Electrical work as a business. Business from scratch: electrical installation company

Many new entrepreneurs make a basic mistake when starting a business. It consists of choosing the wrong and irrelevant direction. We invite you to create an organization to provide electrical installation services to individuals and legal entities.

The relevance of the business lies in the fact that the varieties and range of household equipment are changing and increasing every day. Today, not a single person can do without electrical appliances at work or at home. That is why great attention is paid to the health of the electrical network, because otherwise it promises an irreversible stop of any processes.

When creating this type of business, you have to choose the right direction for your activity. This can be services for the electrification of individual facilities, or maintenance of existing electrical networks. In general, the electrical installation business involves the development of various electrical diagrams from scratch, and then - their further repair.

The organizational stages of a business may present you with some difficulties. The main one is the need for large investments. The second is to receive necessary permits and licenses, which will take quite a lot of time.

According to statistics, the electrical installation business is quite successful. Its profitability indicators range from 95 to 180%, and payback periods range from two to three years. Other than that positive points There are possible options for faster development of events, and even receiving excess profits.

Insurance organizations can help you create a successful business plan. But this condition must be fulfilled, because this is the key to the success of all your future activities. With examples ready-made business projects you can check it out below.

A business project for an electrical installation organization has been developed. The nature and essence of the business is described in detail, and a range of services provided is presented. A list of tools necessary for carrying out activities has been developed. Much attention devoted to issues of business organization, choice of organizational and legal form of business. A list of what is required for opening, as well as for obtaining the necessary licenses, permits and licenses is presented. Ways of improvement, as well as priority development of the enterprise in the future, have been developed.

This business project contains complete and useful information on the creation of an electrical installation organization from scratch. The goals, objectives and capabilities of the future organization are clearly formulated. Produced full characteristics enterprises. Much attention is paid to sales policy and sales markets. In the “Sales Markets” section there is presented full list issues that need to be addressed. Designed by effective plan marketing and innovation, which describes the goals and objectives of the organization. The main economic indicators profitability of the project. IN financially a forecast of financial results for subsequent years has been developed.

Contains a business project for opening your own electrical installation organization. The intricacies of running such a business are described. Much attention is paid to such an area of ​​business as servicing large clients. A list of sequential stages has been developed that must be implemented for operation this direction. The mistakes that can be made in the process of business operation are described. A list has been developed priority areas for the further functioning of the project. These paths can be the key to the success of a prosperous enterprise.

A business project for a construction company is presented, the services of which include electrical installation work. Developed theoretical aspects developing an enterprise development strategy. The market environment is analyzed, and the mission of the organization is formulated. Various strategic types of enterprise development strategies have been developed. Fully produced economic assessment activities of the enterprise. A diagram of the organizational and managerial structure of the organization is presented. Key performance indicators calculated economic activity, the dynamics of solvency indicators are analyzed.

Electrical installation work is one of the most popular services today. They are important in our time.

After all, the population regularly uses electricity. As a result, many citizens turn to specialists in this field. When constructing residential buildings and other premises, the services of a craftsman working with wiring and appropriate tools are always relevant and sometimes simply invaluable.

As a result, electrical installation as a business is gaining immense popularity. This is important in in this case. Therefore, some entrepreneurs have a question about how to open an electrical installation company. And if you decide that engaging in the specified activity is exactly what you could and would like to do seriously, then this article will help you figure it out and specifically decide on the task at hand.

In order for this type of activity to function successfully and consistently generate profit, it is imperative to draw up a business plan electrical installation company. This is the very first and most important step, which will protect the specified business from unjustified risk and will become the key to success and stability in the future.

Main directions of electrical installation business

The priorities in this activity are:

  • Repair and maintenance of existing household electrical systems. This is one of the important processes.
  • Carrying out the development, implementation and maintenance of electrification systems of individual facilities.

So, we have decided on the direction of activity. Next, we draw up a business plan for an electrical installation company and proceed to further actions.

Choice of legal form

This action is very important. As a rule, this choice is simple - register as an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company (LLC). There is no special work here. Registration as an LLC will be preferable.

After all, according to some unspoken rules, if you have to participate in tenders, then preference is given to limited liability companies. You will most likely have to take part in such elections for the purchase of electrical installation work more than once, and this will provide you with a good amount of work and a decent income.

Documents required to open an LLC

For this action, you must submit the following materials:

  • charter of the enterprise;
  • minutes of the founders' meeting;
  • agreement on approval of a limited liability company;
  • document confirming the presence of a legal address;
  • application for registration of an enterprise (form P11001);
  • order on the appointment of the general director;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

A prerequisite will be the presence authorized capital in the amount of 350 dollars. Samples of all necessary documents available on the Internet and available to everyone. Electrical installation work is registered under OKVED code – 45.31.

Registration own business- the task is responsible, and, of course, you will have to work hard. However, you can significantly save your energy and precious time by contacting special organizations that provide services of this kind.

Self-regulatory organization of builders (SRO)

Let's take a closer look at this association. Permission to execute all construction work issues SRO. This is important to remember. This organization also regulates construction in the state. To obtain permission to perform electrical installation work, it is enough to join an SRO. This makes life easier for builders, whose activities were previously controlled by Rostechnadzor.

Joining an SRO will require a considerable amount of money, but it is worth it. It ensures the introduction of uniform standards for all construction and installation organizations. It also eliminates corruption and helps to avoid many troubles. It should be remembered that not all SROs issue permits for the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of technically dangerous and complex facilities. Such powers are vested in large organizations, for which you need to pay about 10 thousand dollars to join. They also have the right to conduct advanced training courses and seminars for members of their association.

Personnel with special qualifications and work permits are the main requirements for the organization. This is important in this case. If you wish, you can find any intermediary organization that provides services for joining an SRO. This can be done in one day and even with installment payment, if desired.

Package of documents for joining the SRO:

  • a copy of the company's charter;
  • documents on assignment of TIN and OGRN.

Typically, there is no entry fee into the organization, but money is deposited into a compensation fund and a monthly payment of approximately $165 is established. There is also an insurance payment once a year.

The amount that is contributed to the compensation fund varies depending on the region. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg it is about 5 thousand dollars, in Rostov-on-Don about 1300 dollars. You need to know how much SRO costs for electrical installation work in your region.

It is also necessary to keep in mind that the approval of the specified organization is needed only for work with objects in capital construction. However, there is electrical installation work for minor repairs of premises. In this case, permission is not needed. Therefore, a small electrical installation organization gets along just fine without joining an SRO.

Basic requirements for personnel

People performing the specified work must have special education in this area, as well as electrical safety approval group No. 3. This is the main condition. An employee who has received this level of qualification is required to know the procedure for operating and maintaining various electrical installations, as well as safety precautions, the basic rules for admission to work, and be able to provide first aid to victims of electric current if necessary. Payment for courses upon receipt of the specified group is about $200, the duration of the courses is 40 hours.

Good day. The other day I decided to check what you can find on the Internet if you type in the search bar. I was pleasantly surprised because the information that I read, in my opinion, is not entirely relevant today. Before taking the first step, I recommend that you read this information.

What does Yandex offer us for this request? Electrician business school from Shneider-Electric, open an individual entrepreneur or LLC, engage in electrical installation. Google didn't go far and didn't find any significant differences. Forums, websites and blogs mainly talk about how to correctly, legally competently conclude transactions with customers, about design, regulatory documentation, modern solutions, about equipment installation, etc. Check it out if you're interested.

I don’t plan to develop in this direction, but I thought about it when I was in college. In my opinion, in order to do electrical installation, you need to start small, especially since without an LLC you won’t see serious customers (unless, of course, you have a cronyism).

Here is a good lever for this type of earnings =>

By small, I mean repairing sockets, switches, or hanging and connecting a chandelier at home, for example. Those works that don't require large investments , special tools, conclusion of contracts. Here you won’t have trouble with taxes or picky customers (although anything can happen). In general, shenanigans, so to speak, or hack work.

This is the best option if you don't have a lot of money!

There are many business plans, both for an electrician and for a person with any other specialty. I will not now list my business ideas and the types of earnings known to me, since each option will have its own article.

Today we’ll only talk about what an electrician should first learn to open any business. Any thoughts? If you say means, money, I agree, a business from scratch often remains at zero, but this is not the main thing. Sell.

Selling is the #1 skill in business!

This needs to be made clear. I recommend approaching the idea of ​​creating a business responsibly, taking your time, thinking through every step, since I personally encountered this problem when creating my own business. If you are just starting out and planning to do installation in the future, then you also need electrical knowledge, but if you don’t learn how to sell, your services are unlikely to be in demand.

Perhaps someone will want to challenge my opinion, you can write about it in the comments, but I will immediately give some facts regarding trading. We are all born traders. Watch the children, if you (the father, for example) do not give the child something that he really wants, he runs to his mother.

If his mother does not give him what he needs, he runs to the phone and calls his grandmother or grandfather. It’s just that gradually, as we grow up, some of us lose our inner sense.” I can have everything" They discourage us, telling us that we should stop begging, whining and complaining. Thus, we are weaned from selling.

There are many examples, but if you do not learn how to sell, then the electrician business, like any other business plan, is not for you. Get a job as a manager, sign up for courses, watch trainings, read forums, study and practice! This is a necessary skill in both business and life. The ability to sell is communication, people should understand you and you should not be afraid of them.

Also, think about it, business includes relationships between people and partnership, but what kind of relationship can there be if someone doesn’t know how to communicate? I think this is all clear.

A couple more points, think about why you need an electrician business? What goals are you pursuing, how much do you want to earn, what are you willing to give in return to achieve your goal. Create a specific action plan, draw it on a piece of paper and if everything goes well, start putting it into action.

Imagine, I just pulled out a magazine from the closet, and my first business plan (one of several) fell out of it. Direct coincidence Look:

It looks bad of course. So I planned to open my own company selling electrical equipment, cables, and lighting equipment. I didn’t have a mentor, I worked in trading companies, read forums and blogs, absorbed information, then acted, making mistakes and drawing conclusions only from personal experience.

Very important point! If you are planning to open a company with partners and doubt them, don’t do it! Be responsible when choosing your partners, since these are the people you work with. And the success of a company largely depends on internal relationships.

Perseverance is also important. On initial stage Almost everyone faces difficulties and needs to overcome them. In general, learn to sell and everything will be fine.

If the above is interesting to you, subscribe to blog updates and you will receive announcements of new articles directly to your email. We will talk more than once about business, sales, training, and ways to make money.

Also remember that in everything you want to achieve, you need a strong, burning desire! Without it, an electrician’s business plan, like any other plan, cannot be implemented.

That's all for me, see you!

Despite the global crisis, the construction of not only industrial facilities, but also cottage villages, shops, offices and simply private houses is not stopping in Russia, but is increasing more and more. Due to this, electrical installation work is in great demand. Without electricity, a person becomes helpless and vulnerable. Judge for yourself, all human life activities are connected with electricity: water in the plumbing, lighting, cooking, the operation of various household appliances and much more. A business built on electrical installation work is an indicator of the well-being of the entire region.
But when starting any business, it is very important to weigh the pros and cons, study the market, and a business plan for an electrical installation company helps with this.

An enterprise business plan is the basis for any company.

What are the benefits of having a business plan?

Before starting any business, let alone a business, you need to soberly assess your capabilities. It is necessary to outline goals and ways to implement them. By compiling it, you will be able to take another look at future organization works as if from the outside.

As you study the market, you need to understand what electrical services are lacking. There is no need to fight with competitors at the initial stage. Ideally, you have no direct competitors in the type of work you are going to offer. If competitors exist, it is advisable to offer a wider range of services than theirs.

When drawing up a business plan for electrical installation work, it is extremely important to study the purchasing capabilities of your settlement. Will people be able to pay for the services offered? At this stage it is important to study the work large companies your locality. It is also useful to learn about future construction projects, large and small.

Only on the basis of all this data can you draw up a business plan for organizing electrical installation work.

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Choosing the direction of electrical installation work

There are two main options for organizing electrical installation work.

The first way is easier and does not require large material costs. It consists of providing services to the public for installation, repair and maintenance of various household appliances. Today, this can bring good income, since the equipment offered is very diverse and its installation requires professional knowledge.

For example, advertised hobs and various built-in kitchen appliances require special connections. They cannot be brought home and plugged into an outlet. If you place advertising in stores correctly household appliances, make advertisements in the form of leaflets in mailboxes and much more - it is quite possible to earn good income.

The second way is more expensive and complex, but also more interesting and creative. The work consists of organizing the development of electrification systems for construction sites, direct electrical installation work and subsequent maintenance.

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Legal norms for organizing a business

You will have to choose from only two options: become individual entrepreneur or organize a limited liability company (LLC).

I would like to advise you to opt for LLC, since in this case you will have much more opportunities for developing your business. According to inexorable statistics, various tenders are won by LLC.

To register a limited liability company, you need to have a capital of 10 thousand rubles, a Charter, minutes of the meeting of all founders, a state duty receipt, the necessary package of documents, an application in form P11001, OKVED code for electrical installation work - 45.31. You can contact a company specializing in registration, thereby saving your time and nerves. The bureaucracy in our country does not sleep.

Licensing is no longer required. But this does not mean that everything has become easy and simple. Those companies that intend to engage in electrical installation on construction sites are required to join self-regulatory organizations (SROs).

By joining an SRO, you are guaranteed to receive permission to work, you will not encounter many pitfalls, and you will be able to use uniform standards. Only membership in a self-regulatory organization will allow you to work at large industrial facilities and, accordingly, make a good profit. Everything is very positive, but it is not clear why joining an SRO costs a considerable amount? Let's hope these are temporary misunderstandings.

But if you do not set such goals in your organization of electrical installation work, if your plans are to serve smaller objects: shops, cafes, apartments, cottages, offices and the like, then you do not need any permission.

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Personnel requirements

People are the most important factor in any organization and will determine whether your business will prosper or fail.

If you approach the selection of personnel by government standards, then you need a special vocational education. A Group 3 electrical safety permit is required.

You, as the head of a young company, must understand that it is absolutely forbidden to recruit people from the street based on advertisements in the newspaper! Electrical installation work is fraught with so many subtleties that you will be able to identify whether the person who came to you has them or not later, when troubles with clients begin and your nascent reputation creeps down.

Who you will be working with is something you should think about before setting up an electrical work organization. After all, a strong backbone of reliable professionals is the key to success. Neither diplomas nor work experience will help. Only recommendations from people you know well. Only reviews from previous places of work. Except professional qualities, a person must have tact, restraint, be honest and very responsible.

Do not forget that at any facility, be it private house or office, it is your employee who may encounter a capricious customer. Who doesn't know what he wants. And how your employee handles such a situation will not only speak in his favor, but also work for the name of your company.

I would like to note that a competent accountant is also necessary.

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Production facilities and transport

Electrical installation work requires a warehouse where cable coils, ladders, boxes with lamps and much more will be stored. Any garage will do for this. If you or your closest assistant have such a premises, you will not have to pay rent.

An office is not needed at first. It is always better to talk to customers and future clients on their territory. An accountant can work from his home. This is a huge cost savings.

But to the choice vehicle should be approached with all seriousness. It should not only be roomy, but also reliable car. You will have to transport building materials and workers on it. Electrical installation work often takes place at construction sites, outside the city, in nearby villages and small towns. Therefore, a passenger car is unlikely to suit you; you need a car that is reliable and passable.