Social Policy of the Welfare State: Main Goals and Ways of Their Implementation (on the Example of Developed Countries). Theoretical aspects of the study of state social policy


Chapter 1 Social Policy of the State

1.1 Main tasks and goals social policy

1.2 The concept of a social good

1.3 Main directions of social policy implementation

1.3.1 Social insurance

1.3.2 Social protection in the field of employment

1.3.3 Social policy in the region wages

1.3.4 Social policy in the labor market

1.3.5 Housing policy

1.3.6 Social policy in the field of education

1.3.7 Social health policy

Chapter 2. Analysis of the real situation

Chapter 3. Improving the social policy of the state




The internal policy of the state is divided into various directions depending on the sphere of social relations into which it invades. In this sense, economic, social, national, demographic, environmental, etc. policies are singled out. One of the most important parts domestic policy is a social policy, embodied in its social programs and practice, regulating socio-economic relations in society in the interests and through the interests of the main social groups of the population.

The definition of "social policy" should include the group of problems that allows you to find out the following: the relationship between social policy and general policy; its specificity as a direction of political leadership of society; characterization of those social phenomena and processes that are the object of the impact of social policy; functions, types of social policy and trends in their development in the modern world.

In a broader interpretation, the concept of "social policy" has been used for a long time and covers all aspects of public life. All political activity in this case is considered as social. In this sense, social policy is identical to politics in general.

In a narrow sense, the concept of "social policy" is considered as a kind of general policy, which has its own specifics, and hence its own object of influence.

The object of social policy is the social sphere of society, which can be viewed as a process of functioning and development of man and society. All the constituent elements of society, whether social group or the individual, in their own way included in the social sphere, occupy their special position in society. Members of society, social groups and communities are constantly in various forms interact with each other, i.e. are in a relationship about their position, role in society, living conditions, lifestyle and way of life. These public relations and constitute the content of the social sphere. Consequently, if the object of social policy is the social sphere, then its subject is, first of all, the institutions of the political system - the state, parties, trade unions and other socio-political associations.

Of course, political institutions have a different impact on the development of the social sphere. The limits of this impact depend on many circumstances: on the functions political institutions in political system society, the scale of their application, the objective needs of the development of the social sphere, etc.

Closely related to the analysis of the essence of social policy is the question of its social function, the debate about which continues to this day. Initially, it was believed that social policy performs the function of "the regulator of labor and consumption." Subsequently, the “function of improving the welfare of the people” and “the function of providing social services to the population” were added to this function. IN recent decades trends are such that the scope and content of the function of social policy throughout the world are expanding.

aim term paper is the study of the social policy of the state.

In accordance with the goal in this work, the following interrelated tasks have been solved:

Studying the main aspects and functions of social policy;

Analysis of modern social policy in Russia;

Familiarization with the main tasks aimed at improving the social policy of the state.

Process of creation civil society has its own specific features. For its appearance, it is necessary to have a developed social structure and a well-functioning social policy of the state.

Chapter 1. Social policy of the state

1.1 Main tasks and goals of social policy

The development of the social structure of society is constantly in need of regulation. The question of social policy arises. It means the targeted influence of the state, trade unions and other public organizations on the existing system of social relations.

The main principles of social policy implementation are:

1) protecting the standard of living by introducing different forms compensation for price increases and indexation;

2) providing assistance to the poorest families;

3) issuance of assistance in case of unemployment;

4) ensuring the policy of social insurance, setting the minimum wage for employees;

5) development of education, health protection, environment mainly at the expense of the state;

6) conducting an active policy aimed at ensuring qualifications.

Social policy is one of the main directions of the internal policy of the state, designed to provide prerequisites for the stability of its social system.

Goals of social policy:

Improving and raising the standard of living of the population of the country

Smoothing out or eliminating social contradictions, achieving certain level balance in society

Improvement of welfare and culture

The goals of social policy are implemented through the provision of state social guarantees, regulation of lifestyle by taxes, encouragement of charity, entrepreneurial initiative, repressive methods, for example, the fight against drug trafficking; redistribution of material resources and organizational efforts.

Social policy plays, from the point of view of the functioning of the economic system, a dual role.

First, as economic growth increases, accumulation national wealth, the creation of favorable social conditions for citizens becomes the main goal of economic activity, and in this sense, the goals of economic growth are concentrated in social policy; all other aspects economic development are beginning to be seen as a means of implementing social policy.

Secondly, social policy is a factor in economic growth and is not accompanied by an increase in welfare, then people lose incentives for effective economic activity. At the same time, the higher the level of economic development reached, the higher the requirements for people, culture, physical and moral development. In turn, this requires further development social sphere.

Social policy cannot be seen as an exclusively economic problem. Economic science, as the subject of its research in the field of social policy, focuses on the economic mechanisms of its implementation. In conditions market economy these include, first of all, mechanisms for generating incomes and maintaining employment.

Social policy is a set of socio-economic measures by the state of enterprises, organizations, local authorities aimed at protecting the population from unemployment, rising prices, etc.

The problem of social protection of the population is solved in different ways within the framework of a particular socio-economic formation, a particular country.

To ensure such protection, the state must, first of all, establish by law the basic social guarantees, the mechanism for their implementation, and the functions of providing social support.

Next to the state, social protection is provided by enterprises (or entrepreneurs) and the employees themselves - their trade union organizations.

In the system of social protection of the population, the most important element is social insurance, which includes pension, medical, insurance against unemployment and industrial accidents.

An extremely important link in the system of social protection of the population is the indexation of monetary incomes, respectively, to the price level. It applies to all developed countries Oh. In some countries, some unions have sought full compensation for price increases.

The main goal of the socio-economic policy of the Government of the Russian Federation in the long term is the consistent improvement of the living standards of the population, the reduction of social inequality, the preservation and enhancement of the cultural values ​​of Russia, the restoration of the economic and political role countries in the world community.

In this regard, an unconditional priority in the field of social policy is investment in people. That is why the outstripping growth of appropriations for these purposes from the budgets of all levels in comparison with most other areas of public spending will be envisaged.

In order to ensure financial stability, the Government of the Russian Federation will implement a consistent financial policy based on bringing the state's obligations in line with its resources, improving the efficiency of the budget system, and clearly delineating budgetary powers and responsibilities. various levels authorities. At the same time, together with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, measures will be taken to ensure the stability of the national currency.

Goals of social policy

Transformations in the social sphere should be aimed at achieving the following main goals:

firstly, ensuring the most effective protection of socially vulnerable households, since they do not have the ability to decide on their own social problems and therefore objectively need state support;

secondly, ensuring universal accessibility and socially acceptable quality of basic social benefits, which include primarily medical care and general education;

thirdly, the creation of economic conditions for the able-bodied population, allowing citizens to provide a higher level of social consumption at the expense of their own income, including comfortable housing, the best quality of education and health services, and a decent standard of living in old age;

fourthly, the formation in the socio-cultural sphere of institutions that create the possibility of the most complete mobilization of funds from the population and enterprises, the effective use of these funds, and on this basis - ensuring High Quality and opportunities for a wide choice of social goods and services provided by the population.

The program of social reforms is designed to provide guidelines that allow building a social policy based on the resources and capabilities actually available to the state. Only in this case, an active social policy acts not as a constraint, but as a catalyst for economic growth.

Consistent implementation of a policy based on these guidelines implies a transition to a “subsidiary state” model that ensures the redistribution of social spending in favor of the most vulnerable groups of the population while reducing social transfers to wealthy families. With this approach, citizens who have independent sources of financing social needs, themselves, at the expense of their own incomes, must pay almost all the costs of paying for housing and utilities, as well as part of the costs of medical care, education, and pension insurance. In the future, a significant part of the social benefits of this category of citizens should be provided mainly on a competitive basis through enterprises of non-state forms of ownership.

At the same time, the state should not weaken efforts aimed at providing social assistance, as well as providing a limited range of free health care and education services to that part of the population that without state assistance would lose access to basic social benefits.

An unconditional priority in the field of social policy is investment in people. That is why the proposed Program provides for faster growth of appropriations for health care, education and culture compared to most other areas of public spending.

The implementation of the proposed model of social policy requires the implementation of the following measures.

1. achieving an improvement in the financial situation and living conditions of people;

2. providing employment, improving the quality and competitiveness of the labor force;

3. guarantees of the constitutional rights of citizens in the field of labor, social protection, education, health care, culture, housing;

4. reorientation of social policy towards the family, ensuring the rights and social guarantees provided to the family, women, children and youth;

5. normalization and improvement of the demographic situation, reduction of mortality;

6. improvement of social infrastructure.

Basic goals and objectives of social policy

The development of the social policy of the state exists under the condition of constant intervention of the state and its regulation of various social spheres of life.

Definition 1

The concept of social policy often refers to those actions of the state that are aimed at the influence of trade unions and other government organizations that form the system of social relations.

The most important tasks of social policy are:

  • social protection of a citizen;
  • providing necessary assistance to those in need;
  • ensuring quality education, labor protection and health;
  • ensuring environmentally friendly living conditions;
  • ensuring qualification of personnel workers.

The goals of social policy include:

  • increase in civic capital;
  • improvement of living standards and working conditions;
  • minimization of socially acute issues leading to discrimination of any group in society;
  • improving the welfare of the people;
  • ensuring social protection;
  • raising the cultural level of the population.

However, the existence of a system that responds to the needs of the consumer and provides conditions for an individual citizen to achieve certain social goals cannot yet be an indicator of a successful social policy.

Purposeful social policy, like any purposeful activity carried out by the state, is carried out only if social demands are relevant. A concrete understanding of social policy as purposeful actions of the state expresses the structure of the social functions of the state.

Remark 1

Thus, the function of social policy remains the systematization and structuring of all aspects of the social life of citizens. Thanks to the evolution of the state social system in the economy, there is a partial modernization of individual socio-political structures and elements.

If we consider the functioning of the entire economic and political system, then social policy, from the point of view of a multifaceted state system occupies a special place and plays a dual role. The primary role of social policy in increasing the economic growth of the country, by achieving the satisfaction of the social needs of the population. Thus, it is impossible to separate aspects of social life from economic ones, since they are interrelated and often determine the same thing.

The secondary role of social policy in the state lies in its sign, since being the main factor in economic growth and economic activity, the social institution acts between the individual and the state, the entrepreneur and the worker, etc. In other words, in addition to purely economic benefits, social policy answers most of the questions posed by man.

System of management and implementation of social policy

Social Features of any state are carried out through a social institution at various organizational levels. In addition to state structures, which play an important, but not a key role in this process, to the subjects of social. policies can also be attributed to state institutions that create a legal framework in which the implementation of material support and the provision of other types of social services becomes possible, regardless of any social factors.

For the qualitative implementation of the entire range of goals and objectives of social policy programs, a a complex system regulation of the structure and individual elements in the presented state. system by various organs. The state is a key and necessary condition for the existence of the subject of social policy, as it represents not only the function of managing the public sphere in the country, but also implies the totality of all its subjects and the regulation of their relations. If we consider the subjects of the state in the field of social policy, then they can be divided into:

  • state bodies and government institutions;
  • regional self-government bodies;
  • off-budget financial formations;
  • organizations of a public, religious, charitable and any non-governmental nature;
  • private business and all entrepreneurial activity, component commercial structure country;
  • professional staff;
  • voluntary and volunteer activities;
  • initiative projects of individual citizens (self-help and mutual aid groups).

Remark 2

Each presented subject is oriented and used by the state to achieve social and social justice, eliminate class inequality, promote stability and peace in society, improve the well-being and standard of living of people. The main object of state social policy is the population in all its socially different group manifestations. The state task in the distribution of social benefits among the population is to focus social security and protection of citizens on people with low incomes who are in need for some reason, i.e. focusing on the most low-income social class in the country as a whole and on an individual who is in a certain difficult situation.

From a strategic point of view, the object of social public policy- social processes that arise in society in their multifaceted and various manifestations. Regulations contribute to the formation and management of relationships between various objects, elements and subjects of social policy. Thus, when making specific decisions this system supplemented by separate general social aspects, one of which includes the most important part of the social. politicians - social work. To implement this program, there are state structures legislative and executive branches of government.

Social policy includes two main strategies guiding it: a scientific and cognitive basis and a practical organizational one. The scientific and educational sphere is more theoretical in nature and exists to summarize any existing indicators, thereby forming a development trend, analyzing results, considering existing problems, solving these problems, answering current questions in society, etc.

The theoretical basis of social policy forms the analysis of public opinion and public sentiment, which is more or less stable in certain social groups. Analytical material in this area contributes to the development of specific social programs that will respond to consumption issues and contribute to the formation new concept government controlled.

The practical-organizational component of social policy consists in the direct implementation of the established and developed program by the scientific and educational sphere of policy, as well as the implementation of conceptual provisions, strategic tasks and other socially important projects in social life to improve the general state of the socio-economic sphere in the state.

Lecture 5. Social policy of the state: main goals, directions and mechanisms for its implementation


1. Social policy as social theory and practice. The main functions of social policy.

2. Relationship and interdependence of social policy and economics. Labor Economics.

Question 1. Social policy as social theory and practice

Before studying a specific discipline, analyzing a scientific problem, it is necessary to understand the categories used, to understand the essence of phenomena and processes related to the research topic. Otherwise, it is difficult to expect a positive result. For example, it is hardly appropriate to have a discussion about the ways of developing the labor market or the system of social protection, if the participants in the scientific dispute invest different meanings in key concepts.

So, in theoretical and practical terms, it is important, first of all, to understand the categorical apparatus, definitions, definitions of social policy, as well as the initial concepts that help to reveal its content.

Society and its structure

Words with Russian roots society, public and words with Latin roots society, social- synonyms. The same can be said for adjectives. public And social for the phenomena discussed below.

Society- a holistic, historically stable form (system) joint life of people. The integrity and historical stability (reproducibility, renewability) of society are ensured by its internal structure, structure.

Society structure- it is its structure, arrangement, dismembered and qualitatively reproducible unity of interacting parts. It retains (renews), firstly, the organization of society as a whole (system) and, secondly, the order of action of parts in society, which does not destroy its viability.

Society, its structure can be perceived in different ways. One can observe (contemplate), catch the obvious connectedness of events, phenomena, facts, note similarities and differences, problems and interests. Can you set a goal understandcauses events, the probability of their renewal, to determine the time of relevance (topicality, significance) of a particular problem, to understand the internal (natural) connectedness of interests, problems, actions, events.

To reach in the knowledge of society to the causes, regular connections, to foresee probable actions, events and consequences scientific knowledge, which is aimed at serving active actions in society. Such actions are called public practice(transformative activity). Social science is the cognitive side of social practice.

Different sections of the population are concerned with different problems. The part of the population that has the same type of stable (lasting and regularly renewed) social conditions and life problems is called social group.

Society consists of social groups (the most numerous of them are classes). Each group has its own truth, its own ideas about what is good and what is bad in life, as well as about what and how should be changed. In other words, social groups different interests, sometimes somewhat similar, and sometimes incompatible, even irreconcilable.

The totality of social groups - it is a social structure. The main thing here is the totality of the life problems of groups, the similarities and differences in their interests, their ideas about desirable and undesirable changes, the orientation of social meaningful action etc.

People and social groups live and act in the same society. Hence the inevitability interactions, relationships social groups and classes. The forms of such relationships are varied: civil accord, partnership, alliances, compromises, peace initiative, conflicts, enmity, pressure, strike, struggle, picket, civil disobedience, violence, threat, civil war, etc. And all this is politics.

Politics there is a relationship of social groups (classes). This definition is the most accurate and fairly complete. There are no societies without politics.

Statehood- a civilized form of political relationships in society that has been suffered and generated by mankind.

Social politics. Social status

If social groups collide (or cooperate) about economic affairs, then this is economic policy, if about natural environment, its state and use, then this is environmental policy. There is social policy, demographic, cultural, educational and other policies (areas of relationships).

Social politics reflects the relationship of social groups regarding the preservation and change of the social status of the population, its constituent classes, strata, social, socio-demographic, socio-professional groups, social communities (families, peoples, population of a city, town, region, etc.).

main topic social policy - social position certain parts of the people, the people as a whole.

Social status- this is the main, complex characteristic of the life of the population as a whole and its constituent parts. The social position is formed as a result of the action of a system of essential factors (causes) that form the social conditions for the existence and development of the structural parts of society.

Parameters of social position - these are specific measures of social status, its qualitative and quantitative characteristics (indicators and assessments), the system of which allows one to reliably and with the necessary and sufficient certainty judge the real, predictable or programmed social status and comprehensively assess its state (achieved milestone).

Parameters of social status are also used in determining the qualitative correlative levels welfare(poverty, prosperity, poverty, wealth, etc.).

In a practical sense, under social policy usually understood a set (system) of specific measures and activities, aimed at the livelihood of the population. Depending on who is the main initiator (subject) of these measures, there are types of social policy - state, regional, corporate etc. Such a terminological approach has the right to exist, but it does not provide an opportunity for a deep, essential understanding of a social phenomenon. With such a narrow interpretation of social policy, for example, the absence of measures and activities makes it possible to conclude that there is no social policy as such. However, it always takes place - and not only in a theoretical, but also in a practical sense. Another thing is that social policy can be erroneous, weak, deformed. In a broad sense and when viewed from scientific positions, this is not so much a system of measures and activities, but a system of relationships and interactions between social groups, social strata of society, in the center of which is the main final goal which - a person, his well-being, social protection and social development, life support and social security of the population as a whole.

Object and subject of social policy- the concept is not linear, but multi-level and systemic. By and large, the object and subject of social policy coincide with the main elements, blocks and structures that make up a large single complex - the social and labor sphere (STS). STS is a system of interrelated components and parts: branches of the social sphere (education, health care, culture, sports, tourism, housing and communal sector, etc.); labor market, employment, unemployment; social partnership; social protection; pay and labor protection; social insurance; the pension system, etc. When pursuing a social policy, it is important to keep all of its directions in view, not disregarding any of them. For example, it is hardly possible to recognize as strong and correct such a social policy, within the framework of which preference is given to the development of education, culture, etc. to the detriment of solving the problems of employment, pension provision, etc.

Social policy on federal level, at the level of the subject of the Federation and the relevant governing bodies, it is predominantly of a framework, normative-defining nature (relevant laws, decrees, resolutions, etc. are being worked out and adopted). Real, concrete social policy is carried out, as they say, face to face with a specific person, as a rule, at the district, municipal and corporate levels. It is here that it finds its final embodiment and fixes its effectiveness and impact.

The essence of politics in general and social in particular is revealed through the relationship of stable elements of the social structure - social groups. The stability of such groups is reproduced due to the action of a complex of social conditions for their existence and development.

Social groups, structural parts of the people (society) - an undeniable reality. They can act or not act, be aware or not aware of their interests, organize themselves to act in society or be politically unorganized. They can be active active social forces (real subjects of politics) and passive unorganized participants in social processes (potential, formal subjects).

Subjects of social policy- these are really independent and actually operating social groups and the bodies, organizations, institutions, structures representing them. In addition to the social groups themselves, the organizational structures representing their interests also belong to the subjects of politics. It turns out that the subjects seem to bifurcate (doubling). For example, pilots, writers, scientists, miners are different social and professional groups. They created their own organizations: Aircrew Trade Union civil aviation, Union of Writers, Academy of Sciences, Trade Union of Miners. Class political organizations, unions, associations, and movements are being created. And all these are actors of social policy, its subjects.

Main functions of social policy

In whatever historical conditions social policy proceeds, whatever its historical type may take shape, there is always a circle of more or less constant, typical, recurring problems that constitute its real content. This refers to questions of the state and needs of improving the social position, the social conditions of life of various social groups.

Main functions (main tasks, directions) of social policy:

1. Ensuring social sustainability, social security of structure can be different in different societies, qualitatively change in history and one society as a result of revolutions and revolutionary reforms. But it must have the properties of stability and self-renewal (dynamics), otherwise this society falls into decay, collapses, ceases to exist. The social structure must be so stable as to withstand both internal and external dangers and at the same time bear in itself the potential for qualitative renewal through reforms and revolutions.

All existing societies and the modern world order are based on the forced social donation of some social groups and countries in favor of others (exploitation). The relationship of forced social donation is fundamentally antagonistic. The problems of social stability lie in avoiding open manifestations of antagonism, including wars between countries and civil wars.

The ruling classes have accumulated a historical experience of forcibly preserving antagonisms, suppressing uprisings and revolutions, prohibiting and discrediting liberation ideologies, movements and parties. But they also, especially in the 20th century, have also accumulated rich experience in maintaining social security by compromising the interests of countries and classes, establishing mechanisms for the social orientation of antagonistically contradictory processes. Examples are well known: a social market economy, a welfare state, international assistance to underdeveloped countries, etc. The central point in such cases is always a large-scale power (state) redistribution of part of the effect in favor of social donors, which compensates for their potential mass dissatisfaction with the social injustice of the exploitative system.

A prominent theorist and practitioner of the social market economy, former German Chancellor W. Brandt said: “... Society can more or less fully satisfy the claims all citizens to a decent life only when it imposes the obligation to take care of this on the state, to put it better, on the welfare state... We consider the welfare state as an institutional guarantor of human dignity, including the human dignity of a simple man and a simple woman... ".

2. Ensuring the political stability of power. Such resilience is achieved in different ways in societies. different type and in different specific historical conditions, but the essence always comes down to such a distribution of the real participation of social groups (classes) in political decisions that would keep the dominant influence in the power of the ruling class. Otherwise, the class type of power changes and revolutionary transformations become inevitable.

3. Ensuring such a distribution of power in the economy (property), which would be recognized by the majority as fair, not requiring a struggle for redistribution.

4. Establishing such a system of distribution of economic resources and economic effect which would more or less suit the vast majority of the population. The material conditions of life of people in society and the possibilities of solving the problems of different social groups depend to a decisive extent on the distribution of economic resources. Investments and their structure, the level and differentiation of incomes, the total size and structure of annual social expenditures, the conditions and amounts of social assistance and support - these and other economic parameters have a social meaning and social purpose.

5. Providing society and the state with the necessary and sufficient level of environmental safety.

6. Providing society and the state with the necessary and sufficient level of social protection for both the population as a whole and each of the social groups.

Social security- one of the social values, it involves an objective positive socio-psychological assessment social actors given concrete historical society as a living environment. A sense of social security arises and is stable if a social group or the population as a whole realizes that social risks are purposefully reduced by society and the state to the extent that they cannot significantly disrupt the normal social situation.

Risks are called social of social origin, namely, probable dangers, threats of disruption of the normal (for a given society) social situation, caused by causes that cannot be eliminated for a given society, rooted in its very concrete historical structure.

Socially significant violation can be considered a significant deviation from social norm any or several important parameters of the social position of a particular social group.

The risks of violation of the normal social position are of a different nature, i.e. arise and can be reproduced for various reasons (natural disasters, hostilities, epidemics, revolutions, coups d'état, demographic explosions and failures, etc.). Social risks are distinguished in the system of risks by the fact that they arise and exist not in emergency, but in normal (normal) conditions of the development of society, naturally (and not accidentally) accompany the normal functioning of society and, moreover, have their causes precisely in basic social relations, normal (everyday, regular) social order.

Society generates and develops a system of protection against social risks - social protection. This is one of the functions of social policy. It must be carried out by society and the state in such a way that social security is felt both by the population as a whole and by each social group.

Question 2. Relationship and interdependence of social policy and economics

The effectiveness of the implementation of social policy at any level (federal, regional, corporate), as you know, largely depends on the economy, budget support, financial resources of the state, subjects of the Federation, municipalities, enterprises, etc. Without sufficient financial resources, it is difficult to talk about the adequate development of education, healthcare, culture, the housing and communal sector, the labor market, the provision of social protection for the population, the timely payment of wages, pensions, benefits, etc.

The unsatisfactory development of the social sphere, the growth of poverty, unemployment, including in hidden forms, failures in providing housing and communal services to the population living primarily in the territories of the Russian North, and other acute social upheavals are largely due to economic problems and errors in the formation of the expenditure side of budgets, when unreasonably limited funds are provided for the financing of social events.

With the right approach, social policy itself and the social and labor sphere, which is its basis, can and should have an active influence on economic growth, financial flows and budgetary policy. The logic behind this thesis is as follows.

The exit of Russia and its regions from the crisis is primarily associated with solving the problems of developing production. It is precisely this issue that is also the problem of the formation of the revenue side of budgets, the deficit of finance and monetary resources, including for the implementation of social policy. Fisher's formula clearly indicates that in a society there should be as much money as there are goods and services created (in monetary terms):

M V = Q P, where:

M - money supply in the country;

V - money supply turnover rate;

Q is the volume of goods and services (GDP);

P is the average price of goods and services.

It is quite obvious that social policy and the social and labor sphere are not passive. They, requiring significant financial resources for self-startup and development, at the same time actively influence the economy, economic growth, GDP dynamics, and the trajectory of society's movement towards progress. For example, it is extremely clear that without effective employment, the organization of a system of powerful labor incentives, education, healthcare, culture, etc. it is impossible to develop production, increase the volume of goods and services (Q), other micro- and macroeconomic indicators. And this requires an appropriate attitude to the social and labor sphere and social policy on the part of the state, its legislative and executive bodies, employers, entrepreneurs and owners.

There are many examples of the reverse influence of social policy and the social and labor sphere on society and the economy. Here is one of them. The state and employers spend huge amounts of money on the development and implementation of the pension system. It would seem that this is a purely social measure that has no access to the economic component. After all, a pensioner no longer works, he does not produce products, does not participate in the creation of GDP, and so on. But this is a superficial view. In fact, if the pension system is worked out from the standpoint of social justice, if the amount of the pension directly depends on the results and quality of the “past” work at pre-retirement age, and the employee knows about it, then such a pension system will be a good incentive productive labor and development of production.

A similar relationship exists between economic efficiency, on the one hand, and solving the problems of employment, labor protection, social insurance, the development of culture, health, science, and education, on the other. Thus, the economy and social policy are organically interconnected and interdependent, which requires a correct and balanced choice of priorities for their coordinated development both at the federal and regional levels.

labor economics

It is impossible to deeply and comprehensively analyze social policy, especially in relation to the sphere of production and services, without understanding the essence and content labor economics. This is the subject of scientific research, educational disciplines, practical activities of specialists and scientists of state and public structures (ministries and committees of labor, employment, trade unions, etc.). However, as evidenced by the analysis of special literature, among scientists and practitioners there is not only no common understanding of the essence and content of the term "labor economics", but also no general approaches to the baptism of this theoretical and methodological problem have been defined. Even many textbooks and teaching aids in the course "Economics of Labor" they bypass the question of the essence of the key category in this academic discipline. Considering the basic, fundamental, initial value of defining and clarifying the essence and content of labor economics for studying the discipline "social policy", let's dwell on this issue in more detail.

Dictionaries-reference books (including the last years of release) reflect a wide range of ideas about the very essence of the concept. In some dictionaries on the market economy, it is absent, others define the economy as “a set of industries”, “a set of production relations”, “a system of economic sciences that study economic relations in society”, “the science of the economy, the methods of its management by people, the relationship between people in the process of production and exchange of goods, about the patterns of flow business processes" etc. Sometimes the economy (countries, republics, regions) is understood too narrowly, reduced to separate areas or sectors of management, isolated processes and phenomena (for example, to a set of enterprises, finance, tax policy, pricing, etc.). Such a theoretical approach to economics cannot be ruled out. However, there are no grounds for its absolutization either: this can give rise to problems in the practical plane. Measures to improve and develop the economy will in fact be directed not at the economy, but only at its individual components. By the way, this is where the strategy and tactics of the limited activity of economic power structures, primarily the ministries of economy, at the federal and regional levels, subjectivity in the choice of priorities in the work of the latter, and so on come from.

In this regard, and taking into account the under the economy country or region in a broad reproductive sense it is advisable to understand a dynamic socially organized economic system that ensures the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of socially useful material goods and services 1 .

Such an approach to determining the essence of the economy makes it possible to clearly and reasonably formulate economic concepts, programs, forecasts, as well as professionally plan the organization of the work of economic bodies, determine their functions, tasks, and priorities. In particular, programs and plans for the development of the country's economy (regions, regions, districts, etc.) should contain, first of all, sections related to production of goods and services(on employees, employers, enterprises, industries, districts, relevant ministries, district administrations, problems of privatization, economic regulation, etc.). It is a key part of economic documents and the primary task of economic authorities.

Other sections cover processes distribution and exchange(pricing and relevant authorities and services, marketing organizations, wholesale depots, etc.). Finally, these are the sections related to consumption(about employees, enterprises, organizations, social sphere, civil service, etc.).

Labor is a process of conscious purposeful activity of people, with the help of which they modify natural objects and adapt them to meet their needs. The labor process includes three main points: the expedient human activity, i.e. labor itself; the object of labor on which the labor is directed; means of labor, with the help of which a person acts on the object of labor. However, the main condition for employment is the availability of labor force. In this regard, with a certain degree of conventionality (in the narrow sense), the labor economy can be considered the basis of the labor economy.

labor economics- it is a dynamic socially organized system in which the process of labor force reproduction takes place: its production, formation (training, training, advanced training of workers, etc.), distribution, exchange and consumption (use), as well as conditions for the interaction of the employee, means, objects of labor and the process of interaction itself.

The process of production (formation) of the labor force (ability to work), i.e. employee training begins at school, it continues in universities, colleges, workplaces, advanced training institutes, internships, etc. The process of distribution and exchange of labor, as a rule, takes place in the labor market with the participation of three subjects of the institution of social partnership - employers, employees and the state, as well as directly at the enterprise (this is hiring, rotation of workers, dismissal, etc.). The exchange of labor power also implies an equivalent exchange for its price, i.e. wages.

Consumption (use) of labor is carried out directly at the workplace, in the labor process. It is accompanied by the production of specific socially useful products, services, semi-finished products, etc. In order for the employee to start working, to be able to obtain the required results, appropriate conditions are necessary: ​​preparation of the workplace, organization, protection, labor stimulation, social protection, etc.

Labor economics as a science studies the socio-economic relations that develop in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of labor, providing conditions for productive labor, its protection, etc., and social policy is designed to promote the growth of the efficiency of the labor economy.

Question 3. Social and labor sphere as the basis of social policy

Recently, the term has been used quite often. "social and labor sphere (STS)", which was mentioned above. It reflects the object and subject of social policy, the unity and interdependence of labor and social relations, and also characterizes the degree social development. In practice, labor relations (between labor and capital, an employee and an employer) rarely exist in their pure form, without a social component, and vice versa, social relations often arise as a result of labor processes that accompany them with contradictions, conflicts, etc. The social and labor sphere quite fully reflects all phases of the reproduction of the labor force and its social support. With a certain degree of conventionality, labor economics (in the broad sense) can also be understood as the economics of the social and labor sphere.

The main blocks of the STS are those that reflect and provide the phases of the process of reproduction of the labor force:

Social sphere, i.e. sectors of the socio-cultural complex (education, healthcare, culture, etc.);

Labor market, employment services, retraining of personnel (including the unemployed);

The sphere of motivation for productive labor (organization of wages, stabilization of the standard of living of the population, etc.).

The next block includes groups of relations and components that arise in the process of reproduction of the labor force and providing conditions for the interaction of the employee with the means and objects of labor:

The system of social protection of the population;

Social partnership system;

Social insurance system;

Social security system (pension system);

Labor protection, etc.

Social policy is closely related to the concept of "social market economy". Let's consider how the concepts of "social market economy" and "market economy" are related. Explanations like: “The essence of the social market economy is focused on the person, his development, the growth of well-being” are trivial, superficial and inaccurate. In still more the thesis that the market economy itself automatically, without outside interference, regulates the standard of living of the population, the ratio of social justice and economic efficiency (freedom and order) is doubtful.

The market economy, the main goal and task of which is the growth of production efficiency and profits, is the core of the social market economy. Of course reaching main goal, the market economy to some extent solves some social issues - employment, wages for the results of work, etc. However, it is based on competition and does not care about social justice. Social justice and social protection are ensured primarily through state intervention in the economy (redistribution of created benefits, tax policy, legal support etc.). The state, by its will, turns the market economy towards the interests of the people and gives it the character of a social market economy. Under these conditions, it often sacrifices economic efficiency for the sake of social protection of the population. This thesis is illustrated, in particular, by facts from the practice of countries with a social market economy (Japan, Sweden): the addition of traffic lights with sound signaling, special lifts in public transport for the disabled, etc.

So, one of the most important criteria of a social market economy is the priority of social protection, social justice over economic efficiency, which is given for the sake of social peace in society and is ensured primarily in the process of implementing state social policy.

is an:

1) the maximum possible satisfaction of social needs

members of the society;

2) maintaining the minimum income of the population;

3) provision of social assistance to the needy segments of the population;

4) ensuring economic security and financial stability of the society.

Guidelines for students on the study of the discipline

Assimilation of the conceptual apparatus of discipline;

Study of basic and additional literature;

Preparation for seminars;

Independent work of the student in the library;

Studying sites on discipline topics on the Internet;

Independent work of the student in preparation for the test.

Assimilation of the conceptual apparatus of discipline

The student needs, first of all, to understand the basic concepts and terms of this discipline, using for this purpose the glossary of the educational and methodological complex on the "Fundamentals of welfare state”, as well as dictionaries, textbooks and teaching aids recommended by the teacher. If necessary, the student should take the advice of the teacher.

The study of basic and additional literature

The study of the recommended literature should begin with the main textbooks and teaching aids recommended by the teacher, and then move on to legal acts, scientific monographs and materials from periodicals. At the same time, it is very useful to make extracts and notes of the most interesting materials which contributes to a deeper understanding of the material and better memorization. In addition, this practice teaches students to separate the main from the secondary in the text, and also allows for systematization and comparative analysis the information being studied, which is extremely important in the conditions of a large amount of information that is diverse in quality and content.

Preparation for seminars

On the seminars the student must be able to consistently express his thoughts and defend them with arguments.

To achieve this goal it is necessary:

1) carefully read the questions for discussion on each topic of the seminar;

2) carefully study the relevant lecture material;

4) prepare a short presentation on each of the issues submitted for the seminar.

Independent work of a student in the library

An important aspect self-study students is to work with the library fund of IVGPU.

When preparing reports presented by students at seminars, it should be considered expedient to form a bibliography on the subject under study. At the same time, it is recommended to use various sources of information, including textbooks, monographs, periodicals, legislative and regulatory documents, statistical materials, information from state authorities and administrations, local governments, translated publications, as well as the works of foreign authors.

All collected material should be systematized, key issues of the subject under study should be identified and a comparative analysis of the opinions of various authors on the merits of these issues should be carried out. Constructive in this work is the development of the ability to generalize a large amount of material and draw conclusions. At the same time, the student's attempt to substantiate his own point of view on the issues under study should be considered very positive.

Studying sites on discipline topics on the Internet

Internet resources are one of the alternative sources of quick search for the required information. Their use is possible to obtain basic and additional information on the studied materials.

The search for information is carried out using various Internet sites.

To help the student in independent work on the Internet, the following are used:

ICQ programs (Pro, Lite, Trillian, Miranda, QIP),

Internet telephony Skype, MSN messenger, Same-Time, etc.;

Sites on discipline topics of periodicals (magazines, etc.), official bodies (ILO, state power, management, etc.), industry organizations, specialized organizations (institutes, centers, etc.), etc.


Wikipedia // URL:

Socioeconomics // URL:

Federal educational portal: economics, sociology, management // URL:

Economic sociology // Electronic journal / URL:

EXOCENTER (Center for Economic Sociology) // URL:

Economic Portal // URL:

Legal Portal // URL:



The control work performed by a part-time student in the course "Fundamentals of the Welfare State" is designed to ensure the consolidation of the knowledge gained by him in the study of educational, scientific and reference literature on this subject. It allows you to demonstrate the ability to use the acquired knowledge, compare and analyze different (and sometimes opposite) views of researchers on the problems of the emergence and functioning of the welfare state, formulate your own vision of socio-economic processes in Russia and the world. When performing a test, a student has the right to rely on any methodological approach that exists in science, or to conduct a comparative analysis of the advantages or disadvantages of certain methodological approaches proposed by researchers to study this topic.

The control work should have the following structure:

1. Introduction, in which it is necessary to reflect the relevance of the chosen problem for sociology and modern society;

2. main part, revealing the content of all questions of the topic of the test, taking into account: 1) understanding the features of this topic by various researchers in terms of various concepts, methodological approaches; 2) the relationship of socio-economic theories that reveal this topic with the social and economic reality of Russia and the world; 3) giving relevant examples from the modern life of society;

3. Conclusion, in which the student should state his own vision of the problem and the conclusions he came to while studying scientific materials on the topic of the test.

The student is obliged to consider all the issues of the topic of his control work, set out in these guidelines.

The topic of the test is determined by the last digit of the student's record book number. For example, if the record book is No. 893034, then the student has the right to choose one of two topics for the test: 4 or 14.

The control work is carried out on a computer (volume 10 - 15 typewritten pages, one and a half interval, 14 font) and only as a last resort in a school notebook (in this case, the volume of work should not exceed 20 - 24 handwritten pages written in legible handwriting with page numbering and margins 4-5 cm wide). When citing scientific literature (monographs, articles, textbooks), using materials from the Internet, footnotes indicating the source of information are required.

Registration of control work:

- the title page indicates: the discipline for which the test was written (“Fundamentals of the Welfare State”), the student’s surname, initials, faculty, specialty, home address, record book number;

- on the first page of the text - the number of the topic, its name, work plan;

- at the end of the work - a list of references, including the names and e-mail addresses of sites from the Internet, if you used them, the date of completion and the signature of the author.

A part-time student is obliged to write and send a test paper within the time period specified by the curriculum. If the test is not credited for any reason, the student must the shortest time and not later than a month before the examination session, write a new test paper on the same topic, taking into account the comments of the reviewer and send it to extramural faculty for re-examination.

A part-time student who did not complete the test or received the mark "not passed" is not allowed to pass the "Fundamentals of the Welfare State" test. At the test, part-time students submit a test paper with a review to the examiner.

For all questions related to writing test papers, you can get oral or written advice at the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities (a. 418, tel. 22-49-16, E-mail: [email protected]).



1. Essence and features of the modern state.

2. State and civil society.

3. Social functions of the modern state.


Baglai M.V. Social state: concept, functions / M.V. Baglai // - P. 15 - 20.

Interaction between the state and civil society in modern Russia. Problems of formation and development: tutorial. - M.; Carbondale, 2006.



1. Theories of the welfare state.

2. Functions of the welfare state.

3. Principles of the welfare state.


Avtsinova G. I. Social and legal state: essence, features of formation / G. I. Avtsinova // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2000. No. 3. S. 90 - 104.

Bereznev S. The welfare state is not a myth / S. Bereznev // Russian Federation today. 2000. No. 9. S. 41 - 43.



1. Economic fundamentals social state.

2. Legal foundations of the social state.

3. Theoretical models social state.


Avtsinova G. I. Social and legal state: essence, features of formation / G. I. Avtsinova // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2000. No. 3. S. 90 - 104.

Alekseev S. I. Socio-political trends in the formation of a social state in Russia / S. I. Alekseev // Labor and social relations. 2000. No. 1. S. 8 - 27.

Baglai M. V. Social state: concept, functions / M. V. Baglai // Man: social policy during the period of economic reforms. - M., 1994. - S. 15 - 20.

Bereznev S. The welfare state is not a myth / S. Bereznev // Russian Federation today. 2000. No. 9. S. 41 - 43.

Goncharov P. K. Social state: essence, world experience, Russian model / P. K. Goncharov // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2000. No. 2. S. 18 - 36.

Mamut L. S. Social state from the point of view of law / L. S. Mamut // State and Law. 2001. No. 7. S. 5 - 14.

Pokrovsky V. A. The social state in the constitutions of the CIS / V. A. Pokrovsky // 10 years of the CIS: experience, problems, prospects. - M .: Publishing House "Catalogue", 2001.

Social state and protection of human rights / ed. E. A. Lukasheva. - M., 1994.


1. Theory and practice of the welfare state development

in Western Europe and USA.

2. Development of the welfare state in the CIS countries.

3. International organizations as a tool for the formation of a welfare state.


Avtsinova G. I. Social and legal state: essence, features of formation / G. I. Avtsinova // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2000. No. 3. S. 90 - 104.

Baglai M. V. Social state: concept, functions / M. V. Baglai // Man: social policy during the period of economic reforms. - M., 1994. - S. 15 - 20.

Bereznev S. The welfare state is not a myth / S. Bereznev // Russian Federation today. 2000. No. 9. S. 41 - 43.

Goncharov P. K. Social state: essence, world experience, Russian model / P. K. Goncharov // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2000. No. 2. S. 18 - 36.

Social state in Western Europe: problems and prospects: prob.-theme. Sat. - M. : INION RAN, 1999.

Social state and protection of human rights / ed. E. A. Lukasheva. - M., 1994.

Social state: world experience and realities of Russia / gen. ed. G. A. Nikolaev. - M. : ATISO, 2002.


1. Essence and global problems of social policy.

2. Models of social policy.

3. The structure of social policy.


Man: social policy during the implementation of economic reforms. - M., 1994.


1. The concept of the level (quality) of life in sociology and economics.

2. Qualitative criteria of the standard of living.

3. Quantitative criteria (coefficients) of the standard of living.


Kalashnikov S. On the conceptual foundations of the Russian social policy / S. Kalashnikov // Society and Economics. 1999. No. 3 - 4. P. 124 - 131.

Korovyakovsky D. Z. Social state and living standards of the population / D. Z. Korovyakovsky // Man. Social politics. Social state: materials round table. - M. : ATISO, 2001. - S. 61 - 66.

Fundamentals of the activities of trade unions: a collection. - M .: Publishing house. house "ATISO", 2008.

Socio-economic problems of youth and the welfare state: a collection. – M. : ATISO, 2007.



1. The essence and content of social policy.

2. Criteria for the effectiveness of social policy.

3. Systems approach to the formation of the social policy of the state.


Avtsinova G. I. Social and legal state: essence, features of formation / G. I. Avtsinova // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2000. No. 3. S. 90 - 104.

Kalashnikov S. On the conceptual foundations of the Russian social policy / S. Kalashnikov // Society and Economics. 1999. No. 3 - 4. P. 124 - 131.

Fundamentals of the activities of trade unions: a collection. - M .: Publishing house. house "ATISO", 2008.

Socio-economic problems of youth and the welfare state: a collection. – M. : ATISO, 2007.

Man: social policy during the implementation of economic reforms. - M., 1994.

Human. Social politics. Social state: materials of the round table. - M. : ATISO, 2001.


1. Essence and levels of social policy.

2. Corporate social policy.

3. Regional and municipal social policy.

4. Social policy of the state.


Kalashnikov S. On the conceptual foundations of the Russian social policy / S. Kalashnikov // Society and Economics. 1999. No. 3 - 4. P. 124 - 131.

Fundamentals of the activities of trade unions: a collection. - M .: Publishing house. house "ATISO", 2008.

Socio-economic problems of youth and the welfare state: a collection. – M. : ATISO, 2007.

Man: social policy during the implementation of economic reforms. - M., 1994.

Human. Social politics. Social state: materials of the round table. - M. : ATISO, 2001.



1. Subjects and objects of social policy.

2. A systematic approach to the formation of social policy.

3. Social cadastre.


Kalashnikov S. On the conceptual foundations of the Russian social policy / S. Kalashnikov // Society and Economics. 1999. No. 3 - 4. P. 124 - 131.

Fundamentals of the activities of trade unions: a collection. - M .: Publishing house. house "ATISO", 2008.

Socio-economic problems of youth and the welfare state: a collection. – M. : ATISO, 2007.

Man: social policy during the implementation of economic reforms. - M., 1994.

Human. Social politics. Social state: materials of the round table. - M. : ATISO, 2001.


2. Foreign models of social partnership.

3. Russian model of social partnership.


Fundamentals of the activities of trade unions: a collection. - M .: Publishing house. house "ATISO", 2008.


1. Essence and content of social partnership.

2. System of social partnership.

3. Tripartism as a leading principle of social partnership.


Volkov Yu. E. The social state is the basic basis of social partnership / Yu. E. Volkov // Labor and social relations. 2000. No. 2. S. 73 - 94.

Kubitsky S. I. The role of social partnership of education and labor markets in modern Russia: monograph / S. I. Kubitsky. - Chelyabinsk: Photoartist LLC, 2006.

Fundamentals of the activities of trade unions: a collection. - M .: Publishing house. house "ATISO", 2008.

Frolova T. L. Social partnership and gender equality / T. L. Frolova // Labor and social relations. 2002. No. 2. S. 77 - 85.

Man: social policy, social partnership. - M., 1997.


1. The essence and criteria of the social market economy.

2. State regulation of the market economy.

3. The role of social policy in the development of the economy of the welfare state.


State economic policy of Russia. Toward a smart and moral economy / ed. ed. S. S. Sulakshina. – M.: Scientific expert, 2008.


1. State regulation of the economy, its forms and methods.

2. Functions of state management of the economy and society.

3. Practical implementation of state economic policy in modern Russia.


Avtsinova G. I. Social and legal state: essence, features of formation / G. I. Avtsinova // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2000. No. 3. S. 90 - 104.

State regulation of the market economy: textbook / ed. ed. V. I. Kushlin, N. A. Volgina. - M. : JSC NPO "Economics", 2000.

State economic policy of Russia. Toward a smart and moral economy / ed. ed. S. S. Sulakshina. – M.: Scientific expert, 2008.

Kamenetsky V. A. Conversations about the real economy: textbook / V. A. Kamenetsky, V. P. Patrikeev. - M. : ATISO, 2006.


1. Integration of the sociology of economics and economic theory.

2. The welfare state as a subject of economic sociology.

3. Welfare state as a subject of socioeconomics.


Borodkin F. Socioeconomics: after the end of the economy / F. Borodkin // Social sciences and modernity. 2006. No. 5. S. 141 - 154.

State economic policy of Russia. Toward a smart and moral economy / ed. ed. S. S. Sulakshina. – M.: Scientific expert, 2008.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the sociological analysis of social systems and processes. - M .: Soviet sport, 2001.

Kamenetsky V. A. Conversations about the real economy: textbook / V. A. Kamenetsky, V. P. Patrikeev. - M. : ATISO, 2006.

Rofe A.I. Labor Market, Employment of the Population, Economics of Resources for Labor: Textbook. - M .: Publishing house "MIK", 1997.

Socioeconomics as an intersectoral science: a collection. - M .: Publishing house. house "ATISO", 2008.

Shulus A. A. Socioeconomics as an intersectoral science: subject, method, forms of institutionalization / A. A. Shulus // Labor and social relations. 2008. No. 1. S. 4 - 11.


2. Levels of social audit.

3. Features of the foreign model of social audit.


Fundamentals of the activities of trade unions: a collection. - M .: Publishing house. house "ATISO", 2008.


1. Essence and concepts of social audit.

2. Foreign experience organization of social audit.

3. Features of the formation and development of social audit

in Russia.


Fundamentals of the activities of trade unions: a collection. - M .: Publishing house. house "ATISO", 2008.

Social audit: textbook / ed. ed. A. A. Shulusa, Yu. N. Popova. – M.: Ikhdat. house "ATISO", 2008.

Shulus A. A. The concept of the Russian model of social audit / A. A. Shulus, Yu. N. Popov // Population. 2007. No. 4. S. 31 - 55.


1. The concept and conjuncture of the labor market.

2. Economic activity of the population.

3. Employment and unemployment.


State regulation of the market economy: textbook / ed. ed. V. I. Kushlin, N. A. Volgina. - M. : JSC NPO "Economics", 2000.

State economic policy of Russia. Toward a smart and moral economy / ed. ed. S. S. Sulakshina. – M.: Scientific expert, 2008.

Kamenetsky V. A. Conversations about the real economy: textbook / V. A. Kamenetsky, V. P. Patrikeev. - M. : ATISO, 2006.

Fundamentals of the activities of trade unions: a collection. - M .: Publishing house. house "ATISO", 2008.

Rofe A.I. Labor Market, Employment of the Population, Economics of Resources for Labor: Textbook. - M .: Publishing house "MIK", 1997.

Erenberg R.J. Modern labor economics. Theory and public policy / R. J. Ehrenberg, R. S. Smith. - M. : Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1996.


1. Legal aspects wages.

2. Socio-economic and market aspects


3. Organization of wages.


State regulation of the market economy: textbook / ed. ed. V. I. Kushlin, N. A. Volgina. - M. : JSC NPO "Economics", 2000.

State economic policy of Russia. Toward a smart and moral economy / ed. ed. S. S. Sulakshina. – M.: Scientific expert, 2008.

Zbyshko BG Regulation of social and labor relations in Russia / BG Zbyshko. - M .: Publishing House "Social Insurance", 2004.

Fundamentals of the activities of trade unions: a collection. - M .: Publishing house. house "ATISO", 2008.

Rofe A.I. Labor Market, Employment of the Population, Economics of Resources for Labor: Textbook. - M .: Publishing house "MIK", 1997.


1. Production efficiency and labor productivity.

2. Social factors labor productivity.

3. Social responsibility of business and citizen in the sphere of social production.


State regulation of the market economy: textbook / ed. ed. V. I. Kushlin, N. A. Volgina. - M. : JSC NPO "Economics", 2000.

State economic policy of Russia. Toward a smart and moral economy / ed. ed. S. S. Sulakshina. – M.: Scientific expert, 2008.

Zbyshko BG Regulation of social and labor relations in Russia / BG Zbyshko. - M .: Publishing House "Social Insurance", 2004.

Kamenetsky V. A. Conversations about the real economy: textbook / V. A. Kamenetsky, V. P. Patrikeev. - M. : ATISO, 2006.

Fundamentals of the activities of trade unions: a collection. - M .: Publishing house. house "ATISO", 2008.

Rofe A.I. Labor Market, Employment of the Population, Economics of Resources for Labor: Textbook. - M .: Publishing house "MIK", 1997.


1. International experience of social insurance.

2. Social insurance in the history of Russia and the USSR.

3. Pension insurance and labor pensions.


Alekseeva O. V. Insurance as a mechanism for ensuring social security and economic interests of Russians / O. V. Alekseeva // URL:

Ivashkin E. I. Sociology of the lack of insurance interest / E. I. Ivashkin // Finance. 2000. August 20.

Information portal ABOUT INSURANCE // URL:

Mazaeva M. V. Social aspects of the development of the insurance market / M. V. Mazaeva // URL:

Mazaeva M. V. Economic behavior of insurance market participants: a sociological approach to the study / M. V. Mazaeva // Public Opinion Monitoring. 2011. No. 1 (101). pp. 44 - 51.

Roik V. Social insurance, social state, civil society in Russia: a look into the XXI century / V. Roik // Man and labor. 2000. No. 2. S. 24 - 28. No. 4. S. 31 - 35.

Sillaste GG Sociology of insurance and personal security // Security of Eurasia. 2003. No. 1. S. 279 - 335.

Criteria for evaluation.

Criteria for assessing students' knowledge on certain types of work and sections of the discipline

Numeric expression verbal expression Description
Fine Completed the full scope of work, the student's answer is complete and correct. The student is able to summarize the material, to make own conclusions express your opinion, give illustrative examples
Good 75% of the work is done, the student's answer is correct, but incomplete. Illustrative examples are not given, the generalizing opinion of the student is not clearly expressed
Satisfactorily 50% of the work is done, the answer is correct in the main points, there are no illustrative examples, there is no student's own opinion, there are errors in the details and / or they are simply missing
unsatisfactory Less than 50% of the work done, the answer contains significant errors in the main aspects of the topic.

The academic discipline "Fundamentals of the welfare state" aims to give students a scientific understanding of the theory of the welfare state as an interdisciplinary scientific direction and element common system knowledge about the state, understanding of the current problems of social policy and opportunities to improve its effectiveness, to study the development of the main institutions of civil society, to instill the skills to use the acquired knowledge in the field of public policy, both in theoretical and practical purposes. The course is aimed at studying the welfare state and social policy in modern conditions, including in the context of the transformation of modern Russian society and globalization. students' systemic understanding of the foundations of a modern social state, which ensures a high theoretical and practical level of training for bachelors.

In the process of studying the discipline, all the main types of training sessions are used: lectures, practical exercises, independent work, group and individual consultations. Tasks for practical classes and independent work are problem-search in nature and are aimed at developing students' creative thinking.

Essay is the main form of student's independent work. The purpose of writing an essay is to develop the skills of independent creative thinking and writing your own thoughts. Writing an essay is extremely useful, as it allows the author to learn how to clearly and competently formulate thoughts, structure information, use the main categories of analysis, highlight cause-and-effect relationships, illustrate concepts with relevant examples, argue their conclusions; master the scientific style of speech. It is this form of written work that helps to form the necessary general cultural and professional competencies future bachelors.

The essay should contain a clear statement of the essence of the problem posed, include an independent analysis of this problem using the concepts and analytical tools considered within the discipline, conclusions summarizing the author's position on the problem posed.

In this form of written work, students are not required to study scientific doctrine in depth, compare scientific concepts and views. The essay may or may not have an overview of other authors' points of view. It is intended to show general approach to the problem than to analyze its details. It is important to understand at the same time that a fresh look at the problem, highlighting any of its new aspects, is especially appreciated. The general form of presentation should correspond to the genre of the problematic scientific article.

Topic selection. The first step in writing an essay is choosing a topic. The student can either choose a topic from the list proposed by the teacher, or propose a topic himself, which must be agreed with the teacher. The topic of the essay should contain a question, a problem, motivate reflection.

Essay structure.

- Title page(filled in according to a single form, see the requirements for the preparation of written work on the page of the law faculty of NovSU).

- Introduction. When working on an introduction, answers to the following questions can help: “Is it necessary to give definitions to the terms that sounded in the essay topic?”, “Why is the topic that I am revealing important at the moment?”, “What concepts will be involved in my reasoning on topic?”, “Can I divide the topic into several smaller subtopics?”.

- Main part- the theoretical foundations of the chosen problem and the presentation of the main issue. This part involves the development of argumentation and analysis, as well as their justification, based on the available data, other arguments and positions on this issue. This is the main content of the essay and it is main difficulty. That's why importance have subheadings, on the basis of which the structuring of the argument is carried out; this is where it is necessary to justify (logically, using data or rigorous reasoning) the proposed argumentation/analysis.

Depending on the question posed, the analysis is carried out on the basis of the following categories: cause - effect, general - special, form - content, part - whole, constancy - variability.
In the process of constructing an essay, it must be remembered that one paragraph / paragraph should contain only one statement and the corresponding evidence, supported by graphic, illustrative or digital material (that is, filling the sections with argumentation, it is necessary within the paragraph to limit yourself to considering one main idea).
- Conclusion- generalizations and reasoned conclusions on the topic, indicating the scope of its application, etc. Methods recommended for drawing up a conclusion: repetition, illustration, quotation, impressive statement. The conclusion may contain such a very important element that complements the essay as an indication of the application of the study, without excluding the relationship with other problems.

Required in an essay list of used sources and literature according to generally accepted rules. You can not refer to works that the author of the essay has not read himself. Sources are arranged in a hierarchy (legal force), literature - in alphabetical order the first letter of the author's last name.

Essay formatting rules. The essay begins with a title page, which is considered the first page. There is no page number on the title page. The volume of the essay is up to 10 printed pages (point size 12, spacing 1.5). The requirements for the design of the title page, footnotes, list of references in the essay are the same as for written works.

Essay evaluation. The maximum number of points that a student can receive for an essay is 10. The assessment criteria can be transformed depending on their specific form, while General requirements to the quality of essays can be evaluated according to the following criteria:
1. Knowledge and understanding of theoretical material (max. 2 points):

Defines the concepts under consideration clearly and completely, giving appropriate examples;

The concepts used strictly correspond to the topic;

Independence in doing work.

2. Analysis and evaluation of information (max. 3 points):

Competently applies the categories of analysis;

Skillfully uses methods of comparison and generalization to analyze the relationship between concepts and phenomena;

Able to explain alternative views on the problem under consideration and come to a balanced conclusion;

The range of information space used (the student uses a large number of various sources information);