Fedor is a church name. Relationships with the opposite sex. Positive traits of the name

Fedor is a serious, honest name that children are often called in Russia. The foreign version sounds like Theo, Theodore, Teddy.

The character and fate of Fedor are connected, so the meaning of the name should be paid attention to everyone who chooses a name for a child or considers Fedya as a groom. Let's figure out what the name Fedor means and what character it gives to its owner.

The meaning and origin of the name Fedor

The male name Fedor sounds solid, beautiful, thorough. And all because it came from ancient Greek word"Theodoros", which means "gift of God", "bestowed by God." The origin and history of the name Fedor are simple and unambiguous. The Greek version remains the first and only.

If you divide the word into parts and translate the Greek roots, you get this:

. "theos", which means "god", "divine", "deity";

. "doros" - "gift", "gift".

In the meaning of the name Fedor, some researchers allow options, translating the word as "God's messenger." Such a version also has the right to exist, especially if we recall such Orthodox saints as Theodore Tyron and Theodore Stratilat.

What character is Fedor endowed with

As a child, Fedor pleases his parents with prudence and calmness. If a boy is born melancholic or phlegmatic, he may seem too serious and even gloomy. Little Fedor is neat and pedantic. He doesn't need funny big companies, the boy feels much calmer alone or in the company of his parents. Fedor studies diligently, teachers are in good standing.

The grown-up Fedor arouses interest among others, because it seems mysterious. It combines kindness and strength, prudence and a creative streak. It is pleasant to communicate with Fedor, especially if you belong to the category of friends and good acquaintances. For those whom he considers friends, this person is able to move mountains.

Those who know what the name Fedor means are not surprised by the solidity, energy, and intelligence of this person. He is reliable, practical, organized, he has enough strength to realize all his goals. If he needs something or close person, he will achieve his pressure and will not back down in front of adverse circumstances.

Among the unpleasant features of Fedor the misanthrope are grouchiness, irritability, eternal dissatisfaction with the world, stubbornness, suspicion. If these traits begin to outweigh the usual friendliness, then in old age Fedor can remain completely alone. This person is characterized by frugality, which can develop into stinginess. Fedor does not like to spend, but he knows how to earn.

Defending justice, Fedor can go too far and show cruelty, especially if his dignity and honor are at stake. At the same time, he often shows kindness, philanthropy, knows how to make friends and correctly evaluate people. Fedor, unlike many men, feels people well at the level of intuition, and most importantly, knows how to listen and draw conclusions. Friends can always count on his help and practical advice.

Fyodor's fate

In the meaning of the name Fedor, the concept of "gift" plays a special role. This person becomes a real gift for someone who sincerely loves. A man marries late, does not have hasty novels and random children, and is generally distinguished by cleanliness in relationships. intimacy without love is not for him.

The idea of ​​nepotism is reflected in the character and fate of Fedor. He treats marriage with respect, does not cheat on his wife, because he loves her. There are usually no love dramas and divorces in Fedor's life. Responsible in everything, he has been looking for a second half for a long time and is not going to part with it. The ideal wife of Fyodor is accommodating, able to endure his rare temper, womanly wise, smart.

Fedor likes home comfort, and he himself strives in every possible way to maintain it. His hands are golden, so at home everything will always be in perfect order: knives, doors, taps, etc. But he doesn’t really know how to play with children, although he loves them. Therefore, the children of Fedor can always count on the help of their father, and on entertaining joint leisure- hardly. The maximum that can be obtained from such a father is well-made toys in childhood and guaranteed help in adulthood.

Fedor's profession

Hardworking, stubborn, reasonable Fedor has a natural technical mindset. However, many famous people with that name have achieved success in their work.

This person knows how to obey, fulfills all the requirements of his superiors, and does not really like to lead a team. He is much more comfortable working alone than trying to lead people. However, if you entrust Fedor with a serious project, he will do the job perfectly and prove himself as a true leader.

He can achieve a lot in any business, provides for his family completely, often achieves a high position in society. Establishes strong working relationships with colleagues, rarely conflicts, but does not make friendships, preferring not to mix personal life and working relationships.

The origin and history of the name Fedor is directly related to royal dynasties. In Russia, this is Fedor III Alekseevich, Fedor Ioannovich, Fedor II Borisovich.

Famous people named Fedor:

Fyodor Dostoevsky, writer;

Fedor Tyutchev, poet;

Fedor Ushakov, admiral;

Fedor Glinka, publicist, Decembrist;

Fedor Chaliapin, singer;

Fedor Emelianenko, athlete, wrestler;

Fedor Konyukhov, traveler;

Fedor Bondarchuk, actor, producer;

Fedor Dobronravov, actor;

Theodore Roosevelt, 25th President of the United States.

Name Compatibility

Fedor will have a strong marriage with Anfisa, Galina, Veronika, Valeria, Elena, Svetlana, Nadezhda, Zinaida, Nina, Olesya, Tatyana, Oksana, Tamara, Karina, Natalya, Lilia, Rose.

Fedor should not tie his life to Vasilisa, Ekaterina, Violetta, Vera, Inna, Kira, Maria, Lydia, Raisa, Inga, Taisiya, Inna, Venus, Alsou, Edita, Lyudmila, Marina.

One of the original and important points in the life of every young family is right choice the name of the child, which will reflect his future personality, will contribute to the formation of character and the development of certain qualities. In choosing the ideal name, it is extremely important to know its meaning and how it affects the fate of a person, what effect it has on the character, what are its strengths and weak sides. Today we will talk with you about the meaning and origin male name Fedor.

What does it mean and where does it come from

The origin of this form of address to a man goes back to the times Ancient Greece, where this name was first used and later became quite widespread both among nobles and townspeople, and among smaller farmers and peasants. In modern Greece, this name has received a slightly modified form and turned into Theodoros (Theodoros).

It is formed from the combination of two words: “theos”, “feos” (“god”, “deity”) and “doron” (“gift”, “gift”). In this way, given name in translation from ancient Greek means "gifted by God", "divine gift".
The name Fedor (Theodore) is considered Christian, since they were often called church leaders and ministers of faith, thanks to the special "divine". Due to the fact that in antiquity and the Middle Ages, faith and religion received strong support from all segments of the population, the name Fedor quickly gained popularity among commoners who wanted to emphasize their adherence to the church, piety and religiosity, which was extremely important for the inhabitants of Europe at that time. .

When is the name day

It goes without saying that the church Christian name necessarily there is a patron, a guardian angel. Fedor also has a name day and according to the church calendar they are celebrated on December 16 (Theodore of Alexandria, bishop, holy martyr); July 25 (Theodore Varyag of Kyiv, First Martyr); January 9 (Theodore the Inscribed, Constantinople, reverend, confessor). These are the main days of commemoration of the saints and great martyrs, on which it is customary to celebrate the name day of Fedor.

As with other names, name days are celebrated on the date closest to the birthday.

Did you know?The name Fedor has about 65 anniversaries when his name day is celebrated. This is one of the most revered names in the church, and thanks to this, it has its own special dates in each month several times.

Short and diminutive forms

Of course, every parent, and especially grandparents, love to come up with all sorts of options for affectionate appeal to their own. To guide your imagination in the right direction and toss a couple interesting ideas, we give several possible short variations of the name Fedor, which can also be easily interpreted into a diminutive form: Fedya, Fedenka, Fedyunya, Fedyusha, Fedyulya, Fedyusya.

And besides, if you want to use some original variation, then you can refer to the ancestral form of the name Fyodor - Theodoras - and get the following abbreviations from it: Theo, Toda, Ted, Dor, Dorel, Teddy, Dorus.

Important!When choosing an abbreviated form, you should not rely only on your own preferences. If your child does not like this or that appeal, then it is better not to use it, since the sounds transmitted by the name affect the character and formation of the personality, and the changed form may have a negative impact.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

Each language of the world has its own nuances in the translation and pronunciation of names, and especially Slavic ones. Let's find out how the name in question is spelled and pronounced in different languages world:

  • in English - Theodore (Theodore);
  • in German - Theodor (Theodore);
  • in French - Théodore (Theodore);
  • in Spanish - Teodoro (Teodoro);
  • in Italian - Teodoro (Teodoro);
  • in Romanian - Tudor (Tudor);
  • in Hungarian - Tivadar (Tivadar);
  • in Belarusian - Fedar, church. (Orthodox) Feodor;
  • in Ukrainian - Fedir (Fedir);
  • in Czech - Teodor (Theodore);
  • in Serbian - Todor, Todor (Todor), Teodor, Teodor (Theodor);
  • in Dutch (Dutch) - Theodorus (Theodorus);
  • in Welsh - Tewdwr (Teudur).

Character traits, temperament and behavior

It is no secret that the character and fate of a person is not least influenced by his name and his meaning. The same thing happens with people who were named Fedor.

And although this name sounds rather harmless, and the common abbreviation Fedya causes only tenderness and evokes a feeling of friendliness and warmth, the men who are so named are quite aggressive, stubborn, and sometimes selfish. Fedi's character is explosive. As soon as something does not go according to his scenario, a storm of indignation breaks out of a cute child. If a person with this name tries to order or even aggressively advise, then the response will be anger and rejection. To his temperament, you need to carefully look for workarounds so as not to inadvertently fall into a frantic whirlpool of emotions that can fall on you in all sorts of forms.

But also positive qualities there is a lot in this man. Responsiveness, sincerity, diligence, tact, friendliness and ability to work will become faithful companions a man named Fedor.
He is able to long and diligently invest his physical and mental strength in some business that he likes, and in the end he will achieve high results. But it often turns out that having reached the realization of a dream with such zeal and enthusiasm, Fedya loses interest in it and takes on new achievements with renewed vigor. Such inconstancy characterizes his restlessness, activity and all-destroying determination. But on this path to the cherished goal, Fedor does not tolerate when they try to rush him. In this case, expect anger and a windbreak of indignation to be cast down on you.

Your good intentions can be regarded as an encroachment on his activities, on his freedom of expression, and therefore Fedya can go into depression for a long time, abandoning his business.

Important!In childhood, it is most important to create around, who was named Fedor, the maximum atmosphere of love, care and kindness, in order to smooth out a quick-tempered and explosive character from the very beginning of his formation. Quarrels and conflicts in childhood can inflict deep emotional wounds on a child and result in complexes in adulthood.

Fedor likes to command and control everything, and giving advice is one of his favorite activities. But in the opposite direction, this approach will not work, so you should not openly argue with Feda, so as not to contribute to the conflict. On the contrary, be quieter than water and lower than the grass and choose a diplomatic approach to this man.

Study, profession and career

Fedia may have problems in his studies, but only in a situation where he does not like the subject or the teacher, and we all know that the subject is liked or disliked, mainly because of the teacher. In general, the comprehension of new knowledge will be given easily, without unnecessary failures and whims. For the benefit of this will serve as perseverance and craving to discover something new. And although Fedya may not occupy a leading position in his class, he, one way or another, will take everything he needs from this life stage. You should not particularly press on the boy so that he learns everything and always. He has his own opinion, which you are unlikely to be able to violate, but in this case it is quite likely to run into a quarrel or scandal.

In choosing a profession, they are quite traditional. Thanks to the analytical mindset, Fede fit job with finances, but sales or constant communications will be a difficult topic for him. And although in friendly relations Fedor always has something to say and how to keep the conversation going, round-the-clock communication on the phone with clients will become a difficult task for him.
Fedi has a well-developed ability to create with his hands, creating some useful things from improvised means. Perhaps also his choice of profession will be inclined towards technology and engineering, in which men with such a name, as a rule, are well versed.

A career will develop successfully if the chosen occupation is really to Feda's liking. In his thoughts, he imagines the world in the form of a fortress, and if this fortress has high and reliable walls, and “the barns are full and there are enough weapons,” then you can do spiritual things or devote time to self-development.

One way or another, a man named Fedor can be characterized by reliability and strong will, behind him any woman will feel protected and like behind a stone wall.

Health and hobbies

The boy, who was named Fedya, will have excellent health. It is not surprising, because god-given"will always feel the protection and support of his guardian angels. Of course, it won’t do without a common cold or minor injuries, but you can be calm about serious illnesses. And if you instill good skills in him from childhood and maintain immunity with vitamins and proper nutrition, then health problems will cease to exist for a long time.
Fedi's hobbies are traditional: football, cars, girls - that's what this active and purposeful guy will be interested in. In the moments when he is left alone with himself, Fedya will be sure to be busy creating useful things from improvised means or thinking through and comprehending all kinds of plans for how to create his own “impregnable fortress” and achieve what he wants in life.

Friendship, love relationships and marriage

Fedya will have a lot of friends, although it would be more correct to call them friends. The real Fedor can open himself only to a narrow circle of people, into which it will be very difficult to get into. High demands on people important advantage, which will not allow Feda to leave the chosen path, succumbing to bad influence. He is sociable and friendly with everyone, but only the chosen ones will come close.

In love, Fedor is simple, uncommon, but sincere and caring. He does not seek adventure, does not get involved in dubious projects who have no future. Only reliability, certainty and sincerity. There is no romance, ostentatious beauty, gloss and brilliance in his courtship, but he will always support, listen, and help. He is reliable as a rock and will become a faithful and loving companion for the one who deserves it.
Fedor gets involved only in those relationships that involve seriousness and further marriage. Momentary hobbies are not characteristic of him, and a holiday romance for a week will not be able to tear him out of reality and distract him from the intended path. These are the secrets that the name Fedor keeps in himself.

Compatibility with female names

The name Fedor is compatible with the same common female names, which include:, Daria, Alina, Vasilisa and Alesya.

With these names, the conclusion is most likely happy marriage although there are exceptions to every rule. If love is truly sincere and real, then no compatibility or incompatibility will interfere.

The meaning of all letters in the name and numerology

The presence of five letters in the name of Fedor characterizes him as a practical, active and strong-willed person with hard life principles. Such a man is reliable, attentive and caring, which characterizes him as an ideal family man and husband. In work, he devotes himself to his favorite business, which can be a childhood or youthful hobby. In his business, he always strives to achieve heights and ideals, and therefore he will definitely succeed in his career and professional achievements.
In addition to the presence of five letters in the name Fedor, his numerological number is also 5. For the Fives, the main motto is: travel, activity and love of freedom. They are progressive, restless and purposeful. There is always something going on around them, mostly good things. The Fives are strong in spirit and health, rarely get into conflicts, but if something happens not according to their scenario, then the consequences for the violator can be detrimental. Impulsivity, impatience, irascibility and, at the same time, innovation, craving for self-realization, ambition form a full-fledged portrait of a person whose name is reduced to the number 5.

As for the literal influence on the character of Fed, it is as follows:

  • F- speaks of self-confidence, conviction in one's point of view and steadfastness.
  • E- reveals Fedor's sociable, friendly and attentive nature. Although often these qualities play against their owner, because he is too intrusive, too sociable and too meticulous. And not everyone likes it.
  • D- talks about the inconsistency of character, irascibility and inconstancy of the inner world. Decisions and moods can change at the slightest breath of wind, and to find the right decision people with this letter in the name, sometimes, it turns out to be very difficult.
  • O- this letter is credited with a rich inner world, a wide soul and generosity. People with this letter in their name have a well-developed intuition and instinct, which often help them out of difficulties. The main thing is that this intuition prompts in time who is worthy of wide gestures of generosity and who is not.
  • R- opens the world of creativity and applied arts. A person with such a letter in his name can create anything, the main thing is that he likes it. In the case of Fedor, it could be machinery, machinery or carpentry. Although more subtle and elegant art is not ruled out, for example, wood carving or even blacksmithing.

Name astrology

Each name corresponds to a certain set of astrological symbols that can reveal the most favorable ways to strengthen positive influence name on the fate and character of the person named by him.

Name in history: famous and successful people

History knows a lot famous people named Fedor. We have chosen the most well-known representatives this name.

Did you know?In 1906, Roosevelt received Nobel Prize peace.

  • In the Russian Romanov dynasty, the name Fedor is quite common, and one of them, Fedor Alekseevich, became king Russian Empire. He came to the throne at the age of 15, and although his reign was short-lived, important reforms for that time began to be carried out under him. The king himself was interested in music, which speaks of the creative qualities inherent in the representatives of this name.

History knows many worthy and successful men, whose name was Fedor. These are politicians, clergymen, artists, actors, vocalists (even opera singers), engineers, travelers, and kings and presidents. This list can be continued for a long time, but the main thing that characterizes them all is the ability to achieve their goals and overcome the difficulties that have fallen in their way, enlisting the support of loved ones and loved ones.

Choosing a name for a child is an important mission for parents. Hearing the sounds of his name from childhood, the child's character is formed and even the cornerstones of his future destiny. Guided famous phrase“Whatever you call a boat, so it will float,” choose a name for your son slowly and carefully. Let Fedya not be the most perfect and popular name, but it is filled with kindness, friendliness and sincere feelings that everyone around will appreciate.

The name Fedor is of ancient Greek origin, its modern form is associated with the name Theodoros, the meaning of which sounds majestic - "given by God", God's gift." Therefore, it is believed that for the fate of the boy named Fedor, this name is of great importance, imposing a specific stamp on the character of a man.

The parents of little Fedenka will fully experience all the charms of happiness to have a miniature typhoon, not knowledgeable recreation. The boy is incredibly active, he enjoys every new discovery, new skill. He quickly and categorically masters the territory of the vast world that opens before him.

Little Fedor is a very active and cheerful child, this is a real hurricane of positive

The name Fedor means that mom and dad are unlikely to wait for obedience from their child, although you can’t call him a malicious mischief-maker. The boy is friendly and honest, he just has his own opinion on everything in the world, which he is ready to defend. The child will not do dirty tricks, will not lie, he just does what he considers necessary. And in order to prove to him that this cannot be done, you will have to try very hard, citing well-founded arguments.

Among the kids, Fedyunya will quickly gain indisputable authority, he started all the noisiest and most active games.

Fedya's school years are also active. The boy has an excellent level of learning, but his restless nature prevents him from becoming the first student. Although, if desired, a teenager stubbornly overcomes any obstacles in the form of difficult school assignments. He begins to realize the need to show responsibility and diligence. But most often, the freedom-loving nature prevails, and the boy stubbornly contradicts both teachers and parents, defending his right to independence, which negatively affects discipline.

At this age, the guy is capable of unpredictable risky actions. In the same life period, for Fedya, the authority of his father gradually increases.

The name Fedor for an adult man means that he is a serious, responsible person, able to independently solve life's problems. He is stubborn, systematically builds his way of life, wherein great importance gives work. Fedya is sociable, he has a wide circle of contacts. There are also close friends, for whom, as they say, he goes through fire and into water. A man is overly trusting, as he “measures” those around him by himself, believing that everyone around is honest, fair and benevolent.

Fedor is very responsible, serious and purposeful

Women love Fedenka, he knows how to beautifully look after, surprising and charming.

The influence of date of birth on character

  • Fedya, born in winter, loves attention from others. He stubbornly strives for leadership positions, paying little attention to the problems of others.
  • "Spring" Fedya - nature is thin and vulnerable in need of support and understanding. He is always dissatisfied with the results achieved, but he knows how to set goals and persistently move towards them.
  • Summer gives the character of the owner of this name strength, responsibility, self-confidence. The man is principled and uncompromising. prone to depression.
  • Fedya with an autumn date of birth has a very complex character- he is excessively freedom-loving, often scattered over trifles, forgetting the planned affairs. Difficulty getting close to people.

The meaning of the name for health

Fedya is not offended by his health. Sometimes there are colds. Possible eye problems.

The meaning of the name for marriage and family

Fedya begins to dream of marriage early, but he takes the issue of choosing a betrothed incredibly seriously. Having met a girl, he looks closely, tries on for a long time. If the relationship develops, he just as slowly checks for him alone the driven features in the relationship. But, having decided on a wedding, a man becomes unrealistic a good husband and father, indulging in everything to his beloved wife, and then to children.

Fedor will become a wonderful husband and loving father

He gets along well with his wife's parents, but he will never live together. The man is a great host. Random connections are unlikely.

The characteristic of the name Fedor means that if his woman dares to cheat on him at least once, he will ruthlessly and irrevocably break off relations, cutting off all paths to retreat.

The meaning of the name for career and hobbies

The secret of the name Fedor lies in the fact that the versatility of this person’s abilities and talents is so vast that it is completely impossible to predict which field of activity will interest him, but in any of them he is able to reach incredible heights. He is predisposed both to the exact sciences and to creative processes, he can be both an excellent engineer and a great artist.

Fedor is so versatile that he can realize himself in any field of activity, in particular, become a good leader

This person is a born leader: systemic, fair, benevolent, moderately strict, responsible and understanding. Principled - refuses great opportunities if they contradict his moral principles.

Fedya is a jack of all trades, he can repair almost anything. Having a car, keeps it in perfect condition. He loves sports, boxing.

Famous name bearers

  • Theodore Stratelates - Christian saint;
  • Fyodor Dostoevsky - Russian writer;

Fyodor Dostoevsky (Russian writer, philosopher and publicist)

  • Fedor Tyutchev - Russian poet;
  • Fedor Ushakov - Russian naval commander;
  • Fedor Chaliapin - Russian opera singer;

Fyodor Chaliapin (famous Russian opera and chamber singer)

  • Fedor Plevako - Russian lawyer;
  • Fedor Grinevsky - Russian and Polish doctor;
  • Fedor Bondarchuk - Russian producer, film director, actor, clip maker;

Fedor Bondarchuk (famous Russian director, producer, actor)

  • Fedor Casapu - Soviet and Moldavian weightlifter;
  • Fedor Vasiliev is a Russian landscape painter.

name day

Theodore Stratilates (Christian saint, great martyr)

Orthodox names:

  • January 4, 9, 24;
  • February 1, 7, 8, 10, 17, 21, 27;
  • 2, 5, 7, 10, 15, 18, 19 March;
  • April 17, 23, 28, 30;
  • May 3, 4, 5, 25, 29, 31;
  • 3, 6, 7, 18, 21, 28 June;
  • 4, 6, 8, 17, 19, 21, 25, 27, 29 July;
  • August 2, 3, 8, 21, 24, 25, 27;
  • September 2, 4, 15, 17, 18, 25;
  • October 2, 3, 5, 10, 15;
  • 3, 4, 13, 16, 20, 22, 27, 29 November;
  • 2, 5, 6, 10, 11, 15, 16, 31 December.

Catholic name days

  • April 10th.

For those who want to know the meanings of male names, it will certainly be interesting to read about the promising happy fate name, a representative crowned name - Philip -, Arabic, promising a life full of adventures,.

Fedor is a rare, ancient, formerly royal name. They think that it is modern form Greek name Theodoros (Theodoros) and means "bestowed by God", "God's gift"

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
  • Ruler Planet: Pluto
  • Talisman Stone: Topaz
  • Yellow color
  • Tree nut
  • plant: peony
  • Animal: Maybug
  • Favorable day: Tuesday

Character traits

As a child, Fedya manifests himself as a slow, silent, stubborn and quiet boy. He is closed and laconic, but at the same time well-mannered. Teachers mark him as a capable student. At an early age, he shows seriousness, thoroughness, accuracy and pedantry. Adult Fedor has a difficult, controversial and closed character. The secret of the name lies in the independence, solidity, reliability and optimism of its bearer.

Positive features such a man: constancy, confidence, honesty, practicality, frugality and organization. He considers his dignity and honor to be the highest value. Knows how to adapt to life circumstances and often acts as a fighter for justice. Always stand up for vulnerable people.

The negative qualities of Fedor are irritability, cruelty, grouchiness and excessive seriousness.

The owner of this name has a good sense of humor. In life, he appreciates friendships. hallmark character is the ability to listen to the interlocutor and give him invaluable advice. Such a man never stoops to deceit, he is direct, sympathetic and open man. He achieves everything himself: housing, a car, in a career, and also gives a start to life for his future children.

The winter bearer of the name Fedor is the owner of a calm temperament, stable and purposeful. Spring is characterized by amorousness to everything: women, work, hobbies, weather, creativity. He loves compliments and praise in his address. Summer - benevolent, joyful, complaisant and polite. Always brings the job to the end. Born in the fall is distinguished by seriousness, reliability. He has “golden” hands, and he can make absolutely everything with them. He is well acquainted with the concepts of accuracy, duty, responsibility.

Interests and hobbies

Fedor is fond of all kinds of sports. He devotes his free time to his family and children. He is especially sensitive to pets and often gets a dog. He is interested in the car and everything connected with it, as well as the arrangement of the workshop, garden and repair.

Profession and business

Fedor at work is a highly qualified specialist, he is considered one of the best employees. He conscientiously treats the performance of his official duties. Maintains friendly relations with colleagues, but keeps them at a distance. He is not conflicted and not a careerist, although he often occupies leadership positions. Among the bearers of this name one can meet economists, drivers, bakers, directors, chief engineers and priests. He achieves success in creative professions, construction and technology.


At an early age, Fedya is no different good health but over time it becomes stable. Weakness - nervous system. For prevention, it is recommended to practice yoga, martial arts, visit a relaxation and massage studio.

Sex and love

Fedor has attractive external data and strong sexuality. But he begins an active intimate life later than his other peers. To get unforgettable pleasure from sex, he needs spiritual unity with his partner. Only if there is mutual love in the union can such a man be satisfied. He is jealous and believes that the girl he loves should always be with him.

Family and marriage

Family is an important and responsible step in Fedor's life. He is an enviable man serious attitude to life, and this is what impresses many of the fair sex. Ideal woman for him - calm, smart, flexible, hard-working and accepting him for who he is.

This is an impeccable, faithful and homely husband. He is strongly attached to his family and children, gets along well with his mother-in-law, and she shows tender and respectful feelings for him. Fedor considers himself the successor of the family and does everything so that his family and loved ones do not need anything.

He never betrays a loved one, so a casual relationship on the side is unlikely. He does not forgive betrayals and breaks up immediately, without clarifying the circumstances and reasons.

The meaning of the name Fedor has Russian, Orthodox, Greek and Catholic roots. According to one version, the name for a man Fedor is a form ancient Greek name Theodore. It consists of two parts "theos" - "God" or "deity" and "doron" - "gift", "gift". Therefore, it is easy to guess what the name Fedor means "God's gift."

Another version of the origin of Fedor is Christian. This name was given to their children by the first Christians. The famous ancient Greek mathematician, who lived in the period of the 5th-6th centuries BC. e., bore the name Theodore of Cyrene. Many autocrats and church leaders were also called Fedor.

The meaning of the name Fedor can also be observed in deep Orthodoxy. Among the great holy great martyrs and prophets there were many Fedorov. Very often in the old days, long-awaited or late children were called Fedor.

The influence of the meaning of the name on the fate of the child

The meaning of the name Fedor for a boy means a huge gift for parents. This child will not be capricious, he does not throw tantrums and does not show a bad temper. The boy will be modest, quiet, well-mannered, sometimes even serious. He rarely plays pranks and is quite friendly, which allows him to quickly find potential buddies. However, he is in no hurry to deepen into friendship. He will not have pronounced leadership qualities, but I will have to be sad even if he is alone. Since childhood, he knows how to understand people and easily determines the motivation for their actions. The child is quite sociable, but in very rare cases he will let someone into his personal space. This feature makes the boy mysterious and mysterious, remains with him throughout his life.

The meaning of the name Fedor for a child when he is very small is quick wit and accuracy, combined with stubbornness and gloom. It will evoke affection of adults and detachment and peers. Fedor will not be distinguished by generosity both in childhood and at a conscious age. That on the playground, that in adulthood he is guided by the principle "mine is mine." Therefore, he will always bring all his things home, and his parents will not hear the phrase “I lost” from him. There is also a certain secrecy in the meaning of the name Fedor. Unnecessarily, he will not talk much, so he will have very few school friends.

For a boy, the meaning of the name Fedor will also be expressed in good academic performance. Here, his seriousness and responsible approach come in handy. But there will be two extremes: Fedor either thoroughly prepares for the lesson, or does not do it at all. This calm and self-confident student often gives the opposite impression of an A student, which often results in lower grades than he deserves. However, this does not upset Fedor at all. He will show negative attitude to the favorites of teachers, as he perfectly understands that the level of their knowledge is much lower than his.

Personal life

The meaning of the name and character of Fedor is revealed in excellent comradely qualities. Adult Fedor will become a wonderful and reliable friend on whom you can rely on a difficult moment. However, he does not present such an opportunity to everyone, but mainly to colleagues and employees. A man usually does not have close companionship.

Fedor Bondarchuk

Often the owners of such a name have golden hands, they are able to cope with any household task. This person is not afraid of any difficulties, he can do any business. His car is always perfect, and he himself will become an excellent and responsible driver.

All its main characteristics are manifested in love relationships. To create a family, Fedya will never choose a random companion, following the fleeting impulses of the soul. A man with the name Fedor, which means "gifted by God" and will select a woman for himself as a gift. The selection will be carried out with great care, he needs an economic girl. He will look at her for a very long time before he decides to propose marriage. Therefore, most often in marriage, Fedor is happy. In his house there is an atmosphere of calmness, comfort and care.

All the fair sex, who hope to quickly get the heart of a man named Fedor, will have to say goodbye to their idea. It is impossible to attract this man with a bed, although he will not refuse offers to have sex. However, this will all end, he will not call such a girl down the aisle.

The meaning of the name Fedor suggests that this man will become the best dad and a wonderful husband. A good relationship he will also develop with his wife's relatives, despite the fact that they consider him too dry and emotionless.

Business and career

The name Fedor, which means the messenger of God himself, is able to achieve considerable success in life. He can provide a decent income for himself and his family. However material values are not central to his life. He only uses them as a means of living. A man can easily give up financial values ​​and big money if they go against his moral convictions and ideological values.

The character and fate of Fedor in the meaning of the name allows a man to build a career in many areas of activity. Usually these people are gifted more than others, have a wide range of interests, so they can choose any profession. Fedor can become a good master, a specialist in the field of exact sciences and technology, a politician, a military man, a traveler. Some talented individuals develop and find themselves in creative professions. The name Fedor, which means the desire to move towards the goal and dream, is given to a person strong in spirit. He will confidently occupy a leadership position, having all the organizational skills and necessary qualities to bring global projects to life.

But it is best for Fedor to associate his work with creativity or technology, if this is really the soul. In these areas, his talents will be revealed most clearly. It is worth looking at such professions as a physicist, electrician, operator, mechanic, engineer, writer, art critic, journalist, musician. The tourism sector will also be close to him.

The nature of the name

An attentive listener - that's what the name Fedor means. Although this man shows the makings of a closed, constrained and unsociable person who does not seek to replenish the circle of comrades, friendship is very important to him. Best Entertainment for him it is live communication with people who are close and important to him. He will patiently listen to other people's opinions and wait for his turn to give advice. He likes to do it with or without it. He clearly has such a character trait as philanthropy.

The meaning of the name and the fate of Fedor largely depends on the time of year when the person was born. Winter Fedor is characterized by maximum responsibility and determination. Fedya, born in the spring, loves compliments and can be bribed with flattery. He will continually seek recognition of the female gender, since the source of his inspiration in life is a warm feeling of love.

Fedor, who was born in the summer, is a kind, flexible person. Employers will appreciate him for his diligence, as any business he undertakes will bring to the end at all costs.

Born in autumn, Fedya is a serious and unhurried man. All the main character traits inherent in the name Fedor are manifested in a person who was born precisely in autumn time of the year.

The secret of the name Fedor

The secret of the name Fedor lies in the ability of this person to control himself. It's almost impossible to piss him off. In his life, such a state appears very rarely. But when this happens, it’s better for those around you not to run into Fedor in a rage. The secret of the name of Fedor is understood as such correspondences:

  • patron planet - Pluto;
  • ideal zodiac - Scorpio;
  • totem animal - cockchafer;
  • Fedor's color is yellow;
  • a suitable plant is a peony, among trees a walnut;
  • talisman stone - topaz.

The best qualities that characterize a man with positive side, are reliability, honesty, energy, self-confidence, organization, practicality, the ability to adapt to any life circumstances, ideological. This person always retains honor and dignity, fiercely fights for justice.

Among negative qualities irritability, aggressiveness, excessive seriousness, sometimes cruelty can be distinguished. Children are like this negative traits, as stubbornness, silence, isolation. Young Fedor will be prone to excitement, adventurism, unjustified risk. But the old Fedor becomes a conservative, accumulates resentment and avoids people.


Regarding zodiac compatibility with the name Fedor, the best option would be the sign of Scorpio. Second suitable sign- This is Leo. That is, for boys born from July 23 to August 23, the name is ideal. Under the leadership of Leo, the owner of the name will be endowed with increased initiative and focus on success, will acquire such qualities as energy, organization, purposefulness, and creative abilities. All his ideas will fill with activity and energy other people who are ready to follow Fedor.

The most successful union for Fedor will be women who bear the names of Valeria, Oksana, Nadezhda, Elena, Tatiana, Sofia, Svetlana, Olesya, Veronika, Victoria, Zinaida, Gloria, Snezhana.

The names of women unsuitable for an alliance with Fedor are Vasilisa, Vera, Raisa, Taisiya, Maria, Lydia, Elizabeth, Ekaterina, Inna, Inga, Kira.