of various reasons.

In one case, their confusion arises as a result of the convergence of the realities denoted by these words of the type: bottom-bottom, needle - needle - needle, chara - cup, bowl - cup.

It is characteristic that in almost all such words the sound similarity is insignificant, and their erroneous mixing is possible.

In another case, the reason for the incorrect use of words is the commonality of the scope of the concepts, objects, processes, actions, qualities they call, or the similarity of the emerging associative links: gross - net, lancet - tweezers, pilot - boatswain, cooking - jam, shaped - molding, baroque - rococo.

Sometimes the inaccuracy of the use of paronyms is a consequence of the possibility of their synonymous connection and the proximity or identity of the boundaries of lexical compatibility: anecdotal(anecdotal) hike, apathetic (apathetic) state. Whereas in a number of other cases such convergence is impossible, it leads to an error: It was completely anecdotal(instead of anecdotal) story;He always seemed somehow apathetic(instead of apathetic).

emergence speech error also occurs as a result of not distinguishing the stylistic affiliation of words.

Often there is a convergence of bookstores, special words with colloquial: antinomy mixed with the word antimony; interstyle words, stylistically neutral - with colloquial or vernacular: senselessness with colloquial nonsense; foulbrood- with vernacular foulbrood; rusty- with colloquial rusty and vernacular obsolete rusty; toothy- with colloquial toothed.

The close semantic connections of derivational suffixes also contribute to the confusion of paronymic words: -n- and -sk- ; -ovit- , -ov- and -n- ; -stvo- and -awn- and others ( inventive - resourceful, businesslike - businesslike - efficient, improvement - livability).

The cause of confusion may be the indistinguishability of paronymic words little known to a native speaker. This can explain the confusion in the speech of words empire - vampire, distance - authority, excavator - escalator.

Despite the fact that the mixing of paronymic words is often observed, the very phenomenon of paronymy is quite natural.

New paronyms
arise in Russian constantly. This is facilitated by the law of analogy actively operating in the language. As well as the specifics of the author's use of similar-sounding words.

The correct use of paronyms is a necessary condition for competent, cultured speech, and, on the contrary, mixing them is a sign of low speech culture.

Stylistic functions of paronyms

Paronymy as one of the linguistic phenomena has long been used by speakers, writers, poets, publicists.

It underlies the creation of a special kind of stylistic figure, the so-called paronomasia , the essence of which is a deliberate confusion or a deliberate clash of paronyms: not stupid, but oak; and deaf and stupid.

Paronyms can perform various stylistic functions. Thus, the intentional combination of similar-sounding words is a means of creating unusual image to enhance its persuasiveness. For example, the paronyms crown - wreath in M. Yu. Lermontov's poem "The Death of a Poet": And having taken off the former wreath, they put a crown of thorns, entwined with laurels, on him ...

Paronyms are also used to highlight the corresponding concepts: Young Turgenevs personify honor and honesty; From the doors of the barn... came out a bent, bent old woman. Paronyms are often compared in the text: I would be glad to serve, it's sickening to serve; their opposition is also possible: I wanted deeds, not deeds.

Often the usage is similar sounding words underlies the pun and gives the speech a humorous tone; thanks to a completely unexpected play on words in familiar and stable expressions, which at the same time acquire a new imagery and expressiveness; for example, the aphorism of E. Korotkov: Classics should not only be read, but also read.

For correct use words in speech is not enough to know them exact value, it is also necessary to take into account the features of the lexical compatibility of words, that is, their ability to combine in speech with each other.

Some words in Russian have limited compatibility. For example, the word pouring combined with the word rain, word hazel- with a word eyes, word bosom- with a word friend etc.

The rules for the use of words in accordance with their stylistic coloring are called stylistic norms Russian language.

The stylistic coloring of a word is formed as a result of its constant functioning in one or another variety of the Russian language (literary language, in dialects, jargons or vernacular), as well as in one or another sphere of communication (scientific, official business, journalistic, aesthetic or everyday) .

Any word of the Russian language has a stylistic coloring. Wed: Human- lit., general public; potato- lit., official-case; forehead- lit., art-poet., obsolete, high; belly- simple, lower

Stylistic coloring determines the appropriateness of using one or another language tool in a certain speech situation. The use in speech of words with a stylistic coloring unusual for a given situation of communication and a given text is perceived as a speech error.

A high level of speech culture and compliance with lexical norms require speakers to be accurate not only in the use of individual words, but also in the use of phraseological units, that is, whole, stable combinations that are not created in the process of communication, but are reproduced in finished form.